
Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast

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Friends In Recovery - Addiction Recovery Podcast
Friends In Recovery - The Addiction Recovery Podcast
AA Slogans


AA slogans! Specifically focusing on the original slogans. They explore the meaning behind each slogan and how it applies to their lives. The conversation touches on the history of the slogans and their significance in AA meetings. The main theme that emerges is the importance of living and letting live, allowing individuals to be themselves and avoiding unnecessary control or interference. The conversation explores the slogans 'Live and let live,' 'Easy does it,' 'But for the grace of God, there go I,' 'Think, think, think,' and 'First things first.' These slogans are discussed in the context of recovery and personal growth. The speakers emphasize the importance of accepting and respecting others' choices and beliefs, challenging old ideas, and practicing self-care. They also highlight the need to avoid judgment and be grateful for the progress made in recovery. The slogans serve as reminders to live authentically, take things one step at a time, and prioritize what truly matters.


• The original AA slogans, including live and let live, easy does it, but for the grace of God, think think think, and first things first, have been used in AA meetings since the 1940s.

• Live and let live means allowing individuals to live their lives as they choose without interference or control from others.

• Easy does it reminds individuals to take things slowly and not rush their recovery process.

• But for the grace of God is a reminder of the role of higher power in recovery and the gratitude for the support and guidance received.

• Think think think encourages individuals to think before acting and make thoughtful decisions in their recovery journey.

• First things first emphasizes the importance of prioritizing recovery and focusing on the most essential aspects of life.

• These slogans serve as reminders and guiding principles for individuals in recovery, helping them navigate challenges and maintain a healthy mindset. Accept and respect others' choices and beliefs, even if they differ from your own.

• Challenge old ideas and beliefs to foster personal growth and development.

• Practice self-care and take things one step at a time.

• Avoid judgment and be grateful for the progress made in recovery.

• Live authentically and prioritize what truly matters in life. Live life on your own terms and prioritize what is important to you.

• Think before making choices and consider the potential outcomes.

• Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on personal growth and happiness.

• Practice prayer and meditation to connect with a higher power and gain clarity.

• Listen to others and give them the space to be themselves.

• Let go of control and trust in the process of life.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 14 May 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Diet Culture


They introduce their guest, Haley Schiek, from Cosana Coaching, who specializes in helping individuals cultivate a healthy relationship with food, body, and self. They discuss the concept of diet culture and how it affects our perception of food and body image. They explore the idea of earning or deserving certain foods and the guilt associated with indulging. Haley emphasizes the importance of becoming our own authority when it comes to food choices and listening to our own needs and values. In this conversation, Jersey Ed and Haley Schiek discuss the harmful effects of diet culture and the importance of body acceptance. They explore the concept of fat phobia and how it perpetuates harmful beliefs and behaviors. They also discuss the need to release societal expectations and judgments around body size and focus on overall health and well-being. Haley emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and self-acceptance in healing from disordered eating and body image issues. They also touch on the significance of community support and the role of mindset in overcoming diet culture.


Haley Schiek from Cosana Coaching specializes in helping individuals develop a healthy relationship with food, body, and self

Diet culture promotes the idea of earning or deserving certain foods and can lead to guilt and shame

It is important to become our own authority when it comes to food choices and listen to our own needs and values Diet culture perpetuates harmful beliefs and behaviors around body size and reinforces fat phobia.

Body acceptance and self-compassion are essential in healing from disordered eating and body image issues.

Societal expectations and judgments around body size should be released in favor of focusing on overall health and well-being.

Community support and a positive mindset are crucial in overcoming diet culture and embracing body acceptance.

Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 07 May 2024 07:12:00 GMT
High Moral Standards

Summary In this conversation, the hosts discuss their experiences with screenless Sundays and the positive impact it has had on their lives. They also touch on the importance of patience and maintaining high moral standards in daily interactions. The conversation takes various tangents, covering topics such as news consumption, addiction recovery, and the behavior of people in traffic. Despite the rambling nature of the discussion, the hosts emphasize the need to stay focused on personal growth and learning from every situation. Takeaways • Humor and banter can create an engaging and enjoyable conversation • Practicing screenless Sundays can lead to a more fulfilling and productive week • Patience is a virtue that can improve relationships and reduce stress • Maintaining high moral standards in daily interactions is important for personal growth • Learning from every situation, even frustrating ones, can lead to personal development • Focusing on personal growth and learning can help navigate through life's challenges --------------------------- Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 30 Apr 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Is Your House In Order?

Summary The hosts discuss technical difficulties with their live stream and monitor the chat. They joke about their lack of preparation and the show's name. They introduce the topic of having one's house in order and read a passage from a book about the importance of physical organization. They share their own experiences with cleanliness and how it affects their lives. The conversation veers off into tangents about serial killers and personal habits. They conclude with a discussion about their approaches to recovery and organization. In this conversation, Jersey Ed, Buckeye Bambi, and bla bla bla beth discuss the importance of maintaining cleanliness and structure in their homes and personal lives. They share their different approaches to cleanliness and how they navigate living with partners who have different standards. The conversation also touches on setting boundaries and surrounding oneself with positive influences. The hosts emphasize the importance of self-care and enjoying the present moment. Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 23 Apr 2024 07:12:00 GMT
POWER of choice

POWER of choice


In this conversation, Jersey Ed and Buckeye Bambi discuss their experience with screenless Sundays and the power of choice in recovery. They explore the concept of powerlessness and how it can lead to empowerment. They also touch on the importance of working the 12 steps and the potential for growth and helping others. The conversation is light-hearted and filled with humor. In this conversation, Jersey Ed and Buckeye Bambi discuss the power of choice in recovery. They talk about the importance of rational thought and taking actions that align with sobriety. They also explore the concept of happiness and how it is not about constant positivity, but rather finding peace and calm in one's mind. The hosts challenge listeners to ask their loved ones how they can improve their lives and reflect on the power they have but may not be accessing. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of making conscious choices and staying open to growth and learning.


• Screenless Sundays can be challenging in today's digital age, but it's about cutting back on screen time rather than completely eliminating it.

• Powerlessness in addiction can lead to empowerment in recovery, as individuals gain the power of choice and the ability to make rational decisions.

• Working the 12 steps is a process that takes time and can lead to personal growth and the ability to help others.

• Admitting mistakes and taking responsibility is a sign of empowerment and can improve relationships.

• The power of choice allows individuals to create positive change in their lives and put out positivity into the world. The power of choice in recovery allows individuals to make rational decisions and take actions that align with sobriety.

• Happiness in recovery is not about constant positivity, but rather finding peace and calm in one's mind.

• Asking loved ones how we can improve their lives is a way to practice selflessness and contribute to the well-being of others.

• Reflecting on the power we have but may not be accessing can help us make more conscious choices and continue growing in recovery.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Phone Addiction


The conversation in this part revolves around the topic of screen addiction and the challenge of having screenless Sundays. The hosts discuss the impact of excessive screen time on their lives and the need to take breaks from technology. They share their experiences and struggles with staying away from screens, as well as the benefits they experienced when they were able to disconnect. The conversation also touches on the issue of Zoom bombers and the negative effects of their actions on recovery meetings. Overall, the hosts emphasize the importance of being mindful of screen time and finding a balance in using technology. In this conversation, Jersey Ed, Buckeye Bambi, and Bla bla bla beth discuss their experiences with screen addiction and their attempt to have a screenless Sunday. They share their struggles with constantly being on their phones and the impact it has on their relationships and overall well-being. They also discuss the addictive nature of phones and the need for boundaries and self-awareness. The conversation highlights the importance of being present in the moment and finding a balance between technology and real-life interactions.


• Excessive screen time can have negative effects on mental health and overall well-being.

• Taking breaks from screens, such as having screenless Sundays, can help in reducing screen addiction and improving productivity.

• Zoom bombers and their disruptive actions can negatively impact recovery meetings and trigger relapses.

• Being mindful of screen time and finding a balance in using technology is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Phones can be addictive and can negatively impact relationships and overall well-being.

• Being present in the moment and setting boundaries with technology is important.

• Self-awareness is key in recognizing and addressing screen addiction.

• Finding a balance between technology and real-life interactions is crucial.

• Screenless Sundays can be a helpful practice to break the cycle of screen addiction.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Get Out There!

Get Real


In this episode, the hosts welcome two special guests who have been absent for a while. They discuss the reasons for their absence and joke about showing inappropriate content. The conversation then shifts to Beth's experience with perimenopause, with her sharing her frustrations and challenges. The hosts also provide contact information for listeners to reach out for help. They engage in a lighthearted discussion about area codes and the differences between South Jersey and North Jersey. The episode concludes with a conversation about the infamous Action Park and the amusement park Great Adventure. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the redesign of New Jersey, talk about Ohio, and touch on recovery and Carl's book. They also discuss the challenges of staying focused and getting back on track. The conversation then shifts to the benefits of taking time off in nature and being quiet and alone. They explore the concepts of grounding and earthing and the importance of connecting with nature. The hosts also share their experiences with cold air baths and the practice of focusing on nature. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the negative impact of excessive screen time and the importance of disconnecting to connect with the present moment and meaningful activities. They introduce the concept of Screenless Sundays as a way to break free from screen addiction and encourage listeners to join the challenge. The hosts emphasize the benefits of reducing screen time and offer support for those who may struggle with the challenge. They also humorously discuss the idea of seceding from New Jersey as a way to symbolize their commitment to disconnecting from screens.


Excessive screen time can lead to a loss of presence in the moment and a waste of valuable time.

Phone games and social media can be addictive and cause hours to disappear without any productive outcome.

Screenless Sundays can be a beneficial practice to disconnect from screens and engage in meaningful activities.

