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台視新聞 每日頭條 Taiwan TTV NEWS
1 天前
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台視新聞 每日頭條 Taiwan TTV NEWS 台視新聞每日提供您最專業的新聞頭條 |更多新聞| ◎台視新聞訂閱→https://www.youtube.com/c/ttvnewsview ◎台視直播訂閱→https://www.youtube.com/c/twlivenews ◎台視臉書粉絲團訂閱→https://www.facebook.com/ttvnews/ ◎台視新聞IG訂閱→https://www.instagram.com/ttvnews_tw/ https://player.soundo
猶太小故事 Jewish's Story
1 天前
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猶太小故事 Jewish's Story 哈咯!大家好!我是來自馬來西亞的小葉。也是個愛聽故事的小資族。 在這個podcast節目呢,我會分享我常看,常聽的猶太故事啦! 基本上每周二更。也就是每個星期四及日。 星期四:管我怎樣活 星期日:猶太小故事 大家有興趣的話可以多多收聽以及分享想法給我知道。 準時收聽喲~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.facebook.com/%E7%8C%B6%E5%A4%AA%E5%B0%8F%E6%95%85%E4%BA%
Girls That Invest
1 天前
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Girls That Invest Join Sim, a young millionaire investor, as her friends and her break down the intimidating and not-so-well-taught world of investing and growing wealth, minus the jargon.Monday = we share our thoughts on your deepest, darkest money secret
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Who Is She
3 天前
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Who Is She Who is She was created to be the voice to navigate your 20s & a guide on how to thrive in your 30’s. We’ll explore everything from dating (or trying to nowadays), personal growth, and pivotal perspectives that shape who you are and the track of
2 天前
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陶色新聞 陶晶瑩親手為您送上第一手的晚報資訊! 不管是娛樂、音樂、大小八卦、各種「麻」煩,陶氏觀點將為你一一解析,幫你做好晚餐前的熱身操! 喜歡陶晶瑩主持的「陶色新聞」嗎?歡迎小額贊助我們繼續製作更優質節目>https://bit.ly/3cJKx3L ----- ▍官網:https://thehearsaytw.wixsite.com/thehearsaypodcast ▍FB:聽說(@TheHearSayChannel) ▍聯絡我們:thehearsaytw@gmail.com Powered by F
Consider This from NPR
1 天前
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Consider This from NPR The hosts of NPR's All Things Considered help you make sense of a major news story and what it means for you, in 15 minutes. New episodes six days a week, Sunday through Friday.Support NPR and get your news sponsor-free with Consider
The Genius Life
4 天前
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The Genius Life You don't have to be born a Genius to become one. Follow health and science journalist, New York Times bestselling author, TV personality and nutrition expert Max Lugavere as he speaks to the most insightful minds of our time about what it
It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast
4 天前
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It's Super Effective: A Pokemon Podcast It's Super Effective is a weekly Pokémon podcast that covers news and information on Pokémon GO, the Pokémon anime, and the video games (such as Pokemon Scarlet & Pokémon Violet, as well as, Pokémon UNITE and Masters
2 天前
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區塊勢 說人話的區塊鏈內容。讓你戴起耳機,就能進入區塊鏈的世界。由區塊勢的作者許明恩邀請業界創新人物,聊聊他們的產業觀點與應用。 區塊勢是訂閱制媒體,讓你最高效地掌握全球的區塊鏈發展趨勢。付費會員能閱讀網站上所有過往文章,並加入專屬討論區。免費讀者可以收聽區塊勢 podcast 節目,以及偶爾公開的文章。 ★ 區塊勢:blocktrend.substack.com ★ 線上課程:hahow.in/cr/blockchain-use-cases ★ 文章列表:blocktrend.pse.is/archive
