
The Nex6 Project

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The Nex6 Project
The Nex6 Project, hosted by John Ghiorso, is a forward-thinking podcast that explores the convergence of emerging technologies, consumer behavior, and market opportunities. In an era where technological advances redefine consumer habits, The Nex6 Project aims to cut through the noise and provide valuable insights from world-class experts shaping the future. Tune in as John delves into how marketers and businesses can capitalize on the market gaps and attain competitive advantage. Featuring exclusive interviews with executives from tech platforms, influential brands, and Media.Monks, we offer you a glimpse into the future of business.
Signing Off: A Thank You from John Ghiorso

This episode marks a significant moment for us, being not just the finale of our season but also the last episode with John Ghiorso as our host.

John has been an exceptional host, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for everything he’s brought to the show. We also extend our thanks to our guests for sharing their knowledge and to you, our listeners, for sticking with us.

As we bid farewell to this season and John’s tenure, we invite you to join us one final time to celebrate our journey and look ahead to what’s coming.

Thanks for being with us this season. We’re excited to bring new discussions soon.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:15:00 GMT
Conversation with Matthew Kramer on CTV Adoption, the Great Tech Divide, and Personalized Advertising

In this episode, John Ghiorso sits with Matthew Kramer, Global Head of Brand Media at Media.Monks, to explore the shifts in television advertising. They focus on the migration towards Connected TV (CTV), the implications of the “Great Tech Divide,” and the future of advertising for major brands amidst legislative changes like the Inflation Reduction Act.

Kicking off with the migration from linear to CTV, John and Matthew analyze the factors driving advertisers toward digital platforms and the growing trend of CTV adoption among older demographics. This shift raises questions about the future of television advertising and what it means for both viewers and advertisers.

The discussion then turns to the “Great Tech Divide,” a concept that predicts a leveling off in technology adoption and its subsequent effects on advertising strategies. John and Matthew critically evaluate the coexistence of CTV and linear TV, speculating on when major brands might fully transition to CTV and the nuanced impacts of recent legislative actions on the industry.

A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to the innovations in measurement and targeting within the CTV versus linear TV realm. The two dissect the evolution of advertising effectiveness metrics, underline the significance of household data in a CTV context, and confront the hurdles of embracing new measurement standards.

AI’s influence on creative content for CTV also takes center stage, with discussions on the potential for hyper-personalized and customized creative outputs and the rise of virtual product placements within the medium.

This episode offers a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and future trajectories of television advertising. If you want to understand the dynamic interplay between technology, consumer behavior, and advertising strategy, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT
Conversation with Barry Frey on Digital Out-of-Home, In-Store Retail Media, and Advertising in Cars

In this episode, John Ghiorso sits down with Barry Frey, President and CEO of DPAA, for a forward-looking discussion on the evolution of advertising mediums.

They kick off by examining digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, moving beyond traditional billboards to dynamic, targeted campaigns that speak directly to consumer behavior and preferences.

Barry shares insightful analysis on the integration of in-store retail media, highlighting its critical role in shaping consumer experiences and driving interactive engagements through personalized digital interactions.

The conversation then leaps into the domain of advertising in cars, exploring how this nascent medium could redefine how advertisers connect with consumers.

Throughout the conversation, John and Barry address the convergence of data analytics, creativity, and technology in shaping the future of advertising. They ponder the balance between leveraging advanced targeting capabilities and maintaining consumer trust.

This episode is designed to equip marketers and business leaders with strategic insights into leveraging DOOH, in-store retail media, and automotive advertising to create meaningful connections with audiences across both digital and physical realms.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Fri, 08 Mar 2024 08:01:00 GMT
Conversation with James Donner on Advertising in Ecommerce, YouTube’s Hidden Potential, and AI in Paid Media

In this episode, John Ghiorso delves into digital advertising with James Donner, a founding partner of Decoded, which has since become part of Media.Monks, where he now serves as the EVP of Paid Media.

