
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
Nikola Tesla: “Vibrations Create Reality” - The Power of GOD
Explore the secrets of the universe with "Vibrational Realities: Unlocking Universal Mysteries"! Join us as we delve into how every whisper, thought, and heartbeat can alter reality itself through the profound science of energy, frequency, and vibration. I
Reiki Meditation Music for Positive Energy, Raise Your Vibration
Elevate your vibrations to refresh your mind and body's energy with this renewing music track. Receive your FREE resources here: https://jasonstephenson.net/lp/free-resources/ #reikimusic #forsleep #relaxandrejuvenate Reiki Meditation Music to Regulate You
年に一度のスーパームーン✨さらに2度目の満月『ブルームーン』 23年8月31日に撮影しておりますが 今回の満月が2度目🌕 そんな特別な日のエネルギーを動画に封入し、 いつでもそのエネルギーに触れる事ができるようにと、撮影をいたしました。 瞑想やリラックスタイムなどにおすすめです☺️ 〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜 🌺タイムスタンプ🌺 0:00 オープニングトーク 2:25 体調などへの影響 5:15 エネルギー封入 22:42 私物「月の石」のご紹介 〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎〜〜〜✳︎
Chakra Balancing, Full Body Energy Cleanse, Aura Cleanse, Full Body Healing & Boost Positive Energy
Chakra Balancing, Full Body Energy Cleanse, Aura Cleanse, Full Body Healing & Boost Positive Energy https://youtu.be/99h-_NwB3Wg This is 11 hours deep meditation music to boost your aura. This music helps you to enhance positive energy inside your mind and
🔴梅毒 リラックスと癒しの音楽〓Syphilis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.
このチャンネルのメンバーになって特典にアクセスしてください: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1MFNLgRDq2SBx8Bg51xnQ/join ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🔴当チャンネルの動画を公式ページで1ページにまとめたリストを作りました。ぜひご覧下さい。We have made a list of all the videos from our channel on one page on our official page. Ple
🔴梅毒 リラックスと癒しの音楽〓Syphilis. Relax & Healing music with Dr. Rife.
このチャンネルのメンバーになって特典にアクセスしてください: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY1MFNLgRDq2SBx8Bg51xnQ/join ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🔴当チャンネルの動画を公式ページで1ページにまとめたリストを作りました。ぜひご覧下さい。We have made a list of all the videos from our channel on one page on our official page. Ple
大家好,到了週末「思緒飛揚」時間了!🌹🌹🍵 近期中國考古發現,5000年前的顱骨頂上居然開了個大圓孔。專家推測可能是上古顱腦外科留下的痕跡。這個推論相當挑戰現代的人類認知, 5000年前石器時代的人怎麼可能有現代化的工具做這種手術呢?但是,更令人吃驚的是,在全球各地都發現了這種頭頂開洞的顱骨。尤其是俄羅斯科學家的推測更讓人驚掉下巴。但是上古修煉文化也許能回答這種開洞現象。還不止頭頂,三星堆的青銅面具還有眉間開洞的神秘特徵,這個洞又是幹什麼用的呢? 請點擊加入會員頻道: https://www.youtube
睡眠放鬆,Relaxing Sleep Music,Meditation,冥想音樂,198-1,12分25秒,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓,睡眠,喜悅
#睡眠放鬆,#Relaxing Sleep Music,#Meditation,冥想音樂,198-1,12分25秒,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓,睡眠,喜悅 天空哥,目的為創造更多,身心靈,相關資訊影片,協助忙忙碌碌的現代人們在休閒之餘也能體察自我找回人生的,身心靈,健康: 訂閱「天空哥」的頻道: https://www.yout
Meditation,冥想音樂,196-4,85分39秒,Relaxing Sleep Music,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓
#Meditation,#冥想音樂,196-4,85分39秒,#Relaxing Sleep Music,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓 天空哥,目的為創造更多,身心靈,相關資訊影片,協助忙忙碌碌的現代人們在休閒之餘也能體察自我找回人生的,身心靈,健康: 訂閱「天空哥」的頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa
Meditation,冥想音樂,196-3,57分06秒,Relaxing Sleep Music,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓
#Meditation,#冥想音樂,196-3,57分06秒,#Relaxing Sleep Music,Stress Relief,放鬆,減壓 天空哥,目的為創造更多,身心靈,相關資訊影片,協助忙忙碌碌的現代人們在休閒之餘也能體察自我找回人生的,身心靈,健康: 訂閱「天空哥」的頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa
日本愛染明王的靈言愛染明王真言潛意識音樂639 Hertz music聽的人會引發真正的奇蹟請對愛染明王表達感謝 愛情實現,願望實現,好運,金錢運氣和工作運氣就會上升!縁結び・良縁・結婚運
記得訂閱(開啟小鈴鐺)+點讚+分享唷~~ 請務必用上妳的聽音設備(耳機或音箱),只有好的聽音設備,才能還原音樂真相! 聲音與振動頻率療愈 “這是壹個無法否認的現實,未來的療愈科學將會是屬於振動頻率式的,聲音將成為主要被認可的壹部分,屆時妳、我以及這個多元學科的世界
Oracle Card Reading December 2020 ✨オラクルカードリーディング 12月〜 受け取る準備を整える、ギフトを受け取り、アセンションのためのヒーリング&リリースの期
光のあなたへ✨ いつも感謝しています。 いよいよ2020年もあと残る数週間となりました。 相変わらず周りのイリュージョンの世界では私たちをトリガーしようとするエネルギー(トリック、ニュース、セパレーションなど)が働いているようですが、光がぐんぐんと勢いを増し、ダー
★30mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing : Crown Chakra (for Brain Health)
★30mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Crown Chakra (for Brain Health, Spirituality & Divine Wisdom) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back
★40mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Heart Chakra(for LOVE&Compassion)
Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centuries. Hans de Back is an internationally renowned sound therapist who has been applying Tibetan singing bowls for healin
★30mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing:Throat Chakra (for Communication)
★30mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Throat Chakra (for Communication & Self Expression) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centu
★30mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Third-Eye Chakra (for Perception)
★30mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Third-Eye Chakra (for Intuition & Perception) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centuries.
★30mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing : Root Chakra(for Perseverance)
Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centuries. Hans de Back is an internationally renowned sound therapist who has been applying Tibetan singing bowls for healin
★40mins★Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Sacral Chakra (for Creativity)
★40mins★ Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music for Chakra Healing: Sacral Chakra (for Creativity, Sexuality & Passion) Tibetan singing bowls originate in the Himalayan region, and their use as a sound therapy instrument is believed to date back many centu