
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
【新】陈翔六点半:有人娶你回家当公主,有人娶你回家做保姆Some people marry you home as a princess, others marry you home ...
因为一场巧合,她们遇到了性格完全不同的两个男人!Because of a coincidence, they met two men with completely different personalities!
陈翔六点半:这个杀手有点暖The killer is a little warm
剧组拍完戏,重要道具忘记带走,引起了一波粉丝与通缉犯的较量。After filming, the crew forgot to take away important props, causing a wave of competition between fans and wanted criminals.
【新】陈翔六点半:爱你,你怕了吗?Love you, are you afraid?
当霸道台总邂逅美丽女贼,会碰撞出怎么样的火花呢?When the overlord station always meets a beautiful female thief, what sparks will it collide with?
陈翔六点半:这场交易里没有赢家There are no winners in this deal
暴躁司机大哥找维修小哥出气,怎料报应来的如此之快Grumpy driver big brother looking for maintenance little brother out of anger, how expect retribution to come so fast
陈翔六点半:我说我的名字,你敢听吗?Can you hear me when I say my name?
出生那天,他就被赋予了特殊的使命,最终,他是否会接受命运的安排,还是逆天改命,重铸未来?The day he was born, he was given a special mission, will he finally accept the fate of the arrangement, or the fate of the change, to remake the future?
陈翔六点半:带个男友回家吧,气晕你母亲那种! Take a boyfriend home and get mad at your mother!
今天我教你们,如何一句话都没说,就让一个男人爱上了我。Today I teach you how to make a man fall in love with me without saying a word.
陈翔六点半:请假请不好,家庭都不保!The family has to be dissolved if the leave is not handled well
她究竟有着什么样的魔力,几句话,竟然让几个家庭毁于一旦What kind of magic did she have? In a few words, she destroyed several families
陈翔六点半:演员耍大牌,导演危在旦夕! Actor is such a poser, and the director is in danger!
这是导演从业以来遇到的最大挑战!This is the biggest challenge the director has encountered since he started his career!
陈翔六点半:舔狗对女神的反击,这也太刺激了!Licking the dog's counterattack against the goddess is too exciting!
舔狗反击战,这样做让女神倒追你Lick the dog and fight back. In this way, the goddess will chase you back
【新】陈翔六点半:有兄弟如此,单身永不停止With brothers like this, you will be single all the time
学会这几招,你就离单身不远了!Learn these tips and you'll be close to being single!
陈翔六点半:要不是为了生活谁愿意打游戏… Who would play games if it weren't for life
当打游戏成为新型应酬方式,会发生什么样的变化呢?When playing games becomes a new way of entertainment, what changes will happen?
【新】陈翔六点半:又是跟老板勾心斗角的一天Another day of intrigue with the boss
公司员工为了涨工资使出36计,没想到还是老板技高一筹The employees of the company made every effort to raise their wages. Unexpectedly, the boss was better at it
【新】陈翔六点半:买房买到心梗是一种什么体验What kind of experience does it feel like myocardial infarction to buy a h
人生喜事买新房,不料却使泪两行,这样的两级反转到底从何而起?When buying a new house for a happy event in life, unexpectedly, it makes tears two lines. Where does this two-level reversal come from?
【新】陈翔六点半:舔狗伤身失财,戒掉才有未来Licking dogs loses their money, but quitting will have a wonderful future.
小伙子舔狗成瘾,好兄弟千方百计帮他戒瘾,拼尽全力,竟落得如此下场。The young man was addicted to licking the dog. His brother tried his best to help him quit his addiction and ended up like this.
【新】陈翔六点半:没学会刹车,竟如此危险!It's so dangerous that not to learn how to brake!
老大爷看着骑车的小孙子泪流满面,扯出曾经二叔消失之迷,看这一次,能否让爱回归 Grandfather looked at his little grandson who was riding a bike, tears streaming down his face, and pulled out the mystery of the disappearance of his second uncle, to see if this
【新】陈翔六点半:我有强迫症,一天挨三顿I have OCD and get beaten three times a day
强迫症小偷溜门撬锁,遇到邋遢鬼业主,来看看会撞出什么样的火花OCD thieves steal and encounter sloppy owners. Let's see what happens they will
【新】陈翔六点半:员工能力越强,公司倒闭越快?The stronger the employee's ability, the faster the company goes bankrupt
要成为一位搞垮公司的优秀员工,究竟需要什么样的能力,你知道吗?Do you know what kind of ability you need to become an excellent employee who brings down the company?
【新】陈翔六点半:这个回答,我到底在期待什么?This answer, what am I looking forward to?
小伙采访养殖大户分享养牛经验,却被小伙追着打?The young man interviewed the farmer to share the experience of raising cattle, but was chased by the young man?
【新】陈翔六点半:这条视频让我笑出猪叫声This video made me laugh and the sound like pigs
小伙子初来公司,突然掌握特殊技能,竟意外打开人生密码,从此职场升职加薪一帆风顺。When the young man first came to the company, he suddenly mastered special skills and unexpectedly opened the life password. Since then, the promotion and salary increase in th