
Wild Health Podcast

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Wild Health Podcast
The biggest questions in human performance, health, and longevity answered by those in the know. Hosted by Drs. Mike Mallin, Matt Dawson, and friends.
Wed, 08 May 2024 05:00:00 +0000
The Real Effects of Psilocybin: Firsthand Stories from Oregon’s Psychedelic Frontier, Gabe Charalambides!

Join us on the Wild Health Podcast as host Dr. Mike Stone dives into an enlightening conversation with Gabe Charalambides, founder of Odyssey and former aerospace engineer. Discover Gabe's transition from engineering to exploring mental health through Buddhism and psychedelics. Gabe shares his personal struggles with anxiety and OCD, and how they led him to a profound interest in psychological wellbeing.

Learn about Odyssey's role in pioneering the legal, structured use of psychedelic therapy in Oregon, offering insights into the therapeutic processes and transformative experiences at their retreats. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of science, mental health, and personal growth. Tune in to explore the new frontiers of mental health with us.

Learn more at https://www.odysseypbc.com/

Wed, 08 May 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Push Your Limits with Science: Elite Training Hacks for Athletes!

Join Dr. Carl Seger and Nate Barry as they discuss innovative fitness training with Rob Shaul, Founder of Mountain Tactical Institute. Explore Rob’s holistic approach, combining base fitness with event-specific regimens for military and mountain athletes. Learn about the effectiveness of sled dragging for building leg strength and how ideal body weights are tailored to the demands of mountain sports. This episode is a deep dive into optimizing athletic performance through science-driven training strategies. Tune in to elevate your understanding of tactical and mountain athletics.

Thu, 02 May 2024 05:00:00 +0000
How to Handle Emotions At Work — Life Lessons from Jim Dethmer

Dive deep into the world of emotional literacy with Jim Dethmer, co-author of "The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership," on this episode of the Wild Health podcast. Host Dr. Matt Dawson navigates through the challenges and triumphs of understanding and articulating our emotions with Jim. The conversation reveals the profound impact of being emotionally literate—not just in our personal lives but also in our professional environments. Jim Dethmer shares personal anecdotes and expert insights, guiding listeners on how to recognize, label, and express their emotions to foster better relationships and personal growth. This episode is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to enhance their emotional intelligence and lead a more fulfilled and aware life. Join us as we explore practical tips and the transformative power of embracing our emotional states.



https://www.facebook.com/consciousleadershipgroup https://www.instagram.com/consciousleadershipgroup
Wed, 24 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Maximize Your Potential: Use HRV Biofeedback to Manage Stress with Dr. Jay Wiles

In this episode, Dr. Jay Wiles, a seasoned clinical health and performance psychologist, returns for a third engaging discussion. Today, we delve into the fascinating world of heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback—an innovative method for quantifying and optimizing the human stress response. Dr. Wiles explains how HRV serves as a non-invasive proxy to gauge the nervous system's adaptability to stress, both physiological and psychological. He sheds light on how modern wearables have revolutionized our approach to health monitoring, providing not just data, but a pathway to better mental health and stress management through biofeedback techniques. Discover how you can apply these insights to enhance your daily life and manage stress effectively, turning everyday challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience. Join us for a journey into the intersection of technology, psychology, and health optimization, and learn how to transform your stress response into a source of strength.

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Colon Cancer Crisis: The Startling Truth Behind Its Increasing Rates in Young Adults

In this enlightening episode, host Dr. Carl Seger is joined by Dr. Jeff Graham, both are physicians with Wild Health, to delve deep into the critical and timely topic of colon cancer. As the second leading cause of cancer deaths, understanding the nuances of colon cancer, its evolving demographics, and the vital importance of early detection are more crucial than ever.

The conversation takes a comprehensive turn, covering everything from the decrease in fiber intake across the American diet to the intriguing rise of right-side colon cancers and rectal cancer in younger individuals. Dr. Graham and Carl explore the complex interplay of lifestyle factors, including the role of processed meats and the potential impact of sedentary habits, on colon cancer risk. They also discuss innovative screening methods, like the use of ColoGuard, and the promise of microbiome research in uncovering new prevention strategies.

Whether you're concerned about colon cancer for yourself or loved ones, or simply passionate about the cutting-edge of health science, this episode offers valuable insights, practical advice, and the latest in research findings.

Wed, 10 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Is There a "Perfect" Workout Routine?

In this engaging episode of the Wild Health Podcast, Steve Weatherholt teams up with Lara Erlank, a fellow health coach and exercise specialist, to explore the art of crafting personalized fitness routines. Diving into Lara's journey from a CrossFit athlete to a triathlon competitor, they highlight the importance of adapting fitness goals to individual needs, lifestyles, and preferences. The discussion focuses on the foundational steps to building a fitness routine, emphasizing the significance of understanding one's motivations, incorporating enjoyment into exercise, and the crucial role of recovery and nutrition. They also offer practical advice for busy individuals trying to balance fitness aspirations with demanding schedules, and for beginners wondering about essential home fitness equipment. This episode is packed with valuable insights for anyone looking to create a sustainable and effective fitness routine, reminding listeners of the power of personalization in achieving health and wellness goals.

Thu, 04 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Peak Performance: Unlocking Female Athletic Potential with Dr. Carla DiGirolamo

In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, host Dr. Mike Mallin welcomes Dr. Carla DiGirolamo, an expert in women's performance endocrinology, for a deep dive into the critical topic of fueling female athletes. Dr. DiGirolamo, with her unique blend of medical and athletic expertise, shares insights into the importance of energy availability for female athletes, exploring the spectrum from low energy availability (LEA) to Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) and its impacts on health and performance.

Their conversation covers the physiological differences in energy sensitivity between male and female athletes, the consequences of inadequate fueling, and the prevalence of LEA and RED-S across various sports and age groups. Dr. DiGirolamo emphasizes the significant yet often overlooked issue of LEA and RED-S in the general population, especially among midlife women.

Listeners will gain valuable knowledge on identifying and managing these conditions, including nutritional strategies, the importance of recovery, and adapting training to different phases of the menstrual cycle. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in optimizing female athletic performance and understanding the intricacies of women's health in the realm of sports and fitness.

Learn more about Dr. Digirolamo at https://www.drcarlad.com/

Referenced Study: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GcbyRf9nbhWR_Luf9R3kILfeZdA9ue_r/view?usp=sharing

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Why High Performers Are Turning to This for an Edge with Dr. Andrew Hill

In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, host Dr. Carl Seger chats with Dr. Andrew Hill from the Peak Brain Institute about the wonders of neurofeedback. Dr. Hill, making his third guest appearance, breaks down how neurofeedback functions as a form of biofeedback for the brain, allowing individuals to enhance mental health, athletic performance, and cognitive abilities. The discussion ranges from the basics of the technique to its profound impact on various conditions like ADHD, anxiety, concussions, and beyond. Through engaging stories and expert insights, the episode illuminates the significant potential neurofeedback holds for improving brain function and overall health, making it an essential tool in the realm of precision lifestyle medicine. Join Carl and Dr. Hill as they unveil the power of neurofeedback to unlock the brain's full potential.

Use code WILDHEALTH for $250 off your Peak Brain Institute membership, at https://peakbraininstitute.com/

Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:07:00 +0000
The Secret Weapon Against Metabolic Syndrome with Veri's Emily Johnson, MS, RD

In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, Dr. Mike Mallin welcomes Emily Johnson, MS, RD from Veri to explore the critical topic of metabolic health. As Veri's Research Lead and a seasoned registered dietician, Emily unpacks the intricacies of metabolic health, the pivotal role of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) in tracking glucose variability, and the impact of dietary choices on our metabolic state.

The discussion navigates through the importance of mindful eating, the benefits of a diversified diet rich in high-fiber, plant-based foods, and lean proteins. Emily and Mike delve into effective strategies for enhancing metabolic flexibility, such as time-restricted feeding and understanding the pitfalls of an overly rigid focus on glucose levels.

Listeners are introduced to Veri's innovative approach to improving metabolic health through personalized dietary feedback and lifestyle habit changes, emphasizing the goal of sustainable behavior change. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of metabolic health and make informed, healthful lifestyle choices.

Use the code VSM-WILDHEALTH or go to https://www.veri.co/shop?refc=VSM-WILDHEALTH for $30 off of your first Veri purchase.

Wed, 20 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Is Your Body Aging Faster Than You? Rewinding Your Biological Age with Dr. Jessica Lasky-Su

In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of epigenetic age testing with Dr. Jessica Lasky-Su. Explore how understanding DNA methylation and epigenetic clocks can revolutionize our approach to health and aging. Dr. Lasky-Su shares insights into the potential of epigenetic testing to reveal our biological age, the impact of lifestyle on our epigenome, and the future directions of this groundbreaking research. Discover how these insights can lead to personalized health strategies for better aging, disease prevention, and potentially reversing age-related declines. A must-listen for anyone interested in the cutting-edge of health science and longevity.

Tue, 12 Mar 2024 05:00:00 +0000
Why You Are Drowning in Stress and How to Save Yourself with Dr. Rob Orman

In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, Dr. Mike Mallin is joined by Dr. Rob Orman, an emergency physician and educator, to explore the intricacies of stress management through the lens of acceptance, awareness, recalibration, and the mindset required to effectively manage stress. Dr. Orman shares his insights into the different types of stress, the physiological and cognitive responses to stress, and introduces a multifaceted approach to coping with stress. This conversation is not only a deep dive into the science of stress but also a practical guide on how to apply these concepts in everyday life, especially for high-performing individuals. Whether discussing the impact of stress on healthcare professionals or offering techniques for recalibrating our response to stress, this episode provides valuable tools for anyone looking to manage stress more effectively.

Learn more about Rob's upcoming conference at awakeandawarebend.com

Thu, 07 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000
Why Your Doctor Might Be Getting It All Wrong About ADHD and Autism with Dr. Kalin Johnson

In this captivating episode, Dr. Carl Seger chats with Kalin Johnson, a trailblazer in healthcare who merges her experiences as a clinical pharmacist, functional medicine and wellness coach, patient advocate, and neurodivergent mentor. Kalin sheds light on the complexities of neurodivergence, especially its intersection with physical health issues like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, from both a professional and personal perspective. Exploring themes from the importance of unmasking and embracing one's neurodivergent traits to the nuances of co-occurring conditions and the unique challenges faced in diagnosis and treatment, this episode promises to enlighten listeners on the intricacies of neurodivergent health and advocacy. Kalin's insights are not only informative but also deeply personal, offering a rare look into the lived experiences of someone navigating both the healthcare system and society as a queer, late-diagnosed ADHD and autistic individual with hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Join us as we delve into this rich dialogue, unpacking the critical need for comprehensive, understanding, and tailored care for neurodivergent individuals.

Learn more at https://www.kalinjohnson.com/

Wed, 06 Mar 2024 06:00:00 +0000
These Daily Practices Can Lead You to a Fulfilled Life with Steve Farrell

In this episode, Dr. Mike Mallin is joined by Steve Farrell, a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur turned spiritual visionary and author of "A New Universal Dream." Steve shares his transformative journey from the tech world to co-founding Humanities Team, a global non-profit focused on awakening interconnectedness and conscious living. They delve into the power of personal awakening, the shift towards conscious living, and the role of Humanities Team in making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040. Steve's insights on overcoming personal and collective challenges through elevated consciousness and the importance of daily practice for a fulfilled life offer listeners a profound perspective on spirituality and transformation.

Resources Mentioned-

  • A New Universal Dream, by Steve Farrell: https://www.stevefarrell.org/a-new-universal-dream

  • Free courses: https://www.humanitysteam.org/free-programs#googtrans(en)

  • Masterclasses: https://www.humanitysteam.org/masterclasses#googtrans(en)

  • Streaming: https://www.humanitysteam.org/stream#googtrans(en)

  • Wed, 28 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    How Science is Transforming What's In Your Water Bottle: Health, Hydration, and Diamonds with Dr. Kelly Halderman

    In this enlightening episode, host Mike Mallin, MD engages in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Kelly Halderman, the Cheif Health Officer of WEO, a company pioneering in diamond electrolysis water technology. Dr. Halderman shares her personal journey from battling multiple sclerosis through naturopathic medicine to discovering the transformative power of optimized hydration. Together, they delve into the science behind WEO's unique water bottles, exploring the health benefits of diamond electrolysis for water, including its impact on hydration, antioxidant properties, and overall well-being.

    Dr. Halderman's transition from practicing medicine to creating health-centric products exemplifies the episode's focus on innovative approaches to wellness, highlighting the critical role of water in our health and the potential of technology to enhance its life-sustaining properties.

    Get 10% off the worlds smartest water bottle, with code WILDHEALTH10 via https://we-o.com/.

    Thu, 22 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Navigate Menopause: A Health Transformation Story with Dr. Reta Graham

    In this episode of the Wild Health podcast, we welcome Dr. Reta Graham and delve into the complexities of perimenopause.

    Dr. Graham, a seasoned OB-GYN with a focus on functional medicine, shares her profound insights and personal journey through breast cancer, surgical menopause, and the nuances of hormonal health. Together, they explore the overlooked challenges women face during perimenopause and menopause, discussing innovative lifestyle interventions, hormone therapy, and the importance of mental, physical, and emotional wellness. This conversation aims to shed light on the medical community's evolving understanding of women's health, offering practical advice and compassionate support for navigating these transformative years.

    Wed, 14 Feb 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Fostering Mental and Emotional Well Being after a Psychedelic Journey: Shawn Wells' Guide to Self-Discovery (Part 2)

    Today on the podcast we delve into the fascinating world of psychedelics, integration, and personal growth. Join Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Mike Malin, and Shawn Wells as they navigate the intricacies of psychedelic experiences and the vital role of integration coaches in this transformative journey.

    In this episode, our experts emphasize the significance of integration as the cornerstone of any psychedelic journey. They explore the importance of preparing mentally and emotionally both before and after psychedelic experiences, highlighting the pivotal role integration coaches play in facilitating this process.

    Discover how to recreate the supportive environments of psychedelic journeys and extend their positive effects long after the experience. Our hosts delve into the realm of supplements, discussing their efficacy in enhancing the journey experience and supporting post-journey integration.

    Delving deeper, the conversation touches on the nuanced differences between psychedelics and SSRI medications, shedding light on their distinct effects and applications. They also explore the sensory aspects of psychedelic experiences, from smells to sounds, and how these can be utilized during integration work to reconnect with profound insights gained during the journey.

    But the discussion doesn't stop there. Shawn Wells shares his personal post-journey rituals and daily routines, offering valuable insights into fostering a deep gratitude practice and maximizing the benefits of psychedelic experiences in everyday life.

    Tune in to gain invaluable insights into the world of psychedelics, integration, and personal growth, and embark on a journey towards greater self-discovery and well-being.

    Wed, 07 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000
    From Supplements to Psychedelics: Shawn Wells' Guide to Self-Discovery (Part 1)

    Dr.'s Mike Mallin and Mike Stone interview Shawn Wells, "The World's Greatest Formulator" in the supplement industry. Join us as we explore the transformative power of psychedelic experiences for optimizing neuroplasticity and maximizing healing.

    Shawn shares his life story, highlighting the profound love he discovered through plant medicine. We delve into responsible psychedelic use, discussing individualized modalities, dosages, and the importance of understanding genomics.

    The conversation covers facilitation, setting, and strategies for creating a safe environment for psychedelic journeys. Shawn elaborates on the significance of intentions, check-ins, and integration, providing practical tips for preparation, including insights on diet, sleep, exercise, stress management, and fasting.

    As we wrap up, Shawn discusses the role of supplements and herbs before and after the journey, offering valuable advice on optimizing sleep, managing stress, and ensuring hydration. Tune in for expert insights and personal stories on navigating the world of psychedelics for enhanced healing and self-discovery.

    Learn more at https://shawnwells.com/

    Wed, 31 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Revolutionizing Therapy: The Ultimate Blend of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science with SoundSelf

    Join us on the Wild Health Podcast for a fascinating conversation with Dr. SanDeep Prakash, Chief Scientific Officer at SoundSelf. Dr. Prakash shares the inspiring story behind SoundSelf, a revolutionary technology merging vocal toning, music, and visual elements to induce a 45-minute transcendent state. He discusses how this immersive experience aids in mental health therapy by facilitating a deep flow state, reducing judgment and external awareness.

    Delving into the therapeutic and ancient roots of this technology, Dr. Prakash explains how SoundSelf is enhancing mental wellness, especially when combined with psychedelic therapies. He also provides a sneak peek into SoundSelf's ongoing research and its potential impact on the future of mental health care.

    For an enlightening exploration of how technology is reshaping therapy and wellness, visit soundself.com and tune into this episode.

    Wed, 24 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Breaking the Insomnia Cycle: Essential Tips for Overcoming Sleep Anxiety

    In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, host Mike Mallin welcomes Trei Tackett, NP, a dynamic health coach at Wild Health. From his roots in Eastern Kentucky to his evolution as a nurse and health coach, Trei discusses the profound impact of his upbringing on his health philosophy. He shares insights into his unique approach to health coaching at Wild Health, blending medical expertise with personalized care.

    Trei opens up about his personal health challenges and strategies, offering practical advice on managing wellness through nutrition, fitness, and mental health practices. He also reveals his passions outside healthcare, like his love for bluegrass music and sports, adding depth to his holistic view of health.

    Join us for an inspiring conversation with Trei Tackett, exploring the intersection of personal experiences and professional wisdom in the journey to holistic wellness.

    Thu, 18 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Does Eating At Night Cause Weight Gain?: Weight Loss Facts And Fiction

    In this episode, we are debunking weight loss tips with our Founders, Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Matt Dawson. We're answering questions like: is Skipping meals or intermittent fasting the quickest way to lose weight? Does eating at night causes weight gain or prevents weight loss? Will drinking lemon or detox drink help with significant weight loss? Is Ozempic the best no-strings-attached short-cut to lose weight? Does Drinking Water Help you loss weight? Probiotics lower Appetite?

    Join us as we explore the science and truth behind these common beliefs, providing reliable and informed guidance for your weight loss journey

    Thu, 11 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Unlocking the Power of the Microbiome for Optimal Health with Pendulum

    In this episode we sit down with Colleen Cutcliffe, the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Pendulum, to learn about a variety of lifestyle changes at the core of microbiome improvement, from fiber-rich diets to adopting pets.

    Colleen shares about the early stages of microbiome testing, and the significance of keystone bacteria that act as a metabolic powerhouse.

    We explore the intriguing relationship between probiotics and their impact on chronic illness, metabolic health, and practical tips for incorporating Akkermansia into your routine.

    Join us for an information packed episode, where we break down the science behind achieving optimal health through understanding the microbiome.

    Listeners are welcome to apply WILDHEALTH20 at pendulumlife.com for 20% off their purchase!

    Wed, 10 Jan 2024 06:00:00 +0000
    Managing Health Overwhelm: Which Health Practices Are Worth Your Time and Money?

    In this episode, our co-founder Dr. Mike Mallin and Health Coaching Steve Weatherholt share tips on simplifying your approach to manage stress, discerning genuine health needs, and distinguishing between well-supported advice and fleeting fads.

    Listen in on their personal stories of finding balance after realizing the pitfalls of doing "too much" in the pursuit of health. Learn how to prioritize and incorporate new practices into your routine, breaking free from the "all or nothing" mindset.

    Join us for practical insights, tips, and stories that will empower you on your journey to a healthier, more balanced life. Tune in to the Wild Health Podcast for expert advice in navigating the complexities of modern health and wellness.

    Wed, 03 Jan 2024 06:50:00 +0000
    Stop Guessing, Start Tracking: Is Macro Tracking Necessary for a Healthy Diet?

    Join Mike Stone as he sits down with Ariana Fiorita, a Licensed and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN, LD), armed with a Master’s Degree in Fitness and Sports Nutrition and expertise as an Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP). In this insightful episode, Ariana shares practical wisdom on using macronutrient and nutrition tracking, emphasizing its personalized nature.

    Dive into the discussion as Ariana weighs the pros and cons of tracking, revealing best practices and considerations when working with patients. Learn why this approach isn't one-size-fits-all and explore alternatives to macrotracking, including Habit-Based Nutrition Coaching and the principles of Intuitive and Mindful Eating.

    Discover the real-world examples of macrotracking and gain valuable insights into who may benefit from this method. Ariana provides a holistic view, delving into the nuances of effective tracking and sharing some of the lessons she's learned along the way.

    Wed, 27 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Are 'Cheat Days' Okay?: Secrets to Sustainable Weight Loss with Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson!

    Today, our host is joined by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., the New York Times bestselling author of Bright Line Eating and The Official Bright Line Eating Cookbook. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester and an expert in the psychology of eating. She is president of the Institute for Sustainable Weight Loss and the founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating Solutions, a company dedicated to helping people achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss.

    Susan starts us off by providing a deep dive on her life story and experience with addiction. They dive into her personal experience with focusing on her mental health and watching her own behavior and others to overcome this endless loop that so many people find themselves in.

