Taiwan street food - Giant shrimp egg fried rice, Oyster omelet, clam soup

1 年前
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台灣街頭美食 - 超人氣蝦仁蛋炒飯在地經營30年, (後港一路蛋炒飯)|Taiwan street food
Taiwan street food - Giant shrimp egg fried rice, Oyster omelet, clam soup

📌 Information
哈囉大家!今天來介紹新莊人氣蛋炒飯,店家位置在新莊後港一路49巷路口處,下午5點開始營業到凌晨12點半,禮拜日公休,店家沒有店名 Google 搜索 [後港一路蛋炒飯],老闆說他們已經在地經營30年。


Giant shrimp egg fried rice, hot selling for 30 years, subscribe to my channel to show you more of Taiwan's cheap street food Thank you!

蝦仁蛋炒飯 TWD70
shrimp egg fried rice USD2.35

蚵仔煎 TWD60
Oyster omelet USD2.01

蛤仔湯 TWD60
clam soup USD2.01

00:00 MENU
00:29 Ready to open
04:45 Oyster omelet (蚵仔煎)
07:32 shrimp egg fried rice (蝦仁蛋炒飯)
12:34 clam soup (蛤仔湯)
📌 Address
後港一路蛋炒飯 (新北市新莊區後港一路49巷)

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