
絃色流轉 - 許嫚烜的古箏創想 / "Splendid Strings on the Move" Hsu Man-hsuan, Modern Guzheng Creations

10 年前
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【iTunes獨家】即日起購買《絃色流轉》專輯獨贈一首實體專輯未收錄之數位單曲- #10 晨光的面紗(恬靜輕巧版)
BUY 1 Album Get 1 Bonus Track! - #10 A Veil of Dawn (serene and light)

《絃色流轉》許嫚烜的古箏創想 金曲獎全方位才女許嫚烜醞釀10年傾心力作,本影片收錄本專輯三首主打曲《秘境絃舞》、《心湖》、《晨光的面紗》,一次聆聽三種不同的古箏風情!


「許嫚烜」乍聽有些陌生的名字,但她目前除了身為文化大學中國音樂學系講師之外,也是風潮膾炙人口香草生活系列專輯的製作人之一,其中由她所操刀製作的《日安 波斯菊》更入圍第22屆流行音樂類金曲獎「最佳演奏專輯獎」!全方位才女許嫚烜,首次以古箏演奏家的身分,將她醞釀10年的傾心之作完整呈現給樂迷。當代琵琶權威吳蠻讚嘆:「嫚烜的古箏創作,代表了當代音樂家對音樂積極探索的態度和理念,值得聆聽!」。


Splendid Strings on the Move
Hsu Man-hsuan, Modern Guzheng Creations

◇ Taiwan's first-ever guzheng fusion music album
◇ Both a talented producer and performer who was nominated for a Golden Melody Award, female artist Hsu Man-hsuan has handled production, composition and performance for ten years, pouring her heart into her work.

This album melds the characteristics of zheng instruments from China, Japan and other East Asian countries. With changing tempos and rich tonal styles, the addition of instruments from the violin family, the oboe, piano, bau (bamboo-made wind), flute, middle ruan (Chinese 'moon-guitar') and percussion allows the music to break through the barriers of traditional melody and modern technique. Passionate and mysterious, quiet and elegant, her diverse style has turned a new page for modern Guzheng music.

About Hsu Man-hsuan,
is a musician who possesses the multiple identities of music producer, guzheng performer and composer. Many years of working with Wind Music have expanded Hsu's musical horizons. Being responsible for the production of music for the body, mind and spirit, she began a new conversation with herself which led to inspiration for new creations with the guzheng. Originally an academic, she has moved from her roots in traditional musical to the exploration of a new language for the guzheng. In a period of over ten years, she has written many compositions. In the end, like a gold panner who has picked through a myriad of possibilities, her polished efforts yielded this album of contemporary guzheng music that brims with extraordinary meaning.

Hsu is very active in diverse genres of guzheng performance, covering traditional, modern and pop styles. With Wind Music, she produced Rose Love and Bonjour, Cosmos which are part of the Herbal Life series, the latter being nominated for Best Instrumental Album at the 22nd Golden Melody Awards. Over many years, she has produced a series of music for the body, mind and spirit, such as Sound of the Crystal Energy, Kuleshtana, Nature, Singing Bowl, Zen, A Revitalizing Journey for the Brain, Zen Relaxation Series, Five Elements Energy Spa Series and The Music of Flower Essence Remedies. She has also been involved in research and development for the crystal xylophone as well as the composition and performance for many concept albums.


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