    Dr. Thompson lays out the process of creating new rituals for achieving freedom and how to execute it over the long term. We then dive into the willpower gap, the concept of the cheat day, the use of daily affirmations, time restrictive eating, and the idea of our "bright" body. Overall, we take time to emphasize the importance of dropping weight related goals and shifting lifestyles, weight loss is just one symptom of this holistic shift.

    This episode covers sensitive topics related to disordered eating and addiction. These discussions can be emotional and triggering for some listeners. Please remember that the information shared here is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with these issues, seek help from a qualified healthcare or mental health professional.

    How to find Dr. Thompson:

  • NEW BOOK : On This Bright Day: https://www.brightlineeating.com/onthisbrightdaybook

  • Podcast: Bright Line Living Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bright-line-living-the-official-bright-line-eating-podcast/id1557996065

  • Website: ​​https://www.brightlineeating.com/

  • Foodaddictionquiz.com

  • Tue, 26 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Master Your Menstrual Cycle: How to Decrease PMS Symptoms

    Dr. Julie Foucher and Dr. Meghan Jones sit down to answer listener and patient submitted questions about women's health. They start by diving into the concept of learning to view a menstrual cycle as a vital sign, and the need for a deeper understanding from the start of childhood.

    We dive into the concept of cycle syncing and provide practical tips and research around how to provide your body support in different stages of your cycle. We dive into simple ways to increase protein intake, how to start resistance training, the impacts of muscle on the endocrine system, and the ladies top 5 ways to ease PMS symptoms.

    Next we chat about specific conditions like endometriosis and how to navigate the complexities and their recommended somatic techniques, detoxifying, and the foundation of healthy living.

    The podcast wraps up by the evolution of hormones throughout the life span, touching on Peri, pre and menopause.

    Tue, 19 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Protein & Carb Playbook: The Morning Ritual That Transforms Workouts!

    Welcome to the premiere of "Wild Health Voices," our new podcast series where we get up close and personal with the team members who drive our mission. In this debut episode, we introduce you to Lara Erlank, one of our dedicated health coaches and an Ironman athlete.

    Lara shares her captivating journey of discovering her passion for fitness, her role at Wild Health, and insights into her life over the past decade. She also reveals her favorite sleep hacks, training routines, wearable device preferences, recovery methods, and dietary choices. But what truly stands out is Lara's approach to health – she advocates for breaking away from labeling habits as "good" or "bad" and embracing a more holistic perspective.

    Get ready to be inspired as we explore Lara's extraordinary life and insights, showcasing the heart and soul of Wild Health in "Wild Health Voices."

    Wed, 13 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Ketones Decoded: What the Science Says About Weight, Brainpower, and More!

    As advocates for balanced exploration, we emphasize the importance of finding a supportive, openminded, and evidence-backed community for delving into these topics. If you're intrigued and seeking like-minded individuals, look no further! Explore Wild Health's Precision Medicine Training Program at wildhealth.com/education or get in touch at education@wildhealth.com.

    In today's discussion, our Chief Education Officer, Dr. Mike Stone, and Head of Health Coach Education, Trei Tackett, take center stage to unravel the mysteries surrounding exogenous ketones and the ketogenic diet.

    Join us as we navigate through the intricate landscape of ketosis, starting with the question of when and if it's appropriate to incorporate exogenous ketones into your routine. We explore the tangible impacts on weight, cognitive function, glucose levels, and the sustainability of the ketogenic lifestyle.

    Discover the crucial role genetics play, as we emphasize the need for a personalized approach to the ketogenic diet. Our experts shed light on the drawbacks, barriers, and potential impacts of a high-saturated diet on cardiovascular health. Tune in for a riveting conversation that combines expert insights, scientific exploration, and practical advice on exogenous ketones and the ketogenic diet.

    Thu, 07 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    What Dr. Peter Attia Gets Wrong About DNAm Aging Clocks

    Our Founders, Dr.'s Mike Mallin and Matt Dawson take a second look at Dr. Peter Attia's recent paper about biological aging and offer a more updated view. They dive into epigenetic clocks and methylation, taking a look at how these tests have evolved in the past five years. We touch on how the use of multi-omic markers (phenotypic data, metablymic, and protiomics) has become more accurate in predicting disease and rate of mortality.

    We break down Peter's points, some they agree with...and some not so much. We debunk multiple of Dr. Attia's points about the predictive value and other concerns with new research. We also take a look at the future of testing and their optimism around this science.

    Our hosts do a great job of breaking down this complex science that goes into epigenetic testing and the major breakthrough that is this fourth generation of DNAm Age testing, sharing their personal experiences and practical use.

    Sign up for Wild Health by December 31st, 2023 & receive 2x free OMICmAge tests, learn more at wildhealth.com/getstarted


  • Peter's Article referenced: https://peterattiamd.com/how-accurate-are-biological-age-clocks/

  • Response to Dr. Peter Attia: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d3HV0QkHqslo4FdOQfWKSp44tzEmQPZj/view?usp=sharing

  • OMICmAge: An integrative multi-omics approach to quantify biological age with electronic medical records: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.10.16.562114v1

  • OMICmAge Introduction Lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=ImDNb9kmMjA7rAqy&v=YTlr7vZVVIQ&feature=youtu.be

  • OMICmAge Testing: https://trudiagnostic.com/blogs/healthcare-partners/introducing-our-new-omicm-age-algorithm-report-suite

  • Wed, 06 Dec 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Transform Your Mind: Nando Raynolds' Tai Chi-Inspired Psychotherapy Unveiled!

    In this enlightening episode, join Dr. Carl Segar and psychotherapist, Nando Raynolds, as they discuss the transformative power of turning your inner critique into your inner teacher. Nando shares his unique story that spans across the globe and how it shaped his approach to self-discovery through tai chi, body work, and psychotherapy.

    Nando, a seasoned practitioner, unveils his process of helping clients understand their multiple personalities, breaking free from unconscious habits, and fostering a compassionate lens for personal and interpersonal growth. Learn step-by-step how to cultivate self-awareness, understanding the positive intentions behind our behaviors, and practicing kindness toward oneself and others.

    Gain insights into the synergy of tai chi and psychotherapy, and understand how cultivating relaxation can lead to intentional and compassionate responses in every aspect of life.

    Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation that will inspire you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery, compassion, and personal growth. Join Dr. Carl Segar and Nando Raynolds as they provide valuable tools and practices for transforming your relationship with yourself and others.

    Learn more about Nando Raynolds at https://nando-r.com/

    Thu, 30 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    A Biohacking Guidebook: Our Founder's Favorite Health Hacks

    Join us in today's episode as our Founding Docs delve into the fascinating world of biohacking, answering thought-provoking questions submitted by our listeners and patients.

    Dr. Mallin and Dr. Dawson kick off by addressing the buzz around biohacking and its potential pitfalls. It's time to explore how to incorporate biohacking into your life in a balanced manner, discuss the nuances of this term, and decipher the health habits that truly make a difference.

    Our hosts share their favorite biohacking "short-cuts" that have become non-negotiables in their daily routines. From time-tested practices to cutting-edge discoveries, get ready to optimize your health in ways you never thought possible.

    Learn how to harness the power of information to your advantage, making informed decisions that resonate with your unique biology.

    This episode is a comprehensive guide to understanding biohacking in all its facets — from its current limitations to future innovations that promise to reshape the way we approach health.

    Top Four Tools to improve overall health

  • 8sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/product/pod-cover-mattress/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19577858372&utm_content=674764029024&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A19577858372%3A153855641756%3A674764029024&nb_adtype=pla_with_promotion&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-1989843317487&nb_mi=114095512&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=21500-000&nb_ppi=1989843317487&nb_placement=&nb_si={sourceid}&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZhtemhM-NmbbpXVpW1mT8ihWpniImGVSsf34MbRsUpGr5pp05dFvGhoCKQgQAvD_BwE

  • Nuerofeedback devices :

  • Apollo: https://apolloneuro.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZl-SWJNrV6clLh8FhN22I-gO2ii7TRZRNE5aaOzxe2hvb_IC3rc6EBoClKwQAvD_BwE

  • Muse: https://choosemuse.com/products/muse-s-gen-2-subscription?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=US_SEM_Brand~Muse%20General&utm_term=muse%20headband&utm_content=649660679025&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZtMom56MN3vevqydidXcNeR8fnxvwjKQMggJV5bn8jXnXVB7TJWlThoCU50QAvD_BwE

  • Mendi: https://www.mendi.io/?currency=GBP&camp_id=17488725523&grp_id=135723674050&adid=618507154784&kw=&mt=&source=g&tgt=dsa-1728797188976&phys=9051752&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZgWQsuVDRPXTexHmL6xZoR9NxK55ZoEIUDtaFKN7LsZoVhMhCfhbNRoChXsQAvD_BwE

  • Katalyst Suit: https://www.katalyst.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=US_Search_Branded_Evergreen2023&utm_content=590243288328&utm_term=g&hsa_acc=9483520248&hsa_cam=16714110390&hsa_grp=132330404342&hsa_ad=590243288328&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-300239246130&hsa_kw=katalyst&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZk9hDrjWIh33k29IfzIEvf-2Its95XwifgTOaF5mwDLIAkMg1iiudhoCjRMQAvD_BwE

  • Kokoon Earbuds: https://kokoon.io/en-us/products/nightbuds-sleep-headphones?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwysipBhBXEiwApJOcuwoCnjpo-r2DLVSmT7OoATTwrK5FwN7CNlPaH2HzI8AV4zpfFySM0xoCvsUQAvD_BwE

  • Wed, 22 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Precision Medicine Unveiled: A Deep Dive into Our Groundbreaking Research!

    In this episode, we're thrilled to unpack the details of our recently published study, "A pilot retrospective study of a physician-directed and genomics-based model for precision lifestyle medicine."

    Join us as we give you a sneak peek into the journey of designing, submitting, and ultimately publishing this research article. We explore our study on the standard wild health experience, delving into the real-world implications and experiences that shaped our investigation.

    We'll share insights into the outcomes of our study and explore how our approach to care sets us apart from traditional medicine. Addressing the observational nature of our study, discussing the challenges and nuances that come with it. Our conversation concludes with a thoughtful reflection on the implications of precision medicine moving forward, expressing our hopes for it to become a new frontier of study.

    If you're eager to explore the details of our study further, you can find the paper on PubMed with the ID# 37942418 or directly access it via the below links:

    Find the paper🔗:

    Wed, 15 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The health benefits of weighted workouts for better performance with OMORPHO's CEO, Stefan Olander

    Join us in this exciting episode as we sit down with Stefan Olander, the founder and CEO of OMORPHO, a game-changing fitness innovation. Stefan shares the origins of his organization and the compelling vision behind it.

    Discover how OMORPHOS is redefining fitness through thoughtfully distributed weight and peak efficiency. We delve into the science behind microloading and the remarkable benefits it offers. Learn how this cutting-edge technology has become a valuable supplement to various training methods and everyday activities, outshining traditional heavy weight vests.

    Stefan shares inspiring stories of athletes experiencing transformative results by incorporating OMORPHO products into their routines. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, you'll find invaluable insights on how to enhance your life and training with OMORPHO.

    Join us for a deep dive into the future of fitness and discover how OMORPHO is leading the way.

    @OMORPHO on instagram

    omorpho.com to explore the product and science behind microloading

    Thu, 09 Nov 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Our CEO's Daily Routine: Sleeping, Eating and Moving for success

    Welcome to the exciting premiere of "Wild Health Voices," our new podcast series that offers an intimate look into the lives of the exceptional team members behind our mission.

    We are honored to introduce you to none other than the co-founder and CEO of Wild Health, the visionary himself, Dr. Matt Dawson.

    Dr. Dawson takes us on a captivating journey through his lifelong passion for medicine, which ignited at the tender age of six. He candidly shares the challenges and rewards of the medical industry and how this remarkable path ultimately led to the creation of Wild Health.

    Dr. Dawson reveals how his intense drive has been a constant companion throughout his life, from tireless work ethic and relentless study to the participation in multiple sports. His unwavering commitment to staying healthy and his unquenchable thirst for knowledge have propelled him through various life stages, making for a truly inspiring narrative.

    In this episode, Matt offers his top sleep tips, fitness routines, his perfect diet, guilty pleasures, and unique mindfulness practices. But it doesn't end with physical health. Dr. Dawson delves into the potential dangers of obsessive focus on the body, highlighting his passion for exploring consciousness and spiritual journeys.

    Join us for an enlightening conversation with Dr. Matt Dawson, a man whose vision and dedication have shaped Wild Health into what it is today!

    Matt's Favorite meditative sleep sound and headphones: https://kokoon.io/en-us/products/nightbuds-sleep-headphones?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwysipBhBXEiwApJOcuwoCnjpo-r2DLVSmT7OoATTwrK5FwN7CNlPaH2HzI8AV4zpfFySM0xoCvsUQAvD_BwE

    Wed, 01 Nov 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    A Better Way to Healthcare: Wild Health's Transformative Program

    In this episode, we dive into the groundbreaking world of precision medicine and how it's transforming healthcare. Join us as we unravel the WHY behind Wild Health and discover how our founder's passion led to the creation of the Precision Medicine Training Program.

    Explore how Wild Health is making precision medicine accessible, allowing practitioners, health coaches, and everyday individuals to make a significant impact on their communities. We'll touch on who can benefit from this program, what you'll gain from it, the weekly time commitment required, provide a sneak peek at the course components and the ideal experience level for participants.

    Tune in to unlock the potential of precision medicine with Wild Health's Precision Medicine Training Program and redefine your perspective on healthcare.

    Apply today at wildhealth.com/education

    Get in touch at education@wildhealth.com

    Tue, 31 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Healing from Perfectionism: Small Steps to Set Yourself Free

    Join us for an insightful and candid conversation about the pervasive issue of perfectionism. We are joined by Dr. Julie Foucher, Erika Snyder, Ariana Fiorita, and Kelly James, all of whom share their personal journeys with perfectionism and offer valuable insights into this complex and often misunderstood aspect of our lives.

    Our guests delve into a definition of perfectionism and the multifaceted components that contribute to it, exposing the underbelly of the health and wellness industry. The panel discusses the need to unlearn the praise received for being a perfectionist and offers practical steps toward healing.

    They emphasize the value of moving through each moment with a positive and loving perspective, fostering self-love and respect for ourselves. Our experts highlight a range of effective tools for reframing, ultimately helping individuals identify what they genuinely want and need.

    Join us for this episode as we embark on a journey to embrace imperfection, find balance, and discover the path to self-love.

    Wed, 25 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: AI-Powered Health Transformation with Tom Bilyeu

    In this episode, our CEO Dr. Matt Dawson, and Tom Bilyeu, the founder of Quest Bars, dive into the future of health. They discuss the profound impact of genetics versus lifestyle, highlighting that Artificial Intelligence (AI), armed with pattern recognition, which deciphers the intricate web of factors like diet, location, and exercise to provide personalized health insights, will be responsible for the real advancements in health moving forward. Moreover, they stress that there's no one-size-fits-all diet and that more data leads to better and faster results. The conversation takes an intriguing turn towards nature's role in healing and well-being. From the physiological effects of holding hands to the enhanced benefits of increased exposure to nature, you'll discover the wonders of the great outdoors. Finally, Dr. Dawson and Tom Bilyeu emphasize the importance of personalization in healthcare. They stress that doctors and health coaches should consider all facets of your life, from sleep and hormones to mood, diet, and recovery, to achieve peak athletic performance. This episode challenges conventional wisdom, encouraging you to reimagine your approach to health, one personalized step at a time. Don't miss this enlightening and transformative conversation!

    Wed, 18 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Unlock Your Athletic Potential: A Supplementation Roadmap

    In this episode, we explore the world of athletic performance with Nate Berry, Wild Health's Athletic Performance Director and seasoned coach. With his athletic background and experience as a collegiate strength and conditioning coach, Nate shares valuable insights on achieving peak performance. He discusses the synergy between lifestyle, environment, and training in optimizing performance, emphasizing the pivotal role of nutrition over supplements. Nate also delves into the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs and the lasting benefits of natural approaches.

    Navigating the supplement landscape can be complex, and Nate highlights the importance of an informed team and the timing and quality of supplementation as extensions of one's diet and nutrition strategy. He advocates for feedback systems, continuous evaluation, and intentional adjustments in supplementation for performance and quality of life enhancement. The conversation explores key supplementation areas like structural support, energy, hydration, and stress management, with a focus on individual tailoring. Nate shares his process for selecting safe, high-quality supplements and provides guidance on interpreting research in this dynamic field. Join us for this engaging discussion, filled with insights and actionable tips to optimize your athletic performance naturally while prioritizing your health and well-being.

    Wed, 11 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    The Mindset Makeover: Meghan Henry's Secrets to Success

    Today, we have the privilege of chatting with none other than Meghan Henry, an Olympic athlete, US Army captain, and passionate advocate for a healthy mindset.

    Meghan shares how her understanding of purpose has evolved over the years, and a challenging period lead her to realize the incredible influence her mindset had on her performance and overall experience of life. Meghan reveals the profound impact of defining one's purpose and practical tools for cultivating a healthy inner dialogue.

    Lastly, we explore the essential topic of separating your identity from your outcomes and shedding the weight of expectations. By relinquishing attachment to outcomes, Meghan explains how you can unlock your true potential, perform at your best, and, most importantly, have fun along the way.

    Join us for an insightful and transformative conversation with Meghan Henry as we unlock the secrets to purpose, identity, and the mindset behind success. Get ready to upgrade your thoughts, cultivate a healthy inner dialogue, and step into the limitless possibilities of your own potential. Tune in now!

    Wed, 04 Oct 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Reshaping Suicide Prevention: CAMS and Hopeful Insights with Dr. David Jobes

    In this episode, Dr. David Jobes delves into the complex psychological factors behind suicide, and the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) approach, a personalized and collaborative method that employs unique assessment tools to provide therapeutic support. We emphasize that depression and suicide are not synonymous, shedding light on the intricate workings of the human brain.

    Throughout the episode, we share powerful patient stories to highlight the importance of mental health care, feedback for providers and wrap up with essential take-home points for those who have struggled with suicidal thoughts, offering a message of hope and support.

    Join us in this insightful discussion as we address the psychological factors surrounding suicide, share personal stories, and explore innovative approaches to prevention and care.

    Emergency Support:

  • Dial 988- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

  • Text "HELP" to 741741 to reach a free Crisis Counselor

  • Find Treatment:

  • CAMS- https://cams-care.com/

  • Join their Training Program at a discounted price, during the month of September!

  • Beck Institute- https://beckinstitute.org/cbt-resources/

  • Recommended Reading

  • The Art of Being Broken by Kevin Hines- https://www.kevinhinesstory.com/shop

  • Managing Suicidal Risk by Dr. David Jobes- https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/456315.David_A_Jobes

  • Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts by Dr. Stacy Freedenthaw- https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60907484

  • Choosing To Live by Dr. Thomas Ellis- https://www.newharbinger.com/9781572240568/choosing-to-live/

  • Wed, 27 Sep 2023 19:08:00 +0000
    The Power of Living Wild: Embrace Nature-Inspired Habits for a Vibrant Life

    In this recent podcast episode, we delve into Wild Health's core value of "Living Wild" and emphasize the significance of reconnecting with nature. They discuss the concept of embracing ancestral habits to improve mental, physical, and emotional health.

    Dr.'s Mallin and Dawson, share their personal experiences and practical tips for everyone, even those in urban areas. Focusing on the importance of community and socializing in outdoor settings.

    This episode serves as a comprehensive guide to adopting nature-inspired practices for enhanced well-being and vitality. Explore the Wild Health podcast to learn more about optimizing your health by reconnecting with nature and ancestral wisdom.

    Recommended Books

  • Lost Connections by Johann Hari - https://thelostconnections.com/mobile/

  • Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan - https://michaelpollan.com/books/the-omnivores-dilemma/

  • Wed, 20 Sep 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    What Your DNA and Our Doc's Say About Red Meat

    Red meat, like all other foods we consume, is guided by genetic nuances. Uncover the importance of understanding your unique needs, meat cooking techniques, the significance of sourcing practices, and the broader concerns beyond red meat.

    Discover the nutritional treasures within red meats. Weigh the global effects of meat consumption, and learn to discern reputable sources amidst the noise. Join us for a holistic view of red meat's influence on health and the planet.

    Wed, 13 Sep 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being with Dr. Neil Theise

    Dive into a thought-provoking episode as Dr. Mike Stone engages in an illuminating conversation with esteemed guest Dr. Neil Theise. Together, they navigate the heart of Dr. Theise's groundbreaking book, "Notes on Complexity: A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being."

    In this captivating dialogue, Dr. Theise and Dr. Stone unravel the intricate web of connections that intertwine science, well-being, and consciousness. Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of complexity—an exploration of how interactions intricately shape structures and systems, forming the very foundation of existence.

