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China to begin targeted military operations near Taiwan, G7 condemns China's aggressive stance
Tensions have spiked sharply in the Asia pacific especially after US house speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. With Beijing now announcing that it will hold military exercises that include live fire drills in six zones that surround Taiwan. #China #Ta
27 Chinese warplanes enter Taiwan’s air defence zone after Pelosi's visit| Latest English News| WION
Only a few hours after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi left Taiwan after pledging solidarity to the nation, 27 Chinese warplanes entered Taiwan’s air defence zone. #NancyPelosi #China #Taiwan About Channel: WION The World is One N
Taiwan Tensions LIVE | Chinese Tanks In Taiwan | Nancy Pelosi Taiwan Visit | English News Live
Taiwan Tensions LIVE | Chinese Tanks On The Move | Nancy Pelosi Taiwan Visit | English News Live | China Warns US #nancypelosi #taiwan #news18 #china #chinataiwan
China warplanes cross Taiwan's air defence post Pelosi's visit; 'will not back down,' says Taiwan
US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan late Tuesday, defying a string of increasingly stark warnings and threats from China. Pelosi said she comes in peace for the region after her visit angered China. #Taiwan #China #WorldNews About Channel:
China Taiwan News LIVE | Military Build Up In South China Sea| Pelosi Taiwan Visit | China Taiwan
China Taiwan News LIVE | Military Build Up In South China Sea| Pelosi Taiwan Visit | China Taiwan #nancypelosi #taiwan #news18 #englishnewslive #news18 n18oc_breaking-news n18oc_world
LIVE: Pelosi lands in Taiwan despite Chinese military threats of retaliation if she visits
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taipei late Tuesday evening local time despite China's military threats to the US and Taiwan should she visit the breakaway Island. "The US side will bear the responsibility and pay the price for undermining China'
Gravitas: China announces targeted military operations around Taiwan
Nancy Pelosi has arrived in Taiwan. China is responding with "targeted military operations" around the Island. Taiwan is preparing for a potential conflict. Palki Sharma tells you about China's military moves. #Gravitas #NancyPelosi #Taiwan About Chan
China releases new video of missile strikes as Pelosi begins tour of Asia
'Outnumbered' panelists discuss China's threats against Speaker Pelosi over her expected trip to Taiwan. #foxnews Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vaBUvAS Watch more Fox News Video: http://video.foxnews.com Watch Fox News Channel Live: http://
Gravitas LIVE: Tensions over Taiwan| Xi tells Biden: Don't play with fire| China threatens the U.S.
Watch Gravitas LIVE with Palki Sharma Upadhyay: - Tensions over Taiwan - Xi tells Biden: Don't play with fire - Chess Olympiad: India makes the right moves - India-Pak “meet” at SCO - Bajwa appeals to us for IMF bailout - Energy Crisis: Europe p
Pelosi's planned visit to Taiwan raises concerns in the U.S. and China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plans to travel to Taiwan has created a stir in both Beijing and Washington. Susan Shirk, chair of the 21st Century China Center at UC San Diego and a former member of the Clinton administration, and Daniel Blumenthal, a
Gravitas: Will China shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane?
China is hinting at a military response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. Taiwan has launched a military drill. The threats from Beijing have alarmed the White House. Palki Sharma tells you more. #Gravitas #China #NancyPelosi About
Pelosi's proposed Taiwan visit under scanner: US NSA opposes Pelosi's Taiwan visit | WION
Pelosi's proposed Taiwan visit is under scanner after opposition from the US NSA. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden is expected to hold talks with China's Xi soon. #US #Taiwan #Pelosi About Channel: WION -The World is One News, examines global iss
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US deploys 30,000 soldiers in Taiwan to counter China - Fact or rumor? Geopolitics Current Affai
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