
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
陈翔六点半:原来,男人的内心戏竟如此丰富It turns out that the inner drama of men is so rich
两个人为了女神能过得好,居然都开始反省自己Both of them began to reflect on themselves for the sake of the goddess
【新】陈翔六点半:要不是因为喜欢,谁又愿意当舔狗Who would like to be a licking dog if it weren't for love
舔狗不愿意相信女神有男朋友,疯狂帮着找补Licking dog doesn't want to believe that the goddess has a boyfriend, so he is crazy to help find a remedy
【新】陈翔六点半:带着遗憾分开的人,终有一天还会相遇Those who leave with regret will meet one day
怎么也想不到,一根小小的烤肠竟险些成为我人生中最大的遗憾……I never thought that a small roast sausage would almost become the biggest regret in my life
陈翔六点半:老婆的第六感有多强How strong is the wife's sixth sense
小伙做了什么,回家竟遭到老婆如此对待,这背后究竟又隐藏着怎样的真相。What did the lad do? He was treated like this by his wife when he came home. What is the truth behind this.
【新】陈翔六点半:我想当个好心人,你却把我当冤大头!I want to be a kind-hearted person, but you treat me as a wrongdoer!
你身边有这样蹬鼻子上脸的人吗?Is there such a person around you who can advance by an inch?
【新】陈翔六点半:饭可以吃,话不能乱说you can eat, but you can't talk nonsense
一场简单的会议,有人妄想升职加薪,到头来反倒搬起石头砸了自己脚。Introduction: in a simple meeting, some people tried to get a promotion and a raise, but in the end they threw themselves in the foot.
陈翔六点半:成年人的世界,偶尔也需要童话The adult world also needs fairy tales occasionally
听完这个童话,也祝你们晚安好梦After listening to this fairy tale, I wish you good night and a good dream
陈翔六点半:谨慎的小弟,崩溃的大哥Cautious little brother, broken big brother
谨慎的小弟去拿赎金,为了不露出马脚,做出万全对策,最后成功回到大本营。weakness, he made all-round countermeasures and finally successfully returned to the base camp.
【新】陈翔六点半:这样的女婿还能要吗Can I have such a son-in-law
第一次去岳父家不小心打碎了岳父的花瓶,我买了一个又一个花瓶,却一个个离奇消失了The first time I went to my father-in-law's house, I accidentally broke my father-in-law's vase. I bought one vase after another, but each one mysteriously disappeared
【新】陈翔六点半:谁能告诉我这件事正确的处理方法到底是什么?who can tell me the correct way to deal with this matter?
因为一件衣服讲价的问题,引发两个家庭无奈的悲剧...Because of the problem of bargaining for a piece of clothing, two families were helpless
陈翔六点半:阁下莫非是铁舌功传人?Are you the successor of iron tongue skill?
小伙子为了不在女神面前跌份,竟撑到了最后In order not to lose his share in front of the goddess, the young man made it to the end
陈翔六点半:叫了个跑腿,竟是我噩梦的开始!Ordering takeout was the beginning of my nightmare!
世风日下,小哥认真负责却要挨打What's wrong with this world, where I get beaten up for being responsible
【新】陈翔六点半:这几个人的心眼简直比蜂窝煤还多!These people have more minds than honeycomb briquettes!
一场小小的碰撞,上演了几部激烈的心理战!A small collision, staged several fierce psychological warfare!
陈翔六点半:一个小小的钱包竟把坏人一网打尽A small purse caught all the bad guys
快看,连环追尾啦!Look, it's a series of rear ends!
【新】陈翔六点半:恩将仇报的老板A boss who bite the hand that feeds him
小伙子送醉酒老板回家,为了升职加薪,想方设法让老板知道The young man sent the drunken boss home. In order to get a promotion and a raise, he tried to let the boss know
【新】陈翔六点半:不经一事,不长一智!No matter what happens, no wisdom grows!
大爷的超市突然来了好多人大量购买某牌子的啤酒,以为找到生财门路的大爷最后差点赔个精光。Suddenly, a lot of people came to my supermarket to buy a certain brand of beer in large quantities. The man who thought he had found a way to make money almost lost all
【新】陈翔六点半:明明很相爱,为何要离开?Why do you want to leave when you are in love?
与旧爱擦肩而过,二人虽然表面风轻云淡,但内心早已是惊涛骇浪……I passed by my old love. Although they were light on the surface, their hearts were already stormy
【新】陈翔六点半:人生的大起大落就是这么刺激it`s so exciting that the ups and downs of life
一个小小的叉烧包,竟然意外开启了蘑菇头的人生巅峰之路……A small barbecue bun unexpectedly opened the peak of mushroom head's life
【新】陈翔六点半:太难了!这个女人太难哄了!it's too hard! This woman is too hard to coax!
女朋友当街生气,男生用尽心思却无论如何都哄不开心,这该如何收场?The girl friend is angry in the street, but the boy tries his best to coax him unhappy anyway. How should this end?