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1 年內
The "Mona Lisa" Gets Souped
3 個月前
 • 16 次觀看
The climate cultists are at it again. This time, they've thrown soup on the Mona Lisa. There is seriously no justification for this. Only DailyWire+ members can watch the full episodes of my podcast. Join here: https://bit.ly/3kj7pOd LIKE & SUBSCRIBE for n
Protesters THROW Soup at Mona Lisa Painting in Paris
This video shows the moment two climate activists hurled soup at the glass protecting the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris. The two activists can be heard shouting slogans advocating for a sustainable food system. Then two women wore shirts with “FO
Mona Lisa left covered in SOUP by eco-idiots at Louvre in shameless stunt
ECO-IDIOTS have hurled soup over the $1bn masterpiece Mona Lisa at the Louvre in their latest shameless climate stunt. The two climate clowns hurled the orange liquid over the priceless artwork at the world-famous museum in Paris, France. Read more: https:
Adjika without Cooking!!! Incredibly Delicious!!! Preparing for Winter!!!!
Friends thank you for watching Subscribe to my channel I will delight you with new videos @BIG CHEF COOKING https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWbcG3HuQVjacwQQm8ezSlg I suggest you look at the playlist here are all my videos https://youtu.be/uaL3Mg
#مواد لازم برای شش نفر برنج نیم دانه یک پیمانه لپه نصف تا یک پیمانه (بستگی به ...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by آشپزی با فرزانه (@flavorfun)
15分鐘料理/一鍋料理食譜/五道簡單的快速料理/one pot meal
你好,我是胖胖太太。😊 最近全家待在家的時間變長了,能夠快速地準備三餐則成了媽媽最大的挑戰, 尤其是中午的準備時間特別趕,要讓老公和小孩可以準時在休息時間吃飽飯,料理的方式一定要簡單又快速。 這次分享了平常我很喜愛煮的五道料理,希望你會喜歡。😊
霞姐生病修养,老公承包家里的家务,早上忙着给家里装围栏,刚完工又急匆匆的给霞姐做面疙瘩汤,欣然直夸爸爸手艺棒 #陕北霞姐#xiajiefromshanbei#面疙瘩汤#番茄汤 家常菜系列: 1️⃣【小鸡炖蘑菇】https://youtu.be/E_QLlruQ_as 2️⃣【烩粉汤】https://youtu.be/KChJHgR
Come to 山西 Shanxi for the annual sighting of migrating flamingos, and stay for 揪面...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chinese Food Obsession (@chinesefoodobsession)
4 年前
 • 63 次觀看
蕃茄牛肉湯, 四季都岩飲的湯水 ******************************** Subscribe my youtube channel ➽ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC71qHf-q0oNvA2VcJZ90v3A Subscribe my English youtube channel ➽https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5hh3dMnAAHcNWkytLB6jg Fo
跟著法國人做料理》西班牙番茄冷湯 Gazpacho andaluz
------------- (FRANÇAIS EN DESSOUS; ENGLISH BELOW ) ------------ 嗨!今天我要來分享一道美味又清爽的食譜──西班牙番茄冷湯! 這道西班牙料理主要用了番茄、胡椒跟小黃瓜,超適合在夏天吃喔! 材料(可做8碗) *番茄4顆 *小番茄150克 *小黃瓜3條 *紅椒2顆 *青