John and James kick off the conversation by challenging conventional views of advertising in ecommerce, framing it as a key distribution mechanism rather than just a promotional effort. James then unpacks the nuances in long-term measurement strategies, evaluating traditional methods and the potential of Media Mix Modeling (MMM) amidst the evolution of AI.

Focusing on AI's impact on advertising, the conversation spans from reducing asset costs to enabling hyper-personalization and effective creative strategies. An important question was then prompted: Is there a way to balance AI's efficiency with the need for human intuition and strategic oversight?

Additionally, the conversation sheds light on social media's significant but often underestimated influence on paid media strategies. James specifically points out YouTube's underutilized potential despite its vast user engagement, calling for a reassessment of its strategic value in marketing portfolios.

This episode aims to guide marketers and brand leaders through the intricacies of paid advertising, measurement challenges, AI integration, and social media dynamics.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Fri, 09 Feb 2024 08:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Michael Litman on The Las Vegas Sphere, Immersive Experiences, Web3 Crowdfunding, and Blockchain Loyalty

In this episode, host John Ghiorso and Michael Litman, Senior Director of Emerging Technologies at Media.Monks, explore the impact of emerging technologies in marketing. They discuss how brands leverage these advancements to build communities, create unique experiences, and develop new revenue streams.

Covering a variety of key topics, John and Michael discuss the progression of crowdfunding with the advent of Web3, highlighting its role in community involvement and project ownership. They also shed light on how Web3 alters traditional loyalty programs, offering new perspectives on customer engagement and business advantages.

A focal point of the conversation is the Las Vegas Sphere. Here, John and Michael unpack its influence on reshaping advertising strategies and enhancing consumer experiences, noting how such innovations turn brand advertising into major attractions.

Throughout the episode, the focus is on practical methods for incorporating these technological trends into effective marketing practices.

This episode is a roadmap for business leaders and marketing professionals aiming to leverage emerging technologies to maintain a competitive edge in 2024.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Fri, 05 Jan 2024 08:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Brady Brim-DeForest on AI-Driven Human Creativity, Evolving Software Interaction, and AGI’s Future in Marketing

In this episode, John Ghiorso talks with Brady Brim-DeForest, CEO of Formula.Monks, about the practical implications of AI in marketing. They address how AI is reshaping creative workflows and decision-making in marketing strategies, offering a clear view of what these changes mean for brands today.

The conversation also covers the future prospects of AGI in the industry, offering a realistic perspective on its potential impact and how we get there. Brady discusses how quantum computing might play a role here.

Shifting focus to examine the evolution of software interactions, Brady shares his insights on why traditional models are shifting and how these changes will redefine our interaction with technology.

Throughout the episode, John and Brady focus on practical strategies for effectively integrating AI into marketing practices, ensuring businesses can adapt and benefit from these technological advancements.

For professionals in marketing and business, this episode is a resource for understanding and applying AI insights to stay competitive.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Fri, 08 Dec 2023 08:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Jessica Michaels on Creative Agencies, Gen Z Engagement, and Cookieless Marketing

In this episode, host John Ghiorso sits with Jessica Michaels, Founder and CEO of Seattle-based agency Bread n Butter, to discuss generative AI’s impact on brand engagement and B2B marketing strategies.

Strategy is the cornerstone of any successful business. And that’s why John and Jessica delve into actionable insights to refine your B2B marketing approach for maximum impact. As AI technologies continue to evolve, what becomes of traditional creative agencies? The two explore this question, shedding light on how agencies must adapt to stay relevant in an increasingly automated world.

This episode also tackles the implications of a cookieless future that reshapes how brands collect data and target consumers. Later in the show, John and Jessica switch gears to discuss Gen Z, a demographic that’s rewriting the rules of brand engagement. Given the unique way this demographic interacts with brands, it’s imperative for brands to adapt and resonate with this influential group.

