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㊗️7号ソロホームラン~バット一振りで大ブーイングを大声援に変える!~大谷カメラ~【大谷翔平選手】Shohei Ohtani 7th HR vs Blue Jays 2024
㊗7号ソロホームランを打つ大谷翔平選手(打者のみの映像)。敵地の大ブーイングをバット一振りで大声援に変えてしまう衝撃の一打。 対トロント・ブルージェイズ~シリーズ初戦~ 2番DHで出場の大谷翔平選手。4.26.2024 @shinsukehandyman #大谷翔平 #ホームラン #ドジャース
試合直前ダグアウト~もはや「にらめっこ」じゃなくなってる笑~【大谷翔平選手】~シリーズ初戦~Shohei Ohtani vs Blue Jays 2024
試合直前ダグアウトで、もはや山本由伸投手と「にらめっこ」ではなくて「眼飛ばし」に見えるに! 対トロント・ブルージェイズ~シリーズ初戦~ 2番DHで出場の大谷翔平選手。4.26.2024 @shinsukehandyman #大谷翔平 #ドジャース #山本由伸
ちびっこにバッテインググローブをプレゼント!【大谷翔平選手】~シリーズ初戦~Shohei Ohtani vs Blue Jays 2024
試合中に応援しに来たちびっこにバッテインググローブをプレゼントする大谷翔平選手。 対トロント・ブルージェイズ~シリーズ初戦~ 2番DHで出場の大谷翔平選手。4.26.2024 @shinsukehandyman #大谷翔平 #ドジャース #shoheiohtani
Hockey fans score a win with Canadian playoff weather this weekend #NHL #shorts #canada #weather
Hockey fans from coast to coast are hoping that one of the four Canadian teams skating into this season’s playoffs will bring the trophy north of the border for the first time in more than 30 years. Here’s a look at what fans can expect as they head out an
Raptors' Jontay Porter banned from NBA over betting on games
Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter has been banned for life from the NBA after a league probe found he disclosed confidential information to sports bettors and wagered on games, even betting on the Raptors to lose. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more
Toronto Raptors’ Jontay Porter gets lifetime ban from NBA
The NBA announced on Wednesday that former Toronto Raptors backup centre Jontay Porter has been banned from the league for life, after the NBA completed its investigation into gambling allegations against Porter. The league found that Porter violated its r
BREAKING: Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter banned from NBA
Toronto Raptors player Jontay Porter has been handed a lifetime ban from The National Basketball Association (NBA) following an investigation which found he disclosed confidential information to sports bettors, the league says. The investigation also found
A 459 foot PLAKATA 💥
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Watch Jays Games Live 🇨🇦 https://sportsnetplus.ca #MLB #Baseball #shorts #MLBshorts #BaseballShorts #Jays #BlueJays #TorontoBlueJays
Finishing is Everything - The Development Diaries
✅ Check out my website at www.darrenvoros.com To bring you up to speed on where this project is right now, we are in the final stages and really it's all about finishing. We've completed our framing, we've done all of our rough inspections for plumbing, HV
Chronicles of a Developer - The Development Diaries
✅ Check out my website at www.darrenvoros.com The Development Diaries is really a chronicle of everything that I do on a daily basis as a developer. There are so many times when I think, we should have the cameras here, we should be capturing this moment.
Airbnb愛彼迎喺4月30號開始全球禁止房東做呢樣嘢 美麻疹增加,加州孩童確診緊急追蹤300人 新冠疫情搞到全球壽命短咗1.6年 英國威爾斯山丘現神秘金屬碑 忽然消失 日本床蝨橫行 網設「蟲患飯店地圖」 海地總理亨利宣布請辭 溫哥華島海域預測將有熱岩漿噴發 2024年加拿大最低工資漲到每小時17.30加元 加拿大中國遊客暴跌 旅遊業盼復甦 特魯多推開放銀行 業界望風生水 多倫多麥當勞現萌浣熊 網民:快俾薯條佢! ---------------- 🔥「奇聞趣事」 https://youtube.com/pl
A look inside Peterborough's transitional housing program
Municipalities across Ontario are working to find solutions to the homelessness crisis. CBC’s Lorenda Reddekopp went to Peterborough to learn more about its transitional housing program, where city staff have turned a former parking lot into space to house
亞洲首富婚宴變時尚秀!媽媽閃過新人光 美國航班跑道衝出 乘客機組全安 海地激戰!總理流亡 暴力危機加劇 南韓漁船傾覆 南印船員命運未卜 美男食生培根 患腦絛蟲病 美國五角大廈:未發現外星人蹤影 利率升 卑詩省安省拖欠抵押貸款激增 列治文查獲非法藥物 或危害健康 溫哥華送餐員偷奶茶店小費杯被拍到 加拿大華社遭指秘密警局 提控皇家騎警 ---------------- 🔥「奇聞趣事」 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJf1w-Ob92ijTAIojpO1MmayXUTDT
Why I Get Prepared Meals Delivered To My Door
1 個月前
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✅ Check out my website at www.darrenvoros.com Why I Get Prepared Meals Delivered To My Door? I've given up on grocery shopping and now have all of my meals delivered fully prepared straight to my doorstep. Why? Number one: Time Saving. No more grocery shop
Apple has been hit with a nearly $2 billion dollar fine by the European Union
The E.U. says the tech giant prioritized its own music streaming service over others. Rival app Spotify had complained Apple put it at a disadvantage by not letting it tell iphone customers about subscription deals. This is the first-ever penalty against a
新春過後打工仔想做乜打工仔 患罕見脊椎炎 久坐不適?4種人勿亂整骨 年輕人打籃球突中風 原因出人意表
新春過後打工仔想做乜打工仔 患罕見脊椎炎 久坐不適?4種人勿亂整骨 年輕人打籃球突中風 原因出人意表 ---------------- 🔥「奇聞趣事」 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJf1w-Ob92ijTAIojpO1MmayXUTDTzMmm 🔥「健康生活小百科」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S36ICVnylhQ&list=PLJf1w-Ob92igaHnKPYS9Kh8r8EyfM32zb 🔥「疫苗資訊」 https://
火鍋熱量大揭秘洋蔥切後等幾耐進食才健康 飯後幾耐先好飲茶 避免腸胃傷
火鍋熱量大揭秘 洋蔥切後等幾耐進食才健康 飯後幾耐先好飲茶 避免腸胃傷 ---------------- 🔥「奇聞趣事」 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJf1w-Ob92ijTAIojpO1MmayXUTDTzMmm 🔥「健康生活小百科」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S36ICVnylhQ&list=PLJf1w-Ob92igaHnKPYS9Kh8r8EyfM32zb 🔥「疫苗資訊」 https://www.youtube.com
留意8大癌症警訊勿輕視背痛 別亂清耳朵!醫生TikTok揭真相 ---------------- 🔥「奇聞趣事」 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJf1w-Ob92ijTAIojpO1MmayXUTDTzMmm 🔥「健康生活小百科」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S36ICVnylhQ&list=PLJf1w-Ob92igaHnKPYS9Kh8r8EyfM32zb 🔥「疫苗資訊」 https://www.youtube.com/wat