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粤語@ 戀事法庭 | 感情問題一律吾正經嘅搞笑節目
粤語@ 戀事法庭 | 感情問題一律吾正經嘅搞笑節目 呢個世界有好多感情問題,但正所謂清官難審感情事, 究竟呢啲案件應該可以點處理 !? 我絞盡腦汁去研究終於發現,呢個世界除咗清官仲有好多狗官 , 佢哋捩橫折曲嘅態度正正合適用嚟處理感情問題。 所以呢個節目由我哋搞笑生物 [富村龍] 飾演狗公中長官同 [Da.E.ma 嘅妹妹 諾亞 ] 飾演娘娘裁判官,連同一班陪審團去主持戀事法庭同觀眾一齊去關人戀事,不定期約定你地開庭!!! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lo
我知你心 | 帮你收获幸福感情
3 天前
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我知你心 | 帮你收获幸福感情 为你私人订制情感方案 +V:xiaoziqin520小姿介绍:欢迎订阅专辑,每周定时更新,不定期粉丝福利发放主讲人小姿,解决过千万人情感问题的专业情感主播,用双商改变命运,让爱情一直保鲜著有心灵疗愈情感畅销书《你值得被理解》恋爱成长学会 专家合伙人找到小姿/向小姿提问/诉说心事/领《你值得被理解》电子书福利,加: xiaoziqin520 (肖姿琴的全拼 +数字520) 小姿老师回馈粉丝的福利不定期赠送中....主播详细介绍 国家二级心理咨询师(国家职业资格二级)婚姻家庭咨询
3 週前
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海を見ていたやまねこ 地方に住むアラフィフと、アラフォーのゲイ2人がただただしゃべる番組です。全部聞いてなくてもいいので、お便りお待ちしています~! Googleフォーム https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScto1FHCoCAXGsUuoAVbLLzngIW9BcD7cbSuubwtEgaQUp62Q/viewform?usp=sf_link メール umiwomiteitayamaneko@gmail.com X https://twitter.com/u
Big Mood, Little Mood with Daniel M. Lavery
1 個月前
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Big Mood, Little Mood with Daniel M. Lavery Every week, Danny M. Lavery brings on a guest to answer questions from listeners before diving into conversation about relationships, dissatisfaction, drives, regrets, estrangement, embarrassment, self-assessment
1 個月前
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桃色風暴✨🍑 一群人討論兩性之間關於性和慾望的話題🈲,提倡及提廣健康性知識💓,不受拘束的自由分享自己對於性方面的想法和心得,探討人與人之間的交流。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.instagram.com/peachy.strom_?igsh=MXUxeXVweG1qcnEwag%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 🍑ep1|敢大膽嘗試刺激嗎❓最🦐愛愛經驗無碼直出大分享 原來大家都有這麼🦐的過去 現在的人居然都這麼大膽❗️
Shameless Sex
1 個月前
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Shameless Sex Amy is a Sex and Relationship Coach and Sex Educator with a passion for promoting unabashed, pleasure-focused sexuality education. April is a motivational speaker, sex toy mogul, as well as one of the leading women in the sex-toy industry. Ap
1 個月前
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THE BODY IS A TEMPLE "The Body is a Temple" Podcast was born from my profound passion for inspiring everyone to live holistically and healthily. I aim to share wisdom and motivation on extending your lifespan and health span in all aspects of life: physica
Husband Material
1 個月前
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Husband Material So you want to outgrow porn. But how? How do you change your brain, heal your heart, and save your relationship? Welcome to Husband Material with Drew Boa, where we answer all these questions and more! Each episode will make it easier for
1 個月前
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大人不在家 此節目為成人聊天內容 主以生活日常 偶有腥羶色內容(心臟不強者請斟酌聆聽) 如果喜歡我的頻道歡迎留言給我並追蹤我的IG 節目IG: https://www.instagram.com/no_grown_athome_/ 鼓鼓IG: https://www.instagram.com/drunm_junior/ KEVIN IG: https://www.instagram.com/_kevin_fitness.lairs_/ 抖內專區: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcas
True Cheating Stories 2024 - Best of Reddit NSFW Cheating Stories 2024 - r/cheating_stories
True Cheating Stories 2024 - Best of Reddit NSFW Cheating Stories 2024 - r/cheating_stories True Cheating Stories 2024 - Best of Reddit NSFW Cheating Stories 2024 - r/cheating_stories True Cheating Stories 2024 - Best of Reddit Stories 2024 I cheated on my
TOKYO FM スペシャルプログラム 国際女性デー HAPPY WOMAN RADIO
TOKYO FM スペシャルプログラム 国際女性デー HAPPY WOMAN RADIO 3月8日は1975年に国連によって制定された記念日『国際女性デー』。 女性の生き方を考える日。 特別番組『HAPPY WOMAN RADIO』は、女性の活躍が社会の活性化につながる! つまり、女性のHAPPYが社会のHAPPYになる! 『国際女性デー』の本質である“女性の生き方”について様々な角度から考えてい くスペシャルプログラム。 https://audee.jp/program/show/300004873 您的
It's My Pleasure
2 個月前
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It's My Pleasure "It's My Pleasure", hosted by Danielle Savory, challenges the status quo, urging women to explore a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of their lives—PLEASURE. Join this fun and informative podcast with candid conversations and real life
Sex On The Peach
2 個月前
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Sex On The Peach Educational, open, honest conversations about all sex related topics. A judgement/shame free zone to remove the taboos from talking about sex and encourage people to live their best sexual lives. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2042722 您的瀏覽器不支援
ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show
2 個月前
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ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show Is your marriage everything that you want it to be? Are you ready to make a change? Join Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo to create a strong marriage so you can have mind blowing intimacy inside and outside the bedroom. Marriage is
The Game EXPOSED: Narcissistic Abuse
2 個月前
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The Game EXPOSED: Narcissistic Abuse Yaz gives you the Juice on Relationship & Dating Advice. Toxic relationships, the narcissist and red flags. A place to listen about narcissists, dating advice, cheating, and relationships gone wrong. Real life issues an
3 個月前
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现代性爱故事 现代性爱故事是一档讲述现代真实性和爱故事的播客。本播客旨在分享故事,没有鼓励和批评任何行为的观点。 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/uewfoslp 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP16. 中年人的夫妻交换故事 环球巴士——一个全球优质互联网服务一站式合租平台 国内链接:https://bit.ly/luz57 国外链接:https://bit.ly/luz31 优惠码:Luz666 我的新频道:https://www.youtube.com/cha
Foreplay Radio – Couples and Sex Therapy
3 個月前
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Foreplay Radio – Couples and Sex Therapy Sex podcast to help committed couples keep it hot! Find hope to keep your marriage and committed relationships emotionally connected and sexually erotic. Certified sex therapist Dr. Laurie Watson is joined by global
3 個月前
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バイエルンから愛を込めて 2023年4月にスタートした本格的性教育番組「バイエルンから愛を込めて〜私たちの眠れない夜に〜」 FM FUJI 日曜夜7時30分〜 ポッドキャスト版です。 DJの IMALUさん、オーガナイザーに北原みのり、性に関してまっすぐ、楽しく考えていく番組です。スポンサーのWOMANIZERはドイツで生まれた女性向けプレジャーグッズブランド。プレジャーグッズブランドがスポンサーとなるFM番組としても画期的な試みの番組です。 https://podcasters.spotify.com/p