@阿盆姐家的大王 Apenjie with Dawang

1 天內
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1 個月內
1 年內
多巴胺穿搭!我们大王也要有!~#shorts #dog #pets #大王 #puppies
大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,这里是我和大王的新频道,如果你也喜欢大王,请持续关注大王的频道,我会在频道里不定期更新一些大王在村里的日常,希望你们也能像我们一样,喜欢大王、疼爱大王~ Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please do subscribe. I’ll post s
爸爸玩手机的时候看到了别的狗狗有小鸡玩具,十分有趣,所以阿霞就给大王也买了一个玩具,可惜大王好像对泡澡和吃东西更感兴趣~ When Dad was playing with his mobile phone, he saw other dogs with chick toys. It was very interesting, so Axia bought one for the Dawang. Sadly, Dawang seems to be more interested in bathing and
阿霞准备了新口味的健康餐,大王和来福吃到的反应会是? what's the reaction that Dawang and Laifu eating the new healthy meal?
用心的阿霞每周都会买不同的食材,想准备不同口味的健康餐给大王和来福,阿霞还特地准备了营养丰富的猪肝,给大王和来福在这冷冷的冬天补补身,只是大王平常习惯了家人喂,这次也要阿霞用手喂他才肯吃干净,如果他能和来福一样学会自己乖乖吃完就太好了😆 The diligent Axia
帮剃完毛的大王和来福洗个舒服的澡,来福洗完开心到四处打滚 helping Dawang and Laifu take a bath, Laifu rolling around happily
今天是第一次替大王和来福一起在家洗澡,偷偷拿了大王的洗发水给来福用,平常大王连火腿肠都愿意分享给来福了,洗发水借给来福用用那也不成问题,我们家王宝宝果然是好哥哥🤗 Today is the first time for Dawang and Laifu to take a bath together at home. I secretly to
帮大王剃毛换个帅气的新造型,大王開心的跳上车子出门炫耀 Cutting Dawang's hair and giving him a new look for went out to show off
虽然在云南的山上气温不是太高,但大王身上的毛也差不多该修剪了,这天请来了也很喜欢大王的美容师替大王好好修整一下,大王换了一个帅气的造型之后,这孩子马上开心的跳上车子四处去炫耀,剃完毛后的大王,好像回到了跟小时候一样可爱的样子😊 Although the temperature in
大王的2022年中总结!村里平凡且幸福的生活集锦 Dawang's 2022 mid-year summary! ordinary and happy life in the village
上半年已经悄悄的过去,这段时间我们也多了一位家人 - 来福,村里的生活虽然没有大城市来的便利,但平凡的日子中也能找到属于我们的幸福,我蒐集了一些关于大王上半年的可爱模样,希望你们也喜欢🥰 The first half of the year has passed. During this time, we also have o
大王送货忘了收钱,回家仍被温柔的爸爸安慰获得奖励 gentle dad gives Dawang rewards, although he forgot to bring the money back
今天小卖舖的生意好,忙碌的爸爸便请大王替他出门送货,虽然大王走得急忘记收钱了,但温柔的爸爸看到大王顺利回家,还是给了他火腿肠当作奖励,没想到贴心的大王还不忘留了一口火腿肠分给来福🥰 Today, the business of the store is pretty good. The busy dad asked Dawan
大王陪爸爸出门看望病人,带上初次出门兜风的来福 Dawang followed dad to visit patients and brings Laifu with him for a drive
爸爸的姐姐这两天身体不舒服在家休息,爸爸接到电话之后准备了些生活用品打算拿去给她,而大王当然不会错过这次的兜风机会,爸爸也没把来福闲着,带上他和大王一起出门探病顺路兜风,一行人给姐姐送上祝福和补给品,希望姐姐也能早日恢复健康的身体🥰 Dad's sister was not f
大王快递送冰棒给家人让大家都能消消暑 Dawang delivers popsicles to the family that everyone can cool off from the heat
夏天来临,虽说云南的夏日不至于太热,但总想应景一下,吃点冰棒消消暑,于是大王快递再出发!请大王送了各式各样的冰棒回家,打算让全家人都能消消暑气。提醒正在经历夏天的盆友们注意补充水分,别一不小心就中暑囉!🥰 Summer is coming, although the summer in Yunnan is
《大王视角》调皮大王玩耍时发现了溪边的山洞,意外找到新的泡澡小天地 naughty Dawang found the cave beside the river! it's a paradise!
