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【충격】남대문시장 골목안에 이런 맛집이 있다니~『고독한 삼겹살』(KOR/JPN sub)
⭐️ 다케다히로미츠 입니다 한국에서 배우로 활동하고 있는 일본인😆 한국생활 모습을 보여드리고 있습니다! ⭐️ 이번에는 【충격】남대문시장 골목안에 이런 맛집이 있다니~『고독한 삼겹살』 🏠맛있는 삼겹살 서울 중구 남대문시장길 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🙏 구독과 좋아요를 해 주시면 큰 힘 됩니다! 정말 기분이 좋아집니다
Giant Fried Rice Machine 巨大炒飯マシーン Food Industry Machines in Japan 食品加工機械 餅つき機 チャーハン 中井機械工業
Japanese Food industry machines (中井機械工業株式会社) Website: https://www.nkm.co.jp/ Food industry machines Giant fried rice machine Rice cake machine(Mochi Maker) Sweet Red Bean Paste Machine 食品加工機械 ・炒飯(IH式大型炒め機チャーハン) ・餅 ・わらび餅 ・小豆
【맛집】 춘천에서 날아온 생닭으로 만드는 촉촉한 식감 『고독한 닭갈비』 (KOR/JPN sub)
#⭐️ 다케다히로미츠 입니다 한국에서 배우로 활동하고 있는 일본인😆 한국생활 모습을 보여드리고 있습니다! ⭐️ 이번에는 【맛집】 춘천에서 날아온 생닭으로 만드는 촉촉한 식감 『고독한 닭갈비』 🏠오근내 닭갈비 서울 용산구 이촌로29길 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🙏 구독과 좋아요를 해 주시면 큰 힘 됩니다! 정말 기분이
Fried Rice Master collection! Japanese Street Food! チャーハンの達人 デカ盛り炒飯 ラーメン Giant food Amazing Skill
Fried rice master's amazing skill collection! It's a fried rice master's amazing skill collection video! Giant size fried rice , ramen ,Meat, etc. Please enjoy it to the end! 今回はチャーハンの達人料理動画を4本まとめました。デカ盛り炒飯や、玉子炒飯、ラーメン、チャーシューなど大迫力の調理は必見です。 是非動画を最後までお楽しみください
Giant food! 8kg Fried Chicken Bowl, Ramen and Fried Rice - ラーメン 炒飯 唐揚げ丼 Japanese Street Food 二代目蝦夷
Fried chicken grilled meat bowl NidaimeEzo in Saitama, Japan. The huge portions are very famous, and each dish weighs a whopping 8 kilograms!? Anyway seeing is believing!! Enjoy watching the video!! ※This video was shot with the permission of the shop owne
鶏肉チャーハン(ナシゴレン) 🥢❤️❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #おいしい #おいしいもの #い...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by ひま (@rinku_b0517)
A Day at the Fried Rice Master’s Restaurant チャーハンの達人 炒飯 - 台湾ラーメン 幸龍 Japanese Street Food Ramen 볶음밥
Fried rice master's one day Fried rice master's restaurant! Local Chinese restaurant “Koryu”. This time, We shot a video of the day at a Chinese restaurant. I hope you enjoy watching heart warming family time and all the smiles on the faces of regular cust
Taiwan street food - Giant shrimp egg fried rice, Oyster omelet, clam soup
台灣街頭美食 - 超人氣蝦仁蛋炒飯在地經營30年, (後港一路蛋炒飯)|Taiwan street food Taiwan street food - Giant shrimp egg fried rice, Oyster omelet, clam soup 📌 Information 哈囉大家!今天來介紹新莊人氣蛋炒飯,店家位置在新莊後港一路49巷路口處,下午5點開始營業到凌晨12點半,禮拜日公休,店家沒有店名 Google 搜索 [後港一路蛋炒飯],老闆說他們已經在地經營30年。 師傅在高溫的鐵板上大力
Fried Rice Master's Amazing Skill チャーハンの達人 炒飯 - Japanese Street Food - 台湾ラーメン 幸龍 町中華 名古屋グルメ 볶음밥 炒饭