    Discover how complexity weaves its threads into the fabric of health and vitality. Delve deep into the dynamic interplay between cells and the human body. The doctors traverse a spectrum of interconnected concepts, from the synergy of numbers and complexity to the role of feedback loops in maintaining optimal well-being. Explore the realm of randomness and chaos in biology and its implications. And don't miss the insight-packed segment where the doctors unpack Dr. Theise's perspective on the symbiotic relationship between complexity and mindfulness.

    This episode unveils the myriad ways in which the principles of complexity intersect with the realm of biology, shedding light on profound correlations that enrich our comprehension of life itself. Join Dr. Stone and Dr. Theise for an engaging exploration that uncovers the intricate connections bridging science, consciousness, and the essence of our existence.

    Wed, 06 Sep 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Living Longer, Living Better: Dr. Matt Dawson's Longevity Blueprint

    Welcome to a transformative episode of the Wild Health Podcast, where Dr. Mike Stone is joined by none other than Dr. Matt Dawson, the CEO and Founder of Wild Health. Prepare to unveil the keys to a longer, healthier life as they delve into Dr. Matt Dawson's top tips for longevity.

    In this enlightening conversation, these experts dive deep into foundational habits that pave the way for a vibrant and extended lifespan. Tune in as they dissect the most impactful actions to enhance your longevity journey.

    From optimizing sleep patterns to making informed nutritional choices and crafting a well-rounded exercise routine, this episode is a treasure trove of insights into enhancing longevity. Dr. Matt Dawson isn't just a proponent of the science; he embodies his teachings. Gain insights into his personal habits, demonstrating how he balances his quest for longevity with embracing the joys of today. Discover how to adopt his practical, no-nonsense approach to health that encompasses both well-being and spontaneity.

    Join us for a remarkable episode that vows to revolutionize your perspective on longevity. Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Matt Dawson will arm you with the essential tools needed to attain enhanced vitality and lasting longevity.

    Tue, 05 Sep 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    - 未知的檔案類型。
    Living an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle with Dr. Gary Kaplan

    Uncover the complexities of inflammation in this informative episode featuring Dr. Mike Stone and special guest Dr. Gary Kaplan, DO. Dr. Kaplan, a clinical associate professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine and founder of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, joins host Dr. Stone to delve into the multifaceted world of inflammation and its impact on health.

    Tune in as the doctors dive into practical interventions aimed at combating inflammation. Discover effective lifestyle adjustments and avenues for testing, as they reveal tangible methods to mitigate the effects of inflammation on your well-being.

    Delve deeper into narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and the role of meditation in sleep quality – all intricately linked to inflammation. Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Stone also explore the connection between nutrition and inflammation, offering actionable steps to identify inflammation-inducing foods and insights into chronic poisoning. Plus, unlock the potential of supplementation to address inflammation head-on.

    Explore the profound influence of inflammation on brain function, as the doctors dissect its correlation with mental health. From its impact on depression to enhancing focus and cognitive well-being, gain insights into the far-reaching effects of inflammation on the mind.

    As this enlightening episode concludes, you'll depart armed with a comprehensive grasp of inflammation's nuances and actionable insights to revolutionize your health journey. Join Dr. Stone and Dr. Kaplan on this educational exploration into the intricate world of inflammation and its vital role in overall well-being.

    Fri, 01 Sep 2023 17:22:00 +0000
    Living an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle with Dr. Gary Kaplan

    Uncover the complexities of inflammation in this informative episode featuring Dr. Mike Stone and special guest Dr. Gary Kaplan, DO. Dr. Kaplan, a clinical associate professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine and founder of the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine, joins host Dr. Stone to delve into the multifaceted world of inflammation and its impact on health.

    Tune in as the doctors dive into practical interventions aimed at combating inflammation. Discover effective lifestyle adjustments and avenues for testing, as they reveal tangible methods to mitigate the effects of inflammation on your well-being.

    Delve deeper into narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and the role of meditation in sleep quality – all intricately linked to inflammation. Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Stone also explore the connection between nutrition and inflammation, offering actionable steps to identify inflammation-inducing foods and insights into chronic poisoning. Plus, unlock the potential of supplementation to address inflammation head-on.

    Explore the profound influence of inflammation on brain function, as the doctors dissect its correlation with mental health. From its impact on depression to enhancing focus and cognitive well-being, gain insights into the far-reaching effects of inflammation on the mind.

    As this enlightening episode concludes, you'll depart armed with a comprehensive grasp of inflammation's nuances and actionable insights to revolutionize your health journey. Join Dr. Stone and Dr. Kaplan on this educational exploration into the intricate world of inflammation and its vital role in overall well-being.

    Fri, 01 Sep 2023 17:22:00 +0000
    MTOR Unveiled Part 2: Protein, MTOR, and Muscle Growth

    Join Doctors Mike Mallin and Mike Stone as they delve into the science of muscle growth, protein synthesis, and MTOR. Discover how protein synthesis repairs and builds muscles, learn how to activate MTOR for optimal gains, and understand the difference between anabolic and catabolic processes. Get practical tips on maximizing fasting without muscle loss and explore the impact of protein intake on MTOR and longevity.

    Whether you're an athlete or fitness enthusiast, this episode provides essential knowledge to unlock your muscle-building potential.

    MTOR Unveild Part 1: https://wildhealth.libsyn.com/mtor-unveiled-part-1-the-key-to-cellular-growth-and-optimal-health

    Wed, 23 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Why Pickleball Isn't 'Enough': The Importance of adequate exercise as we age

    Dive into the ultimate guide on the health benefits of pickleball in this episode of the Wild Health Podcast. Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger explore the surge in pickleball's popularity, dissected through the lens of health and fitness.

    Discover the health advantages of pickleball as Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger delve deep into its impact on agility, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle engagement. Explore the game's potential to elevate mental health and cognitive performance and its impact on longevity.

    Gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks and rewards, ensuring you step onto the pickleball court armed with knowledge. Delve further with Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger as they introduce various modalities to enhance the benefits of your pickleball play. Learn about the art of recovery and its pivotal role in achieving holistic well-being.

    Unravel the question of whether pickleball can be your primary path to health goals or a delightful addition to your wellness journey.

    Sources and References:

  • Pickleball for Inactive Mid-Life and Older Adults in Rural Utah: A Feasibility Study

  • Non-fatal senior pickleball and tennis-related injuries treated in United States emergency departments, 2010–2019

  • Dr. Mark Goodman on optimizing fitness with genomic based exercise, diet, and recovery

  • Tue, 22 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Unveiling the Healing Rays: Harnessing Sunlight for Health

    In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone explores sun exposure and its profound impact on our health. Join us as we delve into the science behind the sun's rays and uncover the myriad ways they influence our well-being.

    Dr. Stone takes discusses the essential role sunlight plays in regulating our circadian rhythms. Discover how exposure to natural light aligns our internal clocks, fostering better sleep and improved overall mood. With a wealth of scientific knowledge at his fingertips, he unpacks the mechanisms of sunlight exposure.

    However, the sun's gifts are not without cautionary tales. Dr. Stone provides practical and actionable advice on how to strike the right balance between reaping the benefits of sun exposure and safeguarding ourselves from potential harm. Learn about the optimal times for sun exposure, the role of sunscreen, and how to tailor your outdoor activities to your skin's unique needs.

    Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Navigating Temptations: Mastering Mindfulness for Health Success in a Chaotic World

    In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone and Wild Health Coach Kelly James join forces to tackle a common challenge on the path to wellness: staying committed to your health journey amidst temptations and the influence of those following different practices. With a blend of psychological insights and practical wisdom, they dive into how mindfulness and other techniques can empower you to maintain your nutritional, exercise, and health goals.

    Drawing from their expertise, Dr. Stone and Kelly James share invaluable strategies to fortify your mindset and bolster your resilience against the pull of unhealthy choices. They uncover the power of mindfulness in recognizing triggers, navigating social situations, and reinforcing positive habits. They also explore the impact of approaching your goals with a big-picture mentality.

    Whether you're facing the allure of indulgent treats, peer pressure, or conflicting health perspectives, this episode equips you with the tools to triumph.

    Wed, 16 Aug 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Mindfulness and Motivation: Cultivating a Transformed Perspective

    In this captivating episode, join Dr. Mike Stone and Wild Health Coach Kelly James as they embark on an enlightening journey into the world of mindfulness and motivation. With a blend of expertise and personal experiences, they dissect the very essence of mindfulness – from its multifaceted definitions to the underlying theories that shape its practice.

    This episode goes beyond theory. Dr. Stone and Kelly James delve into the practical aspects of cultivating a mindful mindset that can truly revolutionize your life and perspective. Through relatable anecdotes and actionable advice, they guide listeners through the process of attaining mindfulness, offering tangible steps to integrate mindfulness into daily routines and navigate life's challenges with grace.

    Whether you're a seasoned mindfulness practitioner or just starting to explore this transformative practice, this episode is a wellspring of wisdom.

    Thu, 10 Aug 2023 04:02:00 +0000
    Inside the Wild Health Lifestyle: Unveiling the Daily Practices of a Wild Health Practitioner

    Have you ever wondered how the Wild Health physicians live? Well, wonder no more! Dr. Carl Seger opens up about his personal journey to optimal health and wellness. With a wealth of experience under his belt, he shares valuable insights into crafting a thriving lifestyle.

    In this interview, Dr. Seger outlines his top meal recommendations, offering a glimpse into the culinary delights that fuel his high-energy lifestyle. Discover the exercise routines that keep Dr. Seger in top shape and ready to take on any challenge. Learn about the new health hacks that Carl's been experimenting with and the latest health research he's been looking into.

    But it's not all smooth sailing in the pursuit of wellness. Dr. Carl Seger candidly discusses the top challenges he faces on his journey to better health.

    Tune in to get to know Dr. Carl Seger on a personal level. Alongside fascinating anecdotes, you'll walk away with practical day-to-day habits and life-changing tips to enhance your own well-being.

    Wed, 09 Aug 2023 04:02:00 +0000
    MTOR Unveiled Part 1: The Key to Cellular Growth and Optimal Health

    In this highly anticipated episode, Doctors Mike Stone and Mike Mallin dive deep into the fascinating world of MTOR, an enzyme that serves as a crucial regulator of cellular processes. Join them as they demystify the intricate workings of MTOR and shed light on its impact on cellular growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, lipid production, and more.

    By delving into the intricate mechanisms at play, they help us understand how MTOR functions as the accelerator for growth and the key player in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Discover the importance of healthy MTOR activation and its correlation to disease prevention.

    As the episode progresses, Doctors Stone and Mallin take the discussion a step further, offering actionable steps that listeners can take to activate MTOR and improve their overall health. By implementing these practical strategies, you can unlock the potential of MTOR to optimize cellular function, enhance metabolic processes, and promote a state of well-being.

    Join the conversation in this enlightening episode as Doctors Stone and Mallin empower you with knowledge and actionable steps to harness the power of MTOR for improved health and vitality.

    Thu, 03 Aug 2023 04:02:00 +0000
    Wild Health's Take: Our Doctor's Summary of Outlive by Peter Attia

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger on this wild health podcast episode as they delve into the pages of Peter Attia's captivating book, "Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity." The doctors are thrilled to provide an engaging summary of the book. They'll dive into how "Outlive" levels the playing field for patients, empowering them with invaluable knowledge when speaking with their healthcare providers.

    Peter Attia's approach to health and disease prevention is an eye-opener, and the doctors can't help but express their enthusiasm for his work. They delve into the concept of the "Four Horsemen of Health," exploring Attia's unique insights on how to combat these crucial aspects of well-being.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger offer their own thoughts and reflections on various topics covered in the book. They share the good, the great, and even some of the less great aspects of Attia's positions. Their candid and honest discussions will keep you hooked and inspired to take charge of your health.

    Wed, 02 Aug 2023 04:02:00 +0000
    Breaking Barriers: Fee Saghafi's Rise in CrossFit Games

    Join Dr. Julie Foucher, as she engages in an inspiring conversation with Fee Saghafi, a CrossFit Games Athlete. Fee discusses her discovery of CrossFit in college, driven by a desire for a healthier path amid body image struggles and the need for community. They explore the importance of finding the right CrossFit affiliate and how mentors, consistency, and self-care have supported Fee's skill development.

    From burnout to smarter training, Fee shares valuable lessons and her excitement about Wild Health's personalized approach. Get a glimpse into Fee's daily routine, meals, training, and aspirations for the games. This episode offers valuable insights into Fee's journey and her dedication to continuous improvement.

    Wrapping up the episode, Fee shares her hopes for the upcoming games and reflects on the game of preparing for the games itself. She looks forward to witnessing the payoff of her hard work and celebrating her continuous improvement over time.

    Tue, 01 Aug 2023 12:38:00 +0000
    Harnessing the Power of Words (Part 2) : 4 Steps to Goal Attainment with Mark England

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and the renowned life coach, Mark England, as they delve into the second part of our earlier podcast episode, "How Our Language Influences Us for Better or Worse." If you haven't heard Part 1 (Episode 374), we recommend giving giving it a listen!

    In this follow-up episode, the dynamic duo takes a deep dive into the extraordinary potential of words and how they can help you turn your goals into tangible realities. Mark shares his powerful 4-Step process, providing invaluable insights into the art of manifestation through language and breath.

    As you listen, you'll learn how to wield the immense power of words to your advantage, aligning your thoughts and intentions to make your dreams come true. This process doesn't end with pen and paper, but utilizes breath as you set your goals.

    Whether your aspirations involve weight loss, excelling in the CrossFit games, or any other ambitious endeavor, Mark England's actionable steps will serve as your guiding light. Tune into empower yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to embark on a transformative journey towards actualizing your dreams.

    You can find Mark England online here or on Instagram @enliftedcoaches

    Mon, 31 Jul 2023 16:42:00 +0000
    The Bittersweet Truth - Understanding the Impact of Sugar on Cognitive Function and Brain Health

    In this captivating episode, Doctors Mallin and Stone unpack the science behind sugar addiction and its effects on cognitive function. They shed light on the rollercoaster of energy surges and crashes caused by sugar and discuss how these fluctuations impact our ability to think and perform. The doctors then delve into the long-term consequences of sugar intake, specifically the connection between sugar, insulin resistance, and the development of dementia. Wrapping up the episode, they offer practical tips for consuming fructose in a healthy way, empowering listeners to make informed choices about their sugar consumption. Don't miss this enlightening discussion to gain a deeper understanding of the sugar-brain connection and actionable steps towards better brain health.

    Wed, 26 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Cracking the Code to Longevity: Will Moorad's Blueprint for a Fulfilled Life

    Join us on the Wild Health Podcast as we sit down with Will Moorad, a remarkable CrossFit athlete, as he takes us on a journey through his inspiring life. Will shares his transition from a successful soccer career to discovering CrossFit during a college side job, and his incredible experience qualifying for the games.

    Throughout the episode, Will reveals how he overcame challenging periods with unwavering perseverance, transforming the dark side of competitiveness into an opportunity for personal growth.

    Through sharing his experiences, Will finds a sense of purpose in teaching and supporting others, emphasizing how CrossFit fosters an amazing community and platform for collective growth.

    In this episode, we delve into the importance of taking control of our circumstances to live longer and lead fulfilled lives. Will walks us through a day in his life just weeks away from the CF games, revealing how he tailors his lifestyle to his unique genetics and needs.

    Tune in and embark on a transformative journey of resilience, community, and living life to the fullest.

    Tue, 25 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    The Vagus Nerve: Enhancing Health and Stress Regulation

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger as they explore the incredible impact of the vagus nerve on overall health. Learn about the functions of the vagus nerve and its role in regulating the autonomic nervous system, specifically the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. Discover how this remarkable nerve influences stress regulation and its involvement in various physiological processes.

    Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger share practical tips for toning and improving vagus nerve function to promote better health and well-being.

    Unveil the secrets of the vagus nerve in this enlightening episode, and unlock its potential to transform your health and stress response.

    Thu, 20 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Demystifying VO2 Max: Your Key to Optimal Fitness and Longevity

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger as they dive into the world of VO2 max, exploring its impact on health, fitness, and longevity. Learn what VO2 max is and how it reflects your cardiovascular fitness, serving as a key predictor of athletic performance. Discover effective training strategies to improve your VO2 max through exercise, including insights on frequency, intensity, and the benefits of incorporating strength training.

    Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger emphasize the importance of recovery in optimizing VO2 max. Explore the vital role of rest in enhancing your body's ability to utilize oxygen efficiently. Additionally, gain valuable tips on testing VO2 max, enabling you to measure and track your cardiovascular fitness accurately. Uncover the remarkable connection between VO2 max and longevity, and learn how striving for a higher VO2 max can positively impact your overall well-being.

    Tune in to this enlightening episode and unlock the power of VO2 max, empowering yourself to reach new levels of fitness, longevity, and understanding of your body's incredible potential.

    Wed, 19 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Balancing Life, Recovery, and Peak Performance with CrossFit Champion, Dr. David Hippensteel

    Join Dr. Mike Mallin, MD, and Dr. David Hippensteel, DMD, in this episode of the Wild Health Podcast as they dive deep into the world of sports, mindset, and the secrets to achieving optimal health and longevity.

    Together, they explore the paramount importance of recovery and how it evolves over time. As the body ages and injuries arise, David learned to listen to the signs and grant his body ample time to rest. Learn why this seemingly counterintuitive approach became the easiest and most natural path to healing, proving that taking time off doesn't make you worse—it actually makes you better.

    Discover the delicate balance of adding stressors in just the right amount to optimize the body's adaptive response. Gain insights into how this knowledge can revolutionize your approach to achieving peak performance while safeguarding your overall well-being.

    Uncover the crucial interplay between training, focus, normal life, and recovery. David shares his unique daily schedule and diet, offering valuable lessons on how to ensure your behavior and programming foster progress without causing irreversible damage.

    As a true pioneer in the field, David views himself as an orthopedic longevity experiment, specifically examining how the body responds to Crossfit in the long run. Listen as he reflects on his journey, highlighting the lessons learned and the potential adjustments he might have made along the way.

    Tue, 18 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    How Our Language Influences Us for Better or Worse with Mark England

    Prepare for a transformative episode as we dive into the power of words with renowned life coach and presenter, Mark England. In this captivating discussion, Mark uncovers the common thread that runs through every conversation about fear, trauma, self-loathing, and self-doubt: the language we use to describe them. Drawing upon his own personal journey and the insights gained from empowering countless clients and event attendees, Mark introduces us to the groundbreaking concept of "Procabulary."

    Join us as we explore how the words we choose shape our experiences and influence our emotional well-being. Mark's mission is nothing short of revolutionary: to reduce unnecessary stress and drama in the world while empowering individuals to become more powerful and happy. Through engaging anecdotes and practical techniques, he provides listeners with the tools to transform their internal dialogue and create profound shifts in their lives. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the immense power of language in this transformative episode.

    Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    The Antihero's Journey: Exploring the Hero/Villain Dichotomy with author Captain Ben Askins, PA, PhD

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Captain Ben Askins, PA, PhD, for a mind-expanding podcast episode as they unpack the captivating concepts from Askins' brand new book, "Anti-hero's Journey." Fusing armchair philosophy with psychedelic science war stories, Askins shares personal anecdotes and tales of overcoming fear with love.

    In this thought-provoking conversation, Dr. Stone and Ben Askins challenge the prevailing hero/villain culture, offering an alternative perspective: the antihero. They explore the transformative power of love, showcasing how it can be a catalyst for personal growth and change. By embracing the complexities of the human experience, they invite us to redefine our understanding of self.

    This teaser episode offers a glimpse into the profound insights found in "The Antihero's Journey" by Captain Ben Askins, PA, PhD. Whether you're interested in armchair philosophy, psychedelic science, or simply seeking a fresh perspective, this conversation will inspire and intrigue you.

    Purchase "The Antihero's Journey" at the link below:


    Wed, 12 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Taking the Wheel on a Path to Wellness with Kerri Masutto, MD

    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the pressing need to revolutionize medical visits and empower individuals to truly take charge of their health. Join us as we explore strategies to bridge the gap between patients and providers, fostering a collaborative partnership rather than a one-sided exchange of information.

    We start by advocating for a systematic approach that enables patients to observe, gather data, and view their health as an ongoing experiment. By becoming active participants in their wellness plans, patients can provide doctors with comprehensive information and a deep understanding of their unique experiences.

    We shed light on the importance of breaking down language barriers in healthcare,

    and discuss ways to shift the power dynamic, empowering patients to advocate for themselves and reduce their dependence on doctors, ultimately saving both time and money.

    Join us as we unravel the concept of health sovereignty and champion active patient participation. It's time to transform the way we approach medical visits, closing the gap between patients and providers and empowering individuals to drive the bus on their journey to optimal health.

    Tue, 11 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Chocolate as a Health Food?