Support from a community can help individuals stay committed to reducing screen time and make the most of their Screenless Sundays.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 02 Apr 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Get Real

Get Real


In this conversation, Jersey Ed and Big Dan discuss various topics related to recovery and personal growth. They start with some technical difficulties before diving into the importance of routines and adjusting to change. They then explore the connection between financial insecurities and sobriety, highlighting how sobriety can alleviate economic fears. The conversation also touches on the recognition of hard work and promotions, emphasizing the positive outcomes that come from dedication and self-improvement. Finally, they discuss the significance of working hard and helping others in their recovery journeys. The conversation explores the concept of servant leadership and its application in everyday life. It emphasizes the difference between a leader and a boss, highlighting the importance of empowering others and allowing them to learn and grow. The discussion also touches on the challenges of burnout and the need for self-care. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself in order to effectively lead and inspire others.


• Maintaining routines and adapting to change are essential aspects of personal growth and recovery.

• Sobriety can alleviate financial insecurities and provide a sense of stability.

• Recognition and promotions can be the result of hard work and dedication in recovery.

• Helping others and working hard are important components of personal growth and recovery. Servant leadership involves empowering others and helping them grow.

• A leader shows others how to do something and then lets them do it, while a boss simply tells others what to do.

• Applying servant leadership in everyday life involves setting a good example, doing the right things, and continuously improving oneself.

• Overcoming frustration and learning to grow requires recognizing burnout and taking care of oneself.

• Taking care of oneself is essential in order to effectively lead and inspire others.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:17:48 GMT
Four More Years


In this conversation, Jersey Ed and Big Dan discuss the impact of Friends in Recovery, a community that offers support through AA meetings and various activities. They reflect on the evolution of recovery meetings, particularly the shift to online Zoom meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. They highlight the benefits of online meetings, such as anonymity and accessibility. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of expressing emotions and learning from others' experiences in recovery. Overall, the conversation celebrates the growth and expansion of Friends in Recovery and the positive impact it has had on individuals in recovery. In this episode, Jersey Ed and Big Dan celebrate the four-year anniversary of Friends in Recovery. They discuss the concept of running shorts, a weekly video series where Jersey Ed shares his thoughts on life and recovery while wearing running shorts. The conversation then shifts to the importance of embracing change in recovery and how it allows individuals to grow and adapt. They also highlight the significance of friends in recovery and the support they provide. The hosts read a passage from the book that explores the challenges of addiction and the daily reflection and challenge for the day. They reflect on the desperation of addiction and the impact it has on individuals' lives. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the power of AA and Friends in Recovery in helping individuals stay sober and the importance of helping others in their recovery journey.


• Friends in Recovery has been providing support through AA meetings and activities for four years.

• The COVID-19 pandemic led to the shift to online Zoom meetings, which offered anonymity and accessibility.

• Expressing emotions and learning from others' experiences are important aspects of recovery.

• Friends in Recovery has expanded to offer various activities and support beyond traditional meetings. Running shorts is a weekly video series where Jersey Ed shares his thoughts on life and recovery while wearing running shorts.

• Embracing change is an important aspect of recovery as it allows individuals to grow and adapt.

• Friends in recovery provide crucial support and understanding for individuals on their recovery journey.

• The desperation of addiction can lead individuals to take dangerous risks and prioritize avoiding feelings over their own well-being.

• AA and Friends in Recovery play a significant role in helping individuals stay sober and provide a sense of community and support.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at friendsinrecoverycommunity@gmail.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:12:00 GMT
Regulate with Amy

Regulate with Amy


Amy Guerrero from Thriving with Amy. She is a coach. She works; she's a yoga teacher. She does a little bit of everything. She's an amazing speaker and we had her on my mastermind class, like I was saying before the break, and she just did an amazing job. I'll be honest with you: I think it was one of the best mastermind classes that we had.

Oh, just by the way, everybody, we do miss Dan and we miss Beth and we miss Bambi and we miss Jill. So next week, you guys will see them on the show. I'm hoping to have everybody together and, uh, reuniting everybody. But here is Amy Guerrero on trauma and healing through it and understanding it.



Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 05 Mar 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Nature Vs Pharma


The hosts start the live video and engage in banter before introducing themselves. They discuss the absence of co-hosts and promote their contact information and book. They joke about Jill's whereabouts and plans to visit Charleston. Ed shares personal stories and the importance of connecting through AA and literature. They discuss the leap year and reading the book. The hosts talk about improving mental health through food, sleep, and exercise, with Dan sharing his transformation and the benefits of exercise. The conversation explores the topics of addiction to food and exercise, the importance of sleep, establishing a night routine, the impact of food on sleep, personal sleep habits, the role of medication in mental health, the benefits of exercise, the influence of TV and electronics on sleep, the challenge of healthy eating, and the importance of individual choices. The main takeaways include the need to find a balance between food, sleep, and exercise, the importance of consulting a medical professional for personalized advice, and the significance of making individual choices that prioritize overall well-being.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 27 Feb 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Living life on purpose


In this episode, Jersey Ed discusses the topic of living life on purpose. He reflects on his own journey of finding purpose before and after recovery from addiction. He emphasizes the importance of taking care of oneself and putting self-care first. Jersey Ed encourages listeners to appreciate life's moments and live with intention.


• Living life on purpose means finding meaning and intention in everyday actions.

• Before recovery, Jersey Ed's purpose was centered around getting high and drunk.

• In recovery, Jersey Ed found purpose in working on himself and being there for his children.

• Taking care of oneself is essential for living life on purpose.

• Appreciating life's moments and living with intention can bring fulfillment and happiness.

• Putting self-care first allows for better care of others and a more fulfilling life.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 20 Feb 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Relationships with a twist!


The hosts discuss the topic of relationships, including relationships with inanimate objects and the importance of personal responsibility. They explore the challenges of building relationships in early recovery and the significance of developing a relationship with oneself. The hosts also discuss the complexity of relationships in recovery and the importance of honesty. The episode concludes with further technical difficulties. This conversation explores the themes of navigating relationships and identity, finding self-love and acceptance, overcoming fear and embracing authenticity, supporting others in their journeys, the role of sobriety in personal transformation, acceptance and non-judgment in recovery, being true to yourself and letting others be, and the importance of genuine connections.


• Navigating relationships and identity can be challenging, especially in the early stages of recovery.

• Finding self-love and acceptance is crucial for personal growth and building healthy relationships.

• Overcoming fear is essential in embracing authenticity and living a fulfilling life.

• Supporting others in their journeys can be empowering and inspiring.

• Sobriety plays a significant role in personal transformation and finding one's true self.

• Acceptance and non-judgment are important principles in recovery and in life.

• Being true to yourself allows for genuine connections and meaningful relationships.


Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

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Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Burn the Boats!

Burn the boats


In this episode, the hosts of the Friends in Recovery podcast experience technical difficulties at the beginning of the recording. They discuss the topic of 'burning the boats,' which means fully committing to a decision without a safety net. They share personal experiences of letting go of old habits and embracing new ones. The hosts also mention the importance of taking calculated risks and not looking back once a decision is made. In this episode, the hosts discuss the concept of burning the boat and jumping into recovery and personal growth with full force. They share personal experiences of making life-changing decisions and the positive impact it had on their careers and personal lives. The importance of surrounding oneself with supportive friends and letting go of toxic relationships is also emphasized. The hosts highlight the significance of protecting one's joy and choosing friends who uplift and support their recovery journey. The episode concludes with a reminder to build a strong support network and stay committed to sobriety.


• Burning the boats means fully committing to a decision without a safety net.

• Taking calculated risks and letting go of old habits is essential for personal growth.

• Once a decision is made, it's important not to look back and to keep moving forward.

• Fully embracing change and committing to new habits can lead to positive outcomes. Jumping into recovery and personal growth with full force can lead to positive life changes.

• Surrounding oneself with supportive friends is crucial for maintaining sobriety and personal growth.

• Letting go of toxic relationships is necessary for personal well-being and recovery.

• Protecting one's joy and choosing friends who uplift and support their recovery journey is essential.

Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Wed, 07 Feb 2024 21:47:26 GMT
Getting the Sh!t Out!


The podcast starts with technical difficulties and introductions. Buckeye Bambi shares her recent discovery of three sisters through Ancestry DNA. The hosts discuss the importance of not putting things off and seizing the present moment. They reflect on personal experiences and the impact of procrastination on their lives. The conversation touches on the nature of darkness and the need for self-improvement. The chapter concludes with a discussion on Beth's struggle with attending meetings and her commitment to change. In this episode, the hosts discuss the topic of procrastination with guest Cindy, who shares her struggles with mental illness and the fear of working the steps in her recovery journey. They emphasize the importance of taking action and overcoming fear to make progress in recovery. The hosts also highlight the benefits of writing inventory and seeking support from sponsors and therapists. They encourage listeners to reach out for professional help when needed and remind them that they are loved and supported. In the closing remarks, the hosts express their gratitude and admiration for the guest, Cynthia Chuhinko, and invite her to return for future updates. They also thank the audience for their support and encourage everyone to stay sober.


Don't put off important things in life, as tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Reflect on your actions and strive to be a better person each day.

Recognize the impact of procrastination and take steps to overcome it.

Embrace growth and self-improvement, even in the face of darkness. Taking action is essential for making progress in recovery.

Overcoming fear is necessary to move forward and experience growth.

Writing inventory and seeking support from sponsors and therapists can help in the recovery process.

It is important to reach out for professional help when needed.

Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 30 Jan 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Jeff Zeizel

Summary In this episode, Jersey Ed introduces Jeff Zazel as a special guest on the Friends in Recovery podcast. The conversation covers various topics including Jeff's background in podcasting, the importance of mentors, resiliency and grit, and life beyond recovery. Jeff also presents on the topic of grit and resiliency, referencing Viktor Frankl and sharing some of his favorite things. Takeaways Having mentors in different areas of life can provide guidance and support. Resiliency and grit are important qualities to develop. There is more to life than just recovery, and it's important to explore other interests and aspects of life. Jeff Zazel's presentation on grit and resiliency is insightful and thought-provoking. Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Act your way into...


