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So WHTへようこそ! ご視聴ありがとうございます! 注射は撮影NG! 残念ね #アメリカ生活 #海外生活 #バイリンガル #子育て #英語 #日本語 #3姉弟 #れんはりてら #ワットチャンネル #WHTChannel #Bilingual #Japanese #english
為什麼波士頓唐人街,掛了中華民國國旗?Taiwan ROC National Day in Boston, MA
【來自波士頓的祝福,中華民國生日快樂! 因為政治正確因素考量:中華民國 /台灣/ 生日快樂!】 Please forgive the politics, It’s hard to satisfy everyone, so I made sure to say it/ type it in all ways possible. !!!錯誤更正!!! 影片中: 第一段英文翻譯 *In
美國東西買不完,疫情後打折打到手骨折 // Shopping till you cry.....
shopping mall, outlet or none? 你最喜歡哪個? FAQ: Q: How old are you? A: 24 Q: Where are you from? A: Half American Half Taiwanese (currently in USA) Q: My major? A: Graduated with BA in Film 問:你幾歲?答:二十四,準備幹大事 問:你來自哪裡?答:台
台灣爸爸怎麼用爛英文在美國找到夢想工作?How my Taiwanese Dad got his dream job in America?
“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.” - Mark Twain *This video is sponsored to you by Lingochamp* *非常感謝Lingochamp贊助此部影片* 點擊鏈接免費下載app可以獲得最高50%的折扣https://go.onelink.me/0Af2/1ab505ae FAQ:
美國解封後的團聚,近距離更容易吵架?We had a bad week....
黃家還是有小爭執~ 兩年沒回家鄉還真是改變不少! We had a bad week, but hey we're only human! 2 years has changed a lot in the town we call home. Follow me on Social Media! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinacasss/ Facebook: https://www.faceboo
弟弟又回美國了,疫苗的副作用是...? Raymond leaves for a shot
Follow me on Social Media! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinacasss/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christinahuangcassidy/ FAQ: Q: How old are you? A: 24 Q: Where are you from? A: Half American Half Taiwanese Q: What are you studying?
Kids Learn Mandarin – Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 | Chinese Culture | Little Chinese Learners
Dragon Boat Festival or 端午节 is one of the three major Chinese holidays falling on the 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar. Learn about the origin of the holiday and what Chinese people eat and play to celebrate this holiday! Learn the keywords associat
Army sets up first field ICU in Penang
2 年前
 • 96 次觀看
The new field hospital outside Hospital Kepala Batas, Penang, will have 27 beds for Covid-19 patients who require intensive care. Read More: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2021/05/26/coming-up-an-icu-with-a-difference-in-penang/ Lapor
為什麼我們選擇移民新加坡|父親節特輯|台灣人在新加坡|Why do we migrate to Singapore?|Taiwanese in Singapore|Angel TV Singapore
移民來新加坡?你有沒有曾經想過如果要選一個國家把全家人移民過去,那會是哪裡?很多人問Angel為什麼移民來新加坡,以前年紀小不知道,總覺得一家之主(爸爸)決定什麼就是什麼。但是長大以後有想過這個問題,也覺得新加坡真的是一個全家大小移民的首選國家。 看到最後,後面有彩蛋!想要趁這個機會謝謝爸爸一直以來的付出,還有祝爸爸們父親節快樂(88節快樂)! | Migrating to Singapore? Have you thought of a country if you were to migrate you
【アメリカ生活】至上最大の危機!なんと家族全員インフルエンザ!一体どうなる?☆ EmiAly whole entire family got the flu type A
季節の変わり目にえみあり一家に悲劇が・・・なんと家族全員インフルエンザという最悪の事態に!40度近くの高熱でえみりは緊急病院に!続けてダディもダウン。最終的にはマミとありさまで。みんな元気になるまで丸々1週間。最後には焼肉パーティーで盛り上がり、いつもの元気なえみあり家に戻りました! ---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---* 【えみありTV】 チャンネル登録
10 Teachers' Day Song - StarArk Sing and Learn English【教师节歌 - 星童谣儿童英语歌】
English Lyrics 英文歌词:Teachers' Day V1 Every morning as the sun rises You wait patiently in school Giving me warmth with your gentle smile Embracing me in your arms C1 Dear teachers we are grateful Dear teachers we all love you You light up my life with kind