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孩子A流確診「早上還好好的」下秒高燒38.6度!恐怖傳染力「隔天換母親中標」難逃病毒魔掌?!【 @57healthy 】#陳木榮 醫師
來賓:李佳穎、蔡沐妍、羊兒、詹宇太太 醫師:陳木榮、彭溫雅、吳昭寬、宋明樺、魏銘政、蔡逸姍 傳染疾病越來越多,該如何養出不生病好體質?!別忽略流感!重症人數已創近年新高!因未施打流感疫苗的死亡比率竟高達九成!?醫師推薦養肺飲讓你擺脫「酷酷嫂」!每三秒就有一人失智?!醫師解釋失智是可以治療改善的!?想打造皮膚好底子,營養均衡也別忽略! #57健康同學會 #傳染疾病 #流感 #營養均衡 #健康體質 #腦膜炎 #隱瞞旅遊史 #肺氣虛 #急性支氣管炎 #A型流感 #失智症 #健忘症 #濕疹 #重聽 #肺炎
The Human Toll of Philips’ Massive CPAP Recall: With Every Breath
“With Every Breath,” a new documentary from ProPublica and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, is an intimate glimpse into what happens when people learn that Philips Respironics’ CPAP machine may be causing harm. The film braids together the stories of three peo
RSV Cases Continue to Swamp Hospitals Across the US
Health authorities say it's the worst pediatric-care crisis in decades. Hospitals in nearly half of the country report they are nearing capacity for children suffering from RSV, a respiratory virus. Inside Editon's Steven Fabian's infant son has RSV and th
Health Experts Warn of ‘Triple Whammy’ Amid RSV Epidemic
Worried parents are taking to social media to warn other parents about the RSV epidemic sweeping the nation. Over the last month, cases doubled in 26 states and it’s putting a big strain on hospitals. Seventy-five percent of pediatric beds in the U.S. a
BMI Charts in Doctors Offices Caused Her Trauma | TIKTOK Tales
Today's video is a TikTok tale of a woman who saw a BMI chart in a DOCTORS OFFICE??? She experienced horrible symptoms from the sight of a BMI chart and had to make sure to tell tiktok. Cynical Dudes Page https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCynicalDude0/
The simple travel hack you’ve never heard of
1 年前
 • 127 次觀看
✰ 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄 ✰ I’m Dr. Dana Brems, also known as Foot Doc Dana. As a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), I treat everything from trauma including broken bones, other sports injuries, foot wounds, calluses, thick or ingrown nails; you na
#黛拉的口袋ost 久違的OST回顧時間~~由於上次好多音樂都被IG擋了,所以黛拉這次放了一部份上次沒讓大家聽到的OST+一些剩下的2016口袋名單,一起來聽聽...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 黛拉說生活|韓劇|陸劇|音樂|追星 (@__dramlla.7__)
Original post: alexhigley (twitter #funnyposts #dentist #doctors #memes #trans...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 魚超人fishman (@super_fish2020_)
Original post peep4nts #funnyposts #doctors #animals #memes #translations#醫生 #迷...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 魚超人fishman (@super_fish2020_)
Original post robexplosm #doctors #badnews #funnyposts #memes #translations#cyani...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 魚超人fishman (@super_fish2020_)
Fears of Omicron loom in Karnataka after two South Africans test positive for COVID-19
#Karnataka health officials are a worried lot as two South African nationals who arrived in Bengaluru tested positive for COVID-19. Authorities are awaiting results of their genome sequencing reports to confirm whether it is the new Omicron variant. Th
中暑、熱衰竭分不清?醫師一次告訴你!【#醫師好辣】20210608 part1 EP1158 賈蔚 田知學
◆加入醫師好辣會員【醫師好辣健康守護大使】→https://reurl.cc/E7AKR1 完整版看這邊►►https://youtu.be/RDcgdUOkBSg 主題:天熱疾病多,你不知道的夏天症候群?! 值班小護士:五熊 好辣團:潘逸安、李佳豫、東東、蔣蔣 醫師:賈蔚、甘宗本、田知學、林志豪、黃胤誠、洪暐傑 酷夏來臨,這些超惱人的症狀到底該怎麼解決?頭痛、體溫偏高靠運動飲料來緩解,到院檢查竟是「中風」惹的禍?!廚房工作常常頭痛,當心「中暑」來纏身?!工作異常疲累、狂冒汗要當心,恐是「胰島素瘤」在作祟?
Larry King Dies at Age 87
3 年前
 • 174 次觀看
Legendary broadcaster Larry King has died at the age of 87. Now, people are reminiscing on their favorite King moments. Included in the more than 50,000 interviews he logged: Jerry Seinfeld, President Barack Obama and Muammar al-Gaddafi. If the name wa
疾病戰爭開打!未及時檢驗出流感,慘變肺炎急住院?!【醫師好辣】精選 EP902|陳木榮 林舒語
主題:疾病戰爭開打啦!這些醫療戰況讓醫師皮皮剉?! 最新【醫師好辣】一刀未剪版 ►► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL4ugceG1iyeMfbLvWecAs3re_dOBHR9f 值班小護士:夏宇童 好辣團:林舒語、上晏、凱莉、寶兒 醫師:宋晏仁、賈蔚、陳木榮、方鵬翔、陳亮宇、
主播簡立喆罹患乳癌,抗癌過程艱辛感人?!【#醫師好辣】20201216 part1 EP1068 李偉浩 簡立喆
◆加入醫師好辣會員【醫師好辣健康守護大使】→https://reurl.cc/E7AKR1 完整版看這邊►►https://youtu.be/wobBjSuehIw 主題:科技時代來臨!健康觀念也要智慧轉型?! 值班小護士:李懿 好辣團:洪素卿、簡立喆、咩冷、羽菲 醫師:陳龍、陳柏臣、邱鴻傑、李偉浩、李旻珊、陳欣湄 感冒不癒手腳無力,當心是「急性脫髓鞘病變」纏身,超危險?!主播罹患乳癌第二期,治療過程彷彿地獄?!意識恍惚車禍送醫,病因竟是「失神性的癲癇」發作?!腦中情色畫面不斷浮出,當心是「強迫症」惹的禍?