The hosts discuss the concept of 'acting as if' and how it relates to personal growth and recovery. They share personal experiences of emulating positive traits and behaviors from others in their lives. They emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and being mindful of the people and media one engages with. The conversation highlights the value of learning from wise individuals and continually seeking new experiences for personal growth. In this conversation, Beth and Jersey Ed discuss the importance of critical thinking and the exchange of ideas. They emphasize the need to question everything and be open-minded to new perspectives. The conversation also touches on the influence of media and social media, highlighting the dangers of fear-based narratives and the comparison trap. They encourage listeners to enjoy entertainment and fiction while being aware of its impact. The conversation concludes with a reminder to be kind to oneself, learn from mistakes, and embrace the different stages of life.


Acting as if can be a powerful tool for personal growth and recovery.

Surrounding oneself with positive influences and emulating positive traits from others can lead to personal development.

Being mindful of the people and media one engages with is important for personal growth.

Continual learning and seeking new experiences are essential for personal growth and development. Engage in critical thinking and exchange ideas with others to grow and expand your perspective.

Question everything and be open-minded to new information and perspectives.

Be aware of the influence of media and social media, and don't compare your life to what is portrayed online.

Enjoy entertainment and fiction, but be mindful of its impact on your thoughts and emotions.

Be kind to yourself, learn from mistakes, and embrace the different stages of life.

Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 16 Jan 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Amanda Black and Life Long Wellness


Amanda Black shares her journey of overcoming childhood trauma, weight issues, and substance abuse to find recovery and self-love. She discusses the impact of her toxic upbringing, including emotional neglect and molestation, on her self-esteem and coping mechanisms. Amanda's weight struggles began at a young age, and she turned to food as a source of comfort and escape. After years of addiction and reaching her highest weight of 468 pounds, Amanda entered recovery and committed to a healthier lifestyle. Through self-love and determination, she lost 320 pounds and continues to prioritize her well-being. Amanda Black shares her weight loss journey and recovery from addiction. She emphasizes the drive to keep going and the mindset of not giving up. Amanda talks about maintaining a schedule and the challenges she faced during her weight loss journey. She reflects on the amazement of achieving her weight loss goal and the importance of dealing with open emotions. Amanda discusses the impact of COVID on her journey and finding alternative ways to stay active. She emphasizes the importance of loving and accepting oneself and the mindset change that comes with it. Amanda sees weight loss as part of her recovery and acknowledges the ongoing struggles she faces. She emphasizes that quitting is not an option and embraces failure as a learning opportunity. Amanda plans to pursue coaching and explore new career avenues.


https://lifelongcoachingservices.com/ Childhood trauma and emotional neglect can contribute to weight issues and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Recovery from addiction requires addressing underlying emotional and psychological issues.

Self-love and self-acceptance are crucial for long-term weight loss and overall well-being.

Commitment and consistency are key to achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The drive to keep going and not give up is crucial in any journey, including weight loss and recovery.

Maintaining a schedule and being consistent with workouts can contribute to achieving weight loss goals.

It takes time and dedication to achieve significant weight loss, and setbacks may occur along the way.

Embracing and dealing with open emotions is an important aspect of personal growth and recovery.

Quitting is not an option, and failure should be seen as a learning opportunity.

Podcast Hotline- 800-989-6504 Call anytime (Non-emergency Number) Email- help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com Website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

Facebook- Friends in Recovery - A Community of Support

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or call 800-989-6504

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 09 Jan 2024 08:12:00 GMT
Be where you are


In this episode, the hosts discuss the concept of New Year's resolutions and the importance of starting where you are. They emphasize the need to set realistic goals and create healthy routines to achieve them. They also highlight the value of accountability and asking for help in reaching these goals. The hosts discuss the importance of routine, accountability, and patience when starting the new year. They emphasize the need to give oneself grace and take breaks when necessary. The conversation then shifts to setting goals for the new year, with a focus on continuous improvement and personal growth. The hosts encourage listeners to be better than they were yesterday and to take small steps towards their goals. They also highlight the importance of taking action and applying the principles discussed. The episode concludes with a reminder to make each day count and to focus on the present moment.


Start where you are and set realistic goals.

Create healthy routines that work for you.

Accountability and asking for help are essential in achieving your goals.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:01:00 GMT
Free to Choose

Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss their holiday experiences and delve into the topic of religion and beliefs. They explore the significance of Hanukkah and its traditions, including the lighting of candles and the story behind the holiday. The conversation then shifts to the different practices and rituals in various religions, such as prayer beads and the Catholic rosary. The hosts emphasize the importance of respecting different beliefs and finding spirituality in one's own way. They also touch on the book of Job and its lessons on faith and perseverance. This conversation explores the themes of control, laws, and personal freedom. The hosts discuss the role of control and safety in decision-making, as well as the importance of laws and traditions in providing guidance. The debate on abortion is also examined, with differing perspectives on pro-choice and pro-life. The 12-step perspective on pro-choice is explored, highlighting the value of individual choices and respecting others' decisions. The conversation also touches on breaking stereotypes, prioritizing personal happiness, and the mindset of Gen Z. The importance of continuous learning and taking responsibility for choices is emphasized, along with the value of self-discovery and embracing personal freedom. Takeaways Holidays provide an opportunity to learn about different traditions and beliefs. Respecting and understanding different religions and beliefs is crucial. Spirituality can be found in various practices and rituals. Finding one's own path to spirituality is a personal journey. Control and safety play a role in decision-making. Laws and traditions provide guidance and direction. The debate on abortion involves differing perspectives on pro-choice and pro-life. The 12-step perspective values individual choices and respects others' decisions. Breaking stereotypes and embracing personal happiness are important. Continuous learning and taking responsibility for choices are essential. Self-discovery and personal freedom are valuable aspects of life.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:12:00 GMT
To gift or not to gift


The hosts discuss the stress and pressure of the holiday season and share podcast recommendations. The conversation then shifts to gift giving and budgeting, with a focus on different love languages. They also discuss Ed's gift-giving practices for his team members and Beth's inability to oversee people. The episode concludes with a discussion about Jill's recent award. In this conversation, the hosts discuss their gift-buying processes and experiences during the holiday season. They share stories about buying gifts for their children, spouses, and others, as well as their thoughts on filling stockings. The conversation also touches on the topic of edibles and marijuana. The hosts emphasize the importance of finding joy and fun in life, especially during the holiday season.


The holiday season can be stressful and it's important to find ways to reduce stress and pressure.

Gift giving should be based on the recipient's preferences and love languages.

Budgeting and planning ahead can help alleviate financial stress during the holidays.

Recognizing and appreciating team members can boost morale and create a positive work environment. Buying gifts for loved ones can be a thoughtful and enjoyable process.

Listening to the interests and preferences of the gift recipient can help in choosing the perfect gift.

Filling stockings can be a fun and meaningful tradition during the holidays.

Finding joy and fun in life is an important aspect of recovery and living sober.




Stress and Pressure of the Holidays

Podcast Recommendations

Gift Giving and Budgeting

Different Love Languages

Technical Difficulties and Gift Giving

Gifts for Team Members

Beth's Inability to Oversee People

Jill's Award

Gifts and Jilly Jelly

Kids Buying Gifts

Buying Gifts for Spouse

Buying Gifts for Kids

Buying Gifts for Others

Edibles and Marijuana

Jersey Ed's Gift Buying Process

Filling Stockings

Finding Our Spot in Life

Holiday Wishes

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:01:00 GMT
Being normal

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Jill and Dan-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join your Friends in Recovery for some amazing sober chats.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:10:00 GMT
Literature that feeds the soul

Show name- Literature that feeds the soul

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed along with our special guests hosts Jillybean and Nature Dan


The conversation explores the power of literature and its relevance in personal growth and recovery. The guests discuss how books can provide valuable insights and perspectives, and how literature can be a tool for self-reflection and change. They emphasize the importance of being open and receptive to the messages in literature. The conversation concludes with a reminder to explore the podcast's past episodes for additional resources on recovery.


• Reading literature, such as books, can be a powerful tool for personal growth and recovery.

• Literature can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help individuals in their journey of self-reflection and change.

• Being open and receptive to the messages in literature is essential for deriving meaning and benefit from reading.

• The podcast offers past episodes that delve into specific recovery topics, providing additional resources for those seeking to enhance their recovery journey.


00:00The Power of Literature

36:43 Books as Tools for Personal Growth

37:17 Relevance of Literature in Daily Life

38:10 Finding Meaning in Literature

39:04 Promoting Recovery Through Literature

40:24 Closing Remarks

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Jill and Dan-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join your Friends in Recovery for some amazing sober chats.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 05 Dec 2023 08:15:00 GMT
What is your spirit animal?

Podcast Notes 11-18-23 Show name- What is your spirit animal?

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Bedazzled Beth along with our special guests Jillybean and Nature Dan

What is your spirit animal? Comment below and we will read your animal next week.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Bedazzled Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Jill and Dan-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals


Next week: Join your Friends in Recovery for some amazing sober chats.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 28 Nov 2023 08:01:00 GMT
Talk to a tree?

Podcast Notes 11-18-23 Show name- Talk to a tree?

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Busy Beth along with our special guests Jill C. and Dan M.

What is nature informed therapy? Stay tuned to find out if you need this in your life.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Busy Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Jill and Dan-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Does Carl still love us?

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR for more great and lively discussion with Jill and Dan.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 21 Nov 2023 09:01:00 GMT
Spiritual Principles Wrap-Up

Podcast Notes 10-28-23 Show name- Spiritual Principles Wrap-Up

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our hosts Bleep Beth and Buckeye Bambi with special guest Rob H.