    Indulge your taste buds and tune in to this delectable episode as Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger uncover some surprising health benefits of chocolate. Yes, you heard that right! In their latest chocolate-laden adventure, they guide you through the world of healthy chocolate brands and dive into the remarkable effects it can have on our well-being.

    Delve into the fascinating research with Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger as they discuss the positive impact of chocolate on blood pressure, revealing its potential as a delicious ally in promoting cardiovascular health. They explore studies linking chocolate consumption to increased cognitive performance and endurance, shedding light on the extraordinary benefits this sweet treat can offer. Unlock the secrets of flavonoids, the compounds found in chocolate that play a crucial role in these health-boosting effects.

    So grab your favorite (health-conscious) chocolate bar and join the conversation that will have you savoring every bite and rethinking the way you view this beloved indulgence.

    Thu, 06 Jul 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Psychedelic Therapy For Alcohol Misuse and PTSD in Special Forces Veterans

    Join Dr. Kristin Dawson, Dr. Mike Stone, and Ben Askins, PA, PhD as they delve into a new study from the Journal of Military Psychology. The team explores the use of psychedelic substances, specifically Ibogaine and 5MEO-DMT, in therapeutic settings for special forces veterans dealing with addiction and PTSD. They discuss the risks, benefits, and the impact of this research on the evolving landscape of psychedelic therapy.

    Wed, 05 Jul 2023 18:25:00 +0000
    The Science of Success: Behind the Scenes with Omari Jones and Team USA Boxing

    On this episode, we bring you an extraordinary lineup of guests who will delve into the inspiring journey of Omari Jones, a USA Boxing Champion, as he prepares for the Olympics. Join Wild Health Lead Athletic Medical Director, Dr. Tom McCoy, Health Coach and Athletic Director, Nate Barry, and USA Boxing High Performance Medical Director, Dr. Kirk O'Donnell, and Omari Jones, himself, as they unveil the path to Jones' boxing success.

    Our guests shed light on the pivotal role precision medicine has played in transforming Omari's performance. From tailored training to personalized nutritional plans, they explore how precision medicine has revolutionized the game for elite athletes like Omari. Discover the unwavering dedication and the scientific advancements that have propelled Omari to this remarkable stage in his career.

    Thu, 29 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Medicine 4.0 and Beyond: Changing Healthcare for the Better

    Doctors Mike Stone and Carl Seger take us on an illuminating journey into the world of "Medicine 4.0." Drawing upon their expertise in a variety of medical roles, they trace the rich history of the development of patient care, highlighting key milestones and breakthroughs that have shaped the landscape of healthcare as we know it.

    With a critical lens, Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger delve into the implications of the current climate of traditional medicine on both patients and providers. They candidly discuss the challenges faced by healthcare professionals and explore the need for a paradigm shift to ensure the well-being of both caregivers and those seeking treatment.

    Through their thought-provoking dialogue, they envision a future where medicine is practiced with enhanced efficacy and compassion. Join the doctors as they shed light on the necessary changes that the healthcare world must embrace to usher in a new era of improved patient care and provider well-being.

    Wed, 28 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Unlock Your Brain's Potential: The Surprising Truth About Neurofeedback with Dr. Andrew Hill

    Join us on a mind-bending expedition into the wild world of neurofeedback in this captivating health podcast episode. Discover how neurofeedback was discovered and how it measures brain activity in humans, leading to more accurate diagnoses. Learn how understanding your unique brain activation can help you make behavior changes aligned with your goals and lifestyle.

    Renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Hill, shares insights on how brain mapping empowers patients to see how their lifestyle choices and medication impact their brain and daily performance, promoting autonomy and self-awareness.

    We also explore the limitations of neurofeedback and how it intersects with personalized medicine, allowing you to determine if it's the right fit for you. Journey with us as we unlock the power of neurofeedback, steering our own systems for optimal health and performance.

    Are you ready to tap into your neuropotential? Let the wild ride begin!

    Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    How the Corporate Food Industry is Ruining Your Health

    Join Drs. Mike Stone and Carl Seger on this episode as they unravel the transformation of the American food industry throughout history. They explore the exponential rise of processed foods and the marketing tactics that have reshaped our diets. The doctors explore the idea of food desserts and the potential addictive qualities of the food that is readily available.

    Delving into the consequences for our health, they chat about how corporate food industries, in particular contribute to the increase in processed foods and, perhaps as a result, the surge in chronic diseases.Tune in to gain a fresh perspective on food sourcing and empower yourself to make informed and nourishing choices on how to eat.

    Thu, 22 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Saturated Fat Tug-O-War: Managing Cholesterol and Muscle Gain

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger as they share their extensive expertise and shed light on the intricate relationship between cholesterol, saturated fat, and overall well-being. Dive into the dichotomy of striking the right balance between protein and saturated fat, and explore practical lifestyle strategies for maintaining optimal cholesterol levels.

    Discover a comprehensive array of lifestyle approaches for optimizing cholesterol levels. From tracking your dietary choices to implementing feeding windows and incorporating specific protein intake advice, Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger provide practical insights that empower you to make informed decisions about your health.

    Moreover, this episode delves into the important considerations regarding statin medication. Gain a deeper understanding of when and how to consider statins as part of your cholesterol management strategy, while exploring potential alternatives and complementary approaches.

    Referenced Drawing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q3jreJ9VQ012vS5d4vbu_Cf9XBpbBPCQ/view?usp=sharing

    Wed, 21 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    What to Know About Seed Oils

    Join us for an informative episode as we chat with Dietician and Health Coach, Ariana Fiorita, and Dr. Mike Stone about health risks associated with omega 6 intake. Delve into the world of seed oils and discover why they have become so prevalent in our diets.

    Ariana and Dr. Stone will tackle the fundamental question: What exactly are the health risks associated with omega 6 intake? We'll discuss the food industry's reliance on seed oils and the reasons behind their widespread use in our diets.

    Finally, Ariana and Dr. Stone will provide practical tips and insights into identifying and eliminating these harmful oils from your diet. Learn about healthier alternatives, such as cooking oils that offer a more balanced omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. Discover what to look for and what to avoid when it comes to seed oils, empowering you to make informed choices while grocery shopping or dining out.

    Thu, 15 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Mitochondria: More Than Just the Powerhouse of the Cell

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger as they delve into the world of mitochondrial health and its impact on overall well-being. Discover why mitochondrial health matters as Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger discuss its pivotal role in cognitive function, muscle growth, and cellular regeneration.

    Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger provide practical lifestyle interventions to improve mitochondrial function. Learn how exercise, proper nutrition, stress management, and optimizing sleep can enhance mitochondrial efficiency.

    If you're curious about the profound impact of mitochondrial health, and eager to learn how lifestyle interventions can optimize their function, tune in to learn more!

    Wed, 14 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    ADHD Struggles: How to evaluate and cope with adult ADHD

    In this episode Carl Seger, MD, and Kristin Dawson, MD, will be delving into the topic of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with focus on ADHD in adulthood.

    The doctors explore the book Stolen Focus by Johann Hard while discussing implications of and treatment for ADHD, including lifestyle treatments such as nutritional psychology, activity, screen time, neurofeedback, and more. Additionally, they'll outline suggestions for balancing the challenges and strengths associated with ADHD. Finally, we will touch on evaluation and diagnosis as an adult.

    Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:50:00 +0000
    Is Meditation the Ultimate Weapon Against Alzheimer's? The Science Unveiled

    In this captivating episode, we embark on a fascinating journey into the world of meditation and its potential as a treatment and preventive measure for Alzheimer's disease. While meditation is widely recognized for its ability to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety, it turns out there may be even more to this ancient practice.

    Join us as we delve deeper into the remarkable imaging studies that prove structural changes in the brains of regular meditators. These changes not only contribute to enhanced cognitive behavior and memory but also serve as a protective mechanism against the onset of dementia.

    However, the burning question remains: How significant is this data? By exploring the methodologies employed in these studies and understanding the implications of the results, we aim to shed light on the true potential of meditation in combating Alzheimer's.

    Although we acknowledge that we are still in the early stages of research, it becomes clear that meditation is a wonderful intervention worth recommending. Tune in as we explore the captivating intersection of meditation, brain health, and the fight against Alzheimer's disease. Don't miss this enlightening episode of the Wild Health Podcast!


    Effects of Meditation on Structural Changes of the Brain in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 12 November 2021 Sec. Cognitive Neuroscience


    Effect of an 18-Month Meditation Training on Regional Brain Volume and Perfusion in Older Adults. JAMA Neurol. 2022;79(11):1165-1174. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2022.3185


    Tue, 06 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Mindful Eating: How to Mindfully Approach Meals to Maximize Mental and Physical Wellness

    In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger lead us through an exercise in mindful eating, and we advise having a healthy, bite-sized snack handy as you join in on this interactive podcast.

    Mindful eating teaches us to be intentionally aware and present in the moment, leading to improved digestion, lower stress levels, and a healthy effect on BMI. At the beginning of the episode, the doctors will guide listeners through a mindful eating exercise. Together they'll explore the concept and benefits of bringing awareness to our meal times and feeding habits.

    Listeners will learn about the many mental and health benefits of mindful eating and explore strategies for implementing mindful eating practices in their daily lives, including healthy effect on BMI, improved digestion, and lowered stress levels. Our experts will close with practical tips and resources for incorporating mindful eating practices in our everyday lives.

    Mon, 05 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Is Ozempic Too Good to Be True? The Truth Unveiled

    Join our doctors as they unravel the mysteries behind Ozempic, an drug that has recently gained in popularity in the weight loss world.

    Semaglutide, the generic name for Ozempic, is a GLP agonist initially developed for the treatment of diabetes and obesity. However, its remarkable ability to regulate appetite and glucose levels has propelled it into the spotlight as a potent weight loss aid. In this episode, the doctors explore the health benefits of the drugs as well as the potential side effects and downsides.

    Finally the doctors weigh in on their professional opinions about the drug, including their insight into its longterm implications on longevity and overall health optimization.

    Join the Wild Health podcast as they unravel the science, facts, and latest research behind Ozempic and semaglutide.


    Thu, 01 Jun 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Nourishing from the Ground Up: Exploring Soil Depletion, Regenerative Farming, and Responsible Sourcing for Optimal Health

    Join Wild Health Coach Arielle Bloom as she explores the impact of soil depletion on nutrition, the importance of regenerative farming, and responsible sourcing of food for optimal health.

    Discover how soil depletion, caused by intensive farming methods, robs our crops of essential nutrients and compromises our health. Arielle uncovers the alarming consequences of consuming nutritionally compromised produce, shedding light on the need for regenerative farming practices.

    Learn about regenerative farming techniques that aim to revitalize and replenish the soil, ensuring nutrient-dense crops and ecological balance. Arielle emphasizes the significance of responsible sourcing, encouraging listeners to support local farmers who prioritize healthy farming practices.

    Through practical tips and insights, Arielle empowers listeners to make informed decisions about their food choices. Discover how to find nutrient-rich produce, navigate food labels, and support the regenerative farming movement for a healthier future.


  • Savory Institute: savory.global

  • Kiss The Ground Documentary

  • Sacred Cow www.sacredcow.com

  • Food Animal Concerns Trust: www.foodanimalconcernstrust.org

  • White Oak Pastures: whiteoakpastures.com

  • REP Provisions: repprovisions.com

  • Sources:

  • nass.usda.gov/publications/highlights/2014/highlights_farms_and_farmland.pdf

  • www.statista.com/statistics/196103/number-of-farms-in-the-us-since-2000/

  • www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2020.555426/full

  • Sustainabledish.com/my-beef-with-george-monbiot

  • www.sacredcow.info/helpful-resources

  • https://practicalfarmers.org/research/

  • https://www.foodanimalconcernstrust.org/nutritional-benefits

  • Wed, 31 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    The Undeniable Power of Health Coaching

    In this episode Dr. Mike Stone and Wild Health Coach, Michele Miller, delve into the world of health coaching and discover the transformative power it holds for individuals seeking to optimize their health.

    Learn how health coaching goes beyond traditional medical approaches, focusing on empowering individuals to take charge of their own health journeys. Discover the secrets of how health coaches establish meaningful connections with clients, employing a supportive and collaborative partnership to unlock their full potential.

    Next, we'll delve into why health coaching has risen to such prominence in recent years. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of wellness, health coaching bridges the gap between medical knowledge and personal empowerment.

    Discover the importance of professional standards, certification, and accreditation in the health coaching field and learn about a leader in Health Coach certification, the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching. We'll explore the training and qualifications required to become a certified health coach, ensuring that clients receive the highest level of expertise and care.

    Gain a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of health coaching, and discover how it can revolutionize your well-being journey.

    Tue, 30 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Fitness for the Every Person: The Basics of Getting Fit and Healthy At Any Age

    In this episode, Dr. Jeff Graham and Dr. Mike Stone will be discussing the basics of physical fitness and the benefits of seeking physical fitness at all ages on metabolic health, brain health, and longevity.

    Dr. Graham and Dr. Stone will offer practical advice on how to get started with zone 2 training as a baseline to performance, then explore the addition of strength training and VO2 maximizing techniques such as HIIT and Tabata.

    Mental blocks and boredom can often be barriers to consistent exercise, but the doctors provide helpful tips for powering through high intensity workouts and beating boredom on cardio days.

    Finally, Dr. Graham and Dr. Stone will discuss their top supplement and nutrition advice to support listeners' fitness goals.

    Thu, 25 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Offsetting the Dangers of Blue Light with Matt Maruca of Ra Optics

    We all know that artificial light is a pervasive and unavoidable aspect of modern life, but did you know about the dangers it poses to our health? In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone dives deep into the fascinating topic of light and its impact on health with Matt Maruca of Ra Optics. We'll discuss how to protect yourself from the negative effects of artificial light, as well as how to maximize the benefits of natural light.

    But what about the science behind how the eye and brain process different forms of light, and how this affects our chronobiology and health? Matt and Dr. Stone delve into the fascinating research on this topic, revealing the intricate and complex ways in which light affects our bodies.

    Finally, we'll outline practical tips on using light to benefit your chronobiology, energy production, and overall health optimization.

    Visit raoptics.com/wildhealth or use wildhealth for 10% off your next purchase, All funds will be donated to a charity, called InnerScience which studies the effects of meditation on health, specifically focusing on a science-based approach to meditation. (More info: https://innerscienceresearch.org)







    Wed, 24 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Is Precision Medicine the Key in Alzheimer's Prevention?: ApoE4 and Alzheimer's Risk Reduction

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin as they explore a recent study on the potential of Precision Medicine to lower Alzheimer's risk for those with ApoE4. The doctors delve into the impact of oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and inflammation on Alzheimer's risk and how precision, lifestyle interventions may be the key in prevention.

    Throughout the episode, the doctors highlight the importance of personalized treatment plans for individuals with ApoE4, and the potential of Precision Medicine to guide these plans. The doctors discuss how Precision Medicine, which tailors treatments to an individual's unique genetic makeup, can offer a more targeted approach to prevention.

    Tune in to learn how Precision Medicine can play a critical role in prevention of Alzheimer's disease for those with ApoE4.

    Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8073598/

    Tue, 23 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Hacking Female Hormones: Weight Loss and Gain for Women with Dr. Carla DiGirolamo

    In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carla DiGirolamo, board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologists who specialize in all aspects of fertility care, will be discussing a topic that is of utmost importance to many women - weight management and its relationship to female hormones.

    Dr. Stone and Dr. DiGirolamo will explore the variety of roles that hormones play in female weight gain and loss. The doctors will share their insights on how decoding the menstrual cycle can point to answers on weight management and how hormone replacement therapy can be a viable option for some women. We'll also hear Dr. DiGirolamo's take on oral contraception and how it relates to weight loss and gain in women.

    But it's not all about medication - lifestyle interventions can also play a key role in optimizing weight and hormone health. Dr. Stone and Dr. DiGirolamo will explore some of the options available to women who want to take control of their weight and health.

    Thu, 18 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Brainspotting: What Is It and How Can It Facilitate Trauma Healing? (Part 2)

    Join us for an insightful episode as we continue our exploration of brainspotting with Thad Frye, LCSW, of the Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute and Thad Frye Counseling. In this follow-up discussion, we delve deeper into the remarkable ability of brainspotting to not only enhance performance but also to facilitate healing in the aftermath of traumatic and high-pressure experiences.

    Thad Frye provides a fascinating overview of how brainspotting can tap into the limbic system to enable optimal performance when we need it most. Through our engaging conversation, we shed light on the remarkable versatility of brainspotting and how it can benefit individuals from diverse backgrounds such as first responders, veterans, and athletes.

    Furthermore, we explore the vital role of brainspotting in debriefing from high-pressure situations, allowing individuals to reintegrate into their daily lives with renewed resilience.

    Finally, we explore the concept of self-brainspotting, which provides individuals with a powerful tool to better understand the brainspotting process and drop into a state of consciousness that is conducive to overcoming daily obstacles and challenges.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that is sure to expand your understanding of the power of brainspotting.

    Wed, 17 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Surprising Benefits and Roadblocks of Random Acts of Kindness

    Join us on this episode of the Wild Health podcast as Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Kristin Dawson, and Ben Askins, PA-C, dive into the fascinating medical study, "A Little Good Goes an Unexpectedly Long Way: Underestimating the Positive Impact of Kindness on Recipients."

    Why is it so hard for us to execute these acts of kindness? Our experts discuss the common barriers that prevent us from spreading kindness and offer tips for overcoming them.

    You'll discover the surprising health benefits of performing acts of kindness, and how even the smallest acts can have a significant impact on both the giver and receiver.

    Study referenced: A little good goes an unexpectedly long way: Underestimating the positive impact of kindness on recipients - https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2022-85307-001?doi=1

    Thu, 11 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Brainspotting: What Is It and How Can It Optimize My Performance? (Part 1)

    In this episode we delve into the world of brainspotting, a psychological modality that aims to help individuals process and overcome traumatic experiences. Joining us are Dr. Tom McCoy, Thad Frye, LCSW of That Frye Counseling and the Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Intsitute, and Ben Askins, PA-C, who will share their knowledge and experiences with brainspotting.

    We'll explore how brainspotting can be helpful for individuals who have experienced trauma, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, addiction, or other mental health challenges.

    You'll also learn how athletes, performers, and artists can benefit from brainspotting to help them overcome mental blocks, enhance performance, improve focus, and tap into their full potential.

    Wed, 10 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    What's In My Chocolate?! - Uncovering Heavy Metals Found In Dark Chocolate

    In this episode, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger will be discussing an interesting topic that may leave chocolate lovers feeling concerned.

    The topic of today's discussion is based on recent findings from Consumer Reports regarding the levels of heavy metals present in dark chocolate. We all know that dark chocolate has been hailed as a superfood with numerous health benefits, but what if I told you that it may also expose us to heavy metals such as lead and cadmium?

    Our experts will start by discussing the benefits and downsides of dark chocolate consumption. They will then explore the shocking revelations of these heavy metals found in dark chocolate and how it can impact our health.

    Most of us have heard about the harmful effects of heavy metal exposure, but do we know what these heavy metals are and how they can affect our body? Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger will enlighten us about these heavy metals, and we will learn how we can avoid their intake while still enjoying our favorite chocolate treats.

    So, if you're a dark chocolate lover or know someone who is, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to hear our experts discuss the implications of these recent findings and learn how to make informed decisions about your dark chocolate consumption.


    Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate - Consumer Reports: https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/lead-and-cadmium-in-dark-chocolate-a8480295550/

    Mon, 08 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Should Women Be Fasting? The Pros and Cons of Fasting as a Women

    In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Julie Foucher and Dr. Erin Donaldson, who share their hot takes on fasting for women. As we delve into the topic of female fasting, we'll explore the benefits and risks of fasts and fast-mimicking diets. We'll discuss the impact of fasting on cortisol, insulin levels, hormones, and more.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Foucher and Dr. Donaldson will share their experiences with fasting and provide valuable insights and advice for women who are considering incorporating fasting into their health and wellness routine.

    Thu, 04 May 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Silencing Your Inner Critic with Dr. Rob Orman and Ryan Cheney

    Today's topic is something that applies to everyone: silencing your inner critic. While the original talk was given to an audience of medical professionals, the advice and content is applicable to all walks of life. We all have that little voice in our head that tells us we're not good enough, that we could have done better, or that we're just not measuring up. It can be exhausting and discouraging, especially in high-stress situations.

    In this episode, we're joined by counselor and consultant, Ryan Cheney, and certified executive coach, Dr. Rob Orman. Together, they share practical methods for coping with self-criticism. They discuss the importance of recognizing and acknowledging your inner critic, as well as specific techniques for reframing your mindset.

    Whether you're a medical professional struggling to manage the intense pressure of your job, or simply someone who wants to learn how to silence that nagging voice in your head, this episode has something for everyone.