The Peaceful Mind Podcast
3 天前
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The Peaceful Mind Podcast The Peaceful Mind Podcast for busy moms is your personal resource to renew, balance and strengthen your mind, bringing peace to all areas of your life. You'll hear directly from Danielle Thienel, certified life coach, mom of three
The Fighting Wife
3 天前
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The Fighting Wife The Fighting Wife with Danielle Miller is a podcast based on the blog A Woman of Virtue that teaches Christian women how to end the fighting with their husbands. As Christian women we are promised peace but so often unrest wreaks havoc in
Giant Bombcast
2 天前
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Giant Bombcast The Giant Bomb discusses the latest video game news and new releases, answers listener questions, and sometimes gets wildly off-topic in this weekly podcast. Featuring Jan Ochoa, Jeff Grubb, and Jeff Bakalar. https://www.spreaker.com/show/gi
2 天前
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影劇爆米花 品嘗爆米花的酸甜苦辣,從各式角度切入電影不同面向,每個月都有主題單元如觀影隨筆、影壇人物傳、爆米花影評、影壇內幕、角色解剖、爆米花專題、電影知識+、影壇五四三、劇本剖析等,更有Podcast節目介紹影壇脈動、流行文化等深入討論豐富所有影迷的視界,如同觀影配上一桶多色多味的好吃爆米花一樣享受。 商業洽談或合作邀約請聯繫:Summerchen0517@gmail.com 影劇爆米花FB: https://reurl.cc/r1grxy 影劇爆米花IG: https://reurl.cc/43ajmX
2 天前
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早安.台灣 每日新聞那樣多,要聽誰的呢? 『早安.台灣』每週一至五早晨7:00~7:30,主持人夏治平與您一同聊新聞! 『早安.台灣』將搭建一個台灣首見的世界級的橋樑,希望全球民眾透過央廣互動往來瞭解彼此。歡迎您隨時與節目互動,節目參與方式如下: 早安台灣電子信箱:tw007@rti.org.tw 微信wechat帳號ID: garyhsia630112、央廣早安台灣聽友聊天室 臉書粉絲團請搜尋:早安.台灣 PODCAST收聽:SOUND ON 、SPOTIFY https://www.rti.org.tw
3 天前
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台灣國際報 《The Taiwan Times》是2019年成立的「台灣國際媒體」,因深感台灣長期在國際媒體露出褊狹,故而以推廣台灣發光發熱為使命,致力於推動台灣與國際媒體接軌,並積極協助台灣年輕人了解國際新聞。 周一至周五晚上十點【每日國際新聞】 雙周六晚上八點【台灣真驕傲】 合作聯繫:hi@thetaiwantimes.com 如果喜歡我們的節目,可以透過以下三個方式給予支持: 1. 按下「訂閱」或「追蹤」,並給予我們五星評論! 2. 關注Instagram獲得更多消息 https://www.inst
Daily Tech News Show (VIDEO)
2 天前
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Daily Tech News Show (VIDEO) Daily Tech News Show is a 30 minute podcast dedicated to giving you tech news that’s easy to understand in a fun and informative way. http://dailytechnewsshow.com Thu, 25 Apr 2024 14:37:34 -0700 您的瀏覽器不支援視頻。 Stream Fatigue, I’m
Krypto Podcast - Bitcoin, NFTs, web3, DeFi und Metaverse - News, Analysen und Interviews zu Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFT Kollektion
Krypto Podcast - Bitcoin, NFTs, web3, DeFi und Metaverse - News, Analysen und Interviews zu Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFT Kollektionen und anderen Kryptos Der Krypto Podcast ist ein täglicher Podcast welcher die wichtigsten Nachrichten und Persönlichkeiten aus de
ピッチサイド 日本サッカーここだけの話
ピッチサイド 日本サッカーここだけの話 日本サッカー界の多彩なゲストを招いて深く深くインタビューします。ナビゲーターはサッカー元日本代表の槙野智章さんと読売新聞の川島健司記者が務めます。毎週火曜朝に配信。協力:日本サッカー協会supported byみずほフィナンシャルグループ───────────────────★ ハッシュタグをつけて番組にリクエスト!#ピッチサイド★ メッセージフォームはコチラ番組の感想、番組に出演してもらいたいゲスト、質問などをお寄せくださいhttps://ma.yomiuri.co