Stay tuned as Rob wraps up the spiritual principles behind step 10, 11, and 12.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Bleep Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Rob-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR for more great and lively discussions on recovery.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:01:00 GMT
Let’s Go Deep

Podcast Notes 10-19-23 Show name- Let’s Go Deep

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts and Buckeye Bambi and Birthday Beth

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Barely Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR for a surprise episode.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:01:00 GMT
What is your purpose?

Podcast Notes 10-19-23 Show name- What’s your purpose?

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts and Buckeye Bambi and Barely Beth

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Barely Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR gang as they discuss some great recovery topics.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 08:01:00 GMT
Hearing voices

October 19

The other day I was talking about the voices on my shoulders. You know the ones. The angel and devil? One on each shoulder? For me, there is the classic little devil character that whispers in my ear to make a joke at just the right moment, and I love that little fucker! He is playful and not mean-spirited at all. But then his brothers, uncles, dad, and grandfathers join in. They are all certifiably crazy-ass mofos. But, on the other side are all the people that stood in opposition to all of that craziness. Those people who tried to help and who hung in there with me all those years ago. The old guy down the street, a teacher I had, a boss, a coworker, friends, my sponsors, etc. All those people. They are all on the other shoulder. I hear them, too. Those are the times when I am at my best and doing all the right things; when the choices I make are for others, and the actions I take are for the greater good. I love the guidance of those voices. But most of the time, I’ll say whatever that little devil tells me to. Why? Because it’s funny as hell!


What voices do you hear? Who do you listen to?

Daily Challenge

Try to meditate again today. Listen for that loud, big voice.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 07:15:00 GMT
Girls' Night

Podcast Notes 10-14-23 Show name- Girls' night

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our hosts Basic Beth and Buckeye Bambi

Stay tuned as the girls talk all things sobriety including 13th stepping.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Basic Beth-red, Buckeye Bambi-purple

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR gang as they discuss some great recovery topics.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 17 Oct 2023 07:01:00 GMT
FIR & soberpod.com

Podcast Notes 10-7-23 Show name- FIR & Soberpod

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our hosts Jersey Ed and Carl from Soberpod

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Carl-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR gang as they discuss some great recovery topics.

Stay Sober everyone

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 10 Oct 2023 07:01:00 GMT
The Couch Challenge

Podcast Notes 9-23-23 Show name- The Couch Challenge

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Bitty Beth.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Bitty Beth-black

Send pictures of your couch to support your hosts and we will be live from our couches next week.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod, Crime Junkie

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR gang as they discuss some great recovery topics.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 08:30:00 GMT
DBT and Recovery

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Basking Beth and guest Dr. Laura Petracek, author of The DBT Workbook for Alcohol and Drug Addiction.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Basking Beth-black, Laura-red

To contact Dr. Laura Petracek




To purchase her book: https://a.co/d/54H7HJJ

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod, Lisa J

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR gang as they discuss some great recovery topics.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Incurable Hope

Podcast Notes 9-16-23 Show name- Incurable Hope.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Breezy Beth and guest Lisa Gennosa- author of Incurable Hope.

Lisa Gennosa,PA-C

Author of Incurable Hope





Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Breezy Beth-black, Lisa-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Podcasts of the Week: Soberpod, Dayton Strong Recovery 101

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR and their guest, Dr. Laura Petracek. Dr Petracek is a clinical psychologist, author and speaker who helps empower individuals to overcome addiction and emotional challenges, for a happier and healthier life.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 19 Sep 2023 07:01:00 GMT

Podcast Notes 9-4-23 Show name- Intervention

September is Balanced Recovery month with FIR.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Becoming Beth and guest John Furtmeier.

To contact John or for more information on interventions go to the website www.tourchlightinterventions.com and info@tourchlightinterventions.com or John @ 843-708-5748 or Liz @ 843-867-9064. Check them out on Facebook as well tourchlightinterventions as well as X and Linkedin.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Becoming Beth-black, John-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- Currently, where is the imbalance in your life?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Soberpod and Carl and Chelsea, John’s sponsor Ted B. from Seabreeze, Queen Maria with 2 years clean and sober, Ed’s dogs and to all the pets that helped us get and stay sober. Tell us about your “get sober” pet.

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR and their guest, Lisa Gennosa, the author of Incurable Hope- A memoir and Survival Guide for Coping with a Loved One’s Addiction.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 08:30:00 GMT
I am home

September is Balanced Recovery month with FIR.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Bizarre Beth and guest Alex Boianghu.

To contact Alex or for more information visit his website journeytowholeness.health

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Bizarre Beth-black, Alex-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What exactly are you trying to balance right now?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Soberpod, Alex’s Buddhist teacher Barbara Dubois, Anne Marie and Nikoleta for listening to Beth’s 5th step, Friends in Recovery Community for love, support and prayers for Matt & Bambi

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR as they discuss balanced recovery month..

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 05 Sep 2023 08:25:00 GMT
Winding down with Pastor Perry

Podcast Notes 8-26-23 Show name- Winding down with Pastor Perry

August is Rest & Rejuvenate month with FIR.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Beach Beth and guest Perry Blankenship.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Better Beth-black, Perry-red

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- Where is your favorite place to relax and rejuvenate?

Do you enjoy the question of the week and want us to continue? Comment below and let us know.

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Soberpod, Crystal- Perry’s daughter, Sean E.

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR as they chat with our guest Alex Boianghu.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 08:30:00 GMT
The 3 lives of Megan

August is Rest & Rejuvenate month with FIR. Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Beach Beth and guest Megan Frans. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Beach Beth-black, Megan-red Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- Do you know how to relax? Do you enjoy the question of the week and want us to continue? Comment below and let us know. Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20 Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Soberpod, Megan’s husband, Kenny with 8 years sober, Beth’s husband Dan, Ed’s wife Stacy Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Join FIR as they chat with our guest Perry Blankenship. Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Just the 3 of us

August is Rest & Rejuvenate month with FIR.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi, and Blissful Beth.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Blissful Beth-black.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Facebook page- Friends in Recovery Adventures

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What is the difference between rest and relaxation?

Do you enjoy the question of the week and want us to continue? Comment below and let us know.

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Soberpod, Anne Marie with 28ish years, Tony H with 3 years, Suzanne E with 2 years, and Peter with 1 year

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Join FIR as they chat with our guest Megan Frans.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 15 Aug 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Rest & Rejuvenate?

August is Rest & Rejuvenate month with FIR.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi, and Baffled Beth.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Baffled Beth-black.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- How do you relieve stress?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Last chance to donate for the R.O.A.R (Recovery on a Raft) Adventure Aug 3-6 and support your favorite rafter. All donations go to Friends in Recovery which is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) to support our virtual meetings and the podcast.

Shout outs: Soberpod, Sallie Y with 4 years and sharing our Celebrate FIR with Rob, All FIR Hosts

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Just the girls week…Where is Jersey Ed?

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 01 Aug 2023 08:34:00 GMT
What about Bob (M)?

July is Adventure Month- Live your best life. Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi, drawkcaB Beth and Bob Mohr. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, drawkcaB Beth-black and Bob-red. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- Where do you find your inspiration? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20 Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Donate for the R.O.A.R (Recovery on a Raft) Adventure Aug 3-6 and support your favorite rafter. All donations go to Friends in Recovery which is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) to support our virtual meetings and the podcast. Shout outs: Jake with 8 days today, all the hosts helping out recently, Beth’s boss for being patient and awesome, Soberpod Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Friends in Recovery kickoff August which is rest and rejuvenate month. Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Sober is fun

July is Adventure Month- Live your best life.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Beaming Beth and Michael Chester, MA, LPCA. Contact Michael at www.EveresttherapySolutions.com or Michaelchester@everesttherapysolutions.com

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Beaming Beth-black and Michael-red.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What can you do today that you were not able to do a year ago?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Donate for the R.O.A.R (Recovery on a Raft) Adventure Aug 3-6 and support your favorite rafter. All donations go to Friends in Recovery which is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) to support our virtual meetings and the podcast.

Shout outs: Mike’s best friend Scott with over 20 years in recovery, Jill C, Soberpod

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Friends in Recovery wrap up adventure month and how to live your best life.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 18 Jul 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Spiritual Principles 7-9 with Rob H

July is Adventure Month- Live your best life. Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Blundering Beth and Rob H. Stay tuned for some great recovery and discussion about Spiritual Principles 7, 8, and 9. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Blundering Beth-black and Rob-red. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- What has life taught you recently? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20 Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Donate for the R.O.A.R (Recovery on a Raft) Adventure Aug 3-6 and support your favorite rafter. All donations go to Friends in Recovery which is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) to support our virtual meetings and the podcast. Shout outs: Rob’s sponsor Yel with 24 years sober, Rob H for employee of the month at his job, Soberpod, Joe with Dayton Strong Recovery 101. Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: More talk about adventure month and how to live your best life with your Friends in Recovery. Stay Sober, everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 11 Jul 2023 08:29:00 GMT
Big Book Wrap Up

June is Big Book Month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Bedeviled Beth wrap up Big Book Month. Stay tuned for some great discussions of the Big Book. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Bedeviled Beth-black. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- What is the main objective of the AA Big Book? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20 Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: FIR Hosts and Fill-in hosts for all they do and helping out, Anne Marie and Sandy as they walk through the steps with Beth, Soberpod Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Special guest Alex Boianghu, a Licensed Professional Counselor, specializes in EMDR and using an integrative holistic approach to help clients. Next Month we begin Adventure Month with a focus on living life.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 04 Jul 2023 13:59:39 GMT
Adventure Month Kick Off

July is Adventure Month- Live your best life.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Boring Beth kick off Adventure Month- Live your best life. Stay tuned for some great discussions about Adventures after recovery. Are you living your best life?.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Boring Beth-black.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What is the best adventure you have ever had and who were you with?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Donate for the R.O.A.R (Recovery on a Raft) Adventure Aug 3-6 and support your favorite rafter. All donations go to Friends in Recovery which is a Non-profit 501(c)(3) to support our virtual meetings and the podcast.