    Wed, 03 May 2023 17:00:00 +0000
    The Inflammation Epidemic: Learn How to Protect Yourself with Dr. Erin Donaldson

    In this episode Dr. Erin Donaldson will be discussing inflammation. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to protect itself from harm, but when it becomes chronic, it can lead to a multitude of health issues. Dr. Donaldson will discuss the importance of reducing chronic inflammation through a variety of practical techniques including mindfulness, nutrition, and exercise.

    Join us in this insightful discussion with Dr. Erin Donaldson to learn more about inflammation and how to reduce it through lifestyle changes.

    Wed, 26 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Glyphosate: What is it? How Does it Impact Health? And What Can I Do About It?

    In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger, to discuss one of the most controversial topics in the food industry: glyphosate.

    Glyphosate is the active ingredient in many weed killers and is also used as a pesticide in agriculture. It has become a hot-button issue in recent years due to concerns about its potential impact on human health.

    In this episode, Dr. Stone and Dr. Seger dive into the potential health implications of glyphosate exposure and the conflicting research surrounding its safety. They'll explain what glyphosate is, where it is commonly found, and practical tips on how to avoid glyphosate exposure.

    Episode References:

  • International Agency for Research on Cancer. (2015). IARC Monographs Volume 112: evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides. https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/MonographVolume112-1.pdf
  • US Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). Glyphosate. https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/glyphosate
  • European Food Safety Authority. (2015). Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk assessment for the active substance glyphosate. https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.2903/j.efsa.2015.4302
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (2021). Glyphosate. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/glyphosate/index.cfm
  • US Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). Glyphosate. https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/glyphosate
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (2021). Glyphosate. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/glyphosate/index.cfm
  • US Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Questions and Answers on Glyphosate. https://www.fda.gov/food/pesticides/questions-and-answers-glyphosate
  • Parvez S, Gerona RR, Proctor C, et al. Glyphosate exposure in pregnancy and shortened gestational length: a prospective Indiana birth cohort study. Environmental Health. 2018;17(1):23.
  • Shelton JF, Geraghty EM, Tancredi DJ, et al. Neurodevelopmental disorders and prenatal residential proximity to agricultural pesticides: the CHARGE study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2014;122(10):1103-1109.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency. Glyphosate Issue Paper: Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential. 2016. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/glyphosate_issue_paper_evaluation_of_carcinogenic_potential.pdf
  • de Cock M, Maas YG, van de Bor M. Does perinatal exposure to endocrine disruptors induce autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders? Review. Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101(8):811-818.
  • Parvez S, Gerona RR, Proctor C, et al. Glyphosate exposure in pregnancy and shortened gestational length: a prospective Indiana birth cohort study. Environmental Health. 2018;17(1):23.
  • Shelton JF, Geraghty EM, Tancredi DJ, et al. Neurodevelopmental disorders and prenatal residential proximity to agricultural pesticides: the CHARGE study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2014;122(10):1103-1109.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency. Glyphosate Issue Paper: Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential. 2016. Available at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-09/documents/glyphosate_issue_paper_evaluation_of_carcinogenic_potential.pdf
  • Cao, C., Wang, X., & Li, J. (2018). Glyphosate residues in breakfast food: a potential health risk to children. Environmental Pollution, 233, 446-454.
  • Li, Z., Li, Q., Du, J., & Zhang, L. (2019). Glyphosate residues and glyphosate-resistant crop interactions with soils and microbes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(21), 21799-21808.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency. (2020). Glyphosate. https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/glyphosate
  • US Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Questions and Answers on Glyphosate. https://www.fda.gov/food/pesticides/questions-and-answers-glyphosate
  • Mon, 24 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Decode Your Digestive System with Ariana Fiorita, RDN

    Ever dealt with digestive issues – bloating, irregularity, even brain fog? You're not alone. In fact, an estimated 40% of adults struggle with functional gastrointestinal disorders and 20 million Americans deal with chronic digestive diseases. Let’s rewrite the script.

    Join Wild Health Coach, Ariana Fiorita, RDN for a live webinar on how to heal and optimize your gut health with Precision Medicine.

    Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Let's Talk About Stress: Managing Your Mind in High-Pressure Workplaces

    On today’s podcast, Dr. Mike Stone speaks with Dr. Dan Dworkis, MD PhD, author of The Emergency Mind and founder of The Emergency Mind Project.

    The pressures of modern-day work can often lead to stress, burnout, and other mental health issues. In this episode, Drs. Stone and Dworkis outline actionable tips for managing your physical and mental health in a high-pressure workplace. They’ll discuss the varied implications of perfectionism and understanding your identity in the workplace and world.

    Join us as we discuss strategies for managing stress, staying motivated, and achieving success without compromising your well-being.

    Tue, 18 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Build Muscle Mass Without Weights: the Science Behind Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) with Katalyst Founder and CEO Bjoern Woltermann

    In this episode, we will be discussing the Katalyst device with Katalyst Founder and CEO, Bjoern Woltermann. The Katalyst device is a revolutionary wearable technology that can help improve fitness and health.

    Katalyst uses electro muscle stimulation (EMS) to help you build more strength in less time, without any external weights or wear-and-tear on your body, so you’re always prepared to rise to the occasion. It can also help individuals with limited mobility to exercise more efficiently and effectively, enabling them to achieve their fitness goals.

    During the podcast, we will explore the various features of the Katalyst device and dive into the science that makes it work. We will also discuss how the device can be used to target specific muscle groups and enhance overall physical performance.

    Tune in to learn more about the Katalyst device and how electro muscle stimulation technology can transform your fitness journey.

    Get started with Katalyst at katalyst.com/wildhealth

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Why Traditional Cholesterol Testing Isn't Enough: Exploring ApoB and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

    Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin in this episode of the podcast as they explore why traditional measures of cholesterol aren't enough. Listeners will learn about the limitations of traditional cholesterol testing. We’ll explain why this approach can be misleading and how it fails to take into account important factors such as particle size and number.

    Throughout the episode, the doctors outline approaches to treatment based on ApoB testing results, including lifestyle changes, reducing insulin resistance, and medication options. They discuss the importance of personalized treatment plans and the role of ApoB testing in guiding these plans.

    Tue, 11 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Exploring The 3 Types of Psychedelic Experiences

    Join Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Kristin Dawson, and Ben Adkins, PA-C, in this week's episode as they dive into the exciting new research on psychedelic therapy. In this episode, the team reviews a recent paper from the Journal of Effective Disorders. We’ll explore how the different subtypes of psychedelic experiences affect patients and what insights can be gleaned from the research.

    Overall, this episode offers a fascinating look at the cutting-edge research on psychedelic therapy and the potential for these treatments to transform mental healthcare in the future. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a patient, or simply interested in the latest developments in mental health research, this episode is a must-listen.

    Mon, 10 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    How to Use Behavior and Habit Change to Optimize Health (Part 2)

    In this episode, we continue to explore behavior change and its relationship with happiness. We provide practical tools, such as habit stacking, to help you self-check your ability to stay present and find joy in the journey to your goals. Finally, we outline the laws of behavior change and how to apply them effectively.

    Join us as we explore practical tips and tools for forming longstanding habits to improve health and happiness!

    Thu, 06 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    How to Use Behavior and Habit Change to Optimize Health

    We all have goals for our health and wellness but often find it challenging to stick to them. In this episode, we learn how to tap into your deepest motivators and take a new approach to behavior change by incorporating self-inquiry.

    Whether it's losing weight, improving fitness, or reducing stress, it can be challenging to establish positive habits that stick. By understanding what drives our behaviors, we can take steps to modify them and establish lasting habits.

    We'll explore how self-inquiry can help you understand your behaviors and thought patterns, which in turn can help you make more meaningful changes. We'll also provide actionable resources to help in this endeavor!

    Whether you're looking to make small changes or achieve big goals, this podcast will provide you with the tools and insights you need to succeed.

    Wed, 05 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Why Is It So Important to Eat Organic?: What You Need To Know About Organic Foods and Pesticides

    Today on the podcast Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone explore The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen. These are lists compiled each year by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. The lists include fruits and vegetables that are known to have the highest and lowest levels of pesticide residues when conventionally grown.

    In this episode, we'll explore the harmful effects of pesticide residues and the benefits of eating organic where it counts most!

    Whether you're a health-conscious eater or simply looking to make more informed choices about your food, we hope you enjoy learning about Wild Health’s take on this year’s dirtiest produce!

    Tue, 04 Apr 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Hack Your Sleep: How to Crush Your Night Shift Without Caffeine!

    In this episode, we bring you an exclusive recording from our Summit Event where our CEO Dr. Matt Dawson, Dr. Mike Stone, and Dr. Mike Mallin talk about top tips for optimizing sleep when working night shifts.

    The conversation begins with a discussion of the basics of sleep hygiene, including building nighttime routines and optimizing your sleep environment. The doctors delve into major sleep disruptors, such as blue light exposure, noise, and temperature, by offering practical solutions for better rest. They also emphasize the importance of resetting your circadian rhythm and share insights on how to use sleep trackers to inform habit changes.

    In the second half of the episode, the doctors draw on their personal experiences of working through the night to provide a step-by-step guide for making the most of the sleep you do get. They share their strategies for increasing productivity without relying on caffeine and preventing the long-term effects of sleep deprivation.

    Whether you work the night shift or struggle with sleep in general, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips to improve your sleep and overall health. Tune in now to learn how to get better sleep tonight!

    Wed, 29 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    When Plans Go Awry: PACE Planning for Well-being

    Captain Ben Askins was a combat medic for 10 years before becoming a physician assistant. He still serves in the National Guard as an infantry battalion surgeon, having recently returned from a deployment to Europe. Today Ben Askins and Dr. Mike Stone explore strategies for maintaining personal wellness when things don't go according to plan.

    In this episode, we'll be discussing the PACE system to plan your health practices and life. PACE planning includes planning for the primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency preparation to overcome life's obstacles.

    Challenges are inevitable, but they can also be opportunities for growth. Join us for this episode to learn more about how to apply PACE planning in your day-to-day life to achieve greater success.

    Tue, 28 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Protein Power: Plant-based Edition

    In this episode, Nutritionist and Dietician, Ariana Fiorita, and Dr. Mike Stone will discuss how to get enough protein from whole food sources on a vegan diet. We will talk about the importance of choosing non-processed vegan protein sources to meet your dietary needs.

    There are numerous plant-based foods that are rich in protein, such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy. We will explore these categories in detail, discussing the nutritional benefits of each and offering suggestions on how to incorporate them into your daily meals. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to ensure that you are getting enough protein to meet your dietary needs while on a vegan diet.

    Join us as we explore the world of vegan protein and learn how to make healthy, whole-food choices to meet your nutritional needs.

    Mon, 27 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Reclaim your Mental Health: How Mindfulness Can Help You Find Hope and Resilience with Dr. Carl Seger

    In this episode, Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone will explore the topic of mindfulness and its transformative power on mental health. They will draw on insights from philosopher Sam Harris to unpack the concept of mindfulness and how it can help us navigate difficult moments in our lives. To broaden your understanding of subjects included in this podcast, we recommend checking out Sam Harris’ “The Last Time You’ll Do Anything” talk, here.

    Dr. Seger shares his own experiences with mindfulness, including how it has helped him find gifts in challenging situations and allowed him to embrace an intentional approach to living life in the moment. The conversation will touch on the importance of reclaiming our mental health and taking proactive steps toward emotional well-being. Listeners will walk away with a deeper understanding of mindfulness, practical tools for cultivating a mindful approach to life, and a renewed sense of hope for reclaiming their mental health.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

    Thu, 23 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Radical Acceptance and Its Radical Impact On Your Mental Health with Tara Brach

    Today's podcast features renowned mindfulness teacher, Tara Brach. Tara joined us for our Wild Health Summit event this fall to share the concept of radical acceptance and how it can help us mindfully navigate our lives.

    Tara is a bestselling author, clinical psychologist, and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C. She has been teaching mindfulness, meditation, and self-compassion for over 40 years and has helped countless people transform their lives through her teachings.

    Whether you are struggling with a challenging relationship, a chronic health condition, or simply feeling stuck in life, Tara's insights and teachings on radical acceptance can help you find greater peace, clarity, and freedom.

    Wed, 22 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Do I Need to Be Worried About Microplastics, Parabens, and PFAs?

    In this episode of the Wild Health podcast we delve into the topic of microplastics, parabens and PFA's with Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone. If you're wondering what these chemicals are and why they matter, you won't want to miss this conversation.

    PFA's, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of chemicals that are used in a wide range of products, from non-stick cookware to waterproof clothing. They are ubiquitous in our environment and have been linked to a range of health concerns, including cancer risk and mental health issues.

    Dr. Seger and Dr. Stone share their insights on where these chemicals can be found, how they impact our health, and what we can do to reduce our exposure. They explain the science behind these substances and discuss the latest research on their effects.

    Mon, 20 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    A Comprehensive Guide to Monitoring, Management, and Supplementation of insulin Resistance

    In this episode, Family Nurse Practitioner and Wild Health Coach Trei Tackett and Dr. Mike Stone be taking a deep dive into the topic of insulin resistance, its causes, its effects on the body, and how continuous glucose monitoring can help manage this condition. We'll also discuss the role of supplementation in supporting insulin sensitivity and how it can complement a healthy lifestyle.

    Insulin resistance is a growing concern in modern society. It's a condition where the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, which is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. This can lead to a range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

    We’ll outline the growing use of continuous glucose monitoring and how it may be used to help individuals better understand their glucose levels and make more informed decisions about their diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits. Dr. Stone and Trei share various supplements and lifestyle interventions that can support insulin sensitivity and potentially improve glucose control.

    We hope you'll walk away with a better understanding of this important topic and how it can affect your health.

    Fri, 17 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Protein Power: How Meat and Amino Acids Can Benefit Your Health

    In this podcast, Dr. Mike Stone and Dietitian and Nutritionist, Ariana Fiorita, will explore the importance of protein and amino acids in our diet and how they contribute to our overall health and well-being.

    We will discuss optimal energy levels and BMI, and how they relate to protein intake. We will also cover the recommended daily amount of protein intake based on your individual needs, and how to incorporate protein into your diet in a healthy and sustainable way.

    We will explore the ideal sources of animal-based protein. Ariana offers practical tips on how and when to include them in your diet. You’ll learn the ins and outs of amino acids in conjunction with protein intake or supplementation.

    Finally, Dr. Stone and Ariana will answer top questions and debunk protein myths. Whether you are an athlete looking to build muscle or simply interested in improving your nutrition, this podcast will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions about your protein and amino acid intake.

    Thu, 16 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    How Does Birth Control Impact Your Health?

    In this episode, Wild Health’s Dr. Julie Foucher and Dr. Erin Donaldson answer patient questions around birth control – everything from its overall impact on your health, to cycle syncing, to offsetting negative effects of coming off the pill. They’ll discuss how to detox the body in order to bring it back to homeostasis, offer alternative forms of birth control to consider, and how to maintain optimal health in all bodily systems if birth control is a necessity for you.

    Wed, 15 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Adrenal Fatigue, Hormones, and the HPA Axis with Dr. Erin Donaldson

    In their thought-provoking discussion, Dr. Erin Donaldson chats to Dr. Mike Stone around the topic of adrenal fatigue and whether it is a genuine condition. They explore the underlying concept of adrenal fatigue, shedding light on what people really mean when they use this term, and provide a detailed analysis of the HPA axis (Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), which plays a crucial role in regulating stress and the body's response to it.

    They discuss HPA axis dysfunction, a condition that occurs when the body's stress response system is out of balance. The experts examine the connection between HPA axis dysfunction and autoimmune issues, and discuss how medical professionals can assess the risk of HPA axis suppression in patients. One of the key themes of their discussion is the relationship between chronic stress and hormones.

    They explore how chronic stress can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, leading to a range of physical and emotional symptoms. The experts highlight the importance of identifying and addressing the systems that contribute to nervous system disregulation, and the role of physical stress, emotional stress, and trauma in this process. The experts go on to discuss the role of wearable technology and HRV (Heart Rate Variability) in managing HPA axis dysfunction and stressors. They explain how these tools can help individuals monitor their stress levels and take steps to regulate their body's stress response, leading to improved health and well-being. Overall, their comprehensive discussion provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between stress, hormones, and the HPA axis, and offers practical advice for managing HPA axis dysfunction and its associated symptoms.

    Tue, 14 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000
    Can Nuts Negatively Impact My Cholesterol Levels? Managing Cholesterol Levels Naturally and Effective Tips for Better Heart Health

    In this episode, Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone share their vast knowledge and experience on how to identify health risks around cholesterol and why traditional testing might not always show the full picture. They discuss the nuances of cholesterol and testing, as well as how genetics play a crucial role in managing your cholesterol levels.

    Moreover, they provide practical tips on lifestyle changes you can make to lower your cholesterol, such as reducing your saturated fat intake and increasing your fiber intake. They also talk about the risks and benefits of different food groups, including meat and nuts, and how to choose animal proteins that are high in protein while managing your cholesterol levels. Dr. Seger and Dr. Stone also share insights on how to incorporate more fiber into your diet and how much fiber you should aim for daily.

    They also discuss the difference between grass-fed beef and regular beef for saturated fats, and the benefits of incorporating elk, bison, and salmon into your diet. They then finish up by discussing exercise for cholesterol, what the data says, and their personal thoughts on movement for managing cholesterol.

    Plus, what supplements can help move the needle when managing cholesterol. If you're looking for ways to reduce your cholesterol and improve your heart health through lifestyle changes, then this episode is a must-listen.

    Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Supplements to Extend Your Healthspan and Longevity

    Welcome back to the Wild Health podcast, where we delve into the latest science and research on health and longevity. In this episode, we'll be discussing a variety of fascinating topics related to optimizing health and lifespan, the best longevity supplements, and how to decide which ones are right for you with the guidance of your health team.

    First up, we'll be exploring the role of molecules in longevity, as well as muscle growth, chronic inflammation and gene expression. Then, we'll dive into the world of NAD, discussing what it is and if you can increase levels naturally. We'll also take a closer look at quercentin and its effects, including our team's personal take on how often to use it. And, we'll explore resveratrol and its potential benefits for reducing stress and inflammation.

    Dr. Mike Stone and Trei Trackett also review the benefits of fisetin and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its potential impact on senescent cells, and much more. As always, we'll provide a balanced view of these supplements, discussing potential downsides as well as benefits.

    Thu, 09 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Link Between Alcohol and Cancer: Examining the Effects of Alcohol on Your Physical and Mental Well-being

    Today on the podcast, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger provide an in-depth look at the positive and negative effects of alcohol on the body. Listeners will learn about the cancer risks associated with alcohol consumption, and gain practical tips and tricks for consuming alcohol in a healthier manner. The doctors will also share other useful tips to help listeners moderate their alcohol intake. Whether you're a casual drinker or a more regular drinker, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the impact of alcohol on their physical and mental well-being.

    Wed, 08 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Mastering Glucose Levels with CGMs: Insights on Food and Beyond

    Director of Health Coaching, Trei Trackett is back on Wild Health podcast, to dive into the impact of food on glucose levels and how CGMs (continuous glucose monitors) can help identify which foods are best for you. Trei shares insights into other factors that can cause drops and spikes in glucose levels, such as cortisol, menstrual cycles, and excessive exercise.

    Dr. Mike Stone and Trei explore how certain "healthy" foods can actually cause glucose spikes and how CGMs can help track and analyze these responses to find which foods are best for you. We also discuss the concept of glycemic index and how it relates to high and low glycemic index foods.

    They also cover the impact of non-food factors on glucose levels and discuss the benefits of CGMs in managing glucose levels. We cover topics such as who can benefit from using CGMs, what goals CGMs can help with, what averages to aim for, and how to analyze data trends from your CGM.

    Join us to gain valuable insights into optimizing your diet and lifestyle for better health, and to learn about the many benefits of CGMs in managing glucose levels

    Tue, 07 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Laugh Your Way to Better Health: Examining the Relationship Between Laughter and Wellness

    In this episode, we explore the surprising health benefits of laughter. From reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, to boosting immunity and alleviating pain, laughter can have a positive impact on various aspects of your health. But the benefits of laughter go beyond physical health. We also delve into the ways in which laughter can help you achieve higher states of consciousness and enhance your overall sense of well-being. Additionally, we explore the impact laughter has on stress reduction, depression, anxiety, and overall mood.

    Mon, 06 Mar 2023 14:29:00 +0000
    Can Traumatic Head Injuries Lead to Dementia?

    On today's podcast, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin delve into the groundbreaking study on the association between APOE and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). They explore the link between brain degeneration from head trauma and its impact on mental health, mood disturbances, dementia, and more.

    They provide an in-depth explanation of what APOE is and discuss the dementia risk associated with APOE4. They examine the association between CTE and APOE4, and offer advice for athletes with APOE4 who are considering contact sports and how to evaluate their risk.

    Additionally, they explore ways in which individuals who have played contact sports in the past can reduce their risk of developing CTE. For parents who are considering allowing their children to participate in contact sports, the doctors provide valuable insights and advice on what to consider. Tune in to learn more about this fascinating topic and gain important knowledge on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the potential risks of contact sports.

