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EPIC Easter Eggs in DESPICABLE ME 4 Trailer... #shorts
In the first trailer, check out the scene where Lucy and the girls are dashing through the supermarket. Take a close look at the shopping cart—it's labeled Mayflower Market, just like the name of the city the family moved to. Now, about that market symbol—
Mind-Blowing Details in DESPICABLE ME 4 Trailer... #shorts
Check out these cool details we spotted in the Despicable Me 4 trailer that'll blow your mind! Bob, one of the minions, is dressed up as a tennis ref, hinting at Gru and his family's new classy vibe. And it totally fits with that scene where Gru and Lucy a
Villain's IRONY in DESPICABLE ME 4 Trailer... #shorts
Get ready for some mind-blowing details from the Despicable Me 4 trailer! When the movie's villain, Maxime Le Mal, is introduced, pay attention to the green van parked nearby. If you pause the scene, you'll see it's a pest control vehicle, complete with co
Despicable Me 4 is Utterly DISAPPOINTING... #shorts
2 個月前
 • 10 次觀看
Just checked out the new Despicable Me 4 trailer, and I gotta say, I've got some reservations about how this movie might turn out. My main worry? The introduction of Gru Jr., While he seems fine in the trailer, I can't shake the feeling that he's just a me
Events that took place before the movie's incident. Story of the bonus novel.【GUNDAM SEED FREEDOM】
☆Promotional videos released in Japan can be found here. https://youtu.be/JLPZ9uzyas0?si=iw9F_KxM-B9nvdri Nice to meet you, everyone! My name is Maki! I've come all the way from Japan to share with you the greatness of Gundam. I apologize in advance if my
É MENINO OU MENINA? | Chá revelação da Ju Ferreira e Gabriel
🔔 Um pouco de como foi o chá revelação deixa o like e comenta! 🔔 SE INSCREVE! 🔔 * CANAL DE JOGOS: / @AgnesMeloLives * Meu Insta: @agnesmelo_oficial https://www.instagram.com/agnesmelo_oficial * Todos os meus links: https://linktr.ee/agnesmelo_oficial * Ins
Mass 11/08/2023 @ 12:10pm: Ordinary (31) Wednesday
5 個月前
 • 17 次觀看
To help support Saint Agnes through online giving via Zelle, Venmo or WeShare please visit: https://stagneschurchnyc.org/online-giving Thank You for your greatly needed support! We Livestream: the 12:10 PM Mass on Weekdays the 12:10 PM Mass & Rosary on Sat
一秒升兩CUP ? 🚨夏日超害羞\(//∇//)\ 🔥火辣泳衣穿搭開箱!💗爆乳比基尼邪惡綁法+長腿泳褲!【男生勿進】AIR SPACE BIKINI UNBOXING + TRY ON OUTFITS
小 影 BabyShadow ™️ | UNBOXING ☾ 𝙁𝙊𝙇𝙇𝙊𝙒 𝙈𝙀 - | Facebook | http://bit.ly/babyswfb | Instagram | http://bit.ly/babyswig ☾ 𝙈𝙔 𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙏𝙎 - | Foodie IG | @NANODIARY | Illustration IG | @diary.illustration | Home IG | @diary.home ✦ 𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 BabyShadoww@gmail.com // 𝙈𝙔
突發⁉️小麻又走佬離開香港?快閃日本🇯🇵 一到關西機場即掃便利店美食|【3周年呈獻:2023日本旅遊VLOG EP0】
別人經常說一個YouTube青奴 最緊要是初心! 小麻的初心是甚麼呢?唔肯定。可能是麵包、可能係Marusan...啊!答案係錯的... 小麻うまる malojam的初心是日本!三周年布大家找回初心! 謝謝! // 精彩重溫【在日本の麻系列】⛩ ►► 【鐵膠小麻】JR pass系列🚄#1 去日本應該買JR pass?🤔日本交通費咁貴 有冇慳到錢?💸 https://youtu.be/ta54c8z5oE4 ►► 跟我一個人去日本 | Japan Cinematic Vlog | 大阪 京都 岡山 鳥取 廣島
【由獨遊日本到獨遊歐洲🚞】為何你也要嘗試獨遊?一個女仔去旅行絕不危險!!!Solo Trip的3大樂趣!!!!獨自食飯也不尷尬!!!!|小麻子獨遊世界vlog系列正式開始!!
