
Nursing Mnemonics Show by NURSING.com (NRSNG) (Memory Tricks for Nursing School)

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Nursing Mnemonics Show by NURSING.com (NRSNG) (Memory Tricks for Nursing School)
By Kati Kleber RN CCRN (Critical Care Nurse, Nursing Student Mentor, NCLEX educator, and Nursing Podcast Host) Take NURSING.com with you wherever you go. This nursing podcast covers one nursing mnemonic per 3-5 minute episode. To get all of our cheatsheets visit: https://www.nursing.com/freebies Perfect for a jog, drive to work, a wait in line. At NURSING.com, our goal is to give the confidence and the tools you need to succeed in nursing school and in your life as a nurse. Cut the clutter out of nursing school and enjoy the nursing mnemonics podcast with your host Kati Kleber RN CCRN. Full disclaimer information at: nursing.com
Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Alkalosis and Acidosis Nursing Mnemonic (Kick Up, Drop Down)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

Outline Kick Up, Drop Down
  • K-alKalosis, pH Kicks up
  • D-aciDosis, pH Drops down

Alkalosis has a K, therefore it is Kicking the pH UP! | Acidosis has a D, therefore it is dropping the pH DOWN!

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Electrolytes – Location in Body Nursing Mnemonic (PISO)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

Outline PISO
  • P-Potassium
  • I-Inside the cell
  • S-Sodium
  • O-Outside the cell

Potassium and sodium are the two most abundant cations in the body and have an inverse relationship in regards to intracellular and extracellular concentrations. Potassium is primarily located within the cell and sodium is primarily located outside the cell.

Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Hyponatremia- Definition, Signs and Symptoms Nursing Mnemonic (SALT LOSS)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

  • S-Stupor/coma
  • A-Anorexia, N&V
  • L-Lethargy
  • T-Tendon reflexes decreased
  • L-Limp muscles (weakness)
  • O-Orthostatic hypotension
  • S-Seizures/headache
  • S-Stomach cramping

Hyponatremia is decreased levels of sodium in the blood. It can be caused by inadequate sodium or excess free water which leads to lower concentration of sodium. Sodium and potassium work together to allow depolarization of muscles. Low sodium levels can limit this ability and cause muscle weakness. Sodium in the blood helps maintain the oncotic pressure. If fluid leaves the blood vessels, it can lead to decreased blood pressure.

Thu, 01 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Hypokalemia – Signs and Symptoms Nursing Mnemonic (6 L’s)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

Outline 6 L’s
  • L-Lethargy
  • L-Leg cramps
  • L-Limp muscles
  • L-Low, shallow respirations
  • L-Lethal cardiac dysrythmias
  • L-Lots of urine (polyuria)

Hypokalemia is LOW potassium, which starts with L. So the 6 L’s can help you recognize the signs and symptoms of LOW potassium or hypokalemia

Tue, 30 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Hypercalcemia – Signs and Symptoms Nursing Mnemonic (GROANS, MOANS, BONES, STONES, OVERTONES)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

  • GROANS-Constipation
  • MOANS-Joint pain
  • BONES-Loss of calcium from bones
  • STONES-Kidney stones
  • OVERTONES-psychiatric overtones (confusion, depression)

The BONES store the most calcium – remember these words that rhyme with BONES to help you remember possible signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia.

Thu, 25 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Hypernatremia – Causes Nursing Mnemonic (MODEL)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

Outline MODEL
  • M-Medications / Meals
  • O-Osmotic diuretics
  • D-Diabetes insipidus
  • E-Excessive water loss
  • L-Low water intake

Think “Salt Modeling Agency” – Use the word MODEL to remember the causes of hypernatremia

Tue, 23 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Blood Type O Nursing Mnemonic (Universally Odd)

Download for FREE today - special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory

Outline Universally Odd
  • U-Universal Donor
  • O-Only receive from O

Picture Type O as a huge circle, like the universe, because they are the universal donor. They can give to everyone. However, also think of them as the “odd man out” because they can only receive type O as well. They are universally odd, able to give to all but only receive from themselves!

