Leadville, The 100 Mile Mountain Bike Race Podcast p/b Shimano

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Leadville, The 100 Mile Mountain Bike Race Podcast p/b Shimano
Leadville — The 100 Mile Mountain Bike Race Podcast, p/b Shimano is the show for people racing (or just interested in) The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race. Fatty (a 23-time LT100 finisher), Hottie, and a host of experts answer your questions, give you training tips, detail the course, and tells the stories about the highest and hardest one-day mountain bike race in America: The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.
Wed, 29 Mar 2023 15:42:00 +0000
S6E07: Being the Oldest Just Means You Have More Stories to Tell

Dr Dan Smilkstein was the oldest person to finish the Leadville 100 MTB race last year. This recently-retired doctor — and father, and grandfather — is way more than just a badass cyclist. He's a runner, a skiier (both cross-country and Alpine), a rock and ice climber, a mountaineerer, a backpacker, a hockey player, and more. He's an offroad unicyclist, for crying out loud.

Our point is, Dr Dan has a lot of great stories to tell, both about the LT100 and his other adventures (including the fact that he's delivered 600+ babies). We guarantee you're going to enjoy this episode.

Wed, 29 Mar 2023 15:42:00 +0000
S6E06: The Young Guns

CJ and Jaxon have no right to be racing the Leadville 100 this smart. After all, in 2022 these brothers were just 18 and 20 when they raced the LT100 for the first time. While they wouldn't claim to have raced a perfect race, they certainly avoided a lot of the mistakes most first-timers make, while still learning a lot, challenging each other, and collecting the first of what we'll assume will be many buckles to come. Enjoy this episode with two young guns we expect you'll hear more from in the years to come.

Wed, 15 Mar 2023 19:28:00 +0000
S6E05: What's New (and What's Not) for Leadville 2023?

If you're planning on racing the LT100MTB this year — or any year in the future — you will not want to miss this episode. We pepper (in a nice way) Life Time's Ryan Cross with questions about how the race is changing (no aero bars or anything like aero bars for example as well as what we'd like to see changed (the 3x White Corral), and even stuff you probably haven't even thought of (why is there no Pipeline Alternate aid station?). Ryan's game to keep answering our questions, so let us know what we should ask next time!

Thu, 02 Mar 2023 21:21:00 +0000
S6E04: Sara and Mark show us what this race is all about

If you've ever ridden with Mark and Sara, you're already good friends with them. And if you haven't, you'll feel like you have after this episode. They raced both the Stage Race and the 100 last year, both for the first time, and have an amazing and gutsy story to tell. Enjoy this episode

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 23:11:00 +0000
S6E03: Reboot your training and motivation, with TrainerRoad's Jonathan Lee

Winter can bring on a slump in fitness, both from a physical and mental point of view. In this episode, TrainerRoad's Jonathan Lee joins to help give us a kick in the seat, as well as some encouragement and a strategy for success.

Also, Hottie and Fatty kick off our new "LFAQ" show segment: Leadville Frequently-Asked Questions. In this episode, we talk about our 2-week and 1-week pre-ride recommendations, along with the importance (or not!) of a light bike for the race.

It's a great episode, don't miss it!

Thu, 02 Feb 2023 02:11:00 +0000
S6E02: John Gaston is faster than you (and bikes aren't even his thing)

We love a good Leadville story, and John Gaston is a great storyteller. And it doesn't hurt that the only guy who could beat him in the 2022 LT100MTB was some guy named Keegan.

The crazy thing is, racing bikes is not really what he's into. They're more of his side hustle -- his off-season way to stay sharp and in shape.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't sweat the details, and it for sure doesn't mean he doesn't know his way around the course.

Enjoy John's story, and join us in relishing that an essentially unsponsored rider can get out there and absolutely crush the competition.

Tue, 17 Jan 2023 23:32:00 +0000
S6E01: The Course, Version 2 (Leadville 100 MTB Course Deep-Dive)

Throughout Season 5, we walked you through the entirety of the Leadville 100 MTB course, going into detail that only 30 combined finishes could provide. This is the collection of each of those segments, from the starting line to the Columbine Mine...and back. At nearly four hours long, this should keep you company for at least a couple good long training rides (or your next road trip). Enjoy!

Tue, 29 Nov 2022 15:19:00 +0000
S5E26: Fatty's 2022 Race Recap

This is it -- the final episode of Season 5: Fatty's recap of the 2022 race. He goes into what went right, what went wrong, what he learned (yes, you can still learn things the 24th time you do this race) and whether he'll ever race the LT100 on a singlespeed again.

Thanks for listening to our show, and we'll see you next year...on the starting line!

Mon, 22 Aug 2022 23:27:08 +0000
S5E25: What Happened While You Were Racing

While you were racing (or crewing, or spectating) the Leadville 100, there were literally thousands of other people on the course, each having a remarkable experience. Hottie was out there, with a mic, capturing those stories. Whether you were in Leaadville or just wish you were, you do NOT want to miss this episode!

Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:45:13 +0000
S5E24: Final Prep for the Big Day (Live from the Leadville 100 Expo)

Fatty and Hottie join a wide array of experts to talk you through your final prep for the big race. Merilee and Ken welcome you to the family, two-time-defending champion Rose Grant describes her race strategy and why it doesn't change depending on others, Tamira Jenlink and Ryan Cross underscore the most important things you should think about for the race (including the weather), and two of the smartest and most-experienced cycling minds we know of -- Josh Poertner of Silca and pro racer Jeremiah Bishop -- give you tips for the best, most successful race you can have this weekend. This is a can't-miss, information- and inspiration-packed episode!

Fri, 12 Aug 2022 03:41:29 +0000
S5E23: Crewing Fast, Crewing Smart

Fatty's a lucky guy: not only is Hottie an amazing podcast co-host, he's also an experienced Leadville racer and crew chief. When you add to that the fact that both he and Mrs Hottie are detail oriented and fast on their feet, well...you've got a LT100 crew that dreams are made of. In this episode, Hottie and Mrs Hottie share their secrets for crewing success. You -- and your crew -- will not want to miss it!

Fri, 05 Aug 2022 01:04:16 +0000
S5E22: Fueling in the days before the race

You're getting down to the final days before the big race. In this episode, we bring Denis Faye back to the program to talk about some fueling strategies to use in the days before the LT100. We also spend plenty of time detailing the miles from Hagerman Rd to the Turquoise Lake Climb up to the Carter aid station, then down Kevens and to the pavement. It's a lot to know, and the more you know the better you'll be prepared.

Mon, 01 Aug 2022 23:52:05 +0000
S5E21: Cole Chlouber and Lessons from Leadville

Cole Chlouber has arguably been a part of the Leadville 100 in more ways than anyone else. Son of race founder Ken Chlouber, Cole literally grew up with the race and has marked it, measured it, ridden behind it, cleaned up after it, ridden it, worked with the staff on it, and now is following his father's steps as the face of it. Enjoy this story-filled episode from someone who loves this race as much as we do.

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 02:49:08 +0000
S5E20: Finishing the Powerline, Podcast Group Ride, Tapering Strategies

We've got so much to cover in this episode, starting with the second half of the Powerline Climb, which has a lot less climbing than the first half (but doesn't feel like it). From there, we talk about your tapering strategy with Coach Cody Waite -- and he's got a great free offer for a tapering plan for you.

Finally -- we've got a group ride planned for the Thursday before the race. Get the details in the show, and be sure to go to leadville.fm/groupride to sign up for your own custom bottle from The Feed (sign up fast; this is only for the first 100 people).

Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:05:34 +0000
S5E19: Whatcha Gonna Do AFTER Leadville?

Fatty has said, many times, that the two best weeks of cycling vacation he's ever had were riding with Andy Hampsten in France...and racing the Breck Epic the week after the Leadville 100. So what makes for a fantastic MTB stage race, and should you consider racing it (spoiler: yes). We get together with Breck Epic founder Mike McCormack to talk about what to do with all that fitness you've earned...whether it be the Breck Epic, or Mike's newest race...The Vail 100.

Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:12:11 +0000
S5E18: 2022 Race Change Deep-Dive with Life Time's Ryan Cross

Between last year's course changes and this year's start and finish changes, Life Time has been making some bold moves in the Leadville 100. We bring Life Time's Ryan Cross onto the show to detail what the changes are and how they'll affect you.

Fri, 15 Jul 2022 21:27:35 +0000
S5E17: The Powerline Climb

The Powerline Climb is undeniably the toughest part of the Leadville 100. You're exhausted, you're hot and exposed (or it's raining and you're exposed), and the false summits just keep coming. Well, in this episode we tell you how to get through this extraordinary segment of the LT100. We also welcome Coach Cody Waite back to the program for more training advice as we get to the final month before the big day.

Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:49:21 +0000
S5E16: The Race Starts at Mile 75

You've crossed the Pipeline inbound timing mat -- just 30 miles to go! But this is, without question, where the race REALLY begins. And the 5 flat miles we talk about in THE COURSE today are surprisingly tough. We talk you through every mile of it.

But the real focus of this episode is an increeasingly-popular piece of equipment in mountain biking: DROPPER POSTS. Are they reliable enough? Are they too heavy? Will they make you safer and faster? Which ones are the best? We dig into all these questions and more.

Mon, 04 Jul 2022 12:15:21 +0000
S5E15: Training Your Gut

Our profesor of GI, Denis Faye, joins the show again to explain how we can increase our capacity to take on race fuel. A bigger gas tank is what we want...but like a lot of things Leadville, it doesn’t come easy. We also take on one of the new sections of the course, with race strategies on how to approact the inbound singletrack bypass and get to the Pipeline Aid Station with enough left in your tank for the final -- and hardest -- quarter of the race.

Tue, 28 Jun 2022 15:10:40 +0000
S5E14: Choosing the Right Tires

We've avoided this topic for 4.5 seasons, because it's (almost) as personal as your saddle choice...but we're waiting no longer. This episode is all about tire choice. Plus we get into the 9 miles between the base of Columbine and the singletrack turnoff. While you won't gain or lose a lot of altitude in this segment of the course, you're going to work for every mile -- and we'll help you know what you can do to power right through it!

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 23:09:13 +0000
S5E13: Train Smart to Race Fast

Coach Cody is back to help us fine-tune our training plan for the Leadville 100...now less than two months away! Pay close attention now so you'll be faster on race day. We also deep-dive on the course, this time putting the miles between the turnaround and the Twin Lakes Dam Alternate feed zone. It's a good opportunity to catch your breath, catch up on fueling and hydration, and make a well-informed prediction on your finishing time for the race.

Wed, 15 Jun 2022 17:14:12 +0000
S5E12: Coming Back from Injury with Unbound Legend Yuri Hauswald

Eventually, we all have some bad luck, and that often means injury, regardless of the plans you have made. When that happens, what do you do? We pose that question to cycling legend and Unbound winner Yuri Hauswald, who is working through that exact situation right now. Yuri brings extraordinary insight and authenticity to the problem athletes have when recovering from injury. Do not miss this episode.

Thu, 09 Jun 2022 14:15:46 +0000
Cramps & Columbine

This episode is all about pain. Sorry, it's just a fact. For our segment on THE COURSE, we talk about that brutal two miles to the turnaround: mistakes to avoid, places you'll likely hike instead of ride, and why it's absolutely essential you hug the right side of the trail.

We then bring on Dr Sprouse to talk about something thousands (we're guessing, but a pretty good guess) of LT100 racers have experienced: cramps. And how (maybe, hopefully) you can avoid them.

Mon, 06 Jun 2022 19:58:59 +0000
S5E10: Race News with Tamira Jenlink + TLD to Columbine

We're always happy to have Tamira Jenlink -- Race Director for the LT100MTB -- on the program, but this time she brings some news that you will NOT want to miss. Seriously. We mean it.

We're also detailing out the course --both strategy and mile-by-mile tactics -- from Twin Lakes Dam to the Goat Trail on Columbine. And since this includes the segment of the course that is different (and longer) as of last year, you'll want to pay special attention to how it's changed and how these changes will affect your race.

Tue, 31 May 2022 14:18:03 +0000
S5E09: Pipeline - TLD and Hydration Strategies

How difficult can it be to drink? Judging by the number of hydration problems you see on race day, pretty darned difficult indeed. Dr Kevin Sprouse joins us to talk about how to stay hyrdrated on race day. We also dig into the surprisingly challenging 12 miles between Pipeline and Twin Lakes Dam, and how to achieve your goal for this part of the race: to get to the base of Columbine fueled, fast, and ready to climb.

