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旅行無用良藥 從台灣到世界 飯店、景點、行程、攻略 周五早上分享超真實心得 帶你暢遊世界各大旅遊聖地! 2023年六月起調整為每兩周更新一集 期待繼續和大家空中聊天~ IG: @travelingdrugg 旅行無用良藥 網站:https://travelingdrug.com 聯絡信箱: travelingdrug@gmail.com #travel #旅行 #旅館 #行程規劃 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/ckibca
A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich
4 天前
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A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich Mythical Chefs Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati discuss, debate, and dissect the web’s most hilariously controversial culinary quandaries. http://mythicalkitchen.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Are Smashburgers Overrated? Today, Josh and Nicole emba
The Modern Waiter Podcast
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The Modern Waiter Podcast The Podcast For People Interested in Restaurant Service industry.The Modern Waiter Restaurant Podcast fun discussions and interviews relating to the service industry that are relevant to both restaurant workers and guests. Have yo
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トイズハート放送局 毎週土曜26:30からラジオ関西で放送中の番組「トイズハート放送局」。芸人・みなみかわと声優・月森ねねが「大きなお友だちと健全な男の子を育成するラジオ番組」です。私達があなたの欲望に応える気持ちいい番組を発信していきます。 ■番組名称 トイズハート放送局 ■放送日時 毎週土曜26:30~27:00(ラジオ関西) ■出演者 みなみかわ 月森ねね ■番組HP https://jocr.jp/programsite/toysheartradio/ ■聴取方法 毎週月曜12:00最新回更新 ■備
JUST SAYIN’ with Justin Martindale
3 週前
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JUST SAYIN’ with Justin Martindale Comedian Justin Martindale breaks down the hottest stories, gossip, headlines and trends in this weekly entertainment roundup podcast. http://www.instagram.com/justinmartindale 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Run, Jolene. Run! w/ Sarah Hylan
3 週前
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殺時間機器 殺時間機器2.0啟動 三位機智幽默、對生活大小事個有見解的主持人 用最表淺的幹話包裝最深層的人文關懷 將所見所聞用輕鬆又有趣的方式 分享給大家 就像你鄰居在你耳邊輕鬆閒聊一樣 差別是 我們比你的鄰居好笑一百倍XD 打開殺時間機器 讓蝗虫、丁丁、Fiona陪你/妳一起殺時間吧^^ 各種收聽管道 https://linktr.ee/killingtimemachine 各類合作無任歡迎 gogofoxprogram@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting http
Why Won't You Date Me? with Nicole Byer
4 週前
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Why Won't You Date Me? with Nicole Byer Dating can be a hot mess, from being ghosted by your crush to realizing that you've been catfished by a Tinder match. Why Won't You Date Me? is here to help. Join Nicole Byer, the perpetual singleton, as she invites
The Comedy Store Podcast
1 個月前
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The Comedy Store Podcast Hosts Rick Ingraham and Eleanor Kerrigan talk about the past, present and further of The Comedy Store with guests that span the entire history of the Store. https://audioboom.com/channels/5057575-the-comedy-store-podcast 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊
The Josh and Friends Podcast
1 個月前
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The Josh and Friends Podcast ✅ SUBSCRIBE! And thank you for being a friend!Follow for Fun News Stories, Music Countdowns, Adult Beverages, Sports Talk, Old School Videos, and More!JOSH'S TIMELINE1986: Purchases Men at Work's "Cargo"1987: Attends first conc
1 個月前
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来日方长radio|不止是聊日本 几个在日本就职的小伙伴,和您聊聊在日本的生活,分享我们的所见所感。在节目中,我们会向您介绍新鲜的日本情报,也和您唠唠家长里短。偶尔我们也会跳出琐碎的生活,和您聊聊历史人文,诗和远方。我们立志做陪在您身边的电台,如果可以,希望我们的节目可以让您暂时忘却眼下的烦恼。轻装前行,来日方长。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/42556056 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 47 日式烦恼,日常烦恼--迷茫的春天篇 春天到了,走在东京街头,总能遇见毕业与入学的学生
