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New Arduino, Pi and Adafruit, ChatGPT Codes Arduino, and More!
#Arduino #raspberrypi #Maker #diyelectronics #electromaker Welcome to the Electromaker Show episode 101! This week we look at new products from Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Adafruit, as well as look forward to some upcoming online Maker events! ▬ Support us!
Anjan Prasad Gantapara, Hamideh Rostami - Predictive Maintenance at ASML
PyData Eindhoven 2022 In the chip industry, time is money. Customers of ASML’s lithography systems expect high uptimes. But expected and unexpected maintenance is part of that equation, sometimes requiring to halt the production temporarily. In this pr
開始寫程式的契機!? 被趕出家門竟學會 C++ ? 第一個程式語言都學些什麼? 工程師大調查! 2022 SITCON | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
大家起身動念寫程式的契機都是些什麼呢? 第一次參加學生計算機年會 SITCON,看著這些莘莘學子們 回想起自己學生時期也是熱情驅動興趣 也來順便問問這個世代的學生,第一個碰到的程式語言都是些什麼呢? 快來看看影片吧 特別感謝 學生計算機年會 SITCON 贊助媒體公關票 今年沒來的,明年等你相遇! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、直播留言優先回覆 ✔ 不定時在會員社群分享私有資源(學習資源、優惠卷等) ✔ 未來任何活動優先報名通道 一個月最低只要 45 元 立即加
工程師如何選擇 Mac or Windows? 軟體開發作業系統這樣選!! | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
回顧了我曾經用 Mac / Windows 的經驗 關於軟體開發領域,到底要選擇哪一台電腦作業系統比較好? 為什麼國外的 Conference 或矽谷的開發人員似乎都擁有一台 Macbook? 雖然直接使用 Linux 開發更接近 Production 環境 但總體來說可能會限制了一般生活使用場景 這支影片會和你分享我目前的工作環境、公司同事所使用的設備 其中包含我自己對於作業系統的一些看法 歡迎留言和我分享你目前熟悉的作業系統哦 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🙆‍♂️ 成為頻道會員的好處❓ ✔ 影片、
工程師如何提升表達能力? 10 分鐘學會技術演講! COSCUP 實戰 | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
技術演講是個磨練自己的好機會,你必須要成為自己的軍師做沙盤推演 什麼主題符合今年的技術研討會? 如何有效的運用時間準備簡報? 工程師的表達能力就是你的軟實力 演講沒有你想像的難,難的是打破自己心裡的那一道牆 快來看看這支影片 讓我和你分享我是如何準備一場技術演講,從投稿到簡報、簡報到練習 感謝本集爸爸 GAME'NIR 電玩酒吧 真的有幫助我減輕外出設備的空間,如果大家有喜歡可以去下方連結逛逛喔 DOCK CHARGER 4:https://pse.is/dk4n 卡娜赫拉聯名款:https://pse.i
Fedora patent trolls itself, RIP Stadia, PopOS goes yearly - Linux & Open Source News
Start your free trial of KernelCare Enterprise and prevent server downtime: https://bit.ly/3Sh1rIZ Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux:https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en# 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to a weekly podcast, vote o
工程師淪為開會專家!? 我有技術演講你來嗎? | 在地上滾的工程師 Nic
自從 2022/02 升職技術總監 (VPE) 之後 我從軟體開發專家變成開會專家 這過程轉變之大也讓我心態不斷學習調整 有滿腔熱血也有倍感無力的時候 雖然現在沒這麼長時間碰技術了 但還是想挑戰自己做出一點貢獻 所以今年 7 月 COSCUP 我有投稿議程也很幸運的上了 我的議程:https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW/session/LCMWZZ COSCUP 官網:https://coscup.org/2022/zh-TW 7/30~7/31 我會在 COSCUP 現場,歡迎來抓包我
Linux Fanboy Reviews macOS: Feels OLD.
1 年前
 • 444 次觀看
Try OnlyOffice, the best open source office suite for Linux: https://www.onlyoffice.com/desktop.aspx Grad a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux out of the box: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusi
Top 7 Electron Apps For Windows, Mac and Linux
1 年前
 • 294 次觀看
Electron is a framework for developing cross-platform applications using web technology and languages such as Javascript, HTML and CSS. Many people have a negative opinion of Electron apps, but I have found a few Electron apps that are truly excellent.
NVIDIA goes OPEN SOURCE, China moves to Linux, and Fortnite on Linux - Linux and open source new
Download the State of Enterprise Linux Security Management Report here: https://tuxcare.org/ponemon_report Grad a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux out of the box: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an
Google VS Apple - La GUERRE est DÉCLARÉE (Android 13, Pixel 6a & 7, Watch,..)
Google a ouvert les portes de l’édition 2022 de sa conférence annuelle destinée aux développeurs, la Google I/O. Lors de cette présentation, de nombreux produits ont été annoncés : Pixel Watch, Pixel 7 & Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel Tablet et
Cockpit | An Easy to Use Web GUI for Your Linux Servers
Cockpit gives you a GUI for your server, which can be accessed via a web browser. Cockpit makes it easy to start containers, administer storage, configure networks, inspect logs, and perform system tasks with a mouse. You can think of Cockpit like a grap
Nvidia Open Sources Drivers, FOSS Is Winning! (Despite The Haters)
It has finally happened. Nvidia has realized the error of their proprietary ways and will now publish their Linux GPU modules as open source. This is a clear sign that Linux is winning, and that Free and Open Source software is winning! But we still ha
"Use case distros" mean Linux desktop needs more work!
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment Grad a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux out of the box: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly
Nvidia Open-Sourced their Linux GPU Kernel Driver!
It finally happened! Nvidia released the source code for their Linux kernel driver. What exactly does that mean, though? Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/geerlingguy Sponsor me on GitHub: https://github.com/sponsors/geerlingguy Merch: http
Can SteamOS and Steam Deck make Linux mainstream?
Download Safing's Portmaster, or subscribe to the SPN, and take control of your network traffic: https://safing.io/portmaster Grad a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux out of the box: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL:
Ly - A Nerd's Display Manager
1 年前
 • 135 次觀看
Today I talk ly, a neat way to log into your Linux box. 👇 PULL IT DOWN FOR THE GOOD STUFF 👇 Patreon - https://patreon.com/thelinuxcast Liberapay - https://liberapay.com/thelinuxcast/ Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCylGUf9BvQooEF
elementary OS 7, SteamOS ISO, and Unity is still alive! - Linux and open source news
Get 100$ credit for your own Linux and gaming server: https://www.linode.com/linuxexperiment Grad a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux out of the box: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/ 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to an exclusive weekly
安心出行Android被發現有人臉辨析元件 證明開放源碼嘅重要性 呢個政府未開放源碼唯一做法係遮鏡頭 政府根本係想永續抗疫方便管治 黃世澤幾分鐘評論 20220503
#安心出行 #人臉辨析 #私隱 00:00 安心出行Android被發現有人臉辨析元件 證明開放源碼嘅重要性 00:30 政府宣稱會移除元件,但無開放源碼,點證明政府有做嘢 04:50 政府堅持要用安心出行係立心不良 08:45 政府仍然有辦法收埋果啲有問題功能 14:20 點解要遮鏡頭 #Android #開放源