    Fri, 03 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Is There a Correlation Between your Social Circle and Your Health?

    Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast where we sit down with Dr. Kristin Dawson and Ben Askins, experts from the Ketamine Clinic, to delve deeper into the topic of relationships and their impact on our health. In this episode, we explore the risk factors associated with feeling lonely and the potential impact on your lifespan.

    Dr. Dawson and Ben summarize the groundbreaking Harvard Study of Adult Development, which spanned 84 years and found that positive relationships can lead to a healthier and happier life. We dive into the science behind why strong relationships are so important for our well-being, as well as practical tips for fostering stronger connections with others. If you're an introvert, don't worry - we also discuss strategies for building relationships that work for all personality types.

    The statistics around loneliness and health are staggering, and we explore the implications of this growing issue.

    Join us as we uncover the power of relationships on our health, and learn how to cultivate stronger connections for a happier, healthier life.

    Thu, 02 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Use HRV Tracking to Manage Stress, ft. Dr. Jay Wiles of Hanu Health

    In this episode, we sat down with Dr. Jay Wiles, a clinical psychologist who specializes in health behavior coaching and applied psychophysiology. Leveraging his complementary and integrative practices, Dr. Wiles started Hanu Health, the first data-driven platform for mental health monitoring and coaching. He talks us through how to use HRV tracking for mental health management, how to improve HRV levels, as well as how we can condition ourselves to adopt behaviors that downregulate the nervous system to avoid stress-spiraling. Give this episode a listen to learn tactical stress-management techniques to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

    Wed, 01 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Surprising Connection Between Play and Brain Function

    Welcome to our latest episode, where we are joined by Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone to discuss the importance of play in our lives. While we often think of play as something reserved for children, Dr. Seger and Dr. Stone explain that play has numerous health benefits that continue into adulthood. In this episode, we explore the physical and mental health impacts of play. We learn how incorporating play and fun into our lives can reduce stress and improve our mood, as well as decrease our risk for cardiovascular disease.

    Dr. Seger and Dr. Stone also highlight the cognitive benefits of play, including improved problem-solving and decision-making skills. It's not just kids who benefit from playing - adults can see a significant boost in brain health too. So why have we moved away from play as we grow older?

    Our experts discuss how societal pressures and cultural norms have led many adults to view play as frivolous or unproductive. But they argue that incorporating more play into our daily lives can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. Join us as we explore the health benefits of play and learn how to incorporate more play and fun into our lives. Whether it's through sports, games, or creative activities, we'll share practical tips for embracing the power of play at any age.

    Tue, 28 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Is Dairy Causing Inflammation? Plus, Are Dairy Alternatives Actually Healthy?

    Confused about dairy? In an insightful podcast, Dr. Mike Stone chats with Health Coach Ariana Fiorita on a range of topics related to dairy and gut health. They cover the difference between lactose intolerance and dairy intolerance and how intolerances can manifest in the body. The duo also explores the potential correlation between dairy and acne and the efficacy of elimination diets in identifying intolerances. In addition, they delve into the question of which cheeses are the healthiest, and whether dairy alternatives truly offer a healthier option. Finally, they examine ways to avoid fillers in dairy alternatives, and how to improve overall gut health.

    Thu, 23 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Exploring the Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence

    Today on the podcast Dr. Mike Stone is joined by Dr. Kristin Dawson and Ben Askins from the WH Ketamine Clinic to discuss the recent study, "The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence". In this episode, the team delves into the question of whether depression and low serotonin levels are actually linked. They discuss what actually causes depression, how selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work, and the delays in relief that are often associated with SSRIs. They also explore the effectiveness of SSRIs for depression, and whether they merely mask symptoms or provide a true long-term solution.

    Wed, 22 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Lower Your Cortisol, Plus How Our Doctors Are Lowering Stress in a Digital Age

    Today on the podcast Dr. Mike Stone interviews Dr. Jeff Graham on cortisol. Jeff explains stress and cortisol's function in survival, the HPA axis, good stress vs bad stress, and how to get through stressful moments in a healthy way. You'll leave this podcast with a clear idea of how to manage your cortisol and stress levels.

    Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Gluten Intolerance and The Gut Microbiome

    Today we are joined by Health Coach, Ariana Fiorita, to talk about gluten sensitivities and digestive health. Ariana highlights the difference between gluten sensitivities and Celiac - and how these manifest in the body. They also discuss elimination diets vs reduction diets, how long it takes for gluten to leave the body, hidden sources for where gluten might be hiding, tips for traveling while gluten free, and so much more.

    Plus, why so many people can eat gluten in places like Europe, but not the U.S.

    Thu, 16 Feb 2023 14:16:00 +0000
    How to Strengthen Your Mental Fitness for High-Stress Situations, ft. Dr. Mondo

    In this episode, we sat down with Dr. Amando González (Dr. Mondo), a Marriage & Family Therapist and Mental Wellness Coach to Elite Professional Athletes, as well as the founder of Cheatcode and The Cheatcode Foundation. He reveals how he works to maximize the mental performance of elite athletes and executives and which mental fitness strategies he applies. Dr. Mondo discusses the importance of creating discipline and cultivating a healthy mindset. He even provides tactical ways in which you can workout your neural pathways at home to improve your overall mental health.

    Wed, 15 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health and Why We Need to Look at Other Biomarkers Beyond Just Cholesterol

    In honor of Valentine's Day Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin sit down to discuss their levers for optimizing heart health. They explain the science behind what exactly causes a heart attack, cholesterol, and inflammation's impact on heart health. Plus, other biomarkers Dr. Mallin looks at for cardiovascular health and longevity.

    Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Epigenetics and Expressing Genes More Effectively (Healthspan Part 2)

    In part 1 Dr. Mike Stone and Trei Trackett discussed how effective traditional health pillars can be on longevity - in part 2 they discuss additional strategies. Such as state of the art tests for biological age, how these tests work, what's happening at a cellular level as we age and during interventions. They explain the deep science behind why protocols like fasting are so beneficial for longevity and what misinformation is out there around longevity. Stay tuned for part three where they discuss molecules like NAD, Quercetin, Metformin and more.

    Mon, 13 Feb 2023 15:26:00 +0000
    Can You Really 'Dopamine Hack'?

    Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Mike Stone break down the science around the recent trend of "dopamine hacking." They explain what dopamine is,how it relates to productivity and motivation, and it's other main functions in the brain. Plus, why you may want to dopamine 'detox' instead, what increases dopamine levels, why metabolic flexibility matters for brain health, and what else you can do for better neurocognitive performance.

    Thu, 09 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Unlocking Peak Athletic Performance with Dr. Duncan French

    On this episode of the podcast, we sat down with Dr. Duncan French, Director of Performance Sciences at the University of Notre Dame and top performance coach to professional athletes, world champions, and olympic athletes. He breaks down what athletes do to perform at their peak and why consistency is the most important element for success. Dr. Duncan sheds light on the use of EKG’s for optimizing performance and tracking the success of interventions, his thoughts on Zone 2 cardio, and what cutting-edge strategies he’s currently implementing to stay ahead of the game.

    Wed, 08 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Truth Behind Superfoods +The Healthiest Meals our Doctors Eat

    From acai berries to pomegranate to kale, we’ve recently given certain foods *super* status. But, is there any truth behind these claims and what does our team think are true 'superfoods'? Plus, Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger breakdown their healthiest, most nutrient dense meal.

    Tue, 07 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Why You Need to Practice Primal Squats - The Benefits of Primal Movement

    Today we are joined by health coach, Naushad Godrej to learn about primal movement and how to practice it. Practicing primal movements can help with strength, mobility, and motor control through the dynamic ranges of motions you practice. Whether you're looking to enhance athletic performance, help prevent injuries, aide in injury recovery, or stay mobile and active as you age, primal movement can benefit anyone from young to old. You'll leave with actionable steps for incorparing primal movement into your movement and fitness routine.

    Learn more about GMB here: https://gmb.io

    Mon, 06 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How Can I Extend my Healthspan? Part 1.

    Healthspan is the total number of years lived without disease while lifespan is the total number of years lived. Trei Tackett, Director of Health Coach Education, and Dr. Mike Stone cover the key health pillars and how to extend your healthspan. You'll learn which diets are best for healthspan, how protein plays a role in healthspan, the best forms of movements, and key takeaways for optimizing sleep for a healthier, longer life.

    Fri, 03 Feb 2023 16:31:00 +0000
    How to "Get Out of Your Mind" and into Your Body

    Health Coach Kelly James joins us today to discuss mindset and mindfulness work. She'll teach you how to check in with your body, reflect on your thoughts in the moment, and how to 'get out of your mind.' Kelly and Dr. Mike Stone break down examples and step-by-step instructions for how to practice mindfulness in real-world scenarios such as frustrations at the grocery store or during busy, stressful days. You'll leave this episode with a better idea of how to live in the moment and move through your day with more calm.

    Thu, 02 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Optimize Brain Function for a Longer Healthspan, ft. Dr. Austin Perlmutter

    In this episode, internal medicine physician, Dr. Austin Perlmutter discusses the problem with our reluctance to change when it comes to health interventions – and how our mental health plays a critical role. He breaks down how and why our brains function in decision-making situations, which impacts our healthspan and long-term risk for disease. Dr. Perlmutter talks us through how to rewire our brains to function better, which has a positive ripple effect throughout the body. This episode will leave you with actionable steps to start optimizing your brain right away.

    Wed, 01 Feb 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Detoxing: What You Need to Know

    ‘Detox’ is arguably the one thing you’ve heard most about over this last month. The premise: our bodies accumulate toxins that cause all sorts of issues – from mild illnesses to chronic or fatal diseases. Instead, detoxing promises to flush toxins from the body, resulting in boosted energy, less bloating, weight loss, glowing skin, and – of course – lower disease risk. Whether you choose a juice cleanse, enema, colonic, or other form, detoxes are marketed as ways to reset and reinvigorate your health. But, what does science say? Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin sit down to give you the straight forward answers around detoxing and alternatives.

    Tue, 31 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Can Ketamine Therapy + Self Worth Training Improve Depression?

    Dr. Mike Stone sits down with Dr. Kristin Dawson and Ben Askins from the Wild Health Ketamine clinic to discuss a recent study around the impact of ketamine on depression, combined with self worth training. Plus their analysis on how and why self worth training can have such a positive impact on people.

    You can find the study here: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.20220216

    Fri, 27 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Power of Clarifying your 'Big Thing' with Jeff Patterson

    Jeff Patterson, author of “The Big Thing Effect” is a Success and Leadership Coach who works with his clients to create breathtaking results in life and business. Today he joins us on the podcast to speak about the big thing, goals, motivation, overthinking, and more.

    Thu, 26 Jan 2023 16:19:00 +0000
    Discipline, Stoicism, Letting Go of Ego, & Creating Stillness, ft. Ryan Holiday

    In this episode, we talk to renowned author and philosopher, Ryan Holiday, about stoicism and ego. Ryan’s book and podcast, The Daily Stoic, along with The Obstacle is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, and Stillness Is Key, are bestsellers – selling more than 5 million copies in over 40 languages. We discuss what stoicism and discipline looks like when applied in daily life, how stoic philosophy equates to better health of the mind, body, and spirit, and dig deep into the ego and its effect on our relationships to the Self and others. We round out the conversation with a discussion of stillness and how we can truly slow down, making certain that this episode is a must-listen.

    Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Creating Healthy Food Habits as a Family

    Today we are joined by Health Coach Michele Miller to highlight how we can teach our children about health, show them how to make healthy food choices, and foster a healthy relationship with food.

    Fri, 20 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Foster Deep Relaxation with Yoga Nidra

    Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Carl Seger chat about Mike's favorite way to access that deep rest - yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep). Yoga nidra is a technique combining mental imagery with physical posture to access a state of relaxation. From it's impact on sleep latency and deep sleep, to glucose levels, and even athletic performance, yoga nidra is a powerful tool to have in your health toolkit. In today's episode you'll learn exactly what yoga nidra is and how to practice it.

    Mentioned study HERE.

    Thu, 19 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Lose Weight & Transform Your Body, ft. Ben Azadi

    On this episode, we sit down with Ben Azadi, FDN-P, to discuss the details of his 80lb weight loss journey and ongoing mission to help 1 billion people live healthier lives. As the author of four best-selling books: Keto Flex, The Perfect Health Booklet, The Power of Sleep, and The Intermittent Fasting Cheat Sheet, Ben is a go-to leader on IF and the Keto diet. We touch on the powerful impact of sleep on weight loss, strategies and misconceptions, as well as different diets and proper nutrition for safe, healthy weight loss.

    Wed, 18 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Benefits of MDMA Therapy for PTSD Treatment

    Dr. Mike Stone sits down with Dr. Kristin Dawson and Ben Askins of the Wild Health Ketamine Clinic to discuss how MDMA assisted therapy helps individuals with PTSD. They break down the different existing therapies for PTSD, SSRI's, the science behind MDMA, and its impact.

    Mon, 16 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    Corey Twine on Human Performance in Space

    Corey Twine, an astronaut human performance specialist and a former collegiate and tactical strength and conditioning coach, joins us today to talk about his experience working with NASA. From the methods he uses to train astronauts, to the KPI’s needed to ensure resilience and success in space, and more.

    Thu, 12 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Science of Psychedelics & Microdosing, ft. Dr. James Fadiman

    With a bachelor's degree from Harvard University and Ph.D. from Stanford, James Fadiman has dedicated his career to researching psychedelics. After more than 60 years in the field, he’s authored The Psychedelics Explorer’s Guide, along with other books on psychology. In this episode, we sat down with Dr. Fadiman to discuss the safety and effectiveness of using psychedelics for the treatment of mental illness, the dos and don’ts of macro- and microdosing, the dissolution of the Ego, and more.

    To learn more about our Awake + Aware series visit here: https://www.wildhealthsummit.com/awake-and-aware

    Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:50:00 +0000
    Which is Better - Hot vs Cold Therapy Before Bed?

    Tue, 10 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Benefits of Meditation, Beyond Stress Relief

    After a week long silent meditation retreat, Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Mike Stone sit down to discuss the benefits of meditation for dissolving the ego, understanding who you truly are, and its aid in spiritual awakenings.

    Mon, 09 Jan 2023 14:17:00 +0000
    No Sauna Access? Here's What to Do.

    Fri, 06 Jan 2023 00:53:00 +0000
    The Science Behind the Lost Art of Breathing, ft. James Nestor

    From studying scuba divers to speaking globally about the power of the breath, James Nestor joins us for this episode of the Wild Health Podcast. Author of the bestseller Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, Nestor details the various benefits of breathing through the nose, specifically, rather than the mouth, and how to properly do so. For everything from better mental health to avoiding cavities, join us for a deep-dive into breathing.

    Get tickets to see James speak live at: https://www.wildhealthsummit.com/awake-and-aware

    Wed, 04 Jan 2023 06:00:00 +0000
    The Impact of Muscle Training on Disease Risks and Mortality with Dr. Mark Goodman

    Dr. Mark Goodman and Dr. Mike Stone go over a recent study that is showing a connection between strength training and disease and mortality risks.
    Studies can be found here:
    Muscle-strengthening activities are associated with lower risk and mortality in major non-communicable diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies

    Fri, 30 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Build & Maintain Muscle with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

    Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a board-certified physician and an expert in osteopathic medicine. She studied vitamin and mineral metabolism, chronic disease prevention and management, as well as the physiological effects of one’s diet. In this episode, she sheds light on Muscle-Centric Medicine – demystifying the three types of muscles, their functions, and how to best maintain their form and function. We dig into everything from the management of anabolic resistance to the best foods to fuel your workout routines.

    You can learn more about her here: https://www.instagram.com/drgabriellelyon/?hl=en

    Wed, 28 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    The Effects of Cellphone Usage on The Brain and Mental Health

    Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Mike Mallin get together to discuss cellphone usage, its harm, and its benefits. They outline how to avoid excessive cellphone usage, create healthy boundaries around your phone, and give personal tips for minimizing phone usage.

    Mon, 26 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Supplement Strategies and Pitfalls

    Health Coach Cristin Walker and Dr. Mike Stone talk about supplement limitations, what to look out for when purchasing supplements, possible side-effects and more.

    Fri, 23 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    The Gut, Glucose Connection

    Thu, 22 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Decoding Diagnostic Test Results with Genova Diagnostics

    In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Erin Donaldson hosts Michael Chapman, Director of Product Innovation, and Patti Devers, Chief Clinical Officer, of Genova Diagnostics. This global, clinical laboratory is pioneering a system-based approach that supports healthcare providers in personalizing treatment and prevention of chronic disease. Together, they discuss the specifics of Genova’s diagnostics tests – for gut health, methylation, nutrient deficiencies, and more – and the key biomarkers that have major implications on our health and disease risk.

    Wed, 21 Dec 2022 14:19:00 +0000
    Sleep Tracking and Better Sleep Tips with Chrys Jones

    Health Coach Chrys Jones discusses his approach to helping patients with sleep with Dr. Mike Stone. They discuss the sleep chronotype quiz, sleep trackers, circadian rhythm, and Chrys Jones gives some of his sleep tips.
    Dr. Michael Breus Chronotype Quiz

    Mon, 19 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Treatment for Anxiety: Mindful Mediation vs Escitalopram Study with Dr. Kristin Dawson

    Dr. Kristin Dawson and Dr. Mike Stone recap the recent study done by JAME Psychiatry called TAME. The study covers how mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) works in comparison to patients who were prescribed the antidepressant escitalopram, in a randomized 8-week study.
    TAME Study
    Center for Mindfulness

    Fri, 16 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Create Healthy Habits During the Holiday Season

    In this episode, Wild Health Drs. Mike and Carl discuss ways to stay healthy throughout the holiday season. They cover nutrition tips for maintaining balanced glucose levels at holiday parties – and the importance of that – swapping your standard charcuterie for omega-3-rich protein sources, drinking habits for optimized sleep, and the idea of ‘pre-eating’. A notoriously stressful time of year, they share simple mindfulness techniques to help you navigate the season and festivities with ease. And, movement – discussing ways to stay active while traveling and getting the whole family involved in healthy activities.

    Wed, 14 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Body Composition and Fat Loss with Health Coach Arielle Bloom

    Dr. Mike Stone and Health Coach Arielle Bloom discuss fat loss, tracking body composition, personalized training, and common misconceptions.

    Mon, 12 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    How to Get More Movement in your Day with Health Coach Chardae Mara

    Fri, 09 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Challenging Toxic Behaviors & Traditional Roles to Build Stronger Relationships, ft. Terry Real

    On this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, we sat down with author, speaker, and renowned family therapist, Terry Real. With over 20 years of experience practicing family therapy, Terry talks to us through the traditional roles of relationships and how they’ve caused toxic individualism, as opposed to deep, lasting connection. We touch on our Fight, Flight, or Fix mentalities, how to connect to suppressed emotion, how childhood translates into relationships, and ways to build strong, nourishing relationships in your life. Use code REAL15 for 15% when signing up at https://www.wildhealthsummit.com/conference/relationships

    Wed, 07 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Physical and Mental Training with David Vobora

    Retired NFL Linebacker David Vobora specializes in human performance training that inspires and motivates his clients to higher levels of achievement and fulfillment of others. He joins us today to discuss some of his practices and techniques to optimize athlete training and improve mental health.

    Tue, 06 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Tracking and Understanding Macros with Health Coach Arielle Bloom

    Health Coach Arielle Bloom and Dr. Mike Stone discuss macros, tracking macros through wearables and apps, calories, how to start, and who should avoid tracking.

    Mon, 05 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    How We Use AI to Interpret Bloodwork, Reverse Diseases with Precision Medicine, and More, Ben Greenfield Special

    Matt Dawson talks to Ben Greenfield on his podcast about using AI to interpret blood work, optimizing athletes, reversing disease with precision medicine, & more.

    Fri, 02 Dec 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Proper Nutrition for Post-COVID Recovery with Oz Garcia

    For this episode, we sat down with Oz Garcia, a nutritionist and expert on healthy aging, age reversal, and fortifying the immune system. After 40 years working in nutrition, Oz combines his traditional training and education with principles of functional medicine and self-optimization. We discussed everything from intermittent fasting and keto dieting, to sleep quality, stress, and COVID-19, with a particular focus on the necessary nutrition for post-COVID recovery.

    Wed, 30 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    The Strategy Behind Athlete Development with Nate Brookreson of Seattle Kraken

    In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, Dr. Tom McCoy and Coach Nate Barry chat with Nate Brookreson – Director of Strength & Conditioning for the NHL’s Seattle Kraken. An expert in exercise science and athletic performance, Brookreson breaks down his philosophy, strategy, and methodology as a coach for both the season and off-season of sport. We discuss activity, recovery, and personalization for athletes and how to develop individual players into their maximum potential.

