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小马街赶早市,炸酥肉,山楂雪球,烤饵块等美食让人目不暇接,感受小巷子里的烟火气 The food in the morning market is dizzying
大家好,我们是阿魚和阿倫 这是阿魚和阿倫的快乐生活频道 分享日常生活 赶集 美食 美景~🍭 谢谢你的关注 Please subscribe to the Channel on YouTube if you like my videos。 Turn on the little bell for notification and be the first one to watch my videos~ 00:00 预告 Preview 00:30 时蔬 Seasonal vegetables 03:25 烤饵块
【研舊所】土豆和馬鈴薯澱粉就能做成的透明水晶薯片,實在是好看又好吃!how else to eat potatoes?
土豆還能怎麼吃,把薯片做成透明水晶色,一口薯片一口肥宅快樂水!在放進嘴裡的那一刻, 就得到了純脆的快樂! How else to eat potatoes, make potato chips into a transparent crystal color, a mouthful of potato chips and a mouthful of fat house happy water! Pure crunchy pleasure the moment you pop it in your mouth
Trying UNIQUE Japanese Snacks! 妈妈试吃特别的日本零食, 快来一起开箱!
Miss Hippo is back to try some special Japanese snacks! Watch to find out which are the best snacks to buy when you’re in Japan! Miss Hippo 来到了日本试吃一些日本的零食, 快来一起零食开箱! 看哪一个最好吃! - Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/misshippo Tiktok: http://www.tiktok.com/@mi
【醫師Cooking】防治#糖尿病 #湯水 中老年保健適用 淮山豬胰湯|健脾益肺降血糖 乾淮山比鮮淮山好?6款淮山功效大比拼 一種集土地精華皇帝也吃!|附素食#食譜 |健康嗎Health Code
【醫師Cooking】詩博士煮意 相信大家對淮山都不陌生,它有補益脾胃和益肺養陰功效,可以調節胃腸功能。淮山有分乾品和新鮮,到底兩者有何分別,我們又應該如何挑選適合自己的淮山? 這集 #醫師Cooking 有中醫博士温愛詩介紹坊間常見的6種淮山,包括七支淮山、河南生曬淮山、鐵棍淮山,以及日本山藥等。它們的產地和口感都不同,適用於製作不同養生美食,當中更有一種是淮山之王,在古代是朝廷貢品之一,集合了土地精華,能夠補脾陰。 温愛詩博士更推介「淮山豬胰降糖湯」,能夠緩解糖尿病,同時是中老年和家庭適用湯水,每星期煲
元宵節雖不是情人節,但絕對起著情人節的作用!譬如《大明宮詞》裡薛紹驚艷回首,《仙劍三》紫嫣撞到的怦然心動!湯圓象徵著團圓、美好,粉粉的湯圓包裹著玫瑰桂花糖餡,恰如元宵節的浪漫! 我們喜歡漢服,喜歡傳統文化,喜歡分享可口的中華美食! 以中華美食復刻為基石,致力
全身长满刺的食材,可以当零食也可以拿来做菜|Chinese chestnut recipe|野小妹 wild girl
Watch all videos - playlist (请观看所有视频-播放列表): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK1YQIZHUXO4-40Kdhg6bGaseVyHFEMgv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 欢迎订阅! Welcome to
Aaj ka lunch ek Bengali's delicacy hei I Panch Mishali Tarkari I #shorts #priyadasdiaries
Full of nutritional value with lot of taste recipe is here🤤♥️ @PriyadasDiaries
조금 달콤해진 인어공주
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A Whole Pig's Head Fried in the Oven! A Real Delicacy For Meat Connoisseurs 🐷
How easy is it to surprise a gourmet? Right! Cook a whole pig's head in the oven. This is firstly a very satisfying dish, and secondly useful. Unique and exquisite taste! Please your loved ones or guests with this wonderful dish! My main channel: https:/
BBQ Coconut Chicken Recipe | Steam Chicken Legs Green Coconut With Hot Sauce Eating So Juicy.