Tue, 24 May 2022 00:08:51 +0000
S5E08: Powerline to Pipeline & Train Your Brain

When people talk about Leadville, they rarely rhapsodize about the flattish segments that connect the iconic climbs. And that's too bad, because how you ride between the climbs determines how you feel when you get to those climbs. In this episode of The Course, we help you ride smart on the road, seting a strategy for maximum gain with minimum effort.

We're also pleased to have Dr Justin Ross join to talk about a critical part of your Leadville prep: training your brain. Considering that most Leadville veterans agree this race is (at least) 80% mental, this conversation could make a real difference to you on race day.

We'll see you at the starting line!

Sun, 15 May 2022 21:10:44 +0000
S5E07: The Powerline & High-Intensity Training

Considering that it represents only a tiny fraction of the time you spend on the LT100 course—just a few minutes, really—the Powerline descent deserves an outsized amount of preparation. Why? well if you ride it right it'll be behind you in a moment. If you ride it wrong, however, the Powerline descent can absolutely ruin your day. So of course we're going to give this quick downhill trip the time it deserves on The Course. We also meet up with Coach Cody of Waite Endurance, this time to talk about your next phase of training: high-intensity workouts. Follow his advice now and, come race day, you'll be glad you did.

Tue, 10 May 2022 00:07:45 +0000
S5E06: Setting a Winning Pacing Strategy

Jason Tullous -- coach of 2x LT100 Champ Rose Grant -- joins the show to detail how Rose's pacing strategy helped her win the Leadville 100...and how some of the same techniques can help you have a great day out on the course too.

Speaking of The Course, we cover mile 8 to 19 today, which means rolling by Merilee, through the Carter aid station, down the fastest 4 miles of the day, and working with others so you can all get to the big Sugarloaf climb a little faster and fresher.

It's a great episode, full of info you can use. We'll see you at the starting line!

Mon, 02 May 2022 23:23:41 +0000
S5E05: The First Climb of the Day

We deep dive into St. Kevens, the first big climb of the day, talking race strategy and what it feels like to climb 700 feet in 1.5 miles on a cold morning at 10,000'

Hottie and Fatty also welcome Rohit Bery — one of the hundreds of racers starting from the White Corral in 2021 — to get a sense of how much of a funneling effect the back third of the race experiences when hitting the dirt and then turning onto the first big climb.

Finally, Kimo Seymour joins to explain how the LT100 MTB race experience will be different with the introduction of the Life Time Grand Prix.

There's a ton of great info this episode. Don't miss it!

Tue, 26 Apr 2022 01:05:13 +0000
S5E04: Strength Training & Starting Lines

We finish every episode by saying, "See you at the starting line" -- but this episode, we deep dive into what you should do while you're AT the starting line. Kathy Waite of Waite Endurance makes a strong (ha) case for strength training, and Fatty talks about riding the Leadville 100...on his trainer.

Tue, 19 Apr 2022 20:35:08 +0000
S5E03: Do You Need to Diet to Race Leadville?
When we think about Leadville, we think about climbing. And when we think about climbing, we think about watts/Kg. And that makes us think about losing a few pounds to be a little faster on race day. But do we over-emphasize weight for this weight? And if we do diet, what's the right diet to do? This is a great episode for everyone who (like one of the hosts of this show) worries about weight.
Tue, 12 Apr 2022 16:03:28 +0000
S5E02: Altitude Acclimation—How Much Does It Matter?

We start every episode of this show by describing the LT100MTB race as "the highest and hardest 1-day race in the country." We stand by that...but how much of "hardest" is due to "highest?" Can you give yourself an advantage in the race by spending more time in Leadville before the race? If so, how much time, and how much does it help? We have an in-depth conversation with TrainerRoad CEO Chad Timmerman about altitude acclimation, and talk about how you should spend your days before the race. Don't miss it!

Tue, 05 Apr 2022 21:07:05 +0000
S5E01: Training Strategies and a Return to The Course

The Leadville Podcast is back, and this year we are focusing on making sure you know everything you need to have a successful race in the highest and hardest one-day mountain bike in the country. Hottie and Fatty return to The Course with a detailed look at your corral and qualifier strategy, as well as deep expertise with Coach Cody Waite of Waite Endurance. If you care about this race, this is a season -- and episode -- you will not want to miss.

Tue, 29 Mar 2022 01:47:48 +0000
S4E28: Start Getting Ready for 2022

As far as we're concerned, the off-season is just a term for that short time when you get yourself ready for the next on-season. In this episode, Fatty and Hottie talk about the ways you can start preparing for the 2022 Leadville 100 and beyond.

Fri, 29 Oct 2021 18:47:56 +0000
S4E27: Leadville, Love, and a Bicycle Built for Two

Every Leadville racer has a story, so it stands to reason that every Leadville TANDEM team has twice the tale to tell. Brent Davis and Michelle Schwartz have a great story to tell about their podium-worthy day on the course, as well as a heartwarming story about how they wound up on the same bicycle in the first place. We won't guarantee you'll want to try Leadville on a Tandem after listening to this episode, but we DO guarantee you'll have a soft spot for the folks who do.

PS: Show our podcast some love. Pre-order your kit at http://leadville.fm/kit today!

Fri, 15 Oct 2021 13:13:12 +0000
S4E26: New Perspectives on the Leadville 100, with Life Time's Kimo Seymour

2020 wasn't easy for anyone, but it may have been just a hair more difficult for Life Time President of Events and Media, Kimo Seymour. In addition to the normal challenges that come with the Leadville 100, there was the massive registration deferral issue. On top of that was the pandemic. And on top of THAT was a very serious illness that Kimo is still recovering from. It's enough to make you think about what's important. We talk about all that, plus new events and the future of the Leadville 100, in this can't-miss episode.

Wed, 06 Oct 2021 14:14:48 +0000
S4E25: The Future of the Leadville 100, with Race Director Tamira Jenlink (part 2)

Tamira Jenlink — the new race director for the Leadville 100 — joins Hottie and Fatty to talk about building Leadville community goodwill, permitting challenges, increasing inclusion and the biggie: how does the Leadville 100 evolve...while keeping what makes it great?

And be sure to vote for your favorite 2022 Leadville Podcast Kit design at http://leadville.fm/jersey

Wed, 29 Sep 2021 19:47:43 +0000
S4E24: Meet the New LT100 Race Director, Tamira Jenlink (Part 1)

Tamira Jenlink took on a big job — race director for the Leadville 100 — at a critical moment for the race. She hasn't yet caught her breath after the Leadville races, but she still made time to answer every question Hottie and Fatty threw at her. In fact, this is a substantial enough conversation that we have split it into two parts. If you love the Leadville 100 and want to know where it's headed next, you will not want to miss this conversation.

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 03:35:43 +0000
S4E23: Tips & Stories from 2019 & 2021 Champ Rose Grant

Rose Grant brought both extraordinary strength and strategy to the 2021 Leadville 100, besting her already mind-boggling winning time from 2019. We're lucky to have her tell her story and share her practical advice any racer can use.

Thu, 16 Sep 2021 21:57:17 +0000
S4E22: A Fast Leadboat Finish Leads to a Pro Deal for Melisa Rollins

Melisa Rollins (full disclosure: Fatty's daughter) got bit bad enough by the Leadville bug that she moved to Leadville for a couple of summers to train for the race. Like most racers, she's steadily improved her finish times. Unlike most of us, this year she finished in under 8 hours and then went to Steamboat Springs and put in a blisteringly fast time there, too. Her dark-horse podium finish for the Leadboat Challenge caught the eye of Team Twenty24, opening a new chapter for this young pro. Enjoy this tale of how the Leadville 100 has literally — and recently — changed her life.

Tue, 07 Sep 2021 23:15:23 +0000
S4E21: Fatty's 2021 Race Report

Before there was a Leadville podcast, there was FatCyclist.com, where Fatty gave big ol' hairy race reports. The blog is gone (or at least dormant) but the tradition continues here. Fatty (obviously) loves this race, and it really shines through in his telling of his 23rd LT100 finish.

Mon, 30 Aug 2021 19:34:18 +0000
S4E20: So, How Did the Race Go?

The 2021 LT100 Mountain Bike Race is in the books, and now it's time to start unpacking it. There's a lot to talk about in this episode: whether the course changes made the race faster or slower, whether we liked the wave starts, and how much the heat affected us. We hear from several experts and begin to recap the day. If you raced it this year — or plan to race in a future year — you'll definitely want to listen to this episode.

Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:36:42 +0000
S4E19: 10 Tips for Race Day

We're just a few days away from the big race, and we've got a LOT to talk about.
- Details for the podcast group ride on Thursday at 9am
- First-person impressions from Fatty on the course changes and how they will affect your race day (our opinions have changed)
- 10 tips for race day: practical, tactical, and very personal things you should remember as you get ready to line up
- A BONUS tip (yes there are 11 tips in our list of 10 tips) with important things you should remember about each section of the course
- A great interview with one of the winners of the From the Ground Up project

Wed, 11 Aug 2021 17:03:57 +0000
S4E18: Payson McElveen Answers All Your Questions (Part 2)

Payson McElveen — pro MTBer, Leadville podium-er, and host of The Adventure Stache — joins us to answer the questions you (and we) have about Leadville. From where to go potty on the course (you've got to hear Payson's story) to where to eat and hang out in Leadville to mistakes even experienced racers still make, Payson, Hottie, and Fatty show that they're willing to take on all things Leadville.

Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:01:20 +0000
S4E17: Your LT100 Questions, Answered with Payson McElveen (Part 1)

You've got a lot of Leadville 100 questions (enough for two full episodes, in fact), and Payson McElveen — pro racer and host of the Adventure Stache Podcast — joins us to answer them. We've also got racer course impressions from the Stage Race, and a little (with more to come) on a Leadville Podcast group ride next week.

Tue, 03 Aug 2021 23:17:46 +0000
S4E16: Wave Start & Course Change Analysis with Hottie and Fatty

In S4E15, Mike Melley walked us through the wave starts and course changes for the 2021 LT100MTB race. We've had almost a week to think about these changes now, and the two of us have some thoughts. Be sure to listen, and then let us know what your opinions on these revisions are too.

Wed, 28 Jul 2021 17:09:11 +0000
S4E15: Course Changes w/Race Dir Mike Melley

The 2021 Leadville Trail 100 will feature a new start format and new turns out on course. Race Director Mike Melley joins us to detail those changes. Melley also explains why these changes were necessary and the impact on race times.

Wed, 21 Jul 2021 17:21:33 +0000
S4E14: Storytime with Leadville Icon Todd Wells

There are a few pro cyclists revered as iconic Leadville 100 MTB Racers. For our money, Todd Wells belongs alongside Rebecca Rusch and Dave Wiens on the Leadvillian racer equivalent of Mount Rushmore. (Who else belongs? We ask him.) Self-effacing in victory and gracious in defeat, Todd has great stories to tell both from the front AND the middle of the pack. Don't miss this episode!

Fri, 16 Jul 2021 22:48:16 +0000
S4E13: Going Big and Having Fun with Jeff Leenhouts

In just a few weeks, Jeff Leenhouts is going for his 25th finish at the Leadville Trail 100. And despite a rather...unique...approach to training and fueling, Jeff has an amazingly consistent record at the Race Across the Sky.

If you're looking for great stories from a guy who loves this race and the people who race it, look no further. You're going to love this episode.

Thu, 08 Jul 2021 04:21:48 +0000
S4E12: Roxanne Hall Just Won't Quit

If you're looking for inspiration, this is the episode for you. Roxanne Hall — a Leadville local, businesswoman, athlete, and artist — has finished the Leadville 100 more times than any other woman...in spite of chronic pain from a terrible crash years ago. In this episode, Roxanne shares amazing stories, motivation, and practical advice based on her decades of racing experience in Leadville and around the world. Do not miss it!

Thu, 24 Jun 2021 12:18:52 +0000
S4E11: Leadville's Local Legend: Marvin Sandoval

Leadville is a legendary place to most of us, so what does it mean to be one of the local legends there? Marvin Sandoval would know. He's consistently a sub-nine-hour finisher of the LT100, has raced the Leadman nine times and has won the series twice. Along the way he's collected a lot of great stories and valuable information for anyone who races the Leadville 100. Enjoy!

Thu, 17 Jun 2021 20:56:04 +0000
S4E10: Finish Faster with a Well-Maintained Chain

In endurance racing, little improvements can add up to big differences. That's why we have Adam Kerin of Zero Friction Cycling as our guest. He runs an entire testing center dedicated to chains and lubrication. We asked Adam to focus on the conditions we see in the Leadville Trail 100 and how we can save valuable time with some smart drivetrain choices.

Tue, 08 Jun 2021 22:45:53 +0000
S4E09: The Scariest Half Hour

Earl Walker knows how to get around on two wheels. He's been a pro downhill mountain biker. He's completed the Leadville ten times.