    Wed, 23 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Debunking Diabetes Myths

    Does sugar cause diabetes? Do I need to modify my exercise if I have diabetes? Wild Health doctors Carl Seger and Mike Stone discuss some of the most common diabetes misconceptions in honor of National Diabetes Month.

    Tue, 22 Nov 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    The Science Behind Early Cancer Detection Tests with Dr. Whitney Jones of GRAIL

    In this episode of the Wild Health podcast, we spoke with Dr. Whitney Jones, a gastroenterologist and founding member of the Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening and Prevention Program, alongside Stephanie Guzman, Area Director at GRAIL. We break down the science behind the revolutionary GRAIL Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test – how it works, how frequently one should retest, and (most importantly) what steps patients should take upon receiving their results (negative or positive).

    Wed, 16 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    How to Keep a Consistent Workout Routine while Traveling

    In our new podcast series, Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone will talk about different health and fitness-related topics each week. In today's podcast, they discuss how to keep a workout routine while on vacation or traveling. From what equipment to bring with you, to how to keep your body from becoming stiff during long flying hours they've got you covered with actionable tips and tricks.

    Tue, 15 Nov 2022 06:01:00 +0000
    Using Neurofeedback to Brain Train & Biohack with Dr. Andrew Hill

    On this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, we spoke with The Magic Man, Dr. Andrew Hill of the Peak Brain Institute. As one of the country’s top peak performance coaches, Dr. Hill holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and has been studying neurofeedback for nearly two decades. He talks us through what neurofeedback is, how it is unique to each individual, and how we can use neurofeedback to train our brains and biohack our bodies.

    Wed, 09 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    How Exercise, Fasting, Stress, and Nutrition Affect Your Menstrual Cycle, with Dr. Carla DiGirolamo

    Knowing what time of the month to expect your period is the bare minimum of understanding your menstrual cycle. Dr. Carla DiGirolamo is a dual board-certified physician in both obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive endocrinology, and a women’s health specialist. In this episode of the Wild Health Podcast, she spoke to us about tailoring nutrition and exercise to your cycle, the impacts of things like physical or mental stress – even fasting and supplementation – on menstruation, and the stigma behind women and weightlifting, as well as moving through menopause.

    Wed, 02 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    Decoding Your Digestive System with ‘The Gut Health Doctor’, Dr. Megan Rossi

    Struggling with gut issues? You're not alone. An estimated 40% of adults struggle with functional gastrointestinal disorders and 20 *million* Americans deal with chronic digestive diseases. We chatted with a registered dietician and ‘Gut Health Doctor’, Dr. Meghan Rossi, about the best diet to foster good gut health and a flourishing microbiome, as well as ways to deal with bloating and other symptoms of digestive dysfunction.

    Wed, 26 Oct 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    Optimizing Team Sports Strategy with Nate Barry, Erik Jernstrom, and Ryan Baugus

    On today’s episode, we dive into how athletes can optimize their performance through physical therapy, nutrition, recovery, and more.

    Hosted by Nate Barry, Wild Health’s Director of Athletic Optimization, Ryan Baugus, owner and operator of Headquarters Physical Therapy, and Erik Jernstrom, Director of Sports Performance at EForce. Together they uncover what really goes into becoming a professional athlete - and how Wild Health can help.

    Wed, 19 Oct 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    The Importance of Minerals for Longevity and Optimal Health with Siim Land

    Wed, 12 Oct 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    Early Cancer Detection with Prenuvo

    Prenuvo CEO, Andrew Lacy, discusses the importance of early detection, MRI in the traditional medical system, and how we can work to catch and prevent diseases sooner.

    Wed, 05 Oct 2022 14:00:00 +0000
    Balancing Hormones and Taking on Menopause with Esther Blum
    Esther Blum, author, and registered dietitian dives into best practices for healing the gut, balancing hormones during menopause, and teaching people how to feel confident again after starting menopause—hosted by Dr. Julie Foucher.
    Wed, 28 Sep 2022 05:00:00 +0000
    Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Early Stages with RECODE protocol creator, Dr. Dale Bredesen

    Dr. Dale Bredesen, an internationally recognized expert on neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, joins us today to speak about the importance of early treatment, and prevention. Dr. Bredesen created ReCODE, the only clinically proven program to reverse cognitive decline in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

    Wed, 21 Sep 2022 05:00:36 +0000
    Suicide Prevention feat. Dr. Julie Cerel and Dr. Kristin Dawson

    Wed, 14 Sep 2022 05:00:50 +0000
    The Awakening Process feat. Angelo DiLullo

    Author of "Awake: It's Your Turn", Angelo DiLullo joins us today to discuss suffering, the process of awakening, self-journey, meditation, and more.

    Wed, 07 Sep 2022 05:00:01 +0000
    Health and Performance Optimization with Brandin Cooks

    Today on the podcast, we’re joined by Brandin Cooks, Wide Receiver for the Houston Texans, to speak about how precision medicine and personalized health plans have changed his life and career. He reveals the biggest changes he’s seen both on and off the field, plus how he stays motivated and disciplined.

    Wed, 31 Aug 2022 05:00:12 +0000
    Self Growth with Eric Wood

    Eric Wood, a former NFL player, joins us on our podcast today to talk about health in sports careers, meditation, gratitude, self-growth, and more.

    Wed, 24 Aug 2022 05:00:19 +0000
    The Importance of Breathwork, and How It Impacts Your Health

    Morris Weintraub, the founder of RiseOpen, shares his knowledge of breathwork with us. He goes over every step of the breathwork process and the changes your body experiences during the session.

    Wed, 17 Aug 2022 05:00:40 +0000
    Farming At-Home with Lettuce Grow

    We are joined by Jacob Pechenik, owner of Lettuce Grow, which focuses on at-home farming. We talk about the environmental aspects of at-home farming, as well as the benefits of growing food at your home.

    Wed, 10 Aug 2022 05:00:59 +0000
    Inflammation Q+A with Dr. Erin Donaldson and Dr. Mike Stone

    Today we answer your questions all about inflammation. How to identify inflammation, how to improve your inflammation levels, foods and supplements to incorporate into your life, and more!

    Wed, 03 Aug 2022 05:00:03 +0000
    Specialty Mushrooms feat. Smallhold

    Andrew Carter, CEO of Smallhold, a company that specializes in growing specialty mushrooms, joins us today to talk about the environment, the benefits of consuming mushrooms, and his company's mission.

    Wed, 27 Jul 2022 05:00:40 +0000
    The Benefits of Vitamin E with Dr. Barrie Tan

    Today we are joined by Dr. Barrie Tan, a world expert on Vitamin E and president of American River Nutrition. We discuss different types of vitamin E and studies showing the benefits of usage.

    Wed, 20 Jul 2022 05:00:17 +0000
    Treating Anxiety and Trauma with Touch feat. Dr. David Rabin

    Neuroscientist and trauma expert Dr. David Rabin joins us today to discuss his product Apollo Neuro, as well as tapping, touch therapy, sound therapy, and more to help with anxiety, stress, and trauma symptoms.

    Wed, 13 Jul 2022 05:00:17 +0000
    Benefits and Uses of Spirulina feat. We Are The New Farmers

    Jonas Guenther, one of the founders of We Are The New Farmers, a company focused on producing fresh frozen spirulina cubes, joins us today to discuss sustainability, the benefits of algae, and more.
    Enjoy 15% off any order using the code WILDHEALTH.

    Wed, 06 Jul 2022 05:00:23 +0000
    Trauma, PTSD, and Cognitive Processing Therapy with Dr. Patricia Resick

    Dr. Patricia Resick, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, of Duke University Medical Center, joins Wild Health Podcast today to discuss trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD, and cognitive therapy.

    Wed, 29 Jun 2022 05:00:25 +0000
    The Power of Herbs with Rachelle Robinett

    Today we are joined by Rachelle Robinett founder of Supernatural. In this episode, she teaches us how to use herbs in our everyday life with host Dr. Erin Donaldson. Use code WILDHEALTH to enjoy 15% off all products, Supernatural herbal classes, and anything on the website.

    Wed, 22 Jun 2022 05:00:06 +0000
    How Ketones Affect Our Body feat. Michael Brandt from H.V.M.N.

    Today we are joined by H.V.M.N. CEO Michael Brandt to speak with our hosts about Ketone-IQ, how it works, how ketones affect our bodies and the science behind it.

    Wed, 15 Jun 2022 05:00:27 +0000
    Dr. Mallin and Dr. Stone Answer your Questions about Vitamins, Fructose, Natural Painkillers, and More

    Doctors Mike Mallin and Mike Stone answer your questions about ruminating thoughts, red light therapy, hormones, fructose and more.

    Wed, 08 Jun 2022 05:00:34 +0000
    The Best Exercise for Brain Health with Louisa Nicola of Neuro Athletics

    Wed, 01 Jun 2022 05:00:14 +0000
    Ask Drs. Erin and Julie on Fertility, Menstrual Cycle, Women’s Biohacking and More

    Doctors Julie Foucher and Erin Donaldson answer your questions about fertility, menstrual cycle, cold plunging, sauna, and more.

    Wed, 25 May 2022 05:00:14 +0000
    How to Practice Positivity feat. Mason Cole

    Today we are joined by Mason Cole, football center for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the NFL. With hosts Dr. Matt Dawson and Nathan Barry, they talk about positivity, and mental health in national sports.

    Wed, 18 May 2022 05:00:28 +0000
    Women's Biohacking feat. Dasha Maximov & Dr. Julie Foucher
    Wed, 11 May 2022 16:00:49 +0000
    Effects of Psilocybin on Mental Health with Dr. Kristin Dawson
    Wed, 04 May 2022 05:00:50 +0000
    Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with Cynthia Thurlow and Dr. Mike Stone
    Cynthia Thurlow, nurse practitioner, intermittent fasting, and nutrition expert chats with Dr. Mike Stone about fasting for women, health wearables, and how to listen to your body.
    Wed, 27 Apr 2022 05:00:11 +0000
    How to Practice Mental Fitness with Marc Champagne

    Today we are joined by Marc Champagne, author, speaker, and mental fitness strategist to discuss mental health, journaling, and how to not feel overwhelmed when trying to balance both, mental and physical health.

    Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:00:17 +0000
    Gratitude Visit and Letter with Dr. Kristin Dawson

    In today’s podcast, Dr. Kristin Dawson, Dr. Matt Dawson, and Dr. Mike Mallin discuss gratitude and how to incorporate it into your life. At the end, Dr. Kristin Dawson does a short meditation practice.

    Wed, 13 Apr 2022 05:00:54 +0000
    Managing Gut Health with Functional Nutritionist Risa Groux

    Wed, 06 Apr 2022 05:00:48 +0000
    Dr. Mallin and Dr. Stone Answer your Questions about Cardiovascular Disease, Aging, and Hair Loss

    In our second episode of our Dr. Mallin and Dr. Stone Q&A, they answer your questions about hair loss, candida, aging, cardiovascular disease, and more.

    Wed, 30 Mar 2022 05:00:28 +0000
    Dr. Mallin and Dr.Stone Answer Your Questions About Sleep

    Wed, 23 Mar 2022 05:00:02 +0000
    The Fundamentals of Sleep
    It’s Sleep Awareness Week! In today’s episode, we discuss everything you need to know for better sleep - from how genetics affect your sleep, environment disruptors, how sleep impacts our body, and more.
    Wed, 16 Mar 2022 05:00:49 +0000
    Taking a Personalized Approach to Diabetes with Dr.Gus Vickery

    Meet Dr.Gus Vickery, a certified physician, and author of Authentic Health. In this episode, Dr.Gus discusses the experience of a woman with diabetes, and how they personalized her approach to her health to bring her the best results possible. To participate in our next summit, which will be happening this Spring go to www.wildhealthsummit.com

    Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:00:55 +0000
    The Impact of Trampoline Workouts with The Ness

    Meet Aly Giampolo and Colette Dong, founders of The Ness, a low-impact training using the trampoline.
    In this episode, you will find out more about their journey and how this might be the workout that you have been looking for.

    Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:00:13 +0000
    The Healing Power of Herbs with Herbalist Andrew Bentley

    Wed, 23 Feb 2022 06:00:17 +0000
    The Importance of Free-Flowing Movement with Groove with Gaia
    Wed, 16 Feb 2022 06:00:35 +0000
    Biohacking for the female body feat Kristin Weitzel

    Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Matt Dawson talk about female biohacking with Master Breathwork and Cold Exposure Guide, Kristin Weitzel. In today’s episode, they discuss cold exposure and exercise for women, and how to maximize health benefits depending on the female menstrual cycle.

    Wed, 09 Feb 2022 06:00:54 +0000
    Connecting with your food feat Chef Nico Albert
    Wed, 02 Feb 2022 06:00:46 +0000
    The Impact of Saunas on Athletic Performance, Inflammation, and More
    Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Mike Mallin, and Dr. Matt Dawson discuss the health benefits of sauna and heat exposure to your body.
    Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:00:13 +0000
    Healing Autoimmune Diseases Through Lifestyle

    Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Digital Wellness w/ Nina Hersher

    Join us as we sit down with Nina Hersher, CEO of the Digital Wellness Institute. She teaches us how to practice digital wellness to improve your health, wellbeing, and productivity and gives us tools that can support your health through tech.

    Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:00:00 +0000

    As we enter the New Year you might be hearing a lot about detoxing. Today we break down how exactly your body detoxes, what it means to detox, and protocols to help your body detox.

    Wed, 05 Jan 2022 06:00:00 +0000
    Impact of the Cold

    In today's episode the Wild Health team breaks down the the surprising impact of how cold can actually help heal your body and the science behind it.

    Then after our episode, don't forget to sign up for the Wild Health Summit. Wild Health Summit is our twice a year in-person gathering. Immersed in the wilderness for 3 days, the attendees will hear cutting edge medical topics, taste wild plants, listen to stories around a campfire, and build resources the traditional way. Inspiring teachers will show us that it is possible to live in harmony with the land, ourselves and one another. Go to www.WildHealthSummit.com to check out the next gathering in May 2022.

    Wed, 29 Dec 2021 06:00:00 +0000
    Cultivating gratitude in kids

    Dr. Kristin Dawson, Dr. Matt Dawson, and Dr. Mike Mallin discuss how to cultivate gratitude in children. You'll leave this episode not only understanding the importance of learning gratitude from a young age but actionable tips you can take at home to practice gratitude as a family.

    Wed, 22 Dec 2021 06:00:00 +0000
    Understanding the microbiome

    Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Carl Seger, Dr. Mike Mallin, and Dr. Mark Goodman discuss what the microbiome is, how your gut impacts your overall health and diseases, how it causes inflammation, and how to take care of your gut. The team gets deep into the science of your gut, so get your notebooks ready!

    Mon, 13 Dec 2021 15:51:06 +0000
    Algorithms and Longevity

    From the Wild Health Summit, Ryan Smith covers genomics and DNA methylation to analyze age-related conditions, how to treat aging, and algorithms that determine your longevity.

    Wild Health Summit is our twice a year in-person gathering. Immersed in the wilderness for 3 days, the attendees will hear cutting edge medical topics, taste wild plants, listen to stories around a campfire, and build resources the traditional way. Inspiring teachers will show us that it is possible to live in harmony with the land, ourselves and one another. Go to www.WildHealthSummit.com to check out the next gathering in May 2022.

    Wed, 08 Dec 2021 17:14:02 +0000
    Insulin Resistance

    Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Mike Mallin, Trei Tackett, and Dr. Carl Seger walk you through what insulin resistance is, why it has become such a growing issue in the US and how to reverse insulin resistance.

    Wed, 01 Dec 2021 11:59:46 +0000
    Gratitude + Mindful Eating

    Dr. Kristin Dawson sits down with Ms. Toni Myers and her Locust Trace Agriscience students to discuss how to grow seasonal fall vegetables and eat with gratitude and mindfulness. Dr. Dawson dives into a step-by-step explainer of how to engage in mindful eating so you can practice it at home and with your loved ones. Plus a seasonal soup recipe from Executive Farmer-Chef Jason Walls. We hope you enjoy this very special episode!

    Wed, 24 Nov 2021 06:00:00 +0000
    Holiday Eating Tips and Tricks

    As the holidays start to roll around Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Mike Mallin take a moment to share their Thanksgiving traditions, how to incorporate healthier choices during the holidays, and share gratitude for our Wild Health community. Stay tuned until the end for a special recipe book the Wild Health team made just for you.

    Wed, 17 Nov 2021 14:46:48 +0000
    Diet Basics

    Dr. Mike Stone, Dr. Matt Dawson, Dr. Mike Mallin, and Dr. Mark Goodman sit down and talk through how to live a healthier life through a healthier diet. You'll learn about superfoods, diet principles, foods to avoid, and how biometrics play into your diet.

    Wed, 10 Nov 2021 11:18:41 +0000
    Gratitude and Squats........wait.....what?!?!
    Gratitude and Squats........wait.....what?!?! Yep, listen in to Drs. Kristin Dawson, Mike Mallin, and Matt Dawson on all the scientific benefits of gratitude, journaling, and some pro tips on how to get the most out of it.
    Wed, 03 Nov 2021 05:00:00 +0000
    Horizontal Breathing

    Morris Weintraub, founder of RiseOpen, shares the theory behind breathwork and discusses how intentional breath can impact our physiology, mindset, and mood. He then provides instruction on proper breathing technique. Be prepared to sit down and get hands-on as you listen to this episode!

    This practice is part of the Wild Health Mindfulness Track. For more information about becoming a patient to and gaining access to this track, please visit us at WildHealth.com.

    Wed, 27 Oct 2021 05:00:00 +0000
    How to do a 3 day water fast

    Dr. Carl Seger and Dr. Mike Stone discuss tips for success with a 3 day water fast: when is the best time of day to start, what types of beverages are permitted, and whether exercise is a good idea.

    The PDF documents referenced in this episode are part of the Wild Health Longevity Track. For more information about becoming a patient to and gaining access to this track, please visit us at WildHealth.com.

    Wed, 20 Oct 2021 05:00:00 +0000
    Rob LoCascio on using mindset and meditation to create entrepreneurial longevity

    Rob LoCascio is the founder & CEO of LivePerson, a publicly held, global technology company that develops conversational commerce and AI software. He shares the lessons he learned as a young entrepreneur and how meditation and becoming a student of his own brain have helped him reshape his mindset from a path of burnout to one of entrepreneurial longevity.

    Thu, 14 Oct 2021 01:33:38 +0000
    Introducing CrossFit Precision Care

    CrossFit CEO Eric Roza and Dr. Julie Foucher join Dr. Matt Dawson to discuss the evolution of CrossFit Health and the inception of CrossFit Precision Care, a personalized medicine practice. We discuss why CrossFit is uniquely positioned to revolutionize healthcare, the importance of primary care visits, even for healthy individuals, the CrossFit Precision Care patient experience, and how other practitioners can get involved with the CrossFit Health movement.

    To learn more visit care.crossfit.com.

    Mon, 04 Oct 2021 19:25:02 +0000
    Mindful Walking

    Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Kristin Dawson discuss options for mindfulness for individuals who have trouble sitting still.

    Mon, 04 Oct 2021 01:05:24 +0000
    Author, storyteller, and herbalist Doug Elliott

    Author, storyteller, and herbalist Doug Elliott uses wilderness adventure as a metaphor to impart pearls of wisdom as he interweaves wild plant knowledge, poetry, fishing stories, and more in this lively presentation. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Fri, 17 Sep 2021 13:02:14 +0000
    Ritual and sacramental plant medicine with clinical herbalist and medicine maker Andrew Ozinskas.

    Andrew discusses the contributions of alchemy to early medicine, how the crystalline lattice structure of our DNA provides a direct link to our ancestors, and history on the traditional use of psychoactive and medicinal plants. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Mon, 13 Sep 2021 12:38:43 +0000
    Maximizing longevity and health span

    Drs. Dawson, Mallin and Goodman discuss the longevity benefits of fasting mimickers, including Metformin, NAD and rapamycin, plus Dr. Mallin makes a compelling case for giving NAD to your pet worms and mice. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Sat, 04 Sep 2021 09:00:00 +0000
    How I grew and foraged all my food for a year with Rob Greenfield

    How I grew and foraged all my food for a year! Environmental activist Rob Greenfield shares the lessons he learned as he foraged his own food for an entire year, including exactly what he ate, how it impacted his health, and how he even grew his own toilet paper. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:21:45 +0000
    Genomics based sleep optimization with Drs. Dawson, Mallin and Goodman

    Genomics based sleep optimization with Drs. Dawson, Mallin and Goodman, including why wearables don't always match our subjective experience, which supplements actually work, and why you should move happy hour to 4pm. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Thu, 26 Aug 2021 13:51:39 +0000
    Mushrooms as Food and Medicine with Dr. Cornelia Cho

    Dr. Cho, pediatrician and mushroom club president, brings ancient wisdom to modern medicine. She discusses the medicinal benefits of mushrooms including reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, high cholesterol and more. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Fri, 20 Aug 2021 14:50:07 +0000
    Genomics based Mindfulness?