Thu, 18 May 2023 07:00:00 +0000
3 Unbelievably Effective Ways to Stay Organized in Nursing School

Download FREE today - our special Mnemonics Cheatsheet - so you can be SURE that you have that Must Know information down: bit.ly/nursing-memory


We have 3 unbelievably effective ways to stay organized in nursing school. These are actually very simple and can be implemented immediately. Even more importantly they will make a drastic difference for you, not just in nursing school but in life in general.

If you have been struggling to keep track of all that you have to do and learn in nursing school you are not alone. Nursing school is hard, but we will help you be organized in nursing school starting today.

3 Unbelievable Effective Tips

The key to these tips is that they will help you reduce stress enabling you to be more prepared for what comes and helping you to be more effective.

  • Prepare the night before
  • Arrive early
  • Get in the zone
  • Tue, 16 May 2023 07:17:00 +0000
    - 未知的檔案類型。
    Heart Failure (HEAD, CHOP)

    Left sided heart failure will primarily manifest as pulmonary edema as the left side of the heart moves blood from the lungs throughout the body. If this portion of the pump is broken the blood will become “backed up” within the lungs. Left sided heart failure can often lead to right sided heart failure.

    Fri, 30 Dec 2022 04:00:04 +0000
    Inflammation (HIPER)

    In response to tissue damage the body elicits the inflammatory response in attempt to rid itself of the initial offender. These attempts can sometimes become more of a problem than a solution.

    Wed, 28 Dec 2022 04:00:58 +0000
    Hypoglycemia (TIRED)

    During hypoglycemia the serum glucose level is too low. Cells of the body can’t get adequate energy supply when there is not enough sugar in the blood. You will feel TIRED and have the symptoms listed above.

    Fri, 23 Dec 2022 04:00:58 +0000
    Hypoxia (RAT BED)

    Patients experiencing hypoxia will initially demonstrate signs of anxiety and restlessness. As hypoxia continues, the patients conditions deteriorates to bradycardia and dyspnea.

    Wed, 21 Dec 2022 04:00:53 +0000
    Hypertension (4 Cs)

    Complications of untreated hypertension

    Fri, 16 Dec 2022 04:00:28 +0000
    Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia

    During hyperglycemia, a patient is dehydrated with elevated blood sugars. You can also remember “High and Dry”

    Wed, 14 Dec 2022 04:00:20 +0000
    Heart Sounds (APE To Man)

    Aortic and Pulmonic (A&P): 2 words, 2 spaces; these coincide in that they are both in the 2nd intercostal space. A is immediately to the right of the sternum, P is immediately to the left of the sternum. Erb’s point: Erb has 3 letters; you can find this point in the 3rd intercostal space (just to the left of the sternum), also the 3rd space to auscultate Tricuspid: 5th intercostal, just to the left of the sternum. Tri = 3, this is the fourth place to auscultate in the 5th intercostal space! Mitral: Mit sounds similar to mid.. Midclavicular area and straight down just below nipple line.

    Fri, 09 Dec 2022 04:00:46 +0000
    Gluten (BROW)

    Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. People with gluten allergies can be affected by even trace amount of gluten in foods. If they don’t feel good, they’ll furrow their BROW. Oats do not contain gluten, but they are often milled in the same factories as wheat. Always check food labels to make sure a product is gluten free.

    Wed, 07 Dec 2022 04:00:54 +0000
    Exercise Guidelines (FIT)

    If you want to get FIT, follow these guidelines for exercise!

    Fri, 02 Dec 2022 04:00:07 +0000
    Epiglottitis (AIR RAID)

    The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage that covers the entrance to our airway when we swallow food. Inflammation of the epiglottis can close off the airway entirely.