And if you've raced the Leadville 100 in the past nine or so years, you've no doubt noticed him at some point in the race.

That's because Earl is riding the moto, out in front of the lead racers. From there, he has the best seat in the house of the race, and he's got a million amazing stories. What it's like to tear down Columbine at 50mph while clearing the way for cyclists going nearly that fast. Doing impromptu traffic control. Things he's seen up front that nobody else has ever seen.

Earl's a great guy with a unique vantage point, and you are going to love his stories about the race we all love.

Fri, 28 May 2021 18:02:13 +0000
S4E08: The Guy Who Rode the LT100 Every Week for 8 Weeks

Heath Speckman is a Leadville State Trooper, an Air Force Veteran, and a one-time MMA fighter. And those are the things we hardly even touch on in this episode. Because Heath is also the guy who Everested by riding up and down Columbine over and over. And Heath is the guy who rode the Leadville course every week for 8 weeks last summer. And in short, Heath is the nicest guy who will ever tear your legs off in the race.

Fri, 28 May 2021 17:50:23 +0000
S4E07: Peter Stetina Attempts a Kokopelli FKT

You may know Peter Stetina from his World Tour days. Or you may know him from his fourth-place finish in the 2019 Leadville 100. But we connected with him because we heard he had a great story to tell about his very recent attempt to set a new record on the 142-mile Kokopelli Trail (Moab-Loma). It's a great story on its own merits, but a ride of this distance for a pro like Pete is also hyper-relevant for Leadville racers...because that means Pete was out riding about as long as many of us take to do the LT100. Enjoy this story—and learn a ton—from a guy who makes a living doing crazy-long rides.

Wed, 12 May 2021 01:51:36 +0000
S4E06: Hardtail Party

We’re joined by the host of the popular Youtube channel Hardtail Party for this episode. Steve has a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of hardtails as your everyday ride than just about anyone, and has some extraordinary recommendations on how to select your next bike (but you may be surprised what he recommends for a Leadville racer). Enjoy this episode with an incredibly smart guy with a very smart channel and a really great riding philosophy.

Wed, 05 May 2021 13:40:11 +0000
S4E05: Track Champ John Croom & Signing Up for Leadville Without a Bike

John Croom has NOT raced the Leadville 100. Yet. But that’s about all he has not done. He’s on Team USA for track cycling, was an Olympic hopeful, and holds the national record in track cycling’s team pursuit competition. And now — like the rest of us — he's getting ready to race the Leadville 100. Unlike most of us, however, he does not own a mountain bike. Somehow, we don't think that's going to stop this inspiring racer.

Tue, 27 Apr 2021 22:09:44 +0000
S4E04: Shooting for a Sub-8 Finish...On a Gravel Bike

This episode is an answer to a question many racers have asked a number of times: is the Leadville 100 actually a great GRAVEL bike course? Well, we found a guy who — along with a few friends — has taken this question way beyond the “thought experiment” stage.

Stephen Fitzgerald of Boulder Colorado — owner of Rodeo Adventure Labs, a small bike company with some VERY capable gravel racing bikes — set out to race the Leadville 100 on his Trail Donkey...not just to finish, but in search of a sub-EIGHT race time.

Whether you're actually interested in trying this course on a gravel bike or just flummoxed by why anyone would try, we guarantee: you're going to LOVE Stephen's honest, insightful, and hilarious telling of his race.

Wed, 21 Apr 2021 12:52:12 +0000
S4E03: Lessons Learned at Leadville with Selene "Fit Chick" Yeager

Selene Yeager is a top-selling professional health and fitness writer, trainer, coach, and podcaster. She’s been a regular contributor to Bicycling Magazine since 1998 and is currently hosting Hit Play Not Pause, a Feisty Menopause podcast for performance-minded women.

She's ALSO been on the Leadville podium, twice: once in the Leadville 100, and once in the stage race.

Selene brings a TON of storytelling skill, racing knowledge and riding wisdom to this episode. Don't miss it!

Tue, 13 Apr 2021 22:46:17 +0000
S4E02: Brian Feddema, Owner of Leadville's Cycles of Life Bike Shop

When — not if — you need work done on your bike in Leadville, you'll definitely want to go into Cycles of Life. And maybe you'll want to go in even sooner, because it's simply a great bike shop with a terrific vibe...and they take care of you like you're a local.

In this episode, Hottie and Fatty talk with Brian Feddema, founder, owner, and head mechanic of Cycles of Life, to hear his story, his shop's story, and how he manages to take care of hundreds of anxious racers who all absolutely MUST have their bike working perfectly...by 6:30am the next morning.

Tue, 06 Apr 2021 23:19:40 +0000
S4E01: As Serious as a Heart Attack

Michael Iddings is one of very few people to have completed the Leadville 100 more than twenty times. But as his power and max HR plummeted, his frustration grew: his doctors weren't taking his concerns seriously.

And, as it turns out, those concerns needed to be taken VERY seriously.

Season 4 of the Leadville Podcast is all about stories, and we're starting with a bang. You will not want to miss Michael's amazing cautionary tale.

Wed, 31 Mar 2021 00:30:37 +0000
S4E00: From the Ground Up — Talking With Ryan and Alexey

Season 4 of the Leadville Podcast will center around the amazing stories this race brings, and that dovetails nicely with the intriguing "From the Ground Up" contest pro cyclists Ryan Petry and Alexey Vermeulen have dreamed up: Choose three people new to mountain biking and give them (almost) everything they need to race the Leadville 100. We talk about the why, what and how of this contest that will be sure to result in amazing stories.

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 04:20:18 +0000
S3E24: Talking with Life Time about the LT100 in 2021 and Beyond

Our first guest this season was Michelle Duffy, Associate Marketing Director at Life Time, talking about the LT100 2020 registration challenges. Little did she (or we!) know that by the time we talked again, that would be the smallest challenge the team (and she personally) would have dealt with. We're happy to have the 2020 season behind us, to be looking forward to 2021, with Michelle on the mend and on the mic...once again, answering our questions about plans and logistics for next years' lottery, starting line, and race logistics.

Tue, 22 Sep 2020 13:09:38 +0000
S3E23: Life Time's Kimo Seymour Talks About the Future of the LT100

Kimo Seymour — President of events and media at Life Time, not only has his thousand-mile buckle, he’s finished the Leadville 100 UNDER eight hours every time he’s raced. In other words, we could learn a thing or two about this race from this guy. But we didn't bring Kimo on to talk about the course or race day tactics (at least not this time). It’s been a bad year, simply put, for racers, and we wanted to talk with the guy whose job it is to look past the problems we’ve got right now, and start thinking about what will hopefully be a brighter 2021. If you're dreaming about a 2021 6th & Harrison red carpet, this just may be the conversation you need.

Tue, 08 Sep 2020 21:25:20 +0000
S3E22: Talking with Todd Murray, Who's Raced EVERY LT100MTB

There are exactly TWO people who have done the Leadville 100 every single time it’s been held. John Callahan is of course one of those two, and TODD MURRAY is the other...and we’ve got a full hour with him. There’s literally nobody with more experience with this race, and it was an amazing honor to swap stories with him for an hour.

Mon, 31 Aug 2020 21:20:28 +0000
S3E21: Reboot Your Training with Coach Brian McCulloch

Brian McCulloch is a good coah -- he'll assess your fitness, help you set goals, and put together a plan. But Brian also brings something exceptional to the coaching table: remarkably infectious enthusiasm. Brian has boatloads of energy, and boy do we need that now. So get ready for some training focus reload and some great stories too.

Tue, 25 Aug 2020 03:12:18 +0000
S3E20: Riding the Course Alone & Unsupported

Last Tuesday, Fatty and Lisa went to Leadville, checked into their AirBnB, went to bed, and then got up and rode the Leadville 100 course — with a stowed ice chest as their sole support.

It was a hard day. A slow day. A day of re-learning some very important things about the Leadville 100.

Mon, 17 Aug 2020 18:50:52 +0000
S3E19: Singlespeeding and the Leadville 100

Have you ever seen a racer on a Singlespeed at the Leadville 100 and wondered, "Why would someone do THAT?" Well, this is the episode that tries to answer that question. Fatty has raced on a singlespeed for six of his 22 finishes — even winning the category once. Fatty's built (and will talk at length about) the singlespeed of his dreams for the 2021 race, and details out differences in how singlespeeders need to approach this race.

This episode may not convince you to RACE the LT100 on a singlespeed, but you may find yourself wanting to at least ride one!

Tue, 04 Aug 2020 19:05:59 +0000
S3E18: Pro Cyclist and 2nd-Place LT100 Racer Sarah Sturm

Let's just say right up front that this interview is one of the single most fun conversations we've ever had in the Leadville show. Whether it's podcasting, endurance racing, or absolutely crushing the CX field on a singlespeed, Sarah brings amazing energy and join to what she does. And the fact that she is an incredibly accomplished racer and a Leadville contentder means you'll be able to learn while you laugh. We know you're going to love Sarah's smart and hilarious telling of her 2019 LT100 race.

Mon, 27 Jul 2020 11:57:11 +0000
S3E17: Rebecca Rusch and the RPI Challenge (Bonus Episode)

In our first bonus episode of the season, Fatty and Hottie talk with Rebecca Rusch — The Queen of Pain — about the RPI Challenge, a reimagining of the Rebecca's Private Idaho race. Learn what it is, how it's different from any other virtual event (that we know of), and why Hottie and Fatty are excited to be signed up and ready to train and race with a 7x World Champion.

Mon, 13 Jul 2020 16:56:39 +0000
S3E16: Owning It, Part 3: Yuri, Ali, and Fatty

This is the 3rd in our series on “Owning it, the dumbest mistakes we’ve made in a race.” We're excited to have YURI HAUSWALD, ALISON TETRICK, and Fatty share their honest, funny, and occasionally serious helpful insights based on big mistakes they've made. Plus we have a few favorite listener-submitted mistakes to discuss. Enjoy this can't-miss episode!

Thu, 09 Jul 2020 04:22:43 +0000
S3E15: Talking About The Race Across the Sky, with Show Creator Frank Matson

Frank Matson is a Leadville 100 racer and the visionary film producer behind the Race Across the Sky movies. If you've ever raced (or hope to someday race) the Leadville 100, you've almost certainly seen one or both these beautiful and inspiring films.

In this episode, Hottie and Fatty sit down with Frank to celebrate these independent films, made about at race we love. Learn about why they were made, how they were made, and some incredible obstacles (weather!) to getting them made.

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 14:04:54 +0000
S3E14: Owning It, Part 2

If you've ever embarrassed by a big mistake in an endurance event, this is the episode (or at least one of three episodes) you need to hear! REBECCA RUSCH and JEREMIAH BISHOP tell their stories of big errors, and what they've learned. We've also got more listener mistakes to report.

Hottie and Fatty also have updates on their efforts to do better and would like you to be sure to check out the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (naacpldf.org) and HBCU20x20 (hbcu20x20.org).

Thu, 25 Jun 2020 21:49:03 +0000
S3E13: Wheels

Without question, the most important part of your bike is your wheels. So it's about time we spend an episode focusing entirely on wheels. We've got two great interviews on this topic: Ryan Morse talks about building custom wheels, and Jake Pantone of ENVE digs into wheel tech and trends.

Wed, 17 Jun 2020 19:35:35 +0000
S3E12: Owning Your Dumb Mistakes (Part 1 of 3)

This episode started as a throwaway question on Facebook: What is the dumbest thing you've ever done in the Leadville 100? And we got a LOT of great answers. So we wondered: What if we asked that same question of the winningest man in Leadville?

DAVE WIENS joins us In this first (of three!) "owning it" episodes, telling us the story of three mistakes many of us will recognize — one that almost gave him a DNS, another that almost gave him a DNF, and one that cost him a world championship.

We'll also talk with ALEX GRANT about the mistake he made that changed his day in Leadville from hoping for a top podium spot...to hoping he could finish at all.

Plus we've got your "own it" moments and ace mechanic Ryan Morse's guidance on dealing with one of the most annoying problems with disc brakes.

Mon, 08 Jun 2020 17:54:44 +0000
S3E11: Upping Your Downhill Skills with Lee McCormack

MTB Skills Guru Lee McCormack joins Hottie and Fatty to dig into how you can pick up some fast minutes on three key areas of the Leadville course by improving your descending skills. Hottie and Fatty also talk about their GiddyUp for Good experience and some of the nuances of drafting during a pandemic. For more details on this topic, check the following:



Fri, 29 May 2020 19:50:43 +0000
S3E010: Leadville Doctors in the House

Leadville's community and medical professionals have done a terrific job slowing the spread of the coronavirus. But the virus is still a problem and short of a miracle, there's no way the small community of Leadville could host thousands of racers and support crew this summer. In this show, we hear from two people--Dr. Lisa Zwerdlinger and Dr. Dylan Luyten--who have been leading the charge to keep Leadville and Lake County Healthy. They were also two of the leading voices who advised against holding the Leadville races this summer. We also hear from Hottie and what its like riding in a big city, during as pandemic ... with a mask on. And we have some fun with Nino Schurter and his amazing interval video.

