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毫無購買理由的M2 iPad Pro!feat. 開箱/評測/與M1對比/Apple Pencil繪制巨作|大耳朵TV
#iPadPro #M2iPadPro #蘋果 嗨嘍,大家好,今天分享M2芯片iPad Pro的開箱及一小時使用感受!感謝收看!喜歡請訂閱點贊! 請加入會員支持我的創作,會員加入連結: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_cg9Tak9SvlPHRsWxUIpA/join 【我使用的設備】 索尼A7SIII+騰龍17
[古奇哥] 左右雙螢幕還有遙控器的平板電腦 | 夢想平板電腦 | CP 值爆表 | Dream Tablet King | 平板電腦追劇 | 視訊會議 | 兒童教學 | 韓劇 | 美劇
#夢想平板電腦 #iPad #古奇哥 每週更新 歡迎關注 👉夢想平板購買連結: https://shopee.tw/product/32346399/18860614371/ 雙11平板活動 優惠價 $8,180元 古奇哥粉絲專屬優惠卷代碼:CROI1107 , 可再折扣 $200 元 限時大禮包配件內容物: 鋼化膜X2、耳機X1、卡針X1、觸碰筆X1
รีวิว iPad Pro ชิป M2 ตัวใหม่ สัมผัสของจริง พร้อมบอกปัญหาในการใช้
วันนี้เดิ้นจะมารีวิวตัว iPad Pro ตัวใหม่อย่างละเอียด พร้อมบอกปัญหาที่เจอ timestamp: 0:00 intro 0:21 design 1:04 display 1:47 blooming effect 2:32 ความสว่างหน้าจอ 3:07 performance 4
Lanzamiento iOS 16.1, lo que no se dijo de los nuevos iPad y más noticias Apple
Como cada semana, repasamos las principales noticias del mundo Apple. Hoy hablamos del recientes lanzamientos de Apple (iPad Pro, iPad 10ª generación y Apple TV4K), del lanzamiento de iOS 16.1 y iPadOS 16.1, de macOS Ventura, y de futuros productos
偷漲價?M2 iPad Pro & iPad 10 正式上市!但卻不推薦購買?該選擇哪一台 iPad 呢?
M2 iPad Pro 還有 iPad 10 直接在昨天晚上蘋果官網出現哦!那到底 iPad Pro M2 還有 iPad 10 有什麼亮點?現在官網上該買的是 iPad Air 5, iPad mini 6, 還是 iPad Pro M2 版本呢?就來跟大家一起聊聊吧 =========================== 快去台灣首席婚戒品牌 - ALUXE 亞立
1 年前
 • 66 次觀看
Apple just announced the brand new M2 iPad Pro with wifi6e and enhanced Apple Pencil support with a new hover gesture, and a completely redesigned 10th generation iPad with a 10.9 inch display, no home button, with a lot of enhancements that are found wi
Apple Releases 2022 iPad Pros, New 10.9" iPad & Apple TV 4K!
Apple has officially announced via press release its lineup of new iPads for 2022 featuring the new M2 iPad Pro and the all new redesigned 10.9” iPad. Oh, and there’s a random Apple TV 4K that dropped too. Here’s everything you need to know about th
Apple stellt M2 iPad Pro, iPad 10 & Apple TV 4K 2022 vor | Das müsst ihr wissen!
Apple hat das iPad Pro 2022, das neue iPad der 10.Generation und ein neues Apple TV 4K vorgestellt. In diesem Video fasse ich alle Highlights zusammen. INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/apfelwelt FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/apfelwelt TW
I nuovi iPad e iPad Pro | Apple
1 年前
 • 120 次觀看
Arriva la prossima generazione di iPad e iPad Pro. 0:00 Intro 0:12 iPad 4:24 iPad Pro È nato un nuovo iPad, completamente riprogettato, superversatile e davvero irresistibile. E un iPad Pro di ultima generazione, con i superpoteri del chip M2 per supe
新M2 iPad Pro與平價iPad下週發表?Google首款Pixel 摺疊機規格曝光!Pixel 7 Pro相機勝過iPhone14 Pro Max?[20221017Tim哥科技午報]
傑昇通信~全台最大通訊連鎖~挑戰手機市場最低價!購機就送千元尊榮卡及豪禮月月抽,門號續約攜碼再享高額優惠!買手機。來傑昇。好節省! ✨手機破盤價格查詢: https://www.jyes.com.tw/product ✨傑昇門市據點查詢: https://www.jyes.com.tw/store 傳M2晶片iPad Pro將推出
Apple October Products LEAKED! (NEW iPADS RELEASED TODAY!)