    Wed, 30 Nov 2022 04:00:27 +0000
    Dyspnea (6 Ps)

    These are six major causes for dyspnea. Pulmonary bronchial constriction prevents the passage of air into the lungs which contributes to dyspnea. (Possible) foreign bodies can become trapped or logged within the trachea restricting air flow. Pulmonary embolisms can prevent complete oxygenation of the blood in the alveoli due to restricted blood flow. Pneumothorax collapses the lung and prevents full expansion, restricting oxygenation. Pump failure refers to the heart not beating appropriately. If the heart is not perfusing the lungs than the lungs will be unable to oxygenate the blood. Pneumonia leads to poor lung ventilation as well.

    Fri, 25 Nov 2022 04:00:42 +0000
    Diarrhea (BRAT)

    The BRAT diet is a bland diet that is low in protein, fiber, and fat. It is thought to be easy on the GI tract and helpful to lesson diarrhea. It is not used commonly anymore because of the lack of protein in the diet.

    Wed, 23 Nov 2022 04:00:54 +0000
    Cranial Nerve Mnemonic

    This is one mnemonic that can help you remember the order of the twelve cranial nerves. Remember the Spinal Accessory nerve (CN XI) can also be called the “Accessory”

    Fri, 18 Nov 2022 04:00:25 +0000
    Cor Pulmonale (PRHT)

    Cor pulmonale is an enlargement of the right side of the heart caused by a problem with the lungs or pulmonary vessels. This pneumonic represents the symptoms

    Wed, 16 Nov 2022 04:00:24 +0000
    Circulatory Checks (5 Ps)

    Check for the 5 P’s in every neurovascular check. For example, when the patient has a cast, or had some sort of orthopedic or vascular procedure

    Fri, 11 Nov 2022 04:00:01 +0000
    Cholinergics Crisis (SLUD)

    A cholinergic crisis can occur if the body stops properly breaking down Acetylcholine. This can cause overactivity of Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine is part of Rest & Digest (Parasympathetic) – so we see overactive digestion and secretion.

    Wed, 09 Nov 2022 04:00:55 +0000

    These treatments used in conjunction will help in reducing the symptoms and complications associated with CHF.

    Fri, 04 Nov 2022 04:00:37 +0000
    Cardiac Valves Blood Flow (Toilet Paper My A--)

    This simple mnemonic helps to remember the order in which blood passes through the four heart valves in sequential order.

    Wed, 02 Nov 2022 04:00:43 +0000

    Cancer can sometimes be difficult to identify, but the earlier it is detected the better chance treatment will be effective.

    Fri, 28 Oct 2022 04:00:47 +0000
    Bleeding Precautions (RANDI)

    If a patient is taking an anticoagulant to prevent blood clots there is increase risk for bleeding. Be careful with blades when shaving. Do not take aspirin as it interferes with blood clotting and can magnify the effect of the medication. Avoid excess needle sticks and protect the patient from injury.

    Wed, 26 Oct 2022 04:00:04 +0000
    Asthma (ASTHMA)

    The therapeutic management for a patient with asthma. Asthma is a spasming of the airways, which causes difficulty breathing.

    Fri, 21 Oct 2022 04:00:11 +0000
    Appendicitis (PAINS)

    Psoas sign is pain when a patient extends their thigh while lying on their side with knees extended. It indicates irritation to certain abdominal muscles.
    McBurney’s sign is if there is deep tenderness at McBurney’s point, which is located on the right side of the abdomen, one-third the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the navel.

    Wed, 19 Oct 2022 04:00:59 +0000
    Arterial Blood Gases (Rome)

    First look at the pH: if it is low it is acidosis, high indicates alkalosis. Second use the ROME mnemonic to determine if you have respiratory vs. metabolic. For Metabolic look at HCO3. For Respiratory, look at pCO2.
    Metabolic Acidosis – pH Low, HCO3 Low. Metabolic Alkalosis – pH High, HCO3 High. Respiratory Acidosis – pH Low, pCO2 High. Respiratory Alkalosis – pH High, pCO2 Low.