Thu, 21 May 2020 18:47:54 +0000
S3E09: Reba Rusch: The Queen of Pain & Positivity

The Leadville 100 MTB Race has been canceled for 2020, so Hottie and Fatty take a moment to acknowledge and be sad about this loss. However, while you're adjusting to your new normal, we've got a great guest and a way to scratch that competitive itch...all while doing something good. Rebecca Rusch joins us to talk about what she's been up to, and to get us motivated with the GiddyUp Challenge (www.rebeccasgiddyupchallenge.com). We also take time to welcome a new expert to our stable: Dr Julie Guthrie has some great guidance for those concerned about repetitive injuries in cycling.

Thu, 14 May 2020 17:34:02 +0000
S3E08: DC Rainmaker & Leadville Training Tech

There are dozens of training apps out there and nobody knows the intersection of training and tech than DC Rainmaker (Ray Maker IRL). Hottie, Fatty, and Ray talk about which apps can make the biggest difference in your training, which will give you the most Leadville-like experience as you prepare for the race, and where virtual training is heading in the future. It's a great episode with a ton of useful advice.

Thu, 07 May 2020 22:26:28 +0000
S3E07: The Hard Questions

We take a hard look at the logistical and ethical questions that come with staging the Leadville Trail 100 this summer. Our guest is Kevin Brooks: COO of Swedish Hospital in Seattle. He's a 2018 finisher in the Leadville 100, has crewed for his wife as she successfully raced the Leadwoman, and is the founder of a race promotion company. With a deep understanding of community, racing, health infrastructure, and the town of Leadville, there may be no better person to weigh in on the implications of a 2020 Leadville 100 Race Series.

Thu, 30 Apr 2020 18:41:13 +0000
S3E06: Race Report & Lessons Learned from TrainerRoad's Jonathan Lee, Part II

Jonathan Lee of Trainer Road is back to finish up his 2019 Leadville Trail 100 race report and tell us about what he's learned from the Race Across the Sky. We've also got some great info on riding a virtual LT100 while you're training to do the real thing.

Last week to get your Leadville Podcast Kit! bit.ly/leadvillekit

Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:50:38 +0000
S3E05: Race Report & Lessons Learned from a Smart Guy, Part I

Before we begin: the Leadville kit is now available! Get it now at http://bit.ly/leadvillekit

We're not being sarcastic with this title; Jonathan Lee really is a smart guy. In fact, he's a co-host on the incredibly popular and well-informed Ask a Cycling Coach podcast, by TrainerRoad. Jonathan's been on this show countless times, but until this episode, he's always been on the outside looking in. In this episode he tells his story — and key learnings — from doing the Leadville 100 in 2019. It's a good story and a deep dive, so this is part 1 of a two-part show.

Thu, 16 Apr 2020 20:09:06 +0000
S3E04: Training in Place

Nobody can really say with absolute certitude that they'll be lined up for the Leadville 100 this August 15. However, that doesn't mean you can't be READY for your big race — whether your big race is this August in Leadville, next August in Leadville, or at some other date in some other place. Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad joins us to talk about strategies for training in place and making smart decisions on being both fit and safe.

Hottie and Fatty also talk about the big Question of the Week: Shorts or bibs? We talk about which is better for men and women, and discuss some of our favorite brands.

Big thanks to our Season 3 Sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code for a 15% discount on any order!
  • DNA Cycling: Get 10% off the price of your custom kit! Also, try out their comfortable and affordable Gravel Bibs — the value-leader price, premium quality, and side pockets make them perfect for racing the LT100 (or for any long day in the saddle)
  • Shimano: Shimano XTR is the best drivetrain and components available for mountain bikes. And especially for big all-day races like the Leadville 100.
  • The Feed: Leadville podcast listeners get 15% off their orders when they sign up!
  • ENVE: The best wheels. The best seatposts. The best bars. The best stems. Don't let your race end early because you cheaped out on the most important parts of your bike.
Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:08:12 +0000
S3E03: Bike Fit for MTB'ers

Hottie digs deep into getting your bike fit just right with Nate Loyal, one of the best-known and respected coaches and bike fitters in the US (loyalcoaching.com). From saddle height to bar width to crank length to the effects of a dropper post on fit and beyond, Nate has details on it all.

Mon, 30 Mar 2020 18:54:28 +0000
S3E02: The Missing Twelve Minutes

After the 2019 Leadville 100, Fatty conveniently (?) skipped over miles 60-75 in his race report. Now he finally (?!) tells the story of how he lost twelve minutes in this relatively flat and fast section of the race. Warning: it is not a pretty story.

Big thanks to our Season 3 Sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code for a 15% discount on any order!
  • DNA Cycling: Get 10% off the price of your custom kit!
  • Shimano: Shimano XTR is the best drivetrain and components available for mountain bikes. And especially for big all-day races like the Leadville 100.
  • The Feed: Leadville podcast listeners get 15% off their orders when they sign up!
  • ENVE: The best wheels. The best seatposts. The best bars. The best stems. Don't let your race end early because you cheaped out on the most important parts of your bike.
Tue, 24 Mar 2020 21:46:39 +0000
S3E01: Your 2020 Registration Questions, Answered

It's an answer-packed episode of the Leadville podcast! Hottie and Fatty talk with Life Time's Michelle Duffy and ask the questions on everyone's minds. What caused the 2020 registration snafu? What options were discussed to handle the problem? How did they wind up with the current solution? How many people will be on the starting line this year? Will wave starts be used to solve the larger number of white-corral racers at the starting line? What are the pros, cons, and logistical hurdles of a wave start? How will this affect the 2021 lottery? Will the Coronavirus affect the spring / early summer qualifiers and camps? And...believe it or not, there's a lot more.

Big thanks to our Season 3 Sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code for a 15% discount on any order!
  • DNA Cycling: Get 10% off the price of your custom kit!
  • Shimano: Shimano XTR is the best drivetrain and components available for mountain bikes. And especially for big all-day races like the Leadville 100.
  • The Feed: Leadville podcast listeners get 15% off their orders when they sign up!
  • ENVE: The best wheels. The best seatposts. The best bars. The best stems. Don't let your race end early because you cheaped out on the most important parts of your bike.
Tue, 10 Mar 2020 17:07:57 +0000
S2E28: Alison Tetrick and Previewing Season 3

This is it, the final episode of Season 2. We're closing out the show for the year with Alison Tetrick, 3X World Gravel Champ, DK200 Record Holder, and signed up for the 2020 Leadboat Challenge...in spite of the fact that she doesn't (yet!) own a mountain bike.

Hottie and Fatty also talk a little about Season 3 of the Leadville Podcast, so be sure to stick around after the conversation with Alison!

Tue, 26 Nov 2019 14:46:35 +0000
S2E27: Fast Guy, Bad Day

We catch up with Canyon pro racer Jeremiah Bishop, holder of one of the five fastest times ever recorded in the Leadville 100. One of the highlights of the season in this show was getting Jeremiah’s insights, both in our regular show and in the live show we did in Leadville this year. We are unashamed to say we were totally rooting for Jeremiah to take the top spot on the pro podium in Leadville this year. Fate, sadly, had other plans for Jeremiah this year, but he's still got a great story to tell.

Fri, 25 Oct 2019 12:34:13 +0000
S2E26: Riding It Blind

Chris Smith raced Leadville for the first time this year. It was a celebration of strength, willpower, and independence...because he raced it after losing seventy pounds, and ten years after being declared legally blind. Riding for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, Chris has a remarkable story to tell. We guarantee you'll be inspired by his 2019 Leadville 100 race report.

Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:38:33 +0000
S2E25: The Sweeper

For this episode, we've got a race report unlike any we've heard before: Joe Stein — one of this year’s LT100 sweepers — tells stories from the very back of the race. It's inspiring, funny, exciting, sad, and surprising. Don't miss it!

Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:23:06 +0000
S2E24: Racing the LT100 Run

This podcast spends a ton of time talking about the Leadville 100 Mountain bike race, but have you ever considered the RUNNING version of the Leadville 100? In this episode, Fatty and Hottie talk with Lisa, a 15X finisher of the LT100MTB, about her first attempt at doing the LT100 run. It's an inspiring and personal story, but you'll have to decide for yourself whether it makes you want to try...or to avoid...this event.

Tue, 03 Sep 2019 03:57:53 +0000
S2E23: Fatty & Hottie's 2019 Leadville 100 Race Report

Fatty raced it. Hottie crewed it — and recorded it! This is the Leadville co-hosts' story of the day, from the starting line (yes we recorded while standing in the red corral) to the finish line (yes we recorded while sitting on the lawn at 6th and Harrison) and beyond. Enjoy our story...and then tell us yours.


Tue, 13 Aug 2019 02:33:57 +0000
S2E22: Leadville Live, with Floyd Landis, Jeremiah Bishop, and Dave Zabriskie

It's our first-ever live episode, recorded in Leadville, CO, just a couple of days before the 2019 Leadville 100, with a wide ranging questions from our audience for our incredible panel: Floyd Landis, Dave Zabriskie, and Jeremiah Bishop. We talk about our experts' top advice for racers, bike setup, pro race predictions, writing your split projections on your top tube, proper fueling, sleeping at altitude before races...and a startling amount about pooping. Don't miss this fun, loose, and remarkably informative episode.


Thu, 08 Aug 2019 04:47:06 +0000
S2B2: Race Week Course Conditions, Events, and Changes to the Start

It’s less than a week ‘til the race, Fatty just got into Leadville, and he wanted to just give you a quick final pre-race episode to let you know about how the course looks today, tell you about the events Hottie and Fatty are either leading or joining here in Leadville this week (including some interesting stuff we haven't talked about before), and give those of you who don’t necessarily spend your time reading alllllll the way to the bottom of Life Time emails...a little news about the change to how the race is going to begin.

Mon, 05 Aug 2019 03:54:29 +0000
S2B1: Nate Whitman -- The Fastest Guy You've Never Heard Of

We try to fit everything into our regular episodes, but the interview in this episode was so good, so informative, and — to be honest — so long that it has to stand on its own. (Actually it's not that long … just a bit much to squeeze into our normal shows with all the other stuff we have going on.)

Nate Whitman is a name rarely mentioned when discussing the front of the race at the Leadville 100. But he should be, because he has been at the front — a number of times. He has four top-tens and he has broken 7 hours.. Nate has 17 finishes and a thousand mile buckle.

Nate has also scored big at other endurance races: A top-10 at La Ruta, a win at Rebecca’s Private Idaho, and he has been on the podium four times in the 40+ age group at Dirty Kanza, including a tenth place overall. His name may not get mentioned much but his race record speaks for itself.

In spite of all that, Nate is a lot like the rest of us lining it up at Leadville. Sure, he’s faster than most of us, but Nate has a family and a full time job that keep him busy. So the fact that he keeps notching high placings at Leadville and other big-time events is pretty amazing — nd somebody we thought would be worth hearing from, to learn just how he does it.

Fri, 02 Aug 2019 11:08:03 +0000
S2E21: Fatty & Hottie Have a Crew Meeting

If you’ve got a crew — and most racers do — you really want to make sure you’re all on the same page. S1E8 & S1E9 of this podcast were all about creating and executing your crew plan.

This year, though, Hottie's crewing for Fatty, and so we're having a little meeting on this show — like the one every racer and crew should have. We’ve put together a shared google doc with Fatty's projected splits, everything he wants at each crew station, and a running to-do, to-buy, to-ask, and to-remember list for both racer and crew chief — our working Leadville racer / crewer bible.

You can see this evolving doc (yes it's the actual live working version and will change right up to race day) — and make a copy of it for yourself to use for you and your crew — at this link.

This episode also has crucial info for any racer (and that's most of us) traveling to Leadville. Roxanne Vogel has important info on nutrition timing for those last meals before gun time and sixth and Harrison.

Last but not least, Ryan Morse gives you some very relevant guidance on brake bleed, and we have a great conversation with Sterling Mudge of Cloud City Wheelers — one anyone who loves mountain biking in Leadville will want to hear.


Mon, 29 Jul 2019 12:29:59 +0000
S2E20: Dealing With Your Demons

Sometime during the Leadville 100, you're going to suffer. You're going to wonder why you made this ridiculous decision to go do this obscenely difficult race. You could have stayed home. You could have been relaxing. Instead, you're doing this STUPID RACE.