Apple is getting ready to launch a bunch of new products during a press release slated for as soon as THIS WEEK. These first initial products are going to be a brand new M2 iPad Pro which could ship with a 20% increase in performance and a staggering 2
iPad Pro 2022 Release Date and Price – LAUNCH DATE THIS WEEK!
The NEW iPad Pro M2 Launch Date could be THIS WEEK according to this LATEST Report! The iPad Pro M2 has been on our wishlists since the M1 iPad Pro that came out last year and it looks like we won't have to wait much longer for it to be in our ha
STOP! Don't buy ANY Apple iPad right now!
1 年前
 • 186 次觀看
Apple's about to change the budget iPad FOREVER, with the biggest redesign it's ever seen since the original iPad. Let me explain why you should NOT buy any iPad right now. Like our wallpapers? Download them here ➡ https://bit.ly/2WNc6Qw Links to t
iPad Pro 2022 Release Date and Price – Dynamic Island in 2022?
Could we see Dynamic Island in 2022 on the new M2 iPad Pro 2022 Model? Well Today we have details if this looks this will be a reality and how Apple will implement this with the NEW M2 iPad Pro. Today I also want to do a summary of everything we know
除iPhone14!蘋果秋季發表會10月有iPad第10代、iPad Pro 2022、MacBook Pro、MacBook Air齊登場!
iPad 10th、iPad Pro 2022、MacBook Pro、MacBook Air、Mac mini、iMac、Mac Pro、M2晶片、M2 Pro、M2 Max 加入我的Line@生活圈⬇︎ @3ctim 訂閱3cTim哥副頻道⬇︎ http://bit.ly/36gDKs7 加入頻道會員⬇︎ http://bit.ly/2LoUuox 追蹤3cTim哥即時動態⬇︎ instagram☛
iPad Pro M2 Release Date & Price - MagSafe LEAK!
1 年前
 • 123 次觀看
GREAT NEWS! M2 and MagSafe Charging coming to the iPad Pro 2022 Model! Will this be the MagSafe Charger we get for the iPhone's or the one we have for MacBook Pro's and MacBook Air M2? Well Today I will do a summary of everything we know so far i
iPhone14蘋果秋季發表會就在9/7?!500台無人機夜空變「三星摺疊機」|iPhone資安漏洞快更新 iOS 15.6.1 (CC字幕)[20220819Tim哥科技午報]
傑昇通信挑戰手機市場最低價,門號續約攜碼再享高額購機折扣!買手機來傑昇好節省! 空機破盤價格查詢:https://bit.ly/3oxaqcs 500台無人機夜空中變「三星摺疊機」 Galaxy Fold 4夜拍表現超優秀 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20220818/2319060.htm 蘋果搶修被開採2大資安漏洞
iPhone14來了!蘋果秋季發表會日期是?沒有新iPad Pro?AirPods Pro 2、Apple Watch S8等5大新品爆料[蘋果每月一爆]
【2022台北城市博覽會】邀請你一起來感受台北的進步與轉變! 實體展覽期間:2022年8月27日(六)至9月11日(日) 星期日至四:10:00-18:00 星期五、星期六:10:00-20:00 實體展覽地點:花博爭艷館 線上展期間:2022年8月27日(六)至9月30日(五) 更多資訊:https://cityexpo.taipei
库克:准备收割!除了主角 iPhone 14 系列外,苹果秋季发布会上,Apple Watch8,新iPad Pro,iPad10,Airpods pro等一众配角,有看头吗【JeffreyTech】
#iphone14 #ipadpro #airpodspro 欢迎订阅https://bit.ly/3qvN2w0 几周后苹果将会举办备受期待的秋季新品发布会,在这场发布会上,大家不仅能见到我们的老朋友库克,还能第一时间见证新iPhone14系列的登台亮相 ,即将到来的“科技界春晚”,除了已经确认 iPhone 14 系列和 Ap