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Lab Values Podcast by NURSING.com (Nursing Podcast, normal lab values for nurses for NCLEX®) by NURSING.com (NRSNG)
Lab Values Podcast by NURSING.com (Nursing Podcast, normal lab values for nurses for NCLEX®) by NURSING.com (NRSNG) By Jon Haws RN: Critical Care Nurse NCLEX Educator Quick . . . is the aPTT within normal range? Are you sweating a bit? Nervous? Head over t
MedMaster by NURSING.com
1 年前
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MedMaster by NURSING.com Brought to you by NURSING.com, based on their #1 Online Nursing Pharmacology Course . . . Visit nursing.com/50meds to get our list of the 50 most prescribed medications. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nrsng/ The 140 MUST KNOW m
CC's Rehabilitation World (CC的復健天地)
1 年前
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CC's Rehabilitation World (CC的復健天地) I am CC, a rehabilitation physician. I would like to share my life and career in my Podcast. 我是CC,一名復健科醫師。我想跟大家分享關於我的生活和工作上的大小事。 The Channel is divided into three groups. 本頻道分成三種節目類型: 1. [CC的分享] CC shares personal experi
FDA Drug Safety Podcasts
1 年前
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FDA Drug Safety Podcasts FDA Drug Safety Podcasts, produced by FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, provide emerging safety information about drugs in conjunction with the release of Drug Safety Communications. For more information, please visit:
Little People, Big C
1 年前
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Little People, Big C Welcome to Little People, Big C; the podcast shining a light on the world of childhood cancer, brought to you by The Child Cancer Research Foundation. They’re the stories of courage and strength as told by Australian families, as they
春名恒明の春らんまん 健康通信
1 年前
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春名恒明の春らんまん 健康通信 兵庫県上郡町の漢方薬局「春爛満」の春名先生とアシスタント愛川さゆりが、健康についてリスナーからのお便りをもとにトークする優しい番組です。 http://jocr.jp/audio/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 やりたいことが見つからない、物事に対して熱くなれない【2023年5月28日放送分】 兵庫県上郡町の漢方薬局「春爛満」の春名先生とアシスタント愛川さゆりが、健康についてリスナーからのお便りをもとにトークする優しい番組です。 Mon, 29 May 2023 14:00:00
Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep
Harrison's PodClass: Internal Medicine Cases and Board Prep Courtesy of AccessMedicine, Harrison’s PodClass delivers illuminating and engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed McGraw-H
Q&A with FDA
1 年前
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Q&A with FDA "Q&A with FDA" provides engaging conversation and discussion about the latest regulatory topics. In this podcast series, FDA’s Division of Drug Information will answer some of the most commonly asked questions received by FDA. https://www.fda.
1 年前
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《聽聽就健康》 《聽聽就健康》 是針對追求健康、想要更深入了解身體與健康知識的你打造的節目。每一集我們都請到專家來分享季節性的健康議題、疾病成因、相關用藥保健知識,讓你輕輕鬆鬆就能讓身體保持在最佳狀態,讓健康不再道聽途說、健康更可以聽得明白。 - 我們想要追求的東西一直在改變,唯有「健康」這個願望,是從零歲到一百歲都不會改變的,也是中美醫藥集團 87年來的堅持,希望除了安全有效的藥品外,中美更能提供民眾完整的健康服務,這也是《聽聽就健康》Podcast誕生的初衷,期待每一集都能為你帶來一點新的健康知識! P
1 年前
 • 13 次觀看
醫起FUN憩治療 預防勝於治療,做好預防,放棄治療 上醫治未病,人生更美麗 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/clgm02h3o00ca01wg8jlu4oap Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:25:34 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP03預防白內障,從飲食開始|預防醫學大使營養師 Althea 黃芷昕 白內障是一種常見的眼疾,會造成視力模糊或失明等問題,而飲食對於白內障的預防與控制相當重要。趕緊跟著預防醫學大使
EXCEL 2.2 Podcast
1 年前
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EXCEL 2.2 Podcast Listen to Endocrinologist and Diabetologist discuss the benefits of Empagliflozin & Linagliptin usage in T2D management. This discussion will help clinicians to make informed decisions regarding the management of T2D using novel therapy o
The Missing Link for SLPs
1 年前
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The Missing Link for SLPs At the intersection between grad school and a successful career, our Fresh SLP content focuses on empowering SLPs and audiologists to launch their careers with confidence. Get clinical wisdom, pep talks, tips for success and so mu
健康OK了嗎?|保健品知識大集合! Hi 大家好! 我是 OKGIRL 苑羽 在實驗室&藥局長大的女孩 找苑羽:https://www.okgirl.com.tw/page/about-okgirl 或上網搜尋「歐葵樂」 因為爸媽都是專業藥師,從小家裡也有經營社區藥局,我可以說是從小就在要醫藥界長大!在那個還是「紙本健保卡」的年代,我總是很自豪的跟大家說我的卡片一格都沒蓋過,永遠都是A卡!每凡身體出現什麼小症狀,我的爸媽總是有許多藥師小妙招,讓我重回健康。 由我和專業的兩位藥師,也就是我最愛的家人-爸爸媽媽
1 年前
 • 61 次觀看
SURVIVING HEALTHCARE FOR MORE about surviving healthcare, see robertyohoauthor.com and robertyoho.substack.com. LISTENING HINT: try using 1.5 to 2 x playback speed. I STARTED THIS PODCAST by reading the first half of my two books for you. These are Butcher
What to Know About COVID-19, the Flu, and RSV: A Podcast Series
What to Know About COVID-19, the Flu, and RSV: A Podcast Series Hear experts talk about what you should know about respiratory viral infections like COVID-19, the flu, and RSV. https://education.webmd.com/viewcollection/36891 Mon, 27 Feb 2023 19:32:10 +000
First microbe-based treatment made with human feces approved in U.S.
사람 분변이 약으로! 세계 최초 장내 미생물 치료제 승인 The world now has the first officially approved treatment for a serious infection made from human feces. To be more exact, the treatment uses healthy microbes from stool. Our Cho Sung-min has more. Ou
Ninja Nerd
1 年前
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Ninja Nerd Welcome to the official Ninja Nerd Podcast! Brought to you by Zach and Rob, we will be presenting on board exam content and highlighting the most important information you need in order to crush your exams and apply these concepts clinically. ht
1 年前
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CBD HEALTH PODCAST MEDICAL CBD TALK with Dr Thomas Rocco - CBD explained by an educated physician and staff. Dr Thomas Rocco discusses important medical points on proper and safe CBD use as it pertains to different medical indications. Dr Thomas Rocco is a
1 年前
 • 47 次觀看
+965Pediacast Welcome to +965Pediacast, A Platform for every pediatrician out there to discuss major and hot topics in the field. Health experts from the region will be exploring the latest guidelines in pediatric healthcare & research. We aim to simplify