Yeah, this is the episode about confronting the inevitable demons. But we've also got great info on taking care of flats fast, strategies for eating as you're traveling to Leadville (so you don't wind up sick on race day), and drive train tips with Ryan Morse of Diablo Wheel Works.

We're going to pre-ride up to the Columbine Mine turnaround the Wednesday before the race. Come join us for a ride, some some conversation, some awesome swag from The Feed, and a post-ride recovery drink from Floyd's of Leadville. Get your free ticket at bit.ly/columbineride.


Tue, 23 Jul 2019 00:41:06 +0000
S2E19: Making Marginal Gains in the Leadville 100

There's no arguing that your Leadville 100 success depends on hard work, skill, nutrition, and preparation. But this episode, we talk with the genius engineer / CEO of Silca — Josh Poertner — about getting free speed on the course. This is a great interview with lots of practical advice from the guy World Tour Pro teams go to when they want to get faster.

We’ve also got good nutrition advice you can use right now as we’re just under a month ‘til race day, and Ryan Morse of diablowheelworks.com checks in with guidance on your wheels.


Enjoying the Leadville podcast? Share it by wearing it!

We've got Just $20, cotton / Poly blend, soft as silk, sexy as hell. Go to bit.ly/leadvilletshirt, and use the code PODCAST to get free shipping.


Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:54:37 +0000
S2E18: Racing and Crewing Insights from the Leadville Silver Rush

It's been an intense weekend for the Fatty Family. Fatty crewed for his wife while she raced the Silver Rush 50 run, they both raced the Silver Rush 50 MTB the next day. Fatty and Hottie talk about key learnings from crewing, along with impressions and thoughts from the race -- and that’s in addition to high-altitude nutrition tips from Roxanne Vogel and critical insights for home mechanics from Ryan Morse.


Enjoying the Leadville podcast? Share it by wearing it!

We've got Just $20, cotton / Poly blend, soft as silk, sexy as hell. Go to bit.ly/leadvilletshirt, and use the code PODCAST to get free shipping.


Tue, 09 Jul 2019 21:20:57 +0000
S2E17: LT100 Bike Handling Tips with Lee McCormack

NOTE: Enjoying the Leadville podcast? Share it by wearing it! Just $20, cotton / Poly blend, soft as silk, sexy as hell. Go to bit.ly/leadvilletshirt, and use the code PODCAST to get free shipping.

This episode Hottie talks with bike skills guru Lee McCormack about what you need to know to be fast, be confident, and keep the rubber side down in Leadville this year.


Mon, 01 Jul 2019 12:27:04 +0000
S2E16: Bottles Vs Hydration Packs

(((We're happy to announce we have a place, date and time for the "Leadville Live" Q&A episode of this show. Go to bit.ly/leadvillelive to get your free ticket!)))

In this episode, Hottie and Fatty dig into whether and when to wear hydration packs in a race (and which does best in which parts of the course), as well as analyze the relative merits of different brands of hydration packs, bottles, and cages. Roxy, our nutrition guru, talks about how to bounce back when things go wrong on race day, and our mechanic has valuable tips for maintaining your brakes.

Links to stuff we talk about in this episode:


Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:11:28 +0000
S2E15: The Powerline

Fatty's in Leadville to support his wife as she races the Leadville Trail Marathon. While there, he recon'd the newly-graded Powerline, giving real-time analysis (i.e., he strapped a mic to his chest and talked while riding up the climb) of what this course change means to racers, both on the way up and down. Is an impossible climb now easy? What about the descent? All this, plus cramps talk with Roxanne Vogel and bike cleaning techniques with Ryan Morse.


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Wed, 19 Jun 2019 16:14:15 +0000
S2E14: New Bike Day!

Fatty just built up his Leadville 100 race bike (which is also his Silver Rush and Crusher in the Tushars race bike). He's stoked beyond belief and can't help but deep-dive on every little part of his new dream machine. The fact that Fatty eats, sleeps, and dreams this race probably means that the decisions he's made for his bike might be interesting to other endurance racers (like you!) too.

This episode isn't all boasting about bikes, though. Our nutrition expert gives out fantastic race-day fueling tips and Coach Jonathan Lee hands out valuable advice for your climbing strategy.

Enjoy this episode of the show that breaks down, builds up, gets you ready, and freaks you out for the highest and hardest one day mountain bike race in the country!


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Mon, 10 Jun 2019 15:53:22 +0000
S2E13: GPS Racing Tips & Strategies

The Leadville 100 is a race that appeals to bike nerds (admit it, you're one of them), people who love to monitor their effort as we train and race. So in this episode we talk with Kenny Carlson, a senior team leader in Garmin's Fitness software engineering group. No matter what device you train with, you'll find lots of good race-day info here.

We catch up with our nutrition expert, Roxanne Vogel, talking about what supplements you should check out, and which you might be better off leaving alone.

Finally, we chat with Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad. He's got some great advice for those of us (all of us, basically) who have other big races we want to fit in to our season — how we can fit them into our schedules without leaving ourselves fatigued on the biggest race day of them all.


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:58:00 +0000
S2E12: Two-by, or not two-by?

It's a packed show! Roxanne Vogel, our nutrition expert, talks altitude prep. Why? Well, she's s getting ready for an assault on Everest and has some highly Leadville-relevant tips for us.

Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad is back with a breakdown on your upcoming training block...which he says should be the hardest 3 weeks of your entire Leadville preparation.

Hottie and Fatty talk (OK, argue) about one-by versus two-by drivetrains. Our friends at Shimano help sort out the confusion and give you the info you can use to make your choice (Fatty's going with an XTR 1x12 setup, just in case you're curious).

Before all that, though, we talk about getting together during the week before the race for some riding and live podcasting. Care to join us?


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Thu, 16 May 2019 18:20:58 +0000
S2E11: Floyd Landis: Endurance Racing & CBD

In this episode, our special guest is Floyd Landis. Floyd’s of Leadville is our title sponsor and we’ve been talking a lot about their products, but we wanted to have Floyd on the show to break down how his company came to be and how we can use CBD to make us better Leadville racers.

We spend a fair amount of time digging into a question Ron Henion posted on the FB Leadville 100 Participants group that got a lot of interest:

What are some things y’all use/d to stay mentally grounded during the race? What keeps you “digging deep?”

As it turns out, Fatty and Hottie have several answers to this question...and definitely not the same ones.

Roxanne Vogel, our nutrition expert, joins us to discuss training techniques and tips you can use to prepare for fueling during this race.

And finally, we bring in a new contributor, expert mechanic Ryan Morse, to look at how to take care of two critical areas on your bike that can otherwise become a real annoyance.


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Mon, 06 May 2019 14:16:03 +0000
S2E10: Larissa Connors, Back-To-Back LT100 Champ

Larissa Connors is an incredibly fast, fun, and joyful racer...and quite possibly the most entertaining LT100 champion Hottie and Fatty have ever interviewed. Also, Hottie's back from Sea Otter and we talk about what what felt like the star of the show: the Niner MCR. Will this be the first production drop-bar bike to have mass LT100 appeal?


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville: Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: The absolute best in bike gear, whether you are looking for components, a helmet, accessories...or even socks.
  • Banjo Brothers: Get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.
  • ENVE: If you're racing the Leadville 100, there's no better wheels than the ENVE M525, no better bar than the M5, and no better seatpost than the ENVE Seatpost.

Sun, 21 Apr 2019 23:48:55 +0000
S2E09: Pre-Riding the Course in 2 Days

You've got a weekend to come to Leadville to pre-ride some of the course. It's a perfect opportunity to get a sense of how you do at altitude, how hard those iconic climbs really are, and maybe to settle some of those pre-Leadville jitters. Hottie and Fatty have decidedly different takes on what you should ride.

In this episode, Fatty has a phone conversation with Ty Hall, the guy who raises money for the Leadville Legacy Foundation each year by starting the race in last place and racing his way through the field. How does he do it? What's his hoped-for time this year? What's his take on the new wave start? This is a must-hear conversation with one of the nicest, fastest, most-knowledgeable racers in the field.

And finally, Hottie goes on location to Windburn Studios, where he has a conversation with Tony Manzella about how a cyclist-led spin class can really pay off on race day.

Thanks for listening to LEADVILLE: the podcast for the 100 mile Mountain Bike Race, Presented by Floyd’s of Leadville —the show that breaks down, builds up, gets you ready, and freaks you out for the highest and hardest one day mountain bike race in the country.

Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:41:50 +0000
S2E08: It's not (just) about the volume

This podcast is all about preparation, but the reality is you can't be ready for everything...and the stuff that catches you off-guard is what you'll remember for the rest of your life. So in this episode of the Leadville Podcast, Hottie and Fatty talk about the importance of planning for the things you can't plan for in the Leadville 100 (and other races)...and embracing these unexpected moments. That said, when the rain really comes down (and the Leadville 100 has been overdue for a big rainy race day for more than a decade), you might want to have a great rain jacket, like Fatty's new Gore-Tex Shakedry Trail Hooded Jacket.

We talk with Jeremiah Bishop, the astonishingly fast pro with one of the five fastest times in the history of the Leadville 100, about how to prepare for the unwanted: flats, broken chains, and other mechanical issues. Jeremiah has incredibly practical guidance on what, where, and how to carry the gear you hope you won't need during the race.

Hottie has an extended conversation with Jake Pantone of ENVE Composites about one of the most impactful -- but sadly neglected -- component combo on your MTB: Your handlebar and stem. They make a massive difference in your fit and ride quality. (Note: ENVE is a sponsor of The Leadville Podcast.)

Finally, our Training Tips segment, Jonathan Lee talks with us about training duration. As it turns out, you may not need to put in the huge training volume you thought. Be sure to listen to this part of the show to get a sense of how you can train for the Leadville 100...and still have a life.

Thanks for listening to the show that breaks down, builds up, gets you ready, and freaks you out for the highest and hardest one day mountain bike race in the country!

Sat, 30 Mar 2019 01:48:08 +0000
S2E7: Bonk-Proofing, Weight Training, & Drivetrain Advice

We talk about a part of training that many of us completely neglect: weight training. Bob Forster gives us details. Then nutrition expert Roxanne Vogel is back to talk about bonk-proofing yourself for the Leadville 100 by becoming metabolically flexible. And we’ll hear from pro cyclist and Leadville legend Jeremiah Bishop about making smart drivetrain choices. Plus, Fatty and Hottie reveal something new about their plan for Leadville this year...a plan Hottie is likely to regret.


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville — In this episode, Fatty and Hottie talk about the difference between Isolate and Full-Spectrum CBD. Learn more here and then use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Lazer Sport Helmets: Fatty's stoked to get a Z1 MIPS — it's light, safe, good-looking, and perfectly ventilated.
  • Banjo Brothers: You know how we've always told you you can get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites? Well, now you can get 20% off. Just sign up on our page and get the 20% off coupon!
Thu, 14 Mar 2019 14:40:36 +0000
S2E6: Do Qualifiers Put You In The Right Corral?

This is such a packed episode. First, we take a detailed look at whether the corral you qualified into is a good predictor of your finish time. The answer is both surprising and useful.

Next, we introduce our latest regular contributor to the show: JEREMIAH FREAKING BISHOP. Yep, we're going to have one of the fastest-smartest-nicest pros to ever do this race on our show regularly!

Roxanne Vogel joins us to chat about nutrition and how to start working on putting that 50,000 calories of energy (i.e., fat) you've got in your body to work.

And finally, Coach Jonathan Lee sets us on the path to building sustained power, which is what this race is all about.

It's the show that breaks down, builds up, gets you ready, and freaks you out for the highest and hardest one-day mountain bike race in the country.

Welcome to Leadville!

Download the qualifier analysis spreadsheet here.


  • Presenting Sponsor: Floyd's of Leadville — Fatty and Hottie have been digging Floyd's Warming Balm. It is an a great way to get your legs feeling great for the ride, as well as to help you recover afterward. Use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first 2 orders!
  • THE FEED: Every single thing you need to fuel your training and day. Get a discount on Maurten drink mix by using the Leadville15 code at checkout.
  • Shimano: In this episode, Hottie and Fatty talk about how the best way to make your bike feel new is to put on a new XT chain and Cassette. Try it. It's true.
  • Banjo Brothers: You know how we've always told you you can get 15% off your order by going to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites? Well, now you can get 20% off. Just sign up on our page and get the 20% off coupon!
Thu, 28 Feb 2019 00:05:00 +0000
S2E5: New for 2019: Starting in Waves

The Leadville 100 will start in waves this year. It's a big change, and has strategy implications for many (if not all) racers and crews. In this episode, Hottie and Fatty speculate and pontificate about how it will affect all kinds of racers in different places on the course. Then they go right to the source — Kimo Seymour, Sr VP of events and media at LifeTime — and ask all the questions you want answers to.

