
Kevin 英文不難

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Kevin 英文不難
我用輕鬆聊天的方式教你英文,每週三、五早上更新。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
#421. I spend my time to accompany with my family… 這句為什麼錯?P.S. 參加 Kevin 英文演講、
On weekends, I spend most of my time to accompany with my family Spend my time / spend (most of) my time 是特定用法,後面通常接動名詞 → I spend most of my time accompanying with my family. I avoid eating meat. He suggests trying that new restaurant. I have a hard time learning math. ---- 4/22 我會在台大演講,分享近幾年教學,發現大家最容易錯的英文,以及讓你英文進步的正確觀念。 雖然標題是針對學生,但只要你有在學英文,或是想加強英文,都一定會從我演講的內容更了解怎麼學英文。最後也會有 QA 時間讓大家發問。 👉 演講詳情: - 時間:4/22(星期一)1:50 PM-3:20 PM(1:20開放報到) - 地點:台大外語教學暨資源中心(辛亥路校門進去,語言訓練測驗中心旁邊) - 場次:大學生該如何學好英文?(Tips for English Language Learning) 🎯 報名方式: 1. 點連結辦帳號 https://my.ntu.edu.tw/actregister/sessionView.aspx?actID=20245161_04&sesID=2 2. 登入後點下面的連結(右上有報名按鈕) https://ntufltc.pse.is/20240422
Tue, 16 Apr 2024 20:34:47 GMT
#420. 這幾個單字的後面記得加 Ving
介係詞:常接動名詞的介係詞包括 after, before, by, in, on, at, of, without, about: We decided to go for a walk after eating. I am interested in learning more about this. 動詞:特定動詞之後要接動名詞,尤其描述狀態的動詞。 Enjoy: I enjoy swimming. Avoid: Please avoid making loud noises. Consider: She considered moving abroad.
Thu, 11 Apr 2024 20:03:41 GMT
#419. 形容未來要注意的幾個文法
I think the biggest change in my life in the next five years will be change my job. → will be changing my job → will be that I change my job will be 後面不能直接用動詞 change,要用一個名詞(動名詞、或是名詞片語) I've been searching my passion for a long time → I've been searching for my passion for a long time
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 20:06:42 GMT
#418. 如何跟外國人介紹台灣食物?
Sticky Rice Dumpling Alright so I am not going to go into the long history of the ZongZi, but rest assured that this tried and tested method of carbs is a true winner. Inside this one you’re going to find peanuts, fatty pork, chestnut, egg yolk, and a bit of mushroom thrown in their for good measure. Topped with coriander, and lashings of the red bottled sauce that’s on each table, and you’re flying high. --- 想看如何跟外國人介紹台灣食物,參考這個網站 https://eatingintaipei.com/lan-family-guabao/
Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:15:20 GMT
#417. 如何解決聽不懂語速快的英文?
當學習者程度還比較不足的時候,因為對英文不夠熟悉(e.g. 時態搭配、詞性變化、單字組合、發音、連音…),所以聽到的內容比較難內化(有點像在聽一組亂數)。概念其實滿簡單的,困難其實就是在知道哪些詞語和句型結構是一組,以及該如何歸納。這部分在自學的時候,可能就要多查字典,或是有老師直接告訴你 「這邊的句構是一組」、「這邊是一組」、「這個情況一定是這個文法時態,所以會是 have been + Ving」 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in YouTube:不出國也能精進英文口說,方法大公開 https://youtu.be/HrHEZzc8FfM?feature=shared 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:34:47 GMT
#416. 現在進行式 vs. 現在「完成」進行式有什麼差別?
小考 填空格: "Right now, she __________ (to work) on a new project." "They __________ (to study) English for three years now." 選擇題: 哪一個是現在完成進行式? A) "He is watching TV." B) "He has been watching TV for two hours." 糾正錯誤: "She has been wait for the bus for 30 minutes." 選擇正確時態: "I _______ (to learn) Spanish since last year." 選擇使用現在進行式、現在完成進行式。 翻譯: "我從早上九點一直在寫報告。"
Fri, 22 Mar 2024 06:12:36 GMT
#415. 口說文法:都是過去式 would come、came 有什麼差別?
簡單過去(Came) 定義和用法:“Came”是動詞“come”的簡單過去時形式,用於描述在過去某一具體時間發生的單一事件或動作。 例句:"When we were children, we came to this park." 使用“came”時,我們著重於過去某個確定的時刻或時間段內發生了什麼。 過去習慣(Would Come) 定義和用法:“Would come”使用了助動詞“would”加上基本形式的動詞“come”,它用來描述過去的重複行為或習慣性動作。 例句:"When we were children, we would come to this park." 使用“would come”時,強調的是一個過去經常發生的行為,而不是某個具體的單次事件。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:51:07 GMT
#414. 英文程度多益 300-600 同學容易犯的錯誤
在這一集的 Podcast 中,我們將探索英語學習者常見的語言錯誤,透過具體例子分析如何避免這些錯誤。從介系詞的搭配,單複數的正確形式到主詞與動詞的一致性,我們將一一解析。
Thu, 14 Mar 2024 20:14:32 GMT
#414. 單字背不起來?試試看這三個方法
想背單字不會忘,最重要的關鍵就是知道「如何自然的使用這些單字」,簡單來講就是要注意單字的情境脈絡,這在英語學習理論裡稱為 contextual awareness。Context 是情境,awareness 是察覺。簡單來說,就是不能「死背」單字,也不能「佛系」背單字。理解如何在適當的情境使用單字,就可以有效幫助學習。
Tue, 12 Mar 2024 17:55:06 GMT
#413. they’d = they had 還是 they would?
1. 主詞 + is He's = He is She's = She is It's = It is There's = There is That's = That is 現在進行式 He’s eating. 描述狀態 She’s a doctor. 2. 主詞 + has He's = He has She's = She has It's = It has 現在完成式 He's finished his homework.
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 20:34:34 GMT
#412. 都是「除了」except、besides 怎麼分辨?
測驗 except vs. besides 哪一句正確使用 “besides”? A) I enjoy all genres of movies besides horror. B) Everyone arrived on time besides John. C) Besides playing the guitar, she also sings in a band. D) She could choose any topic for her essay besides politics. 哪一句正確使用 “except”? A) He eats all types of fruits except bananas. B) Except for his skills in coding, he's also a great leader. C) Except playing football, he also enjoys basketball. D) She has visited many countries in Europe, except Italy and Spain.
Tue, 05 Mar 2024 20:22:29 GMT
#411. 口說常見的 3 個文法錯誤
1. 不熟悉現在進行式 I'm study English now \ > I’m studying English now. when I working \ > when I’m working 2. 不熟悉不定詞 we have to meeting with our clients \ > we have to meet with our clients I like to running. \ > I like to run. / I like running. 3. 詞彙誤用 > 形容工作的時候 I'm a customer service. I'm a sales.
Tue, 27 Feb 2024 20:11:17 GMT
#410. 你的英文使用精準嗎?
Thu, 22 Feb 2024 21:01:12 GMT
#409. 職場聊天的 10 句英文
I am not a morning person. My degree has nothing to do with my career. My 10 am meeting got canceled. I stayed up until 3am last night preparing for it. We talked about the progress and priorities of the products we’re building. I’m currently working on two big products. We were arguing back and forth between different states of the product. It was an intense discussion. Things are a little bit chaotic. I get ready for bed at around 10pm.
Thu, 01 Feb 2024 20:48:56 GMT
#408. 現在完成式 have 要加 been 嗎?
Forward 常見搭配詞 Look forward to Moving/going forward(也可以指未來、將來) Moving forward, we will need to change our marketing strategy. We will not be moving forward with your application… Bring forward Can we bring forward the meeting to tomorrow?
Thu, 25 Jan 2024 19:25:36 GMT
#407. 講故事要會的 5 個英文句型
1. I want to share you > I want to share with you a funny story. 2. 前情提要 something I should mention is that… (慣用句) 3. 訴苦、講講內心感受 I wanted to get something off my chest(慣用句) 4. 除此之外 other than that(慣用句) 5. 真是… such a shame(可惜) / pity ---- Zoom 英文分析 可往後預約 14 天,如全顯示 No availability 則表示額滿 https://scheduler.zoom.us/kevinpod/kevin-meeting
Tue, 23 Jan 2024 20:33:23 GMT
#406. 生活中處處看到人臉?
小考 1. It's important not to rely on snap ________ when assessing complex situations. a) analysis; b) judgment; c) process; d) understanding 2. Why are humans good at recognizing faces? a) Because we like to see faces everywhere. b) Because humans are social animals and need to understand each other. c) Because humans have a special ability to see faces in objects. 3. What does the term 'glimpse' mean? a) A long and careful observation b) A very quick or brief look c) The process of understanding complex visual information d) The action of ignoring details ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字、小考 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 18 Jan 2024 20:19:27 GMT
#405. 什麼是 Ikea 效應?
**Struggle 可以分動詞、名詞用法 ** (1) 動詞 struggle(表示努力或困難) struggle to + 動詞 I often struggle to concentrate in a noisy environment. I struggle to understand English speakers when they talk too fast. struggle with + 名詞 He struggles with math. They are struggling with the new regulations. I struggle with procrastination. (2) 名詞 struggle(表示挑戰或努力) Her struggle with math began in elementary. The struggle for civil rights continues. 補充片語:a real struggle - Waking up early is *a real struggle* for me. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 16 Jan 2024 20:07:11 GMT
#404. 雄性鳴鳥類需要練習唱歌來吸引另一伴
Songbirds, akin to professional singers, benefit from daily vocal practice to enhance performance and attract mates. Conducted by Iris Adam and her colleagues at the University of Southern Denmark, the research is the first to establish that birds' vocal muscles require regular exercise for optimal functioning. 單字 reveal 揭露、表明 片語 akin to 相似於 片語 benefit from 利用、受益於 We benefit from daily exercises. Interestingly, the study may help unravel the mystery of why birds engage in a dawn chorus. While some birds sing for social bonds or territory defense, the research suggests that the morning singing routine might be a form of vocal exercise, helping birds keep their voices in shape.
Thu, 11 Jan 2024 21:00:37 GMT
#403. 喜馬拉雅山脈南部隧道崩塌
Question What setbacks did you encounter in 2023? Kevin 答覆 回答:One of the setbacks I encountered in 2023 was that it was very difficult to find English teachers to help me with my work. 舉例:A lot of the teachers I reached out to were either too busy or unqualified. 字稿 Over the two weeks that dozens of Indian construction workers have been trapped in a Himalayan road tunnel, each time a breakthrough has appeared imminent, politicians have rushed to the scene. 片語 dozens of 很多、許多 單字 imminent 臨近的、即將發生的 片語 rush to 趕緊、倉促行事 Many people rushed to the gas station before the price was about to rise. The men were working on one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects of the Indian government, which aims to connect four Hindu pilgrimage sites in the mountains through 890 km of roads at a cost of $1.5bn.
Tue, 09 Jan 2024 18:41:42 GMT
#402. 人都會自言自語嗎?
你上一次跟自己講話是什麼時候?今天的節目,我會分享自我對話 self-talk 如何顯著提高專注力和自尊心,還有透過 distance self-talk,可以讓你在公開演講或遇見新人等具挑戰性情境中減少壓力。我們也同時檢視自我對話的負面影響,尤其是當它過於消極和有害時,會導致焦慮。
Thu, 28 Dec 2023 19:40:41 GMT
#401. 未來,你的工作會被AI取代嗎?
Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:45:19 GMT
#400. Pizza Hut 出的新 Pizza 口味
Pizza Hut 與一間擁有百年歷史的香港餐廳合作,創造了一款獨特的披薩,其主要配料為當地流行的菜餚——蛇肉。這種創新的作品將蛇肉與奶酪、雞肉和鮑魚醬混合在一起,反映了 Pizza Hut 用非傳統食材來製作 Pizza。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:14:05 GMT
#399 來自聖露西亞的歌手--韋喆
韋喆來自聖露西亞;他高中的時候成績不錯、拿到了獎學金資格&家人鼓勵他到遠一點的地方讀書、可以看到更多不同的世界,加上聖露西亞跟台灣有邦交關係,他當時就以留學生的身分來台灣讀書。他小時候就喜歡唱歌,在聖露西亞時就常參加比賽,在唱詩班唱歌;來台灣時先後在輔大、政大上課學中文&專業科目,也在課餘找一些歌唱或比賽的機會,當時參加了聲林之王後就正式展開他的歌手生涯了。 ---- 韋喆新專輯 The Departure: Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/2TXVU1aeN7omijbwqeY6Ui?si=i-3IfdFiQ9WJtmuP3G5L0A
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:30:04 GMT
#398. 間諜的薪水高嗎?
Tue, 12 Dec 2023 20:36:25 GMT
#397. 為什麼水族館裡沒有大白鯊?
Thu, 07 Dec 2023 19:31:36 GMT
#396. 天氣越來越熱,是什麼造成的?
這篇文章探討了全球氣候變得愈來愈極端的原因,主要是由於人類燃燒化石燃料釋放溫室氣體所致。文章指出,El Niño現象加強、減少空氣污染物反而加劇暖化、火山爆發釋放溫室氣體等因素,都使氣候變遷情況惡化。科學家警告,即使目前的變化未超越歷史記錄,氣候變化的速度可能會比預期的更快。因此,迫切需要採取行動逐步淘汰化石燃料的使用。
Tue, 05 Dec 2023 18:44:58 GMT
#395. 泰勒絲演唱會,粉絲熱昏死亡
Ana Clara Machado 在泰勒絲里約的音樂會去世,她的死因目前正在調查中,警方懷疑與極端天氣有關。她的去世引起了里約市民的廣泛憤怒,尤其對於在炎熱天氣下體育館內禁止攜帶水瓶的規定感到不滿。由於里約當天的白天最高溫度達到了破紀錄的 39.1 攝氏度,使得對活動安全的擔憂進一步加劇。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 23 Nov 2023 20:08:29 GMT
#394. 馬斯克傳:爸爸 Errol 第三次結婚(完結)
2002 年,由於不滿爸爸 Errol 繼女,伊隆·馬斯克與父親疏遠。多年後,因為之前的疏遠和 Errol 的健康問題,Elon 和他的弟弟 Kimbal 考慮重新與父親聯繫。然而,Errol 與他繼女的關係導致生下一個孩子,這導致了永久的裂痕,Elon 和 Kimbal 從此切斷所有與父親 Errol 的 聯繫。
Tue, 21 Nov 2023 19:58:06 GMT
#393. 馬斯克傳:爸爸 Errol(Part 5)
馬斯克在他的新生兒兒子 Nevada 去世後,邀請感情一直不是很好的爸爸 Errol 和他再婚的太太、太太前段婚姻的小孩、及後來生的小孩來到洛杉磯。儘管 Elon 的弟弟對邀請爸爸來到 LA 這件事表示擔憂,Elon 還是請爸爸和家人留下來,並為他們買了房子和車,為孩子們安排了學校和交通。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:31:56 GMT
#392. She’s = She is 還是 She has?
she's 可以是 she is 也可以是 she has,但是要看情況。如果是 she has,那後面就必須要接過去分詞,像是 she's gotten a new job. Gotten 就是過去分詞。如果 she's 是 she is,那後面的動詞就一定是現在進行式,像是 she is getting a new job. getting 就是現在進行式。
Thu, 09 Nov 2023 19:41:51 GMT
#391. 馬斯克傳:第一任太太 Justine(Part 4)
Elon 在大學遇見了未來的太太 Justine,一開始 Justine 對 Elon 沒有太多興趣,但是在 Elon 不斷追求下,最後跟 Elon 交往。Justine 表示自己對 Elon 很印象深刻,儘管他有抱負,他從不將焦點放在金錢上。他們的關係充滿張力,而馬斯克在結婚的那天,對 Justine 稱自己是關係中的主導者。
Tue, 07 Nov 2023 19:00:36 GMT
#390. 馬斯克傳:第一間公司 Zip2(Part 3)
在 1995 年,Elon 和弟弟 Kimbal Musk 設想了合併地圖軟體的線上商業目錄。儘管最初遭遇懷疑,他們在 Palo Alto 設立了一個小辦公室,一開始兄弟倆住在辦公室並在附近的 YMCA 洗澡。到了1997年,他們的不懈努力開始得到回報,Zip2 從 140 家報紙獲得了合約,標誌著商業目錄向數字化轉型的開始。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 19:24:22 GMT
#389. 馬斯克傳:大學(Part 2)
Thu, 26 Oct 2023 20:45:16 GMT
#388. 馬斯克傳:童年(Part 1)
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 19:50:57 GMT
#387. 中東戰火,哈瑪斯突襲以色列
Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:34:09 GMT
#386. 世界上最長的河是哪一條?
預定於2024年4月展開的一項遠征計劃,目的是利用先進的繪圖技術全程探測亞馬遜河,挑戰尼羅河作為世界上最長河流的稱號。除了追求創紀錄外,該遠征也旨在探索亞馬遜的生物多樣性並提高對保護的意識,同時可能會提升民族自豪感並增加旅遊收益。河流長度的爭議主要來自對其起點的不同看法,而秘魯的曼塔羅河源的最新發現進一步激化了這項爭議。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 17 Oct 2023 19:15:12 GMT
#385. 美國 Maryland 州殺人犯逃逸
Maryland 州的警方正在進行一場大規模的搜捕行動,目標是一名殺害 26 歲科技公司 CEO Pavel Lapeyre 的嫌犯。嫌疑人 Jason Billings Lee 剛出獄不久,有重複犯罪的歷史。Lapeyre 是科技界的明日之星,不幸被發現死於公寓,有明顯的外力撞擊傷痕。當局提醒市民要小心,因為嫌疑犯非常危險。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 19:18:54 GMT
#384. 英文解答:particular vs. specific 有什麼差別?
Question 1: for the upcoming quarter, in the upcoming holiday season,following 和 upcoming 意思蠻接近,是不是可互換? Question 2: Are there any particular flavors you'd recommend for a first-timer? Do you have a specific goal? 句中的 "particular" 跟 "specific" 在表達上有什麼重大區分嗎? 這兩句話如果我是用" specific flavors" 和 " particular goal" 是 ok 的嗎?
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:10:32 GMT
#383. 伊朗頒布新法條「不包頭巾判 10 年」
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 02:35:15 GMT
#382. 美國殺人犯越獄,終被尋獲
從賓州的一所監獄中逃亡的殺人犯 Danilo Cavalcante 在逃亡兩週後被逮捕。警方發現他時,他正睡躺在偷來的來福槍上,當 Cavalcante 試圖逃跑時,警犬將他制服。Cavalcante 靠找到的西瓜和溪水存活,並計劃劫車前往加拿大逃避警方。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 19:38:45 GMT
#381. 中國禁官員用 iPhone 更不得帶進辦公室
在中國禁止官員使用 iPhone 和其他外國品牌後,蘋果的股票下跌了3.6%。儘管蘋果在中國僱用了大量員工,仍不表示蘋果就能在中國平穩營運。這項禁令讓許多專家建議公司在中國營運時,需要考慮分散生產鏈的風險。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 07 Sep 2023 18:35:04 GMT
#380. 萬里長城被挖洞
兩名中國人因使用挖土機在中國的長城上挖出捷徑而被拘留,甚至造成了長城不可逆的損害。經過詢問,警方發現這兩位中國人開鑿長城為是為了減少通勤旅行時間,目前此事件的調查仍在繼續。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 05 Sep 2023 18:01:53 GMT
#379. 西班牙足球界「親嘴」醜聞
在西班牙女子世界杯勝利一周後,西班牙的足球聯合會與冠軍球員之間出現了緊張關係。爭議圍繞 Rubiales在勝利後嘴對嘴親吻球員 Hermoso。雖然 Rubiales 聲稱這是雙方合意的接吻,但國際聲浪不埋單,認為這樣的行為是性騷擾。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 18:56:13 GMT
#378. 如何用英文解釋產品功能?聽這段真實錄音
今天的節目分享我打給客服人員時,他用的一些單字和說明。包含幾個常見的慣用語,像是 I just wanted to… “I just wanted to record a quick video to talk through what I'm saying over email" ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 22 Aug 2023 19:50:37 GMT
#377. 兩名醉漢在巴黎鐵塔度過一晚
兩名醉酒的美國遊客被發現在艾菲爾鐵塔上睡覺,導致塔的開放時間延遲。他們在清晨的巡邏中被保全發現,並在塔的第二和第三層之間度過了夜晚,兩人都將面臨法國法律責任。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 15 Aug 2023 20:14:48 GMT
#376. Lori Daybell 曲折謀殺案(Part 4 完結)
來自亞利桑那州的兄妹 Tylee Ryan 和 Jaxon Vallow 於2019 年 9 月消失,之後被發現埋葬在他們母親的第五任丈夫 Chad Daybell 後院。他們的失蹤是在他們的家庭中一連串可疑的死亡和襲擊之中。 ---- 10 週流利英文口說班: 想提升英文口說能力,但不知道怎麼把腦中的字串成句? 遇到稍微複雜的概念,就不清楚該如何回應,也很難表達自己真正的意思? 雖然能理解別人的話,但經常不能夠流利地回答,總是結結巴巴? 不確定如何有效地學習英文口說,即使多加練習,仍然感覺不夠流利? https://kevinpod.notion.site/kevinpod/10-c0006b53f53144b9b12b5cf6d3eec838
Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:36:06 GMT
#375. Lori Daybell 曲折謀殺案(Part 3)
來自亞利桑那州的兄妹 Tylee Ryan 和 Jaxon Vallow 於2019 年 9 月消失,之後被發現埋葬在他們母親的第五任丈夫 Chad Daybell 後院。他們的失蹤是在他們的家庭中一連串可疑的死亡和襲擊之中。 ---- 10 週流利英文口說班: 想提升英文口說能力,但不知道怎麼把腦中的字串成句? 遇到稍微複雜的概念,就不清楚該如何回應,也很難表達自己真正的意思? 雖然能理解別人的話,但經常不能夠流利地回答,總是結結巴巴? 不確定如何有效地學習英文口說,即使多加練習,仍然感覺不夠流利? https://kevinpod.notion.site/kevinpod/10-c0006b53f53144b9b12b5cf6d3eec838
Tue, 08 Aug 2023 19:00:53 GMT
#374. Lori Daybell 曲折謀殺案(Part 2)
來自亞利桑那州的兄妹 Tylee Ryan 和 Jaxon Vallow 於2019 年 9 月消失,之後被發現埋葬在他們母親的第五任丈夫 Chad Daybell 後院。他們的失蹤是在他們的家庭中一連串可疑的死亡和襲擊之中。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 03 Aug 2023 19:33:48 GMT
#373. Lori Daybell 曲折謀殺案(Part 1)
來自亞利桑那州的兄妹 Tylee Ryan 和 Jaxon Vallow 於2019 年 9 月消失,之後被發現埋葬在他們母親的第五任丈夫 Chad Daybell 後院。他們的失蹤是在他們的家庭中一連串可疑的死亡和襲擊之中。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 01 Aug 2023 19:55:36 GMT
#372. 紐約市起重機從高空墜落
在週三的早晨,位於曼哈頓的一座建築起重機發生火災並部分倒塌,導致十二人受傷。這起事件發生在哈德遜碼頭附近,所造成的傷害皆非生命威脅性的。紐約市市長埃里克·亞當斯表示,大家非常幸運能避免更多傷亡。 ---- 本集節目由【德國Emma】贊助播出 官網活動:父親節優惠,Hybrid床墊+記憶枕組合價55折! 粉絲專屬全品項達9折,不限金額與品項,可搭配官網的折扣活動一起使用 優惠碼:kevintw10 連結(可直接帶入優惠碼): https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/pckevintw10 使用期限: 2023.12.31 #Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 19:47:48 GMT
#371. Twitter 將改名為 X
在 Elon Musk 的領導下,Twitter 將原本是一隻鳥的 logo 更改為 X,現已更新在網站上,Musk 甚至暗示還有更多的變化。分析家認為,在 Twitter 的財務困境和來自 Threads 的威脅下,更改 Twitter 名字是個高風險舉動。我們就靜觀其變,看看 Musk 的計畫到底是什麼吧。 ---- 本集節目由【父植萃】贊助播出 父植萃Florettie 專注挖掘自然療癒力 x Kevin 英文不難 專屬優惠,8/25前官網結帳輸入『kevin』可享有購物車9折優惠 https://lihi2.com/Ekt0L 父親節活動至8/13: 1.全館優惠 單品88折 / 組合8折 2.滿額贈三款清爽水相保養 滿$3000,贈「玫瑰柔白保濕面膜」一盒(定價$680) 滿$4000,贈「玫瑰精萃賦活露」一瓶(定價$1,180) 滿$5000,贈「玫瑰煥采精華」一支(定價$1,880) 3.新品「杉韻沉淨洗髮精」優惠加購價$388(定價$680) ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:19:56 GMT
#369. 訪談:Jenny 在美國工作,但英文卻沒進步。該怎麼辦?
Jenny 在美國當護理師助理,剛過去的時候他英文幾乎不行,但是這幾年英文進步很多。到現在他講工作的東西基本上 ok,畢竟專業術語和會出現的狀況差不多那樣。但是只要有太複雜的內容,講太多、太快,出現可能閒聊相關他沒辦法,尤其只要多人講話就會亂掉。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 18 Jul 2023 19:05:16 GMT
#368. 泰國合法化大麻
Thailand has been the outlier in Asia, where several countries still have the death penalty for cannabis offenses. Singapore has already executed two people this year for trafficking marijuana and its Central Narcotics Bureau has announced plans to randomly test people returning from Thailand. 單字 outlier 例外 搭配詞 death penalty 單字 executed 處決 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 13 Jul 2023 19:24:17 GMT
#367. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(完整聽力)
你和主管的交情有多好?是否會喝酒後彼此抱怨對方討人厭的行為?今天的節目,我們會聽到員工和老闆討論尷尬的話題,包含對其他員工的抱怨,還有對工作環境的想法。 ----- 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:24:46 GMT
#366. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 4)
你和主管的交情有多好?是否會喝酒後彼此抱怨對方討人厭的行為?今天的節目,我們會聽到員工和老闆討論尷尬的話題,包含對其他員工的抱怨,還有對工作環境的想法。 ----- 我如何用 ChatGPT 快速加強口說 https://youtu.be/UPh0iQbg4iU 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Thu, 06 Jul 2023 20:17:15 GMT
#365. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 3)
你和主管的交情有多好?是否會喝酒後彼此抱怨對方討人厭的行為?今天的節目,我們會聽到員工和老闆討論尷尬的話題,包含對其他員工的抱怨,還有對工作環境的想法。 ----- 我如何用 ChatGPT 快速加強口說 https://youtu.be/UPh0iQbg4iU 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Thu, 29 Jun 2023 19:03:42 GMT
#364. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 2)
你和主管的交情有多好?是否會喝酒後彼此抱怨對方討人厭的行為?今天的節目,我們會聽到員工和老闆討論尷尬的話題,包含對其他員工的抱怨,還有對工作環境的想法。 ----- 本集節目由【德國Emma】贊助播出 官網活動:夏季促銷,德國Emma床墊套組最低55折! 粉絲專屬全品項達9折,不限金額與品項,可搭配官網的折扣活動一起使用 優惠碼:kevintw10 連結: https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/pckevintw10 使用期限: 2023.12.31 #Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma ----- YouTube 影片:找到適合自己的英文教材 https://youtu.be/cC1tlq5NUHM 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Tue, 27 Jun 2023 20:08:33 GMT
#363. 酒後吐真言:主管、員工(Part 1)
你和主管的交情有多好?是否會喝酒後彼此抱怨對方討人厭的行為?今天的節目,我們會聽到員工和老闆討論尷尬的話題,包含對其他員工的抱怨,還有對工作環境的想法。Name the colleague you'd most want to sleep with. Somebody currently? You know mine. No, who? I'm just saying it's like a crush. That's not like a thing. Oh! ----- 【TS6 男士極淨私密沐浴露】贊助。添加「益菌精華」,讓該邊清爽舒適解決癢癢難耐,舒涼新配方,微涼不刺激,愛上洗澡的感覺!按壓一下輕鬆洗淨全身,高雅木質調漸進式香氣,與體溫完美融合成獨特氣息,成為熟男發電機,讓另一半重新愛上自己!歡慶24週年|超多好禮回饋 5/31 10:00-6/30 10:00。優惠重點整理: 下單滿$490 抽3天2夜大溪威斯汀度假酒店住宿 100%幸運轉盤官網天天抽 滿1000享88折;滿2000享85折 精選商品 買一送一 另外使用聽眾專屬折扣碼 kevin80 滿490再折80!!! 優惠傳送門 → https://bit.ly/3q2EmAR ----- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Tue, 20 Jun 2023 19:40:19 GMT
#362. 聽眾來信:英文聽不懂怎麼辦?
想加強英文一定要有三個步驟。1. 學會檢核自己的英文弱項。2. 安排學習目標和進度。3. 記錄自己的學習過程和反思。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890 英文疑問,歡迎來信 kevin@kevinpod.com
Thu, 15 Jun 2023 19:38:39 GMT
#361. 英文多講不一定進步?