    Fri, 14 Oct 2022 04:00:45 +0000
    Altered Mental Status (AEIOU TIPS)

    There are many reasons why a patient may present with altered mental status. Neurological injury is not the only reason for AMS! Make sure you explore all possibilities.

    Wed, 12 Oct 2022 04:00:50 +0000
    Alzheimer (5 As)

    The 5 A’s of Alzhemiers Disease. These signs point to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Type Dementia

    Fri, 07 Oct 2022 04:00:17 +0000
    Adrenal Gland Hormones (3 Ss)

    There are three different adrenal gland hormones which can be remembered as the 3 Ss: sugar (glucocorticoids) affects glucose utilization, fat metabolism and aid in reducing inflammation. Salt (mineralcorticoids) plays a role in electrolyte regulation. Androgens are commonly referred to as sex hormones.

    Wed, 05 Oct 2022 04:00:56 +0000
    Vitamins (ADEK)

    Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat soluble vitamins. Dogs get fat eating too much kibble

    Fri, 30 Sep 2022 04:00:38 +0000
    Steroids (6 S’s)

    Steroids are an effective treatment for asthma, COPD, Crohn’s, Lupus and more. However,they have the potential for very serious side effects, which are indicated by the 6 S’s. Steroids can be taken by mouth, via an inhaler, topically, or via injection.

    Wed, 28 Sep 2022 04:00:48 +0000
    Traction (TRACTION)

    Nursing care and responsibilities with patients in traction

    Fri, 23 Sep 2022 04:00:44 +0000
    Sprains and Strains (RICE)

    These four basic interventions can help to alleviate the symptoms of a sprain or a strain. A strain is excessive stretching of muscle. A sprain is excessive stretching of ligament.

    Wed, 21 Sep 2022 04:00:06 +0000
    Steps in the Nursing Process (AAPIE)

    These are the steps of the nursing process. Gather information, determine the problem and the best approach. Implement your interventions, and then evaluate! Never skip a step!!

    Fri, 16 Sep 2022 04:00:50 +0000
    Steps in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)

    These are the steps of the nursing process. Gather information, determine the problem and the best approach. Implement your interventions, and then evaluate! Never skip a step!!

    Wed, 14 Sep 2022 04:00:43 +0000

    The instrumental activities of daily living are used to determine a patient’s ability to carry out necessary functions for independent living. If they are unable to manage the activities below, they will likely require some sort of assistance from family or a home health agency, etc.

    Fri, 09 Sep 2022 04:00:41 +0000
    ECG Lead Placement (BEEP)

    Use the mnemonic BEEP to remember minor bleeding precautions. Think – if the patient sees any bleeding, they’ll BEEP the call light!

    Wed, 07 Sep 2022 04:00:56 +0000
    Canes and Walkers (COAL, WWAL)

    When teaching a patient how to walk with a cane it is important to instruct them to keep the cane on the opposite side of the affected extremity.

    Fri, 02 Sep 2022 04:00:28 +0000
    Body Systems (MR DICE RUNS)

    To remember the 10 major body systems.

    Wed, 31 Aug 2022 04:00:59 +0000

    When assessing a patient’s ability to care for him or herself at home we must assess their ability to complete activities of daily living. A patient’s ability to bath, walk, and toilet on their own will help us determine the level of care they will need when they leave the hospital.

    Fri, 26 Aug 2022 04:00:06 +0000
    Lidocaine Toxicity (SAMS)

    Lidocaine is an anesthetic that prevents painful impulses from reaching the brain. These are signs that the patient may have had too much lidocaine (like buying in bulk)

    Wed, 24 Aug 2022 04:00:04 +0000
    Emergency drugs (LEAN)

    The above drugs work in a variety of emergency settings, they are good drugs to LEAN on. Lidocaine can be used in emergency situations for ventricular arrhythmias. Epinephrine is a vital drug in the ACLS protocol. Atropine can be given with symptomatic bradycardia. Narcan is a reversal agent for opiate overdose.