Fried rice master's amazing skill This master chef makes fried rice (for one person) without spilling a grain of rice. Don't miss his skill of making fried rice! There are also videos taken all day at this ramen shop. The video will be uploaded at a later
西成 炒飯 町中華 - Ramen & Fried Rice Restaurant - Japanese Street Food - ラーメン 餃子 ぎょうざや 大阪 Gyoza
A day at the Famous Ramen & Fried Rice Restaurant A long-established Chinese restaurant in Nishinari, Osaka. It has been 50 years since I was loved by the locals. There are many types of dumplings. Please enjoy this video!! - Price - Dumpling(Gyoza) : JPY3
A day at the Famous Ramen & Fried Rice Restaurant - 炒飯 ラーメン 餃子 大阪王将の1日 - Japanese Street Food
famous ramen and dumplings restaurant. A day at the famous restaurant “Osaka Ohsho”. Preparing to open, teamwork during business, is really amazing. All-you-can-eat dumplings for 30 minutes for USD5.19. (Limited to this restaurant.) - Price - dumpling : JP
2 年前
 • 84 次觀看
スーパー万代の炒飯美味しい。 #볶음밥 #炒飯 #friedrice #점심 #昼食 #lunch #Mittagessen #午餐 #обед #prandium #déjeuner pic.twitter.com/a1QhH5vxws— ニックス・ホルモン社 (Hirotaka Makino) (@nickshormonsha) January 13, 2022
玉子炒飯とラーメン Egg Fried Rice & Ramen - Japanese Street Food チャーハン 볶음밥 炒饭
Delicious Egg fried rice and Ramen "Ramen Goku" in Nishinari, Osaka. Fried rice wrapped in eggs, is Nishinari's soul food. The ramen and fried rice set will fill your stomach with happiness. Don't miss the Chinese noodles from “Ramen Goku”'s sister store,
燃える炎のチャーハン - Fire Fried Rice - Chinese Street Food in Japan - 炒饭 볶음밥 Sichuan
翠雲 上野店 ℹ️今回は近づくと危険な燃えるチャーハンとしてテレビでも紹介された事がある「翠雲醤油チャーハン」を撮影しました。他にも現代中国の本格的な四川料理「水煮魚・水煮牛肉」を味わえます。 It is "flame fried rice" that has been introduced on TV as a dangerous burning fried rice when approaching. It is a restaurant in Tokyo where you can eat delic
チャーハン 天津飯 職人の作り方 - Japanese Street Food - Egg Fried Rice Gyoza - 長崎飯店 東京 Tokyo
ℹ️中華料理屋 長崎飯店 💬長崎飯店さんは人気テレビドラマ「孤独のグルメ」のSeason6 第7話「東京都渋谷区道玄坂の皿うどんと春巻」で登場したお店です。 今回は炒飯 餃子 天津飯 中華丼を注文しました。 💬This restaurant was introduced in the popular Japanese TV drama "Solitary Gourmet". This time, I ordered fried rice, dumplings, and Tianjin rice. 📍Loca
卵チャーハン - Egg Fried Rice Japanese Street Food - 蛋炒饭 계란볶음밥 Twin yolks - 玉子炒飯の作り方
Egg Fried Rice ℹ️中華料理屋 チャイナ飯店 💬チャイナ飯店さんは、TVでチャーハンマニアの方が絶賛した人気店です。 半熟目玉焼きがのったチャーハンは絶品です。大きい卵を使っている為、二黄卵が高確率で出ます。 お店で人気メニュー「玉子チャーハン」の特大サイズを特別に注文しました。 💬It is a popular restaurant introduced on TV. This time I ordered a special oversized "egg fried rice". It i