
The Contact Center KPI Podcast

6 個月前
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The Contact Center KPI Podcast
Hosted by Greg Reffner, CEO & Founder of Abstrakt. Each episode we dive into a specific Contact Center KPI with our guest. Learn about why that KPI is important, results from different strategies and tactics, and what not to do when looking to improve those metrics.
Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) with Rob Bayer

We had Rob Bayer, President & COO of Anomaly Squared, join Greg Reffner to talk all about SLAs. Why SLAs? Because it's the definition of a true partnership and critical in creating overall customer satisfaction. What's one thing that most contact center leaders overlook when it comes to positively impacting SLAs? Asking agents for their feedback. Simple, yet often forgotten about. Your agents are on the front line and will have more insights than you realize, especially when you're onboarding a new customer. Want to hear what Rob has to say about what NOT to do? Give the episode a listen 🎧

Wed, 25 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT
Customer Lifetime Value with Sean Moss

Sean Moss, Co-Founder & VP of Scoutnet and StellaNStone.com, joined us on the Contact Center KPI podcast! Our KPI for this episode is Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). CLV is often complicated and most companies aren't focused on it. They are focused on average handle time, first contact resolution, or other "leading" indicators. Sean says, "Keep it simple". First, recognize that CLV is a KPI worth keeping track of. Whether you're an outsourced contact center or in-house. Then know that your other metrics may suffer when a customer has exceeded that value. It's okay if your AHT is higher for those top-tier customers. They shouldn't be rushed when on the phone. Lastly, know that customers go through journeys and find ways to improve that journey to increase your CLV.

Wed, 11 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT
First Call Resolution with Tom Moskal

Another episode of the Contact Center KPI podcast has dropped. It's 🔥. Tom Moskal, VP of Global Client Services at OP360, joins us to talk all about First Call Resolution. Our second guest to choose this KPI 🙌 Here are a few key takeaways from this episode: 1) Know why you're picking your FCR target number (aka 75% vs 80%) 2) Take the time to understand what outcomes can happen when you hit your target... hint hint make sure you're not incentivizing the wrong things to hit a target 3) Build a culture of ownership and you'll be surprised what your team can do

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT
Customer Satisfaction Score with John Hoyt

John Hoyt, Associate Director of Operations Training & Quality Assurance at Kin, joined us on the Contact Center KPI podcast for another stellar episode. This conversation was all about Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores. John's biggest piece of advice - consistency. Leaders tend to be reactive. But consistency, goals, and having a game plan can make all the difference for your team.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT
First Contact Resolution with Amas Tenumah

Another episode of the Contact Center KPI podcast has dropped 💥 Our special guest is Amas Tenumah - Author, Consultant, and Co-Host of The Contact Center Show. We're talking all about FCR (First Contact Resolution). Yes, we are expanding beyond calls and touching on how important FCR is across all channels. Amas left us with some incredible insights: 1)What not to do when measuring FCR? STOP OBSESSING with what your number actually is. Understand the reasons behind why your number is what it is, then focus on how to improve it. 2) FCR equally impacts how efficient your team is and how effective your team is. 3) Everyone measures FCR differently. It doesn't matter how "wrongly" you're measuring it, just continue to measure the same way. Focus your energy on improving your score rather than finding the perfect equation.

Thu, 24 Aug 2023 13:00:00 GMT
Net Promoter Score with John Walter

Greg Reffner, CEO & Founder of Abstrakt, interviews our very first guest... John Walter, COO at ZMAXINC and host of the CX, AI, and Outsourcing Podcast.

John crushes the first episode on Net Promoter Score.

He dives into how he disagrees with how most companies measure NPS.

"You can't measure customer loyalty on a single call. Data is being skewed with how most companies are measuring it."

If you could only do one thing to improve NPS, John recommends investing in AI and data analytics technology.

Tue, 25 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT
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