很多時候英文多講不一定就會進步。主要原因有兩個,第一講話的過程不會學習,雖然可以練習發音、使用句型的流暢度,但是真的學習還是要透過閱讀或聽。第二,很多人講英文會把重點放在意思的表達,這表示大家會容易用自己習慣或熟悉的方式溝通,而非用自己不熟悉的單字或句型。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:28:43 GMT
#360. Apple 推出 VR 眼鏡
蘋果在這次的 WWDC 發表了一款全新的 VR 眼鏡,將我們帶入了一個全新的虛擬世界。這款眼鏡利用最先進的虛擬實境技術,無論是遊戲、學習還是工作,都將為我們提供一種前所未有的沉浸式體驗。What does it actually do? So you can use this thing as its own computer with web browsing, etc, with these 4k windows in front of you that you can move around and do all kinds of stuff with your hands. Now, this will be its own OS. Again, it's not running off your phone or anything. ---- 本集節目由【德國Emma贊助播出】 這幾天使用下來最明顯感受到的就是下背比較舒服,我之前的床墊會讓我下背有點中空,(可能屁股比較翹…)所以會有段高度,但是 Emma 床墊給的包覆感很好,會有支撐,不會身體簍空的感覺。專屬9折折扣碼:kevintw10(官網活動額外再打9折!) 連結:https://links.emma-sleep.com.tw/pckevintw10 (點進網址會直接帶入折扣碼) hashtag:#Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊100日試睡 #德國Emma ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 08 Jun 2023 19:51:56 GMT
#359. 哈利王子回憶錄(全英文練習)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- 你吃的益生菌有效嗎?要吃就吃有國際菌種機構認證的!TS6是益生菌專家,如後宮般爭鬥下嚴選的七種機能性益生菌,用複合共生培養技術及純新鮮牛奶培養,讓你調整體質,幫助消化恩恩順暢,男女老幼都可以吃,根據年紀每天1-3包,歡迎大家一起吃益生菌界的霸主『TS6有益菌PLUS+』,順暢健康每一天!歡慶24週年|超多好禮回饋 5/31 10:00-6/30 10:00 - 下單滿$490 抽3天2夜大溪威斯汀度假酒店住宿 - 100%幸運轉盤官網天天抽 - 滿1000享88折;滿2000享85折 - 精選商品 買一送一 - 另外使用聽眾專屬折扣碼 kevin80 滿490再折80!!! - 優惠傳送門 https://bit.ly/3q2EmAR ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 06 Jun 2023 19:08:15 GMT
#358. 哈利王子回憶錄(完結)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- Tomtoc 筆電包專家 x Kevin 英文不難專屬優惠,10/31 前官網輸入【kevin】可享全站 95 折超讚優惠:https://www.tomtoc.com.tw/ 加碼活動: 1. 送禮專區買就送品牌精美紙袋,送禮體面又大方 2. 指定系列加碼2件95折,搭配頻道折扣使用更優惠 3. 全館滿2000再折200元,優惠都能疊加使用 4. 訂單單筆滿$1200元 台灣免運 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 01 Jun 2023 19:54:20 GMT
#357. 哈利王子回憶錄(Part 4)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 30 May 2023 19:00:17 GMT
#356. 哈利王子回憶錄(Part 3)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 25 May 2023 19:57:03 GMT
#355. 哈利王子回憶錄(Part 2)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 23 May 2023 19:50:33 GMT
#354. 哈利王子回憶錄(Part 1)
我們會在今天的節目分析哈利王子近期的新書 Spare,並從中挑選有趣的片段和其他新聞媒體對整件事的看法。 Prince Harry's brutal, one-man mission to destroy the family he left behind sees no one spared. "I did coke and weed and had a bad trip of mushrooms where a bin started talking to me," says Prince Harry. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 18 May 2023 19:45:32 GMT
#353. 美國大學生如何賺錢
So what's your name? Age? And what are you studying? 今天的節目我們要聽美國 UC Irvine 的大學生分享他們如何賺錢。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 16 May 2023 20:32:46 GMT
Thu, 11 May 2023 17:33:53 GMT
#352. 學英文的兩個關卡
今天的節目跟大家分享兩個學英文容易出現的心理關卡 ---- Kevin 英文分析: https://forms.gle/Ao8ZEwibBtvKxumH7
Tue, 09 May 2023 19:57:59 GMT
#351. 美國 Utah 州禁止未成年人瀏覽 Pornhub
猶他州「VPN」的 Google 搜索量迅速上漲,原因是:之後無法從猶他州的 IP 位址瀏覽 Pornhub。Google searches for “VPN” have skyrocketed in Utah this week for one reason: You can no longer visit Pornhub from a Utah IP address. ---- Kevin 英文分析: https://forms.gle/Ao8ZEwibBtvKxumH7
Thu, 04 May 2023 19:54:17 GMT
#350. 繼矽谷銀行,第一共和銀行關閉
Another one bites the dust: Authorities seized First Republic Bank this morning and sold most of its assets to JPMorgan, the country’s largest bank. 又一間銀行倒閉:美國政府接管了第一共和銀行,並將其大部分資產出售給美國最大的銀行 JP 摩根。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 02 May 2023 19:29:52 GMT
#349. 從 Airbnb 學用英文形容房間
airbnb 其實是很好的學習內容,上面的評價可以讓大家學會如何用英文形容房間。舉例來講,spacious,往往會形容房間大小,像是 spacious room。如果房東回覆很快,就可以說 the host was very responsive ---- 本集節目由【林果良品】贊助播出 台灣手工皮鞋品牌「林果良品」,以製鞋工藝製作手工真皮拖鞋。從裡到外全真皮打造,讓你一回家就像踏進棉花裡!5/31前購買蠟感牛皮室內拖鞋輸入,Kevin專屬折扣碼「kevin123」即可獲得隨機紳士襪一雙! 🛒:https://bit.ly/3UzXcdG ---- YouTube:背單字不知道從哪開始?先看這部影片 https://youtu.be/cC1tlq5NUHM
Thu, 27 Apr 2023 19:42:23 GMT
#348. 現在簡單式 vs. 現在進行式(原音檔錯誤,已更新)
現在簡單式和現在簡單進行式都可以表達現在或未來。但是主要的差別要看你想表達的事情。現在簡單式往往表達 1.事實、真理,2. 表達習慣,3.時間表。現在進行式則表達 1. 趨勢,2. 暫時的情況,3. 個人規劃的未來。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 25 Apr 2023 19:49:42 GMT
#347. 過去簡單式 vs. 現在完成式
文法很多時候是大家的罩門,在今天的節目我會解釋「過去簡單式」和「現在完成式」並試著讓大家可以把學習文法這件事融入生活中的寫作、口說。 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 19:20:43 GMT
#346. 歌劇魅影從百老匯下檔
歌劇魅影是百老匯上演時間最長的演出,在紐約 Majestic 劇院上演了 35 年的傳奇演出後,將於本週日正式閉幕。The Phantom of the Opera, the longest-running show on Broadway is officially closing this Sunday after a legendary 35-year run at the Majestic Theatre in New York. ---- ✨ Betterbio 好好生醫 2023年度會員日開跑 🎉 4/17-4/30 優惠四重奏,首購、補貨大好時機 立刻加入好好生醫會員 👉🏻 https://lihi2.com/36Xl9 信用卡免運、會員購物金$423、指定商品買一送一、訂單滿$2500送超吸水杯墊! 🔔飛航模式不適合哺乳期及孕婦食用,有任何疑問請洽詢「好好營養師」即時線上解惑👉🏻 https://lin.ee/LhJZyB1 #好好生醫423會員日 #飛航模式膠囊 #快充模式膠囊 ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 19:25:48 GMT
#345. 網友分享:男朋友晚上會罵人(Part 5 完結)
我當晚決定跑去朋友家,我男朋友醒來後開始緊張。他打給我拜託我回家,但我認為跟他在一起對我沒有好處。I took off to a friend’s house for the night and he panicked when he woke up in the morning and I wasn’t there. He called me, crying, begging me to return. I unleashed all my feelings in return, and in more words told him that I didn’t have much of an incentive to return, and how could I know that he’d do better? His tears turned to anger, and he screamed at the phone. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 19:09:01 GMT
#344. 網友分享:男朋友晚上會罵人(Part 4)
兩年後,這位原 po 來給大家一個 update。他說,回頭看當初自己的留言,實在覺得自己傻,因為後來她發現自己的男朋友真的有酒癮。Going back and reading these posts was insanely difficult. I want to kick myself for how deep in denial I was. Everyone in the comments was telling me that my boyfriend is an alcoholic and I fought so hard against that. But it was true. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 11 Apr 2023 19:19:17 GMT
#343. 網友分享:男朋友晚上會罵人(Part 3)
對於男友睡前喝酒的習慣,大部分的人聽到都認為男友基本上就是有酒癮。但是原 po 這位女生不認同,他認為大家反應過度,而且一下跳太遠。為什麼睡前喝點就就被說成是酒癮呢?First, I’d like to address the comments accusing my boyfriend of being an alcoholic, being abusive, accusing me of lying about how happy I am in the relationship. You are fucking crazy. What a leap. He functions just fine without alcohol and I’ve seen him go weeks without it. He doesn’t need alcohol to fall asleep. He drinks after work because that’s how he likes to unwind. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 06 Apr 2023 20:05:29 GMT
#342. 網友分享:男朋友晚上會罵人(Part 2)
房間裡真的很冷,所以我想把棉被拿回來,但他把我的手推開。我不想叫醒他,但他比我強壯很多,無論我怎麼努力,我就是無法把毯子拿回來。It was really cold in the room so I tried to take it back, but he grabbed my hand and shoved it away. I didn’t want to have to wake him up but he’s a lot stronger than me and no matter what I tried to do I just couldn’t get the blanket back. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:49:09 GMT
#341. 網友分享:男朋友晚上會罵人(Part 1)
網友提問:我需要擔心我的男朋友嗎?他半夜睡著後很容易會對我發脾氣,還會罵我髒話,但是他醒著的時候是個非常好的男生。I need to preface this by saying that when my boyfriend is awake, he is wonderful and I couldn’t be happier. We laugh and joke all day and spending time with him in general is truly a joy. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 28 Mar 2023 19:55:23 GMT
#341. 如何建立長久的愛情(完整聽力)
建立愛情是需要努力的,就跟英文一樣。所以在今天的內容,我們完整複習整段長久愛情聽力。So, you know, there, what we hope to see if people practice this every day for seven days, is that from before they started it to the end of the week, they'll see a little bit of change, maybe s…, little something feels different. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 23 Mar 2023 19:53:56 GMT
#340. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 5)
No, instead, that you're learning how to do something a little different that deepens the friendship, deepens emotional intimacy, which of course opens up to you know what, you know, more sexual intimacy, and helps you when you have to talk about conflict. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 21 Mar 2023 19:06:49 GMT
#339. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 4)
你有問過伴侶的夢想嗎?除了表達對彼此的喜好,另一個很重要的事情是詢問伴侶的夢想。對方想要什麼、想感受什麼、想體驗什麼?這些都是可以讓彼此感情更好的技巧。Another one is honoring each other's dreams, so talk about what maybe deeply held dream you have for something you want to do, something you want to experience, something you want to feel, whatever it is. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 16 Mar 2023 20:08:26 GMT
#338. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 3)
試著不要對伴侶指責,也不要跟對方說自己不喜歡對方做的事情,而是試著用讚美的方式溝通。讓對方知道如果他收拾會讓你很高興,而不要責罵對方為什麼都不幫忙。Talking about your needs, with one another, what do you need and we emphasize you should bring up your needs as a positive need rather than a negative need. And what that means is that you ask for what you do want, not what you don't like, or you resent. Don't bring that up, because that's going to sound like criticism. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 14 Mar 2023 19:49:18 GMT
#337. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 2)
跟伴侶的相處模式可以有三種方式:Turning towards, turning away, turning against,當你另一半跟你講話的時候,你是 turning toward 試著接他的話,還是 turning away 不理會他,或是最差的選項 turning against 請他安靜?So, you know, in our apartment lab where we saw 130 newlywed couples and followed them for six years, we discovered that a lot of times when they're just kind of hanging out in this apartment lab, one person will try to get the other person's attention or share something humorous, or, you know, some interesting story that they've heard or are reading about. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 02 Mar 2023 19:08:08 GMT
#336. 如何建立長久的愛情(Part 1)
想跟另一半建立良好的關係,其中第一個重要的就是 being nice to each other。除此之外,就是要能夠表達對彼此的喜歡,讓另一半知道你認為他很迷人。So one of the things is being nice to one another. So giving your partner compliments, you know, catching your partner doing something right and, and communicating that, communicating respect and affection in words, letting your partner know how attractive they are to you and how irresistible they seem at times. You know, those that kind of positivity is very, very critical. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:37:33 GMT
#335. 我們每天該睡幾個小時?(完整聽力)
很多人以為正確的睡眠習慣就是早睡早起,睡滿八小時。但是越來越多研究發現其實每個人的睡眠習慣都不一樣,有的人六、七小時的睡眠就夠,有的人需要十幾小時。有的人可以早睡早起,有的人偏好晚睡晚起,睡眠其實是很看個人的,所以不需要認為自己一定要根據大家的習慣。可以試著探索,找到最適合自己的規律。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:16:09 GMT
#334. 我們每天該睡幾個小時?(Part 3)
除了個人體質差異,影響睡眠還有一個很主要的因素就是年紀。從十歲以後,我們會越來越晚睡,男性在 21 歲的時候會是最晚睡的階段,而女性會在 19 歲達到晚睡高峰。There's another factor, which is how old we are. So from about the age of 10, there's a tendency to want to go to bed later and later and later, peaks in lateness in males about 21, 21 and a half in females about 19. ---- 本集節目由【夜市人蔘文化桌遊】贊助播出 吃喝玩樂,是跨語言跨文化最棒的交流!讓台味桌遊《夜市人蔘》成為你用英文宣傳家鄉文化的好幫手! 立馬收藏 ,輸入「yeskevin」享有 pinkoi「蔘利商號」全系列商品9折並加贈牌套喔! 👉 連結: https://www.pinkoi.com/store/yesginseng ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 21 Feb 2023 20:10:00 GMT
#333. 我們每天該睡幾個小時?(Part 2)
如果想判斷自己是否睡眠不足,只要問自己幾個簡單的問題。第一、是否早上需要有人叫才會醒,第二、是否需要鬧鐘,第三,是否白天渴望咖啡因或是高含糖飲料。Does it take you a long time to wake up? Do you crave caffeinated and sugar rich drinks during the day to keep you awake? ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 16 Feb 2023 23:25:54 GMT
#332. 我們每天該睡幾個小時?(Part 1)
人一天應該睡多久?六、七、還是八小時?其實,人多睡眠時間沒有一定,而是要看每個人自己的需求而決定。對我來講八小時剛好,我太太通常需要十到十二小時。I think the key thing for me is that one shoe size doesn't fit all. And one of the sort of slight frustrations that that's emerged is that an average value is taken as the optimum value for all of us. And of course it isn't. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 00:23:56 GMT
#331. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 5)
壞習慣為什麼容易養成?其實是因為壞習慣往往會提供立即的好處。例如,吃甜點會得到立即的快樂,但如果連續一兩年一直吃很多零食,可能體重會增加。相反的,好習慣沒有立即好處,卻要長時間的養成才會得到好處。Meanwhile, good habits are often the exact opposite. The immediate reward of going to the gym or going to the gym for like a week isn't really that great, your body's probably sore, and you don't have much to show for it, your body looks the same, your weight hasn't really changed. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:09:54 GMT
#330. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 4)
我們的習慣很多都是被社會規範所養成,我們對事情的選擇、認定事情的對錯也都是取決於社會的期待。所以,如果我們希望維持紀律、達成某個特定目標,可以接近跟我們目標一致的群體。 ---- 本集節目由【InBody】贊助播出 業界最精準的 InBody 家用型體脂計,再也不用到健身房花錢測量體脂率了 現在到以下連結可享優惠價 $10990,輸入折扣碼「kevin」再折一千!限時七天!即日起至 2/13 23:59 分截止 👉 https://reurl.cc/330GmM ---- 聽力填空格 5 題: #1 So many of our habits are s______ r______. #2 Or you walk onto an elevator and you turn around to f____ t____ f_____, even though you could f____ t____ b____ or the side or whatever. #3 But that's not what people do, so you do what e______ e____ d____. #4 So I think the punchline to this is that you want to join a group where your d______ b_____ is the normal behavior, #5. So social environment is a big driver of whether you s_____ t___ h_____ for the long run and joining groups that have your desired habits I think it's a great way to reinforce those for good. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 19:35:09 GMT
#329. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 3)
不用擔心你一天讀多少英文或是背了幾個單字,我只問你是不是每天都有讀英文,習慣往往是生活的切入點,而非終點,不用煩腦做多、做少,只要確定有開始就好。Habits are often the entry point, not the end point. They're the cab, not the gym. They're like an entrance ramp to the bigger routines in your life. ---- YouTube:不是你記憶力不好,我如何用科學方法背單字: https://youtu.be/AUMhrw4nx4c 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 02 Feb 2023 20:26:14 GMT
#328. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 2)
如果想建立一個新的習慣,不用一次給自己太大的壓力。試試看 the two minute rule,先讓自己從事改變兩分鐘,慢慢開始。And I like to recommend the two minute rule, which basically says you take whatever habit you're trying to build, and you scale it down to something that takes two minutes or less to do. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 19 Jan 2023 20:42:38 GMT
#327. 保持紀律的 5 個好習慣(Part 1)
如果想更維持紀律,第一個建議大家可以做的改變是改變環境。如果你太容易看電視,可以考慮把電視插頭拔掉,或是把沙發轉向不要面對電視。One of the places I like to suggest starting is with what I call environment design. So basically the things that are on your desk at home, your kitchen counter, your office at work, they influence your behaviors. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 20:22:21 GMT
#326. 演員 Jimmy O’Yang 禁止爸爸出席活動(Part 2)
上次講到 Jimmy 的爸爸上台怯場,對此 Simu 反問 Jimmy「但爸爸怯場,百分之多少是你的錯,百分之多少是爸爸的錯?」Yeah, but how much of that is his fault? And how much of that is your fault? Were you coaching him? Were you running it with him? How is this my fault? ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:55:14 GMT
#325. 演員 Jimmy O’Yang 禁止爸爸出席活動(Part 1)
尚氣演員 Simu 採訪喜劇演員 Jimmy,問 Jimmy 下次巡迴表演是否打算帶自己的爸爸一起。Jimmy 表示,絕對不會。Are you, are you bringing your parents along for the tour at all? Yeah, no, no, no, I've done that. I've done that. I love my parents. And you guys know my dad is quite the showman himself. He's an actor and he wants to do stand up now. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 寫信給我 kevin@kevinpod.com
Tue, 10 Jan 2023 19:54:22 GMT
#324. 哈利王子出自傳
哈利王子近期的自傳會描述他和哥哥威廉的衝突,其中包含他們有一次打架威廉把哈利推倒在地上的故事。Prince Harry’s upcoming autobiography details an alleged fight in which his older brother, the future British king Prince William, pushed him to the floor, according to a report in The Guardian newspaper on Thursday. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義,立即閱讀 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast?r=k67341249890
Thu, 05 Jan 2023 19:27:09 GMT
#323. low-mileage 是低哩程還是低油耗?
今天分享中文、英文語法的轉換,以及大家在學英文的時候要注意是否有受到中文的影響 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 寫信給我 kevin@kevinpod.com
Tue, 03 Jan 2023 20:22:28 GMT
#322. 新創帶動產業轉型
新創要走向成功,需要經歷產業切入點、市場佈局及資金投入等三大難題。It is not easy for a startup to succeed as it has to overcome three trials: industry entry point, market deployment, and investment capital. ---- 關心未來趨勢,拓展自己的視野,可以上工研院 IEK 產業情報網加入會員,今天提到的專刊全文也可以在上面取得 https://ieknet.iek.org.tw/ 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 19:32:56 GMT
#321. 電動汽車業推動新商機
各國政府和企業製定的碳減排目標成為電動汽車行業發展的有力支撐。The carbon reduction goals set by national governments and corporations have become a strong support for the development of electric vehicles industry. ---- 關心未來趨勢,拓展自己的視野,可以上工研院 IEK 產業情報網加入會員,今天提到的專刊全文也可以在上面取得 https://ieknet.iek.org.tw/ 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 22 Dec 2022 20:13:32 GMT
#320. 嚴重亂流,夏威夷航空多人受傷
很多乘客撞到天花板,而當時我儘管繫著安全帶,仍然緊抓著前面的座椅。People were hitting their heads in the ceilings and I was grabbing the seat in front of me, the top of it to hang on, even though I had my seatbelt on. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 19:41:17 GMT
#319. 日本產業的發展趨勢 Current Development Status of Japanese Industries
近年來,日本政府傾向推動痊癒整合政策,,而非單一業別發展策略,著力於 Beyond 5G、量子電腦、次世代半導體、AI、生技醫療、材料、環境能源、健康領域等新興前瞻科學的技術創新研發與人才培育。 ---- 關心未來趨勢,拓展自己的視野,可以上工研院 IEK 產業情報網加入會員,今天提到的專刊全文也可以在上面取得 https://ieknet.iek.org.tw/ 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 13 Dec 2022 20:55:48 GMT
#318. 什麼是 Net Zero Emissions?(來賓:Stephen Su)
今天是跟工研院合作的第一集,我很榮幸能邀請到工研院協理蘇孟宗Stephen Su來和大家聊聊,關於淨零永續這件事情大家應該如何行動。 ---- 關心未來趨勢,拓展自己的視野,可以上工研院 IEK 產業情報網加入會員,今天提到的專刊全文也可以在上面取得 https://ieknet.iek.org.tw/ 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 08 Dec 2022 19:49:30 GMT
#317. 烏克蘭無人機開始轟炸俄國基地
週一俄國兩個空軍基地發生爆炸,而這起爆炸讓大家開始注意到烏克蘭的遠距離無人機技術。Explosions at two Russian air bases Monday have focused attention on Ukraine’s efforts to develop longer-range combat drones. ---- 本集節目由【毒打環衛】贊助播出。毒打環衛科技最新清潔聖品,讓你輕鬆除垢+植翠香氣+驅蟲防護,一次享有清潔驅蟲大禮包將霉運一掃而空。 https://www.metaduda.com/KV
Tue, 06 Dec 2022 20:11:30 GMT
#316. 舊金山允許警察用機器人殺壞人
武裝機器人很可能會出現在舊金山,近期舊金山以 8 比 3 的投票結果允許警察局使用遙控機器人來制伏壞人。But deadly robots can only be used as a last resort measure when lives are in danger and all other options like de-escalation tactics and alternative force have been exhausted. ---- YouTube:讓我英文發音變好的 3 個關鍵 https://youtu.be/W6lOy5KWjkg
Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:42:27 GMT
#315. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 3)
近期,美國社群軟體瘋傳一部影片是黑人女子對著亞裔女子說「去吃狗肉配飯」,網路聲浪一片撻伐這位黑人女子,認為他這種言論是種族歧視。這位亞裔女子有在抖音解釋事情來龍去脈,我會在今天的節目分析給大家聽他怎麼解釋。You heard what I said, go eat your dog with some rice. Bitch. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 29 Nov 2022 19:47:10 GMT
#314. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 2)
近期,美國社群軟體瘋傳一部影片是黑人女子對著亞裔女子說「去吃狗肉配飯」,網路聲浪一片撻伐這位黑人女子,認為他這種言論是種族歧視。這位亞裔女子有在抖音解釋事情來龍去脈,我會在今天的節目分析給大家聽他怎麼解釋。You heard what I said, go eat your dog with some rice. Bitch. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 24 Nov 2022 20:16:26 GMT
#313. 美國一位黑人對亞裔女子說「去吃狗配飯」(Part 1)
近期,美國社群軟體瘋傳一部影片是黑人女子對著亞裔女子說「去吃狗肉配飯」,網路聲浪一片撻伐這位黑人女子,認為他這種言論是種族歧視。這位亞裔女子有在抖音解釋事情來龍去脈,我會在今天的節目分析給大家聽他怎麼解釋。You heard what I said, go eat your dog with some rice. Bitch. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 22 Nov 2022 20:29:39 GMT
#312. 世界人口突破 80 億
世界人口突破 80 億,而印度的人口成長如果按照目前速度進行,很有可能會在明年超越中國,成為世界人口最多的國家。The world population reached 8 billion people on Tuesday, and India is expected to surpass China as the most populous country in the next year. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:28:38 GMT
#311. 棕色噪音也許可以提高你的專注力
棕色噪音是類似打雷或飛機引擎的低頻調聲響,近期許多有 ADHD 的人在抖音分享棕色噪音讓腦部沈澱下來的效果,我自己試了一下,覺得很不錯。Imagine a deep, static rumble, like the low roar of a jet engine. The sound is called brown noise and has become popular among people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a tool to help them focus or relax. ---- 本集節目由 【島上製造生活設計所】 贊助播出 人在上班,心在小島上旅行🌟 2023年,把世界上的島嶼通通搬回家! 現在不只免運,輸入「kevin2023」還享 2023世界島嶼地圖曆 折扣單套最低$ 850起! 👉🏼 https://www.pinkoi.com/product/khtUu8S3 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 15 Nov 2022 20:18:50 GMT
#310. 哈薩克海關不承認紐西蘭護照
一名前往哈薩克的紐西蘭遊客稱,她在邊境被官員拘留,哈薩克海關表示,他們不認為紐西蘭是一個國家。A Kiwi tourist who travelled to Kazakhstan claims she was detained at the border by officials who were skeptical that New Zealand was, in fact, a country. ---- ♥️ 全台灣最不尷尬的料理聯誼|大鍋子 活動詳情:https://www.accupass.com/event/2211060439461980363200 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 10 Nov 2022 20:23:27 GMT
#309. 說話的技巧 Keep Your Remarks Brief(Part 2)
很多人講話有個壞習慣,就是沒重點又拖太長。今天的節目取自 Before Breakfast 會提供大家一個演說的小技巧。If you have been called upon to speak in public, one of the best things you can do for your message, and for your listeners is to say it as clearly as possible. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 08 Nov 2022 20:52:33 GMT
#308. Kevin 英文不難 x 新加坡管理學院
今天的節目與新加坡管理學院 SIM Global Education 合作,要介紹這所1964 年由新加坡經濟發展局所創立的非營利大學。SIM 與英美澳知名大學合作像是 University of Birmingham, University of London, University at Buffalo讓學生可以用新加坡的學費與生活費在三年完成並取得夥伴大學學位。 ---- 11/12 到 11/19 ,SIM learners' eduverse https://bit.ly/SIMLE22kolTW
Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:09:43 GMT
#307. 說話的技巧 Keep Your Remarks Brief
很多人講話有個壞習慣,就是沒重點又拖太長。今天的節目取自 Before Breakfast 會提供大家一個演說的小技巧。If you have been called upon to speak in public, one of the best things you can do for your message, and for your listeners is to say it as clearly as possible. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 01 Nov 2022 19:39:52 GMT
#306. 日美混血的成長經驗(Part 2)
跟日本朋友相處的時候,你有感覺到彼此間的任何差異嗎?With your Japanese friends like did you feel like any like differences? ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 27 Oct 2022 20:04:58 GMT
#305. 日美混血的成長經驗(Part 1)
對於在美國長大的美、日混血兒,他們的成長過程是什麼樣子? ---- 倒數五天優惠,Cervin 三用環保袋 https://r.zecz.ec/wcjS 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 25 Oct 2022 20:07:36 GMT
結果不是手術康復期導致鼻涕,是發燒和新冠肺炎的前兆… 然後還真的會失去嗅覺。怎麼發現?我在廁所時突然覺得,奇怪難道我是仙女?為什麼廁所都沒味道,還很用力多吸幾口確定是否真的沒味道。結果快篩陽性… 不是仙女,是肺炎。
Thu, 20 Oct 2022 19:11:33 GMT
#304. Alex Jones 宣告破產,如何賠償?
荒唐,全部都是謊言!“All made up. Hilarious,” he said. “So this is what a show trial looks like. I mean, this is the left completely out of control.” ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:48:01 GMT
#303. 美國一家五口闖入國會,全部判刑
Five members of a Texas family were sentenced Wednesday for their roles in the U.S. Capitol breach on Jan. 6, 2021. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 13 Oct 2022 20:20:24 GMT
#302. Google 將提供希臘兩萬工作機會
Google 在星期四表示將擴張雲端架構技術至希臘,並答應製造至少兩萬個工作機會,一部分透過直接投資或間接合作。Google announced plans Thursday to expand its cloud services infrastructure to Greece, promising to create nearly 20,000 jobs through direct investment and partnerships by the end of the decade. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 11 Oct 2022 20:06:06 GMT
#301. 俄國有可能用核子武器嗎?
俄國總統普丁表示,對於在烏克蘭使用核武這件事,他決不遲疑,甚至他的高層領導人也跳出來表示,就算使用核武,西方其他國家也不敢怎麼樣。Russian President Vladimir Putin warns that he won’t hesitate to use nuclear weapons to ward off Ukraine’s attempt to reclaim control of Moscow-occupied areas that the Kremlin is about to annex. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 06 Oct 2022 20:12:42 GMT
#300. 午夜起芬蘭禁止俄國人入境
自從俄國宣布開始徵兵,大量俄國男子開始離開俄國。而芬蘭從午夜開始,將大量減少俄國簽證。Finland announced it would ban Russian citizens with tourist visas from entering the country starting Friday, stopping one of the last easily accessible routes to Europe for Russians ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 04 Oct 2022 19:25:40 GMT
#299. 鐵達尼號其實有收到冰山警告
The British merchant steamship SS Mesaba sent a warning radio message to the Titanic on April 15, 1912 while crossing the Atlantic. The message was received by the Titanic but did not reach the main control center of the vessel. 英屬 SS Mesaba 在 1912 年 4/15 有送警告給鐵達尼,然而這封警告信卻沒轉給鐵達尼的主控室。 ---- Cervin 三用環保袋,早鳥 54 折優惠 https://r.zecz.ec/wcjS 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 29 Sep 2022 20:11:33 GMT
#298. 如何規劃理財(ft. 精算媽咪的家計簿)
很多人受上一代影響,認為有錢就定要買房。不過,除非手上很多現金,否則買房不一定是投報率最好的選擇,一方面每個月有很多收入會被房貸吃掉,另一方面買房也有很多隱藏成本。在今天的節目 Sandy 會跟大家分享許多人沒想過的金錢觀念,以及現在年輕人可以參考的理財規會。 ---- 25 美金折扣碼 KEVINPOD https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin英文不難 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 精算媽咪的家計簿 https://apple.co/3rbTzge
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 20:06:44 GMT
#297. 不想跟男朋友分房租
Is the idea that my DAD doesn’t charge me for rent, but charges my boyfriend so crazy? Should I suck it up and pay half because I can afford it? ---- 25 美金折扣碼:KEVINPOD Lingoda:https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin英文不難 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 19:14:17 GMT
#296. 笑話一則
Kevin 會講一個笑話
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 19:08:23 GMT
#295. 歐盟擬定禁止使用強制勞工的產品
The European Commission proposed on Wednesday an EU ban on products made using forced labour with legislation that will add to existing U.S. pressure on China. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 15 Sep 2022 19:10:48 GMT
#294. 最新的減肥針
A new weight-loss shot is being hailed as a “game changer” — with the potential to cut diabetes risk by 50% and “fight obesity as a disease” for the first time, according to a new study. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 免費線上課(9/17 截止) https://reurl.cc/LMayM9
Tue, 13 Sep 2022 19:32:55 GMT
#293. 全英文 Clay 完整訪談
A serial killer calls a radio show. ---- YouTube:講英文,如何「自然」用出正確文法 https://youtu.be/8Y4bpIttDFM ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 08 Sep 2022 19:50:38 GMT
#292. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台( Part 6 完結)
Clay 告訴 Howard 他是如何讓他的受害者知道自己將被殺死。 ---- 本集節目由【毒打環衛】贊助播出 清潔+驅蟑+驅蟻+乾爽+清新+光澤 ALL IN ONE 毒打蟲害 毒打髒亂,輕鬆一拖 俐落生活 輸入kevin88,享有全站88折優惠 👉 https://www.metaduda.com/ ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 06 Sep 2022 20:03:11 GMT
#291. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台(Part 5)
面對被害者,Clay 表示曾經手下留情不殺某些女生。當主持人 Howard 問為什麼,Clay 表示曾經有位女生讓 Clay 想到自己的 ex-fiance 前未婚妻,這位女生有種 innocent quality 單純的氣質,所以 Clay 選擇放他走。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 19:20:19 GMT
#290. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台(Part 4)
「我甚至不知道為什麼我要殺人」當主持人 Howard 問 Clay 動機時,Clay 表示他可能只是無聊,在 Howard 追問下,Clay 表示自己曾經一個晚上殺害兩位女生。一位在 New Orelans,另一位在隔壁州 Mississippi。 ---- 本集節目由【毒打環衛】贊助播出 清潔+驅蟑+驅蟻+乾爽+清新+光澤 ALL IN ONE 毒打蟲害 毒打髒亂,輕鬆一拖 俐落生活 輸入kevin88,享有全站88折優惠 👉 https://www.metaduda.com/ ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 20:18:40 GMT
#289. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台(Part 3)
很多殺人犯小時候曾經被欺負或虐待,而這不好的成長環境使他們日後犯下恐怖罪行。不過,當主持人 Howard 問 Clay 小時候是否曾經被欺負,Clay 說他沒有。因此,我們可以知道 Clay 的行為不是小時候的創傷導致,而是他本來就是壞人。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 25 Aug 2022 19:08:10 GMT
#288. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台(Part 2)
Clay 第一次殺害女生是在他 16 歲的時候。當主持人 Howard 問 Clay 是否是一時興起所以才殺害他,Clay 表示自己其實早就預謀要殺死這位女生,甚至這個女生的屍體後來有被警察發現,但還是沒有人知道 Clay 才是兇手。 ---- 25 美金折扣碼:KEVINSPRINT Lingoda:https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin_Pod ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 19:59:32 GMT
#287. 美國殺人犯 call in 給廣播電台(Part 1)
1997 年一位自稱 Clay 的連續殺人犯打電話到電台,描述自己所殺害過的人和殺害手法。在今天的節目,我會把這段錄音拆成五個部分,每次一集和大家分析裡面的英文用法和句型,同時分享這個駭人的故事。 ---- 25 美金折扣碼:KEVINSPRINT Lingoda:https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin_Pod
Thu, 18 Aug 2022 19:25:31 GMT
#286. 印度男子為 7.5 台幣跟印度鐵路局上法院
印度男子 Tungnath Chaturvedi 是一位律師。20 年前,他買了一張 70 盧比的車票,但鐵路局卻收了他 90 盧比。男子當下就有提出抗議,但是鐵路局不願意提供他退費。於是,男子決定把這件案子帶到法庭。20 年後,法院終於判定鐵路局敗訴,必須罰錢和退費。 ---- Vana Candles瑞典香氛 x Kevin英文不難 專屬優惠 📣 8/31 前官網輸入【Kevin15】可享全站85折最低優惠 🎉 現在買單顆暖燈,還加送瑞典小蠟燭(北歐幻彩袖珍蠟燭,原價$550)喔! 👉 https://www.vanaliving.com 加碼活動: 1. 都會島嶼暖燈組原價4470優惠$3480 用專屬優惠碼再打85折 2. 買暖燈享瑞典蠟燭加購價$690起 3. 會員募集中 官網加會員領取100元購物金 訂單滿千現折抵 4. 訂單單筆滿$1500台灣免運 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 20:13:11 GMT
#285. Amazon 想知道你家長什麼樣子
近期 Amazon 用 1.7 億美金買一下 iRobot。 如果你不知道,iRobot 是一家作掃地機器人公司,他們最有名的產品就是 Roomba。 很多人感到疑惑為什麼 Amazon 要買一間掃地機器人公司。原因是,掃地機器人在運作的過程,會畫出你房子的輪廓。這表示,Amazon 之後可以更了解你家大小,長什麼樣子,還有你家的物品擺設在什麼地方, ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 11 Aug 2022 19:00:41 GMT
#284. 前總統川普的家被 FBI 搜查
川普先前因為把國家機密文件帶回家,所以受到美國相關單位調查。近日,又因為川普在一月六日鼓吹支持者衝進國會,現在美國聯邦調查局 FBI 也開始介入。 ---- Vana Candles瑞典香氛 x Kevin英文不難 專屬優惠 8/31 前官網輸入【Kevin15】可享全站85折最低優惠 https://www.vanaliving.com 加碼活動: 1. 都會島嶼暖燈組原價 4470 優惠 $3480 用專屬優惠碼再打85折 2. 買暖燈享瑞典蠟燭加購價 $690 起 3. 會員募集中 官網加會員領取 100 元購物金 訂單滿千現折抵 4. 訂單單筆滿 $1500 台灣免運 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 09 Aug 2022 19:41:26 GMT
#283. 烏龜為什麼能活這麼久?
