Evening Walk along Zhongxiao E. Rd.(Eastern District of Taipei)台北東區商圈:忠孝東路4段【4K】/台湾TaiwanWalkingTour

3 年前
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【4K】Evening Walk along Zhongxiao E. Rd. ( Eastern District of Taipei ) 春節前夕台北東區商圈:忠孝東路4段/台湾 Taiwan Walking Tour

Thank you for watching ~ If you like my video, please subscribe to my channel and press the "like" button and share this video. 謝謝放鬆觀看,如果喜歡這影片,也請幫我按讚、訂閱、小鈴噹與分享 ~

★時間戳記 (Time Stamps):
00:00 Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 2 忠孝復興站2號出入口
03:14 Sogo Taipei Zhongxiao Store 遠東Sogo台北忠孝館
05:08 NET
09:22 DingHow Shopping Mall 頂好名店城
10:07 Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd. 敦化南路一段路口
12:16 Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 7 忠孝敦化站7號出入口
14:11 adidas 阿迪達斯 (愛迪達)
16:19 ZARA
16:37 黑男邱比特?!
19:05 Yanji St. 延吉街路口
22:49 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station 1 國父紀念館站1號出口
24:00 Guangfu S. Rd. 光復南路路口 (看見台北101)
25:30 return 回程
26:13 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station 2 國父紀念館站2號出入口
29:30 Yanji St. 延吉街路口
32:21 STUDIO A
34:32 UNIQLO (MING YAO Department Store 明曜百貨)
35:23 Zhongxiao Dunhua Station 3 忠孝敦化站3號出入口
38:53 Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd. 敦化南路一段路口
41:33 East Metro Mall 12 東區地下街12號出入口
44:33 Sec. 1, Da'an Rd. 大安路一段路口
46:00 Zhongxiao Fuxing Station 3 忠孝復興站3號出入口
47:30 Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd. 復興南路一段路口
50:26 Sogo Taipei Fuxing Store 遠東Sogo台北復興館

★Google Maps 地標 (Placemarks):
→00:00 https://goo.gl/maps/NFPS4ttSLKx6F2zp9
→03:14 https://goo.gl/maps/8qDm4cqTEQCxQgqF6
→05:08 https://goo.gl/maps/kCsmEgZH5FWkVJ9Z9
→09:22 https://goo.gl/maps/Cx9EEu9QEX7tLzNN7
→14:11 https://goo.gl/maps/29i8Q18hQd3ndtvt7
→16:19 https://goo.gl/maps/eNVTwygLNnEma8hUA
→24:00 https://goo.gl/maps/XWDZ5Y4eQ92JBwdv8
→26:13 https://goo.gl/maps/6VyypVGb9ne3ynPk7
→29:30 https://goo.gl/maps/nTdYMX2wM9mDn2WW7
→32:21 https://goo.gl/maps/k314AuNn12tS75K87
→34:32 https://goo.gl/maps/xcvDB3QxPTi827oWA
→38:53 https://goo.gl/maps/4g14Xs7r12Q3kBSt5
→41:33 https://goo.gl/maps/Cs21w3uhGdSwLTQW6
→45:03 https://goo.gl/maps/aRjK9dJWwg2gbbtj8
→46:00 https://goo.gl/maps/NQwxazJajCoV9sK76
→50:26 https://goo.gl/maps/gvNsEPX8KtDmv2B7A

★參考影片 (More videos):
https://youtu.be/7rka-5BIiCo 【4K】Taipei Cycling Tour/台北東區忠孝東路小巷現況 Backstreets of Eastern District, Taipei 三級警戒的自行車散步/COVID-19 alert level 3 in Taiwan
https://youtu.be/MP5cWMB_doE 【4K】Evening walk around Taipei Ximending 走在將入黑夜的西門町!順經唐吉訶德
https://youtu.be/Kj0h_g6-yY4 【4K】台北信義計畫區的深夜生活 Midnight Walk in Taipei Xinyi District (Nightlife​)

★拍攝時間 (Filmed):星期日 (Sunday日曜日) 5:55 PM,February 2021年2月

★拍攝器材 (Filmed using):
DJI Pocket 2 + 增廣鏡 (DJI Pocket 2 Wide-Angle Lens)

★看更多影片 (Watch more videos):https://www.youtube.com/TaiwanWanderer

●●All Walking Videos 一次看全部影片 http://bit.ly/39peSmq
●Northern Taiwan Walks 亂步北台灣 http://bit.ly/39vXE7f
●Central Taiwan Walks 亂步中台灣 http://bit.ly/36olpvI
●Southern Taiwan Walks 亂步南台灣 http://bit.ly/3aeINNo
●Eastern Taiwan and Outlying Islands 東台灣與離島 http://bit.ly/3px7R8Q
●Night Markets 台灣夜市集 http://bit.ly/3p7jPVF
●Station Walks 走遍台灣車站 http://bit.ly/3cqyCs1
●Little Things 散步看到的那件小事 http://bit.ly/3qWIgqf
●Help You Sleep 好睡助眠小品? http://bit.ly/3a9jc8M
●●看全部播放清單 →→ http://bit.ly/36n702V

★社群聯絡 (Contacts):

Thank you for watching and see you next walk~

#台北 #Taipei #東區 #臺北 #忠孝東路 #忠孝復興 #sogo #逛街 #東區逛街 #郭富城 #忠孝敦化 #Taiwan #台灣 #台湾 #臺灣
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