Shout outs: Happy 4th of July to all our listeners, Cindy C with 1 year, Bambi for 1 year on the podcast, Carl at Soberpod.

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Rob H returns to discuss the next 3 spiritual principles. Always a lively discussion with Rob and we will be covering spiritual principles 7, 8, and 9.

Stay Sober everyone!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 04 Jul 2023 08:30:00 GMT
Alcohol and skin?

June is Big Book Month with Friends in Recovery (FIR)

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Basic Beth.

Our guest this week is Christine Tallman Johnson to discuss Qyral and skin care and weight loss after recovery. To find out more from Christine contact her on Instagram @morning_christine or visit the website www.myqyral.com/christine

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Basic Beth-black, Christine-red.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What promise/promises in the big book do you see working on your life right now?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Shay T with 4 years, Birth of AA 88 years ago, Lynn with 8 years

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Your FIR podcast crew wraps up Big Book month.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 20 Jun 2023 08:20:01 GMT

June is Big Book Month with Friends in Recovery (FIR)

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi but no Beth- Why no Beth? Because this week she is Blowing Us Off Beth. Don’t worry, she will be back next week.

Our guest this week is Amy Jack, an interventionist and person in long term recovery. If you need an intervention for a loved one, you can contact Amy at amy@intervenenow.co

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Blow Us Off Beth-black, Amy-red.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com

website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What does “trudge the road to happy destiny” mean to you?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Birth of AA on Founders Day, Amy’s soon to be stepson with 40 days, Cindy, The Cursing Christian, Joe O., with 10 years, Soberpod’s Carl and Chelsea

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Christine Tallman Johnson tells us how recovery has changed her life.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 13 Jun 2023 08:01:32 GMT
Big Book Kickoff

June is Big Book Month with Friends in Recovery (FIR)

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Big Book Beth- Did you guess right about which Beth was coming? Let us know in the comments if you were correct.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Big Book Beth-black, Chris-red.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- How does one “clear away the wreckage of the past”?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Buckeye Bambi for stopping vaping, Clair with 6 years clean and sober.

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Our first guest, Amy J, for Big Book Month.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 06 Jun 2023 10:16:52 GMT
Mental Health Wrap Up

May is Mental Health month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Busy Beth- Did you guess right about which Beth was coming? Let us know in the comments if you were correct. Our guest, Chris Cuddihy (Bag O’ Nuts) talks recovery and mental health with the gang. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Better Beth-black, Chris-red. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- When you feel really sad or really mad, what do you do? How do you let those feelings out? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20 Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Beth R with 19 years, Nameless woman seeking treatment and raising money for a ticket to get to treatment, all the recovering and sober people that we surround ourselves with and that hang in there with us alcoholics and addicts, Soberpod Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Your FIR Podcast crew kick off Big Book Month.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 30 May 2023 10:19:51 GMT
Anxiety Answers

May is Mental Health month with Friends in Recovery (FIR)

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Basic Beth- Did you guess right about which Beth was coming? Let us know in the comments if you were correct.

Our guest, Angelo D’Amico from The Anxiety Institute, discusses anxiety disorders and treatments available for various anxiety disorders like GAD and OCD. Keep watching for an amazing discussion. You can contact Angelo for more information:

Angelo D’Amico, M.A., LMFT

Clinical Outreach Specialist


Madison Office Anxiety Institute

333 Main St., Suite 200

Madison, NJ 07940

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Better Beth-black, Angelo-red. The race of the hearts continues.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery- A Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- How do you politely end a conversation with someone who is so annoying?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal @friendsinrecovery20

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Dave 8½ years sobriety and helping lead others to sobriety, All the sober Mom’s out there, new hosts Dhillon P., and Michael T., Matt B, Stacy C. for putting up with Ed for 13 years.

Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober. Don’t miss out on this amazing book. https://a.co/d/4bdBXF

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: More with Mental Health Month with your FIR and special guest Chris C.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 23 May 2023 09:24:23 GMT
FIR Self-Medicate

May is Mental Health month with Friends in Recovery (FIR)

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Better Beth- Did you guess right about which Beth was coming? Let us know in the comments if you were correct.

The FIR crew kick off mental health month. Do mental health and addiction go hand in hand. Stay tuned till the end to find out.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Better Beth-black. The race of the hearts continues.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

New meeting- Book Club every Monday at 815pm EST The Sermon on the Mound by Emmett Fox Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What is taking up most of your headspace right now?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery or PayPal Friends in Recovery Enterprises

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Julie H with one year, All the nurses out there for National Nurses Week, Bambi for 36 years of nursing (give Bambi some purple hearts for nurses week), Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod and Carl’s new book is now available on Amazon- get your copy now of 366 F***ing Days Sober.

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: More with Mental Health Month with your FIR.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 16 May 2023 11:30:11 GMT
Mental Health & Sobriety

May is Mental Health month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth- Did you guess right about which Beth was coming? Let us know in the comments if you were correct. The FIR crew kick off mental health month. Do mental health and addiction go hand in hand. Stay tuned till the end to find out. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Blunt Beth-black and Joe Ortiz-red The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 New meeting- Book Club every Monday at 815pm EST The Sermon on the Mound by Emmett Fox Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- Do you feel like you can relax and unwind before bed, or do you have trouble winding down? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Julia-Beth’s amazing boss, Dan P for his birthday and also 1 year of sobriety soon, and Carl and Jersey Ed at Soberpod- what Jersey Ed? Check out Soberpod as our own Jersey fills in for Chelsea. Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Dr Laura Petracek discusses DBT and alcohol and drug addiction.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 09 May 2023 11:28:05 GMT
Mental Health Kickoff

May is Mental Health month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi and Blunt Beth- Which Beth will show up next week? Take a guess in the comments below. The FIR crew kick off mental health month. Do mental health and addiction go hand in hand. Stay tuned till the end to find out. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Blunt Beth-black. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 New meeting- Book Club every Monday at 815pm EST The Sermon on the Mound by Emmett Fox Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- Do you feel you have enough time for self-care and self- compassion, or do you always feel rushed and stressed? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Donya D with one year, Angela F who is a podcast viewer, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, All the new people in recovery that have found FIR meetings. Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Tune in for another great podcast during FIR mental health month.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 02 May 2023 11:22:48 GMT
Courage of Faith

April is Courage month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Peg Leg Beth Nikoletta with Milestone House talks courage with the FIR crew. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Basement Beth-black and Nikoletta-red. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 New meeting- Book Club every Monday at 815pm EST The Sermon on the Mound by Emmett Fox Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- What are two things you don’t leave the house without? Pause the show and comment below who has a deep spiritual answer and who takes the standard keys and phone? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Lena with 23 years clean and sober, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Bob M. with 9 years Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: The FIR crew wrap up courage month. Tune in for another great podcast.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:31:11 GMT
Spiritual principles 4, 5, 6

April is Courage month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Buckeye Bambi Rob H. is back with the spiritual principles. Stay tuned for the spiritual principles behind step 4, 5, and 6. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Basement Beth-black and Rob H-red. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 New meeting- Book Club every Monday at 815pm EST The Sermon on the Mound by Emmett Fox Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- If you could have a warning label, what would your warning label be? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: John L with 4 years, Karla F. with 3 years, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: More with courage month. Tune in for another great podcast.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 11:39:54 GMT
Predicting Addiction

April is Courage month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-host Basement Beth Dr. Evelyn Higgins- famous for her TED talks on Understanding the Biomarkers of Addiction and CEO of Wired for Addiction. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Basement Beth-black and Dr. Evelyn Higgins-red. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- Are my actions guided by love or fear? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Christopher M, Beth’s son Ben who is 17 today, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: More with courage month. Tune in for another great podcast.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:30:19 GMT
Special guest Sue Harrison with Kings Crusade

April is Courage month with Friends in Recovery (FIR) Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Stacy C and Basement Beth or is it Peg-leg Beth or Strap-On Beth. Coat of many colors and Beth of many names… Super Beth come back… Special guest Sue Harrison with Kings Crusade. An organization formed as a resource for families with loved ones struggling with addiction. Stay tuned for an amazing start to courage month with your FIR crew. Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Stacy-green, Basement Beth-black and Sue Harrison-red. The race of the hearts continues. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family. Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page. Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020 Question Of The Week- What is the difference between courage and survival? Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 Shout outs: Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Scooz with 8 days, Jersey Ed with his 29 years, Stacy B with 1 year, Beth’s husband for taking great care of our girl Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Next week: Dr. Evelyn Higgins- famous for her TED talks on Understanding the Biomarkers of Addiction. You won’t want to miss this important information.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:29:26 GMT
Faith & Mental Health

Higher Power/Inspiration Month

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Basement Beth.

Want a chance to win the Friends in Recovery coin? Comment here after watching this show till the end, then go watch an episode of Soberpod and comment there and the first 5 people will win a new edition Friends in Recovery coin.

Special guest Cole Welch. Cole is a woman in long-term recovery that shares her life experiences in Hopes to help others know recovery is possible. Cole attributes her long-term recovery to therapy, music, AA and most importantly, the power of God.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-black and Cole Welch-red. The race of the hearts continues. This is the last week to give Beth orange hearts. She officially switches to black next show.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What are your 3 most important values in life right now?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Jimmy G with 10 years, a woman on last nights meeting with 77 days, all people struggling or just coming back into the rooms

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Special guest Sue Harrison with Kings Crusade

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 11:35:43 GMT
FIR Digs The Bible

name- FIR Digs The Bible

Higher Power/Inspiration Month

Happy Birthday Jersey Ed! Someone send Jersey Ed a birthday email.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Basement Beth. It’s official, Super Beth is now Basement Beth and next week, she will be black hearts.

Duane Schaeffer is our guest this week from Living Free Recovery. This show went way far off our normal shows so stay tuned until the end because you won’t want to miss a minute.

Please like, subscribe, comment, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange and Duane Schaeffer-red. The race of the hearts continues. This is the last week to give Beth orange hearts. She officially switches to black next show.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work for a growing community. Come be part of our FIR family.