Hello all my beloved visitors, I am ARS Cooking would love to show you my technique of cooking in my Country, Cambodia. If all of you want to see more new techniques for cooking food please subscribe to my channel. Please comment and LIKE my video and
Survival Rainforest Cookin | Steam Pork Belly Pickle Eating With Fresh Vegetable So Yummy-ARS Re
Hello all my beloved visitors, I am ARS Cooking would love to show you my technique of cooking in my Country, Cambodia. If all of you want to see more new techniques for cooking food please subscribe to my channel. Please comment and LIKE my video and
Manchurian Noodles Frankie eating challenge😍🔥 | Street food India #frankie #food #streetfood
Manchurian Noodles Frankie eating challenge😍🔥 | Street food India #frankie #food #streetfood Aaj ka humara Special Youtube Short Video hai Manchurian Noodles Frankie. So if you enjoyed watching our Manchurian Noodles Frankie then please do Like,
【二米炊烟】Chinese Cabbage & White Dish.雪天腌制的白菜和蘿蔔,可以吃到第2年春天
※ Please click "cc" to choose your subtitle language, which is on the "Settings" at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Every winter, my home pickles a variety of vegetables. White radishes and cabbage are the first choice after
【二米炊烟】Snacks for Chinese New Year! 做了一堆年貨小零食,桔子罐頭、柿餅、金橘蜜餞、柚子...
※ Please click "cc" to choose your subtitle language, which is on the "Settings" at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). When winter started, I went up the mountain with my friends to pick some persimmons. Thinking of hanging it
猛男炸廚房關智斌 陳家樂 Angus 香港版摘星廚神挑戰必食港式小菜「沙嗲雞丁炒公仔麵、焗豬扒飯、乾炒豬扒意粉」【三夫當關EP2 男神廚房】
第二集同你猛男炸廚房! 關智斌 陳家樂 楊天宇騷住肌煮嘢食,未食就先餵飽你眼球呀! 到底邊個最終可以勇奪三夫廚神之稱呢?首集嘉賓邀請到雙詩雅做評判,食到話要「彈鐘」添!記得Like & Share埋條片呀! 逢星期二晚八點上冤枉娛樂 YouTube channel追看,記得撳埋個訂閱掣同埋個鐘仔就唔會錯過! 三夫主題曲:《頭頂有角》 主唱:關智斌 Kenny Kwan #關智斌 #陳家樂 #楊天宇 #三夫當關 #美男廚房 #衛詩雅 #連詩雅 #沙嗲雞丁炒公仔麵 #焗豬扒飯 #乾炒豬扒意粉 #簡易食譜 #港式
又到了虱目魚盛產的季節了。虱目魚全身都是寶,怎麼做都好吃!趁虱目魚最肥美時期也為家人做一道虱目魚料理吧! ------------------------------ 「營養師的貼心小叮嚀」陳小薇營養師 盛夏時節,天氣潮濕悶熱,身體因為大量汗水的排出,造成鉀與鈉的流失,讓身體的電解質失衡,容易造成疲倦感及食慾不振;而滷煮的虱目魚料理,可以補充所流失的鉀與鈉,適量補充流失的礦物質,加上合宜的鈉鉀比例成為夏季食材首選。 以每百公克生重的虱目魚來說,熱量約有200大卡,蛋白質含21公克左右,是補充蛋白質的好來源;
炎炎夏日食欲不振,這時來個涼拌小黃瓜是個不錯的選擇喔。 酸甜醬汁可以增加食欲,除此之外我們在醬汁中加了一點薑末 , 可以幫助發汗袪濕喔。 ----------------------------------------------- 食材: 小黃瓜 2條 紅蘿蔔 1/3條 洋蔥 1/4條 香菜 1小把 醬汁食材: 嫩薑末 適量 米醋 2小匙 薄鹽醬油 2大匙 橄欖油 1大匙 鹽 1/2匙 糖 1小匙 白芝麻 少許 步驟: 1.小黃瓜、紅蘿蔔刨片 2.洋蔥切細絲泡冰水,去除嗆味 3.嫩薑磨泥加入少許糖、米醋、
自古以來中國有小暑食新米,祭祀五穀大神等習俗。用新割的稻米做成的飯來供祀五穀大神和祖先,表示對大自然及祖先的感恩。 ----------------------------------------------- 如何煮出好吃的米飯: 1.輕輕洗米,大約1-2次 2.泡水1個小時,米跟水約1:1或是1:1.5 3.加一點鹽,煮起來會更甜 4.煮好飯後,悶15分鐘讓米飯可以吸收水氣 包飯糰: 鮪魚飯糰-飯加一點鹽拌勻後,模具抹油放入1/2飯,再放入鮪魚,再蓋一層飯,壓實,最後包上海苔 香鬆飯糰-飯加上香鬆拌拌,