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M2 Max/Pro MacBook Pro 2023 到底怎麼挑?完整實測心得,一次看懂!
#M2max #M2Pro #macbookpro 💻立刻下載 Clean My Mac X,讓你的 Mac 電腦更乾淨、更安全、更順暢💻 💰💰使用蘋果迷專屬連結,再享獨家 7 折優惠!💰💰 http://bit.ly/3lLH0ZX 📣 一定要用蘋果迷專屬連結才有 7 折! 上次由威力代班,跟大家分享了 M2 Pro Mac mini 的使用心得,但升級上去的價錢都可以買 M1 Max 的 Mac Studio 了,要買就選基本款就好, M2 Pro 雖然很強,已經幾乎達到了之前 M1 Max 的水準,但
M2 vs M2 Pro Mac Mini: Which Should You Buy?
1 年前
 • 74 次觀看
At $599, the M2 Mac Mini is definitely a really hard deal to pass up but depending on what you're planning to do with your shiny new mac, it might not be the best option for you. Perhaps, the M2 Pro Mac Mini is the best choice for your needs. In this vi
Mac Studio Max比M1 Mac Mini快几倍?看过你就知道该不该升级M2 Mac mini了
M1 MAX版本的Mac Studio,64GB + 2TB SSD 与M1版本的Mac mini,16GB + 1TB,在使用上差别有多大? 看过它们之间的差别,和我使用的体验,你就知道,该不该选择苹果刚刚发布的M2 pro的Mac mini与M2 Max版本的Macbook pro了 M1 MAX版本的Mac Studio,64GB + 2TB SSD
PCs don’t stand a chance…
1 年前
 • 84 次觀看
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The New M2 Mac Mini Is A STEAL! 🤯
1 年前
 • 91 次觀看
Apple's New M2 and M2 Pro Mac mini is a bargain in Apple's Mac lineup. With the latest benchmarks and the new silicon, it could be a better buy than the 24-inch iMac and Mac Studio! Compare M2 & M2 Pro Mac mini prices: https://prices.appleinsider.com/
M2 Mac Mini (2023) - 20 Things You NEED to KNOW!
Mac mini M2 & M2 Pro - 20 Things You NEED to KNOW! 😁 Subscribe - https://goo.gl/yMWV8c 🤳 Instagram - http://instagram.com/ZONEofTECH 🐤 Twitter - http://twitter.com/ZONEofTECH 🚨 TikTok - https://bit.ly/ZoTTikTok 📘 Facebook - http://f
M2 Pro mac mini VS Mac Studio (APPLE, WHY!?)
1 年前
 • 84 次觀看
Apple just announced the long awaited update to the Mac mini and equipped it not only with a new M2 chip but also gave us the option for an even better Mac mini equipped with a powerful M2 Pro chip. However, while Apple may have created a nice low cost a
蘋果再次發佈買一台可以用5年的M2 Pro/Max Macbook Pro!feat. 購買指南/3大變化|大耳朵TV
#m2pro #MacbookPro #蘋果 嗨嘍,大家好,今天分享M2 Pro/Max的購買指南與主要變化匯總!感謝收看!喜歡請訂閱點贊! 請加入會員支持我的創作,會員加入連結: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_cg9Tak9SvlPHRsWxUIpA/join 【我使用的設備】 索尼A7SIII+騰龍17-28m
昨日のM2 Pro/M2 Maxの14”16”MacBook Pro!M2/M2 Pro Mac miniに続きホームポッドも新製品がでています。ぱっと見なかなか何が変わったのか分かりにくいのでまとめました。 <製品のページ> https://www.apple.com/jp/newsroom/2023/01/apple-introduces-the-new-homepo
PC’nin sonu yaklaşıyor! Apple M2 Pro, Max ve yeni Mac Mini
Turknet Gigafiber sorgula: https://mstcvk.com/GigaFiberSorgula Apple'ın yeni nesil işlemcileri sahnede. M2 sonrası M2 Pro ve M2 Max'i de gördük. Peki bu işlemciler kime hitap ediyor? Kimler almalı? Elinde M1 olanlar ne yapacak? @koraybirand Kul
M2 MacBook Pro — First Look
1 年前
 • 82 次觀看
Now I will show you the new M2 MacBook Pro 14 and 16 inches, as well as the updated M2 Mac Mini! What cool features appeared in these laptops from Apple? Are they worth buying in 2023, or are they not worth the money? I am sure that the characteristics
新 Mac mini MacBook Pro M2 詳細介紹 〡 選購攻略 值唔值得入手? 〡新機升級賣點〡唔同型號性能有咩分別?〡M2 PRO M2 MAX勁咗幾多?〡
Apple 啱啱就喺冇預警之下,突發推出了新一代的 14吋和16吋 MacBook Pro 以及 Mac mini。最主要當然就係換上 M2系列的新核心,除此之外亦有不少更新進化,呢條片就會同大家詳細講下新機嘅進化同賣點,亦會分享討論下點揀呢幾部新機。 00:00 引言 00:50 M2 PRO, M2 MAX 新
¡Bombazo! Apple anuncia nuevos MacBook Pro y Mac mini con M2 Pro y M2 Max
En este video, te vamos a contar todas las novedades de los nuevos MacBook Pro de 14 y 16 pulgadas y del nuevo Mac mini que apele acaba de anunciar por sorpresa. Estos dispositivos vienen con los nuevos chips M2 Pro y M2 Max, lo que significa que van a
Meet the new MacBook Pro and Mac mini | Apple
1 年前
 • 96 次觀看
Introducing the new MacBook Pro and Mac mini supercharged by the next generation of Apple silicon. Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro is ready to flex in any setup, with its next-level performance, wide array of ports, and compact size. The new MacBook Pro wi
Meet the new MacBook Pro and Mac mini | Apple
1 年前
 • 111 次觀看
Introducing the new MacBook Pro and Mac mini supercharged by the next generation of Apple silicon. Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro is ready to flex in any setup, with its next-level performance, wide array of ports and compact size. The new MacBook Pro wit
新しいMacBook Proと新しいMac mini、登場 | Apple
新しいMacBook Proと新しいMac miniは、次世代のAppleシリコンを内蔵。驚異的なパワーを発揮します。ネクストレベルのパフォーマンス。豊富なポート。コンパクトなボディ。M2またはM2 Proを搭載した新しいMac miniは、あらゆるセットアップに対応します。M2 ProまたはM2 M
【朝イチ報】やっぱ出た!新型M2 Pro/M2 Maxの14”16”MacBook Pro!M2/M2 Pro Mac miniを11分でまとめ・Apple新製品
昨晩23時にAppleがMacの新機種2機種(細かく3機種)を発表しました。今日は14”16”MacBook ProとMac miniの特徴をまとめます。 Mac miniについて追加で動画を上げました。 https://youtu.be/3le01m9JKTY 「【今回の新型】Mac miniがベストバイなんじゃないか?特にM2 Pro
The M2 Mac mini Is INSANE!
1 年前
 • 84 次觀看
Apple just announced the brand new M2 Mac mini with more options than ever before thanks to a new model that comes with an M2 Pro chip. However, there's a few things Apple did not mention in their announcement video including differences between the M2 M