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID 796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID 240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- Do you connect your higher power with any religion?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs: Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Duane’s nephew with 1 week sober, Stacy B with 1 year, Jersey Ed with 29 years, Rob H with 19 years, and Friends in Recovery Community is officially 3 years old with the virtual meetings.

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week: Special guest Cole Welch. Cole is a woman in long-term recovery that shares her life experiences in Hopes to help others know recovery is possible. Cole attributes her long-term recovery to therapy, music, AA and most importantly, the power of God.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 21 Mar 2023 11:39:56 GMT
Higher Power Lifting

Podcast Notes 3-6-23

Higher Power/Inspiration Month

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and Super Beth or is it now basement Beth? Now taking votes for the new name… cast your vote in the comments. Last week to vote.

Maggie Talucci is our guest this week and she is the co-founder of Iron Wolf Fitness. Email Maggie @ info@ironwolfrecovery.org or go to their website www.ironwolfrecovery.org

Please like, subscribe, comment, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange and Maggie Talucci-green. The race of the hearts continues. This may be the last week to give Beth orange hearts. Why? Stay tuned for details.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work!

Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID  796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID  240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- What has your Higher Power inspired you to do in your life?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout outs:  Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Entire Iron Wolf team, to a positive future outcome for Beth’s foot, Abby and Refuse to Sink, and last but not least to Buckeye Bambi

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week:  Special guest Duane Schaefer with Living Free Recovery.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 14 Mar 2023 11:29:56 GMT
Sober at Home

Podcast Notes 3-1-23

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohost Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth or is it now basement Beth? Now taking votes for the new name… cast your vote in the comments.


Learn about Sober at Home and how it works with our guest and founder of Sober at Home, David Gerber. For more information on Sober at Home visit www.soberathomeinc.com or call 855-52-sober. Sober at home does work with employee flexible spending accounts (FSA).


Please like, subscribe, comment, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange and David Gerber-light blue. The race of the hearts continues.


Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994






website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community


Desperately seeking an intern with website skills. Please send an email for consideration. Great service work!


Looking for bloggers for our website. Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.


Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID  796 507 466 Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID  240 661 305 Password 002020

Question Of The Week- Which do you listen to the most: your heart or your brain?


Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery


Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457


Shout outs: Anne F with one year, Billie A with 2 years, Sean E for being Beth’s friend, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod


Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.


For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com


Next week: Maggie Talucci from Iron Wolf Fitness shares her journey of recovery.


--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 07 Mar 2023 12:37:28 GMT
Bad-ass Sponsors

Podcast Notes 2-25-23  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohost Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth or is it now basement Beth? Stay tuned for why a new nickname may be in the works.  Please like, subscribe, comment, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange and Camden Kathy-red.  The race of the hearts continues.  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com  website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org 

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Looking for bloggers for our website.  Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  

Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID  796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID  240 661 305 Password 002020  Question Of The Week- Who is your favorite public speaker?  

Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Shout outs:  Chuck and Darla for putting up with Bambi, to all Camden Kathy’s sponsees, her sponsor and to anyone struggling with this disease and to everyone working hard to overcome this disease, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod, Bob Moore  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com    

Listen to Bambi’s sponsor, Camden Kathy, as she shares her views on sponsors, sponsorship and find out why she was chasing down a drug dealer in Camden, NJ.  Next week- We begin Higher Power/Inspiration month with our first guest David Gerber.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:28:31 GMT
No Sponsor in the Big Book?

Podcast Notes 2-18-23  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohost Buckeye Bambi. Where is Super Beth?  Tune in next week to find out.   Please like, subscribe, comment, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange.  The race of the hearts continues.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com  

website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org 

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support 

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Looking for bloggers for our website.  

Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID  796 507 466 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting Zoom ID  240 661 305 Password 002020  Question Of The Week- What unhealthy snacks can you not get enough of?  

Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Shout outs:  Marianne T with 2 years, Matt B with 17 years and of course Carl and Chelsea from Soberpod, go check them out as well.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     

This week the hosts discuss sponsors more in depth.  What do you mean the Big Book doesn’t us the word sponsor?  Where did that term even come from?  Listen through this episode as we discuss all things sponsor.  Next week- More on sponsor month as Bambi’s sponsor joins us to join in the fun.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 21 Feb 2023 12:35:29 GMT

Podcast Notes 1-30-23  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.    Please like, subscribe, comment, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange.  The race of the hearts continues.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com  

website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Looking for bloggers for our website.  Send us your blog or information you may want to place on our community page.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  Question Of The Week- What is the worst hairstyle you have ever had and what were you thinking?  Send us your pics of your worst hair moments in history. 

 Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     Under business                     Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                           PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  

Shout outs: Friends in Recovery Podcast now has 1000 subscribers!!!!!  

All of the friends and family that supported Bambi during her house arrest, Collen B for 2 years clean and sober, Beth’s sister Beth for being a total rock star, Carl and Chelsea at Soberpod for showing some love to Friends in Recovery  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     This week the hosts discuss sponsorship and what it means to them, why you should have one, and how it can change your life.  Do you have a sponsor?  Do you need a sponsor? What can a sponsor do for you and what are some things they shouldn’t do?  Next week- More on sponsor month as Beth’s sponsor and Bambi’s sponsor joins us to join in the fun.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 14 Feb 2023 12:27:39 GMT
Karen Reass - FREE 6-Week Series

Podcast Notes 1-26-23  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Special guest Karen Reass, Internationally Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Certified Clinical Interventionist, Certified Structured Family Recovery Counselor, and Advanced Certified Relapse Prevention Specialist discusses the impact of addiction on families, the roles, rules, and rituals adapted to cope, how boundaries break down and can be restored, the neurobiology of addiction and how to heal the brain, relapse prevention and much more.  Stay tuned for all this information.  Contact Karen at karenreass@gmail.com or visit her website www.addictionresolution.com or call her at 631-948-1497  

6-week free Power Point education series by Karen Reass-  Can join on any week via zoom Tuesdays 7pm EST Zoom ID 253 657 546   

 No Password needed 

• Impact of addiction 

• Rules, Roles, and Rituals 

• Boundaries 

• Neurobiology 

• Treatment and Recovery 

• Relapse Prevention      

Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange, Karen-lime green.  The race of the hearts continues.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com  website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Special Friends in Recovery Adventures- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, Join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery.  Do not miss out on this special event.  Email us for more information.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  

Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     

Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    

Zoom ID  240 661 305     

Password 002020 

Question Of The Week- What is your morning routine?  Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     Under business                     Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                           

PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Shout out: Megan’s birthday today!, Stacy and Ed Chionchio for establishing this Friends in Recovery Community, Carl from Soberpod for developing our website.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     Next week- Your hosts discuss sponsors and sponsorship.  What is a sponsor, what isn’t a sponsor, what do they do and why do they do it? How do you pick a sponsor? Join us to find out all about sponsors.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 12:23:38 GMT
Lillo B.

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Special guest Lillo Brancato.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange, Rob-yellow.  The race of the hearts continues.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com 

 website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Special Friends in Recovery Adventures message- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, 2023 in New Jersey.  You can join us (only two women’s spots left) for some amazing sober fun.  $50 donation to reserve your place. If you can’t make it in person, join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery.  Do not miss out on this special event.  Email us for more information.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings. 

 Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  Question Of The 

Week-  Donations:  
Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                   
Under business                     
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  
Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                           
PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 31 Jan 2023 12:28:53 GMT
Special 5-year Anniversary Show

Podcast Notes 1-18-23 to be released February 7th- Anniversary Show  Special 5-year Anniversary Show- Back to the beginning with Friends in Recovery Podcast with our hosts Jersey Ed, Mike Miles “The Podfather”, and Mike Wilson “Sweets”.  The long-awaited final unveiling of Sweets.   A look back on the past 5 years and all the cohosts, special guests, topics and discussions.  Oh the memories… 

 Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com  

website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

 FaceBook page-Friends in Recovery Community of support 

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community 

 Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  

Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     
Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting   

 Zoom ID  240 661 305    
Password 002020  

Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     
Under business                     
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                          
PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457 

Shout out: Friends in Recovery Podcast current cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth, all the past cohosts and guests.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery, with more to join, to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com      Next week- Beginning of sponsorship- Meet Beth’s sponsor Cass and hear her thoughts on sponsorship and recovery.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 24 Jan 2023 12:48:15 GMT
The first 3 spiritual principles with Rob H.

Podcast Notes 1-14-23  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Special guest Rob Hooper.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange, Rob-yellow.  The race of the hearts continues.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com 

 website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org 

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Special Friends in Recovery Adventures message- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, 2023 in New Jersey.  You can join us (only two women’s spots left) for some amazing sober fun.  $50 donation to reserve your place. If you can’t make it in person, join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery.  Do not miss out on this special event.  

Email us for more information.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  Question Of The Week- Where do you believe there is a heaven?  Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     Under business                     Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                           PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  

Shout out: Steph D for helping so many people for the past 18 years, Michael G with one year clean and sober, Mary A with 31 years clean and sober  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     A look at the first 3 spiritual principles with Rob H.  Did you know that each step has a principle behind it?  Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion of the spiritual principle behind step 1, 2, and 3.   

Next week- Famous actor and television star Lillo Brancato joins us.  You will remember him from A Bronx Tale, The Sopranos, or his new movie, Made in Mexico but join us next week to hear his story of how he became clean and sober and how life is now.  Lillo Brancato shares his experience, strength, and hope with Friends in Recovery Podcast.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 12:30:58 GMT
Michael Wilson of Baystate Recovery

Podcast Notes 1-3-23

Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host Jersey Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth. Special guest Mike Wilson of Baystate Recovery.

Mike Wilson, CIP, CFI





His book is Loving Lions- check it out at the link below.


Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!! Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host. Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange. The race of the hearts continues.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994





website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support

Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Special Friends in Recovery Adventures message- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, 2023 in New Jersey. You can join us (only two women’s spots left) for some amazing sober fun. $50 donation to reserve your place. If you can’t make it in person, join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery. Do not miss out on this special event. Email us for more information.

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST. Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.

Daily Noon EST Meeting Zoom ID  796 507 466  Password 002020

Daily 7pm EST Meeting  Zoom ID  240 661 305  Password 002020

Question Of The Week- Where do you go for inspiration?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises

Under business

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery

PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Shout out: Bambi B (Buckeye Bambi) with one year

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Next week- A look at the first 3 spiritual principles with Rob H.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 10 Jan 2023 12:34:54 GMT
Mike Miles - Miles of Hope

Podcast Notes 12-30-22  Friends in Recovery Podcast with our host The Podfather and cohosts Jersey Ed, Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth. 

 What????  Listen to find out why Jersey Ed is now a cohost (at least for this week). 

 Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  

Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange, Podfather-red heart.  It’s a race of the hearts.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com mikemilesmsw@gmail.com 

website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org 

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community 

Special Friends in Recovery Adventures message- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, 2023 in New Jersey.  You can join us (limited availability) for some amazing sober fun.  $50 donation to reserve your place. If you can’t make it in person, join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery.  Do not miss out on this special event.  Email us for more information.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST.  

Find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  
Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.
Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     
Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting   
Zoom ID  240 661 305     
Password 002020  Happy New Years everyone.  

Stay tuned for tons of great guests and episodes this year. Don’t miss some fun and exciting giveaways starting next week.  Question Of The Week- What is the worst TV advertisement that you have seen recently?  Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     Under business                      Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                          

 PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Materials: The Podfather’s experience, strength and hope  Shout out: Jessie S and his loved ones are in our prayers after his passing from this horrible disease, Jimmy H. with one year  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     

Next week- Another familiar face (or is it)?  Check us out for another surprise blast from the past.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 03 Jan 2023 12:37:35 GMT
AA Tradition 12

Podcast Notes 12-23-22  Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersery Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange.  It’s a race of the hearts.  Why is the gang all wearing hats?  Watch to find out.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com jerseyed2018@gmail.com buckeyebambi22@gmail.com superbeth22@gmail.com website- www.friendsinrecoverycommunity.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Special Friends in Recovery Adventures message- Winter Camping trip Feb 10-12, 2023 in New Jersey.  You can join us (limited availability) for some amazing sober fun.  $50 donation to reserve your place. If you can’t make it in person, join us for a special campfire meeting Saturday 11th @ 8:15pm EST for a $25.00 donation to Friends in Recovery.  Do not miss out on this special event.  Email us for more information.  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST you can find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  Look for new and exciting shows in the new year.  Lots of special guests and interviews are coming up to help us all stay sober for 2023.  Question Of The Week- What is something you have always wanted to learn?  Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business  Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Materials: The Twelve and Twelve, The Big Book  Shout out: Cindy C for sharing her story for the first time, Bambi’s brother Chuck for all his support and strength, Beth’s sponsee Sandy for her anniversary, and a big shout out to the whole FIR Podcast crew for a successful year.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     Tradition 12 “ Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”  Next week- Back to the beginning with special guest, The Podfather.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 12:30:44 GMT
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from FIR!

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Fri, 23 Dec 2022 12:36:32 GMT
AA Step 12 - A personal look

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersery Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Give a special heart in the comments for your favorite host.  Jersey Ed-blue, Buckeye Bambi-purple, Super Beth-orange.  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- https://friendsinrecoverycommunity.orgFaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST you can find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  We need your help!!!  Please send suggestions for podcast topics or special guests you would like to see interviewed including yourself.  Send us an email with suggestions.  5-year anniversary of the show is February 6th- Sweets will be revealed.  Send your drawings or descriptions of what you think Sweets will look like.  Question Of The Week- What is the most unusual place you ever slept?  Donations:  Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises                     Under business                      Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery                           PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Materials: The Twelve and Twelve, As Bill Sees It  Shout out: Nikoleta- Spent the weekend at The Wilson House for a Russian speaking AA Big Book Study, Bob M for running the best-worst half marathon of Ed’s running life.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.  For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     Step 12-  A personal look at step 12 “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”  Next week-  Tradition 12 “ Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.”

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 12:22:45 GMT
AA Step 12 - A clinical look with Jeff Zeizel!

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersery Ed and cohost Buckeye Bambi with special guest Jeff Zeizel.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) 

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- https://friendsinrecoverycommunity.org/ 

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  

Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST you can find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. 

 Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466     

Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  We need your help!!!  Please send suggestions for podcast topics or special guests you would like to see interviewed including yourself.  Send us an email with suggestions. Our first special guest of the new year will be The Podfather.  Question Of The Week- What would you name your yacht if you had one?  

Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises  
Under business  Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  

Materials: The Twelve and Twelve  Shout out: John C with 1 year, to all the “normies” out there that help all of us alcoholics and addicts, Jimmy H with 11 months, Derek W., Carl @ Soberpod, Seacoast church and pastor Mack with getting FIR in his church.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     

Step 12-  A clinical look at step 12 “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”  Next week-  A personal look at Step12.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 13 Dec 2022 12:16:19 GMT
AA Step 12 - Carry the message

Podcast Notes 11-30-22  Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersery Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth. 

 Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org

 FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST also can find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website. 

 Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  Daily Noon EST Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466    

 Password 002020 Daily 7pm EST Meeting    Zoom ID  240 661 305     Password 002020  

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  We need your help!!!  Please send suggestions for podcast topics or special guests you would like to see interviewed including yourself.  Send us an email with suggestions. Our first special guest of the new year will be The Podfather.  Question Of The Week- What quote most resonates with you?  

Send us your quote that you live by…  

Donations:   Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business  Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  

Mail Donations:  Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  Materials:  The Big Book, The Twelve and Twelve, and Rob’s Handout (send an email if you too want Rob’s Handout)  Shout out: Terry Z with 10 years of sobriety, anyone in the tristate area that actually got out in the weather because it was nasty, Soberpod and Carl and Chelsea- don’t miss that podcast because it is a great one, Salty Britches and Amy for saving Ed’s most delicate body parts…tune in for details.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com     

Step 12- “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” What is Step 12 and how do I do it?  

Next week-  A clinical look at Step12 with everyone’s favorite, Jeff Zeizel.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 06 Dec 2022 12:35:32 GMT
AA Step 11 - Spiritual Awareness

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersery Ed and cohosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth.  Please like, subscribe, and share this podcast!!!  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 

help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community  Find our daily alcoholic anonymous meetings on AA Intergroup under Friends in Recovery at 12pm EST and 7pm EST also can find our daily meetings and specialty recovery meetings on our Facebook page and on our website.  

Join us for these always inspiring and uplifting meetings.  

Daily Noon EST  
Meeting  Zoom ID  796 507 466      
Password 002020  

Daily 7pm EST Meeting     
Zoom ID  240 661 305     
Password 002020  

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  We need your help!!!  Please send suggestions for podcast topics or special guests you would like to see interviewed including yourself.  Send us an email with suggestions. Our first special guest of the new year will be The Podfather.  Question Of The Week-  Special Show and Tell Edition-  Show me the oldest item in your closet?  

Donations:   Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business  

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  

Mail Donations:  Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457  

Materials:  The Big Book, The Twelve and Twelve, and Rob’s Handout (send an email if you too want Rob’s Handout)  Shout out: Vinnie R who passed away and was a huge part of our Friends in Recovery Community and Dr Goggins who was an amazing doctor in the field of recovery and a great friend of Ed’s who also passed away last week.  

The person responsible for  Ed’s running passion, Bob M who sent a mysterious book to Ed last week- keep listening for details.  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com    

 Tradition 11 Spiritual Principle is spiritual awareness. “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.”  Next week Step 12- “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 12:39:22 GMT
AA – Tradition 11

Tradition 11 “ Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.”

Step 11- The spiritual principle behind Step 11 “ Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”

Shout out: Beth’s friend Nikoletta- Happy Birthday, Bambi’s sponsee, Julie H with 6 months

Question Of The Week- Where is the most beautiful place that you have visited?

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email. Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website-


The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/ Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.

Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.


Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

F.I.R.E. P.O. BOX 1551

John's Island, South Carolina 29457

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 22 Nov 2022 12:33:21 GMT
AA - Step 11 - A clinical look

A clinical look at Step 11 “ Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” 

Next week- Tradition 11 “ Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.” 

Next week- A clinical look at Step 11 with Jeff Zeizel Shout out: CH with 4 years, Beth’s very special friend Elizabeth, Robin’s friend that just got out of treatment 1 month and a week, and a friend who went into treatment after jail. Question Of The Week- What is your favorite sandwich? We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send your resume to our email. 

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/ Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575 There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. 

If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. 

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises 

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery F.I.R.E. P.O. BOX 1551 John's Island, South Carolina 29457

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 15 Nov 2022 12:16:16 GMT
AA Step 11 - A personal look

Step 11 “ Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” 

Next week- A clinical look at Step 11 with Jeff Zeizel 

Question Of The Week- Do you shop on Black Friday? 

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email. 

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/ 

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575 Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/ There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. 

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Cash App: $friendsinrecovery F.I.R.E. P.O. BOX 1551 John's Island, South Carolina 29457 Shout out to the R.O.A.R trip- 2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft occurring right now- Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 08 Nov 2022 12:30:44 GMT
AA - Step 11 - Start Soughten

Step 11 “ Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”  

Next week- A clinical look at Step 11 with Jeff Zeizel  

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.  Shout out: Bambi, Carl from Soberpod,   Question Of The Week- What is your favorite board game?   

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org  The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!   Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/  

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/   There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.   

