北欧公婆过中秋试吃月饼五仁榴莲豆沙哪款是最爱?! | SO MANY MOONCAKES! Durian Lava Mooncake?! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

2 年前
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祝大家中秋节快乐! 中秋将至我们带着木啦一起去丹麦公婆家欢度佳节,并且给他们介绍中国传统节日中秋节的由来和含义,带他们试吃了各种口味的月饼,经典五仁月饼,传统豆沙月饼,创新榴莲月饼,冰皮奶黄流心,究竟哪款最受北欧家人的喜爱?知道结果后 冰冰惊了,答案大家一起来揭晓吧~

Hello everyone! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! The Mid-Autumn Festival is pretty much upon us and you know what that means - MOONCAKES! We bought a bunch of different types both classic and modern (including a DURIAN LAVA MOONCAKE!) and introduced them to Evan's family. The results were surprising and hilarious xD Please sit back and enjoy as you join us for an evening of fun and adventure:)

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