If you're wondering why Life Time is changing to start waves, what the time gaps are between waves (you might be surprised!), how (or whether) this change is going to affect the timing of the 12-hour shotgun blast, whether this will affect your finish time for good or bad, the status of potential outbound/inbound rerouting timing, and what changes will be made to on-course cutoff times, this is the episode for you.

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 03:53:32 +0000
S2E4: Last Ass Over the Pass

Every year, there is someone in the Leadville 100 who is the last person to finish—the “Last Ass Over the Pass.” That person is guaranteed to have a story to tell. In this episode, we’ll hear his story.

We'll also hear from Bob Forster, Physcial Therapist and Coach, on finding more horsepower in your engine (so you won't be the 2019 Last Ass Over the Pass).

Big thanks go to our sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: We’re very excited to have Floyd’s of Leadville as our presenting sponsor; check out Floyd’s at floydsofleadville.com and use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first two orders.
  • Shimano: You already know they make the best components, drivetrains, and brakes. You know how many mountain bikes Fatty and The Hammer have between them? Around half a dozen. You know how many of those bikes have Shimano XT or XTR brakes? All of them. Coincidence? I think NOT.
  • Banjo Brothers: Fatty and Hottie are both such huge fans of these tough, practical and affordable bike bags and packs. Go to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites and get 20% off your order. And you know what? Be sure to pick up a Deluxe Seat Bag, size Medium while you're there. You'll be amazed at how much it can hold, and some day you'll be glad that bag is holding it.
  • ENVE: The best wheels — for road, gravel and (of course!) mountain bikes. If you want a faster time at Leadville, the best upgrade you can make is a great wheelset. And the best wheelset you can possibly own for the Leadville 100 is the ENVE M525.
  • The Feed: February is a great time to try new things, and our sponsor The Feed is exactly the right place to go experiment. Head on over, chat online with one of the experts — tell them that the Leadville podcast sent you — and see what they recommend for you and the goals you’ve set. Get a great price on a pack curated for Leadville racers. Go to TheFeed.com/leadville for our Leadville pack, and be sure to use the code LEADVILLE15.

Mon, 04 Feb 2019 22:58:05 +0000
S2E3: Get Your Training & Nutrition Back On Track

We’ve got a remarkable guest this episode — Jeremiah Bishop, who last year took fifth overall in the 2018 Leadville 100. Which is no small achievement on its own merits, but is seven times more incredible when you consider that he did this the day after WINNING the six-day-long 2018 Breck Epic.

Fatty also talks about his off-season weight gain, and we bring in two experts —coach Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad, and Roxanne Vogel of GU Energy Labs — to help him (and you) start reversing the damage done over the holidays.

Fri, 25 Jan 2019 08:00:00 +0000
S2E2: Ask Us Anything (About The LT100)

By now we've all sent in our registration and are waiting to see if we got lucky with the lottery. While we're all waiting, Hottie and Fatty answer some questions from our listeners, including:

  • What major changes in training led to Fatty's change from being a 9 - 10 hour guy to being a low-8 guy?
  • How do we feel about the creek crossing being covered (and other course changes)?
  • What's the best bike for a first-timer?
  • Would we ever do this race on a fat bike?
  • How should racers -- especially racers without a crew -- prepare for bad weather?
  • Have we ever thought we weren't going to finish?
  • How important is your position in the starting corrals?
  • What is it about this race that keeps us (and others!) coming back?
  • Where are the places on the course where you're tempted to go too fast? Where are the places on the course where you go to slow?

It's a fun free-flowing hour of conversation about this race we love.

Big thanks go to our sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: We’re very excited to have Floyd’s of Leadville as our presenting sponsor; check out Floyd’s at floydsofleadville.com and use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first two orders.
  • Shimano: You already know they make the best components, drivetrains, and brakes. You know how many mountain bikes Fatty and The Hammer have between them? Around half a dozen. You know how many of those bikes have Shimano XT or XTR brakes? All of them. Coincidence? I think NOT.
  • Banjo Brothers: Fatty and Hottie are both such huge fans of these tough, practical and affordable bike bags and packs. Go to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites and get 20% off your order. And you know what? Be sure to pick up a Deluxe Seat Bag, size Medium while you're there. You'll be amazed at how much it can hold, and some day you'll be glad that bag is holding it.
  • ENVE: The best wheels — for road, gravel and (of course!) mountain bikes. If you want a faster time at Leadville, the best upgrade you can make is a great wheelset. And the best wheelset you can possibly own for the Leadville 100 is the ENVE M525.
Fri, 04 Jan 2019 14:20:19 +0000
S2E1: Getting into the Leadville 100

We're back! It's season 2 of the show that breaks down, builds up, gets you ready, and freaks you out for the highest and hardest one day mountain bike race in the country.

In this episode, we focus on the ways you can get into the LT100. Everyone knows about the lottery, and a lot of folks are at least aware of the qualifiers. But those are just two of many ways you can get into the Leadville 100. We’ve got Kimo Seymour, Senior VP of Events and Media at Life Time — in other words, head honcho of the Leadville race series — with us for this episode to talk about ALL of the ways you can get into the Leadville 100.

Big thanks go to our sponsors:

  • Floyd's of Leadville: We’re very excited to have Floyd’s of Leadville as our presenting sponsor; check out Floyd’s at floydsofleadville.com and use the code FATTY at checkout for a 15% discount on your first two orders.
  • Shimano: You already know they make the best components, drivetrains, and brakes. Have you tried their S-Phyre shoes? They are all Fatty uses now (and he's got some very nice options gathering dust).
  • Banjo Brothers: Fatty and Hottie are both such huge fans of these tough, practical and affordable bike bags and packs. Go to banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites and get 20% off your order.
  • ENVE: The best wheels — for road, gravel and (of course!) mountain bikes. If you want a faster time at Leadville, the best upgrade you can make is a great wheelset. And the best wheelset you can possibly own for the Leadville 100 is the ENVE M525.
Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:45:02 +0000
S1E13: Fatty's 2018 LT100 Race Report

The training, the logistics, the stress, the excitement, and the actual racing are now all behind us...at least for this year.

Now it's time for some storytelling.

In this episode, Fatty tells Hottie a little bit about his Breck Epic experience (it matters, because it determined what bike Fatty rode in Leadville), as well as gives a full-on blow-by-blow of his 21st Leadville 100.

We do away with our normal show structure for this episode -- it's a lot more like one of our bonus episodes, with a couple of friends talking about a race both of us love.

This is the last "regular" show of the season. Hottie and Fatty want to thank our listeners for your kind feedback, and we definitely want to thank the dozens (really!) of you who — before, during, or after the race — mentioned enjoying the show. We're really proud of what we created, and it's awesome to have that work acknowledged. We also want to thank Rebecca Rusch and Jonathan Lee for their generosity with their time and insight.

If you have an amazing story that would make a great bonus episode, leave a comment with with the short version of it here.

Finally, a big thank-you to our sponsors, each of which took a big gamble on an experiment, and stuck with us through every episode:

The Feed, which fueled Fatty to and through this race, including getting me through a very tough spot at a critical moment.

Shimano, which gave both Fatty and his wife an utterly flawless, no-maintenance-needed, trouble-free shifting and braking for seven straight days of mountain bike racing. XT Di2 is so good it makes Fatty mist up.

ENVE Composites, for bombproof wheels, bars, and stems. Seven days of mountain bike racing on the M525 for both Fatty and his wife, with not a single pinch flat. Perfect, confident riding for the whole week for both of them.

Banjo Brothers, for sturdy, affordable, great-looking bags that do exactly what they should. Somewhere out there, there's a rider who DIDN'T have a Banjo Brothers seat bag whose race didn't end because Fatty does.

Wed, 15 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1E12: The Final Hour

When you pass the Carter's Aid Station, you've got 12 miles and about an hour left in your race. In this episode of The Leadville Podcast, Hottie and Fatty talk not just about the physical part of the course — the St Kevens climb and descent, the push to the pavement, the railroad doubletrack and the brutal finish up The Boulevard — but the mental toll the race has likely taken on you.

Do not miss this fierce and satisfying conclusion to the pre-race episodes of Season 1 of The Leadville Podcast!

(Don't worry, though: there will be at least one post-race storytelling session episode of the show before we go on hiatus 'til season 2.)

Mon, 06 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1B6: The Course -- All 103.5 Miles of It (BONUS)

It's a full three hours of Hottie and Fatty detailing The Course. You may want some time markers for this episode in case you need to break it up or want to revisit certain parts. Here you go:

0:05:50 - At The Starting Line (S1E1)

0:17:35 - Starting Line to Base of St. Kevens (S1E2)

0:32:25 - St Kevens to Hagerman's Pass (S1E3)

0:43:00 - Up Hagerman's Pass and Sugarloaf (S1E4)

0:51:18 - Down Powerline (S1E5)

1:04:48 - Bottom of Powerline to Pipeline (S1E6)

1:14:06 - Up Columbine (S1E7)

1:34:10 - Down Columbine to Pipeline (S1E8)

1:51:35 - Pipeline to Powerline (S1E9)

2:00:05 - Up Powerline (S1E10)

2:21:49 - Down Sugarloaf, Hagerman's, Up to Carter's (S1E11)

2:36:50 - Carter's to the Finish Line! (S1E12)

Thu, 02 Aug 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1E11: OK, You're In Leadville. Now What?

In this episode of The Leadville Podcast, Rebecca Rusch — The Queen of Pain — talks about the advice she gave to Fatty's wife a few years ago: the same advice that Lisa says changed everything for her:

"Pedal! Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!"

While your fitness is what it is at this point, understanding what Reba means by taking advantage of "the spaces in between" can make an enormous difference in your race. This is quite likely the most important lesson you can learn from this podcast, so pay attention.

Of course, before you race in Leadville, you've got to get to Leadville. Once there, what are you going to do for fun? And where are you going to eat? Hottie and Fatty have a long list full of great ideas for you.

And we get to the penultimate episode of our detailed description of The Course, talking about the rocky descent down Sugarloaf, the fast flight down Hagerman's Pass (on which we now have a ruling for correct pronunciation) and then the climb up Turquoise Lake Road, which you'll either love or...not.

This is a packed and fun episode, with plenty of useful info for both you AND your family and friends. Enjoy!

Tue, 31 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1E10: The Powerline Climb: The Crux of the Race

Everything you've done to prepare for this race leads to this moment. Every pedal stroke of the race itself leads to this climb. How you do in this four miles can be the difference between hitting or missing your Leadville 100 objective, whether it be to finish under twelve hours, under nine hours, or whatever your objective is.

In this episode of the Leadville Podcast, we obsess over mile 79 - 83, AKA (cue ominous music) The Powerline climb.

It's just four miles. It shouldn't be a big deal. Trust us: The Powerline is a Big Deal.

We're also pleased to bring Racer Gibson of Racer's Cycle Service to talk about final bike prep. Rebecca Rusch talks about descending techniques for those of us not-so-gifted at downhilling, and Jonathan Lee shares some hot (haha) new research on simulating high altitude training.

Support My Sponsors

We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box. These are all companies I buy stuff from and use pretty much every damn ride. Please support them.


XT Di2 is just perfect. I have it on both my hardtail (a Felt Doctrine) and my full-suspension mountain bike (a Specialized Epic S-Works). Shimano makes the best drivetrain and braking components there are, and XT is bombproof and affordable.

The Feed

Hottie and I have been using Maurten drink mix, and both of us are totally sold on it. No stomach issues, goes down easy, super easy to mix. I am a fan. And our podcast listeners can get a great price on a training and racing packs custom curated for Leadville racers. Go to TheFeed.com/leadville for the race pack, and there’s a link on that page to go to the training pack. And be sure to use the code LEADVILLE15 for a 15% discount on either of those boxes. You can use the LEADVILLE15 code at checkout for any Maurten drink mix purchase.

Banjo Brothers

At Leadville, and at any race, you will see riders with all sorts of crazy ways to carry their bike repair essentials. People tape or velcro stuff to top tubes, stems, seatposts and seat tubes. We say do yourself a favor, use our sponsor, Banjo Brothers, to get your flat fixing goodies strapped properly to your bike.

And not just your race bike, but your commuting bike and your bikepacking bike...and they’ve even got great backpacks and messenger bags for when you’ve got to carry bigger stuff.

I've got a Banjo Brothers Bag on every bike I have, and have been for a dozen years. They’re simple and they’re bombproof. They just work.