呢幾個月不斷獨遊、獨遊、獨遊.....但一啲悶嘅感覺都無!很爽! 喜歡獨遊的你,相信也會身同感受 未試過獨遊的你,睇完呢段片,仲唔去買機票?????!順便慳個錢XD 如果想live住睇小麻子的exchange+歐遊生活 記得科勞@malo.jam!多謝! // 小麻子的攝影器材📷 Camera: Son
在倫敦尋找香港美食🍞好貴的菠蘿油、凍檸茶、叉雞燒鴨燒味飯、流沙奶黃包、咖喱魚蛋豬皮、台式珍珠奶茶|懷念港式茶餐廳的日子|英國的香港美食家vlog EP1 x 小麻獨自在英國的Exchange生活🇬🇧
倫敦特輯繼續食食!又開個新系列🥐🥐🥐(雖然可能得一集...) 話說就係嚟咗英國一段時間。。。。成日都homesick發作 好掛住香港美食😿所以就發生了呢條片.... 如果想live住睇小麻子的exchange+歐遊生活 記得科勞@malo.jam!多謝! // 小麻子的攝影器材📷 Camera: Sony ZV
又到12月了🎄倫敦周圍都好有聖誕氣氛!!Lonely Christmas都唔驚😁😁😁但Poor Christmas就驚🥲因為啲嘢食真係好貴! 【🇬🇧倫敦聖誕景點/燈飾/樂園巡禮】 1. Winter Wonderland 冬季嘉年華 2. Ice Rink 溜冰場 (好多好多e.g Somerset House, Tower of London, Natu
Black Friday開箱vlog/零失敗煲蕃茄魚湯🍅偽減肥餐(爆漿水牛芝士沙律)/新買的夾髮器、SanDiskSSD、Hollister戰利品Haul|英國大學宿舍的exchange生活
琴日就係英國的Black Friday!!🖤嚟個黑色星期五嘅A Day With Me啦! 身為一個洗錢大C(aka ex慳錢大C)當然買咗嘢!!(其實算少未叫購物狂未到破產地步🥴) 8月的歐遊vlog暫告一段落。。。。呢個禮拜睇返啲近代歷史嘢? 同大家交代下我最近的exchange生活🤪同埋喺意大利返
倫敦市集繼續食食食..食足成個禮拜又要離開英國了💺/波羅市集Borough Market食生蠔、狂掃Portobello Market、滿分越南河粉 |vlog【歐遊小麻糬(英國篇) EP2】
今集....繼續食! 其實嚟到倫敦唔係旅行 係HEA HEA HEA 食食食 同 學越南話(尷.sticker) 下一站去邊呢???返香港??? (留意片尾預告,得閒可以睇埋肥麻子特輯先,88) 餐廳資料(不能盡錄但盡量錄) 1. Borough Market - Richard Haward's Oysters: 生蠔 2. Gelateria
【玩命訪問】🚨女同性戀者性交過程大公開!連主持人也招架不住🔪? - 爆料事務所🔥 (女同性戀篇👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻)
與女同性戀者進行超赤裸訪問,大爆女同性戀者性交過程及做人辛酸!? 每個人心入面都一定有啲好八掛嘅問題想問,但有啲問題又問唔出口💀! 今集Cotton決定跟女同性戀者進行超赤裸訪問🔞!!! 大膽問到女同性戀者點樣進行性交過程,仲分享呢個身份嘅搞笑同辛酸經歷😝 拍攝途
【玩命旅程】🚨網紅渣男強迫女友從懸崖跳下,女友的反應會如何🔪? - 與妹妹の夏日渡假VLOG☀️!EP01(只此一集!)
Cotton係渣男就係人都知!但渣到推女朋友落懸崖又見過未? 今集Cotton決定帶超級畏高嘅女友挑戰高空戶外活動😍! 測試一下女友嘅容忍程度去到邊💀! 包括從30樓高空嘅懸崖跳落地面,徒手爬上崖壁,仲有學泰山咁用繩飛行🐒! 拍攝途中,女友因為不滿男友嘅安排而狠罵分手🚨
在迪士尼挑戰不可能任務🔥被逼裸跑..激到經理人辭職!?😱【本年度我最喜愛影片🤍】 #迪士尼 #不可能任務 #煙花 半個異鄉人系列: 【半個異鄉人EP1🔥】 南非政治難民變中文大學金融才俊!?🎓在港被歧視如何處理?-HOME KONGER EPISODE 1💁🏽‍♂️🔥(English Subt
大學住hall遇上「大仙」應如何自處? |【美國隊長搞笑配音猛片】
呢段用晒3集美國隊長!正! 不過開始之前等麻老師同大家介紹幾個大學術語先! 「大仙」:大過你嘅人/類似老屎忽(取自「Senior」嘅諧音) 「Freshman」:新入學嘅Year 1大學生 「Hall O」:Hall 迎新活動(取自英文「Orientation」) 「MO」: (即Mass Orientation) 由大仙
The Complete Despicable Me Timeline 2 | Channel Frederator #shorts
The Complete Despicable Me Timeline 2 | Channel Frederator #shorts Be Sure To Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/channelfrederator?sub_confirmation=1 It all starts with whatever the opposite of ibuprofen tablets are, The Minions, who jump around t