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零失败配方‼️超美味人气雪芙小餐包的详细做法|Zero-fail bread recipe‼️Super delicious and popular buns recipe
⚠Please turn on subtitles. ⚠ Your language has been added. 零失败配方‼️超美味人气雪芙小餐包的详细做法|Zero-fail bread recipe‼️Super delicious and popular buns recipe ingredients: dough: 350 g bread flour 1 tsp active dry yeast 20 g sugar 250 g milk 1/4 tsp salt 20 g softened
6道让你过年不长胖的清爽创意年菜食谱| 6 CNY Dish recipe compilation
6道清爽创意年菜,让你过年不发胖| 6 CNY Dish recipe compilation. 过年要吃年夜饭,节后也免不了各种聚会,菜谱大多是大鱼大肉,高油高脂,吃多了会有顾虑,今天给大家分享6道清爽不油腻的创意菜食谱,好看好吃很清爽,让你过年不长肉。 每一道菜的具体位置如下,大家可以直
不用模具做月饼,蛋月烧真好吃|You can make Mooncakes without mold,Easy and Delicious.
没有月饼模具做月饼,蛋月烧月饼,简单又好吃|you can make Mooncakes without mold. easy and delicious. 中秋想给家人做月餠,但是没有月餠专用模子?不要紧,只要配方对,一样可以做出好吃的月餠,虽然不精致,但是做给家人吃,好吃才最重要啊! 所需食材 ingredients: 饼皮部分 for dough (for 12/30 g): 鸡蛋 egg: 1 糖粉 icing sugar: 25 g corn oil 玉米油:60 g 蜂蜜 honey: 30g
今年超火🔥的酥皮月饼,想不到做法和材料都这么简单| Popular Chinese mooncake recipe, So easy and simple ingredients
今年超火的酥皮月饼,想不到做法和材料都这么简单| Popular Chinese mooncake recipe, So easy and simple ingredients 用料简单,都是家常食材,不需要特别准备枧水和转化糖浆,做法简单,对新手很友好,不用担心月饼制作常出现的问题,100%成功。做好后也不需要回油,直接可以吃了,它具有曲奇口感的外皮,酥香不腻的五仁馅,完全不会像传统月饼那样甜腻,家人朋友都特别喜欢。 所需食材 ingredients: 饼皮部分 for dough: 无盐黄油 unsal
葱香椒盐五仁馅,绝对不能错过的月饼馅😋Best tasty! Five nuts filling recipe,You'll love it
一口爆香‼️葱香椒盐五仁馅,绝对不能错过的月饼馅😋Best tasty! Five nuts filling recipe,You'll love it. 很多人不爱吃五仁馅? 那是因为你还没有吃过这个葱香椒盐的五仁馅,真的是太好吃了!!对传统五仁馅超级抵制的朋友都喜欢的不得了,食材健康,葱香咸甜,完全没有月
巧克力蛋糕最简单最好吃的的做法, 准备只要5分钟|Easiest and best taste Chocolate cake recipe, only in 5 minutes
巧克力蛋糕最简单最好吃的的做法, 准备只要5分钟|Easiest and best taste Chocolate cake recipe, only in 5 minutes 不加鸡蛋的巧克力蛋糕没想到这么好吃,做法简单,不用机器不打发,口感湿润不甜腻特别好吃。 香蕉巧克力蛋糕配方, 双重巧克力蛋糕,免打发巧克力蛋糕 无蛋巧
口感像蛋糕一样的面包, 无糖配方, 口口有惊喜| Bread tastes like cake,sugar free, Surprise Every Bite
口感像蛋糕一样的面包, 无糖配方, 口口有惊喜| Bread tastes like cake,sugar free, Surprise Every Bite. Don't waste overripe banana! super moist banana chocolate chip bread, no sugar added, The one of the best banana cake recipe. 不用浪费熟透的香蕉,超湿润香
健康好吃不长肉的燕麦香蕉玛芬 高纤高蛋白 优质碳水 Oats banana muffins, no sugar added, high in fibre, good carbs.
材料健康,全麦加燕麦,不加白面,不加糖,少量健康橄榄油;制作简单,一搅一烤就🆗;成品暄软,好吃不甜腻,富含高纤维,高蛋白,和传统玛芬比碳水更优质,饱腹感强,减肥减脂的朋友也可以吃。 ingredients: 2 riped bananas 2 tbsp light olive oil 2 tbsp honey 1 egg 1/2
广式蛋黄月饼 没有枧水和转化糖浆也可以做Mooncake with salted egg yolk and bean paste.
中秋节快到了,大家都准备做月饼了,但是很多朋友都止步于没有枧水和转化糖浆。今天我们就用两种材料的替代品来做,效果一样的好。当然如果你可以买到或者自制了这些材料,直接用更好。本视频将按照做月饼的步骤,一步一步的展示做法,同时把每个步骤需要注意的关键点一次说清楚,可以让大家一次就做成功。 ingredients 配方(50克月饼9个): dietary alkali 食用碱 1/4 tsp water 水 1/2 tsp honey 蜂蜜 65 g oil 花生油 30 g cake flour 低筋面粉 10
自制豆沙月饼 比面包简单多了 没有枧水和转化糖浆也能做 Bean Paste Mooncakes, Easy than bread.
中秋节快到了,很多朋友想自己做月饼,但苦于买不到枧水和转化糖浆而止步。其实这两种材料都可以有替代品,而且效果也一样哦,疫情当前大家还是自己做月饼吧,做的开心,吃的放心。 Ingredients :(for 9) dietary alkali(Na2Co3) 1/8 tsp (1 g) water 1/2 tsp (3 g) honey 60 g oil 25 g cake flour 100 g salt 1/8 tsp red ( black) Bean paste 250 g dried meat fl
酥皮五仁月饼 健康版Puff pastry mooncakes with multi nuts filling
I made multi nuts filling on last vedio.today I will show you how to make the Puff pastry mooncakes with that filling. less oil and less sugar, tasty wonderful, hope you like it. 上期视频做了五仁月饼馅,今天我就用它做酥皮五仁月饼。这款月饼用了椰子油,没有用猪油,饼皮无糖,成品一样酥的掉渣,不过分甜也不油腻,吃起来豪无压力,配一杯清
月饼五仁馅还可以这样做 好吃又健康 Multi-nuts filling
mooncakes are usually given to family and friends as an expression of love and good wishes during the moon festival. the round shape represent togetherness and is a symbol of prosperity.today I will show you how to make the traditional multi-nuts filling f
冰皮月饼 紫薯馅 简单又好吃 snowy mooncake with purple sweet potato filling
喜欢紫薯,也喜欢糯米的软糯,二者结合是我的最爱,不用模子直接吃就是糯米糕,用了模子就成了冰皮月饼,实质上就是紫薯馅的糯米饼,怎么做都好吃。 ingredients配方: for filling馅: 2 purple sweet potato紫薯 1 tbsp coconut oil 椰子油 1 tbsp sugar糖 for dough面团: 100 G glutinous rice flour糯米粉 90 G rice flour粘米粉 40 G wheat starch or tapioca flour