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[마감시황] TSMC의 깜짝 실적. 반도체, 다시 호재가 유입되나
김용재소장이 직접 매일마다 홈페이지에서 무료로 종목추천 및 장중 시황을 진행하고 있습니다. ▶카카오톡 무료추천종목 : http://www.fantastock.co.kr/doc/kakao.php ▶공식홈페이지 : http://fantastock.co.kr ※네이버에서 "AP투자연구소"를 검색하세요!! ▶ AP투자연구소 앱 다운받기 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fantastock.mobileAp
No Filter with Kobo
1 個月前
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No Filter with Kobo Unfiltered information on all topics related to the cosmetic and personal care industries such as the latest trends, innovative ingredients, formulation tips, regulations, expert interviews and much, much more. http://www.koboproductsin
[점심시황] 중국의 기준금리 인하 결정. 6개월 만에 내려진 내용은?
김용재소장이 직접 매일마다 홈페이지에서 무료로 종목추천 및 장중 시황을 진행하고 있습니다. ▶카카오톡 무료추천종목 : http://www.fantastock.co.kr/doc/kakao.php ▶공식홈페이지 : http://fantastock.co.kr ※네이버에서 "AP투자연구소"를 검색하세요!! ▶ AP투자연구소 앱 다운받기 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fantastock.mobileAp
Taiwan ChemBro-台灣化工超男子偶像團體 聊化工化學兼著聊音樂
Taiwan ChemBro-台灣化工超男子偶像團體 聊化工化學兼著聊音樂 兩位音樂圈的化工從業人員,從研發/業務/市場的角度分享化工化學產業上的各種業務經驗與酸甜苦辣,台灣唯一討論化工化學職場與產業的podcast節目,分享一些專業知識與新手如何入門; 偶而聊聊音樂圈的一些想法來觸類旁通與所見所聞 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://tinyurl.com/y4jhhp2s 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP26-少年仔化工啦 在這景氣復甦的2023,工作各自繁忙,好不
健身教練法蘭克|World Gym 101
1 年前
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健身教練法蘭克|World Gym 101 我是一名熱愛寫作的健身教練! 我喜歡在社群媒體上分享自己對重量訓練的見解。 我擅長用全面的角度去看待訓練,訓練應該涵蓋運動科學、營養學、生物力學、生理學、心理學等等領域, 因為它們全部其實都是環環相扣在一起的,若要設計出真正能練出健康的課表,對這些學問精通是必備的。 我的目標是希望有朝一日,能讓全民都遠離慢性病和關節疼痛! 更多的文章和影片請關注我的 運動視界專欄:天母健身教練至賢 INSTAGRAM:wg101_frank 臉書粉絲專頁:world gym 10
The World of the API
1 年前
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The World of the API The World of the API is a new podcast series by Teva api. In this series, we’ll be exploring the stories of the work we do at Teva api, through conversations with the scientists, leaders and experts who make it happen.https://www.teva-
Disrupting PFAS
1 年前
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Disrupting PFAS The Disrupting PFAS Podcast highlights cutting-edge PFAS innovations and innovators in a compact, digestible, and entertaining format for Environmental Managers and Technologists responsible for confronting the intractable problem of PFAS.
Fakt oder Fake: Internetmythen auf dem Prüfstand – MDR JUMP
Fakt oder Fake: Internetmythen auf dem Prüfstand – MDR JUMP Sarah und Lars aus der MDR JUMP Morningshow prüfen gemeinsam mit Experten wilde Internetmythen auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt. Ist es ein Fakt oder nur ein Fake? https://www.mdrjump.de/service/podcast/
2 年前
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小小化学家·科学故事 适合中小学生的趣味元素知识、科技资讯、科普故事。在少年儿童成长和启蒙阶段,普及化学科学知识,培养科学研究兴趣,助力青少年探索科技世界。胡老师(博士)毕业于清华大学高分子材料专业,作为一名化学科研工作者,希望通过《元素咖啡》电台的公益科普节目《小小化学家·科学故事》,让更多的孩子能够从小认识到化学世界的美妙神奇,培养探索科技世界的萌芽兴趣,陪伴孩子成长成才。合作联系WX:goodboylili https://www.ximalaya.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 小小化学家 | 银杏
Química Em Todas As Coisas
2 年前
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Química Em Todas As Coisas A química está presente em tudo https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/1vtn7k1hu1o 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Opinião sobre o texto planejamento do ensino numa perspectiva crítica da educação. Autora do texto : Antônia Osima Lopes. Trabalho Pr
Energia Elétrica - Pilhas
2 年前
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Energia Elétrica - Pilhas Uso de energia elétrica em pilhas. https://anchor.fm/lorena-spotify 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Energia Elétrica - Pilhas Uso da energia elétrica em pilhas. https://anchor.fm/lorena-spotify/episodes/Energia-Eltrica---Pilhas-e15s
Stereoform yg bagus
2 年前
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Stereoform yg bagus Membeli Stereoform yg bagus https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aiko-lynn 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Good stereoform Good stereoform Good stereoform https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/aiko-lynn/episodes/Good-stereoform-e14qt3v Thu, 22 Jul 202
2 年前
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Atom Chemical unit https://anchor.fm/peters-nora 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Element Smallest unit of matter https://anchor.fm/peters-nora/episodes/Element-e13onio Thu, 01 Jul 2021 11:27:21 GMT
Atomic Autorino and Diatomic Duffy
2 年前
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Atomic Autorino and Diatomic Duffy Chemical Warfare Throughout the Millenium https://anchor.fm/alex-duffy5 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Atomic Autorino and Diatomic Duffy Chemical Warefare Throughout the Millenium https://anchor.fm/alex-duffy5/episodes/Atomic-Autorino-and-
Study With GD : Chemistry
3 年前
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Study With GD : Chemistry I am going to read through the notes of various chapters. These notes are mainly based on NCERT and are very essential for Inorganic Chemistry for JEE/NEET in this podcast. We all have this feeling that we understand and le
3 年前
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NEUR1203 about FXS https://anchor.fm/sumika4 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 FXS Fundraiser about FXS https://anchor.fm/sumika4/episodes/FXS-Fundraiser-eqs0s9 Tue, 23 Feb 2021 03:26:28 GMT
3 年前
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cobalto trabalho de química https://anchor.fm/natalia-yumi-fujimura 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Podcast informativo sobre o elemento químico Cobalto (Co) Breve explicação sobre. https://anchor.fm/natalia-yumi-fujimura/episodes/Podcast-informativo-sobre-o-elemento-qumico-C
3 年前
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EQUIPO 1 Karina Suzet Ruiz Salazar, Heidy Ivonne Ordóñez Guerrero, Luis Antonio García Larios, Brayan García Martínez, Cordova Páez Lizet, Martínez López Gloria de Jesús, Iris Yuliana Sánchez López. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/karina372 您的瀏覽器不支
Química: Minha Vida E O Ambiente
3 年前
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Química: Minha Vida E O Ambiente O propósito desse podcast é falar sobre como a química está presente em nosso cotidiano https://anchor.fm/wendelmancioetecspgov 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Química: minha vida e o ambiente Esse episódio é uma junção dos três primeiros epis