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#VastLife #OOTD 乘風追浪穿搭!Freedom to Roam
#VAST熔岩燈防曬機能衝浪T 融合濃厚弛放漫流的熔岩燈圖樣元素並結合水手服飾所鍾愛的橫條元素,完美詮釋 VAST 明星商品之一的機能型速乾Surf Tee。 #VAST經典條紋防曬機能衝浪T 藍/白 以亮藍色與白條紋相間的設計,充滿法國里維埃拉風情,且兼具防磨與日常穿搭的上衣,非常適合城市潮流系浪人,不管是在大洋上恣意馭浪,又或是岸上觀察浪況、享受這片靜謐的美好時光。 #VAST防曬機能衝浪T Color Block 使用大膽的亮色線條配色設計,穿上這件 Vast防曬機能衝浪T ,必定能成為今年夏天戶外最
#VastLife #OOTD 澳洲黃金海岸穿搭!Surf with your Vast Homies
#VAST熔岩燈短袖上衣 白/黑 設計靈感源於海洋的多元性及層次感,透過寶藍和紫藍兩色,以抽象的手法呈現,形成多種元素交織而成的獨特圖樣。 #VAST銅系列機能衝浪褲 摩登Yogi 靈感來自經典的黑白拼色融合品牌人物Yogi設計,展現一種現代摩登俏皮風格,搭配創新褲頭防滑矽膠條與180部分貼合、快乾技術 ,陪伴你在海上的任何時光,讓你享受舒適穿著感,是一件追浪人必備的單品。 #VAST銅系列機能衝浪褲 Aquatic 將我們自然追求海洋風格融入衝浪褲中,打造乾淨美學,搭配創新褲頭防滑矽膠條與180部分貼合、
#VastLife #OOTD 追浪人性格穿搭!今夏好好浪一回
#VAST翻玩短袖上衣 藍莓紫/白色 此款以Nature Always Wins所延伸出的Nature衝浪棉質短袖上衣,透過多種現代感字體的堆疊,呈現滿滿潮流感及當代藝術的氛圍,是穿搭追浪人不可錯過的單品之一。 #VAST夕陽海面短袖上衣 白/灰 以簡約抽象的手法,詮釋夕陽下平靜的海洋及源於自然的深層靜謐。舒適的棉質布料,讓每位追浪人無論是日常生活、戶外踏青或岸上觀察浪況等都非常適合。 #VAST熔岩燈雙面漁夫帽 可雙面穿戴的BUCKET HAT 將濃厚弛放漫流的熔岩燈融入設計中,並以抽象的手法呈現,多種元
Stan Walker - I AM (official video) from the Ava DuVernay film "Origin"
Listen to STAN- https://lnk.to/StanWalker_IAM “I AM” is my response to Ava DuVernay’s film ORIGIN. It is about the reclamation, reconciliation and reconnection to our identity, our language and the origins of who we are and where we come from. By knowing w
Powerful All Blacks haka in Rugby World Cup semi-final | New Zealand v Argentina
Watch as New Zealand perform one of their most powerful hakas of Rugby World Cup 2023 ahead of the All Blacks' semi-final against Argentina at the Stade de France, Paris. #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #NewZealand #Haka #RWC2023 #ARGvNZL Subscribe to @WorldRugby Ke
'It's surreal': Descendants of NZ's Māori Warriors remember the Anzacs at Gallipoli | Newshub
"It's surreal": Arriving early at Anzac Cove on Monday for a ceremony at the pā site of the Māori contingent, was a very special group of New Zealanders. Europe correspondent Lisette Reymer reports from Gallipoli. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/NewshubYouTub
Alena Murang - Gitu'an (Official Lyric Video)
3 年前
 • 53 次觀看
GITU’AN (STARS) Written by Alena Murang and Joshua Maran Ku’ ayu’ ba’o Ibarat butiran manik Like the beads 猶如一串串的珠子 Ku’ ayu’ padey Ibarat benihan padi Like the padi 猶如一片片的稻田 Tauh pupuh luun merar ma’on Semangat moyang di dalam kita We are our ancestors 我們是
Taika Waititi's Upcoming Māori Projects | Rotten Tomatoes
'Thor: Ragnarok' and 'Jojo Rabbit' director Taika Waititi is teaming up with Māori writers to produce films with "indigenous voices at the center". So, what are the projects currently in the works? And, are there any Māori films you can check out righ