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サウンドストリートのデモテープ特集に応募 したかったと今更ながら思う曲 1992
その昔、NHKサウンドストリートの 坂本教授のデモテープ特集に応募して 番組内で坂本龍一さんに紹介されて 「えーっと、この方は?IZM子ちゃん(いずむこちゃん?)...って 読むんですかね?こんばんは。 坂本教授へ挑戦!ってなんて書いてありますけど 戦いですか。戦うんですかw いやだなぁ怖いなぁ。 まっいいかw とりあえず聴いてみましょう。 ~曲スタート~ これは何拍子ですか。 3拍子...かな?3拍子ですね。 これは?ベースのパターンを転調...? して...ってるんですね。ふーん。 上に乗っかってるメロ
Unicorn Overlord: Permadeath Mode, and is the Switch Actually the Best SRPG Platform now? (Hype 2/2)
I think the way this difficulty mode was leaked to work seems perfect for the format at play here. The perfect mix of encapsulating the potential difficulty and drama of random permadeath, but keeping the forgiveness that makes it worthwhile. I think this
The Leo King New Moon in Aquarius February 9 2024 Astrology/Tarot Horoscope All Signs Collective
PURCHASE https://www.highvibe.tv/checkout/new?o=165583 2024 Year Sun Sign Horoscope Exclusive David Palmer, "The Leo King," is not just an astrologer; he is a visionary in the field. His achievements speak volumes: One of the main Pioneers to integrate ast
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shapes name, circle, triangle, star, square, Pentagon, drawing, drawing for kids, kids shapes, 123 Your Query shapes drawing learning kids name of shapes name of the shapes drawing kids shapes 10 shapes achha drawing circle class 10 kids education shapes s
Sea of Stars Review : A Spellbinding Masterpiece
8 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
Sea of Stars is a retro-styled RPG created by Sabotage Studios. It's available on Steam, Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series X! My more in-depth written review - https://www.the-end-of-time.com/general-6
▶️Suscríbete, así nos ayudas ;) https://goo.gl/aj16pZ Uno de los momentos más esperados que los jugadores tenían en su calendario para este 2023 es el lanzamiento de FINAL FANTASY XVI, y el videojuego de Square Enix ya está entre nosotros. Con múltiples re
Asaltan a Bob Lee, creador de Cash App y exdirector tecnológico de Square, que ha fallecido
Asaltan a Bob Lee, creador de Cash App y exdirector tecnológico de Square, que ha fallecido #boblee #cashapp #square #tecnologia #muerte #director #empresas #direccion #sanfrancisco #cuchillo #livenews #noticiasenespañol Si quieres entrar en la Academia de
Former Square tech executive stabbed and killed in San Francisco
The former chief technology officer at Square was reportedly stabbed and killed in San Francisco early Tuesday. Bob Lee, 43, of Mill Valley, was found wounded in the SOMA neighborhood and died at the hospital. Subscribe to KTVU's YouTube channel: https://w
Bay Area Tech Executive Killed in Stabbing
1 年前
 • 57 次觀看
Bay Area tech executive Bob Lee was killed in a stabbing in San Francisco, sources tell NBC Bay Area. Stay Connected: Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbcbayarea Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbcbayarea Follow us on Instagram: ht
Jogo está sendo ZOADO por isso e está ficando PREOCUPANTE! - Forspoken
Ta dificil a situação de Forspoken 👉 PROMOÇÕES de JOGOS/CONSOLES/TECNOLOGIA: 🔥 https://linktr.ee/promohades 🔥 ➤Email para contato PR: hadesplaysyt@gmail.com ➤ APOIE O CANAL: Apoia se: https://apoia.se/hadesplays Doação: https:
"People Get Ready (Jeff Beck Cover/Tribute) & Say Goodbye" Billy Joel@New York 1/13/23
People Get Ready (Jeff Beck Cover/Tribute) & Say Goodbye to Hollywood, Billy Joel, Madison Square Garden, New York, January 13th, 2022; MSG Residency; 87th Monthly Show at Madison Square Garden in Residency run (132nd overall at the Garden)
【聖誕特集】五對情侶交換拍檔!GLENXI陷入感情危機?! | CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 🎅【ENG SUBS】
Merry Christmas!🎅 喜歡看這一系列的話 記得訂閲起來啦 ▶加入怪咖會員 - https://www.youtube.com/outcastssg/join ▶怪咖官方 Instagram: https://bit.ly/3r3xFg9 Facebook: https://bit.ly/3rKl7ZW TikTok: https://bit.ly/3r12QbT Telegram: https://bit.ly/3T8hF7
12/15《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》五大勢力SSR 人物全攻略 平民人物 陣型搭配
https://fam.garena.tw/ 鋼之煉金術師 MOBILE 人物攻略與搭配陣型玩法 希望能夠讓玩家快速的了解遊戲 這次的遊戲中 共有五大勢力 彼方者 暗影 自由 變革 秩序 若陣容中的 4 位角色皆為同一勢力 將會有不同的增益效果 在戰場上同陣營角色出戰 不只會有陣營數值加成 貼近的角色
12/15《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》新手功略介紹+首抽攻略+轉蛋實測
https://fam.garena.tw/ 《鋼之鍊金術師 MOBILE》 新手攻略 希望能夠讓玩家快速了解遊戲 遊戲是以戰略 RPG 為核心玩法 玩家必須決定角色站位、技能出招 配合精細的 3D 模組 讓戰鬥畫面相當具有爆發力 ㄧ開始先說到首抽 劇情與戰鬥對話皆可跳過 進度必須跑到主線劇情 2-4 後
I promise she knows the difference between a circle and a square😅 #shorts
#shorts I promise she knows the difference between a circle and a square😅 Welcome to the CHAMILY!!! And don’t forget to subscribe!!!
Lea Michele and cast of 'Funny Girl' perform ‘Don’t Rain on My Parade’ l GMA
Michele and the cast of the hit Broadway show perform the fan-favorite from the musical live on "GMA." SUBSCRIBE to GMA's YouTube page: https://bit.ly/2Zq0dU5 SIGN UP to get the daily GMA Wake-Up Newsletter: https://gma.abc/2Vzcd5j VISIT GMA'
I am very excited for Xenoblade 3
1 年前
 • 168 次觀看
LITERALLY ONE MORE MONTH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT Enjoy my reaction to the xenoblade 3 Nintendo Direct! I wasn't sure if I should post it, but I think the video came out okay! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🗝 https://www.twitch.tv/SarahKey http://instagr
ZACK | FF7 25th stream reactions (reunion / rebirth)
ZACK (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 🗝 https://www.twitch.tv/SarahKey http://instagram.com/thesarahkey https://twitter.com/thesarahkey Merch: https://www.designbyhumans.com/shop/SarahKey/ Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/sarahkey Outro music: https://youtu
◤ TOP 10 全球上市公司比特幣持倉排行 ​ ◢​ 據 @BTCtreasuries 最新數據顯示,目前全球共 40 家上市公司持有超過 ​23 萬枚比特幣:
◤ TOP 10 全球上市公司比特幣持倉排行 ​ ◢​據 @BTCtreasuries 最新數據顯示,目前全球共 40 家上市公司持有超過 ​23 萬枚比特幣: #MicroStrategy #Tesla #MarathonDigitalHoldings​#Square #Hut8MiningCorp pic.twitter.com/jt1l0xxbWV— 動區動趨 BlockTempo (@B