This episode is a must-listen if you’re a business or marketing leader navigating this AI-driven frontier. Packed with actionable insights and forward-thinking perspectives, it’s optimized for those committed to staying ahead.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
  • Check out Bread N Butter: www.breadnbutter.com
Thu, 09 Nov 2023 08:02:00 GMT
Insights with John Ghiorso on Generative AI, ChatGPT Voice, and Amazon Alexa’s LLM Features

In this episode, our Executive Producer Xuanmai Vo turns the tables on host John Ghiorso to dissect the seismic changes in the marketing landscape.

With a focus on voice technology and generative AI, we offer an incisive look into the far-reaching implications of AI on customer service, workforce dynamics, and even our own personal lives. We tackle the tough questions surrounding job displacement and offer a nuanced perspective on the evolution of knowledge work.

Along the way, we debunk common myths and misconceptions about AI, including its role in personal privacy and data security. Special attention is given to Amazon Alexa’s latest LLM capabilities, shedding light on the future trajectory of voice technology.

This episode is a must-listen for marketing leaders and professionals intrigued by technological innovations. We offer actionable insights and forward-looking perspectives to help you navigate the AI frontier.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Follow Xuanmai Vo on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/xuanmai-vo/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Fri, 27 Oct 2023 07:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Chris Walker on Demand Generation, Dark Social, and Attribution Models in B2B Marketing

In this episode, host John Ghiorso is joined by Chris Walker, CEO and Founder of Refine Labs, to dissect the critical elements shaping the future of B2B marketing - dark social and demand generation. Serving as a strategic blueprint for business and marketing leaders, this episode delivers predictive insights into the evolving landscape of B2B marketing. John starts the conversation by exploring Chris’ comprehensive approach to demand generation, segmented into three pivotal elements: creating, capturing, and converting demand. Chris underscores the limitations of traditional measurement models and calls for a strategic overhaul. The conversation then shifts to the untapped potential of dark social. Chris makes a compelling case for underutilizing platforms like LinkedIn and Meta (formerly Facebook) in B2B marketing. He further advocates reallocating budgets towards digital marketing avenues, including Meta and Instagram ads. The episode also delves into the power dynamics between personal and corporate brands on social media platforms. Chris emphasizes the often-overlooked advantage of personal brands in driving superior engagement. As the conversation turns towards the future, the focus shifts to the indispensable role of subject matter experts in establishing thought leadership. Chris believes these experts should provide objective, actionable insights that help readers across their job spectrum. Tune into this episode that cuts through the noise to illuminate the intersections of dark social, demand generation, and the future of B2B marketing, equipping you with practical insights to navigate the changing terrain.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 07:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Amy Luca on Social Media, Social Branding, Live Commerce, Virtual Influencers, and the Future of AI-Driven Marketing

In this episode, host John Ghiorso sits down with a luminary in the realm of social branding and technology, Amy Luca. The two explore social media, live commerce, the rise of generative AI, and virtual influencers. As the EVP and Global Head of Social at Media.Monks, Amy brings a wealth of expertise and wisdom to the forefront. Not only that, she's a distinguished adjunct professor at USC's prestigious Marshall School of Business. John and Amy kick things off by examining social media’s current landscape, highlighting its ever-growing impact on consumer behavior. Together, they map out the industry's future over the next few years in light of this influential force. The episode dives into the challenges inherent in the industry, dissecting the most significant hurdles faced by brands and individuals and providing valuable insights to confront these challenges head-on. The perennial debate of quantity versus quality in content creation takes center stage. Amy offers a fresh perspective on whether flooding the market with content or meticulously crafting high-quality pieces is the optimal strategy, potentially reshaping your content strategy. The conversation then pivots to explore the impact of virtualization on social media, spearheaded by tech giants like Apple and Meta. This episode dives deep into this monumental shift and its potential consequences, including whether established players can adapt or if newcomers will seize control. Finally, John and Amy explore the rise of generative AI and its transformative effect on social media and content creation. Listen to discover the world of AI influencers and AI-generated content, which are shaping the social media landscape. Join us for this engaging episode that sheds light on these critical topics without unnecessary embellishments and to gain a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving intersection of marketing and technology.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:01:00 GMT
Conversation with Sandy Carter on Web3, the Metaverse, NFTs, and Deepfakes