To get 20% off your order, go to Banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.


I have ENVE wheels on my single speed setup. I have ENVE wheels on my hardtail setup. I have ENVE wheels on my full suspension setup. They are the very best wheels you can buy. They're very expensive, but they last forever (or if they don't, ENVE takes care of you pronto — they're the Nordstrom of the bike wheel world). Spend the money on a great set of wheels and watch them outlast the rest of your bike by a factor of two. F'reals.

Tue, 24 Jul 2018 06:00:00 +0000
S1B5: Pacing Another Rider When Racing the Leadville 100 (BONUS Episode)

It's about time Hottie take his rightful place as star of this show to tell a story about one (or two) of the times he's completed the Leadville 100. In true Hottie fashion, though, instead of telling the story of his fastest racing of the Leadville 100, he talks about what he calls his most gratifying — and in some ways, challenging — effort: the time (times actually) he worked to help a good friend get onto the podium.

Whether you're interested in working with someone to help them finish fast, interested in having someone help you finish fast, or just enjoy someone with a fantastic voice telling you a great race story, this is a bonus episode you will not want to miss.

Fri, 20 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1E9: Your Crew and You, Part 2: Put Your Crewing Strategy To Work

Hottie and Fatty start this episode of the Leadville Podcast from higher than 10,000 feet...even though they're nowhere near Leadville. In fact, they're at the finish line of the Crusher in the Tushar, which might just be the most perfect Leadville 100 Tuneup a racer could pick.

In addition to talking about their race day and what they learned, Hottie and Fatty dig into a very short — but deceptively difficult — section of The Course: the paved section between the Pipeline Aid Station and the Powerline climb. We don't want to give everything away here, but there might be crying, barfing, and electrolyte capsules involved in this discussion.

Rebecca Rusch — The Queen of Pain — talks about the tools, tubes, and techniques you need to be carrying with you when you do an epic race like the Leadville 100, and Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad helps you refine your training as you get close (just a few weeks now) to the Leadville Trail 100.

As always, it's a packed show, with info all Leadville 100 racers — as well endurance racers training for other events — can put to use right away.


Tue, 17 Jul 2018 07:00:00 +0000
S1B4: Talking With the Boss of the LT100: Kimo Seymour

Kimo Seymour is SVP in charge of events and media at Life Time Fitness, which includes the Leadville 100. In other words, he’s the boss of the race. He's also raced the Leadville 100 eleven times, finishing under EIGHT hours every single time.

In this conversation, Fatty and Kimo talk about how Life Time chooses qualifiers and what their plans are for new qualifiers going forward, why they have double-dipping for podiums, whether they’d consider a wave approach to the starting line, what makes this race so attractive, and more.

Fatty even pitches his idea for a Leadville-equivalent of the Dirty Kanza XL (and tries to secure an invite to it), getting a pretty surprising response.

It's a fun, informative bonus interview anyone interested in the Leadville 100 MTB race is sure to enjoy.

Fri, 13 Jul 2018 04:01:00 +0000
S1E8: Your Crew and You, Part 1: Planning

There's a good chance that you've got friends and/or family coming along with you to Leadville, in which case there's nearly a 100% chance they're going to be crewing for you on race day.

Which means that they've got as big a day coming up as you do...but concentrated into short little moments of crazed intensity when you roll in, breathing hard and amped up and unable to articulate a darned thing.

This is the first of two episodes where Hottie and Fatty focus on crewing strategies for Leadville. You — and your crew — will not want to miss them. The Queen of Pain weighs in as well on this topic, driving home the "free minutes" a racer and crew can collect in this race with a well-executed race strategy.

Also on this (very packed!) episode, Fatty and Hottie talk about the Silver Rush 50 (since Fatty raced it about two hours before they recorded) — is it a good tune-up for the Leadville 100?

In this installment of The Course, Fatty and Hottie detail the trail from the top of Columbine to the Pipeline Aid Station.

And of course Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad provides his weekly training tips.

It's a loaded show full of information you (and your crew) can use. Enjoy!

Support My Sponsors

We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box. These are all companies I buy stuff from and use pretty much every damn ride. Please support them.


XT Di2 is just perfect. I have it on both my hardtail (a Felt Doctrine) and my full-suspension mountain bike (a Specialized Epic S-Works). Shimano makes the best drivetrain and braking components there are, and XT is bombproof and affordable.

The Feed

Hottie and I have been using Maurten drink mix, and both of us are totally sold on it. No stomach issues, goes down easy, super easy to mix. I am a fan. And our podcast listeners can get a great price on a training and racing packs custom curated for Leadville racers. Go to TheFeed.com/leadville for the race pack, and there’s a link on that page to go to the training pack. And be sure to use the code LEADVILLE15 for a 15% discount on either of those boxes. You can use the LEADVILLE15 code at checkout for any Maurten drink mix purchase.

Banjo Brothers

At Leadville, and at any race, you will see riders with all sorts of crazy ways to carry their bike repair essentials. People tape or velcro stuff to top tubes, stems, seatposts and seat tubes. We say do yourself a favor, use our sponsor, Banjo Brothers, to get your flat fixing goodies strapped properly to your bike.

And not just your race bike, but your commuting bike and your bikepacking bike...and they’ve even got great backpacks and messenger bags for when you’ve got to carry bigger stuff.

I've got a Banjo Brothers Bag on every bike I have, and have been for a dozen years. They’re simple and they’re bombproof. They just work.

To get 15% off your order, go to Banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.


I have ENVE wheels on my single speed setup. I have ENVE wheels on my hardtail setup. I have ENVE wheels on my full suspension setup. They are the very best wheels you can buy. They're very expensive, but they last forever (or if they don't, ENVE takes care of you pronto — they're the Nordstrom of the bike wheel world). Spend the money on a great set of wheels and watch them outlast the rest of your bike by a factor of two. F'reals.

Tue, 10 Jul 2018 13:20:27 +0000
S1E7: The Climb Up to Columbine Mine

In this episode, we’ll also be talking about the part of the course everyone obsesses about — one of the true defining moments of the Leadville 100: the climb to Columbine Mine.

We set you straight on the most asked about part of Leadville bike setup: the rolling parts. We brought in a couple of our friends from ENVE, both of them Leadville veterans — each with finish times of around 7:30 — to geek out about rims, tires, sealant and air pressure.

We talk about how to come back from setbacks during training, whether it's an injury or illness. Enjoy this seriously-packed show!

Support My Sponsors We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box. These are all companies I buy stuff from and use pretty much every damn ride. Please support them, because you should. And also so they will love me and want to keep supporting me. It's the circle of advertising, folks. Shimano I don't even know what to say about Shimano that I haven't yet said. XT Di2 is just perfect. I have it on both my hardtail (a Felt Doctrine) and my full-suspension mountain bike (a Specialized Epic S-Works). The Hammer has it on her Epic, too, and it's her favorite bike ever. The way it shifts. The way it brakes. Shimano makes the best drivetrain and braking components there are, and XT is bombproof and affordable. Get it already and find out how much better your bike will be. The Feed Hottie and I have been using Maurten drink mix, and both of us are totally sold on it. No stomach issues, goes down easy, super easy to mix. Hottie's super anal about stuff like this, so he loved the package precision; they tell you exactly how much water to use, no guessing with scoops and different sized bottles. My overarching impression is that it’s a ridiculously non-intrusive way to get down a lot of calories. One bottle, 320 calories — it’s a little sweet, it’s a little thick, but there’s no aftertaste and I felt great — my stomach was fine, I didn’t feel that weird energy spike you get with some energy drinks. It tastes smooth, and it burns smooth. I am a fan. And our podcast listeners can get a great price on a training and racing packs custom curated for Leadville racers. Go to TheFeed.com/leadville for the race pack, and there’s a link on that page to go to the training pack. And be sure to use the code LEADVILLE15 for a 15% discount on either of those boxes. And starting with this episode (now, basically), you can use the LEADVILLE15 code at checkout for any Maurten drink mix purchase. Banjo Brothers

At Leadville, and at any race, you will see riders with all sorts of crazy ways to carry their bike repair essentials. People tape or velcro stuff to top tubes, stems, seatposts and seat tubes. We say do yourself a favor, use our sponsor, Banjo Brothers, to get your flat fixing goodies strapped properly to your bike.

And not just your race bike, but your commuting bike and your bikepacking bike...and they’ve even got great backpacks and messenger bags for when you’ve got to carry bigger stuff.

I've got a Banjo Brothers Bag on every bike I have, and have been for a dozen years. They’re simple and they’re bombproof. They just work.

To get 15% off your order, go to Banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.


I have ENVE wheels on my single speed setup. I have ENVE wheels on my hardtail setup. I have ENVE wheels on my full suspension setup. They are the very best wheels you can buy. They're very expensive, but they last forever (or if they don't, ENVE takes care of you pronto — they're the Nordstrom of the bike wheel world). Spend the money on a great set of wheels and watch them outlast the rest of your bike by a factor of two. F'reals.

Mon, 02 Jul 2018 04:01:00 +0000
S1B3: "This Race Changed My Life" (BONUS Episode)

Here at the Leadville Podcast, we have fun preparing for and gaming out and gearing up for this race. But what we LOVE are the stories that come out of this race.

And it's high time we posted a woman's race report. More to the point, this is Lisa Nelson's (now Fatty's wife, though this happens before they were together) telling of her first Leadville 100, in her own words.

It is a case study in strength, flat tires, courage, hypothermia, tenacity, driving rain, and a world-class bonk.

Lisa now says this day permanently changed her life and her perception of who she is and what she can do. Seventeen years later, it still makes her emotional. We think it might make you emotional too. Fair warning.

Give this a listen some day when you just don't feel like going out on a ride. This tale of toughness might give you the inspiration you need to get out there and get it done.

Fri, 29 Jun 2018 04:17:39 +0000
S1E6: It's Definitely About the Bike

A Note from Fatty: Hey, next week (7/4-9) The Hammer and I are headed to Leadville to race the Silver Rush 50. If you're going to be in Leadville during that time, let me know. And more importantly, if you're thinking of RACING the Silver Rush 50 (the MTB or running version), use my MRK18INFEN code a checkout to get a $10 discount. This same code works, by the way, to get into the LT100 Stage Race. And from what I understand, those are your two best options for qualifying into the LT100. Indeed, from what I hear, racing the Stage Race is darn close to a guarantee for getting into LT100, as well as a really good way to preview the whole darn course and get some experience at altitude.

In this episode, we address the important questions in life: hardtail or full suspension? What is the right gearing? Have you thought about your shoes, since you're gonna do some hiking? And of course there's so much more on this Leadville-specific bike setup episode. Coach Jonathan Lee joins us for this deep-dive into all things gear.

In our Course segment, we’ll talk about what should be the fastest part of your day: from the moment you turn off the Powerline and onto the pavement, to the high-energy Twin Lakes Dam aid station...in the ominous shadow of the Columbine Mine Climb.

And In our Questions for the Queen, we ask Rebecca Rusch about head games — how do you trick yourself into a successful race?

Support My Sponsors We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box. These are all companies I buy stuff from and use pretty much every damn ride. Please support them, because you should. And also so they will love me and want to keep supporting me. It's the circle of advertising, folks. Shimano
I don't even know what to say about Shimano that I haven't yet said. XT Di2 is just perfect. I have it on both my hardtail (a Felt Doctrine) and my full-suspension mountain bike (a Specialized Epic S-Works). The Hammer has it on her Epic, too, and it's her favorite bike ever. The way it shifts. The way it brakes. Shimano makes the best drivetrain and braking components there are, and XT is bombproof and affordable. Get it already and find out how much better your bike will be. The Feed:

Hottie and I have been using Maurtens drink mix, and both of us are totally sold on it. No stomach issues, goes down easy, super easy to mix. Hottie's super anal about stuff like this, so he loved the package precision; they tell you exactly how much water to use, no guessing with scoops and different sized bottles.

My overarching impression is that it’s a ridiculously non-intrusive way to get down a lot of calories. One bottle, 320 calories — it’s a little sweet, it’s a little thick, but there’s no aftertaste and I felt great — my stomach was fine, I didn’t feel that weird energy spike you get with some energy drinks. It tastes smooth, and it burns smooth. I am a fan. And our podcast listeners can get a great price on a training and racing packs custom curated for Leadville racers. Go to TheFeed.com/leadville for the race pack, and there’s a link on that page to go to the training pack. And be sure to use the code LEADVILLE15 for a 15% discount on either of those boxes. Banjo Brothers

At Leadville, and at any race, you will see riders with all sorts of crazy ways to carry their bike repair essentials. People tape or velcro stuff to top tubes, stems, seatposts and seat tubes. We say do yourself a favor, use our sponsor, Banjo Brothers, to get your flat fixing goodies strapped properly to your bike.