烏龜能獲這麼久的理由可以用兩種方式解釋。第一、演化來講,很多蛇、浣熊非常喜歡吃烏龜蛋,如果烏龜沒有活久一點多交配、下蛋,他們無法傳宗接代。第二、生物來講,烏龜有很特別的能力,就是能把品質降低的細胞自行毀滅。所以,如果我的理解沒錯,烏龜不容易得癌症,因為他們品質低的細胞會自動剔除。 ---- Vana Candles瑞典香氛 x Kevin英文不難 專屬優惠 8/31 前官網輸入【Kevin15】可享全站85折最低優惠 https://www.vanaliving.com 加碼活動: 1. 都會島嶼暖燈組原價 4470 優惠 $3480 用專屬優惠碼再打85折 2. 買暖燈享瑞典蠟燭加購價 $690 起 3. 會員募集中 官網加會員領取 100 元購物金 訂單滿千現折抵 4. 訂單單筆滿 $1500 台灣免運 ---- YouTube: 一樣指顧客 "Customer, Client, Consumer" 差別是什麼? https://youtu.be/mJKrGpjLP7U
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 19:49:41 GMT
#282. 烏龜真的用屁股呼吸嗎?
烏龜可以用屁股呼吸嗎?技術上來說,烏龜沒有所謂「屁股」而是有個叫泄殖腔的部位。除了可以交配,下蛋,排泄,可以以在情勢所需的時候呼吸。但是,烏龜只有在必要時候才會選擇用泄殖腔呼吸,畢竟透過鼻子還是比較有效率的呼吸方式。所以長話短說,可以呼吸,但是不是常態。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 20:26:20 GMT
今日 Podcast 停播,8/3 再相見(音檔空白)
今日 Podcast 停播,8/3 再相見
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 20:08:03 GMT
#281. 如何有效完成工作?Part 3 of 3
在今天的節目,作家 Thiago Forte 分享他認為在當今社會裡,能為人生、職涯帶來最大的改變的是「完成的」創意計畫。What makes the biggest difference to people's lives I think and their careers and their businesses is completed creative projects. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 19:13:30 GMT
#280. 如何有效完成工作?Part 2 of 3
快速完成企劃的三步驟:一、寫出目前最重要的企劃。二、在企劃旁寫出完成指標,告訴自己「完成」的定義(如果沒有為完成下定義,怎麼知道企劃是否完成?)。三、在記錄欄位裡寫下任何新發現的人生企劃。 ---- 25 美金折扣碼:KEVINJULY Lingoda:https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin_Podcast YouTube 影片: 外國老師:我的工作就像電影 "華爾街之狼"(吸毒、嫖妓) https://youtu.be/JccbeXzr_hM
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:10:50 GMT
#279. 如何有效完成工作?Part 1 of 3
有成就的人往往「渴望」完成計畫。我自己的問題是整天會做很多零碎的工作,但就是一直拖延最困難的計畫,導致雖然一天很忙,但只是瞎忙,沒有做到最重要的事情。From my experience, the most common trait you will consistently observe in accomplished people is an obsession with completion. ---- 新用戶註冊輸入 kevinpod 可領取 20 分鐘體驗和首月 8 折優惠 https://www.cambly.com 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 20:15:22 GMT
#278. 遇到滑鐵盧 meet one’s Waterloo(拿破崙系列)
On April 6, 1814, Napoleon, then in his mid-40s, was forced to abdicate the throne. He was exiled to Elba, a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy. 在 1814 年,拿破崙被迫退位,他被驅逐到艾巴島,一個在地中海的小島。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 20:19:58 GMT
#277. 拿破崙的沒落和第一次退位(拿破崙系列)
從 1806 開始,拿破崙對英國採取大規模經濟戰,建立的大陸封鎖系統,阻止歐洲各國跟英國進行貿易。Beginning in 1806, Napoleon started to wage large-scale economic warfare against Britain with the establishment of the Continental System of European port blockades against British trade. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Kevin 英文不難 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 20:05:46 GMT
#276. 拿破崙如何成為皇帝?(拿破崙系列)
In 1802, a constitutional amendment made Napoleon first consul for life. Two years later, in 1804, he crowned himself emperor of France in a lavish ceremony at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. 在 1802,法國修憲使拿破崙成為永久第一執政。兩年後,他在巴黎聖母院大教堂為自己加冕皇帝。 ---- 讓你更「道地」形容人的 7 個諺語 https://youtu.be/ivI38LKbw-I
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 19:41:03 GMT
#275. 拿破崙的教育和軍事生涯(拿破崙系列)
今天是我們歷史系列的第一集,往後幾集我會探討拿破崙的生涯和主要戰役。今天先從拿破崙的出生和成長背景開始。Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Kevin 英文不難 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 19:17:41 GMT
#274. 女子透過外送 app Grubhub 求救
有一位女子被一位男子 Kemoy Royal 監禁在房子裡,這位女生監禁的過程,男子 Kemoy 同意女生用手機叫外送,所以女生就在外送的備註欄位 additional notes 寫自己被狹持請店家打電話叫警察,店家也真的叫警察成功解救這位女生,而因為店家成功幫助女生,外送 app Grubhub 決定送給店家 5000 美金。 ---- 25 美金折扣碼:KEVINJULY Lingoda:https://try.lingoda.com/Kevin_Podcast YouTube:我如何整理大量單字?雜誌、新聞、影片、Podcast https://youtu.be/ODUcuQxqrnc
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#273. 殺死未婚妻的 Brian Laundrie 認罪了
今天的 podcast 是個 follow up 要補充說明之前 Brian Laundrie 事件。簡單來說,Brian 和未婚妻 Gabby 一起去旅遊,結果最後只有 Brian 回家,Gabby 卻失蹤。幾天後,Gabby 屍體被找到,接著換 Brian 失蹤,然後幾天後 Brian 發現自殺。現在,Brian 終於承認,Gabby 是他殺的。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 28 Jun 2022 19:59:22 GMT
#272. 加拿大禁止一次性塑膠產品
Canada will ban the manufacture and importation of “harmful” single-use plastics by the end of the year, the government said, in a sweeping effort to fight pollution and climate change. 為了全面打擊污染和氣候變遷,加拿大政府宣告將在年底禁止製造和進口一次性塑膠產品。 ---- Cervin 多用途環保袋 填問卷留資訊,不要錯過早鳥優惠通知 https://bit.ly/3mfI70T
Thu, 23 Jun 2022 19:36:15 GMT
#271. 警察跟蹤兩位女生,判 60 天監禁
A former Rossford police officer has been sentenced to 60 days in jail for stalking two women while on the job and will never be able to serve in law enforcement again. 這位警察被判處 60 天監禁,因為他利用警察資源偷跟蹤兩位女生。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 21 Jun 2022 20:29:20 GMT
#270. 普丁出國時,有專門的人檢糞便
"The responsibility for collecting Putin's feces lies with the Federal Protection Service, the department tasked with protecting Putin and other government officials.” 除了保護普丁和政府官員,聯邦防護局的工作還包含蒐集普丁的排泄物。 ---- YouTube 影片:特斯拉內部信外流,不回辦公室就滾 https://youtu.be/zx9G4aqsBq4
Thu, 16 Jun 2022 20:18:00 GMT
#269. 俄國開了自己的麥當勞 Vkusno & Tochka
自從烏俄戰爭開始,麥當勞和許多國際大公司決定退出俄國。但是麥當勞退出後,現在有一間新的公司願意接手麥當勞然後繼續營業。只不過現在不叫作麥當勞,叫作 Vkusno & Tochka。他們的新菜單跟麥當勞差不多,有漢堡,有薯條,只不過稍微便宜一點。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 19:49:00 GMT
#268. 為什麼美國槍枝無法控管?Part 2
今天進入 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah 分析第二部分。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 09 Jun 2022 19:58:26 GMT
#267. 為什麼美國槍枝無法控管?Part 1
我很喜歡 The Daily Show with Trevor Noah 這個政治評論脫口節目。主持人 Trevor 總是能用很有趣和平易近人的方式講解政治。今天的節目,我們一起聽 Trevor 分析美國人對槍枝管控遇到的困難,和可能的解決方法。 ---- 《摸魚》桌遊 https://r.zecz.ec/C3TS 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 20:30:56 GMT
#266. Tesla 員工不想回辦公室
*"Chief Executive Elon Musk has asked employees to return to the office or leave the company. "Everyone at Tesla is required to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the office per week," Musk wrote in the email sent on Tuesday night.” *Elon 對全體 Tesla 員工表示,員工必須回公司上班,並且每週至少待在公司滿 40 小時。 ---- YouTube:我如何通勤背單字? https://youtu.be/HIxG6R2zAU0
Fri, 03 Jun 2022 10:40:51 GMT
#265. 勇士隊教練 Steve Kerr 不想討論籃球
延續上週德州槍擊事件,前 NBA 選手 Steve Kerr 在記者會不願意跟媒體討論籃球,反而借用這個機會和大家表達美國需要槍枝控管的重要性。在今天的節目,我會分析 Steve Kerr 在記者會上講的話,並且告訴大家一些重要的慣用語和常見單字。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 31 May 2022 19:59:05 GMT
#264. 美國德州槍擊事件 19 死
星期二 5 月 24 號,一位槍手衝進德州一所小學,射殺 19 位學生和 2 名老師,造成近美國近十年最慘的槍擊事件。"A gunman stormed into an elementary school Tuesday in Uvalde, Texas, killing 19 children and two teachers in the United States’ deadliest school shooting in nearly a decade.” ---- 問卷調查:上班族,你學英文遇到什麼困難? https://forms.gle/hXK6BXzpLGr4nqzPA 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 26 May 2022 20:23:18 GMT
#263. Elon 爆發性騷擾事件
Tesla 老闆 Elon Musk 爆發性騷擾醜聞。一位空服員表示,2016 當 Elon 要搭飛機到倫敦時,Elon 在飛機上表明希望有性行為,並且想提供這位空服員一隻馬。後來,空服員和 Space X 達成和解,獲得 250,000 美金。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 24 May 2022 19:10:56 GMT
#262. 繼新冠肺炎,歐美出現猴痘?!
*A Massachusetts resident has tested positive for monkeypox, health officials confirmed Wednesday, making it the first case of the rare virus detected in the United States this year. *一位麻州居民近期確診猴痘,是美國今年境內第一起案例。近期歐美開始流行這個新的猴痘 Monkeypox 病毒,雖然好像不是很嚴重,但大家才剛被新冠肺炎嚇到,現在任何風吹草動都很緊張。 ---- YouTube:我的老師是變態|英文故事 #2 https://youtu.be/v2ASwdLWiyU
Thu, 19 May 2022 19:10:17 GMT
#261. 英國男子於伊拉克犯死刑罪
一位英國退休地質學家到伊拉克旅遊,準備離開伊拉克時,遭海關發現男子身上攜帶古董陶器。在伊拉克,企圖偷渡古物可以判處死刑。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 17 May 2022 19:58:18 GMT
#260. Johnny Depp 前妻大便在床上
最近的大八卦,Johnny Depp 和前妻 Amber Heard 打官司。一開始大家以為 Johnny 欺負 Amber,所以許多片商紛紛和 Johnny 切割關係,但是後來證人證據浮出後,發現原來 Amber 也很多暴力行為。今天的節目,我們聽 Johnny 描述他如何有天發現 Amber 竟大便在他們的床上。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 12 May 2022 19:55:34 GMT
#259. 乾旱導致水庫屍體露出來
Lake Mead 供應 Las Vegas 到 Los Angeles 這塊區域的用水,是美國數一數二大的水庫。但近期因全球暖化,美國西部發生嚴重乾旱導致 Lake Mead 水位嚴重下降。這一降,竟然開始在水庫底部發現好幾個屍體。警察正在調查這些屍體是從哪裡來的。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 10 May 2022 20:27:50 GMT
#258. 法院判決(Part 5 完結)
檢察官表示,有個資訊他不能分享給陪審團。也就是檢察官懷疑 Robert 殺死 Leslie 的動機,那就是 Leslie 死掉的那天,她疑似租了公寓,準備搬出去住。Investigators learned from a friend of the Neulander family that Leslie was planning on signing a lease for a new apartment on the day she died ---- YouTube:為什麼我背單字不會忘? https://youtu.be/fd-9gs0idUg
Thu, 05 May 2022 20:09:22 GMT
#257. 醫生女兒的證詞(Part 4)
今天輪到女兒 Jenna 到法庭作證。到底 Jenna 會老實講出當天他所看到的所有情況,還是為了避免爸爸被送進監獄所以盡量袒護爸爸?在今天的節目,我們會看到 Jenna 面對這個難題,以及他該如何面對發生的一切?"She's trying to secure her father's freedom and she's dealing with the death of her mother," Axelrod noted. ---- YouTube:我如何考上台大? https://youtu.be/sGB9NMBqT4c YouTube: 我寄假身分證給詐騙集團 https://youtu.be/E2zxFWgIvu0
Tue, 03 May 2022 20:25:14 GMT
#256. 檢驗血液證據(Part 3)
除了上次說的房間各處是血跡,更讓警方疑惑的是如果 Leslie 真的在浴室跌倒,為什麼手肘、大腿後側、膝蓋沒跌倒傷痕?反而鼻子、臉頰有瘀青和擦傷?對在浴室跌倒來講是很不合邏輯的。"If she slipped and fell in the shower, why aren't there any injuries to her back and legs? Her knees? Her elbows?" Fitzpatrick asked. ---- YouTube:我如何考上台大? https://youtu.be/sGB9NMBqT4c
Thu, 28 Apr 2022 19:56:55 GMT
#255. 意外還是謀殺?Accident or Murder(Part 2)
原本 Leslie 的死亡被判定為意外,但在驗屍官的調查下發現 Leslie 所受的傷同等於被車撞,或從高樓層建築物摔到地面。這就讓警方開始起疑,怎麼可能廁所跌倒會這麼嚴重?更重要的是,如果在廁所跌到,為什麼血跡遍佈整個臥房? ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:34:41 GMT
#254. 太太浴室跌倒死亡,血跡卻遍佈臥房(Part 1)
某天 Leslie 在洗澡時突然跌倒在浴室撞到頭,大量出血後宣告不治。既然在浴室跌倒,血跡應該也侷限在浴室,然而當警察抵達現場,發現除了臥房有大量血跡之外, Leslie 的遺體竟然也跑到臥房。警方立即詢問 Leslie 的先生 Dr. Robert Neulander 為何移動太太的屍體,並且要求先生解釋房間的血跡。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 19 Apr 2022 19:34:23 GMT
#253. 紐約地鐵槍擊事件 29 人受傷
近期紐約發生歹徒隨機槍擊事件,共 10 人遭槍擊,五人嚴重受傷,警方表示沒有任何人有生命危險。Ten people were hit by gunfire, the police said. Five of the victims were critically injured, but none of their wounds were life-threatening, officials said. ---- 我的 YouTube:我寄假身分證給詐騙集團 https://youtu.be/E2zxFWgIvu0
Thu, 14 Apr 2022 19:54:53 GMT
#252. 俄國挖到輻射寶
車諾比核爆是歷史上輻射污染最嚴重的一次事件。近期,俄國軍人不知道怎麼搞的,竟然去車諾比附近稱為 Red Forest 輻射污染最嚴重的地方挖壕溝,導致整批俄國軍人輻射中毒,送往白俄羅斯治療。 ---- Kevin 英文不難 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 12 Apr 2022 19:26:19 GMT
#251. 加拿大禁止外國人買房
加拿大這兩年會禁止外國人買房,並提供數十億美金的預算增加房屋增建率。Canada will ban most foreigners from buying homes for two years and provide billions of dollars to spur construction activity in an attempt to cool off a surging real-estate market. ---- Kevin 英文不難 YouTube:恐怖的大學室友|英文故事 #1 https://youtu.be/w6PqDBgZxOA 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 07 Apr 2022 19:54:30 GMT
#250. Amazon 百般阻撓員工成立工會.mp3
Amazon 花數百萬美金打壓員工成立工會,近期 Amazon 許多倉儲員工對於公司惡劣的工作環境忍無可忍,決定成立工會。然而 Amazon 卻會數百萬美元企圖百般族撓。Amazon will block and flag employee posts on a planned internal messaging app that contain keywords pertaining to labor unions. ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 05 Apr 2022 19:08:22 GMT
#249. 金凱瑞 Jim Carrey 譴責威爾史密斯打人事件
我覺得很噁心,他們竟站起來拍手。我感覺好萊屋整體是沒骨氣的一群人。*"I was sickened, I was sickened by the standing ovation. I felt like Hollywood is just spineless en masse," said Jim Carrey. * ---- 史嘉琳老師的課: https://bit.ly/3IVyhKc 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 20:43:02 GMT
#248. 獲得豬心移植的男子去世
幾個月前,美國一名男子植入基因改造的豬心。原本一且順利,脈搏、心跳、血壓一切正常,男子也活了好幾個月,幾個禮拜前這名男子卻心臟病發去世。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 29 Mar 2022 20:14:33 GMT
#247. Lana 起訴、模仿毒殺(Part 4 完結)
最後,檢方用謀殺罪起訴 Lana。原本 Lana 認罪後,他開始主張 Steve 是一位有暴力傾向的先生。但是,當警察詢問 Steve 以前的女朋友、前妻,他們都一致表示 Steve 不是個暴力的人,也都認為 Steve 不可能傷害 Lana。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 24 Mar 2022 20:12:03 GMT
#246. 奇特的發現、太太終於認罪(Part 3)
太太終於認罪。當法醫詢問太太,為何先生的咖啡裡會有毒素存在時,太太一開始的解釋是先生有時會把眼藥水加入咖啡幫助腸胃蠕動(Visine 眼藥水若吃入體內會造成腹瀉)但是法醫和警察認為 Lana 非常可疑,所以開始質詢調查。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 22 Mar 2022 20:38:19 GMT
#245. 太太怪異的行為讓大家起疑(Part 2)
當 Nick 在主臥室查看時,發現叔叔 Steve 的床竟都是尿液。一問之下,嬸嬸 Lana 表示過去這三天 Steve 臥病在床,而且尿失禁。這就讓 Nick 覺得為何嬸嬸都沒照顧 Steve,竟讓他衛生環境這麼差。此外,當 Nick 要幫 Lana 找 Steve 的遺囑時,Lana 表示遺囑不見,這就讓 Nick 更起疑。 ---- 免費電子報:Podcast 字稿、國際新聞整理 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 17 Mar 2022 19:53:15 GMT
#244. 太太用眼藥水毒殺先生(Part 1)
警方調查原本判定 Steve 死於心臟病,然而 Steve 的姪子 Nick 強烈懷疑事有蹊蹺。因此,要求驗屍官對 Steve 做解剖和毒理學檢測,結果出來後,驗屍官表示 Steve 血液裡有毒素。事情就從原本心臟病發轉變為謀殺可能。 ---- 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 15 Mar 2022 20:07:34 GMT
#243. 伊朗夫妻判 16 年監禁、74 下鞭刑
伊朗一對夫妻被判 16 年監禁和 74 下鞭刑。為什麼?因為太太在 Instagram 貼出數張自己沒包頭巾的照片。先生被判 9 年監禁,太太被判 7 年監禁、74 下鞭刑、三個月無薪勞動服務。不過,目前這對夫妻和兩個小孩已逃到土耳其,所以沒有監禁危險。 ---- 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 10 Mar 2022 20:02:32 GMT
#242. 烏俄戰更新:烏克蘭人民避難,俄繼續轟炸
烏克蘭總統指控俄國軍隊犯戰爭罪,歐洲各國領導人也強烈懷疑俄國犯戰爭罪。對此,俄國一概否認。Ukrainian President Zelensky accused Russian soldiers of being “war criminals.” A growing number of Western leaders are also raising questions about possible war crimes, which Moscow denies. ---- YouTube 美軍上將告訴你「為什麼」烏克蘭能打贏俄國 https://youtu.be/O1eFepXBGcs
Tue, 08 Mar 2022 20:17:59 GMT
#241. Amazon 關閉實體書局,拓展超商 #知識宇宙探險隊串聯
Amazon 打算關掉 68 家實體書店,快閃店,還有任何其他販賣玩具、居家用品的零售店面。我還真的不知道 Amazon 有實體書店,他們的重點不就是打敗實體書店,純網路銷售嗎? ---- 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 03 Mar 2022 20:33:32 GMT
#240. 青少年為何無法早起?提示:跟晚睡無關(ft. 哇賽心理學)
青少年為什麼無法早起?大家可能以為是愛玩手機,跟朋友聊天,或單純就不睡覺。但是,醫學研究指出,青少年因賀爾蒙變化導致生理時鐘變化,無法早睡。所以,下次看到家裡的國、高中生,你就會知道他不是因為貪玩不睡,是他真的無法早睡。 ---- 哇賽心理學完整單集:延後上學,高中生為什麼變夜貓子?feat. Kevin英文不難 https://apple.co/3aA12LZ 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 01 Mar 2022 21:00:00 GMT
#239. 美國 1950 家政課本「如何照顧老公」
1950 的美國家政課本有一篇文章教女孩子「如何照顧老公」,從今天的角度,這種內容實在可笑又不平等。 ---- 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 24 Feb 2022 19:01:48 GMT
#238. Tim Bass 被判刑(Part 5 完結)
I would first like to say that I'm 100% innocent of this crime. 儘管到最後法官判 Tim Bass 27 年監禁,Tim 仍然堅持自己的清白,認為他是百分之百無罪,而且沒有受到公平的審判。 ---- 影片:用「聲音」判斷 a / an / the 發音規則 https://youtu.be/FmV_Tt07zv8 免費電子報:從國際新聞學單字和句型 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 22 Feb 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#237. 檢察官對 Tim 起訴(Part 4)
It's a match… 當 Tim 的 DNA 與 Mandy 身上的 DNA 比對成功時,警察非常高興。但是,就因為比對成功,就表示 Tim 一定會被判刑嗎?不一定,時隔這麼久,而且也沒有犯罪武器,檢方要如何說服陪審團 Tim 就是犯人? ---- 免費電子報:國際新聞分析、Podcast 講義: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 17 Feb 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#236. 麵包店老闆獲得嫌疑犯的 DNA(Part 3)
警方強烈懷疑 Tim 是犯人,但又不能逼迫 Tim 提供自己的 DNA。所以,警察找了 Kim,Tim 在麵包店工作的老闆,請 Kim 找到 Tim 喝過的水杯、飲料讓警察採集 DNA 樣本。"And so one morning he came in and he filled up the thing and he drank it. And then turned around, and he threw it away. And he walked past me in the doorway and went into the men's bathroom. And I just stood there and went “oh shit” it’s game time," said Kim. ---- 免費國際新聞電子報、Podcast 講義: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 15 Feb 2022 18:19:21 GMT
#235. 美國少女遭綁架 — 兩位媽媽通報警察(Part 2)
隨著案情發展,我們在今天的節目發現為何兩位媽媽(Heather, Merrilee)會一口咬定犯人一定是 Tim Bass。原來,Tim 一直以來都有變態、性騷擾、恐怖行為。在今天的節目,我們會聽到 Heather 和 Merrilee 過去與 Tm 發生的事情。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#234. 美國少女遭綁架,三十年後破案(Part 1)
三十年前,18 歲 Mandy 出外慢跑後再也沒回家。警察在 Mandy 身上找到男性 DNA,比對所有嫌疑人後,仍找不到兇手。直到 2013 年,兩位媽媽在公園聊天時,剛好講到這起兇殺案。這兩位媽媽都知道 Mandy,兩位媽媽也一致認同兇手絕對是一位 Tim Bass 的男子。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#233. 你該出國讀研究所嗎?
出國讀書會學到什麼?會遇到什麼困難?今天採訪我的高中學長,請他分享過去一年在英國讀書的感受,包含英國人生活習慣,學校、課業壓力,同學之間相處,還有到底花多少錢? ---- 學長粉專:https://www.facebook.com/tw.huangweijyun/
Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#232. 國家該如何處理拒打肺炎疫苗的人?
很多美國人不信任醫療體系,所以很多人拒絕接種新冠肺炎疫苗。他們認為新冠肺炎不是很嚴重,頂多是嚴重的流感,然後疫苗反而會影響身體健康。最後導致的問題是,這些拒打疫苗的人都得新冠肺炎,然後癱瘓醫院,所以很多非新冠肺炎相關疾病無法得到第一時間的處理。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 25 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#231. 網球選手 Novak Djokovic 禁止入境澳洲
Novak Djokovic 原本要去澳洲比賽,但是因為他沒有打新冠肺炎疫苗,所以澳洲政府禁止他入境。Djokovic 也時常在社群媒體上發表反對疫苗的言論,所以對於疫苗他也一直不願意接種。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 20 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#230. 哈萨克因為燃料發生暴動
由於政府停止液化石油氣的補助,哈薩克產生暴動。許多人被逮補,而總統更是下命令遇到暴民直接開搶,政府甚至決定直接關閉某些地區的網路。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 18 Jan 2022 18:14:00 GMT
#229. 研究顯示大麻可以預防新冠肺炎?
最新研究表示,也許大麻對預防 Covid 有效。目前還沒有太多明確的證據,但是 Oregon State University 研究員表示,大麻當中含有元素可以對抗 Alpha 和 Beta 變種的新冠肺炎。 ---- 免費電子報: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Adam ruins everything: https://youtu.be/CJlqsdezhhk
Thu, 13 Jan 2022 20:26:10 GMT
#228. 美國醫生移植豬心給 57 歲男子
醫學上,我們一直都有使用動物器官。之前有好幾個人使用猴子、猩猩的器官,只不過移植後並沒有活太久。但是最近由於基因改造技術發達,科學家研發出較不會讓人體排斥的豬心,而這位男子是目前唯一成功使用豬心的案例。 ---- https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 11 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#227. Alex 完整訪談
今天的內容是跟 Alex 的完整訪談。
Thu, 06 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#226. #5 Alex 表示「XX 飯店早餐不錯,但有蟑螂」(訪談 Part 5)
小心 Roaches!今天的節目 Alex 告訴我們有一間飯店的早餐很棒,很 extravagant(豪華)但是有小蟑螂在旁邊爬。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報(如果不喜歡,隨時自己取消) https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 04 Jan 2022 20:00:00 GMT
#225. Alex 教你累積飯店點數(訪談 Part 4)
Equipment engineer 常常要出差住飯店,所以這些工程師常常會有一堆飯店點數。在今天的節目,Alex 告訴我們怎麼做才能累積大量點數,多到永遠用不完的數量。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報(如果不喜歡,隨時自己取消) https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 30 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#224. Alex 工作在做什麼?(訪談 Part 3)
Alex 分享他身為 equipment engineer 工作的一天,忙的時候可能要工作 12 小時,閒的時候可能工作 2 個小時。下次問外國人工作做什麼,可以直接說 What do you do,但是小心不要說成 How do you do? ---- 本集節目由【LINE貼圖】贊助播出 Happy New Year! 你聽過貼圖富翁嗎? LINE 貼圖百萬組人氣貼圖讓你一次擁有! 12/23~1/6期間加入,新戶享免費試用3個月 (原本是1個月,直接變3倍唷) 自己試過最知道,免費試用三個月可以好好體驗、天天挖新圖來用,當然先試再說! 記得認明有紫色「P」標章的貼圖,並且選擇「進階型」方案,就可以用一大堆熊大兔兔、白爛貓等海內外大咖貼圖及表情貼喔! 立刻加入3個月免費試用方案吧 https://lin.ee/SwAcLyT/crtw/kevin **使用LINE Pay、信用卡、簽帳金融卡皆可加入! ---- 訂閱免費電子報(如果不喜歡,隨時自己取消) https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 28 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#223. 美國房子為什麼都用木頭?(訪談 Part 2)
有沒有想過,為什麼美國房子喜歡用木頭、台灣房子喜歡用水泥?是美觀、價格、強度,還是習慣?在今天的節目,Alex 分享一些他對美國房屋建材的看法。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報(如果不喜歡,隨時自己取消) https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 23 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#222. Alex 想在台灣買房投資(訪談 Part 1)
Alex 住在加州 Bay Area(灣區)在今天的節目,我們討論台北和 Bay Area 的房價,以及 Alex 平時做的房地產投資。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報(如果不喜歡,隨時自己取消) https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in ---- 聯絡 Alex Line: alex95111 WeChat: ballsd33p
Tue, 21 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#221. 青春山海線 Route 2 Taiwan
士林夜市、台北 101、中正紀念堂雖然不錯,但是如果有外國朋友想親近大自然,你知道怎麼介紹嗎?今天的節目會帶給大家新北市的幾個戶外旅遊地點,分冬、夏兩季,讓你下次遇到外國朋友,可以直接推薦好玩的地方。 ---- 今天的節目由與新北市政府觀光旅遊局合作 ●新北市觀光旅遊網:https://newtaipei.travel/ ●青春山海線官網:https://newtaipei.travel/route2taiwan ●「金山漫遊」網站職人體驗學苑相關體驗活動(需事前預約):https://reurl.cc/82LRgo,聯絡電話:(02)24980017、0975-807-116 ●深澳鐵道自行車(需事前預約,詳細資訊以官網為主):https://www.railbike.com.tw/information/detail/3 ●山海伴手禮官網:https://reurl.cc/l5bxQv
Thu, 16 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#220. Kentucky 州龍捲風,近百人死亡
由於氣候變遷,Kentucky 在 12 月出現非季節性的龍捲風。這次龍捲風襲擊,導致 74 人死亡,近 100 人失蹤。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報(不喜歡,隨時自己取消): https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 14 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#219. Michael Phelps 教你保持動力(Part 2)
Michael 表示,很多時候他也不想起床訓練,但是他知道成功的人都會做他們不想要的,所以他也就堅持下去。The greats do things when they don't always want to, and that's the separation. 面對不想做的事情,大家選擇逃避,還是面對? ---- 今天的節目由 Nord VPN 贊助 結帳輸入 kevinpod 贈一個月 NordVPN 27 折優惠:https://nordvpn.com/kevinpod ---- Email 課程介紹: - 寫出精準的單字和流暢的句型 - 整理台灣人常見中式英文 - 提供大量 Email 情境書讓你直接參考 - 贈商業書信表,整理常用單字、片語 連結:https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-sales
Thu, 09 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#218. Michael Phelps 教你保持動力(Part 1)
面對奧運游泳比賽的壓力,Michael Phelps 如何準備?他表示,當時他說要贏得 8 面金牌時,游泳界的大家都笑他發瘋,不過他最後還是辦到了,關鍵:步步為營。 ---- 今天的節目由 Nord VPN 贊助 結帳輸入 kevinpod 贈一個月 NordVPN 27 折優惠:https://nordvpn.com/kevinpod ---- Email 課程介紹: - 寫出精準的單字和流暢的句型 - 整理台灣人常見中式英文 - 提供大量 Email 情境書讓你直接參考 - 贈商業書信表,整理常用單字、片語 連結:https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-sales
Tue, 07 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#217. 2021新北歡樂耶誕城
今年新北歡樂耶誕城在市民廣場、站前廣場、萬坪公園舉辦,時間110/12/3至111/1/2。新北市政府觀光旅遊局今年首次與樂高合作,除了打造出許多樂高裝置,也有很多漂亮的燈飾等著大家來打卡拍照! ---- 今天的節目由與新北市政府觀光旅遊局合作 新北市觀光旅遊網:https://newtaipei.travel/ 新北歡樂耶誕城官網:https://christmasland.ntpc.gov.tw/
Thu, 02 Dec 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#216. 橫渡英吉利海峽 27 移工死亡
英吉利海峽最窄的地方大約 33 公里,所以很多非洲、中東人會經由法國搭橡皮艇試著偷渡進英國。但是,英吉利海峽的浪大而且海水冷,所以常常會有許多偷渡者死亡。這次,是近幾年最嚴重的一次死亡事件,一艘橡皮艇載著 27 位移工,全數死亡。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 30 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#215. 採訪新人歌手 Haezee
今天邀請 Up-and-coming singer Haezee,Up-and-coming 翻譯成中文就是「新人」。Haezee 在馬來西亞長到後,到 Berklee College of Music 讀書,接著在紐約工作一段時間後,來到台灣發展歌唱生涯。 ---- Haezee 的 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haezeeofficial/?hl=zh-tw Haezee 的音樂: https://lnk.to/lovemaze?fbclid=IwAR0CL94w8q3qVAl_5F2_BgmsntNLqH9qBBbfntT9w6tTEHYlSJPeD9eUGBU
Thu, 25 Nov 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#214. Kyle 的審判結果
Kyle Rittenhouse 審判結果出爐,無罪,在今天的內容,我們聽到檢察官對 Kyle 的質詢,也可以感受出檢察官和 Kyle 之間的攻防戰。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 23 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#213. 少年 Kyle Rittenhouse 槍擊三人,兩人身亡,一人輕傷
在一場 2020 的抗議活動,Kyle 被幾位示威者包圍,甚至有示威者拿滑板攻擊 Kyle。為了保護自己,Kyle 開槍射擊三位示威者,兩人死亡,一人輕傷。 ---- 了解 Email 課程: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-sales 聯絡我: kevin@kevinpod.com
Thu, 18 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#212. 哈勃望遠鏡要被取代了、Kevin 的 Email 課程開放報名
英文 Email 不用是工作上的負擔,讓你無論跟外國客戶或公司內部溝通,都能清楚提出問題和表達自己的意思。不用再擔心用錯字造成溝通誤解,或是讓對方覺得你的回覆看起來不專業。 ---- 了解課程: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-sales - 教你寫出精準的單字和流暢的句型 - 整理台灣人常見中式英文,提供線上資源查詢 - 提供大量 Email 情境書讓你直接參考 - 贈商業書信表,整理常用單字、片語 了解課程: https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-sales
Tue, 16 Nov 2021 21:30:00 GMT
#211. PDA 技巧:15 分鐘內寫完 Email、電動車 Rivian IPO
英文 Email 寫不出來,不完全是英文程度的問題,很多時候反而是寫作架構問題。在今天的節目,我想要提供大家一個技巧,稱作 PDA(目的、細節、行動)讓你在 15 分鐘內寫出 Email,不要再花半小時寫短短兩行字,把時間留給更重要的事情。 ---- PDA 瑕疵品客訴架構,點連結看影片 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/pda-opt-in
Thu, 11 Nov 2021 20:53:58 GMT
#210. 英文信件 5 個常見句型錯誤
我教英文好幾年了,所以大大小小的email都超多讀過,所以我就想說用這個機會把從以前到現在我覺得最常看到的五個問題整理出來,在今天的節目上跟各位分享。 ---- 下載今天 PDF 講義:5 個常見 Email 句型錯誤 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/email-opt-in 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#209. 英國開發出新冠肺炎口服藥
英國開發出第一個新冠肺炎口服藥。藥品運作原理是壓抑病毒成長,減少病毒在身體裡的量。只要一確診,趕緊服藥,就可以避免成為重症或死亡,這對打擊新冠肺炎是一個大突破,只要任何一地方有大量確診人數,大家可以不用到醫院排隊打針,在家就可以透過藥物治療。 今天的節目由 MYPROTEIN 贊助 Myprotein 雙11活動將在 11/10 9 PM 台灣站上開跑,快閃27小時!輸入折扣碼 : KEVINMYP11 可 享超值優惠! 連結: https://bit.ly/3thClOV ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#208. 男子假扮醫生,還成功救活 10 位傷者
Ferdinand 曾假扮過各種行業,但是他最厲害的一次應該是在一艘加拿大軍艦上假扮外科醫生。當時有好幾十位人員受傷,Ferdinand 竟然還透過醫學教科書成功救活所有的人 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 02 Nov 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#207. 住在男朋友家,但要繳房租給男友
今天的內容來自 MarketWatch 網站的讀者投稿。一位女單親媽媽住在男朋友爸爸的家,原本媽媽和這位男朋友都會繳房租給爸爸,但肺炎期間爸爸停止收房租,但男朋友還是跟媽媽繼續收房租,對此這位媽媽寫信到 MarketWatch 詢問自己該怎麼辦。 ---- 今天 Podcast 文章不懂的句子可以選取後 comment 我整理大家疑問後,會在下週分析: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxlXw81YHJyiwb5ySkMDHV2VtyYKgNryVE94VxZTRJo/edit?usp=sharing Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,目前共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:43:29 GMT
#206. 好萊塢明星 Alec Baldwin 誤殺劇組
Alec Baldwin 在拍攝 Rust 這部電影時,不小心拿到一把有子彈的槍。按照規矩,子彈不應出現在電影的 set(場景),目前警方和製片公司都在調查到底是哪一環節出錯造成這起憾事。 ---- 今天 Podcast 文章不懂的句子可以選取後 comment 我整理大家疑問後,會在星期五一次分析: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kJzn--LNmXcf-PpKHuvdUuLqR2T4KKCUjrCfv8wp3VQ/edit?usp=sharing Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,目前共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 26 Oct 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#205. 疑似找到未婚夫 Brian 的屍體
It appears that(疑似)Brian's body has been found. 沒錯,之前 Gabby 的未婚夫 Brian 逃亡到保護區(reserve)但現在似乎找到他的筆記本和所有物。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 26 Oct 2021 09:10:47 GMT
#204. 兒子在偷偷監督班上同學
一位爸爸發現 14歲兒子 Jack 有一份報表紀錄班上同學的特殊行為,擔心的爸爸覺得行為有點 creepy,因此寫信投稿報紙專欄尋求意見。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 19 Oct 2021 19:08:25 GMT
#203. Amy 完整訪談
今天的內容沒有任何單字、句型分析,像是期中考。讓大家試著在聽我解釋之後,可以自己聽懂單字和內容。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 14 Oct 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#202. 跟台灣員工遇到的溝通困難(訪談 part 5)
今天的節目,Amy 告訴我們他開店時一開始遇到的問題。第一、面對餐廳沒客人要保持樂觀,不能太過沮喪。第二,跟台灣員工相處的模式不像跟英國人一樣。英國人講話比較委婉、客氣,台灣人比較直接。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 12 Oct 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#201. 美式、英式司康其實不太一樣(訪談 part 4)
What is your signature dish? 你的招牌餐點是什麼?今天我們討論司康的種類,其實美式、英式的 scone 不太一樣。美式的 scone 比較像餅,英式 scone 比較像 cake。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 07 Oct 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#200. Amy 在公館夜市開路邊攤的過程(訪談 Part 3)
"everyday we'd push the cart I would say oh how long would it be? About 50 to 100 meters. We push it from the little warehouse to the to the place" Amy 表示,在還沒開餐廳之前,他每天要從倉庫推車子一路推到公館夜市,還要忍受炎熱夏天,和溼冷冬天。不過,生意很不錯,許多回頭看,所以很快也從到錢開店。 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 05 Oct 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#199. 台北的氣候跟倫敦很像?(訪談 Part 2)
根據 Amy,其實台北、倫敦的冬天氣候滿接近的,一樣都是 cold and rainy。在今天的內容 Amy 告訴大家他 16 歲 secondary school(同等我們的國中)畢業後決定進入 catering college 餐飲學校,以及後來的規劃 ---- 免費 Podcast 講義:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 30 Sep 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#198. 英國奶奶 Amy 為什麼來台灣開店?(訪談 Part 1)
十幾年前,Amy 在中國旅遊認識他的臺灣先生。兩人結婚後,決定搬來台灣住,並且開英式下午茶、甜點餐廳。順便告訴你,司康的英文叫做 scones。 如果想吃道地英式下午茶,歡迎到 Amy 的店 淡水: https://goo.gl/maps/AJV2baGvrV1ujtnR6 信義: https://goo.gl/maps/QYZCMgG1K3s2gNzW8 ---- 我的信箱:kevin@kevinenglishpodcast.com 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 28 Sep 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#197. Gabrielle 找到了,未婚夫 Brian 逃亡
星期三跟各位分享 missing person Gabrielle,當時他的下落不明。但是這幾天,屍體在 Teton 被找到了,而且驗屍官(coroner)表示他的死亡是他殺,而非自殺。目前 Gabrielle 的未婚夫在 Florida 的保護區深山裡,警察還無法找到他。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 23 Sep 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#196. 美國 22 歲 Gabrielle 失蹤案
Gabrielle 是一位 22 歲美國女生。幾個月前,他跟 fiance(未婚夫)開始美國 cross-country 旅行,他們從 New York 出發,在 Utah 被警察攔下因為有路人報案表示情侶吵架,結果 9/11 未婚夫獨自回到 Florida,但是 Gabrielle 卻離奇失蹤。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 21 Sep 2021 18:23:21 GMT
#195. 塔利班掌控阿富汗後,對女性受教權的影響
1990 年代,塔利班曾掌控過阿富汗。當時規定女生禁止受教育,今年塔利班重新掌控阿富汗,而塔利班的領導者也答應這次會做出一些改變。但是這些改變到底是否會遵守呢? ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 16 Sep 2021 18:10:05 GMT
#194. 紐約 9/11 恐怖攻擊 20 週年
Tom Lo 除了是廚師,也是一位醫生。20 年前他從紐約世貿中心死裡逃生,從此就決定跟著自己的興趣過人生。他離開金融界,進入醫學院,並且成為一間中華料理餐廳的 partner。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 14 Sep 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#193. 訪談:Christian 完整內容
今天的內容是 Christian 完整訪談,除了包含之前聽我分析、教學過的部分,也有一半是全新上傳過的內容。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 09 Sep 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#192. 訪問:Christian 以前的工作、為什麼去韓國
Christian 還沒去韓國教以前是一位 medical sales representative,也可以簡稱 sales rep,就是醫療業務。他的工作就是到醫院銷售醫療器材,而對他來說,這個工作常常到處跑,他形容 I was always on my feet,雖然很有壓力,但也很好玩。It was kind of stressful, but it was really cool, interesting job. ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 07 Sep 2021 17:35:26 GMT
#191. 美國德州限制墮胎的「心跳法」上路
美國德州 Texas 通過嚴峻的墮胎法,按照這個 hearbeat bill 法案,女生懷孕超過 6 週,無法墮胎,即便是受到性侵。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 德州「心跳法」報導 https://www.mic.com/p/a-texas-website-asked-people-to-snitch-on-abortions-they-got-furry-porn-instead-84151101
Thu, 02 Sep 2021 19:06:23 GMT
#190. 好警察,壞警察 good cop bad cop
如果要形容一個人扮黑臉,一個扮白臉英文怎麼講?不是 black face, white face 喔,英文會說 good cop, bad cop。所以如果媽媽都是當壞人,爸爸當好人,這就是 mom is the good cop, dad is the bad cop。在今天的內容,來賓 Christian 告訴大家他當時對面的房客,是如何被警察逮捕,還去坐牢。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 31 Aug 2021 17:15:12 GMT
#189. Christian 在菲律賓差點被警察抓走
a slap on the wrist, 「輕輕打一下手腕」意思是說不嚴重的處罰。很多時候可以在新聞雜誌看到,也許某個大公司或有錢人飯錯,但是政府的處分不嚴重,頂多輕輕處罰。這就是 a slap on the wrist。在今天的內容,我們看到 Christian 當時在菲律賓原本要被警察抓走,因為違法 COVID lockdown. ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Thu, 26 Aug 2021 17:20:00 GMT
#188. 訪問:在韓國教英文的 Christian
如何用英文說「成功逃離某地方」?英文說 to make it out alive,但不要跟另一個很像的片語 make out 搞混,make out 是親嘴巴。新冠肺炎剛開始的時候,Christian 在韓國,他從韓國 make it out alive 桃到菲律賓,卻又因為菲律賓疫情卡住不能離開,也就是在菲律賓的 Cebu,認識我的聽眾 Jill。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in Jill 的 Instagram 和咖啡店 https://instagram.com/infantaly?utm_medium=copy_link Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 24 Aug 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#187. 新聞英文(來賓:全球串連早安新聞)
今天邀請全球串連早安新聞的 Howard 和 小路到節目上和大家分享新聞。如果你對國際情勢、文化很好奇,希望能多聽國際分析並且掌握國際動脈,可以參考他們的節目,而且每週一到五在 clubhouse 都有 live 直播。 ---- 全球串連早安新聞Podcast https://open.firstory.me/user/moriningtaiwan/platforms 還有Facebook兩萬人社團「全球串連早安新聞」 https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningtaiwan/
Thu, 19 Aug 2021 17:20:19 GMT
#186. 現在完成式 vs. 過去完成式、阿富汗人爬上飛機
現在完成式表達現在「已經完成的事」或從過去進行到現在的事;而過去完成式表達的是過去就已經完成的事情,或過去的過去。兩個時態最大的差別,就是完成的時間點。 ---- 免費電子報:英文學習技巧、英文笑話、英文分析 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 現在完成式 vs. 過去完成式 3 大差別 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/blog/presentperfect-pastperfect Podcast 付費講義:每月固定 6 份,共 60 份講義立即閱覽 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast
Tue, 17 Aug 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#185. 五股夏綠地(外景訪談)
如果要說某個人、地區感覺有點落魄、荒涼,口語上會用 seedy, unsavory 形容。也許你路上看到一個感覺心懷不軌的人,就可以說 there are some unsavory characters around this area. 今天的節目,我跟我的朋友 John 到五股夏綠地出外景。 ---- 今天的節目由新北市新聞局贊助 歡迎追蹤以下幾個連結,加入「我的新北市」各大社群平台,傳遞分享新北的生活、美食、景點、政策、活動、交通、人物等主題,掌握第一手新北大小事。 我的新北市FB:https://www.facebook.com/myntpc/ 我的新北市YouTube:https://reurl.cc/gWXAgR 我的新北市LINE:http://line.naver.jp/ti/p/%40ntpc或搜尋「@ntpc」或官方帳號「新北市政府」 我的新北市推特:https://twitter.com/NewTaipeiGov ---- 訂閱講義逐字稿、單字複習 👉 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast 訂閱免費電子報,立刻獲得講義、英文學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 12 Aug 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#184. CNN 表示:小孩也會感染新冠肺炎
今天跟 CNN 新聞學英文單字、片語:1. hospitalized 住院,記得用被動式,例如: Johnny was hospitalized because he hit his head. 2. losing steam 失去動力。為什麼失去動力是 losing steam?因為以前人們使用蒸汽機,所以鍋爐失去蒸汽,蒸汽機就無法運作,所以才說失去動力叫 losing steam。 ---- 訂閱講義逐字稿、單字複習 👉 https://www.zeczec.com/projects/kevin-english-podcast 訂閱免費電子報,立刻獲得講義、英文學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 10 Aug 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#183. 過去簡單式 vs. 現在完成式 3 大差別,Raymond 完整訪問
過去簡單式、現在完成式卻有三大差異。一、過去簡單式告知事情發生的時間,像 last week, yesterday。二、形容人的時候,過去簡單式往往表示某人已離世。三、過去簡單式表達過去事件已經結束;現在完成式表達過去事件仍在進行。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報,立刻獲得講義、英文學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 過去簡單式、現在完成式 3 大差別 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/blog/simple-past-present-perfect
Thu, 05 Aug 2021 18:00:00 GMT
#182. 打牌、投資:危機就是轉機
時局動盪就是發財的時候(如果眼光夠好)我們會聽到 Raymond 表示哪來可以找到賺錢機會,另外也會聽到 Game of Thrones 的一段對話。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報,立刻獲得講義、英文學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 03 Aug 2021 17:29:48 GMT
#181. 現在完成式 vs. 現在完成進行式
現在完成式、現在完成進行式有三個主要差別:一、表示數量,用現在完成式;表示時間,用現在完成進行式。二、動作已經完成,用現在完成式;動作還在進行,用現在完成進行式。三、表示短暫、最近才開始的事情,用現在完成進行式。把這三點記起來,你對現在完成式,與現在完成進行式時態的觀念就會更清楚。 ---- 訂閱免費電子報,立刻獲得講義、英文學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 現在完成式 vs. 現在完成進行式文章 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/blog/present-perfect-present-progressive
Thu, 29 Jul 2021 16:46:36 GMT
#180. 輸錢後學到什麼教訓?
如果失敗後能站起來,我們會更堅強。對於 Raymond 來講,輸錢就是一個教訓,而這個教訓可以套用到人生很多其他地方,會成為一個 valuable lesson,讓我們知道如何面對之後的困境。 ---- 訂閱我的免費電子報,獲得講義、英文學習技巧、文章分享 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 27 Jul 2021 18:52:07 GMT
#179. 在 20 分鐘輸 200 萬台幣
Go on tilt 是撲克牌行話,意思是被情緒控制。Raymond 告訴我們當他 go on tilt 的時候,曾經一次輸掉 200 萬台幣,甚至經歷 9 次破產,贏來的錢一個晚上全部輸光。 ---- 訂閱我的免費電子報,獲得講義、英文學習技巧、文章分享 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 22 Jul 2021 18:00:00 GMT
#178. 從撲克牌賺百萬的 Raymond
Raymond 是一位職業撲克牌選手,20 歲賺了百萬,30 歲賺了一億。在今天的節目,會跟我們分享是什麼契機讓他開始打撲克牌,並且分享自己在美國長大的過程。 ---- 今天的節目由九份旗袍贊助: 攝影包套方案|4600 元 ● 含服裝、包包、繡花鞋、各式道具 ● 2 小時攝影師跟拍,不限照片張數 ● 擺拍指導手冊 x1,讓你拍照不再尷尬,一秒變 model https://www.zeczec.com/projects/jiufenchipao?r=9f814b2712 ---- 訂閱我的免費電子報,獲得講義、英文學習技巧、文章分享 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 20 Jul 2021 17:00:00 GMT
#177. 解決聽眾的 3 大英文疑問
以下三個是我最常聽到的英文疑問:一、單字背不起來,單字背了又忘,二、單字都知道,可是聽的時候不懂,三、都聽得懂,但是講不出來。在今天的節目,我會提供清楚的步驟,教你如何在家自學解決這幾個問題。 ---- 訂閱我的免費電子報,獲得講義、英文學習技巧、文章分享 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 15 Jul 2021 16:00:00 GMT
#176. 海地總統遇刺
最近,海地 Haiti 的總統遭到刺殺。雖然有抓到歹徒,但沒有人知道歹徒到底是哪裡來的,也不知道歹徒是誰派的。有些人懷疑是海地自己的政變,有些人懷疑是美國人搞鬼。 ---- 訂閱我的免費電子報,獲得講義、英文學習技巧、文章分享 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 13 Jul 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#175. Eddy 訪問(完整)
過去這個月,我們聽到 Eddy 在美國擔任 EMT 的經驗。今天是過去四次 podcast 節目的完整訪談,沒有教學或補充,當作期中考。測試大家在沒有我的幫忙下,可以聽懂多少內容。 ---- 下載 Podcast 講義 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 08 Jul 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#174. 美國疫苗免費,外國人也可以打(訪問 Part 4)
當全世界許多國家沒有 COVID 疫苗,當印度爆發出假疫苗事件,倒是美國人的疫苗多到有剩。所有的美國人都有疫苗可以打,甚至就算你是在美國的外國人,也可以打疫苗,基本上疫苗有點像路上人家在發的衛生紙,只要你想要,就可以拿。 ---- 下載參考講義 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 06 Jul 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#173. 加州開放後,是否慶祝?(訪問 Part 3)
加州幾乎有一半的人口都有打疫苗,近期確診人數一直下降,所以加州也準備開放,讓居民回到以前的生活。今天的內容,除了問問 Eddy 是否有慶祝的計畫,也提到他目前服務的志工團隊,以及服務內容 ---- 下載參考講義 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 01 Jul 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#172. Eddy 不知道我們的「摸摸茶」傳染(訪問 Part 2)
Sexy Tea 上二樓?原來 Eddy 不知道台灣新冠肺炎捲土重來是因為「茶店」人與人連結造成,一開始還以為我說的 tea shop 是喝下午茶的地方。今天的節目,我們會一起討論台灣的新冠肺炎是為什麼會 spiral out of control。 ---- 下載參考講義(英文片語、字稿、描述圖表的片語) 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 29 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#171. 在加州當緊急救護人員的 Eddy(訪問 Part 1)
今天的來賓 Eddy 在加州擔任 EMT(緊急救護人員)去年加州剛出現新冠肺炎疫情,大家都還搞不清楚狀況,Eddy 就接到了一間 nursing home(安養院)的電話,表示有疑似新冠肺炎症狀,在當時裝備、器具都不足的時候,他是怎麼度過這一切? ---- 下載今天的參考講義(字稿、片語動詞、單字分析) 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 24 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#170. 雲端發票、載具,以及條碼的英文是什麼?
你能夠用英文形容發票、載具,或是條碼嗎?今天的節目,我會幫來台兩年的外國朋友設定電子發票,到超市購物,並刷載具條碼。順便讓你知道,條碼的英文是 barcode。 ---- 今天的節目由財政部中區國稅局東山稽徵所贊助—「相信專屬的條碼,發票就會有奇蹟。」—《#手機上的魔術師》—手機條碼 ✨快來試試統一發票兌獎APP✨ 📌iOS👉https://reurl.cc/exZveR 📌Android👉https://reurl.cc/8GO4do 另外財政部中區國稅局網站,讓你get到更多最新的稅務資訊✅https://www.ntbca.gov.tw/ ---- 輸入 Email 即可收到我的講義和英文內容 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 22 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#169. Reddit:你經歷過最恐怖的靈異或真實事件
在你身上發生過最恐怖的事件是什麼?What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you, supernatural or not? 今天的節目,我們從 Reddit 看看網友分享自己身上發生過最恐怖的事情。 ---- 輸入 Email 即可收到我的講義和英文內容 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 17 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#168. 疫苗樂透,最高獎金 100 萬美金
為了鼓勵大家打疫苗,美國許多州推出疫苗樂透。只要該州居民有打疫苗,年滿 18 歲,就有機會獲得樂透獎金。至於未滿 18 歲的孩子,則有機會獲得該州公立大學全額獎學金。關鍵單字:incentivize, full scholarship, partial scholarship ---- 輸入 Email 下載講義 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 15 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#167. 聽力練習--繼承 80 萬美金的流浪漢
今天的內容是聽力練習。星期三聽過我詳細分析單字、句型(還記得這幾個單字嗎?relapse, attribute, inherited…)現在我們要直接聽記者和主播報導,訓練你的聽力。 ---- 輸入 Email 就能獲得講義 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 10 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#166. 繼承 80 萬美金的流浪漢
來自 Oregon 的 Cathy 是一位有 mental health 和 drug problem 的人。Cathy 媽媽過世後,留下 80 萬美金的遺產。但是因為 Cathy 是流浪漢,所以大家沒辦法聯絡他,現在 Cathy 過世了,政府正在決定這筆錢該交給誰。 ---- 訂閱我的電子報,收到英文講義和學習技巧 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 08 Jun 2021 16:37:51 GMT
#165. 新聞英文、日常生活搭配詞:business as usual, get into the habit, nothing special
今天的節目我們要講兩件事情,第一點,就是日常生活會遇到的搭配詞。第二點,要分享一篇跟消防員有關的新聞英文。 ---- 今天的節目由海洋委員會贊助 國家海洋日「海洋線上成果展示」網路活動,詳細內容可至「海洋委員會」官網或臉書粉絲專頁查詢。 https://www.oac.gov.tw/ch/home.jsp?id=274&parentpath=0,8,133 facebook.com/oactw ---- 講義連結 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 03 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#164. 搭配詞小考(能答對幾個?)、R. Kelly Interview
R. Kelly 應該可以算是近幾年最有名的 R&B 歌手。然而,之前傳出他與未成年女生發生關係,所以在今天的節目,我們聽聽看 R. Kelly 這段很荒唐的 interview. ---- 搭配詞講義連結 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 01 Jun 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#163. 常見英文搭配詞、Google 被俄國威脅降速
什麼是「搭配詞」?在英文裡,某些名詞要搭配特定動詞。這個搭配沒有理由,也不能用文法解釋,就是語言習慣成自然,中式英文常常就是因為搭配詞錯誤。 另外,Google 被俄國政府要求下架某些內容,但是 Google 不願意,所以俄國政府就祭出罰款,英文叫做 issue a fine。 ---- 容易講中式英文?搞不清楚單字該搭配哪個動詞才正確嗎? 輸入 Email 獲得搭配詞講義! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 27 May 2021 19:22:06 GMT
#162. Eddie 完整訪談
在之前的節目,我都是先播一段聽力再做分析,並解釋單字片語。今天的節目,是沒有教學,完整的訪談。就像是你們的期中考,看看在沒有我的教學情況下,是否可以認得某個單字、片語。如果可以,很恭喜,表示你的英文進步了! 追蹤 Eddie 的 IG: eddie_frith ---- 今天的節目由台灣精品贊助 美科實業股份有限公司_艾瑪絲5α 捷利爾頭皮淨化液:一瓶家用洗髮精,就能解決每一個人的頭皮問題 更多產品介紹:https://www.taiwanexcellence.org/tw/award/product/1100751 產品立即買:https://aromase.pse.is/3fpnsc 【關於「台灣精品獎」】 - 台灣精品獎每年依據四大專業項目與「臺灣產製」條件,評選出具創新價值的產品 - 獲獎作品作為臺灣產業表率,在國際市場形塑創新形象 - 台灣精品標誌被視為創新產品的共同品牌,如同產業界的奧斯卡獎,在國際間享有極高聲譽 想認識更多了不起的精品們嗎? 快到台灣精品網站 www.taiwanexcellence.org ---- 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 25 May 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#161. 在台灣學中文容易嗎?(訪談 #4)
loan-words 拆開來講,loan 是借貸,words 大家都知道是單字,所以合在一起 loan-words 借來的單字,其實就是外來語。今天跟 Eddie 討論,在台灣很多外國人都會遇到的問題,那就是整天跟其他外國人玩在一起,最後都沒練習到中文。 ---- 今天的節目由 LingoChamp 贊助 #LingoScore挑戰 – 截圖你的英語力等級測試結果到Instagram(story和貼文均可),@Kevin.english.podcast 和@lingochamp.english 官方賬號,hashtag #LingoScore 挑戰,我們將抽取一個人獲得 LingoChamp 1個月會員。 LingoChamp連結:https://go.onelink.me/0Af2/6077628d ---- 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 20 May 2021 19:00:00 GMT
#160. Eddie 都在台中玩什麼?(訪談 #3)
今天進入訪談第三部。 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 20 May 2021 10:28:30 GMT
#159. Eddie 為什麼選擇住台中?(訪談 #2)
今天的節目,Eddie 告訴大家為什麼台灣眾多的城市裡,他選擇住在台中而不是台北、台南,或高雄。暗示:Taipei reminds him of London. ---- 想寫出正式又清楚的英文信件? Kevin 英文信件課程會提供你最清楚的模板,讓你直接使用 點連結填問卷,課程上線你就會收到通知和早鳥優惠 👉 https://www.surveycake.com/s/0ml8y 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 13 May 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#158. although, in spite of, despite 差異、外國人訪談 Eddie(第一部)
考考你 despite, although 的使用有什麼差別?提示,一個是介系詞,一個是連結詞。那 in spite of, despite, although, even though, though 這五個字的差別又是什麼?在今天的節目,我會分享這幾個字的差別。另外,我們也會聽聽看 Eddie 來台灣的經驗,以及他為什麼來台灣。 追蹤 Eddie 的 IG: eddie_frith ---- 想寫出正式又清楚的英文信件? Kevin 英文信件課程會提供你最清楚的模板,讓你直接使用 點連結填問卷,課程上線你就會收到通知和早鳥優惠 👉 https://www.surveycake.com/s/0ml8y 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 11 May 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#157. 如何寫 Email 聯絡朋友引薦的第三者?
如果朋友引薦一位你不認識的人,要怎麼在短時間內介紹自己並說明自己的需求?這種 Email 我建議分三段。第一段,問候,自我介紹,並說明如何得到對方聯絡資訊。第二段,說明自己的需求。是想要見面,通電話,還是直接下單?第三段,提供相關資訊和附加文件。 ---- 想寫出正式又清楚的英文信件? Kevin 英文信件課程會提供你最清楚的模板,讓你直接使用 點連結填問卷,課程上線你就會收到通知和早鳥優惠 👉 https://www.surveycake.com/s/0ml8y 輸入 Email 獲得 podcast 講義,用系統化的方式學英文! 👉 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Thu, 06 May 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#156. 虛主詞 It 的使用方法、The Daily Show Interview(3)
It's raining, it's Christmas 為什麼天氣、時間、距離需要加一個 it 在前面?在特定的巨型前面,英文需要加一個虛主詞 it,就像「那裡有棵樹」要加 there。There is a tree. ---- 👉 輸入 Email 獲得講義,用系統化的方式學英文! https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in
Tue, 04 May 2021 18:56:36 GMT
#155. 從瑞典搭船到紐約 Greta Thunberg(2)
在這句 disconnect 應該怎麼解釋?There's a definite disconnect between older generations and younger generations when talking about the climate. 你可能知道 disconnect 的意思是「斷線」,但是在這句用斷線來形容很奇怪,所以應該解釋為「代溝」或是「隔閡」。 ---- 👉 輸入 Email 獲得講義,用系統化的方式學英文! https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 播客剝殼 podcast 訪問: https://player.soundon.fm/p/463ca52e-9f05-476e-ba8e-f6dcda59b613
Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#154. 從瑞典搭船到 New York 的少女 Greta Thunberg
兩年前,16 歲少女 Greta Thunberg 到聯合國演講,對著各國領袖強調環境變遷的嚴重性。今天的 Podcast 節目上,我會分析 Greta Thunberg 接受 The Daily Show 採訪,說明對環境和氣候的看法。 ---- 👉 輸入 Email 獲得免費講義 https://www.kevinenglishpodcast.com/podcast-opt-in 跟著講義,用系統化的方式學英文!
Tue, 27 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#153. 阿諾 Game show 訪談 (2).mp3
昨天講到阿諾在 veto message 裡寫了一段藏頭詩,今天我找到那段 message 在節目的最後跟大家分享,順便解釋阿諾的 message 到底在說什麼。 ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Thu, 22 Apr 2021 19:21:02 GMT
#152. 阿諾史瓦辛格 talk show 訪談
let me take a shot,的意思不是被打一槍,而是「讓我嘗試看看」。今天的節目,前加州州長阿諾在 James Corden 的 late late show 跟大家講出他在當州長時曾經說過的謊言,我們也會聽到各種奇怪的食物名稱以及幾個常見的英文片語。 ---- 今天的重點單字、句型講義 連結:https://bit.ly/3asokpd ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Tue, 20 Apr 2021 20:31:00 GMT
#151. 影集學英文 --【摩登家庭】澳洲特輯
I'll see you in the arvo, crack a tinny. 這些都是澳洲英文會用的單字。在今天的節目,我會分析摩登家庭 Modern Family 的內容對話,並且解釋一些大家自己看可能沒有辦法理解的笑點。 ---- 不同內褲照片 / under, below, beneath, underneath 的差別 講義:https://bit.ly/3uQeMw8 ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Thu, 15 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#150. 完整訪問:舊金山大學 Computer Science 教授 Vahab
今天的內容是與 Vahab 的完整訪問。沒有任何教學與分析,請大家試著用前幾集學到的內容仔細聽今天的完整訪問。看看自己學了多少,能聽懂幾成。 ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Tue, 13 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#149. 伊朗新年習俗跟台灣一樣?訪談(4)
before 跟 prior to 差別是什麼?其實… 沒什麼差別。有些人覺得好像正式文件應該用 prior to,但我認為用 before 比較精簡。今天是訪談分析的最後一集,聽聽看伊朗人都怎麼過新年。 ---- 小考和內容分析 講義:https://bit.ly/3cZ65cD ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 18:39:09 GMT
#148. Vahab 如何從大學開始到世界旅遊?(3)
pay out of pocket 自費。Vahab 說當他在讀研究所時,常常發表 paper,每次發表 paper 就會被邀請到其他國家。透過這個方式,就可以到各國旅遊,而且不需要 pay out of pocket。 ---- passion/passionate 小考、reimburse/compensate 差異 講義:https://bit.ly/2RbqHWR ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Tue, 06 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#147. Vahab 16 歲就進 Berkeley 大學(2)
What is your area of expertise? 你的專長領域是什麼?在今天的節目,我會請 Vahab 告訴大家他身為 computer science professor 的 expertise 是什麼。也會讓他告訴大家他是如何 16 歲進 Berkeley 讀書。 ---- undergraduate, undergrad, graduate school, grad school 差別是什麼? 講義分析:https://bit.ly/3dp9KQe ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 20:41:20 GMT
#146. 去過 90 個國家的美國教授 Vahab(1)
In terms of 跟 about 有什麼差別?在今天的節目,我邀請到舊金山大學 Computer Science 教授 Vahab 跟大家分享他在台灣住的經驗,以及當新冠肺炎很嚴重時,他在加州所遇見的情況。 ---- 這幾個字有什麼不同?with regard to, regarding, about 講義分析:https://bit.ly/3weKQeI ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 30 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#145. Amazon 老闆 Jeff 談睡眠的重要 (on sleeping)
On sleeping, 為什麼 sleeping 要加介系詞 on?在英文,on 除了用來表示在某東西上面,還代表 about。所以如果有人說,This is a book on marketing. 其實意思是 This is a book about marketing. 今天,就一起來聽聽看 Amazon 老闆 Jeff Bezos 對睡眠的看法。 今天的講義 https://bit.ly/3ck01v9 ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 25 Mar 2021 20:13:46 GMT
#144. 哈利王子與梅根專訪(4)梅根的 Happy Ending
I didn't see a way out. 「我找不出退路」,哈利如此形容王室以及他成長的環境。今天的節目是專訪的最後一集。哈利分享王室看法,梅根告訴大家他有找到他的 Happy Ending. ---- 今天的必學單字、句型 https://bit.ly/3cdYqH3 ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#143. 哈利王子與梅根專訪(3)哈利登場、梅根自殺念頭
專訪後半段,哈利王子登場。今天的內容,我們可以聽到哈利描述他的 biggest concernt,以及擔心太太梅根的遭遇是 history repeating itself(歷史重演)至於是重演什麼事情?我們一起來聽聽看。 ---- 今天的必學單字、句型 http://bit.ly/2QiYNru ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#142. 哈利王子與梅根專訪(2)梅根深鎖王宮不能出門
為了 lay low(避風頭),梅根在四個月內竟只出門兩次,甚至跟朋友出去吃飯都被王室禁止。梅根說,"I've left the house twice in four months." 因為媒體和八卦雜誌不停的報導,導致梅根必須躲在家裡。 ---- 今天的必學單字、句型 http://bit.ly/3eJHMke ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 16 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#141. 哈利王子與梅根專訪(1)王宮成員擔心孩子膚色太黑?
Concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. 梅根對大家透露,當時自己懷孕時,有王宮成員「擔心」梅根生出來的小孩膚色會太深。在今天的節目,我分享資深媒體人歐普與哈利王子和太太的專訪。 ---- 今天的單字和聽力練習 http://bit.ly/3cfO4Fm ---- 👉 聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 11 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#140. 案例分析 Jessica:過去式 speaking 練習
你的「過去式」文法好嗎?What did you do yesterday? 該怎麼回答?今天我請了聽眾 Jessica 到節目上做英文分析,我用一系列的過去式問題測試他,並分享改善的地方。如果過去式是你的弱點,今天的節目很適合你。 ---- 我整理的「過去式」練習 http://bit.ly/3vj3BgC ---- 👉 聽眾投稿、你的高中生活 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 09 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#139. Marc Randolph(Netflix 共同創辦人)回覆網友
今天的繼續上禮拜五,分享 Netflix 共同創辦人 Marc Randolph 分享他的創業經驗。 我整理的「必背」單字、句型 http://bit.ly/2OkjpPe ---- 👉 聽眾投稿、聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 02 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#138. Netflix 共同創辦人回答 Reddit 網友
重要單字:in person 當面,brick and mortar 實體店面。在今天的內容,我分享 Netflix 前創辦人 Marc Randolph 解答網友所提出的問題。今天內容的單字、句型都非常重要,也有很多片語要學。 ---- 今天的節目由 WuWow 贊助 WuShare 【8小時英文邏輯速成班】課程募資活動! 課程連結:https://bit.ly/2Zx1N50 超過1000位專業師資、40萬堂課程經驗,首創「影片課程」+「真人1對1」雙效學習 目前有限時募資優惠價!使用折扣碼podcastkevin-25598 除優惠價,還可再折150元! ---- 我整理的「必背」單字、句型 http://bit.ly/3klRf29 ---- 👉 聽眾投稿、聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 25 Feb 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#137. Good Eating Habits 關鍵字、句型分析
今天繼續分析 speaking 常用的句型和單字,一起來看美國 1950 的政府宣導影片。 ---- 今天的節目由 518 熊班贊助 覺得找工作寫履歷很花時間? 別擔心!518 熊班全新功能『熊快投』讓你從今天開始找工作只需 30 秒 https://www.518.com.tw/19841-6984 ---- 我整理的「必背」單字、句型 http://bit.ly/3dAUdyt ---- 想聯絡我? mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 23 Feb 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#136. 美國 50 年代教育影片 - Good Eating Habits
1950 年的美國政府宣導影片在講什麼?這部 Good Eating Habits 宣導影片的內容很簡單,講話速度也慢。而且,像所有政府宣導影片,旁白會一直跳針重複講一樣的話,這對各位學英文來講實在是完美,可以好好學習如何講完整句型。 ---- 今天的節目由 7-ELEVEN CITY PRIMA 精品咖啡贊助 7-11新品牌CITY PRIMA始於自身精品之道,為顧客提供一杯講究的咖啡。 用一杯精品,精品你的一天! 點我看更多: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Bx5tl4K2E ---- 點連結看我整理的「必背」單字、句型 http://bit.ly/3qwWGh2 ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 18 Feb 2021 18:42:24 GMT
#135. Bill Gates 解決全球暖化的 master plan
想講出更完整句型的關鍵,就是從簡短問答開始。今天的節目,我會分析華爾街日報對比爾蓋茲做出的一個小訪問。內容都是簡單,不會太複雜的問題,仔細聽訪問的問題,以及比爾蓋茲如何回答。 ---- 今天的節目由 7-ELEVEN CITY PRIMA 精品咖啡贊助 7-11新品牌CITY PRIMA始於自身精品之道,為顧客提供一杯講究的咖啡。 用一杯精品,精品你的一天! 點我看更多: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Bx5tl4K2E ---- 點連結看我整理的「必背」單字、句型 http://bit.ly/2ZoOGCA ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 16 Feb 2021 20:10:33 GMT
#134. Interview 分析 (2)、Kevin 提升專注力 3 技巧
Thu, 11 Feb 2021 20:42:20 GMT
#133. Interview 分析 -- 為什麼來台灣?(1)
「Kevin, 我的句子都卡卡的」「Kevin 我講不出完整句型」這大概是我最常收到的求救信。如果想知道怎麼講完整句子,怎麼跟外國人聊天,我會在今天的節目教你。我直接告訴你背什麼單字,記什麼句子,讓你馬上學起來。 重點單字、完整句型講義 http://bit.ly/3ruxvM6 👉 介紹外國來賓、聽眾投稿、聯絡我 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 18:05:51 GMT
#132. 為什麼來台灣?法國小姐 Astrid 訪談
今天邀請 Astrid 分享為什麼來台灣,來台灣後的感覺還有跟法國的差別。另外,也請 Astrid 分享他一整天的行程,一起聽聽看外國人來整天在做些什麼?答案可能會讓你很驚訝。 參考講義 http://bit.ly/3rquPPl 👉 介紹外國來賓、聽眾投稿 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 04 Feb 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#131. 校長致詞 2 - 瑞典英文聽力練習
今天我們延續上禮拜三的瑞典校長聽力練習。 參考講義 http://bit.ly/3ji6j07 👉 聽眾投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 02 Feb 2021 18:56:51 GMT
#130. 瑞典英文腔聽力練習
在今天的節目,我們練習聽聽看瑞典人講英文。其實,這段聽力的單字、片語並不複雜,說話者講話速度也不快,但是因為腔調所以可能比較不好理解。練習方法很簡單,從講義裡找一小段內容,反覆聽,不要一次聽太多,很快就能把單字和聽到的音做連結。 免費 Podcast 講義: http://bit.ly/3otXOjo ---- *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 19:48:35 GMT
#129. 英文檢測:聽眾 Nick(發音、Speaking 練習)
今天的節目,我為聽眾 Nick 做英文檢測,讓他知道哪邊可以加強,以及應該如何在家自學。如果你也想讓我幫你檢測,歡迎填表單,我會再聯絡你。 👉 英文檢測表單 https://forms.gle/EEgFTQ8MDnKeTv279 免費 Podcast 講義: http://bit.ly/3okZpYP ---- *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#128. 案例分析 - 如何與外國人搭話、聊天
遇到外國客戶、同事要怎麼跟對方聊天?你是不是覺得自己英文不好,所以沒辦法搭話?其實,英文好雖然有幫助,但不是重點。今天,我準備了兩個案例分享給你,讓你知道該如何跟人家聊天。 【最後一天,Podcast 講義 8 折優惠!】 訂閱:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 免費 Podcast 講義: http://bit.ly/3iyFkNu ---- *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#127. 新創 Capsule - 藥局界的 Uber Eats
首先 capsule 什麼意思呢?意思是膠囊,新創公司 Capsule 最近得到 200 萬美金的投資,而且也在 Forbes 排行榜追蹤名單之上。 他們提供藥物外送服務,Uber Eats 送食物,Capsule 送藥物。醫師可以直接開處方箋到 Capsule,由他們的藥局直接把藥拿到你家。 【最後 3 天,Podcast 講義 8 折優惠!】 訂閱:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 免費 Podcast 講義: http://bit.ly/35WDZeh ---- *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Tue, 19 Jan 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#126. Conan O’Brien 脫口秀關於 Circumcision 的對話
Conan O'Brien 是一位很有名的脫口秀主持人,在這集影片,Conan 與他的 sidekick Andy 跟來賓 Jeff Goldblum 聊天。Jeff Goldblum 是猶太人,而話題剛好聊到 Jeff 的兒子割包皮這件事。 【限時 30 天,Podcast 講義 8 折優惠!】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d (已訂閱聽眾,從上面連結登入) 【#125 參考講義】 http://bit.ly/2KgkJAO 【單字】 circumcision - 割包皮 lace - 雷絲 sidekick - 小跟班 pry - 窺探他人隱私 ---- *投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 14 Jan 2021 19:49:58 GMT
#125. 六人行 "The One with the Embryo" 聽力練習.mp3
在這集六人行 Friends,Joey, Chandler 和 Rachel, Monica 比賽看誰比較瞭解對方。最後男生打敗女生,而戰敗的 Rachel 和 Monica 則必須跟兩位男生交換公寓。所以 Joey, Chandler 搬到 Rachel 和 Monica 的家。 【限時 30 天,Podcast 講義 8 折優惠!】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【單字】 give a shout out to somebody - cue 某人 graduate school - 研究所 pet peeve - 會讓你抓狂的某個點 coin toss - 投硬幣 category - 類別 ---- *投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:00:00 GMT
#124. 川普支持者衝進國會
【限時 30 天,訂購 8 折優惠!】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:16:58 GMT
#123. 澳洲英文和打工度假
今天帶來一部澳洲特輯,這次的內容全部都是跟澳洲英文相關。 訪問澳洲人:https://youtu.be/Ewvpdw7L40g 康納去澳洲:https://youtu.be/L94M4xQcPYk 【限時 30 天,訂購 8 折優惠 !】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【單字】 greet 打招呼 dialect 方言 offer 提供、給予 nasal 鼻音 jawline 下顎 【限時 30 天,訂購 8 折優惠 !】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- *投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com *分享節目 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Tue, 05 Jan 2021 21:38:32 GMT
#122. Holmes 的殺人旅館(2)
今天延續 H. H. Holmes 的故事。星期三,我們講到 Holmes 買了一塊空地蓋謀殺飯店,今天要來介紹這間飯店以及所有的機關。飯店的房間裡有埋瓦斯管線,可以使房客昏迷,有各式各樣的密道,還有偷窺洞,以及飯店的地下室是 Holmes 的實驗室和焚化爐… 句型、單字講義 👉 http://bit.ly/38SfXlg 【限時 30 天,訂購 8 折優惠!】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【單字】 to place an ad 刊登廣告 premiums 保費 lured 誘入 asphyxiate 窒息 world's fair 萬國博覽會 句型、單字講義 👉 http://bit.ly/38SfXlg 【限時 30 天,訂購 8 折優惠!】 訂閱講義:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 31 Dec 2020 21:27:11 GMT
#121. 真實事件:H. H. Holmes 的殺人旅館
美國史上第一位連續殺人犯 H. H. Holmes 原本是一位醫生,醫學院畢業後,他開了間藥局,並在藥局對面蓋了一棟三層樓高的飯店。這間飯店充滿各式密道與機關,也就是在這裡他殺了將近 200 人。 句型、單字講義 👉 http://bit.ly/2MhyDmZ 【限時 30 天,講義訂購 8 折優惠!】 https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【單字】 obsessed with 為某人、物著迷 to pursue 追求某事物 correspond to 對應 fried noodles 炒麵 staggered 走路搖擺 句型、單字講義 👉 http://bit.ly/2MhyDmZ 【限時 30 天,講義訂購 8 折優惠!】 https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Tue, 29 Dec 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#120. 馬斯克表示「Tesla 原本要賣給 Apple」
Tesla CEO 在 Twitter 分享了一個有趣的故事。 原來,幾年前 Tesla 資金無法週轉時,Elon 曾聯絡 Apple CEO Tim Cook,詢問 Apple 是否有意願用現在十分之一的價格購買 Tesla,但是 Tim Cook 拒絕。 【限時 30 天,Kevin 講義 8 折優惠!】 不要盲目學英文,讓我直接告訴你重點 👉 https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d ---- 【單字】 acquiring 獲取,併購公司 to reach out to someone 聯繫某人 millionaire 百萬富翁 billionaire 十億萬富翁(英文的進位跟中文不一樣) manufacturing 製造 ---- 【限時 30 天,Kevin 講義 8 折優惠!】 不要盲目學英文,讓我直接告訴你重點 👉 https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy
Thu, 24 Dec 2020 18:57:25 GMT
#119. 臉書、Apple 吵架!Facebook 買報紙版面公開譴責 Apple
上禮拜,臉書在各大報紙買版面譴責 Apple 最新 iOS 14 將導致小企業無法在臉書打出精準廣告。對此,Apple 表示,臉書本來就不應未經使用者同意追蹤,而且 iOS 14 並非禁止追蹤,而是使用者必須事先允許追蹤。 【Kevin 英文不難 x 訂閱計畫】 不要再盲目學習,讓我直接告訴你重點和關鍵內容 👉 前往訂閱:https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 想知道講義內容,請點下面 講義試讀:https://bit.ly/3pgguE9 ---- 【單字】 at the core of… 在某某核心 concern 顧慮 to stand up to someone 勇敢抵抗某人 engage with someone/something 與某某互動 deserve 應得 ---- 【Kevin 英文不難 x 訂閱計畫】 不要再盲目學習,讓我直接告訴你重點和關鍵內容 👉 前往訂閱: https://zecz.ec/3rhdN7d 想知道講義內容,請點下面 講義試讀:https://bit.ly/3pgguE9 投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com
Tue, 22 Dec 2020 19:54:42 GMT
#118. Facebook 被美國多州聯合起訴
先教一個單字 "antitrust" 反托拉斯。最近,臉書被美國數個州聯合控告,甚至美國 FTC(聯邦交易委員會)還想要把 Facebook 拆成好幾個公司。以下是 Tech Crunch 雜誌的標題 "Facebook hit with massive antitrust lawsuit from 46 states"。 ★☆【新東陽】強打新品-市面上唯一的【麻婆豆腐罐頭】 ☆★方便即食、微辣風味~同時吃的到豆腐及豬肉! 👉 2 種推薦食用方式: 方式 1. 盛盤微波或隔水加熱後,直接拌飯、拌麵、夾吐司、加饅頭等。 方式 2. 佐料入菜,烹調、….等美味佳餚。 **【重要提醒】罐身不可微波! 新東陽門市與官網、全聯、7-11、蝦皮、momo現正熱銷中。 點開連結買起來!--> https://bit.ly/3fVR3nO ---- 👉 Kevin 英文不難 x 嘖嘖訂閱 到臉書貼文留言「下課留下來」就可以馬上收到專屬 podcast,也會在計畫上線收到臉書通知! 👉 連結:https://pse.is/3avmpg ---- 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 17 Dec 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#117. 台大外文在學什麼?來賓:跟賓狗聽新聞學英文
很多人會問我,外文系學什麼?是一直練英文還是讀文學作品?今天邀請《跟賓狗聽新聞學英文》主持人 Bingo 到節目上分享我們在外文系學到的東西。 今天的節目由來一客贊助 你也曾不斷重複聽著同一首音樂嗎?腦海中迴響的可能不只是音符,還有… 來一客∞可能==>https://reurl.cc/3LlEjV ---- 👉 Kevin 英文不難 x 嘖嘖訂閱 到臉書貼文留言「下課留下來」就可以馬上收到專屬 podcast,也會在計畫上線收到臉書通知! 👉 連結:https://pse.is/3avmpg ---- 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 15 Dec 2020 20:06:17 GMT
#116. 船難後在海上漂流 14 個月的漁夫
Jose 是位來自薩爾瓦多(El Salvador)的漁夫。2014 年一場暴風雨把 Jose 魚船上的引擎和無線電設備弄壞。找不到方向的 Jose 開始在大海上一直漂泊,這段期間他靠喝雨水,抓魚、鳥、海龜維生。直到 14 個月後,Jose 終於漂到馬紹爾群島被帶到醫院。 今天的節目由來一客贊助 你也曾不斷重複聽著同一首音樂嗎?腦海中迴響的可能不只是音符,還有… 來一客∞可能==>https://reurl.cc/3LlEjV 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ---- 【單字】 drift 漂流 persevered 堅持 abandoned 拋棄 shore 海岸 starved 餓死 ---- 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 10 Dec 2020 19:34:34 GMT
#115. 鐵達尼號不為人知的小故事
#115. 鐵達尼號不為人知的小故事 你們知道鐵達尼號沉下去的時候,附近其實有一艘 SS Californian 僅距離 32 公里。儘管 SS Californian 船員有看到鐵達尼的求救信號,他們卻未前往救難。今天的內容,要分享 這艘原本可以幫助鐵達尼號的船 SS Californian。 今天的節目由來一客贊助 你也曾不斷重複聽著同一首音樂嗎?腦海中迴響的可能不只是音符,還有… 來一客∞可能==>https://reurl.cc/3LlEjV ---- 【單字】 massive 很大 tragedy 悲劇 morse signal 摩斯訊號 could have 原本可以、可能 come up with 想到、提出 ---- 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 08 Dec 2020 20:52:29 GMT
#114. 解題技巧:多益聽力、閱讀
多益聽力怎麼答題,閱讀怎麼解題? 在今天的內容,我將帶給大家聽力圖片辨識的小技巧,並說明閱讀遇到詞性題時該怎麼辦。最後,附上一段單字記憶的方式,幫助大家在最短時間內記下最多單字。 今天的節目由 「SAT. Knowledge 知識衛星」贊助 【多益職涯力】新制多益神速解題課程,適合有多益畢業門檻的大學生、想進入夢想企業的求職者、渴望升遷或加薪的上班族。 【 Kevin 英文不難聽眾限定優惠 】 優於七折折扣 11/23-12/27 1000元折扣碼:kevin1000 課程連結:https://sat.cool/course/intro/2 ---- 【單字】 assistance 協助(名詞) assist 協助(動詞) cooperate 合作 collaborate 合作(比 cooperate 密切) synthesis 合成(與科學相關) 【聽力小技巧:問句也可以是答案】 Where’s the book dad gave us? a. the keys are on the table ( V ) b. I think the book is quite interesting c. Didn’t I give it to you yesterday? 【閱讀詞性題】 *冠詞 a, an,所有格 his, her, my,介系詞,動詞後面接名詞 Without the (assist / assistance / assistant / assisting) I need right now, I would definitely fail. 【單字記憶法:代表一起、全部、相同字首】 com, con, co, col, syn, sym ---- 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#113. 五大句型,及物、不及物,不完全動詞
五大句型困擾許多人。SV(主、動)大部分的人知道,但是其他像是 SVO, SVC, SVOO, SVOC 這些到底有什麼差別?今天的節目,我會解釋英文五大句型,及物、不及物動詞,還有不完全動詞。 今天的節目由 GATSBY 贊助 保持清潔,展現最好的你! 買二送一連結: https://lihi1.cc/Nn7ZP ---- 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ✍️ 12 月中上線 填問卷獲得 Kevin 訂閱英文早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 【單字】 handing out 發出 samples 試吃、試用品 within 5 minutes/hours/days 在某個時間以內 it just so happens 碰巧… praise 讚美 work non-stop 工作不停 concludes 推論、結論出 ---- ✍️ 12 月中上線 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 01 Dec 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#112. 聽眾故事 (2):年少法國輕狂時
"train wreck" 第一個意思是火車意外,但口語上可以形容一個亂七八糟的事件、影集,或節目等等。 今天的故事,聽眾分享他在法國旅遊發生的事情,故事有喝酒、接吻、毒品、打架,所有旅遊該有的都有,我們可以能用 train wreck 形容 “Oh this trip to France was an absolute train wreck.” 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ✍️ 填問卷獲得 Kevin 訂閱英文早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq ---- 【單字】 hole in the wall bar/restaurant 平淡普通的酒吧/餐廳 ambush 突擊 general store 雜貨店 hostel 青年旅舍(不是 hotel 喔) Moulin Rouge 紅磨坊(巴黎喝酒地方) but 描述兩個事件的相對 whereas 兩者之間的比較 ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享節目給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 26 Nov 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#111. 聽眾故事 (1):浴室撞到頭破血流
“I felt a dent on the back” 今天投稿的聽眾說,有次跟男友公司一起員工旅遊,發生一連串壞事。喝酒喝太多竟在浴缸滑到撞到頭,後腦勺凹了一個洞。到醫院,醫生說傷口大不能縫,要用釘書針,拔針又勾到頭皮…。 今天的節目由 GATSBY 贊助: 做出你的迷因圖!【 要不要臉?我罩你!GATSBY迷因創作大賽 】https://zuvio.pse.is/x982q ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得 Kevin 訂閱英文早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 【單字】 company retreat / corporate retreat 員工旅遊 insist that, insist on 堅持 put on makeup 化妝 remove makeup 卸妝 makeup remover 卸妝水 must have 應該是(90% 確定) dent 凹陷 ER emergency room 急診縮寫 ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 👉 投稿你的好笑故事 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【分享給朋友】 Apple https://apple.co/3m0AtWk Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 24 Nov 2020 19:00:00 GMT
#110. 從蘋果 One more thing 發表會學科技英文
蘋果今年最後一次產品發表會 One more thing. 推出了自己的晶片和新的 Macbook Pro。在今天的內容,我們將透過發表會學幾個與科技相關的英文單字。 ✍️ 填問卷獲得 Kevin 訂閱英文早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq ---- 【單字】 no wonder 難怪 close a deal 成交 phenomenal 傑出、很好 lineup 系列 to lead the industry 引領業界 status quo 現狀 ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 👉 投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 17 Nov 2020 21:41:09 GMT
#109. 川普又出包!在停車場場舉辦的記者會
原本應該在 Four Seasons Hotel(四季酒店)的 press conference 竟然不小心跑到 Four Seasons Total Landscaping(四季全面園藝造景)。川普競選團隊又鬧笑話,不是我愛講他,但實在有趣啊。川普律師團也將錯就錯,真的在園藝造景店家停車場開記者會。 ✍️ 填問卷獲得 Kevin 英文訂閱的早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq ---- 【單字】 press conference 記者會 boxy 方方正正 a guy I'm seeing 曖昧對象 swiftly 迅速的 clarify 澄清 address 處理、面對 ---- 👉 投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Thu, 12 Nov 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#108. 川普「不服輸精神」新聞分析
川普儘管落選,仍不服輸。在推特開始推廣口號 "Stop the Steal" 聲稱要阻止民主黨偷走選舉。競選團隊甚至組了一個熱線團隊,鼓勵選民打電話舉發任何「選舉作弊」行為。當然,這個熱線唯一收到的電話,是一堆惡作劇。 ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq ---- 【單字】 go off about someone 抱怨某人 from the other end 另一端 challenging 很有挑戰 non stop 不停 concede 承認 ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 👉 投稿信箱 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy ---- 【商業口播案例】 https://bit.ly/3lk2qI7
Tue, 10 Nov 2020 20:03:29 GMT
#107. 科技英文:Intel 收購機器學習 AI 公司 Cnvrg.io
我喜歡讀科技雜誌,因為我認為瞭解新科技會讓自己走在時代的前端。今天介紹一個叫 TechCrunch 的科技網站,在這篇文章,TechCrunch 報導關於 Intel 最近收購 Cnvrg.io,一間來自以色列的 machine learning, AI 公司。 ---- 今天的節目由樂天贊助 【樂天雙11購物節】 樂天XKevin 英文不難 給聽眾的專屬優惠 到樂天市場的「亞尼克菓子工房」,結帳輸入專屬優惠碼[Kevin100] 即享「滿千折百」獨家優惠! 亞尼克菓子工房:https://bit.ly/35FvFib ---- 【單字】 snap up 吃下 build out 建立 acquire 獲得、購入 acquisition 購得 AI 人工智慧 (artificial intelligence) ---- ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Thu, 05 Nov 2020 18:22:09 GMT
#106. 跟外國人聊天如何接話?想不到的英文,如何換句話說?
公司活動、展場、cocktail party 遇到外國人不知道怎麼接話?接話跟英文一樣,不難,只是需要一點技巧。我把接話分成三步驟:一、獲得注意力,二、銜接或轉折,三、進入新話題。跟著這三步驟,就算你不精通英文,也能輕易加入其他人的話題。 ✍️ 填問卷獲得早鳥優惠! https://www.surveycake.com/s/7KwMq ---- 【常用單字】 immediately 立即 embarrassed 尷尬 grinning 微笑 shushed 叫某人安靜 just when I was… 正當我在… 【Kevin 講義】 https://bit.ly/3876hoh ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 👉 故事投稿 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Tue, 03 Nov 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#105. Ted Talk 分享:厲害的領導者如何啟發他人?
理念、方法、結果:why, how, what,在今天的 Ted Talk ,作家 Simon Sinek 告訴大家領導者如何透過這三個階段啟發他人。 ---- 我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 影片字稿連結 https://bit.ly/2JkxLfR ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Thu, 29 Oct 2020 21:03:20 GMT
#104. Reddit 網友:我害哥哥和他的女朋友起衝突,是我的錯嗎,AITA?
今天是 Reddit AITA 版的續集。原 po 有一位哥哥,這位哥哥竟假借宗教名義不打掃家裡?原 po 又是如何造成哥哥與哥哥女朋友之間的吵架? ---- 歡迎好笑、好玩故事投稿 mailenglishcheck@gmail.com 秘密 podcast(18 禁) https://bit.ly/37LI86z 我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【文章】 My brother and I were both raised culturally Jewish but not religious whatsoever. He’s been with his girlfriend (not Jewish) for 3 years and they live together. She and I are very close. I’m a girl, and we are both in our mid 20s, my brother is 30. One day, she said something to me about my brother being “very observant” and I was like haha no he’s not….and she says yes he observes the sabbath. So apparently every weekend, my brother refuses to help out around the house because it’s “sabbath” and just plays video games. He eats pork and shellfish but only after a “cleansing” ritual where he chants over a plate in Hebrew. I am 100% certain he doesn’t speak Hebrew. Apparently he also told his girlfriend that XXX. I told her he’s a big lier and these aren’t real Jewish things, also he isn’t religious at all and is using this to get out of stuff he doesn’t want to do. My brother was very pissed and admitted he made up the rules but said I should have gone along with it and it’s not my business. ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Tue, 27 Oct 2020 18:50:51 GMT
#103. Reddit 網友:夫家詭異習俗(會敲下死者牙齒留念)我該怎麼辦?
Reddit 有個版叫 AITA,全名是 "Am I The Asshole"。網友會在版上 po 自己與他人衝突事件,讓鄉民評是誰對、錯。有位太太在版上表示,無法接受夫家奇怪習俗因此與先生吵架。太太來到 AITA 版,求助鄉民。到底夫家有問題,還是自己無法接受新事物? ---- 本集節目由 VoiceTube 贊助 【全新 VoiceTube Hero 零元挑戰】 現在加入 Hero 線上英文課程,天天上課就能全額退費! 每天只要 39 元起!快用 9 折優惠碼【kevin】加入零元挑戰吧:https://bit.ly/36HaNJu 【Hero 萬元獎學金 限時加碼】 免費註冊就能參加,人人都能賺 20,000 元! 推薦朋友加入 Hero,朋友可享限時 85 折優惠,你還能賺 $500 元 最高可賺現金 20,000 元! 獎金加碼只到 10/29 (四)! 免費加入賺獎學金:https://bit.ly/36PMtW1 ---- 我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【重點單字】 bizarre 古怪的 ritual 儀式 remotely 間接 weirdos 怪咖 basis 根據 deceased 去世的人 corpse 屍體 pouch 小布袋 As of now = from now on(從現在開始) As for now = right now ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Thu, 22 Oct 2020 19:41:57 GMT
#102. 紐約時報:有錢卻 “不開心” 的人生勝利組
「月薪 25 萬鄰居」文章一出,大家公認這位高薪人生勝利組不知民間疾苦。剛好讓我想起一篇紐約時報文章。寫這篇文章的記者,在哈佛同學會遇到年薪破 3000 萬台幣的同學,不過這位千萬富翁卻對工作感到不滿。怎麼這麼巧?為什麼有錢人都這麼容易不喜歡自己的工作? 我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ ---- 【本集 Kevin 講義】 https://bit.ly/2HjnfVg 【單字】 gilded 鍍金的 influence 影響、影響力 constantly 不停、不間斷 undermining 扯後腿 prestigious 有名望的 overjoyed 欣喜若狂 ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Tue, 20 Oct 2020 20:13:40 GMT
#101. 副總統辯論,候選人 Kamala 一直說 I’m speaking...
