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Dragon boat zongzi~龙舟枕头粽,端午记得回家吃粽子 丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx Dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, hanging wormwood, and drinking realgar wine! All reminds one of home and the good old days… We have less quality time
As a kid, I used to eat zongzi wrapped in shells of bamboo shoots.我小时候吃过的传统笋壳粽子,你那有吗?丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx Do you have that sort of zongzi in your hometown? At that time, before Dragon Boat Festival, Villagers would go to the mottled bamboo forest to pick up
You wouldn’t expect that today’s video is called "The Life of Potato"! 你们都没想到这期的视频会叫“土豆的一生”吧!|Liziqi
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#liziqichannel#ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood Anyway, who doesn’t like potatoes? A potato is cut into chunks and buried in the earth, a
The life of wheat! Which is your favorite food made from wheat?关于小麦的一生,你最爱吃哪种面食?丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 小时候最期待“叮叮哐”敲麻糖的声音, 记忆里爷爷总自己发麦芽熬糖给我们扯麦芽糖 从一捧麦子到一筐麦子,不过是生命的轮回。 麦芽能熬糖,麦秆能编帽,面粉能做各种美食 包子 凉皮 肉夹馍,麻花 面条 烤面筋… 麦子啊!全身都是宝来着。 As a child, I always expected the so
So …it goes like…the life of peas!那…只有豌豆的一生了!不是说好“下个视频”你们帮我取标题的吗?丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 一颗小豌豆、发芽长叶吃豌豆尖。 开花后吃嫩豆角、嫩豌豆 最后收获一大把豌豆子拿来炖肉吃! 作物从种子到种子的轮回是生命延续最快见证 话说豌豆凉粉 香酥豌豆 豌杂面 豌豆黄 蹄花汤 你最Pick哪一个“小豌豆”? Did n’t you guys promise to give me a better t
The life of garlic 蒜的一生,实在想不出有创意的名字了!下次你们帮我想! | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 大蒜这种食物, 应该算是家家户户餐桌必备的吧? 不管蒸的 炒的 红烧的 凉拌的, 少了它好像就是少了些滋味! 从去年秋天到现在,从蒜疙瘩到蒜疙瘩! 挖新蒜喽~~ Garlic is a must-have in nearly every kitchen. All dishes, whether stea
棉...棉花的一生,我保证下次想个新系列名字哈哈哈 The Purpose of Cotton丨Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx “弹棉花呀~弹棉花~ 半斤棉弹成了八两八哟。旧棉花弹成了新棉花,弹好那个棉被姑娘要出嫁……“ 出嫁的姑娘倒是没有,但我有个可爱的老人家。 去年种了我们这很多年都没人种过的棉花! 种的不多,收成也不大好! 刚好够给她做床新棉絮! The Purpose of Cotton…I promise to fin
当腊味煲仔饭遇上胡椒猪肚鸡你又以为有故事?还是没有!Lap Mei claypot rice | pig maw and chicken soup with pepper Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx When Lap Mei claypot rice meets pig maw and chicken soup with pepper, Any sparkles? You’ll be disappointed again! It’s festival season when pigs are sla
snow and hot pot, perfect match『我就问你,下雪天不吃火锅吃啥』 ▎Snowy days go well with hot pot❤
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 秋去冬来,适时而食 雪天就是要吃热气腾腾的大火锅啊! 围着火炉涮着肉,清汤红汤一起来! 爱吃啥吃啥,给钱都不换! 毕竟,没有什么事情是一顿火锅解决不了的! Winter follows autumn, And man follows seasonal diet. Hot pot is good comp