大王保护刚成为家人的来福不被金毛欺负 Dawang protects Laifu who just become family member from being bullied by GinMao
这天金毛可能是看见家里来了新朋友,于是想过来打声招呼,没想到大王急冲冲的上前,以为金毛想欺负来福,见了面就开始低吼着凶。期待有天他们三个都能成为好朋友的我,是不是有点太贪心了?🤣 GinMao may have seen a new friend at home today, so he wanted to come over t
平时和家人吃遍美食的大王,能接受为他准备的健康餐吗? Dawang who usually eats tasty foods, is he can accept the diet meal?
常常有盆友关心大王的体重,其实我们也有在关注大王的身体健康状况,最近也开始为他准备健康餐,只是平常家人们实在太疼爱大王,常喂它吃些好吃的。所以这阵子开始让大王吃健康餐,希望他能一直健健康康的陪伴大家🥰 There are often friends who care about Dawang's weight
大王和来福初次出任务,送伞去给爷爷却淋得全身湿透 The first mission of Dawang and Laifu, bring the umbrella to grandpa
这天看着云层渐浓,雨势感觉会来的又快又急,趕緊讓大王出门送伞给爷爷,也讓到家裡已經有一段時間的來福陪著他去,幸好两兄弟还算合作,虽然最后淋得全身湿,但也顺利让爷爷能够平安回家🥰 today I saw the clouds getting thicker, I felt that the rain would come quickl
大王享用完阿盆姐特制的早餐,再跟着最爱的爸爸去兜风 After eating Apenjie's special breakfast, Dawang goes for a drive
大王一早就站在门口用眼神示意我,今天想吃点特别的,拿他没办法只好带他上街买点肉回来给他好好吃一顿。吃饱喝足后还去找爸爸带他兜兜风,这小伙可是比人还懂得享受生活🤣 Dawang stood at the door early in the morning and give me a hint with his eyes. He wanted to e
大王的幸福生活,散步完享用丰盛早餐后还有人伺候洗美容澡 The happy life of Dawang, take a walk, hearty breakfast and beauty b
有时后真的好羡慕大王呀,出门散步时,村里的人见了他都是笑脸,回到家还有爸爸帮忙准备的丰盛早餐,等他吃饱后,还得帮他洗澡、吹干身体,这样的幸福生活只有大王才有了吧🤣 Sometimes I really envy Dawang. When he goes out for a walk, everyone in the village smiles
帮大王整理仪容梳梳毛,按摩放松让大王舒服的睡着 Help Dawang to tidy up, comb his hair, massage, and make him fall asleep
大王这孩子对身上的毛相当在乎,一开始还不愿意对着我们兇,最后还不是舒服的躺着享受😏 Dawang very cares about the hair on his body. He tried to be fierce towards us at first, and finally, he lie down comfortably and enjoy it😏 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道
最疼大王的奶奶喂他吃糖,吃完想帮他刷牙却转身就走 Dawang don't wanna brush his teeth and walk away after he gets the cand
大王看到奶奶出现就像蜜蜂见着了花,知道黏着最疼他的奶奶就有甜头可嚐,吃完糖想帮她刷牙却转身就走还闹脾气😫 When Dawang sees the grandma, it's like a bee sees a flower. Knowing that he sticks to the grandma who spoils him the most, there will be food to tas
热情的小跟班来找大王玩,冷漠对待的大王被奶奶唸了 Dawang is corrected by grandma for his cold attitude to his little side
也不晓得小跟班是哪里让大王不开心,很熱情的要來找大王玩,大王对着人家凶还不让人进家门😳 I think the little sidekick did something wrong to Dawang, otherwise, I don't know why Dawang is unhappy. although little sidekick been friendly to Dawang, but Dawang
大王的悠闲早晨:散散步、玩玩球,再睡个回笼觉 Dawang's leisurely morning: take a walk, play ball, and go back to sleep
大王过的开心生活其实很简单,早起悠闲地散散步,回家玩玩球、在地上打个滚,最后再睡个回笼觉😳 The happy life of Dawang is actually very simple, get up early and take a leisurely walk, go home to play ball, roll on the ground, and go back to sleep again😳 大