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【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-4-29 每週快訊
The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci
【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-4-8 每週快訊
The secret war for the planet raging between Satanists and the forces of light is headed for a decisive battle centered on the eclipse due to start shortly after this report goes live. 在撒旦教徒與光明力量之間的地球秘密戰中,將朝向一場決定性的戰鬥前進,此戰鬥將以不久後即將開始的日蝕為中心。 北美日全蝕,全美逐日 台灣再等46
【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-3-18 每週快訊
The mega black swan event predicted for March 15th actually did take place as will become increasingly obvious over the coming days and months. The Khazarian Mafia's so-called 「Rules Based World Order,」 has surrendered, according to Asian Secret Society an
【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-3-11 每週快訊
The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to
【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-3-4 每週快訊
Facing a comprehensive military and geopolitical defeat, the Black Sun organization- the ultimate controllers of the Western military-industrial complex- have issued an ultimatum to Asian secret societies:They must either agree to a world federation or fac
【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-1-1 每週快訊
The world, especially the Western world, is in a situation like Japan was in at the end of World War II after it agreed to surrender but before US troops landed take over:it is an interregnum. The British Commonwealth, Asian secret societies, the Russians,
以巴衝突發展至今尚未見到緩解趨勢,「聯合國大會」(UN General Assembly)27日針對「以色列、巴勒斯坦是否應基於人道主義停火」進行投票,最終結果為120國贊成、14國反對,還有另外45國棄權,不少國家為表達對以色列的支持而投下反對及棄權票。 https://twitter.com/UN_News_Centre/status/1717992371906839005?s=20 《BBC》報導,根據「聯合國大會」的投票結果,可以見到許多西方國家公開支持以色列,包含美國投下反對票、加拿大和英國投下棄
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-30 每週快訊
The theater of the absurd that now passes for 「government」 in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is a so-called official 「White House」 declaration of war. It reads in part as follows: 目前,美國的所謂「政府」已變成荒謬
【柯博拉】2023-10-8 給地表民眾的緊急訊息
Dark forces are trying to engineer a new world war by triggering a conflict in Israel. 黑暗勢力最近在以色列引發衝突。他們的目的是煽動第三次世界大戰。 Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to join our urgent meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours: 光明勢力呼籲大
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-10-2 每週快訊
The undeclared civil war in the West is intensifying despite a 45-day budget truce that keeps the US Corporation in business for now. The important point to note is that no money is being sent to Ukraine; meaning the Khazarian mafia has no political bribe
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-9-25 每週快訊
8 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week. The Pentagon will do some ma
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-9-18 每週快訊
The world is headed for some sort of showdown as the failed UN gathers this week for another irrelevant General Assembly meeting. The only so-called leader of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council to attend will be the fake US"President"Joe Biden
【柯博拉】2023-9-4 讀者問答專欄
8 個月前
 • 6 次觀看
As promised, here are 20 answers to your questions. 是時候兌現上次提到的承諾了。我會用這篇專欄回答20個問題。 How will the First Contact happen for people like me who don't own property? 問:如果我沒有自己的房產或土地,請問我該如何參與第一次接觸? First Contact for people who do not own property will happen at th
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-8-21 每週快訊
9 個月前
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The US and Western authorities are trying to start peace negotiations with Russia over Ukraine and elsewhere. The Russians -for good reason- do not trust the current Western leadership."The problem, however, is that the United States has no intention of en
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-7-23 每週快訊
10 個月前
 • 12 次觀看
An agreement to end the Ukrainian war was reached in principle last week following high-level negotiations between British MI6 Intelligence and the Russian FSB. The details will be negotiated over the coming months sources in both agencies confirm. 上週,軍情六處
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-7-10 每週快訊
10 個月前
 • 7 次觀看
The leaders of the Khazarian mafia -the notorious Swiss-based Octagon group- tried to both threaten and beg China for money last week and were told to buzz off, Asian secret society sources say. The scene was in Tianjin, China where Octagon leaders like Kl
紀錄片Sound Of Freedom自由之聲(暫譯)
10 個月前
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Sound Of Freedom自由之聲(暫譯)改編自前CIA探員Tim Ballard的真人故事,Ballard因見識到戀童癖犯罪與兒童販運的可怕而決定投身救援,畢業於楊百翰大學的Ballard不僅投入救援還領養孩童、經營非營利組織,堪稱現實版的平民英雄。本片主角由吉姆卡維佐(Jim Caviezel)擔任,卡維佐表示,這是他飾演基督之後第二重要的作品。 人口販賣集團每天可以從中獲利一千四百萬美元,平均每天約有57個小孩失蹤。這些孩子被強姦、器官被販賣,成為戀童癖的禁臠,也成為精英份子美顏養生品的來源。並
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-7-3 每週快訊
10 個月前
 • 11 次觀看
The long-awaited military move against the Khazarian Mafia in the West appears to be unfolding. The riots in France, Belgium and Switzerland bear all the hallmarks of this. Men in identical black uniforms wearing police-style boots are wreaking havoc acros
【本傑明·福爾富德】2023-6-19 每週快訊
11 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
US fake Secretary of State Anthony Blinken – in a desperate bid to keep his Rockefeller masters in business- offered China control of the political theater that has replaced US democracy, Asian secret society sources say. In particular, Blinken offered con