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Teen Fan Is Killed In Car Crash On Way To Taylor Swift Concert
A 16-year-old girl has been killed in a devastating car crash during a trip from Queensland to Melbourne for a Taylor Swift concert. Her 10-year-old sister remains in a critical condition in hospital. #CarCrash #TaylorSwift #RoadTragedy
Swiftie Reveals All About How He Got Taylor Swift's Hat
Every night on The Eras Tour, Taylor Swift gifts one lucky fan the hat from her head. We chat with TikTok star Oliver Mills, who was the lucky recipient at the MCG on Saturday, and he tells how he's still processing the "greatest moment of his life". #Tayl
Australia: Dingo bites sunbathing tourist in Queensland
Footage released by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science shows the moment the holidaymaker gets a nasty shock while sunbathing on the island of K’gari. The department used the footage to warn of the danger the wild animals pose. #dingo #que
澳洲布里斯本發生惡犬攻擊事件,造成一位6歲女童受重傷送醫!🏥#Australia #Brisbane #Queensland #dogs pic.twitter.com/0YUWRXX9xA— 鏡新聞mnews (@mnews_tw) April 17, 2023
Erwin and Monique had fallen out of love with life, so they hit the road | ABC News
Two years and 10,000 kilometres have passed since Erwin and Monique van Vliet left their home in Manjimup south of Perth. Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Read more here: https://ab.co/3YFb5c9 The couple worked seven days a week for twenty years before they
<必玩> 澳洲陽光海岸必去清澈海灘Kings Beach @Caloundra, Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast 實在太大太美啦!好多美麗的海灘,怎麼都玩不完 之前有介紹過的海邊也非常推薦大家去玩水 美到不行的Noosa 遊記請看http://annabel0605.pixnet.net/blog/post/402974228 Mooloolaba beach 遊記請看http://annabel0605.pixnet.net/blog/post/403611662 Calound
S&J《一家遊澳洲》EP4 最有文化藝術氣色嘅坎培拉:最啱小朋友玩嘅恐龍博物館、小人谷,澳洲首都當然有大量必試嘅餐廳,住嘅酒店亦都係冇得彈!Fun & Multicultural CANBERRA
#旅行推介 #家庭旅行 #澳洲 JASON:坎培拉係我最鍾意嘅澳洲城市 差啲唔記得有塔斯曼尼亞 OK,呢個trip 最鍾意嘅城市啦😜 我感覺同澳洲其他地方好唔一樣 低密度,輕鬆,潮,大人小朋友都啱 見到DAMON 同JAMIE 都玩得咁開心就知呢個城市好正! 都係嗰句,好後悔冇留多兩日
Come and Say G’day | TV Advert (60s) | Tourism Australia
In Australia, G'day is the start of every great adventure. Join souvenir kangaroo Ruby (Rose Byrne) and toy unicorn Louie (Will Arnett) on theirs as they explore everything Australia has to offer. From sacred sites to bustling laneways and every laidback l
G’day, the short film (2022) | Official Film | Tourism Australia
From the country that brought you the Sydney Opera House, the world's best coffee and wombats, comes this year's most anticipated release: G'day, the short film. When they meet in a gift shop on The Great Barrier Reef, souvenir kangaroo Ruby (Rose Byrne) a
打風前夕落水捉海鮮 魚蝦蟹貝魚樣樣齊 [雅杰打魚日記]2022-6-25 #捉魚 #潛水 #夜潛 #打魚 #藍花蟹 #西澳龍蝦 #青龍蝦 #扇貝 #左口魚 #金錢班 #芝麻班 #黑沙鱲
主要介紹本地潛水員在不同地方潛水打魚 狩獵,捕捉各類海鮮 近距離接觸海洋世界,觀察海裡生態,了解海裡不同生物的習性,和生態 了解潛水員在潛水時遇到的趣事,和突發事。 分享不同潛點,和各色各樣的潛水工具, 報告出海的情況。 打魚,潛水,夜潛,捉蟹,青衣,黃衣,青班,油鎚,魔鬼魚,
Celebrating Mr & Mrs Blessman 🎉🥂 Massive shoutout to n_vbm for emergency shoes 🤍...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by 𝐏 𝚬 𝐈 𝐒 𝐈 ◡̈ (@_peisi_)
流浪記Wandering(楊宗緯Aska Yang)-Dr. Wayne Lee李威慶 at Water Cube International Singing Competition水立方盃
Representing Australia 澳大利亞 at the Water Cube Cup International Singing Competition 水立方盃 2021 + TV Interview. Live TV broadcast from Beijing, China. August 9, 2021. To skip the initial interview and technical delay, fast forward to 01:40. :)
Tidelands: Season 1 | Teaser [HD] | Netflix
5 年前
 • 45 次觀看
Cal McTeer must unlock the secrets that lie beneath the surface of Orphelin Bay before it's too late. Tidelands, the first Australian Netflix original series, comes December 14th.
《潮灘秘語》第 1 季 | 前導預告 [HD] | Netflix
看似風平浪靜的孤兒灣,究竟埋藏著甚麼秘密?卡爾·麥蒂爾決意找出答案,否則局面將一發不可收拾。Netflix 首部澳洲原創影集《潮灘秘語》將於 12 月 14 日上線。
A Day in the Life of an Airside Operations Officer
Meet Chris, one of our Airside Operations officers. He will take you behind the scenes of one of the most important jobs at an airport. Airside Operations Officers manage the movements of aircraft, look for foreign object debris (FOD), conduct wildlife man