
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
陈翔六点半:这是一个很搞笑的“孔布”故事This is a funny horror story
我在家里试戏,只因我演的太过投入,竟吓晕了两小偷。I auditioned at home, but because I acted too hard, I stunned two thieves.
《陈翔六点半》第138集 死党之间能经受测谎仪的考验吗?Episode 138:Can your best friend stand the test of lie detector?
周末兄弟几个聚在一起,小明拿出测谎仪互问真心话。当测谎仪的灯光频频出现红灯时,他们之间会爆出什么惊天秘密?兄弟之间的情谊是否能经受考验? Synopsis:At the weekend, when the brothers got together, Xiao Ming took out a lie detector and asked each other the tr
【新】陈翔六点半:这傲人的天赋不是人人都有的This proud talent is not for everyone
当卑微多年的小明开窍之后,成功变的轻而易举。After years of humble Xiaoming's enlightenment, success became easy.
《陈翔六点半》第137集 这辈子你能找到男朋友,算我输!Episode 137 : If you can find a boyfriend in this life, I will lose!
小伙相亲给女生讲笑话,女生很配合反遭路人嫌弃。随后小伙挺身维护女生,就在大家认为两人要处对象时小伙却哭了...... Synopsis:Guys tell jokes to girls on blind dates. Girls are so cooperative that they are disliked by passers-by. Then the guy stood up to defend
《陈翔六点半》第135集 最废柴的超能力,也可绝地反击!This is the most useless power in the world, It can also fight back!
小伙超能力曾是团队中最废柴的,直到有一天......遇到了那个对的人!The boy's super ability was the most useless in the team, until one day...he met that pair of people!
【新】陈翔六点半:看着他们回家的身影,我竟哭成了泪人I cried when I saw them coming home
小伙看到一家乞讨不能回家的可怜人,发了善心,成功让他们回了家The boy saw a poor beggar who could not go home. He was kind and succeeded in getting them home
陈翔六点半:这样推销,能有啥卖不出去的?With such sales promotion, what can't be sold?
看完这个视频,你觉得你家的锁还安全吗?After watching this video, do you think your lock is still safe?
陈翔六点半:拿什么拯救你,我的朋友What can I do to save you, my friend
你永远叫不醒一个装睡的人You can never wake a person who pretends to sleep
【新】陈翔六点半:美女,你真是一夫当关万夫避开Beauty, you're really breaking people down
小伙好心救人,最后却险些崩溃The boy was kind enough to save people, but he nearly collapsed in the end
陈翔六点半:当男人看到美女时……When men see beautiful women...
当男人想在美女面前表现时,他竟然能做出这么令人匪夷所思的事情……When a man wants to behave in front of a beautiful woman, he can do such an incredible thing
【新】陈翔六点半:永远不要用谎言挑战女友的智商Never challenge your girlfriend's IQ with lies
出卖你的可能是你最信任的人The one who betrays you may be the one you trust most
陈翔六点半:你虽然家缠万贯,我怕你治疗无望Although your family is entangled, I'm afraid you have no hope of treatment!
这么完美的男人,为何却有这种缺陷…Why does such a perfect man have such defects
陈翔六点半:扶不起的阿斗就不要扶了Don't help a Dou who can't help him
弟弟来家求助,姐姐却做出如此举动,连姐夫都看不下去了!My brother came home for help, but my sister did so, and even my brother-in-law couldn't look down on it!
【新】陈翔六点半:这真是比婆媳关系还夸张!This is really more exaggerated than the relationship between them
这个世界上终于出现了可以与婆媳问题相匹敌的难题,到底该怎么办啊?Finally, there is a problem in the world that can rival the problem of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. What should we do?
【新】陈翔六点半:生活这个东西,玩的就是演技Life is all about acting
一年一度的六点半集团演技大赛,最佳男主角到底花落谁家At first glance, I don't understand what's in the play, but then I'm already in the play
【新】陈翔六点半:如果上天能再给我一次机会,这样的饭局我一定不去If God can give me another chance, I will not go to such a meal
我偷偷的打了两份工,当两家公司在同一间房吃饭的时候,看我如何在中间迂回I worked two jobs secretly. When the two companies ate in the same room, see how I detour in the middle
【新】陈翔六点半:你怕不怕老婆?反正我不怕!Are you afraid of your wife? Anyway, I'm not afraid!
世界上最不怕老婆的三个男人欢聚一堂,炫耀着自己的家庭地位……The three men who are the most afraid of their wives in the world gathered together to show off their family status
【新】陈翔六点半:像不像第一次牵手时的你?Like the first time you held hands?
还记得你第一次牵手时的样子吗?哦,如果你还是单身狗,深感抱歉。Remember the first time you held hands? Oh, I'm sorry if you're still a single.
陈翔六点半:一场球赛,妻离子散A ball game, his wife and children separated
篮球解说说不好,几个家庭都不保The basketball commentary says it's not good. Several families are not insured