So this video called the life of chilli? chopped chili fish head,red oil sheet jelly| Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 所以,这个视频叫“辣椒的一生”? 初春育苗移栽,夏吃秋收! 一棵辣椒苗子陆续能结小半年辣椒! 最后一茬辣椒红透,就该折腾辣酱过冬了 晒一些,剩下的青红椒做了铁观音剁椒酱! 天再冷些、蒸个剁椒鱼头 ,扯个红油面皮 辣乎乎的,暖和一天呐! #李子柒#李子柒Liziqi 【李子柒 Liziqi 】 https
趁着晒谷子这些天,鼓捣了一堆温馨有趣的小玩意儿make little funny items in sunning the millet these days | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#李子柒Liziqi 这几天才彻底忙完谷子, 晒谷子的这几天做了些家里用的小玩意儿 也有去年做的 落地衣架,竹丝灯罩,台灯,各种餐具, 玉米皮编的很多小玩意儿! 混混日子呗 I’ve just finished sunning the millet these days, And meanwhi
月儿圆圆,稻米飘香,正逢农家收谷忙Full Moon, Fragrance of Ripe Rice, Farmers Busy Harvesting Crops | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 春种一粒,秋收百颗。 育秧 打田 插秧 生长 抽穗 扬花 灌浆 再到成熟 收获至端上饭桌, 知道我们吃的食物从哪里来! 珍惜每一颗劳动而来的粮食, 好好吃饭[心] Sow one grain of rice in spring, and gather in many in autumn. Raise t
金黄的季节,载满了收获的喜悦和玉米的香甜Golden season, full of preasure of harvest and sweet corn | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx 春生夏长,秋收冬藏! 从上古时代我们的祖辈就遵循节气劳作 一颗小小的玉米种子、萌芽、生长、收获! 再到餐桌上的玉米粑 窝头 玉米片儿 要记得我们吃的食物从哪里来哦❤️ Sow in spring to grow in summer, reap in autumn and stock up for win
Hang a Quaint Lantern that Perfectly Befits the Peach Dishes 挂一盏观花月影灯,正配这一整桌的黄桃小食 | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseFood#liziqicooking#Chinesecooking#ChineseCuisine#chinafood 好像每年黄桃熟了都会重复一波去年的操作、 黄桃罐头、果酱、果干… 今年还挑了些软的做了黄桃酒 尝试了以为会是黑暗料理的香草黄桃烤排
Liuzhou "Luosifen"| 吃得满足,嗦得过瘾,辣得舒坦,就一碗柳州螺蛳粉 | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx Liuzhou "Luosifen": Slurpy, Spicy, and Absolutely Satisfying | Liziqi Channel 夏天正是打麻竹笋的时候,做了些酸笋。 螺蛳、猪筒骨…熬够时辰当作底汤! 一把粉几根菜,酸笋酸豆角 木耳萝卜干 出锅撒几颗炒花生炸腐竹,一勺辣椒油 “
It's again that season when the fruit and vegetables 又到了瓜果蔬菜怎么吃都吃不完的季节,脑壳疼呐 | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx It's again that season when the fruit and vegetables are too many to eat, such a headache | Liziqi Channel 同去年一样,今年也搭了一条南瓜路。 没来得及吃的,都长成了又甜又糯的老南瓜。 蒸南瓜,南瓜
"Red Sapphire Tomato Sauce"| 抢在番茄掉果之前,全收回来弄点好吃的——红宝石番茄酱 | Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx Harvest Tomatoes before They Drop Off to Make "Red Sapphire Tomato Sauce" | Liziqi Channel 咕噜咕噜… 番茄又熟了 再不摘的话又便宜了土地爷爷 做了好吃的“红宝石番茄酱” 浓汤番茄锅,摘点时令的各种蔬菜, 凑活凑活
Making Use of Every Part of the Lotus: Flowers,Leaves,and Roots 又闻荷香,索性荷花、荷叶、莲藕折腾了个遍 |Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#liziqicooking#liziqilotus#ChineseCuisine#ChineseFood Liziqi Channel丨Making Use of Every Part of the Lotus: Flowers, Leaves, and Roo
Cool and sweet berry ice cream凉冰冰甜丝丝的浆果蛋奶冰激淋,是夏天的味道!Ice cream made from sweet berries|Liziqi Channel
Please subscribe to 【李子柒 Liziqi 】Liziqi Channel on YouTube if you like my videos: https://goo.gl/nkjpSx #李子柒#liziqi#lýtửthất#ChineseCuisine #ChineseFood Liziqi Channel丨Cool and sweet berry ice cream, the taste of summer 从春末初甜到盛夏果实, 尝试了另一种保存鲜果子的方法! 以往每年都是做老