And not just your race bike, but your commuting bike and your bikepacking bike...and they’ve even got great backpacks and messenger bags for when you’ve got to carry bigger stuff.

I've got a Banjo Brothers Bag on every bike I have, and have been for a dozen years. They’re simple and they’re bombproof. They just work.

To get 15% off your order, go to Banjobrothers.com/fatty-favorites.


I have ENVE wheels on my single speed setup. I have ENVE wheels on my hardtail setup. I have ENVE wheels on my full suspension setup. They are the very best wheels you can buy. They're very expensive, but they last forever (or if they don't, ENVE takes care of you pronto — they're the Nordstrom of the bike wheel world). Spend the money on a great set of wheels and watch them outlast the rest of your bike by a factor of two. F'reals.

Tue, 26 Jun 2018 03:54:42 +0000
S1B2: An Interview with 6X LT100 Winner Dave Wiens

When Dave Wiens talks, Leadville racers listen. That's because they know that this six-time LT100 champion really knows his stuff, partly from having won this race so many times, and partly from having taught the Leadville 100 Camp of Champions several times. Chances are, if a racer has a question, he’s heard it.

We get into bike choice, pacing, nutrition, the Race Across the Sky movies, Dave's up-close-and-personal view of Floyd Landis’ crash, and a lot more.

Fri, 22 Jun 2018 04:01:00 +0000
S1E5: Pacing and the Powerline (Special Guest: 6x Champ Dave Wiens)

Six-Time Leadville 100 Champ Dave Wiens joins Hottie and Fatty to talk about strategies for racing the Leadville 100, from pacing yourself to pacing others to just trying to not blow up halfway through the race.

We deep-dive on the first dirt descent in the race: The Powerline, teasing apart one of the most treacherous parts of the race

And In our Questions for the Queen, we ask Rebecca Rusch about food logistics. Bottles! Camelbaks! Food! Wrappers! Where do you put it all for easy access, and how do you manage it when your heart is going fast and your brain is going slow...if at all.

Finally, coach Jonathan Lee is back ramping up your workouts and planning out your week for a proper build to the second Saturday in August -- just eight-ish weeks away now.

Tue, 19 Jun 2018 04:01:00 +0000
S1E4: The (Lack of) Air Up There

All of our episodes are "must-hear" episodes, but this is quite likely the most critical episode you can listen to this year. We've got an incredible interview with Dr Colin Grissom, a well-known pulmonologist with special expertise in exercise at high-altitude. If you're racing the LT100, you NEED to hear what he has to say.

In Our Questions for the Queen segment, Rebecca Rusch gets gross, talking about how to keep going when you have GI issues.

In our segment on The Course, we talk about road tactics on Hagerman, as what is often acknowledged as the best part of the race: Sugarloaf Jonathan Lee’s training advice will — finally — cut you a little slack.

Tue, 12 Jun 2018 04:01:00 +0000
S1B1: The Racer With Samson Hair

Dave Edwards is a guy Fatty met in 2014 during a pre-race clinic Rebecca Rusch and Fatty put on. Dave was a friendly guy, who — like most people — was very excited about the race. Unlike most people, he had an amazing head of below-shoulder-length blond hair. He had been growing it out, like Samson, for this race.

Dave's story and Fatty's intersected again, at the finish line of the race...but not in the way you might expect.

These bonus episodes are because there’s a lot more to the Leadville Trail 100 than just being fast and fit and smart. This is a race of stories, and these short little bonus episodes are to give us room to tell stories.

Fri, 08 Jun 2018 01:23:53 +0000
S1E3: Feeding Frenzy!

In this episode we go to the buffet — it's the show almost ALL about food.

Dr Kevin Sprouse — Medical Director for the EF Education First / Drapac presented by Cannondale Pro Cycling Team — has a practical prescription for your race nutrition, including changes you need to start making RIGHT NOW.

Rebecca Rusch will reveal what’s in her feed bag in Our Questions for the Queen segment, then Fatty and Hottie talk about their respective Leadville menus (they're miles apart).

We continue our mile-by-mile (or is that minute-by-minute?) analysis of the course, including pinpointing the first places you should get out something to eat.

Finally, Jonathan Lee’s training advice for this show is going to have you outside on a long ride, putting everything you learned about eating in this show into practice.

Since we talk about rice cakes very frequently during this episode, here's a recipe for rice cakes from Dr. Allen Lim (of Feed Zone Cookbook fame), originally posted in FatCyclist.com:


  • 2 cups uncooked calrose or other medium-grain “sticky” or sushi rice (never use Basmati as it won’t stick.)
  • 3 cups water (Fatty swaps chicken broth out for this)
  • 8 ounces of bacon (prosciutto or sausage or even roasted chicken also works great)
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons (or flavor to taste) of Braggs liquid Aminos (all natural soy sauce) or a low-sodium soy sauce
  • 4 tablespoons (or flavor to taste) of brown sugar
  • Ground sea salt and grated Parmesan (optional)


  • Combine rice and water in a rice cooker. Start rice cooker. If using a standard pot, combine rice and water, bring to a boil, then let simmer on low for about 20 minutes.
  • While rice is cooking, chop up bacon before frying, then fry in a medium sauté pan. When crispy, drain off fat and soak up excess fat with paper towels.
  • Beat the eggs in a small bowl and tehn scramble on high heat in the sauté pan. Don’t worry about overcooking the eggs as they’ll break up easily when mixed with the rice.
  • In a large bowl or in the rice cooker bowl, combine the cooked rice, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Add liquid aminos or soy sauce and sugar to taste. After mixing, press into an 8- or 9-inch square baking pan to about 1 ½ inch thickness. Top with more sugar, salt, and grated Parmesan if desired.
  • Cut and wrap individual cakes in a paper foil like Martha Wrap™. Makes about 10 cakes.
  • Thanks to Our Sponsors
    We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box.

    • Shimano: Shimano XT Di2 is glorious anywhere, but its magnificence really comes into play when you're 78 miles into a high-altitude race and are now at a part of the race where it would be really nice to shift pretty much constantly, precisely, and perfectly, without much effort. That's Shimano XT Di2.
    • The Feed: The Leadville Trail 100 MTB Race is an eating contest disguised as a bike race, and you need to train for that eating contest. Get to know the good folks at The Feed and start using your race food plan now, before it's too late. Get yourself a Leadville race pack or training pack, and use the code LEADVILLE15 for a 15% discount!
    • Banjo Brothers: A simple, sturdy, well-designed, time-tested saddle bag is a must during this race. Fatty's trusted Banjo Brothers bags on his LT100 bike race for more than a decade.
    • ENVE: Whether you're thinking about your cockpit or your wheels, the Leadville 100 is the very definition of an ENVE dream scenario. I've got an M5 bar and M525 wheels on his bike and rides without fear of broken components or pinch flats.

    Tue, 05 Jun 2018 04:01:00 +0000
    S1E2: Preventing — and Coping With — Cramps

    In this episode, we talk about the endurance racer’s worst enemy: cramps. Fatty interviews Rebecca Rusch — The Queen of Pain — to get her tips on avoiding and surviving cramps, and Hottie and Fatty talk about our own experiences and expertise on dealing with cramps, too.

    We detail the dash for the Leadville City limits in our "The Course" segment, digging into the seven most important things you can know about in the first six miles of this race.

    You'll be astonished at how many of these tips are useful no matter what race you're doing.

    Finally, Coach Jonathan Lee of TrainerRoad talks about rest intervals, an often-neglected piece of getting real race fitness. If you've ever cramped — or would like to avoid them in the future — you should listen to this episode. And you should subscribe, too, because that will make us happy.

    Thanks to Our Sponsors
    We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box.

    • Shimano: Shimano XT Di2 is glorious anywhere, but its magnificence really comes into play when you're 78 miles into a high-altitude race and are now at a part of the race where it would be really nice to shift pretty much constantly, precisely, and perfectly, without much effort. That's Shimano XT Di2.
    • The Feed: The Leadville Trail 100 MTB Race is an eating contest disguised as a bike race, and you need to train for that eating contest. Get to know the good folks at The Feed and start using your race food plan now, before it's too late.
    • Banjo Brothers: A simple, sturdy, well-designed, time-tested saddle bag is a must during this race. Fatty's trusted Banjo Brothers bags on his LT100 bike race for more than a decade.
    • ENVE: Whether you're thinking about your cockpit or your wheels, the Leadville 100 is the very definition of an ENVE dream scenario. I've got an M5 bar and M525 wheels on his bike and rides without fear of broken components or pinch flats.
    Tue, 29 May 2018 13:41:52 +0000
    S1E1: Answering the Big Question

    We kick off Season 1 by addressing the question that keeps every Leadville 100 MTB racer up at night: "Can I finish this race?" Race founder Ken Chlouber has some wisdom to lend with his perspective.

    Rebecca Rusch launches her "Questions for the Queen" segment with advice on the most important thing you can do while training, during your taper, and during the race itself.

    Coach Jonathan Lee has training tips to get you caught up and launch your next phase of training.

    Finally, Fatty and Hottie get into their weekly deep-dive on the race course by detailing strategies for getting to the starting line ready for the race.

    We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box.

    • Shimano: Shimano XT Di2 is glorious anywhere, but its magnificence really comes into play when you're 78 miles into a high-altitude race and are now at a part of the race where it would be really nice to shift pretty much constantly, precisely, and perfectly, without much effort. That's Shimano XT Di2.
    • The Feed: The Leadville Trail 100 MTB Race is an eating contest disguised as a bike race, and you need to train for that eating contest. Get to know the good folks at The Feed and start using your race food plan now, before it's too late.
    • Banjo Brothers: A simple, sturdy, well-designed, time-tested saddle bag is a must during this race. Fatty's trusted Banjo Brothers bags on his LT100 bike race for more than a decade.
    • ENVE: Whether you're thinking about your cockpit or your wheels, the Leadville 100 is the very definition of an ENVE dream scenario. Fatty's got an M5 bar and 525 wheels on his bike and rides without fear of broken components or pinch flats.
    Mon, 21 May 2018 17:33:15 +0000
    S0E6: A Conversation with Race Founder Ken Chlouber

    You're an out-of-work miner in a town with 60% unemployment. So what do you do? Well, what Ken did was create the most iconic 100-mile mountain biking and trail running races in America. Fatty talks with him about how, and why, and what he'd do next. It's an inspiring episode with a man who will genuinely make you believe you are better than you think you are, and can do more than you think you can.

    Mon, 21 May 2018 17:05:49 +0000
    S0E5: Chasing Rebecca Rusch

    This is Fatty’s story about his fastest Leadville ever. For some reason (probably because he reacts strongly to trash-talk), he fixated on beating four-time Leadville Trail 100 champion Rebecca Rusch's time from her first win. You'll have to decide for yourself whether this is a tale of obsession, redemption, or something else much weirder.

    Mon, 21 May 2018 16:57:01 +0000
    S0E4: Finishing in Under 9 Hours, Finally
    Like most people, the first time Fatty rode the Leadville 100, he just wanted to finish. And like most people, after that he wanted more. Time after time he chased a sub-nine-hour finish, and time after time he missed. Until his fifteenth year of racing the Leadville. This is Fatty’s story of the year everything finally came together.
    Mon, 21 May 2018 16:48:22 +0000
    S0E3: One Gear and a Great Year

    Ask yourself: what would it take for you to call a race your best ever? Would you need to win? Set a personal record? Move up in your category’s standings? That's what Fatty has always looked for, and this year — his first on a single speed — had none of those things. But it's still stands out as one of his favorite days on a bike.

    Enjoy this bonus episode!

    Mon, 21 May 2018 02:16:11 +0000
    S0E2: Three Racers, One Great Finish

    Fatty and two of his best friends, Bob and Dug, each tell their story of racing the 1998 Leadville Trail 100. All of them had big plans, and not one of them hit their goal. Somehow, though, all of them had a pretty amazing experience (although Fatty probably should have gotten stitches afterward).

    Enjoy this bonus — i.e., not one of the weekly episodes of the show — story the next time you need a little Leadville inspiration.

    Mon, 21 May 2018 01:55:42 +0000
    S0E1: Fatty's First Leadville Trail 100

    Way back in 1997 the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race was capped at 400 people — one fifth as many as today! — and all you needed to do to get in was mail in your registration.

    Fatty was there, and wrote up his story, now read for you twenty years later by Fatty himself. See if you can catch all the things he got wrong (the food he ate, the names of parts of the course, much more).

    Mon, 21 May 2018 00:56:38 +0000
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