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Iranian Girl makes American Cheeseburger🍔Country Girl Cooks Burger😋Slow Routine Life In Iran Village
Hello😍 In this episode I make American burger(cheeseburger) and I also make burger buns myself!👧 I usually make burgers the American way. with veal and with tomato, pickled cucumber and onion and ketchup, and I always cook the burger buns myself because it
@ Fast-Hands Musician (O1815060323)# Maybe you're sorry, too# Treasure Musician's Plan to Strike Al
Welcome to the ”Funny Long Jie” channel, a paradise of rural comedy videos. Our channel is dedicated to creating rural-themed funny videos that make everyone laugh out loud. With our unique approach of ”a laugh with every watch,” we guarantee a laugh every
你见过这种小鱼吗 #農村生活 #fishing #农村生活 #農村生活 #农村生活 #fish #funny #我的乡村生活 #fishinglife #推薦 #rural #chinesefood
成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCof_8r3tITl-lpI91uYDc3g/join #農村生活 #農村美食 #傳統 #農村生活 #傳統文化 #傳統技藝 #古人智慧 #我的乡村生活 #新农人计划 #记录真实生活 #农村美食 #农村生活 #抖音小助手 #food #chinesefood #cooking #rural #rurallife #ruralfood
花3000元租的危房 ,墙体再次脱落,只好重新扛水泥和沙子修复,反复翻修只有十年租期房子,是正确的选择吗?
本人微信 lijun520741 邮箱gzlijun1994@gmail.com 本频道制作的所有视频都符合平台的使用政策,没有任何违规行为。
“請注意,本影片是一部原創拍攝的短劇,完全符合YouTube社群準則。” ”我們將確保影片內容不涉及任何動物虐待行為,所有食材的取得都符合道德和法律規定。” YouTube 的朋友們大家好,我是貞貞的英雄 四季交替 生活有苦澀,但也有禮物🥰 我是一個普通的南方姑娘👩 每天都會給大家帶來農村的日常✨ 喜歡的話別忘了關注我哦~💖 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucjq8l81wQfgYvpltqmPRw?sub_confirmation=1 #農村#婆媳#農村生活
今天雨姐做水果罐头,快来看看吧#东北 #东北生活 #东北雨姐
在法国抓兔子,四川妹子用3个捕兔笼能抓几只?| 野兔 | 狩獵 | 户外 | 兔子 | 法國 | 美食 |
在法国抓兔子,四川妹子用3个捕兔笼能抓几只?| 野兔 | 狩獵 | 户外 | 兔子 | 法國 | 美食 | 最近一条法国兔子泛滥的消息登上热搜,Yooupi驱车4小时来到了小镇,尝试用捕兔笼捕捉兔子。因为兔子繁殖力极强,造成当地很多田地以及铁道被挖陷,当地市长投放了60个宣传牌号召吃兔子并且附赠上了各种食谱。作为一个四川人这时候必须出动了!为此特地去猎人组织学习了陷阱放置规则,在经过了二天一夜的等待后,终于抓到了!把抓到的猎物做成红油凉拌兔和炸兔腿,味道真棒! 更多有趣海外视频,记得关注Yooupi食途,每
“請注意,本影片是一部原創拍攝的短劇,完全符合YouTube社群準則。” ”我們將確保影片內容不涉及任何動物虐待行為,所有食材的取得都符合道德和法律規定。” YouTube 的朋友們大家好,我是貞貞的英雄 四季交替 生活有苦澀,但也有禮物🥰 我是一個普通的南方姑娘👩 每天都會給大家帶來農村的日常✨ 喜歡的話別忘了關注我哦~💖 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucjq8l81wQfgYvpltqmPRw?sub_confirmation=1 #農村#婆媳#農村生活
小猫怎么叫?一招教你迷倒所有人,你们学会了吗?#搞笑 #搞笑视频 #农村生活 #搞笑日常 #恶作剧 #funny
我们的视频制作团队会特别关注儿童的安全需求,确保内容不会对其造成任何危害,视频中所有均为道具效果,不会对儿童造成危害! 一位搞笑博主! 大家好!这里是【袁语晨同学】 希望能给你们带来更多的快乐❤️ 农村生活中的种种趣事和搞笑情节 和我们一起笑一笑,开心一整天!🤣 你的关注就是我的动力🏋️🏻‍♀️ #袁语晨同学 #搞笑 #搞笑视频 #农村生活 #搞笑日常 #恶作剧 #整蛊 #搞笑家庭 #农村搞笑 #funny #Chinesedailyfunny #rurallife #ruralfunny #tictok
IRAN Village Life | Daily Village Life in the Mountains of Iran
IRAN Village Life | Daily Village Life in the Mountains of Iran #IranVillageLife #VillageFood #DailyRoutine #DailyRoutineVlog #LifeStyle #Village #Cooking #TravelIran #ExploreIran #IranVlog #Rural #IranianCulture #FreshWater #SpringWater #CleanWater #Mount
Gheimeh Stew @Rural_Cuisine
1 個月前
 • 18 次觀看
This dish is typically served at gatherings and is made with mutton, split peas, tomato paste, onions, and saffron. Dried lime is added to the stew for a slightly tangy flavor and a delightful aroma. 🔴Ingredient: 300 gr Lamb 200 gr Split Peas 3 Onions 5 Ta
八零彪子:喜歡甜食的,特別推薦#農村生活 #lifestyle #food
大家好,我是八零彪子,中國東北黑龍江的壹個八零後青年,在這裏帶妳體驗最真實的80年代中國東北農村的生活,尋味過去的時光,懷念舊時的美好! 70 80兒時的回憶,壹去不複返,但鄉愁壹定會被記憶和傳承! 如果妳也在這裏找到了妳兒時的記憶,歡迎多多訂閱! Hello, I am eighty Biaozi, China's northeast Heilongjiang, a young man after eighty, here to take you to experience the most real l
New Funny and Fail Videos 😂 😺😍 Part 268 #funny #funnyshorts #hilarious
Funny moments from rural life Interpret the ups and downs of life with true feelings Life is a slow journey, be grateful for your company Treat everyone sincerely❤️ If my video makes you laugh Remember to subscribe to me https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy
Hello! Hello everyone! Here are the island farmers brothers and sisters! will combine the skills learned in the city with rural traditional crafts Show you rural life, culture and food Hope you all like us 😁 Looking forward to your subscription 🔔 https://b
Hello! Hello everyone! Here are the island farmers brothers and sisters! will combine the skills learned in the city with rural traditional crafts Show you rural life, culture and food Hope you all like us 😁 Looking forward to your subscription 🔔 https://b
Traditional nomadic transformation: demolishing the old kitchen to create a beautiful gazebo from
Dive into 'Transforming Traditions,' a documentary that unfolds the captivating journey of a nomadic family as they undertake the ambitious project of transforming their old kitchen into a stunning gazebo within their yard. This narrative delves into the e
新的一年祝福大家龍年行隆運,萬事皆如意! #婆媳 #農村 #農村生活
“請注意,本影片是一部原創拍攝的短劇,完全符合YouTube社群準則。” "我們將確保影片內容不涉及任何動物虐待行為,所有食材的取得都符合道德和法律規定。" YouTube 的朋友們大家好,我是貞貞的英雄 四季交替 生活有苦澀,但也有禮物🥰 我是一個普通的南方姑娘👩 每天都會給大家帶來農村的日常✨ 喜歡的話別忘了關注我哦~💖 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucjq8l81wQfgYvpltqmPRw?sub_confirmation=1 #農村#婆媳#農村生活