    Fri, 19 Aug 2022 04:00:52 +0000
    Drug Interactions (TDCI)

    Coumadin and ilosone: Ilosone can increase the effects of Coumadin, increase risk for bleeding. Coumadin and Dilantin: potential for increased effects of both. Coumadin and Dilantin: Increased Coumadin metabolism (decreased effect). Theophylline and Dilantin: if taken orally they can interfere with absorption of each other and decrease medication effect.

    Wed, 17 Aug 2022 04:00:08 +0000
    Cholinergic, Anticholinergic (SLUDGE)

    A cholinergic crisis can occur if the body stops properly breaking down Acetylcholine. This can cause overactivity of Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine is part of Rest & Digest (Parasympathetic) – so we see overactive digestion and secretion.

    Fri, 12 Aug 2022 04:00:05 +0000
    Bradycardia (IDEA)

    This refers to symptomatic bradycardia and hypotension. Bradycardia and hypotension are not necessarily adverse clinical findings requiring treatment in and of themselves.

    Wed, 10 Aug 2022 04:00:37 +0000
    Beta blockers (1 heart, 2 lungs)

    Beta 1 adrenergic receptors are mostly found in the heart. Beta 2 adrenergic receptors are found in lungs, GI tract, vascular smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, liver. Beta 1 beta blockers act primarily on the heart. Beta 2 beta blockers act primarily on the lungs.

    Fri, 05 Aug 2022 04:00:27 +0000
    Acidosis Alkalosis and pH

    Alkalosis has a K, therefore it is Kicking the pH UP! | Acidosis has a D, therefore it is dropping the pH DOWN!

    Wed, 03 Aug 2022 04:00:31 +0000
    Electrolyte Location (PISO)

    Potassium and sodium are the two most abundant cations in the body and have an inverse relationship in regards to intracellular and extracellular concentrations. Potassium is primarily located within the cell and sodium is primarily located outside the cell.

    Fri, 29 Jul 2022 04:00:17 +0000
    Hyponatremia (SALT LOSS)

    Hyponatremia is decreased levels of sodium in the blood. It can be caused by inadequate sodium or excess free water which leads to lower concentration of sodium. Sodium and potassium work together to allow depolarization of muscles. Low sodium levels can limit this ability and cause muscle weakness. Sodium in the blood helps maintain the oncotic pressure. If fluid leaves the blood vessels, it can lead to decreased blood pressure.

    Wed, 27 Jul 2022 04:00:11 +0000
    Hypokalemia (6 L's)

    Hypokalemia is LOW potassium, which starts with L. So the 6 L’s can help you recognize the signs and symptoms of LOW potassium or hypokalemia

    Fri, 22 Jul 2022 04:00:57 +0000
    Hypercalcemia Hypocalcemia (CATS, GroansMoansBonesStonesOvertones)

    The BONES store the most calcium – remember these words that rhyme with BONES to help you remember possible signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia.

    Wed, 20 Jul 2022 04:00:47 +0000
    Hypernatremia (FRIED, SWINE, SALT, MODEL)

    Normal serum sodium levels are 134-145 mmol/L. Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium level exceeding 145 mmol/L. Think “fried food is salty”. Hypernatremia can be caused by too much sodium in the blood, but it also is caused by too little free water in the body. You must first assess the patient’s volume status before knowing how to treat appropriately. Hypernatremia signs can be very subtle, with changes in the level of consciousness typically being the earliest indicator. Sodium is closely related to blood pressure and blood volume. It is also necessary for muscle and nerve function.

    Fri, 15 Jul 2022 04:00:13 +0000
    Blood Types

    Picture type O as a huge circle, like the universe, because they are the universal donor. They can give to everyone. However, also think of them as the “odd man out” because they can only receive type O as well. They are universally odd, able to give to all but only receive from themselves!

    Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:30:40 +0000
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