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises 

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  

F.I.R.E.  P.O. BOX 1551  John's Island,  South Carolina 29457  

Shout out to the R.O.A.R trip-  2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft occurring right now- Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 01 Nov 2022 11:30:05 GMT
AA Tradition 10 - Controversy
Tradition 10- “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues: hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”

Materials: The Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions

Shout out: Mike Frank of Excel treatment Center and The Milestone House, Carl and Chelsea of Soberpod

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.

Next week- Step 11 “ Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/ Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575 Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

F.I.R.E. P.O. BOX 1551 John's Island, South Carolina 29457

Shout out to the R.O.A.R trip- 2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft occurring right now- Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Thu, 27 Oct 2022 00:27:51 GMT
AA Step 10 - Getting Personal

Step 10: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.” Today A personal look at Step 10

Next week- Tradition 10- “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues: hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”

Materials: The Big Book, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, Daily Reflections

Shout out: Felicia G with 9 months, Beth’s support systems, Excel treatment Center, and The Milestone House, Ed’s new job with Bright Life Recovery and Ed Allen

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994


website- www.friendsinrecovery.org

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.

Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery


P.O. BOX 1551

John's Island,

South Carolina 29457

Shout out to the R.O.A.R trip- 2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft occurring right now- Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:34:44 GMT
AA Step 10 - Let's get clinical

Step 10: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”  

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jeff Zeizel and co-hosts Buckeye Bambi and Super Beth  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)
Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994  

website- www.friendsinrecovery.org 

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares! Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/ 

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/  
There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.  

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery
F.I.R.E. P.O. BOX 1551 John's Island, South Carolina 29457

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:34:52 GMT
AA Step 10 - Continue...

Step 10: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”
How do I do it, when do I do it, and do I do it forever?

Materials:  The Big Book, Life Recovery Workbook

Shout out:  Roxanne with 31 days, Corey C with 30 meetings|
We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send resume to our email.
Question Of The Week-Cake or pie and what type?
Next week- Step 10  A clinical look with Jeff Zeisel

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994

website- www.friendsinrecovery.org
The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/
Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.

Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery
P.O. BOX 1551
John's Island,
South Carolina 29457

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 04 Oct 2022 11:29:13 GMT
AA Tradition 9

Tradition 9:  “A.A. as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”  Just what does that mean?  How do we comply? How do we survive with no organization?     

Next week- Step 10  “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.”    

Shout out:  Camden Kathy with 7 years, Felicia G., Jimmy H. Bambi B. all 8 months, Carl at Soberpod for all the great stuff he does for FIR, Pastor Mood from the Seacoast Church in Johns Island  ----    

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504  Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)  
Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994  
website- www.friendsinrecovery.org   

 The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!   

Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/    

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575   

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.     

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises  Cash App: $friendsinrecovery   F.I.R.E.  P.O. BOX 1551  John's Island,  South Carolina 29457    Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 11:38:35 GMT
AA Step 9 - Let's Get Personal

Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

We are still looking for a podcast intern- if interested send your resume to our email.

Question Of The Week- If you could be any cartoon character for one week, who would you be and why?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery

Cash App: $friendsinrecovery
Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery
PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Big Book, The Twelve Steps a Spiritual Journey, The Twelve and Twelve, The Healing Power of Positive Words, Life Recovery Workbook

Shout out:  
Bonnie with 1 year, Excel and Milestone House, Shawn E. (Alumni Coordinator), Nikoleta (Director of Milestone) with 16 years

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersey ED and Special Hosts Noontime with Sky and 12 Step Tif with special guest host Beth!

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)
Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994


The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/
Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575
Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.

P.O. BOX 1551
John's Island,
South Carolina 29457

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:32:01 GMT
AA Step 9 - A Clinical Look with Jeff Zeisel

Step 9:  Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others  A clinical look at step 9 and answers to the whys and hows of working this step. 

Next week- A personal look at how we worked step 9   

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is one negative life event that turned into a positive life event?  

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersey ED and Special Hosts Noontime with Sky and 12 Step Tif with special guest host Jeff Zeisel  Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org  The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!   Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/  

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/   There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.   

  • Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises 
  • Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  
  • F.I.R.E.  P.O. BOX 1551  John's Island,  South Carolina 29457
--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 13 Sep 2022 11:28:42 GMT
AA Step 9 - Direct Amends

Step 9:  Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others  Shout out:  Skyler with 14 years  

QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Who do I have to make amends to, how do I do it, when is the right time… all these answers and more.  

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersey ED and Special Hosts Noontime with Sky and 12 Step Tif with special guest host Jeff Zeisel  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) 

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994
website: www.friendsinrecovery.org  

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!   Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/  Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/   

There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.  

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  
F.I.R.E.  P.O. BOX 1551  John's Island,  South Carolina 29457

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 06 Sep 2022 09:30:35 GMT
AA Step 8 - A clinical look inside

AA Step 8 - A clinical look inside  Step 8:  Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.  

Next week Step 9 Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others -----  Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersey ED and Special Hosts Noontime with Sky and 12 Step Tif with special guest host Jeff Zeisel  

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) 

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 

website- www.friendsinrecovery.org  

The Friends in Recovery Podcast is powered by your Likes, Follows, Subscribes, and Shares!  

 Facebook: www.facebook.com/friendsinrecoverypodcast/  

Facebook FIR ADVENTURES: https://www.facebook.com/groups/715012022517575

Website: www.genesishouse.net/podcasts/friends-in-recovery/  

 There are many ways to help someone that is suffering from addiction. There are professionals here to help you, from staging an intervention to getting counseling as a family member and anything in between. If you or a loved one needs help, reach out to our panel at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com. Inquiries and interested speakers can reach us at help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com.   

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises
Cash App: $friendsinrecovery  
F.I.R.E.  P.O. BOX 1551  
John's Island,  South Carolina 29457  

Shout out to the R.O.A.R trip-  2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft occurring right now- Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed  Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 11:19:19 GMT
AA Tradition 8 - Forever Nonprofessional

Friends in Recovery Podcast with Jersey ED and Cohost Buckeye Bambi.
Resources: Twelve and Twelve

Shout Outs- Celia P, Angelique, Scott C
Tradition 8: Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers,
What is a professional? What are service workers? What are the spiritual principles behind Tradition?

Next week a clinical look at step 8 with Jeff Zeisel and a surprise host.

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org

FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Question Of The Week-What do you do on the weekends?

Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises - Under business

Mail Donations:
Friends in Recovery
PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

R.O.A.R trip- 2nd Annual Recovery On A Raft- 50 miles down the Delaware River. Donate for your favorite rafter and join us for the after party and campfire. Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed.

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:30:27 GMT
AA - Step 8 - Became Willing

Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all We have a list of all persons we have harmed and to whom we are willing to make amends. We made it when we took inventory. We subjected ourselves to a drastic self-appraisal. Now we go out to our fellows and repair the damage done in the past. We attempt to sweep away the debris accumulated from our effort to live on self-will and run the show ourselves. If we haven't the will to do this, we ask until it comes. Remember, it was agreed at the beginning we would go to any lengths for victory over alcohol.

R.O.A.R trip- 2 nd Annual Recovery On A Raft- 50 miles down the Delaware River. Donate for your favorite rafter and join us for the after-party and campfire. Ronnie M, Doug S, John R, Chris C, Jersey Ed.

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com Step 8: Make a list of all persons harmed and become willing to make amends to them all.

Finishing up step 8 with more questions and insights from our hosts. Are you ready to complete your list? Next week Tradition 8 and the last week of the month, a clinical look at step 8 with Jeff Zeisel.

Shout Outs- Tony H, Michael G, Carl from Soberppod

Podcast Hotline- 1800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number) Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994 help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com website- www.friendsinrecovery.org FaceBook page- Friends in Recovery Community of support Telegram app- Friends in Recovery Community

Resources: Big Book, Twelve and Twelve

Podcast Hotline- 1 800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994

Tif P’s Phone Number- 952-688-1970 Donations:

Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises - Under business

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery

PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts. For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 07:30:00 GMT
AA Step 8 - Getting Personal

Step 8: Make a list of all persons harmed and become willing to make amens to them all

Today is getting personal with Step 8. Listen as we share our personal experience, strength, and hope in Step 8.

NEW SHOW NAME - Same amazing contents: Jersey Ed show brought to you by Friends in Recovery Community with Cohosts 12 StepTif and Buckeye Bambi.

Resources: Big Book, Twelve and Twelve, Life Recovery Workbook, 12 Steps A Spiritual Journey, personal journals.

Shout Outs- AnneMarie S., Ainsley A, Cindy C, Julie H, The Jersey Ed show and Buckeye Bambi

Podcast Hotline- 1 800-989-6504 Call or text anytime (Nonemergency Number)

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number- 215-694-1994

Tif P’s Phone Number- 952-688-1970

Question Of The Week: What is the right way to hang the toilet paper (is it over the roll (the correct way) or under the roll (possibly resulting in a murderous rage)?


Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises

Under business

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 09 Aug 2022 07:39:00 GMT
AA Step 8 - Make a list

Step 8: Make a list of all persons harmed and become willing to make amends to them all

Jersey Ed is back and we are talking Step 8 with Co-hosts Tif B and Buckeye Bambi. Resources: Big Book, Twelve, and Twelve, Life Recovery, 12 Steps A Spiritual Journey, Daily Reflections

Shout Outs- Johnny F and Jessie Itzler

Jersey Ed’s Phone Number-215-694-1994 Tif P’s Phone Number-952-688-1970

Question Of The Week- What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Donations: Venmo: friendsinrecoveryenterprises Under business

Mail Donations: Friends in Recovery PO Box 1551 Johns Island, SC 29457

Fire Network- group of podcasts including Friends in Recovery and Soberpod, all focused on recovery with more to join to share information and audiences to reach as many recovering alcoholics and addicts.

For information: help@friendsinrecoverypodcast.com or info@soberpod.com

Who should be on your list, What is on your list and How do we go about it? Tune in to find out the answers to all your step 8 questions.

--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/friendsinrecovery/message
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 07:23:00 GMT
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