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Украинская доставка на Луну! Ядерный двигатель NASA! Российская возращаемая ступень! Starlink 10
😎Друзья, спасибо за ваши комментарии и лайки!👍 Это самая большая поддержка в развитии канала! 💪Технологии от Фантомаса http://surl.li/hkqi ⚡Сайт о н
SpaceX Starship prototype rocket explodes on landing after test launch
സ്‌പേസ് എക്സിന്റെ സ്റ്റാര്‍ഷിപ്പ് റോക്കറ്റ് പരീക്ഷണം വീണ്ടും പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു. ടെക്സാസിലെ ബൊക ചികയില്‍ നിന്ന് വിക്ഷേപിച്ച എസ് എന്‍ 9 ഹൈ ആള്‍
SpaceX Starship SN9 Test Flight (In 60 Seconds)! #shorts
So Elon Musk and SpaceX reached for the skies again with their latest attempt at a Starship launch and landing! After SN8's successful failure in December it was time for Starship SN9 to take flight and give it a go. Here's a quick 60 second YouTube S
SpaceX Starship SN9 10km Flight Test : What Went Wrong?
SpaceX conducted a high altitude flight test of their latest Starship prototype, SN9. SN9 successfully reached the targeted altitude of 10km. This was followed by a belly-flop maneuver, a controlled descent and an unsuccessful landing. Starship SN9 was
SpaceX’s Starship test flight ends in fiery crash, again
US company SpaceX has carried out a second test flight of its prototype rocket, being developed to take humans to Mars. Things were going well until it tried to land. The Starship SN9 exploded in a roaring ball of flames as it tried to land upright afte
SpaceX'in roketi Starship SN9, yere çakıldı
3 年前
 • 105 次觀看
Amerikan SpaceX şirketinin Mars yolculuğu için geliştirdiği Starship SN9 roketi, iniş yaparken yere çakılarak infilak etti. https://www.trthaber.com/haber/dunya/spacexin-roketi-starship-sn9-yere-cakildi-553227.html Daha Fazla Bilgi için; https:
SpaceX-Rakete Starship SN9 explodiert bei Landung – Rückschlag für Elon Musks Mars-Mission
„An der Landung müssen wir noch ein wenig arbeiten“, so der Kommentar im #SpaceX-Livestream auf Youtube. Das stimmt leider. Erneut ist ein Prototyp einer neuen Rakete des US-Raumfahrtunternehmens SpaceX bei der Landung explodiert. Live-Aufnahmen z
RUMMS-RAKETE: SpaceX - Elon Musks Starship explodiert spektakulär bei Landung
Erneuter Rückschlag für die Mars-Ambitionen von High-Tech-Pionier Elon Musk: Ein zweites Mal ist ein Prototyp einer neuen Rakete von Musks Unternehmen SpaceX bei der Landung explodiert. Die Starship SN9 prallte am Dienstag auf den Boden und ging
Starship SN9 SpaceX Meledak! Roket Menuju Mars Gagal Mendarat
VIVA - SpaceX melakukan uji coba ketinggian terhadap Starship SN9 pada Selasa waktu setempat, 2 Februari 2021. Uji coba di Boca Chica, Texas, awalnya berjalan mulus. SN9 berhasil terbang setinggi 10 km dan lakukan manuver. Sayang, Starship SN9 gagal
SpaceX Starship SN8 VS SN9
3 年前
 • 157 次觀看
SpaceX has now flown TWO fully formed starships, SN8 (serial number 8) and SN9 (serial number 9.) Lets compare the two flights and discuss what exactly happened, and why the flights were arguably successful despite failing to land softy. Support: https: