
自己做傳統麻糬好好玩!軟Q的懷舊滋味,紅豆、芋頭、芝麻、花生麻糬一次滿足 Traditional Taiwanese Mochi with Filling

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)



糯米粉 150 g
水 180 g
糖 40 g


花生餡 45 g(每顆10~15 g)
芝麻餡 45 g(每顆10~15 g)
紅豆餡 60 g(每顆15~20 g)
芋頭餡 60 g(每顆15~20 g)



花生粉 80 g
黑芝麻粉 80 g
白芝麻粒 40 g


Let's make traditional Taiwanese mochi at home! I made 12 mochi with 4 different fillings all by myself. It's easy and fun! Just pick 1 to 2 fillings to make ahead and make mochi when you want to eat them. Mochi is easy to make but hard to keep the chewy and soft texture overnight, so make sure to make right amount at a time.



○Mochi (12 mochi)

sweet rice flour, 150 g
water, 180 g
sugar, 40 g


peanut filling, 45 g (10~15 g/ each)
sesame filling, 45 g (10~15 g/ each)
azuki bean filling, 60 g (15~20 g/ each)
taro filling, 60 g (15~20 g/ each)

■How to make the fillings?


ground peanut, 80 g
ground sesame, 80 g
white sesame, 40 g


●Making the Mochi
1. In a mixing bowl, add sweet rice flour and sugar. Mix them well.
2. Pour water and stir the mixture until well combined.
3. Brush a thin layer of oil on a glass container.
4. Pour the sweet rice batter into the container.
5. Add 1.5 cup of water into a Tatung rice cooker.
6. Transfer the batter to the Tatung cooker.
7. Cover the lid and start to cook.
8. Place ground peanut and ground sesame on two plates.
9. Take out the cooked mochi.
10. Slightly knead the mochi with a silicone spatula.
11. Brush a thin layer of oil on a baking mat.
12. Place the mochi on a baking mat.
13. Knead the mochi for a while.
14. Devide the mochi into 12 portions.

●Wrapping the Filling
15. Take a small mochi and slightly coated it with ground sesame.
16. Expand the mochi to disc shape from the edge.
17. Place the mochi disc on your purlicue to be like a bowl.
18. Add the filling into the mochi bowl with a small spoon.
19. Wrap the filling in the mochi tightly.
20. Fully coat the stuffed mochi with ground sesame.
21. Make 3 pieces of taro mochi in the same way.
22. Fully coat taro mochi with ground sesame + white sesame.
23. After finished taro mochi, change to coat with ground
24. Make 3 pieces of peanut mochi in the same way.
25. Fully coat the stuffed mochi with ground peanut.
26. After finished peanut mochi, add white sesame to the
plate with ground peanut.
27. Make 3 pieces of azuki bean mochi in the same way.
28. Fully coat azuki bean mochi with ground peanut + white sesame.
29. Enjoy!

(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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