聽完總統辯論,今天聽副總統辯論。相較於川普和拜登,副總統 Mike Pence 和副總統候選人 Kamala Harris 說話速度慢(而且也沒有一直鬥嘴)所以講話內容好懂。談論主題包括川普推出的節稅政策和武漢肺炎防疫計畫。 ---- 本集由月亮褲贊助 特惠四件組:日用、夜用各兩件,原價 3320,特價只要 2840,現省 480 元 https://gmm.fyi/月亮褲讓你經期不難 ---- 【本集 Kevin 講義】 https://bit.ly/3k488NI 【單字】 repeal 廢除、撤銷(通常用於形容法律條文) the truth and the fact is… 事實上… frankly 坦白來講(意同 to be honest) plagiarism 剽竊、抄襲(動詞 plagiarize) squeeze 擠壓 placed properly 放置正確 ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Thu, 15 Oct 2020 21:09:06 GMT
#100. 分析美國總統的鬥嘴辯論
川普和拜登精采的總統辯論。除了看兩位老人攻擊彼此,你還可以從中學英文。有比這還更好的組合嗎? 我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【單字】 to go off the tracks 偏題 recall 回想起 to steamroller someone 壓制、強迫 hindsight 回頭看(事後諸葛) constant 不斷的 interruptions 干擾 moderator 主席、主持 ---- 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Tue, 13 Oct 2020 21:01:40 GMT
#99. 從蝙蝠俠黑暗騎士學英文片語
我是不是說外國人講話很愛用片語?今天的片語剛好在黑暗騎士出現兩次,分享給各位。 點連結獲得看雜誌 10 月份 Podcast 報導 https://forms.gle/Ui98N4gMoS3SatyVA 本集 Kevin 講義!! https://rebrand.ly/googledocs2e651 追蹤我的 IG https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友?】 Spotify https://spoti.fi/3707dtZ KKBOX: https://bit.ly/3dodmkO Google 播客: https://bit.ly/3k0EHfy ---- 【商業合作】 english.great.easy@gmail.com
Thu, 08 Oct 2020 20:00:00 GMT
知道 dominate 什麼意思嗎?dominate 意思是支配、掌控。今天會分享川普總統的推特發文,及他使用的單字、片語。另外,我們會一起聽一則新聞報導關於總統生病的過程,我們也會聽聽看川普首席醫生的發言。對,他有醫療團隊。 Kevin 講義連結! https://rebrand.ly/googledocs5ec72 ---- 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Tue, 06 Oct 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#97.【英文諺語】6 個從體育延伸的英文諺語
知道 below the belt 什麼意思嗎?below the belt 是形容某人做出很「不要臉」或「作弊」的行為。今天跟各位分享 6 個從體育延伸來的英文諺語,我會給你例句並教你如何使用。康納打馬球:https://youtu.be/yxMq-EGvtaY 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【片語】 below the belt pull your punches move the goalposts the ball is in your court play hardball throw in the towel ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Thu, 01 Oct 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#96.【英文故事 2 】讓醫生傻眼的真實事件
今天的節目,各位會學到幾個常見的醫學名詞。例如,high blood pressure 高血壓,diabetes 糖尿病,scar 疤痕。 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【故事一】 Actual conversation I had with a guy a week ago. Any past medical history? "High blood pressure. That's it" No other history? "Nope. That's it." (Proceed to take off his shirt.) Sir. What is that huge scar on your chest? "Oh that's from my triple bypass." That's medical history sir. Anything else you want to add in now? "Oh does CHF and diabetes count? I have those also" 【故事二】 This happened to me 3 days ago! A guy came in with a wheelchair. "Do you have any medical issues?" "No" "…. Umm, why are you in a wheelchair?" "Oh, I have a degenerative neuromuscular condition. And type 2 diabetes." 【故事三】 I admitted a guy for pneumonia, which was odd because he was young and strong, no other medical issues, x-ray didn't look quite right. The pieces just didn't add up and so I started questioning him more closely. Me: Do you use any drugs? Patient: Drugs! That's disgusting. I'm not a druggie! I've never touched drugs in my life. I move on to other questions and suddenly: Patient "ok, doc, I just want you to know I may have used cocaine once or twice many years ago. I just snorted it though. That wouldn't cause this, right? Me: How long ago? Patient: Like ten years, maybe longer. Me: It shouldn't be affecting you after this long. Patient: ok ok, well actually, more like five. Me: Years? Patient: Uh, like five months ago. This goes on forever, until he admits he spent the past three days in a hotel with some people smoking crack non-stop. He finishes with: "But I don't want you to think I'm one of those dirty druggies.” No, I think you're the idiot who lied and was getting treated for pneumonia instead of getting the proper treatment for crack lung, which is what he had. Here's a tip: I genuinely don't care. I'm not your momma, your spouse, or your priest. Don't waste my time and endanger your health. Whatever horrible twisted thing you think is too shameful to talk about, I promise you, I've seen worse. ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Tue, 29 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
到底什麼狀況,連醫生都傻眼?先講,今天內容稍微噁心,哈哈。各位會學到幾個有趣的片語像是 then and there(當場、立即)here and there(這裡、那裡),還有兩個醫療相關的單字 compound fracture(開放性骨折)OB/GYN(婦產科醫生)。 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ --故事 (1)-- This was in rural Alabama. A middle aged married couple came to the ER after they had been drinking for almost the entire night. Things got heated and they got into an argument. The woman eventually fell off the porch of their trailer into the shrubs a few feet below. The husband came to help his wife. She didn't suffer anything too serious, just a couple of scratches here and there. Except for something the husband said looked like a piece of glass or pipe stuck in the woman's arm when she hit the ground. He decided to not come to the hospital because he could remove this object himself. He got his largest pair of pliers and gripped on to this glass/pipe looking thing stuck in his helpless wife's arm. He clamped down and pulled and pulled. Trying to remove this object and it wouldn't budge. The alcohol started wearing off on both of them, and they decided to finally come to the ER. Upon arriving to the ER, the doctor immediately realized this poor woman had a compound fracture in her arm, and this "pipe or piece of glass thing" was her bone sticking through her skin that her husband was trying to pull out with a pair of pliers. --故事 (2)-- OBGYN student, I was delivering my first baby. It was an older lady from the rural side of town. When I asked her to push as the baby had fully crowned, a wad of worms exited her anus. I'm talking at least 60 live worms. I gagged so hard, but managed to keep a straight face throughout and deliver the baby. I realized then and there that OBGYN was not for me. ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Thu, 24 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#94.【懸疑案件】20 歲 Angela 綁架失蹤案
今天分享一則離奇綁架事件。透過文章,你可以學到幾個大家常用的片語,像是 extensive, drop off someone,你也會學到用 while 造句。 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 【原文】 Twenty-year-old Angela was four months pregnant and engaged to Rob, an athlete who planned to be in the military. At around 10pm on April 4, 1991, she dropped him off at his home after a barbecue. They planned to meet later after Rob’s mother got home from work. Angela spent some time with a friend and at 11:15pm, she called Rob from a pay phone seven blocks from his house. While talking to him, she noticed a suspicious man circle the block several times in a green Ford pickup truck. It then pulled up beside her. He took out a flashlight and flashed it around the area, looking for something. Angela asked him if he needed to use the phone, and he replied that she could carry on and he’d use it later. Then, out of nowhere, there was a scream from Angela. Rob dropped the phone and got in his car to save her. He drove towards the pay phone and the abductor's truck went past him in the opposite direction. Angela yelled out to him from the car. Rob threw his car in reverse and damaged the transmission. He followed the truck two miles before the transmission failed as he turned right. Unfortunately, the truck got away and was never seen again. He followed the truck two miles before the transmission failed as he turned right. Unfortunately, the truck got away and was never seen again. An extensive search began for Angela, the abductor, and his truck. The police checked hundreds of trucks matching the description of a green ford pickup truck, but none could be identified as the abductor’s. ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Tue, 22 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
你是否讀英文時,看到單字總是不會念?或是念出來往往錯?很多台灣人學英文的過程忽略了自然發音。學好自然發音,可以讓你看到單字就知道怎麼念,或是你聽到某個單字,也能知道大概的拼法。 今天的節目,我分享三組自然發音教學。一、母音 a, e, i, o, u 正確念法。二、th, m 這兩個長錯的音。三、結尾無聲 e 的念法和重要性。學會這幾個觀念,你在閱讀時就比較容易掌握發音和音感。 ---- 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://rb.gy/x3uygs
Thu, 17 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#92.【TED Talk 分享】為什麼人總是愛拖延?
先教你一個單字 -- procrastinate,意思是拖延。今天的節目要分享 Ted Talk 影片。主講人用親身例子說明為什麼人愛拖延,且該如何解決。你會在今天的節目學到幾個片語動詞 (kick it up, bump it up) 和單字 (revise, deadline)。主講人講話速度慢且清楚,適合所有程度的聽眾一起學習。 Ted Talk 影片連結:https://youtu.be/arj7oStGLkU ---- 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ ---- 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D
Tue, 15 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
美國總統川普又犯眾怒,這次動到的是美國國軍。 ---- 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D
Tue, 08 Sep 2020 19:41:02 GMT
美國總統選舉愈來愈近,川普總統的「奧步」也與來愈多。由於武漢肺炎,美國今年要推廣郵寄投票以防群聚感染,不用親自到投票所,就可以透過郵寄選舉。在今天的節目,我要分享川普如何動用資源刪減郵局預算,導致郵局業務量龐大,以至於郵局可能來不及寄票單給所有國民。 想聯絡我? IG: https://www.instagram.com/kevin.english.podcast/ ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D
Thu, 03 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT
想加快多益答題和閱讀速度?你得學會透過單字結尾分析詞性。Kevin 今天教各位常見名詞、形容詞、副詞結尾,並且告訴大家,如何透過特定關鍵字加快多益題型的分析。 今天的節目由樂天 Kobo 電子書贊助 樂天 Kobo 電子書購書:https://bit.ly/34xIXy6 買完填單抽 Nia:https://forms.gle/ev1yjA9aqkhKWJbD7 --名詞結尾-- ance: advance er: dancer tion: consideration ity: quality ment: government --形容詞結尾-- able: lovable al: logical ant: important ed: impressed ible: sensible --動詞結尾-- ate: create en: widen ify: identify ize: resize ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D
Tue, 01 Sep 2020 19:06:03 GMT
#88.【英文故事 2】在酒吧的兩個故事
今天分享兩個有趣的英文故事,除了可以培養對文字的敏銳度,還可以學到片語,像是 the years have taken a toll 歲月不饒人,be a handful 是個麻煩的人。 本集節目由台新 Richart 贊助 Richart 汪廚快餐車,9/30 (三) 之前開戶+Richart Line官方帳號個人化綁定,能獲得 ”LINE POINTS 100點” 回饋資格喔!還能抽廚房神器,有飛利浦氣炸鍋、Bruno電烤盤。於帳戶申請流程中專屬代碼欄位輸入「Kevin」或是按下方連結直接預登活動吧! >> https://pse.is/U62JF --故事 #1-- My husband was a bartender for a restaurant back when we first started dating and there was a grandmother trying to set up her adult granddaughter with him. Every time he was working she would go on about how handsome he was and how good-looking a couple he would make with her granddaughter, and then as he would leave she would turn to the granddaughter and say things like “he looks like he would have a big penis.” Eventually she directly asked him to take her granddaughter out and make her valentine’s day “special” and after he politely declined, explaining that he had a girlfriend, the grandmother replied “oh come on, forget about her! Now just how big a tip would I have to leave tonight….for my granddaughter to get that even bigger tip later” and she gestured at his pants. The granddaughter was mortified. A few awkward apologies from the granddaughter later, and the grandmother still had the audacity to write her granddaughter’s phone number on the bill with the message “if you change your mind” --故事 #2-- I was 21 back then, first job as a bartender. The place was a typical dive bar. One of the plumbers that worked nearby was a regular. He was great, good stories, good jokes, decent tipper. Anyway, she was a sloppy drunk. One night, they got into a fight. Suddenly, the husband turned to me and said, "she's always liked you, and I've had it, she's yours". He took off his wedding ring and slapped it down on the bar in front of me. ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D
Thu, 27 Aug 2020 19:00:00 GMT
今天分享兩個有趣的英文故事。各位從故事除了能練習聽口語英文,也可以學到美國人講話常用的片語,像是 break out, take someone out… 本集節目由台新 Richart 贊助 Richart 汪廚快餐車,9/30 (三) 之前開戶+Richart Line官方帳號個人化綁定,能獲得 ”LINE POINTS 100點” 回饋資格喔!還能抽廚房神器,有飛利浦氣炸鍋、Bruno電烤盤。於帳戶申請流程中專屬代碼欄位輸入「Kevin」或是按下方連結直接預登活動吧! >> https://pse.is/U62JF --故事 #1-- One night a gorgeous girl showed up so wasted I could not serve her. Every guy in the bar was trying to buy drinks for her and take her home. I refused to serve her. Period. I told her to either call someone to pick her up, or I would call her a cab, but she wasn't drinking at my bar. At that point she becomes a liability, she could barely stand. Her mother shows up and they proceed to have a fist fight in front of the bar. I was so astounded that her mother punched her; we broke it up and I put the poor girl in a cab and sent her on. --故事 #2-- One night at closing, I had two drunk dudes finishing their drinks and I allowed them to do so while I go through my closing duties. They were pretty chill and jovial throughout the night so I wasn't worried about them. I went to dump the trash and came back to them braking out lines of coke on the bar. I walked up, blew it off the bar and told them it was time to get out. Seriously, who the F thinks that's a good idea? Go do that in the bathroom like everyone else, have some respect for yourself. ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc291bmRvbi5mbS92Mi9wb2RjYXN0cy81YzMxNzJiYi00ZDU3LTQzYzQtODc5My0xNTEzZjhhZWJiOTkvZmVlZC54bWw%3D ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting
Tue, 25 Aug 2020 18:33:22 GMT
#86. Ted Talk 分析 -- 學校教育是否扼殺創意?
今天分析一部非常熱門的 Ted Talk -- Do schools kill creativity? 這位主持人很會講話,除了內容有深度,講話又風趣,我們仔細聽他的演講,可以學到很多上台講話的技巧。 ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting ---- 演講 YouTube: https://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY 演講逐字稿: https://singjupost.com/schools-kill-creativity-sir-ken-robinson-transcript/ ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: 搜尋「英文不難」
Thu, 20 Aug 2020 20:33:16 GMT
#85.【新聞英文】白人駕駛在 Portland 被圍毆
近來許多美國城市有黑人 BLM 抗議活動,然而許多抗議已經從權益抗爭演變成搶劫。昨天,一位白人莫名其妙被一群抗議者圍毆。 ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: 搜尋「英文不難」
Tue, 18 Aug 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#84.【懸疑故事】在 Salish Sea 漂浮的人腳
加拿大、美國的西北邊界在過去 20 年內出現了好幾個在海上漂浮的人腳。在這部 Podcast,Kevin 帶著各位探討這起懸疑故事,並且解釋單字和句型。 ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: 搜尋「英文不難」
Thu, 13 Aug 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#83. 讓你更道地形容人的 7 個諺語
外國人講話很常用諺語,所以今天分享 7 個常見形容人的英文諺語。 YouTube 版本,含字卡、例句 https://youtu.be/qsWpVZ3_Ubc ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting --7 個諺語-- 1. to go back a long way -If people go back a long way, it means, they have known each other for a very long time. If people go back a long way, it means they have known each other for a very long time. 2. give you the time of day -If someone will not give you the time of day they are unfriendly toward you, or will not speak to you. 3. have friends in high places -to have friends in high places means that you have friends who are very powerful, and they can do things to help you. 4. rub shoulders with someone -To meet and spend time in a social environment with people who are famous or important. 5. fair-weather friend -A Fair-weather friend, is someone who is only friends when things are going well, but abandons you when things are difficult. 6. through thick and thin -Through thick and thin means through good and bad times. 7. a tower of strength -If someone is a tower of strength, it means that person is very dependable, and you can trust him. ---- 想分享給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw KKBOX: https://podcast.kkbox.com/channel/4sfDFDe809E_zMu8kD Google 播客: 搜尋「英文不難」
Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:00:00 GMT
川普又語出驚人,這次說孩子對武漢肺炎免疫,免疫力系統很強,不用擔心。另外,黎巴嫩發生大爆炸事件。 ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting --單字-- leveled 夷平 twisted 彎曲變形 debris 碎片 shattered 打碎 --字稿-- The blast, so powerful it could be felt more than 150 miles away in Cyprus, leveled whole sections of the city near the port of Beirut on Tuesday evening, leaving nothing but twisted metal and debris for blocks in Beirut’s downtown business district. It shattered windows miles away. Lebanese customs officials wrote letters to the courts at least six times from 2014 to 2017, seeking guidance on how to dispose of the highly combustible material. 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw
Thu, 06 Aug 2020 19:00:00 GMT
出國旅遊要怎麼用英文溝通?這集 Kevin 介紹在機場轉機,在國外購物,或是遇到班機取消該怎麼跟空服員溝通,以及如何要一張班機取消證明。 *大消息:Kevin 準備出 Podcast 全攻略課程,所有實戰技巧--取材、寫稿、錄音、剪接全公開,不私藏。2~3 週後上架。 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw
Tue, 04 Aug 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#80. 關係子句「限定」與「非限定」用法
這集 Kevin 跟大家解釋一個有點複雜又常見的錯誤。 還是不懂限定、非限定?點連結看影片版 https://youtu.be/2kod7l52x4k *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ *臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast 想分享節目給不是 iPhone 的朋友? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7wqKj2KnfHXLRa8AaIeyOn?si=LN_qcoh_QxarV_mviudPBw
Thu, 30 Jul 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#79 【聽力練習】摩登家庭 Connection Lost
地方聽眾 Podcast 需求我收到了,這集我從摩登家庭挑了幾個常見且容易錯的片語分享給各位。 *蕭敬騰史內卜 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 本集 Podcast YouTube https://youtu.be/VRDVO0rxk6o 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast
Tue, 28 Jul 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#78. 網友分享好笑故事
這一集,Kevin 從 Reddit 找了幾個好笑的故事分享給各位。 *18 禁好笑故事 https://www.facebook.com/groups/297092928323777/ *戀童鬍子照片 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ --社群媒體-- 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ 故事 #1 --單字-- stapled 釘釘子 step out 走到外面 -Can we step outside for a moment? a sheet of paper flow chart 流程圖 process 流程 vary 有差異 -answers will vary 答案不一致 podium 講台 --字稿-- One day in college, the teacher had stapled answer sheets to the back of every test by mistake. A few minutes after passing the tests around, his phone rang and he stepped out. Everyone had noticed the answer sheet, and we decided that we would all use it and tear it off after. Hopefully he would never notice. So I checked each of the answers and they were all correct except for the last one. We were to draw a flow chart for a process. I checked the answer sheet, "answers will vary.” I drew my flow chart, tore off the answer sheet and walked to the front podium to turn the test in. When I got to the podium I had to know. I needed to see what everyone else had drawn for their flow chart. "answers will vary." Everyone had written that on their tests. I don't remember what the teacher did about it. 故事 #2 --單字-- mustache 嘴唇上方鬍子 wrinkly 皺皺的 tucked in 紮進去 vibe 感覺、fu not all there in the head 腦筋不對勁 manic 瘋狂的 creepy 令人起雞皮疙瘩 going through attendance 點名 mortified 驚恐 pull a prank 捉弄某人 pedophile 戀童僻的人 --字稿-- High school, Jr. Year. First day of class. Teacher walks in, it's an older wrinkly guy with a mustache. A little weird looking. His shirt is only tucked in on one side. His shirt is only tucked in on one side. Every one is just getting the wrong vibe from this guy. Like, he's not all there in the head. He's got a manic look in his eyes. He's creepy. He starts going through attendance, not looking up the whole time. Then he gets to my name. Starts to say it, then stops. Looks up, scans the room, looks directly at me. "Ah, John, I'm glad you're here. How's your family? Is your little sister still playing the piano? Is that model ship still on your dresser? Is your room still blue?” I'm shocked, mortified. I can't find the words to respond, this creeper has just described my family, and the room I sleep in at night. But anyway, the next day I find out the old crazy guy is my uncles best friend, and they and my dad decided to pull a prank on me for my first day. The teacher wasn't so crazy looking the rest of the year, he shaved the pedo mustache (which he grew specifically for the prank, apparently), dressed better, stopped making his eye twitch, I have to admit, it was a good prank, even if I was terrified of being murdered for a day or two.
Thu, 23 Jul 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#77. 用英文學銷售技巧 - Sales Technique
學英文的好處就是吸收知識。今天要分析一部影片教大家如何賣產品,如何行銷的英文影片。 *英文討論團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/297092928323777/ --社群媒體-- 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 影片的講話速度不快,而且也沒什麼困難單字,所以不提供逐字稿。每次都偷看逐字稿,到底是讀還是聽英文!? --影片連結-- *Sales Technique 影片 https://youtu.be/E6Csz_hvXzw *Stand Up comedy 影片 https://youtu.be/gR9izDp89c0
Tue, 21 Jul 2020 19:00:00 GMT
#76. 川普總統荒唐發言|英文不難
美國總統川普,在造勢晚會講了讓 Kevin 傻眼的荒唐言論。川普姪女 Mary Trump 準備出書爆料家醜。 *小考兩題 (1) Who is Mary Trump? (2) When and how did Frederick Trump Jr. die? *英文討論團(Speaking 回答貼這裡) https://www.facebook.com/groups/297092928323777/ *Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *Instagram(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----川普演講字稿----- When you do testing to that extent, you’re gonna find more people, you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down please. ----Mary Trump's tell-all book 字稿---- A judge in New York lifted the temporary restraining order on President Trump's niece Mary Trump, allowing her to speak freely ahead of the upcoming publication of her tell-all book. The Trump family had argued that Mary Trump violated the 2001 terms of patriarch Fred Trump's estate by writing the tell-all, but Judge Hal Greenwald denied their request. Her book, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man," will be published on Tuesday. Mary Trump is the daughter of Mr. Trump's elder brother Frederick Trump Jr., who died in 1981 at the age of 42 after struggling with alcoholism. The book gives an intimate, first-hand account of the president's upbringing and rise to one of the most powerful positions in the world. Her book, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man," will be published on Tuesday. Mary Trump is the daughter of Mr. Trump's elder brother Frederick Trump Jr., who died in 1981 at the age of 42 after struggling with alcoholism. The book gives an intimate, first-hand account of the president's upbringing and rise to one of the most powerful positions in the world. ----單字---- temporary 短暫 restraining order 禁令、保護令 argued 提出理由,辯稱。 violated 違反 patriarch 家中族長 patriarch 是男生,matriarch 是女生 estate 類似基金會 struggling with** **與某個東西搏鬥 -ex: I am struggling with English at school. I am struggling with addiction. intimate親近
Tue, 14 Jul 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#75. 英文選讀--賈伯斯傳|英文不難
我是個果迷,之前讀賈伯斯傳 Steve Jobs 有了很多感觸、想法。這次的節目,我挑了兩段我覺得有趣的篇章分享給各位。 ---- 對 Podcast 好奇,想快速上手? 想用低成本建立品牌,又不想露臉? *現在推出:Kevin「Podcast 全攻略」線上課程! 讓我教你如何從零開始做好 Podcast。 原價 1280,30 天募資特價 999! 課程連結:https://hahow.in/cr/podcasting *Speaking 兩題 (1) Who did Steve Jobs relate to the most at Adobe Systems? (2) What did Steve Jobs do after leaving Apple? ----單字 (1)---- *infuriation (n.) 憤怒 *infuriate (v.) 憤怒 -John was infuriated by the article. *stem from something 處自某處 --Their disagreement stemmed from a misunderstanding. *fundamental 基礎、原則上 *conflict 爭執、意見不合 --There was a lot of conflict between him and his father. *control freaks 控制狂 *integrate 整合、結合 ----字稿 (1)----- Jobs’ infuriation stemmed partly from a fundamental conflict between Android’s open-source approach and his own belief in a closed, carefully controlled ecosystem. “We do these things not because we are control freaks,” he said. Addressing users’ concerns, he said: “They are busy doing whatever it is they do best, and they want us to do what we do best. Their lives are crowded; they have other things to do than think about how to integrate their computers and devices.” “Look at the results — Android’s a mess …. We do it not to make money. We do it because we want to make great products, not crap like Android.” ----單字 (2)---- *tirade 長篇抱怨、責罵 *has its roots in something 根源於 *collaborate 合作 *to put something on the map 使某事物廣為人知 *suits 代指官僚、生意人、企業文化 ----字稿 (2)---- Jobs’ well-known tirade against Adobe Systems Flash multimedia software may have had its roots in the 1980s. Apple had invested in Adobe in 1985 and they collaborated to popularize desktop publishing. But in 1999, Jobs — after returning to Apple — had asked Adobe to make its video-editing software available for the new iMac but the company refused, focusing instead on Microsoft Windows. Soon after, founder John Warnock retired. “I helped put Adobe on the map,” Jobs said. “The soul of Adobe disappeared when Warnock left. He was the inventor, the person I related to. It’s been a bunch of suits since then, and the company has turned out crap.”
Tue, 07 Jul 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#74. 南華早報的英文錯誤|英文不難
不久前看到南華早報 (South China Morning Post) 這段標題 "He is China’s best-know striker. She is an Olympic medalist. After denouncing the Chinese Communist Party, Sina no longer yields a single search result for either." 不知道眼尖的觀眾,是否注意到文法錯誤?找到的歡迎留言,我會在下一集節目用力稱讚你。 *Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *英文討論團(可以貼你聽不懂的英文、看不懂的文章) https://www.facebook.com/groups/297092928323777/ *Instagram(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----單字---- Olympic medalist. Striker 足球位置:前鋒 Olympic medalist 奧運得獎者 denounce 譴責 Communist Party 共產黨 Sina 新浪微薄 yields 給出 ----小考---- 1. Running around the building, the bushes blocked her way. (X) Running around the building, Jenny was blocked by the bushes. (O) 2. While hanging the clothes on the line, the wind began to blow even harder. (X) While Jack was hanging the clothes on the line, the wind began to blow even harder. (O) 3. Sitting on the floor reading, Mary felt someone touch her ass. (O) 4. To go on this trip, I need new a new bag. (O) 5. To improve his results, the experiment was done again. (X) To improve his results, Jack did the experiment again. (O) 如果喜歡新聞英文、單字,可以聽這個 Podcast 賓狗時事英語|聽新聞 · 學英文
Tue, 30 Jun 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#73. 為什麼學英文?Kevin 從英文得到的好處|英文不難
一位聽眾的來信讓 Kevin 思考學英文的意義。為了跟外國人溝通,出國旅遊,還是好找工作?其實,學英文最重要的是為了獲得知識。知識就是力量,力量會帶來財富。 *Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *英文單字,片語,文法粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 我推薦的 Reddit 版 -worldnews -AskReddit -Jokes -YouShouldKnow
Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#72. 恐怖大學室友 (2) "College Roommate Horror Story"|英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *英文單字,片語,文法粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----------------------------------- #1 ----文稿---- I had two roommates that kept eating all of my food. Although classes haven't started, I had already moved into my dorm. One day, I made myself a peanut butter sandwich. I put my sandwich on the table, and ten minutes later, it was gone. My roommate ate it. About a week later, I decided to make myself another peanut butter sandwich. I opened my cupboard and saw that my roommates left an empty jar in my cupboard. I flipped out because who eats a whole jar of peanut butter, without introducing themselves? These girls would scarf down all my food, and complain if they thought anyone was touching their food. So I started buying really fattening food such as doughnuts, pies, cakes. I was trying to teach them self-restraint, but these girls would go through these boxes within two days. So I kept buying doughnuts and desserts. And then one day they started complaining about how they couldn't fit their jeans. Success. I also put laxatives in my peanut butter. ----單字---- dorm 宿舍 cupboard 櫃子 flipped out 暴怒 scarf down 狼吞虎嚥 fattening 增肥 restraint 節制 laxatives 瀉藥 #2 ----文稿---- My roommate freshman year got completely hammered, came back to the room around 1 in the morning, and accused me of stealing the pudding in her fridge that she *had ate* an hour before she went out. She waited until I fell asleep and then stabbed me in the arm with one of those clicky pencils…I had to go to the hospital to get it cleaned/stitched. She got kicked out. ----單字---- freshman year 大一 hammered 嚴重酒醉 accused 指控 *had ate* 其實是錯的,應該是 had eaten。你有抓到嗎?XD stabbed 捅 #3 ----文稿---- I got absolutely hammered and pissed all over my roommates desk the night before the end of the year. I woke up to him hanging up his money to dry out. Years later he ended up as my boss and ended up giving me a significant promotion. I guess he doesn't hold grudges. ----單字---- pissed 尿尿 ended up 變成 significant 大、有份量的 promotion 升遷 hold a grudge 記仇 #4 ----文稿---- It was move out day and my roommate was working on a paper last minute. I was packing my stuff. His parents walked in and were absolutely pissed that he wasn't packed yet. They immediately started scolding him while I was still in the room, but thankfully I had a final to go to and figured I'd dodge the storm. I said my goodbyes, assuming they'd be gone by the time I got back from my two hour final and went on my way. As it happens, my final only took twenty minutes so I got back much sooner than they'd have expected. I opened the door, saw my roommate bent over his bed with his bare ass showing just as his mom wound up for a spank. I quickly closed the door and went over to a friend's dorm until I felt safe enough to return. I never brought it up to him after that. ----單字---- paper 這裡是指報告 scolding 責罵 dodge the storm 避風頭 assuming 假設、預設 bare 沒穿衣服的、光溜溜 wound up 準備做某個動作 spank 打巴掌 bring something up 提及某事
Tue, 16 Jun 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#71. 恐怖大學室友 "College Roommate Horror Story"|英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----------------------------------- -------單字------- *horror 恐怖 --I like horror movies. *entertainment 娛樂 *comparison 比較 *start off 開始 --Let me start off by saying how much I hate you. *brilliant 很厲害 --Jack is a brilliant scientist. *confirm 確認 --I need to confirm my schedule. *kind 種類 --What kind of music do you like? *horrendous: terrible, very bad --He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. *finals 期末考 *intolerant 不寬容 *tolerant 寬容 *sexist 性別歧視 *racist 種族歧視 -------文稿------- 標題:Do you have a college roommate horror story? I would like to hear your stories about terrible college roommates, if not for entertainment, at least for comparison. I'll start off. I go to a school where the students are a bit weirder than the rest of the country, and my roommate is considered weird, so that should give you an idea. As best I can describe, he was like a child, in a child's body, but with the age of someone in college. Don't get me wrong, the kid is brilliant… but he was terrible at life. I'll start the description in the way that I got to know him. He scratched, a LOT, noisily and mainly his face. He talked to himself, and not the “confirming things I need to do” kind of talk to himself, the Gollum to Sméagol talk to himself. He developed a horrendous snoring problem the week of finals. He was incredibly intolerant, as well as sexist. So if you have some good stories, share them!
Tue, 09 Jun 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#70. Solve, resolve 用法差異|英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----------------------------------- -------Solve/Resolve 解釋------- The verb to solve is generally used to mean finding an answer or explanation. We solve a problem, something with a logical or complete answer. The verb to resolve means to settle something or to finish it in an acceptable way. Solve is used to find the correct answer to a problem; resolve is used more generally to conclude a problem. The conclusion reached with resolving something may be one of many choices, and it may not please everyone, but it concludes the problem, finishing it. The conclusion reached with solving a problem, however, suggests the correct answer has been found. -------單字------- *generally: 大多數時候、通常 --Your health is generally good, but you do have a few small problems. *explanation --Could you give me a quick explanation of how it works? *logical --This is the only logical way to solve the problem. *settle --They haven't yet settled when the wedding is going to be. *conclude --She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility. *please --I only got married to please my parents. -------小考------- 1. I (solved) the mystery of the missing chair. 2. The girls (resolved) their argument by reaching a compromise. 3. The maze was impossible to (solve). 4. We (solved) the problem with our boiler by replacing one of the parts. 5. He (resolved) the dispute between the two diplomats, though neither were happy.
Tue, 02 Jun 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#69. Kevin 講故事:藥廠業務的一天|英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----------------------------------- -------字稿------- The story began when I was talking to my friend on the phone. I asked what he did today, and he said he had to drive this doctor home. So I said, "Oh is he a friend?" And my friend said, "No, we've never met." I said, "Oh, then why did you drive him home?" My friend said, "Actually, this doctor is a client of my colleague, and because my colleague was busy, he called me and asked me to drive the doctor home." So, I continued to ask my friend, I said, "Well… was your friend drinking with the doctor?" My friend said, "No, he wasn't." So I asked my friend, "if the doctor wasn't drinking with your friend, why does he need someone to drive him home?" My friend said, "Yeah, that's what we do. We spoil these doctors. So, these doctors give weird requests." I asked my friend, "How is the doctor supposed to go to work tomorrow?" By the way, my friend lives in Kaohsiung, so naturally I assumed the doctor drives a car. My friend said, "Actually, the doctor's wife drives him to work." I was surprised, so I said, "His wife drives him to the hospital and picks him up?" "Yes," said my friend. "And do you want to hear the funniest part?" my friend asked. "The doctor lives very close to the hospital, so if he had taken a taxi, he would have been home in around 5 minutes, but he would rather wait for me to get to the hospital, which took about 30 minutes, to take him home." -------單字------- *colleague 較熟同事 coworker 同公司上班的人 *drinking 喝酒 --Do you want to go drinking? *spoil 寵壞 --My mom spoils my little brother. *request 請求 --I have a weird request. *assume 假設/以為 --I assumed you would do the dishes. I was wrong.
Tue, 26 May 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#68. (2) 被麥當勞咖啡燙到的太太 Liebeck vs. McDonald’s Restaurants | 英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------單字------------- Anticipated: 預期 —I anticipated that you would steal my money. Approximately: 大約 —I make approximately 200 dollars a month. Retained: 聘請 —Jack retained a new lawyer. Gross: serious —This is a gross mistake. Defectively: 瑕疵 Defective —I bought a defective computer. It won’t turn on. Mediator:調解員 —John tried to mediate the argument between Jack and Mary. --------
Sun, 05 Apr 2020 20:41:00 GMT
#67. 被麥當勞咖啡燙到的太太 Liebeck vs. McDonald’s Restaurants | 英文不難
*Podcast YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ *粉專(歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/kevin.english.podcast *Instagram https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 【Kevin 線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy ----------------------------------- ** ** --------社群媒體------- 英文不難:兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos 臉書粉專 (歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/english.great IG https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ --------單字------------- 第一段 *drive-through -I often buy fries from the drive through window. * cup holders * sweatpants -棉褲 * scalding: very hot, burning -I accidentally spilled the pot of scalding water. * buttocks: butt * groin: 鼠蹊部、胯下 第二段 * skin grafting: 植皮 *reducing: 減少 * permanent: 永久性 -permanent marker *disfigurement: 毀容 *partially: 局部 *disabled: 肢體障礙 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 17 Mar 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#66. 何謂 Panic Buying? | 英文不難
Kevin 的線上托福口說課程 *托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩 * **4 小時課程,超過 50 部影片 ** 連結:https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------社群媒體------------- 英文不難:兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos 臉書粉專 (歡迎聯絡我) https://www.facebook.com/english.great IG https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ --------文章內容------------- Panic buying is the act of buying unusually large amounts of a product in anticipation of, or after, a disaster or perceived disaster, or in anticipation of a large price increase or shortage. Panic-buying can lead to genuine shortages regardless of whether the risk of a shortage is real or perceived as a form of self-fulfilling prophecy. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Thu, 12 Mar 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#65.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (最後一集) | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片 托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------社群媒體------------- 兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos IG 連結 https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Wed, 26 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#64.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第三集) | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片 托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------社群媒體------------- 兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos IG 連結 https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------單字------------- *Demands: 要求 ex: My demands are that you finish your homework and wash your dishes. --demands had been met 要求已達成 ex: The enemy has met our demands and released our people. *instructed: 指示 ex: The police instructed the hostages to stay calm and relax. *Taxi the jet: 飛機滑行 *isolated 孤立 ex: The boy felt isolated because nobody wanted to talk to him. *Brightly lit: *Deter 預防 *Knapsack 包包 *Outlined: 描繪出 ex: Jack outlined his play to me. I think its a terrible plan. *Stalling: 飛機失速 *Specified: 強調、要求 ex: I specified that the table had to be 50 cm long and 55 cm wide. *Deployed: 放出 *Range: 範圍。這邊就是飛行距離 *Approximately: 大約 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#63.【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第二集) | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程】:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片 托福口說拿分 4 原則|發音、表達一把罩 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------社群媒體------------- 兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos IG 連結 https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------單字------------- *Air traffic control: 機場空中管制 *In turn… 緊接著 --The pilot contacted seattle-Tacoma Airport air traffic control, which in turn informed the police. Ex: When Jack and I worked together, I would call potential clients, and Jack would in turn send them our products. *Inform 通知 -My boss informed me that John, my coworker, has been stealing office supplies. *Federal authorities 聯邦單位 *minor mechanical difficulty 機械困難 *technical difficulty 技術困難 *ransom: 贖金 --Northwest Orient's president, Donald Nyrop, authorized payment of the ransom *Hijacker 劫機者 --The hijackers took over the aircraft. *Terrain: 地形樣貌 --D. B. Cooper was very familiar with the local terrain. *Remark: to say something --At one point he remarked “looks like Tacoma down there.” *Well-spoken: someone who speaks in a polite way --Schaffner described D. B. Cooper as a calm, polite, and well-spoken person. *Cruel: 殘忍 *Nasty 噁心、惡劣 --噁心 Jack doesn't wash his hands after he poops. He's nasty. --惡劣 Jack has a really nasty personality. Nobody likes him. *Serial number: 序號 *serial killer連續殺人犯 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Thu, 20 Feb 2020 22:00:00 GMT
#62. 【Kevin 說故事】D. B. Cooper 劫機懸案 (第一集) | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy --------社群媒體------------- 兒童英文 YouTube 頻道 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2uvjHAwd6THX5hGd17qjcw/videos IG 連結 https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ 臉書粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------單字------------- *eve 前夕、前日 --Christmas eve 聖誕節前夕、前日 --Thanksgiving eve 感恩節前夕 approach 靠近 --Jack approached the woman and told her a joke. *identify 識別、自稱 --The man identified himself as "John," but we both knew that wasn't his real name. *one way ticket 單程票, round trip ticket 來回票 *boarded 上車(飛機、火車、公車) *assume (v.) 假設、預設 --Jack assumed I would be fine with him eating my cake. I wasn't *assumption (n.) --I made an assumption that Kevin would be ok with me eating his cake. He wasn't. *wording 用字遣詞 --The exact wording of the note is unclear. *recall 回憶 --I recall that you said you were going to clean the bathroom; instead, you watched TV all day. *glimpse 瞟一眼 --I glimpsed at the woman in the red dress. She was my teacher. *cylinders 圓柱體 *conveyed 轉達 --I conveyed the message to my supervisor. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#61. Kevin 12 天美國遊記、英文閱讀技巧分享 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 想看我的鞋?點下面 IG 連結 https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ -------------------------------------------------- 聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Thu, 13 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#60.【商業 email 系列 5 之 5】如何寫好求職信 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 上傳你的功課 https://forms.gle/7WcwezDFZAYVx2676 -------------------------------------------------- 聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Wed, 12 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#59.【商業 email 系列 4 之 5】婉轉表達不同意見 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 上傳你的功課,表單連結 https://forms.gle/7WcwezDFZAYVx2676 -------------------------------------------------- 聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Mon, 10 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#58.【商業 email 系列 3 之 5】有禮貌地拒絕人家 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 上傳你的功課,表單連結 https://forms.gle/7WcwezDFZAYVx2676 老師範本(可點右上下載按鈕) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mGyBfIF8TFKg5PdvXMe5QC_dGk9quMNf -------------------------------------------------- 聯絡我:「英文不難」FB 粉專 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Thu, 30 Jan 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#57.【商業 email 系列 2 之 5】如何寫好感謝信 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 表單連結,上傳你的功課 https://forms.gle/wMm8bY9hGJrDRwRy9 -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專「英文不難」聯絡我 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#56【商業 email 系列 1 之 5】基本禮儀和格式 | 英文不難
【線上托福口說課程:4 小時內容,超過 50 部影片】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專「英文不難」聯絡我 https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 21:00:00 GMT
#55. New Year's Resolution 你的新年計劃 | 英文不難
【超過 50 部教學影片,線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great ------------------------ *注意* 進入連結後,右上角藍色「登入」按鈕的左邊有一個「更多動作」按鈕。點擊「更多動作」後下載即可。 新年計劃「註解」版本:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxiPX_WxWQsgmXAy6ltjNNDAUlqLgJcJ/view?usp=sharing *注意* 進入連結後,右上角藍色「登入」按鈕的左邊有一個「更多動作」按鈕。點擊「更多動作」後下載即可。 新年計劃「無註解」版本:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O7Jc3zCJ6s3_pSHPJi0MFIvDRK3zzlaA/view?usp=sharing
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 20:00:00 GMT
#54.【新聞英文】售價 15 萬美金的香蕉 | 英文不難
【超過 50 部教學影片,線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------- 「笑話單字」 1. pouring rain 傾盆大雨 *heavy rain (O) big rain (X) 2. slam 甩上 ex: to slam the door 3. break down 汽、機車壞掉 ex: Our car broke down on the high way. 4. ashamed 感到羞愧 be ashamed of yourself 為自己感到慚愧 5. He calls out into the dark 朝黑暗中喊叫 -------------------- 「香蕉單字」 1. everyday objects 2. passing for 3. pricey 4. duct taped 不是鴨子膠帶。duct tape 5. 150,000 dollars 英文數字表示 1 萬 ten thousand 10,000 10萬 one hundred thousand 100,000 100 萬 one million 1,000,000 -------------------- 「川普單字」 1. faucet 2. dripping out 3. as opposed to ex: People flushing the toilet 15 times as opposed to once. 4. to end up doing something 5. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Thu, 12 Dec 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#53. 【新聞英文】1. 謝和弦 in custody 2. Renting houses
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------- 「第一則新聞單字」 seized:抓住 whistleblower:告發者 marijuana:大麻 descent:後代 bipolar disorder:躁鬱症 recurrence:復發 work out:解決問題 ex: Work out their problems, work their problems out -------------------- 「第一則新聞內容」 New Taipei police seized singer 謝和弦 in New Taipei City for allegedly holding more than 10 grams of marijuana. He has been taken into police custody for further investigation. 謝和弦 admits to taking drugs, and the police are currently detaining him in the police station. It is reported that 謝和弦's wife is of mixed Taiwanese and Dutchdescent. 謝和弦 married Keanna in 2016. The couple’s relationship was in crisisdue to the recurrenceof 謝和弦’s bipolar disorder at the end of last year. However, the couple quickly worked outtheir problems and reconciled. Keanna said that she never wanted to give up on their marriage. People were shocked to hear that Keanna was the one to report 謝和弦. -------------------- 「第二則新聞單字」 tenants:租客 discard:拋棄 netizens:網民 compensate:賠償 incur:招致 trespassing:擅自闖入土地、房子 taking matters into your own hands:自己處理、不走正當法律途徑 -------------------- 「第二則新聞內容」 When facing bad tenants,how should landlords protect themselves? A landlord shared his plan to break into the room of his tenant anddiscardthe tenant’s personal belongings on the internet. After the landlord shared his plan, netizensresponded immediately, "If the tenant claims 2 million dollars is missing from his room, are you going to compensatehim?" “If you break into a rented room without permission, you may incurthe crime of trespassing” Said another. Doing so could result in serious offence. Netizens suggested that instead of taking matters into your own hands, the landlord could ask the local police for assistance, which is much safer and legal. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章?
Mon, 09 Dec 2019 16:01:47 GMT
#52. 去國外買衣服,如何形容材質?6 個英文顏色片語 |英文不難
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------- 「材質」 cotton: 棉質 denim: 單寧 silk: 絲 wool: 羊毛 *cotton blend: 混合毛 ------------------ velvet: 絨布 satin: 緞質 linen: 亞麻 flannel: 法蘭絨 leather: 皮 suede: 麂皮 *synthetic fiber/polyester: 人造纖維 ------------------ 「顏色」 burgundy: 酒紅 maroon: 褐紫紅 teal: 藍綠色 navy: 深藍色 turquoise: 土耳其藍 off-white: 米白色 khaki: 卡其色 ------------------ 「對話」 Hi, how may I help you? -I'm looking for a teal woolen sweater. -Oh, I'm just looking around. May I try this on? Where is the fitting room? This doesn't fit me. -Do you have the next size up/down? What is this made of? -It's made of 100% cotton. ------------------ 「顏色片語」 1. caught red-handed: 逮個正著 ex: Jack was caught red-handed stealing cookies 2. green thumb: 園藝精湛 ex: My mom has a green thumb. Her garden is gorgeous. Me, I can’t keep a cactus alive. 3. be tickled pink: 很高興 ex: My boss was tickled pink when I told him I made a big sale. 4. black sheep: 害群之馬 ex: John is the black sheep in his basketball team. He is the worst player 5. grey area: 灰色地帶 ex: This is a grey area. It’s not wrong, but it’s frowned upon. 6. golden opportunity: 絕佳機會 ex: Upon hearing 小美’s secret, 小明decided that it was a golden opportunity to ask her on a date. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 03 Dec 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#51. 商業英文雜誌推薦
【介紹】:Harvard Business Review This bi-monthly publication includes info on top research, news, and developments in many different fields of business. Their materials are used in classrooms around the world. After the 2009 hire of their new editor-in-chief, HBR started to become a cutting-edge publication that covered business news as it was happening rather than just the academic research that had been its mainstay. As one of the top business schools in the world, Harvard produces in-depth material that is essential reading for business students, professors, and professionals at all levels of their careers. It is geared toward managers more than towards early career professionals, but there is something inside for everyone with an interest in serious business reading. -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 bimonthly: 一個月兩次、兩個月一次 publication: 期刊 info: information 縮寫 cutting-edge: 前端 mainstay: 主要 in-depth: 深入 geared toward: 以某某為導向 -------------------------------------------------- 【介紹】:Money If you are looking for a general guide to investing, saving, and budgeting, this is the magazine for you. Whether your five years away for retirement or 50, this magazine regularly features advice on how to choose an investment strategy that will help meet your goals and features real families who have done so, like a family who paid off $100,000 in debt while also raising young children. 【單字】 budgeting: 省錢 meet your goals: 達成目標 paid off 1000 in debt: 還清 1000 欠款 -------------------------------------------------- 【介紹】:Entrepreneur Musk looked as surprised as everyone else when a heavy metal ball was thrown at the Cybertruck window and it smashed. Elon Musk revealed in a tweet what happened. It wasn't that the windows couldn't handle the impact, it turns out the previous sledgehammer hit to the door (to prove its durability) had cracked the base of the glass panel. This couldn't be seen externally, so the windows looked undamaged, but they'd actually lost their strength before the ball was thrown. 【單字】 tweet: twitter 的 po 文 handle: 承受 impact: 衝擊 it turns out: 結果... sledgehammer: 榔頭 panel: 面板 ---------------------------------- 學生的餐廳【Poké Shop】 https://www.facebook.com/pokeshop20191111 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------------------------------------
Tue, 26 Nov 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#50. 你的「英文自傳」寫對了嗎?| 英文不難
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------- --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 19 Nov 2019 08:59:41 GMT
#49.【新聞英文】兒子出車禍,竟出現 17 個女友探望... |英文不難
【線上托福課程】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字、句型】 1. background knowledge: 背景知識 ex: Could you provide me some background knowledge? -- 2. a terrible traffic accident ex: Jack was in a terrible traffic accident. -- 3. hospitalized: 住院 ex: My friend was hospitalized because of a broken arm. -- 4. was shocked to find that… ex: I was shocked to find that he was so rich/stupid/smart. -- 5. only the XXX and XXX ex: Only the rich and famous can travel the world. -- 6. not only,… but also… ex: Not only do you have to go to school, but also you have to get good grades. -- 7. to have no idea ex: I had no idea John ate your cake. -- 8. 魅力:charismatic (adj.), charisma (n.) ex: John is very charismatic. John has a lot of charisma. -- 9. I never knew he was so stupid/smart. -- 10. John come to visit Jack in the hospital. -- 11. be furious = very angry -- 12. aged 20 to 40 ex: I date women aged 20 to 40. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Tue, 05 Nov 2019 21:00:00 GMT
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【第一段聽力】 1. to have a sweet tooth: 喜歡吃甜食的人 -I’m not much of a sweet tooth = I don’t really like deserts. 2. not much of a something = 我不太是某種人 -I’m not much of a vanilla person = I don’t really like vanilla. 3. the best ABC I have ever XYZ 4. this is not addressed to you 5. you stole this cheesecake. That is wrong. 6. send away for 7. we all win = win-win 8. conglomerate ------------------ 【第二段聽力】 1. I can’t seem to… -can’t seem to: 似乎無法... 2. Are you serious?! 3. filling: 內餡、填充物 4. saliva: 口水 --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Sun, 03 Nov 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#47.【英文片語】10 個從交通演變而來的片語
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【火車片語】 1. train of thought: 思考脈絡 ex: I lost my train of thought. Please be quiet. -------- 2. running out of steam: 沒動勁 ex: I’m running out of steam. I can’t handle this job. -------- 3. to go off the rails: 行為偏差 ex: My son is going off the rails. He doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore. -------- 4. to be back on track: 迷途知返 ex: My son is back on track. He wants to be the next Dr. Dre. -------- 5. full steam ahead: 全力衝刺 It’s full steam ahead. We have to work hard. -------------------------------------------------- 【汽車片語】 1. behind the wheel: 由某人駕駛 ex: Many drunk people still go behind the wheel. It’s very dangerous. -------- 2. to be in the driving seat: 由某人領導 ex: For this project, John is in the driving seat. -------- 3. Do a U-turn: 政策180度改變 ex: She made a U-turn and changed her policies. -------- 4. In the fast lane: 在快車道 ex: He is living life in the fast lane. Everyday is an adventure for him. -------- 5. in the slow lane: 人生不精彩,或事業停滯 ex: his career is in the slow lane. -------- 6. taking off: 事業起飛 ex: His career is taking off. --------熱門 Podcast------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Wed, 30 Oct 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#46.【新聞閱讀】微軟擠下Amazon,獲得3000億國防部合約 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【新聞文章、單字】 (1) Amazon is considering its options for how to move forward following the decision to give a massive government contract to its competitor, Microsoft, according to a source familiar with the situation. One analyst said he "fully expects" Amazon to try to fight the decision in court. -------- (2) The decision represents a major loss for Amazon (AMZN) and a win for Microsoft. It also threatens to undermine Amazon's position as the clear leader in the cloud industry and CEO Jeff Bezos' title as richest man in the world. -------- (3) The timing is especially painful for Amazon, which said it was surprised by the decision, calling itself the "clear leader in cloud computing." -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 (1) considering my options: move forward: I’m think about how to move forward in life after breaking up with my girlfriend massive: 很大, a massive rock fully expect: I fully understand your situation expect: I expect you to finish your homework today. -------- (2) represent: 代表 this number represents our company’s revenue. Did you forget to write the number? I don’t see anything. Well, that’s because we didn’t make any money. major loss: 很大的失敗 undermine: 破壞 title 頭銜:jeff bezos的頭銜是世界最有錢的人, -------- (3) timing: 時機 cloud computing: 雲端技術 -------------------------------------------------- 熱門 Podcast 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 --------
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#45.【英語學習觀念】動詞加toV, Ving、介系詞搭配 |英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【英語學習技巧系列】 1. #16. 正確閱讀習慣 2. #22.正確聽力練習方式 3. #27【寫作技巧】如何寫出「不爛」的文章? -------- 【片語動詞教學】 1.(#30 的下面)【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文? 2. #33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 -------- 動詞後加 to V, Ving https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/verbs-followed-by-gerunds-and-infinitives/ -------- 介系詞動詞 https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Prepositions-with-Verbs.htm
Thu, 24 Oct 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#44.【新聞閱讀】石油公司買Google廣告洗名聲 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【今日閱讀】 The deep-pocketedoil behemoth, is in legal trouble, according to environmental law experts. There's compelling evidencethe Exxon Mobil Corporation defraudedits investors, and at minimum, the company will be exposedto deep public scrutiny as the trial develops. "We’re seeing the company for the first time confrontedin open courts with the evidence of its climate deception," -------- To combat the terrible publicityassociated with fraud allegations, the company strategically purchased ads from Google for people searching for the climate trial. Exxon has specifically targeted keyword searches like "Exxon climate trial," and "Exxon climate change." -------- Though the oil giant'sscientists have understood the consequences of emittingcarbon into the atmosphere since the 1950s, Exxon began to sow doubt about climate science in the 1980s. This latest Google ad campaignis a continuation of Exxon's decades-longefforts to influence the public's perception of climate change. --------
Wed, 23 Oct 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#43. 【新聞聽力】Lebron James 詹皇惹麻煩
【托福口說課程連結】 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 透過粉專聯絡我「英文不難」 https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【今日內容】 1. under fire ex: 被子彈攻擊:The army was under heavy fire yesterday. We lost a lot of men. lost a lot of men ex: 遭受批評:The president is under fire for… -------- 2. famed: 知名的 He is famous. (O) He is famed. (X) -------- He is a famous actor. (O) He is a famed actor. (O) -------- 3. jersey: 球衣 football jersey basketball jersey -------- 4. up in smoke: 起火 ex: The house was up in smoke. -------- 5. furor: 憤怒 -------- 6. tweet: 推特文。 推特叫twitter,所以一個twitter貼文叫tweet。 -------- 7. apparent: 明顯的 ex: It is apparent that Mike likes Jenny. --------
Sun, 20 Oct 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#42.【英文片語】12 個常用交通片語 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】特價!!1890 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 有問題,歡迎透過粉專聯絡 粉專「英文不難」: https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【今日內容】 blind spot: 視線死角 --There are a lot of blind spots on trucks. blindsided (v.): 被設計,被「陰」 --ex: Jack asked if I had a crush on Jenny. I said yes, then Jack started saying bad things about me to Jenny. Turns out, Jack also likes Jenny. I was blindsided by jack. 【 12 個片語】 #1 Stuck in traffic: 卡在車陣裡 Boss: Why are you late? Me: I was stuck in traffic. Boss: What traffic? You don’t have a car. -------- #2 Traffic congestion: 交通阻塞 Me: The traffic congestion is terrible; I don’t ever want buy a car. Friend: How are you going to go to work? Me: I’ll ride… a horse. -------- #3 Gridlock: 十字路口阻塞 —ex: Two busses cause serious traffic gridlock. -------- #4 Bumper to bumper traffic: 嚴重塞車 —ex: I think I’m going to be late because of the bumper to bumper traffic. -------- #5 Hold ups: 耽誤 --ex: There was a hold up on the freeway because a crazy person was standing in the middle of the road. -------- #6 road closure: 道路封閉 —ex: The road closure was caused by a terrible traffic accident. -------- #7 Road rage: 公路暴力 —ex: Road rage is a serious problem affecting many drivers. -------- #8 Rush hour / Peak hour: 尖峰時間 —ex: During rush hour, the traffic congestion is terrible. -------- #9 Run out of (gas /petrol): 沒油 to run out of something —ex: I ran out of gas this morning. ran out: 已經沒了 —ex: I am running out of gas. am running out: 快沒了 -------- #10 Pull over: 靠邊停 —Sir, please pull over right now. -------- #11 Pull out: 忽然衝出來 —ex: the car pulled out right in front of me and I almost hit it. -------- #12 Run over: 輾過 —ex: I am so upset because this morning I ran over a pile of poop on my way to work.
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 02:02:42 GMT
#41. 工作常用的 12 個英文片語
【托福口說課程連結】特價!!1890 https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy -------------------------------------------------- 有問題,歡迎透過粉專聯絡 粉專「英文不難」: https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【今日內容】 #1 To catch up: 趕上 ex: John waited for Lilly to catch up. ex: We are having a hard time catching up to our competitors. -------- #2 Stay on budget / go over budget ex: Our spending is way over budget. We need to cut costs. *這裡我不小心口誤。cost down 是錯誤的(台式英文),應該是 cut costs。對不起~ *spending: 單數,不可數-Our spendings are way over budget. (X) ex: I asked our boss if we could go over budget. He said “why don’t you kiss my ass” kiss my ass: 拍馬屁?(X) kiss my ass = fuck you -------- #3 Sign off on (something): 簽名核准 ex: Our boss finally signed off on the new deal. ex: Do you think our business partner will sign off on the deal? Probably not. It’s a shitty deal. -------- #4 To be ahead of the curve: 走在最前端。指公司發展快速,有遠見。做別人沒想到的事。 ex: Our company is always ahead of the curve. We are always looking for the newest ideas. -------- #5 A ballpark figure: 估計= rough estimate: 粗估 figure:兩個意思:數據,或是圖表:書本最後,Look at figure 7 ex: Can you give me a ballpark figure? ex: I’m not sure about the specific price, but I can give you a ballpark figure. -------- #6 To kick off: 開始某件事 來自美式足球的開賽,kick off ex: I’d like to kick off with a quick look at our returns. 由某件事情開始:kick off with a… ex: We are kicking off our event with a congratulation to our new partner. 你可能覺得,這兩個差別是什麼? -------- #7 White collar, blue collar ex: John is a white collar worker. ex: Bob is a blue collar worker. -------- #8 To look at the big picture: 宏觀 ex: Don’t focus on the small details. Look at the big picture. We have to be ahead of the curve. 老闆可能跟員工說: CEO: We need to move in on new technology and develop new software to compete with our rivals. Manager: How are we supposed to do that. Creating new software takes a lot of time and money. We don’t have the necessary resources. CEO: I don’t know. I’m just looking at the big picture. It’s something we must do, otherwise we’re going to go out of business. -------- #9 To play by the book: 照著規矩走 ex: I’m really frustrated with John. He does everything by the book and never knows when to improvise. I bet he never changes position during sex. play it by ear: 即興解決 ex: Our manager told us that to play it by ear if we can’t find a solution in the manual. -------- #10 To call it a day: 收工 Employee: Oh, I’m so tired. Let’s call it a day Manager: ah…. It’s 12:30. Even the Italians work more than you. -------- #11 To think outside the box: 框架外思考 ex: We must think outside the box so that we can discover new ideas and strategies for our business. ex: The boss keeps telling me to think outside the box. I don’t understand what he wants. Umm… Don’t listen to him. He’s just stupid.
Tue, 15 Oct 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#40. UBER 外送車禍「承攬、僱傭關係」英文 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 有問題,歡迎透過粉專聯絡 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------------------------------------------------
Mon, 14 Oct 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#39. NBA 火箭隊惹毛中國人
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great --------------------------------------------------
Thu, 10 Oct 2019 22:00:00 GMT
YouTube 頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-LfXeUtpvAczV1w1yTq4eQ 【單字】 1. potential:潛在、潛能 2. pentagon:美國國防部 3. ally:戰友 4. terrorist:恐怖份子 5. insurgency:叛亂者 【句型】 1. to talk president trump out of:說服某人不做某件事 ex: I tried to talk Johnathan out of quitting his job. 2. stabbed in the back:從背後背捅一刀 ex: I was stabbed in the back by my colleague.
Tue, 08 Oct 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#37. 在餐會跟外國人 social:提升交情,建立關係的方法 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】:https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great
Sun, 06 Oct 2019 22:00:00 GMT
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 1. transcript: 逐字稿 2. Ukrainian: 烏克蘭 3. rival: someone you are competing against. 4, stresses:強調 ex: The doctor stressed the importance of good diet and exercise 5. quote: 引用 6. favor: 人情 【更多單字】 1. smoking gun: 明確證據 2. impeach: 彈劾 3. quid pro quo: 條件交換 ------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy
Thu, 26 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#35.【用法差異】簡單過去、過去完成、過去進行式 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【Simple Past】 1. 做完的事情 ex: I lived in Japan. (I don't live there anymore) 2. 肯定的時間 ex: I saw Avengers last night. 3. 一系列完成的事情 ex: First, I woke up, then I walked to the bathroom, then I took off my pants, and I pooped. 關鍵字:yesterday, last night, last morning, in 1994, in July… 【Present Perfect】 1. 從過去開始現在持續用 ex: I have lived in Japan for two years. 2. 沒明講的時間 ex: I have seen Avengers End Game 關鍵字:for, since 【Past Continuous】 1. 兩個同時發生的事情 ex: I was talking to a friend when my boss slapped my face. ex: I was reading while my brother was watching TV. ex: Last night at 8 pm, I was calling my girlfriends. Yes, I have two. 2. 想強調那個「動作」 ex: What did you do today? I was working in the garden all day. ------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy
Tue, 24 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#34.【新聞聽力】亞馬遜 (Amazon) 招募30,000 新員工|英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 -employer: your boss; the person who pays you to work -tens of thousands: a lot; many -positions: an opening for a job -career day: an event where companies show you what positions they offer -hq2: headquarters 2 -execs: short for executives -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 -secret service: the agency in charge of protecting the president -recreational: something you do for fun -jet skis: motorcycle that you can ride on the ocean -dignitaries: high ranking officials in the government -first family: the president’s family ------------------------------------------------------------ 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ
Thu, 19 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#33.【英文片語】8 個旅遊常見片語動詞和單字 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 itinerary:旅遊行程 schedule:行程,特定時間內要做的事 agenda:待辦事項 【片語】 drop sby/sth off: 把某人、物品放下 get away: 溜走 get in:飛機抵達、降落 pick up/drop off: 接送區 pick sby/sth up: 接某人、某物 see sby off: 送走某人 set off/out: 出發 ------------------------------------------------------------ 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great
Tue, 17 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#32.【介系詞】10 個常搞錯的介系詞用法 | 英文不難
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 六人行 Joey 片段:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxOMOKqEOVc ------------------------------------------------------------ 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr
Sun, 15 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#32. 【新聞聽力】美國 Opioid Crisis
【托福口說課程連結】https://hahow.in/cr/english-great-easy 只剩下 15 張課程優惠券,先搶先贏,從粉專聯絡我。 粉專「英文不難」:https://www.facebook.com/english.great -------------------------------------------------- 【單字】 settlement:和解金 -The company agreed on a settlement. OxyContin:藥品 Purdue Pharma: 公司名 to reach an agreement: 同意某件事 -We reached an agreement with our rival company. epidemic:流行疾病、瘟疫(衍伸為嚴重區域事件) pandemic:嚴重的國際問題(黑死病) 【句型】 would it be fair to say…? -Would it be fair to say you make more than 10 dollars
Thu, 12 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#31 算命故事、Q&A、用英文打招呼
想問問題?下載 Anchor:https://apps.apple.com/tw/app/anchor/id1056182234?l=en 【不想被下咒語講爛英文?記得 9/19 這個重要數字】 9/19 好學校上架「托福口說訓練課程」 -------------------------------------------------- 【打招呼英文】 Hi, how are you? -Good, how are you? (O) -I'm fine, thank you. And you? (X) *How do you do? -How do you do? 【其他問候語】 Hi, how's it going? How are things? How are you doing? What's up ------------------------------------------------------------ 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr
Tue, 10 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#30【商業英文】6 個隱藏含義的單字,商業英文教學 | 英文不難
【好消息!】【好消息!】 9/19 會在好學校上架「托福口說訓練課程」 -------------------------------------------------- 1. modify = change Thank you for your suggestion; however, we would like to modify it a little bit. 2. complication = problem There is a slight complication = there is a problem. There is a complication with your order? What is the complication. The complication is that you won’t receive it until next month. 3. elaborate = explain Could you elaborate on this situation? 4. perplexing = confusing This is a very perplexing situation. 5. straightforward = easy This is an easy situation. I don’t know how you messed it up I think the solution is quite straightforward 6. leverage = advantage This will give us a leverage over our competitors. This will give us an advantage. *sugarcoat = 講好聽話 We will not sugarcoat the situation. ------------------------------------------------------------ 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr
Sun, 08 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
【托福口說系列 #1 】如何用「片語動詞」講出更自然的英文?
