
葱香椒盐五仁馅,绝对不能错过的月饼馅😋Best tasty! Five nuts filling recipe,You'll love it

1 年前
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一口爆香‼️葱香椒盐五仁馅,绝对不能错过的月饼馅😋Best tasty! Five nuts filling recipe,You'll love it.
很多人不爱吃五仁馅? 那是因为你还没有吃过这个葱香椒盐的五仁馅,真的是太好吃了!!对传统五仁馅超级抵制的朋友都喜欢的不得了,食材健康,葱香咸甜,完全没有月饼的甜腻感,可以搭配各种饼皮,下期视频将用它做今年很火的酥皮五仁,敬请关注。
所需材料 ingredients:
混合熟坚果 roasted mixed nuts: 200 g
熟花生 roasted Peanuts: 50 g
熟黑白芝麻 roasted Black and white sesames: 30 g
蔓越莓干 chopped dried cranberries 25 g
大枣 chopped pitted dates: 25 g
熟糯米粉 cooked Glutinous rice flour: 75 g
植物油 vegetable oil:2 tbsp
小葱碎 chopped green onion: 15 g
红糖 brown sugar: 25 g
盐 salt: 5-6 g
花椒粉 Sichuan peppercorn powder: 2 g (1 tsp)
蜂蜜 honey: 1 tbsp
花生酱 peanut butter: 3 tbsp
水 Water: 30-45 g (2-3 tbsp)
Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C in advance, and bake at the middle rack 8 minutes, take the tray out and brush egg wash, then continue bake for another 8 minutes.
moon cake and filling links:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxfzFX2mLHQX6SwRaSGZllOgrvaO4Twfk

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