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四月健康直播『什麼是「環境荷爾蒙」?自己的荷爾蒙都快搞不定了,還要處理環境荷爾蒙? 』特別來賓:艸研所創辦人 白金川先生|研發長 林炳源先生
#環境荷爾蒙 #健康 #賴宇凡 #健康直播 💡本月的直播,我們來聊聊: ✔️什麼是環境荷爾蒙? 環境荷爾蒙可能從哪裡來? ✔️環境荷爾蒙對我們有哪些影響? ✔️你能做哪些事情 減少它帶來的影響和傷害? 喜歡我們的影片嗎?記得按讚、訂閱、分享、開啟小鈴鐺喔~ 任何問題也歡迎在底下留言給我們,您的支持就是我們成長的動力呢! 賴宇凡Sara官方網站 https://saralye.com/ FB社團|賴宇凡—享受生活,天天開心 https://www.facebook.com/groups/92009252801
【消化專題】腸躁症、消化不良、長期拉肚子,先改善這兩大生活習慣!為何年紀越大,會讓妳拉肚子的食物會越多?|5分鐘聊健康 EP.67|賴宇凡Sara
#消化 #健康 #賴宇凡 隨著年紀越大,我們的消化能力會慢慢變弱。 你會發現,怎麼讓你拉肚子的地雷食物越來越多了! 其實想改善你的消化、拉肚子問題, 有兩個生活習慣很重要!看完這部影片,你就知道囉! ------------------------------------ ➡️ 天天自然【 官網 】 https://www.gonatural365.com ----------------------------------- #五分鐘聊健康 #健康知識 #教學 #醫療新知 #拉肚子 #飲食健康 #養身 #
#journeywithchrist #apostle #jwc_channel #apostlejoshuaselman #koinoniaglobal Welcome to Journey With Christ YouTube Channel. Luke 9 verse 23: And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and fo
【案178】忤惡!被"對折"的女袋屍 真凶跌破所有人眼鏡... @cti52OZ
2007年9月15日,高雄鹽埕區的一名里長晚間出門巡邏,卻在一間民宅前發現一個大型"垃圾",可疑的是居然貼滿大量膠帶,還用童軍繩牢牢捆住,他用手一摸發現不對報警,警方剪開8層塑膠袋後,竟然是一具被對折的女屍,她是誰?又怎麼被大喇喇丟在路邊? 到底怎麼回事,老Z調查線帶您揭密。 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得福利: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfeS-2djwqoUcFGDz80JWtg/join 👉中天新聞網APP下載: https://deep.ctinews.com/a
【藥物的隱患】當你突然有不適症狀,第一步先從你的「藥袋」檢查起!醫生幫你換藥、加新藥,請特別注意!|5分鐘聊健康 EP.60|賴宇凡Sara
#藥物 #健康 #賴宇凡 隨著大家年紀越來越大, 很可能平時都要吃幾顆藥、吃一點保健品補充。 這時當身體突然出問題了,該怎麼辦? 我會建議先從你目前正在吃的藥開始檢查起。 看看醫生是否換了新藥、多加了什麼藥, 很可能,你症狀的原因,就這在這之中! ------------------------------------ 🌟 即日起~3/31 新會員活動開跑! 新會員首次訂購時輸入優惠碼「happy365」 即享100元優惠! ➡️ 天天自然【 官網 】 https://www.gonatural365.co
David Lucas BENDS THE KNEE! Apologizes for George Floyd Jokes! Chrissie Mayr & SimpCast React
In this clip from Simpcast, the panel reacts to the deepening story of the David Lucas joke situation involving George Floyd. After Lucas went viral due to his on stage live comedy show clip, his mother became inundated by people contacting her. Even thoug
The Leo King New Moon in Aquarius February 9 2024 Astrology/Tarot Horoscope All Signs Collective
PURCHASE https://www.highvibe.tv/checkout/new?o=165583 2024 Year Sun Sign Horoscope Exclusive David Palmer, "The Leo King," is not just an astrologer; he is a visionary in the field. His achievements speak volumes: One of the main Pioneers to integrate ast
美斯成為辱華球王? 拒踢香港但出賽日本? 香港球迷焗比智商稅? (粵語廣東話中文字幕)
美斯成為辱華球王? 拒踢香港但出賽日本? 香港球迷焗比智商稅? (粵語廣東話中文字幕) Youtube Channel: "英國老人院 Oh My Yard": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsz0c3sxYKHGGu8Y0LoXI6g To Support Me: 直接課金請我吃條🍌: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hkers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBritain Mewe: mew
All About Apple Vision Pro!