【好消息!】【好消息!】 9/19 會在好學校網站上架「托福口說訓練課程」 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 「片語動詞」三個使用方式 1. 片語動詞+物品:Jack took off his pants. 2. 片與動詞拆開,物品在中間:Jack took his pants off. *3. 用代名詞代替物品:Jack took it off (it 代替 his pants) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. blow up -The bomb blew up -My Instagram account blew up 2. bring up -Why did you bring up my weight? -Why did you bring this/that up? 3. call off -I want to call off the wedding. -I want to call the wedding off. -I want to call it off because my wife is a man. 4. fill out -Could you fill out this form? -Could you fill it out?
Fri, 06 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#29.【兒童英文】升學 vs. 美語補習班 | 英文不難
團體兒童英文班:https://www.facebook.com/english.great/ 「應該讓小孩去升學補習班,還是美語補習班?」 升學補習班友缺乏口說、聽力練習。台灣升學補習班習慣用文法解題,這種方式國中可能還有用,但面對困難的高中英文其實無效。 家長要記得,英文不只是為了考高中、大學。將來工作、人生都會用到。 如果遲早要面臨,為何不一開始就用正確的分式學習? 國中年紀還小,如果小學沒好好學英文,現在開始還是很有機會。不要把目標放在高中,把目標放在人生。你就會發現,13 歲開始學英文,對人生來講,時間綽綽有餘。
Sun, 01 Sep 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#28. Used to,Be/Get used to 有什麼差別?| 英文不難
你也想要我獻唱給你嗎?還是幫你寫英文情書? 贊助!贊助! anchor.fm/englishgreat/support ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #1. Used to + 原V:表示過去曾經做的事情,現在不繼續。 --I used to read --I used to grow weed. *weed: 大麻 肯定:Yes, I used to grow weed. 否定:No, I didn't used to grow weed #2. Be used to + Ving:表示對你習以為常,很習慣的事情。 --I’m used to eating spicy food. 我習慣吃辣(現在) 未來:You will get used to eating spicy food. 你將來會習慣吃辣。 現在進行:I am getting used to eating spicy food. 我正在習慣吃辣的過程。 過去:I got used to eating spicy food. 我過去習慣吃辣。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Wed, 28 Aug 2019 16:56:55 GMT
獨立子句是什麼:https://youtu.be/9fExrGY7Klc 英文班已結束 ---------------------------------- 1. 條列要在最後一個物品前加逗號 I bought red, white and pink roses. (X) I bought red, white, and pink roses. (O) ---------------------------------- 2. 補充說明句子,要放在逗號裡 My father, a tall man is very strict. (X) My father, a tall man, is very strict. (O) ---------------------------------- 3. 兩個獨立子句,絕不能用逗號連結 I have a large dog, the dog eats a lot. (X) ---------------------------------- 修正方法有三個: 一、用對等連接詞連結。 I have a large dog, and the dog eats a lot. 二、用分號 I have a large dog; the dog eats a lot. 三、直接用句點 I have a large dog. The dog eats a lot. ---------------------------------- 4. 主動一致 Jack like to read a lot. (X) Jack likes to read a lot. (O) ---------------------------------- each, either, everyone, everybody… 是單數主詞 Everybody think he has a unique sense of humor. (X) Everybody thinks he has a unique sense of humor. (O) ---------------------------------- 6. 修飾句跟被修飾對象要接在一起 Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children. (X) Walking slowly down the road, the woman was accompanied by two children. (O) ---------------------------------- 7. 用正面形容事情 He was not very often on time = He was usually late did not remember = forgot did not pay attention to = ignored not honest = dishonest ---------------------------------- 8. 省略不必要單字 the question as to whether = whether there is no doubt but that = no doubt the reason why is that = because ---------------------------------- 9. the fact that 常常可以省略 owing to the fact that = since in spite of the fact that = though/although ---------------------------------- YouTube頻道:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:30:59 GMT
線上英文班連結:https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/2088044104642477/ ---------------------------------- 「諺語」 1. call to arms: 全副武裝 2. drops a bombshell:投下一顆震撼彈 -My wife dropped a bombshell, when she said our daughter is pregnant. *bombshell: 性感、火辣的女人 3. beat a hasty retreat: 打退堂鼓 -When we saw the police arriving, we beat a hasty retreat. 4. on the warpath: 立場堅定,準備打一場架 -US, Iran are on the warpath again. 5. shell shocked: 受驚 -staff were shell shocked 6. come out fighting: 準備大幹一場 -The army came out fighting ready for a war. ---------------------------------- 「句型填空」 1. We begin tonight with a new call to _______ by President Trump on the global war on terrorists. *call to arms 2. The president dropped a _______ when he announced his resignation. *dropped a bombshell 3. Once I realized that my ex-girlfriend was going to be at the party, I beat a hasty _______ Hasty? *beat a hasty retreat 4. Our boss is on the ________ because a rival company stole his idea. *on the warpath 5. We were shell______ when our boss told us that the company is bankrupt. *shell shocked 6. Oil companies have come out ________, claiming that global warming is a myth. *come out fighting *Shell shocked (形容詞用法) vs drop a bombshell (動詞用法) -We were shell shocked -My boss dropped a bombshell. ---------------------------------- YouTube頻道:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Tue, 25 Jun 2019 17:03:38 GMT
#25.【英文發音】/ɛ/ pet, head
線上英文班連結:https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/2088044104642477/ ---------------------------------- /ɛ/在字的開頭 egg, every, error, elephant ---------------------------------- /ɛ/在字的中間 fence, west, many, present ---------------------------------- 特殊情況*括號部分發/ɛ/ (a)ny, ag(ai)n, fr(ie)nd, g(ue)st, l(eo)pard ---------------------------------- /ɛ/ met, bet, fed, less, pen, let, wet, get, red wed /eI/ mate, bait, fade, lace, pain, late, wait, gate, raid wade ---------------------------------- 句子 1. Who said it? 2. Don’t touch my head 3. John is my best friend. 4. I am healthy and wealthy 5. There is a dent in the car. 6. I am never talking to you 7. Breakfast is ready. 8. Fred left a note. 9. Let me get some rest. 10. Don’t forget to send the note. ---------------------------------- 「小考*為答案」 1. any, *crazy, anywhere, many 2. *paper, letter, send, pencil 3. seven, eleven *eight, twenty 4. health, *wreath, breath, wealth 5. *reading, ready, already, head 6. present, precious, *previous, president 7. November, February, September, *April 8. Guess, guest, *cruel, question 9. thread, threat, fresh, *theater 10. *mean, meant, mental, met ---------------------------------- 對話練習: How is the weather today? -It’s twenty two degrees and very windy. -The temperature on Tuesday will be very hot. -The weather for the weekend will be wet and cloudy. ---------------------------------- YouTube頻道:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Sun, 23 Jun 2019 18:57:25 GMT
#24.【新聞英文】亞馬遜的擴張:Amazon’s expansion
線上英文班連結:https://www.facebook.com/commerce/products/2088044104642477/ YouTube 亞馬遜老闆教你成功創業:https://youtu.be/0bId8SKW72U ---------------------------------- 「單字」 taken to the skies 2. fleet –air fleet 3. prime 頂級 4. rely 5. aim to – I aim to finish my homework in an hour. -aim to compete 「字稿」 E-commerce giant Amazon has *taken *to *the *skies. The growing Amazon air *fleet now has 50 planes helping *prime packages arrive on time. That means Amazon is *relying less on UPS, FedEx and the US Postal Service and may now *aim to *compete with them. ---------------------------------- 「單字」 looking to 有意願幹嘛,幹嘛、打量 –I am looking to find a nice vacation shop. 2. logistics 物流 3. in their own right:有資格 -right資格 4. ramp 5. realm 境界 -realm of possibilities: 可能的境界(廢話) 6. legitimate貨真價實 7. facets 層面 「字稿」 Amazon is *looking *to become a *logistics company *in *their *own *rights. We think that Amazon will be a top logistics provider whether it’s in trucking or in air in the coming years. I think the question is just how quickly they will *ramp that operation. It is certainly within the *realm *of *possibilities for Amazon to build itself into a *legitimate logistics company in all *facets. ---------------------------------- 「單字」 in house 2. figure out -Can you figure out this math problem? -Can you figure out a good marketing strategy? advantage market 「字稿」 Moving shipping *in *house also means more control over the speed of deliveries. The next big thing in e-commerce is who *figures *out how to do this two-hour delivery or same day delivery. This is very expensive, but whoever figures out first will get a huge *advantage in this *market. ---------------------------------- YouTube頻道:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ IG 「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Fri, 21 Jun 2019 19:17:26 GMT
線上課程已結束 ---------------------------------- Wearing a gray suit and glasses, Kevin Spacey appeared on Monday at a Massachusetts courthouse where a judge was set to hold a hearing in the case accusing the *disgraced actor of *groping a young man at a Nantucket bar in 2016. ---------------------------------- Spacey sat at a table alongside his lawyers, *occasionally whispering in the ear of lead attorney Alan Jackson. He did not answer reporters’ questions when he arrived or when he left the courthouse. ---------------------------------- His appearance was a surprise as he was not required to attend the hearing and has stayed away from the courthouse except for a brief hearing in January, which he tried to avoid. ---------------------------------- The 59-year-old former House of Cards actor, who has pleaded not guilty to a charge of indecent assault and battery, faces up to two and a half years in jail if convicted. ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Thu, 20 Jun 2019 19:22:00 GMT
其他英語學習技巧 #16.【英語學習技巧】正確閱讀習慣 ---------------------------------- 一、想清楚你的分類(由簡到難排序) 卡通:珮珮豬Peppa Pig、愛探險的朵拉Dora、 廣播 podcast:Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend、 有聲書 電影:Modern Family, Friends 歌曲(不列難易度比較):重複性高,口音,但注意文法… ---------------------------------- 二、找適合自己難度的內容。至少聽懂百分之70 ---------------------------------- 三、聽力練習步驟 1. 不看字幕,用耳朵聽。聽非常多次。 2. 看字幕 3. 不看字幕,重新聽一次。 ---------------------------------- 四、兩種練習方式:建議都使用。讓自己習慣不同訓練方式。 1. 大量:聽大量英文,不特別思考文法、單字、內容。 2. 深度:分析單字、句型。 ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ ---------------------------------- 更新時間:一、三、五、六上午 ----------------------------------
Tue, 18 Jun 2019 18:55:09 GMT
#21.【英文發音】"ei" 發音:game, name, cake
其他發音教學 #13.【發音教學】"i" me, tea, bee #17.【發音教學】"i" 短音:it, pin ---------------------------------- ei在字的開頭 eight, age, able, april, apron ei在字中間 break, came, table, paint, paper ei在字結尾 away, day, they, stay, weigh ---------------------------------- 「短句」 1. *wake up 2. I *gained *weight. 3. My *name is Kevin. 4. I have a *late *date. 5. *Take my food *away. 6. Don’t *waste time. 7. *April is a very comfortable month. 8. They *played a *great *game. 9. The *plane from *Spain was cancelled. 10. They *made a big *mistake. ---------------------------------- 「聽力測驗一」 1. *steak, lettuce, ham, cereal 2. bread, *raisins, melon, bananas 3. *cake, beer, cheese, soda 4. *potatoes, crackers, peas, ice cream 5. *grapes, celery, apples, carrots 6. *toothpaste, peas, squash, *plates *第六題不小心有兩個。toothpaste, plates ---------------------------------- 「聽力測驗二」 1. *Kate,cat, cot 2. can,*cane,con 3. pen, pan, *pain 4. foot, *fate, fat 5. *mate, mat, met 6*.rate, rat, rot 7. ran, *rain,wren 8.*late,let, lot 9. calm, *came,comb 10. *wait,what, wet ---------------------------------- 「文章閱讀」 *Babe Ruth was a *famous *baseball *player. He began his baseball career by *playing for the Boston Red Sox, and was later *traded to the New York Yankees. Babe Ruth is considered by many to be a *baseball legend, and was inducted into the *Baseball Hall of *Fame.The last team he played for was the Boston *Braves. He died in *1948, and is one of the *greatest *players of all time. ----------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Sun, 16 Jun 2019 19:42:41 GMT
#11.【英文諺語】常見形容「人」的片語。(第一部) ----------------------------- 1. be taken aback: 很驚訝 We were taken aback when we heard John wanted to quit. 2. leave high and dry: 在困難、危險的處境 The canceled flight left the passengers high and dry. 3. take the wind out of someone’s sails: 讓某人感到沒自信 John wanted to be a writer, but his teacher’s criticism of his work took the wind out of his sails. 4. in the wake of sb/sth: 緊跟在某人、某事之後 wake = 船的水痕 in the wake of = following (事件結果)in the wake of (某事件) -U.S., Iran trade accusations in the wake of tanker attacks -A tense calm settles over Hong Kong in wake of violence between police and protesters 5. all hands on deck: 招集所有人員 In order to finish the project on time, we need all hands on deck. 6. Any port in a storm: 遇到暴風雨時,有港就好 I don’t really want to live with my parents, but any port in a storm because I have no money. ----------------------------- 練習(一):填空格 1. I’d like all hands on ______ for the next few months. 2. The bad reviews of the movie took the ________ out of the director’s sails. 3. In the ______ of the Hong Kong protests, many people were injured. 4. I was very ________ aback to hear that Jenny was fired. 5. Jack left the party early, leaving me _________ and dry at the party with no one else to talk to. 6. I didn’t want to sleep in a cardboard, but any port in a _______ because I have no money. 解答:all hands on deck, took the wind, in the wake, taken aback, high and dry ----------------------------- 練習(二):將畫底下處改為諺語 1. Jacks’ mother was very surprisedby his decision to quit. -taken aback 2. The cost of home insurance has risen as a result oflast summer’s floods -in the wake of 3. We were in a difficult situationwhen the babysitter didn’t show up. -*left high and dry. 不要忘記加“left” 4. We need all the help we can getif we want to finish this project. -all hands on deck 上次航海諺語(第一部) 5. John and Mary’s relationship has been in serious difficulty for some time. -on the rocks 6. The company is facing some difficulties, but I’m sure we’ll get through the bad times. -weather the storm ----------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Fri, 14 Jun 2019 19:12:23 GMT
#19.【商業英文聽力】Amazon 老闆教你成功創業。
更新時段:每星期一、三、五、六上午 ---------------------------------- 第一段單字 1. entrepreneur: 創業家 2. obsessed, customer-obsessed: -obsessed:著迷、沈迷。 I am obsessed with English. 我沉迷於英語。 I am obsessed with the girl next door. I have a telescope, a camera, a recorder, and night vision goggles. 我沉迷於隔壁的女孩。我有望遠鏡、照相機、攝影機、夜視鏡。 3. delight, absolutely delight -delight:取悅 absolutely: 完全地 ---------------------------------- 「文章」 If you *wanna be an entrepreneur, the most important thing is to be customer-obsessed, so don’t satisfy your customers. Figure out how to absolutely delightthem. That is the number one thing, whoever your customers are. ---------------------------------- 第­二段單字 1. arena: 競技場 2. mercenary: 1.傭兵2.圖利的人。 3. missionary: 傳教士。mercenary, missionary 的比較,是創業領域人很喜歡講的內容。Mercenary為了錢,傳教士為了理想。 4. paradoxically: 自相矛盾的 5. genuine: 真誠 ---------------------------------- Passion. You have got to have some passionfor the arenathat you’re going to develop and work in, because otherwise you’re gonna be competing against people who do have a passion (錯誤) for that, and they’re going to build better products and services. You can’t be a mercenary. You have to be a missionary. Missionaries build better products and services, they always win, the mercenaries are just trying to make money and paradoxicallythe missionaries always end up making more money, to pick something that you actually have a genuinepassion for. ---------------------------------- 第­三段單字 1. willing: 願意:be willing to -Are you willing to help me? 2. come up: 想出 come up with an idea 3. might not work -This plan will not work. ---------------------------------- You have to take risk. You have to be willing totake risk. If you aren’t gonna take risk, If you come upwith a business idea, there’s no risk there, you’re probably, you know, it’s probably already being done. Those ideas are already being done. They’re being done well by many, many people. So you gotta have something that might not work. And so you have to accept that your business is going to be, in many ways, an experiment, and it might fail. And that’s okay. That’s what risk is. ---------------------------------- 第­四段單字 1. failure: 失敗 2. be moving the needle: 做出明顯改變。 -needle: 1.針線、2指針,開車儀表板的指針,也叫needle,所以move the needle就是做出明顯改變。 3. scale: 規模 4. billion dollar scale failures: 億萬規模失敗 5. swinging: 揮打,揮打棍子。 -swinging hard enough: 棒球用語。 ---------------------------------- The good news is, in Amazon we still take risks all the time and we encourage it, and we talk about failure. We should be failing. Our failures have to grow with the company. We need big failures. If were gonna be moving the needle, we need to have, billion dollar scale failures. And if we’re not, we’re not swinging, we’re not swinging hard enough. ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Thu, 13 Jun 2019 19:28:22 GMT
deliberate 作動詞 -The board deliberated for several days before reaching an agreement. -董事會討論了好幾天終於達成協議。 ---------------------------------- deliberate 作形容詞 1.徹底的思考。 -After deliberate consideration, the famous singer decided to retire. -a deliberate decision 2.不疾不徐 -The artist worked at a deliberate pace. 藝術家用不疾不徐的步調工作。 pace: 步調 ---------------------------------- 「其他詞態」 副詞:deliberately(故意地) -The little boy deliberately dropped the vegetables on the floor. 小男孩故意地把蔬菜掉到地上。 名詞:deliberation ---------------------------------- 相似字:calculated, considered, measured 反義字:casual, uncalculated ---------------------------------- 「文章」 A judge in Tucson has ordered a jury to continue deliberations in the trial against a man charged with helping illegal immigrants. The jury told the court that it couldn’t come to an agreement on the charges against 36-year-old Scott Warren, who helped two migrant men with food, shelter and medical care. Prosecutors say Warren helped the men hide from border agents and that they never really needed care. Deliberations will continue Tuesday morning. ---------------------------------- 更新時段:每星期一、三、五、六上午 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ ----------------------------------
Tue, 11 Jun 2019 18:38:49 GMT
#17.【發音教學】"i" 短音:it, pin。
[I]音在字開頭 is, if, it, itch inch,ink, issue ---------------------------------- [I]音在字中間 pin, lift, give miss, simple winter, listen timid ---------------------------------- 句型 1. Where is it? 2. This is the book. 3. She is my sister. 4. Miss Smith is tall. 5. I own a business. 6. I will sit down. 7. Give the list to the teacher. 8. My little sister is smart. 9. Is the house finished? 10. Did she receive her gift. ---------------------------------- 發音測驗(*為正確答案) 1. *sit, seat, seat 2. feet, feet, *fit 3. feast, *fist, feast 4. eat, eat, *it 5. *list, least, least 6. beat, beat, *bit 7. neat, *knit, neat 8. *hit, heat, heat 9. sheep, *ship, sheep 10. *bin, bean, bean ---------------------------------- 文章聽力(*為[I]音單字) The *Winter *Olympics is a very popular international event. *Millions of people watch the Olympics on their *television. Many men and *women come from *distant *cities to *participate *in *this *competition. Skiers *will ski *downhill at a very fast speed. Figure skaters *will *spin on the ice. The Olympics is a test of *skill which few people *will *finish *with a medal. ---------------------------------- 老奶奶旋轉影片:https://youtu.be/mOVQ4gWOK-Y ---------------------------------- 更新時段:每星期一、三、五、六上午 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ ----------------------------------
Sun, 09 Jun 2019 19:00:00 GMT
很多人讀英文,會犯以下三個錯誤。 1、讀太難的內容 2、一直查字典 3、只讀一次 ---------------------------------- 第一。太難的定義是什麼?就是一整頁,沒辦法讀懂80%以上的內容。或是一頁不會的單字超過五個。太難的內容會讓你沒辦法讀懂句型,記得,閱讀不是背單字。太多太難的單字會讓讀不下去。 第二。狂查字典,很多人看到不會的單字,就會停下來查字典。不要這樣!這會讓你陷入翻譯思維。尤其比較難,或抽象的單字無法翻譯。應該試著透過上下文體會、理解單字意思,這樣比較容易記住。 第三。內容只讀一次。小朋友為什麼學得快,有沒有發現他們同一本書大概讀十次?他不像你們容易無聊要一直找新東西。我小時候一本喜歡的英文書因為讀太多次,整本背下來。你也要這樣,讀越多次越好。 ---------------------------------- 「英文閱讀步驟」 1. 看封面、猜內容是什麼 2. 讀第一次,可以先讀一個章節。記錄不會的單字,但不用查,先了解劇情,方便第二次閱讀研究上下文。 3. 讀第二次,研究上下文,猜測單字的意思。 4. 讀第三次,這時候,不會的單字可以查了。 5. 不要只記單字、片語。整個句型記下來,才不會單字使用錯誤。 6. 回顧。想辦法重新講一次書本內容,試著使用剛剛使用到的單字。再跟書本比較自己的內容是否正確。 ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Sat, 08 Jun 2019 16:05:56 GMT
#15.【英文片語】on the rocks, cut and run, weather the storm, make good headway
on the rocks cut and run weather the storm making good headway ---------------------------------- A few years ago, the company I work for was on the rocks.The previous owner of the company was in debt and one day decided to cut and run. The entire company was panicking. A few senior executives and I decided to cut costs and work extra hard. It was difficult at first, but we managed to weather the storm, and in the end, the company recovered. We are now making good headway, and are now getting a lot of deals and will probably make a lot of money this year. ---------------------------------- 1. Are you more likely to cut and run if a.Things are going great/b.Things are going terrible 2. Your friend tells you to weather the storm. Does he want you to a.stay strong and solve your problems/b.run away from problems. 3. If you are making good headwayat work, does that mean a.you are doing a good job/b.you are doing a bad job 4. A company is on the rocks. Is the company? a.making a lot of money/b.not making a lot of money ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Thu, 06 Jun 2019 19:00:00 GMT
聽力練習第一段單字 1. vitamin B: 維生素B 2. deficient: 不足 3. struggle with: 苦於… 某某東西 4. fatigue: 疲勞 5. low energy levels: 精神不佳 6. big warning sign: 大警示 7. lack of focus: 分心 8. poor memory issues: 記憶力狀況不好。 ----------------------------- 聽力練習第一段字稿 Vitamin B 12 is something that about 40% of people are deficient in today And it really is one of your body’s most important vitamins and something that a lot of people struggle with and if you struggle with any type of fatigue or low energy levels, that is a big warning sign that you have a vitamin B 12 deficiency if you struggle with lack of focus or poor memory issues, that‘s a big warning sign you have a vitamin B 12 deficiency ---------------------------------- 聽力第二段單字 1. go over: 解釋、描述 2. exactly: 準確地 3. by the way: 順帶一提 4. overcome: 克服 5. digestive system: 消化系統 --------------------------------- 聽力練習第二段字稿 I’m gonna go over exactly how you overcome A vitamin B 12 deficiency. By the way, it’s probably going to surprise you some of the answers I give. Now here’s my first thing I want to talk about with vitamin B 12 deficiency. The biggest reason that most people have Vitamin B12 deficiencies is because they don’t have a healthy digestive system. ---------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great ----------------------------------
Tue, 04 Jun 2019 19:00:00 GMT
#13.【發音教學】"i" me, tea, bee
feed, read, mead, 中間長 /i/ 教學。 單字 east, equal, easy, eagle keep, reach, deep, scene key, knee, tea, free 句型 See you at three See what I mean? See you next week. See you this evening. Pleased to meet you. Steve eats cream cheese. Lee has a reason for leaving. She received her teaching degree. A friend in need is a friend indeed. They reached a peace agreement. --------------------------------------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com(英文文章、影片) YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Mon, 03 Jun 2019 16:52:24 GMT
片語、商業用法,accommodate yourself to something accommodate 例句寄到 @english.great --------------------------------------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com(英文文章、影片) YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Sun, 02 Jun 2019 21:00:00 GMT
#20.【英文諺語】6個來自航海英文諺語(第二部) --------------------------------------------------------------- 常用形容「人」的片語 1. to be on cloud nine 2. one trick pony 3. wouldn't hurt a fly 4. like a fish out of water 5. to have your head in the clouds 6. to be under the weather 7. to be right as rain --------------------------------------------------------------- 網站:https://www.english-great-easy.com(英文文章、影片) YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:03:17 GMT
#10.【新聞英文】wheelchair accessible 無障礙空間
新聞聽力練習、單字解釋 新聞出處:https://youtu.be/aoBRSJzAJK8 --------------------------------------------------------------- YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Wed, 29 May 2019 22:00:00 GMT
indecisive 詞源、單字、例句 ------------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Mon, 27 May 2019 22:00:00 GMT
#8.【新聞英文】same-sex marriage 單字、例句。
各國對同性婚姻的報導和 twitter 推文 新聞出處:http://www.wsiltv.com/story/40482798/abundance-of-rain-could-be-problematic-for-vineyards ------------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Sat, 25 May 2019 10:05:47 GMT
abundance 新聞聽力練習、單字解釋 新聞出處:http://www.wsiltv.com/story/40482798/abundance-of-rain-could-be-problematic-for-vineyards ------------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Mon, 20 May 2019 10:29:32 GMT
#6.【英文單字】韓國瑜避重就輕、跳針,英文怎麼講?10 個常用政治單字。
10 個常用的政治單字。 #1 to beat around the bush, sound like an old record #2 democracy, authoritarianism, dictatorship #3 liberal, conservative #4 moderate, radical, extremist #5 spin doctor ------------------------------------------------------------------ YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ(含更多內容、練習) 粉專「英文不難」:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG「英文不難」:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/ Line:@english.great(要加@)
Sat, 18 May 2019 16:24:17 GMT
absent-minded 詞源,聽力練習,和寫作時怎麼用 absent-minded 這個字。 YouTube: 英文不難(含更多例題、口說)
Wed, 15 May 2019 02:24:20 GMT
abnormal 單字詞源,例句,字根、字首,還有同義字、反義字。 abnormal 這個高中單字你知道什麼意思嗎? YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Fri, 10 May 2019 08:39:03 GMT
#3.【英文文法】不定冠詞 a/an 正確用法 (a university, an MBA)。
"a university" 母音開頭 university 為何用 a?英文不難教你正確不定冠詞 a/an 用法。 母音 a,e,i,o,u 開頭的字用 an,子音用a。university(大學)講 a university 還是 an university? 答案是:a university。 為什麼?u 不是母音嗎?其實,a/an 的使用不是根據你看到的自,而是聽到的音。 例一:University 的 u 並不是發母音的 /u/。聽起來反而像Y,yes, you, yolk Y是子音,所以講 a university。umbrella 的 u 不一樣,umbrella 發出來真的是母音u,所以用an 例二:MBA,一個MBA學位。如果你想去哈佛讀MBA學位,你說 I want to get a MBA from Harvard 是錯的。因為 MBA 的第一個音其實是 e,M (em) B (bee) A (aei),既然是發母音e,就講 an MBA。 例三:I have a one-year-old daughter (我有個一歲大女兒)為什麼 one 是用 a?因為 one 發的音是 w,所以用a。 例四:一小時是an hour還是a hour?hour 的 h 不發音,所以第一個聽到的音是o,o是母音。an hour YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Tue, 07 May 2019 04:25:32 GMT
#「可數、不可數名詞差別」 carrot可數,一根叫 one carrot。換個物品,orange也可數,兩顆叫two oranges。注意,只要是一以上,就在名詞後加“s”。 那不可數名詞呢?像water不可數。既然不可數,就不會有one, two three,也不能加 “S”。不可數名詞不能表達「數」,只能表達「量」所以,你就只能說,some water。記得,不可數名詞不能數,也不能加“s”。 #「不可數名詞5大類」 一、 物質類:液體 water, oil, soup, tea,氣體:oxygen, exhaust,冰雪:ice, water 二、 自然現象:光 light, sunlight, sunshine,、電 lightning, electricity、熱 heat、能量 power 三、 細小顆粒,小小的碎屑:sugar, salt, rice, corn, cotton, hair, flour, sand。你可能覺得 hair 頭髮,或 sand 沙子可以數,但在英文歸為細小顆粒。屬於不可數名詞。 四、 食物,材料:meat, food。注意,fish 魚,當作魚肉食不可數:"I want to some fish"。但,當作「魚」這種動物時,可以數:"one fish, two fishes" 五、 抽象概念:love, happiness, information #「不可數名詞特例」 飲料、液體雖然是不可數,但有個小特例,在餐廳點餐的時候。如果你想要兩杯咖啡,可以跟服務生說:"two coffees please"。為什麼?因為 "two coffees" 其實是"two cups of coffee" 。coffee 不可數,但 cups 可以,點餐習慣把 cups 省略,所以就變成 "two coffees"。 YouTube:https://goo.gl/L7qFRQ 粉專:https://goo.gl/n8NmBr IG:https://www.instagram.com/english.great.easy/
Sun, 05 May 2019 06:25:57 GMT
#1.【英文文法】什麼時候 S 發 /z/ 或 /iz/?
什麼時候 S 不發 /s/,改發 /z/或/iz/ 的音。 影片版:https://youtu.be/7bPHdKt-m7U YouTube: 英文不難 臉書:英文不難 什麼時候結尾 S 發/s/?像sleeps。就是當s前面的字母發「清音」,(voiceless)清音是什麼?就是你發這個音,喉嚨不會震動。其他清音包括,f, k, p, th。像 cliff, lock, cup, moth。那我考你,laughs,這個s怎麼發?一樣是s,因為gh,發f,f是清音。 再來,什麼什麼時候S發Z?如果s前面的字是濁音。摸著喉嚨,如果會震動,就是濁音。像b, d, g, l,像pub, bed, bag, owl,pubs, beds, bags, owls, 這些字後面的音就發Z。摸喉嚨,有震動就是濁音。 最後,什麼時候發iz? 只要是es結尾的就發iz,很簡單。wages, busses, buzzes, bushes, watches [要怎麼記得哪些單字發什麼?] 想要自然講出正確的發音,唯一的方法就是靠多練戲,習慣成自然。英文聽多了,講多了,自然就會。很多人學英文很偷懶,想要用一些招,只想要用理解的方式。但語言不是數學,想透過理解學會英文幾乎是不可能。如果你要學游泳,你會透過想要理解游泳,還是實際去游泳池練習?那為什麼英文不一樣?
Fri, 03 May 2019 10:16:03 GMT
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