In this episode, host John Ghiorso is joined by Sandy Carter, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Business Development at Unstoppable Domains, for a deep dive into the seismic shifts happening in the digital landscape. Designed as an essential playbook for business leaders, this episode delves into the transformative worlds of Web3, the Metaverse, NFTs, and the ethical complexities of deepfakes. Sandy offers a razor-sharp analysis of Web3, cutting through the noise to reveal its real-world applications and future trajectory. Together, John and Sandy dissect the common misconception of Web3 and the Metaverse being two sides of the same coin, highlighting their unique contributions to the future digital economy. The conversation then pivots to the disruptive potential of NFTs in customer loyalty, spotlighting companies leveraging NFTs effectively and offering keen predictions on where this trend is heading. But it doesn’t stop there. Recognized as a looming threat to institutional integrity and the very concept of objective truth, John and Sandy explore how blockchain technology could serve as a potential safeguard against the malicious use of deepfakes. Join us for an eye-opening conversation that challenges conventional wisdom and illuminates digital technology's practical applications and future implications in marketing and beyond.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT
Conversation with Henry Cowling on Generative AI, the Impacts of AI on Creative, and the Future of Marketing

In this episode, your host, John Ghiorso, welcomes Henry Cowling, Chief Innovation Officer at Media.Monks, for a deep dive into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on creativity in marketing. John and Henry delve into how generative AI is reshaping our world, discussing its positive impacts, such as increased efficiency and advancements, and its potential downsides, including job displacement and human creativity limitations. Henry shares his insights on the future trajectory of AI, discussing how we can harness its benefits while mitigating its risks. He also addresses the importance of ethical considerations in developing and deploying AI technology. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges preconceived notions and explores AI's practical applications and future implications in our marketing and creative industry.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Mon, 31 Jul 2023 07:02:00 GMT
Conversation with Lewis Smithingham on the Metaverse, Apple’s Reality Pro Headset, and Virtual Worlds

In this episode, your host, John Ghiorso, welcomes Lewis Smithingham, SVP of Innovation for Media.Monks, for a deep dive into the world of virtualization.

John and Lewis discuss the hype and reality surrounding the term 'metaverse' and why Lewis prefers to use 'virtualization' to describe the ongoing shift in how we interact with digital spaces. The two explore the cultural implications of virtualization, from gaming with friends in Fortnite to the potential future where VR headsets are as commonplace as cell phones.

Lewis shares his insight on the evolution of VR technology, from the early days of QuickTime VR to the recent launch of Apple's VR headset. He also discusses the importance of digital twin systems in industries like manufacturing and emergency response and how these applications lead the way in adopting VR technology.

Join us for an insightful conversation that challenges the hype and explores virtualization technology's practical applications and future trajectory.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Thu, 06 Jul 2023 19:10:02 GMT
Introducing The Nex6 Project with John Ghiorso

This introductory episode outlines The Nex6 Project's intent to explore the convergence of marketing and emerging technologies.

Drawing from his 15 years of experience in the evolving ecommerce landscape, John Ghiorso seeks to identify areas of opportunity akin to those in commerce. The focus extends to AI, Web3, virtual worlds, the metaverse, and various social trends. With insights from leading experts across various domains, this podcast aims to help marketing leaders and decision-makers understand and leverage the potential of emerging technologies in their strategies.

Join us for some engaging discussions with industry-leading experts.

Let’s Connect:

  • Follow John Ghiorso on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnghiorso/
  • Check out Media.Monks: https://media.monks.com/
Tue, 27 Jun 2023 21:17:24 GMT
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