2 個月前
 • 42 次觀看
It's Apple Vision Pro week! Marques sits down with Andrew and David to answer all their questions and even a few that we scraped from the YouTube comments of the videos we put out this week. If you want to know whether or not you can use the Apple Vision P
K博士被小粉紅控告? 小粉紅事件由特務頭子策劃? 小粉紅走頭無路供出主謀? (粵語廣東話中文字幕)
K博士被小粉紅控告? 小粉紅事件由特務頭子策劃? 小粉紅走頭無路供出主謀? (粵語廣東話中文字幕) Youtube Channel: "英國老人院 Oh My Yard": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsz0c3sxYKHGGu8Y0LoXI6g To Support Me: 直接課金請我吃條🍌: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/hkers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FunnyBritain Mew
Galaxy S24 and Vision Pro are Here!
3 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
This week, Marques, Andrew, and David go right into Samsung Unpacked which happened right before we sat down to record. After that, Marques and David talk about their latest demo with the Apple Vision Pro and give some last-minute hands-on impressions befo
We Turned 3 Sheets of Plywood into $1,300!! Massive Profit
➡️ Please share this video if it helps you make your first $10k ➡️ Want to get past $10k+ faster? Join the Stud Stack: http://www.studstack.net 00:00 Intro Fan Mail: Jennie and Davis 8524 Hwy 6 N Box 533 Houston, TX 77095 Find us on IG: https://www.instagr
Cybertron Optimus Prime Psychologically Destroys Unit HQ (Circa 2023)
I mean...we all saw that scene...this joke was inevitable... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drlockdown Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drlockdown/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dr_Lockdown Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/drlockdown-reviews BlueSky: http
The ULTRA Budget PS5 Setup...
4 個月前
 • 35 次觀看
*Sponsor* Thank you be quiet! Check out the new DARK ROCK PRO 5: https://amzn.to/3t9Sfz2 and DARK ROCK ELITE: https://amzn.to/484qkzr CPU coolers from be quiet! I bought a whole PS5 Gaming setup for $313. Get some AWESOME Dawid T-shirts, Mouse pads and mor
英國大力收緊移民政策,BNO簽證計劃响警號,香港移民英國計劃2025年到期?(粵語廣東話中文字幕) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Youtube Channel: "英國老人院 Oh My Yard": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsz0c3sxYKHGGu8Y0LoXI
We Drove the Tesla Cybertruck!
4 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
This week, Marques and David are joined at the big table by Ellis for a discussion about the Cybertruck! They recount their experiences driving the truck and talk about every quirk and feature they can think of. Besides that, they also talk about Dbrand su
新着- 永野芽郁、念願のハーレーをGET!最高にクールな相棒にテンション爆上がり
新着- 永野芽郁、念願のハーレーをGET!最高にクールな相棒にテンション爆上がり https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClaLRVyx5OgCrDjdKF0T2Ew?sub_confirmation=1 ►著作権の問題が発生した場合はお問い合わせください-ありがとうございます◄ メール:lucerowalterf96578@gmail.com
英國政府大地震: 內政大臣柏斐文被炒尤魚、前首相卡梅倫老而彌堅玩翻閹出任外相、英國教育資源嚴重短缺、教師要出逃 (粵語廣東話中文字幕)
英國政府大地震: 內政大臣柏斐文被炒尤魚、前首相卡梅倫老而彌堅玩翻閹出任外相、英國教育資源嚴重短缺、教師要出逃 (粵語廣東話中文字幕) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Youtube Channel: "英國老人院 Oh My Yard": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsz
BOMBSHELL! David Beckham SLAMS Victoria Beckham's LIES as he is EXPOSED FOR AFFAIR!?
BOMBSHELL! David Beckham SLAMS Victoria Beckham's LIES as he is EXPOSED FOR AFFAIR!? Thumbnail images are satire created by adobe photoshop and artificial intelligence artwork. Excerpt from Independent ‘What car did your dad drive?’ David Beckham mocks Vic