人妻交誼廳 Wife Salon
1 個月前
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人妻交誼廳 Wife Salon 禁忌題材的深入探討。 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wifesaloon 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 如何打造自己的情色烏托邦?人妻線上真人教學! 烏托邦瞄一眼 活動現正進行中 節目時間表及各Podcast粉專:https://linktr.ee/UtopiaGlance https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wifesaloon/episodes/ep-e2h7b72 Mon, 18
1 個月前
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婊姐必請 丹妮婊姐,美妝部落客起家,因為直率個性及超幽默的垃圾話獲得關注,除了出書晉身作家,近年也開始主持網路節目,臉書粉絲超過47萬人。 ✉️ 通告合作邀約➠ yifang@allaroundyou.com.tw(製作人:Yifang) ✉️ 廣告合作邀約➠ melonxo0425@hotmail.com 本節目由【聲歷其境】團隊製作播出 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.facebook.com/danny0425/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 【二百五新
1 個月前
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曾咖波荒謬事 一個來自台南的北漂永康人,成立想讓大家在大便時,邊笑邊拉的搞笑粉絲團「永康曾咖郎」,後來決定攜手故事女主角某人,開個適合通勤時聽的 Podcast 節目!除了聊聊人生荒謬事以外,也會在節目中點歌送給大家。 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://localcouple.firstory.io Fri, 25 Sep 2020 03:47:50 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 搬進新家的三個意外崩潰狀況 房間好潮濕 / 陽台有老鼠 / 廚房有白蟻 |EP159 本
百靈果 News
1 個月前
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百靈果 News Kylie跟Ken 用雙語的對話包裝知識,用輕鬆的口吻胡說八道。我們閒聊也談正經事,讓生硬的國際大事變得鬆軟好入口;歡迎你加入這外表看似嘴砲,內容卻異於常人的有料聊天 Bailingguo News。 https://www.bailingguonews.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The KK Show - 245 黃豪平 & 歐耶 豪平跟歐耶準備遠征澳洲去參加墨爾本喜劇節。墨爾本喜劇節購票資訊 :Live Comedy Club Taipei From Taiwan with La
Can You Confirm That?
1 個月前
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Can You Confirm That? Locked away in quarantine and miss being able to over hear conversations? That's where CYCT comes in. Two non-experts with quick research fingers and even quicker wit put their Wiki Library cards to good use by bringing you their opin
The Josh Mancuso Show
1 個月前
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The Josh Mancuso Show Josh Mancuso leads an exploration of sports and entertainment in America, featuring interviews with high-profile guests from around the country. https://joshmancuso.buzzsprout.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Legendary Tennessee wide receiver Joey Ken
2 個月前
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南高中生的幹話日常 🛑不定期更新中~ 一群來自(偏僻)南部的高中生ヾ(・ω・*)ノ 如果你想了解這年頭的高中生腦袋484都有病,歡迎進來收聽我們的節目¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ 立志成為低齡層 LNG(大誤 IG追蹤一下啦👍 https://www.instagram.com/shss_1113/ [shss_1113] Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open.firstory.me/user/shss-1113 Sat, 19 Sep 2020 05:50
Between The Cheeks Podcast
2 個月前
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Between The Cheeks Podcast Just two heterosexual bros having a good time. https://youtube.com/@betweenthecheekspodcast 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #47 - WHO HAS MORE RIZZ?!?! | Between The Cheeks Podcast We both take a quiz on who has W rizz and who has L rizz. Tune in to
2 個月前
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匹配叫 一個圖文作家+一個工程師+一個新聞業剪接師+會噴火的舞者 =四個來亂的!而且很吵! 有時候 很多事其實不是你想像中的嚴重 很多時候也不是這麼難解決 希望這種幹話頻道 能讓你應對任何事都多一點點的啟發 合作邀約| joseph@adoremkt.com Instagram| 匹配叫:noise3943 9 1 IG:@914jmm 哈哈IG:@oao_0408 阿芳IG:@mita_fun 當當IG:@noise4141 Powered by Firstory Hosting https://open