    This and more with Dr. Kristin Dawson and musician Fuz Sanderson as they field questions about mindfulness, including the physiological benefits of practicing mindfulness in nature, ways to encourage skeptical patients to integrate mindfulness into their daily habits, and how tools such as music can act as a conduit to quickly transition from a busy mind to a quiet mind. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Sun, 15 Aug 2021 15:20:35 +0000
    Wild Foods with Sam Thayer. Sam Thayer is considered the world expert on edible wild plants.

    Topics covered include increasing the diversity of our diet with wild foods, how the relative nutrient and chemical density of wild foods naturally signals our body to stop eating when full, and why we should all be eating more greens. This was recorded at our spring Wild Health Summit. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021 23:23:45 +0000
    Fasting, insulin resistance, genomics based nutrition, and other questions recorded at our recent Summit with Drs. Dawson, Mallin, and Goodman.

    Sign up for the next Summit in October at wildhealthsummit.com!

    Mon, 02 Aug 2021 15:43:46 +0000
    Rewild yourself with Daniel Vitalis

    This was recorded at our Wild Health Summit in the spring. We'll be doing it again this fall! Sign up at wildhealthsummit.com.

    Thu, 29 Jul 2021 15:56:05 +0000
    How trauma 2x's your risk of cancer and how to heal with ketamine and other modalities.
    Thu, 01 Jul 2021 09:00:00 +0000
    James Nestor on how to breathe properly and why it's critical for health.
    Thu, 24 Jun 2021 10:00:00 +0000
    Treating Alzheimer's disease with Dr. Nate Bergman from The Cleveland Clinic
    Thu, 17 Jun 2021 10:00:00 +0000
    Advanced Ketamine Therapy and combining with other adjuncts with Dr. Kristin Dawson.
    Fri, 11 Jun 2021 12:42:07 +0000
    Ketamine for anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, and much more!
    Thu, 03 Jun 2021 13:47:51 +0000
    How to use Breathwork for healing from trauma, mystical experiences, and more with Morris Weintraub
    Wed, 26 May 2021 13:18:43 +0000
    How to use Breath Work to increase HRV, decrease stress and anxiety, and many other benefits with Morris Weintraub.
    Mon, 17 May 2021 16:24:18 +0000
    Rob Greenfield on how to live healthy and save the world by growing and foraging, dumpster diving, minimizing your impact.....and.......eating roadkill.
    Fri, 30 Apr 2021 13:13:01 +0000
    Does Organic food make a difference? How does healthy soil = healthy food = healthy humans? Jeff Tkach, Chief Innovation Officer at Rodale discusses this and much more!
    Thu, 22 Apr 2021 14:00:06 +0000
    Wild foods, Humans in Captivity, Foraging, Mindfulness, Gratitude, and more with Daniel Vitalis from the WildFed podcast.
    Wed, 14 Apr 2021 12:12:18 +0000
    Daniel Vitalis on being Wildfed, harvesting your own food, veganism vs. carnivorism, hunting, and much more!
    Mon, 05 Apr 2021 14:31:16 +0000
    So...what is high blood pressure? Why does it matter exactly?

    High blood pressure increases your chance of heart attack, stroke, dementia, and just about everything bad that you don't want. So.......what is high blood pressure? Why does it matter exactly? What should we and can we do about it?

    Wed, 31 Mar 2021 19:29:49 +0000
    Wild Health Heats Up - All about the sauna
    Sat, 27 Mar 2021 14:16:26 +0000
    How to use a CGM to optimize health. Tips and tricks.
    Mon, 15 Mar 2021 15:41:10 +0000
    Karen Thomson on sugar addiction, other addictions, and how to break the cycle.
    Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:34:41 +0000
    Fuz Sanderson on Re-Wilding, building fire, didgeridoos, and healing through connection with nature.

    Be sure and sign up for our course in May to learn from Fuz at wildhealthsummit.com

    Mon, 22 Feb 2021 14:51:14 +0000
    All about inflammation with Dr. Mark Goodman
    Fri, 19 Feb 2021 15:43:23 +0000
    Dr. Mark Goodman joins us to discuss sports supplements
    Tue, 09 Feb 2021 17:17:18 +0000
    - 未知的檔案類型。
    Dr. Mark Goodman joins us to discuss sports supplements
    Tue, 09 Feb 2021 17:17:16 +0000
    Robb Wolf on improving our health and saving the world with Regenerative Agriculture.
    Robb Wolf, author of Sacred Cow, and MANY other best sellers joins us to talk about how eating meat is not necessarily bad for us and the world, and how farming can be a solution.
    Sat, 06 Feb 2021 13:18:56 +0000
    AI driven Cardiovascular risk assessment with Cleerly
    Dr. James Min, CEO of Cleerly, discusses this cutting edge tool and how to use it.
    Tue, 02 Feb 2021 16:39:25 +0000
    Whole body MRI for early detection of cancer and other abnormalities.
    Wed, 27 Jan 2021 16:54:02 +0000
    Dr. Stacy Sims and Dr. Julie Foucher discuss training, fueling, and other differences for women athletes.
    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 14:12:07 +0000
    Food as medicine with Dr. Steven Chen
    Thu, 14 Jan 2021 18:58:30 +0000
    Dr. Erin Calipari on breaking the cycle of addiction

    How womens' menstrual cycles affect their susceptibility, other sex differences, potential for psychedelics in treatment of addiction, and much more.

    Mon, 04 Jan 2021 10:00:00 +0000
    Ben Greenfield joins us as we apply the Wild Health algorithm to optimize his health
    Wed, 30 Dec 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Reverse and slow the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia via plasma exchange with Dr. David Haase
    Sat, 26 Dec 2020 06:00:00 +0000
    Dr. Paul Saladino on the Carnivore diet and whether your cholesterol numbers matter at all
    Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:00:00 +0000
    What is Wild Health exactly? (From the Pursuing Health Podcast)

    What is Wild Health and what do we actually do?!? We realized we don't often answer this on our podcast and we don't really talk much about our origin story and where we're going. This podcast was on the Pursuing Health podcast with Dr. Julie Foucher when she asked us those questions and we answered, so we wanted to share it with you.

    Thu, 10 Dec 2020 13:20:12 +0000
    The benefits of Breathwork and how to start with Morris Weintraub
    Wed, 09 Dec 2020 06:25:04 +0000
    How to improve your HRV and why you should with Dr. Jay Wiles
    Thu, 03 Dec 2020 12:25:35 +0000
    Ketogenic diet for treatment of depression, anxiety, and psychiatric disorders with Ben Askins
    Mon, 30 Nov 2020 12:55:05 +0000
    Dr. David Haase on plasma exchange and systems approach for brain optimization.

    This is another inspirting talk from the Wild Health Brain Optimization Summit.

    Fri, 27 Nov 2020 12:36:36 +0000
    Healthy Thanksgiving Cooking with Wild Health (video)

    This special episode is a video podcast of cooking a healthy Thanksgiving dinner.

    Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:36:01 +0000
    A Healthy Thanksgiving with Wild Health (audio version)

    This special edition of the Wild Health Podcast is about preparing a healthy Thanksgiving dinner. Make sure to check out www.wildhealth.com/cookbook for the videos and more!

    Wed, 25 Nov 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    HRV monitoring and how to improve with Rohan Dixit

    HRV real-time monitoring and how to improve with Rohan Dixit, CEO and Founder of Leif.

    Fri, 20 Nov 2020 00:23:33 +0000
    Nutrigenomics for brain optimization with Amanda Archibald

    Another amazing discussion from our Wild Health Brain Optimization Summit.

    Wed, 18 Nov 2020 16:41:38 +0000
    Dr. Kristin Dawson on Mindfulness

    This is an amazing discussion from the Wild Health Brain Optimization Summit with Dr. Kristin Dawson on Mindfulness practices.

    Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:39:07 +0000
    COVID and Heart Damage??!

    Dr Matthew Slater joins us to talk about cardiovascular disease and damage in patients with COVID-19. When is it safe to return to activity? What tests should we be getting to ensure heart health after illness?

    Fri, 13 Nov 2020 18:47:19 +0000
    - 未知的檔案類型。
    Dr. James Fadiman on Microdosing and Your Symphony of Selves Part 2

    James Fadiman is an American psychologist and writer. He is acknowledged for his extensive work in the field of psychedelic research. He co-founded along with Robert Frager the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, which later became Sofia University, where he was a lecturer in psychedelic studies. His latest book with Jordan Gruber is "Your Symphony of Selves: Discover and Understand More of Who We Are" which offers groundbreaking insight into the dynamic nature of personality and show that each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves.” They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working. Find out more at https://jordangruber.com/your-symphony-of-selves

    Mon, 09 Nov 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Dr. James Fadiman on Microdosing and Your Symphony of Selves Part 2

    James Fadiman is an American psychologist and writer. He is acknowledged for his extensive work in the field of psychedelic research. He co-founded along with Robert Frager the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, which later became Sofia University, where he was a lecturer in psychedelic studies. His latest book with Jordan Gruber is "Your Symphony of Selves: Discover and Understand More of Who We Are" which offers groundbreaking insight into the dynamic nature of personality and show that each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable “selves.” They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and working. Find out more at https://jordangruber.com/your-symphony-of-selves

    Mon, 09 Nov 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Dr. Dom D'Agostino talks CGMs

    How to use a continuous glucose monitor to optimize diet and health.

    Fri, 06 Nov 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Dr. Mark Goodman on optimizing fitness with genomic based exercise, diet, and recovery
    Wed, 04 Nov 2020 12:29:24 +0000
    Dr. James Fadiman on microdosing for brain optimization
    Mon, 02 Nov 2020 12:05:43 +0000
    COVID for the long haul with Dr. Tam

    Former Pro Triathlete Dr. Tam joins us to talk about her experience having COVID and dealing with being a Long Hauler.

    Fri, 30 Oct 2020 10:00:00 +0000
    How you move matters - With Guido Van Ryssegem
    Guido is a master of movement. He works with amateur and professional athletes around the world and pioneered the Kinetic Integrations theory of movement that is taught around the world. We discuss how correcting common imbalances and movement patterns can improve health span, relive pain and avoid injury. In this podcast Guido walks us through his philosophy on movement, personalized exercise prescription, injury prevention, and return to play.
    Wed, 28 Oct 2020 11:53:34 +0000
    HIIT benefits for brain optimization with Physician and Crossfit athlete Dr. Julie Foucher
    Mon, 26 Oct 2020 10:00:00 +0000
    Is Time Restricted Feeding Still Good For You?
    A recent JAMA article is getting a lot of headlines; refuting the benefits of time restricted feeding. But as usual, the devil is in the details, and we're not convinced that the data is strong enough, or applicable enough to the actual practice of medicine to change our minds. Here's why.
    Want more: Read this or this. Two other randomized controlled trials showing benefit with better participant adherence.
    Fri, 23 Oct 2020 10:00:00 +0000
    Ben Greenfield on cutting edge devices to bio-hack brain optimization

    This talk was taken from the 2020 Wild Health Brain Optimization Summit. The audio is not the greatest, but there's a lot of great info we felt was well worth posting.

    Wed, 21 Oct 2020 21:06:08 +0000
    Strength training for longevity

    Strength training for longevity with SuperHuman Radio's Carl Lanore.

    Sun, 18 Oct 2020 09:00:00 +0000
    Episode 152 - Playbook For The Aging Athlete with Dr. Matt Slater

    Dr Slater joins us again on the podcast to focus on the challenges and opportunities facing the aging athlete. Like it or not, we are all aging, and we have to adjust our training and recovery to fit accordingly. Dr Slater, cardiovascular surgeon, amateur super-fast bike rider, and cycling coach breaks down his approach to the aging athlete. If this isn't super pertinent for you now, it will be soon.

    Mon, 12 Oct 2020 13:03:34 +0000
    Episode 151 - Tracking and measuring blood markers to maximize longevity with Dr. Michael Lustgarten.
    Mon, 21 Sep 2020 12:25:29 +0000
    Episode 150 - Health Benefits of Crossfit for All

    Dr. Julie Foucher, 4x Crossfit Games Athlete and functional medicine physician talks about the health benefits of Crossfit for all.

    Mon, 14 Sep 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 149 - Air Quality and Health

    Dr Alex Carll from the University of Louisville joins us today to discuss what you can do now about air pollution and your health! The west is literally burning and millions of Americans are suffering from loss of lives, homes, and are being exposed to unprecedented levels of poor air quality. Dr Carll joins us to discuss indoor and outdoor pollution and their effect on health and how you can combat them. You can follow Dr Carll on twitter at @cardiocarll.

    Sat, 12 Sep 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 148 - Masks the new vaccine?!?!

    Premier vaccine phase 3 trial on hold. Steroids beneficial in critically ill COVID patients. Antibodies last at least 3 months. Masks the new vaccine?!?!

    Thu, 10 Sep 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 147 - TOO MUCH EXERCISE? Is there such a thing? We ask Dr Matthew Slater

    Is this possible? We see it all over the internet. And everyone has heard the stories of ultramarathoners and endurance athletes dropping dead while running or training. But what does the literature say? Is this concept real or fake? Dr Matthew Slater is a cardiothoracic surgeon, an avid cyclist, and a cycling coach with lintonhornercoaching.com and is going to help us dive, rather deep, into this topic.

    Wed, 09 Sep 2020 16:50:23 +0000
    Episode 146 - How to slow down or reverse your biologic age with Agebio

    Dr. Nathan Price joins us to talk about aging, how to measure it, and how to slow it down.

    Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:15:07 +0000
    Episode 145 - False statements about plasma for COVID from the FDA
    COVID 8/26/20 Update False statements about plasma for COVID from the FDA, continued COVID deaths in the America's, the first real case of reinfection, and the newest on vaccines.
    Thu, 27 Aug 2020 12:10:54 +0000
    Episode 144 - How to optimize your brain, longevity, gut, athletic performance, and mindfulness.

    In this episode, we explain the new Wild Health tracks available now to optimize your brain, longevity, gut, athletic performance, and mindfulness.

    Sat, 15 Aug 2020 12:31:07 +0000
    Episode 143 - Should your kids go back to school? Pharmaceutical companies are cooperating! Vaccine updates too

    Should your kids go back to school? Pharmaceutical companies are cooperating! Vaccine updates. COVID-19 update for 8/13.

    Thu, 13 Aug 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 142 - SIBO with Mary Brittian Blankenship, MD

    Does 8% of the population really have SIBO? Dr Blankenship of Spruce MD joins us to talk all things SIBO. Why is it becoming so common? What are the symptoms? Why do people get SIBO? How do you diagnose SIBO? How do you treat SIBO?

    Mon, 03 Aug 2020 12:03:36 +0000
    Episode 141 - Epigenetics with Dr Morgan Levine

    Dr Morgan Levine, bioinformatics advisor to Elysium and Professor at Yale, joins us to explain epigenetic clocks, biological age, and how they can give you more than just a number. How often should you test? What sort of interventions should you do? And just how accurate are these tests?

    Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 140 - Why we should care about a 1% mortality rate

    Why we should care about a 1% mortality rate, vaccine updates, and long term cardiac complications from COVID-19. July 16th COVID update.

    Thu, 16 Jul 2020 11:40:30 +0000
    Episode 138 - Why Covid-19 is 50-100x Worse Than The Flu

    Why COVID-19 is 50-100 worse than the flu. Colchicine for treatment of COVID. Long term effects on depression, anxiety, and mental health of the global pandemic. June 9th COVID update.

    Thu, 09 Jul 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 137 - The Surge Continues

    The virus surge continues, Fauci warns congress about over 100,000 new cases a day, antibody prevalence may be lower than expected and asymptomatic patients may not develop antibodies, and new data on children's Multiorgan Inflammatory Syndrome.

    Fri, 03 Jul 2020 12:28:38 +0000
    Episode 136 - COVID surges across America

    COVID surges across America. States halt and reverse opening. Hospitals at capacity. But there is a way out. Matt and Mike discuss some solutions to reverse the negative trend in COVID cases over the past 2 weeks.

    Tue, 30 Jun 2020 10:00:00 +0000
    Episode 135 - Blood type affects your COVID risk and how to find it from your raw DNA data.
    Blood type affects your COVID risk and how to find it from your raw DNA data. The WHO and CDC must do better. June 12th COVID-19 update.
    Fri, 12 Jun 2020 21:50:59 +0000
    Episode 134 - Cholesterol associated with COVID?
    We're seeing a common trend since starting the process of opening back up: more cases! Plus, researchers testing the city sewer system's poop for COVID. AND!?!?!?! Mike admits he was wrong! Cholesterol and APOE4 genotype might actually be associated with COVID disease severity and prevalence.
    Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:03:34 +0000
    Episode 133 - 7 day rolling average of COVID deaths increases as we continue to open up.

    COVID update June 5. 7 day rolling average of COVID deaths increases as we continue to open up. Hydroxychloroquine data called into question.

    Sat, 06 Jun 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 131 - Do all patients with COVID develop immunity? Is PCR testing as good as we think it is?
    Wed, 20 May 2020 11:57:09 +0000
    Episode 129 - A 17-million person study sheds light on pre-existing conditions and death from COVID

    A 17-million person study sheds light on pre-existing conditions and death from COVID. New data on severity in pediatrics, and a brand spanking new antigen test from the FDA.

    Tue, 12 May 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 128 - What does Integrative Medicine have to offer during the global pandemic? Dr. Allison Mulcahy joins us to share.
    Mon, 11 May 2020 13:00:58 +0000
    Episode 127 - Are Llamas the key to treating COVID. Are testicles to blame?
    Are Llamas the key to treating COVID. Are testicles to blame? Maybe this sounds like clickbait, but seriously, we review studies suggesting just this. Along with some more legitimate ones....

    Fri, 08 May 2020 11:55:46 +0000
    Episode 126 - The Art of Breathing with Rob Orman

    This is a guest podcast from Rob Orman of the Stimulus Podcast with some amazing content on breathing.

    Thu, 07 May 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 125 - 19x reduced risk of severe illness with higher vitamin D levels. 19x Really???
    Covid19 Update May 6th: The plan for opening up New York, Improved mortality in patients on ACE inhibitors and statins, and a 19x reduced risk of severe illness with higher vitamin D levels. 19x Really???
    Wed, 06 May 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 124 - Ben Greenfield with Top Biohacks for surviving and thriving in the pandemic
    Mon, 04 May 2020 14:02:53 +0000
    Episode 123 - The final answer on ACEI and COVID risk

    Novel Coronavirus genome study underway. Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy say the pandemic could last for 2 years. Other updates on May 2, 2020.

    Sat, 02 May 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 122 - Dr. Tim Mosely

    Tim completed his PhD from UC Davis in Cellular & Development Biology. He has a variety of specialties including cellular allograft technology, research and data analysis of stem cell studies and trials, and Management of regulatory requirements and product development. He is currently serving as the Chief scientific officer for Direct Biologics.

    Fri, 01 May 2020 13:32:29 +0000
    Episode 120 - Dr. Mike Stone on Healthy Sleep

    Dr. Mike Stone discusses sleep, melatonin, and answers viewer questions.

    Wed, 29 Apr 2020 13:48:27 +0000
    Episode 119 - Why are young patients with COVID having strokes?

    Why are young patients with COVID having strokes? Why the LAMP test is a game changer. Does ACEI increase your chances of a bad outcome from COVID-19?

    Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 118 - Are you immune after COVID-19 infection?

    Are you immune after COVID-19 infection? New York has a plan to open back up. April 27th coronavirus update.

    Mon, 27 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 117 - Dr. Craig Koniver

    Dr. Craig Koniver is an Integrative and regenerative physician working with top athletes, biohackers, celebrities and high-octane individuals. He has been practicing Performance Medicine for over 20 years and is the founder of Koniver Wellness – Protocols for Performance in Charleston, South Carolina. He is often referred to as, “The Future of Modern Medicine” and is an influential thought leader, advancing the field of human medicine and shifting the paradigm.

    Sun, 26 Apr 2020 12:58:01 +0000
    Episode 116 - Dr. John Lieurance

    Dr. John Lieurance, is a Naturopathic Physician & Chiropractic Neurologist who has been in private practice in Florida for 25 years. He is the chief scientific advisor of both Glutagenic.com™ as well as Advanced Biopme Corp™. He heads up Advanced Rejuvenation, a multi-disciplinary clinic, with a focus on Treating Chronic Diseases, Regenerative Medicine, Functional Neurology, Functional Medicine & Stem Cell Research.

    Sat, 25 Apr 2020 13:46:06 +0000
    Episode 115 - When can we get back to work and back to sports?

    This podcast is from our recent free webinar where Matt, Mike, and team answered many questions about the current state of testing and when we can potentially get back to work and back to sport.

    Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 114 - Does ACEI/ARBS increase risk of COVID-19 complications?

    Does ACEI/ARBS increase risk of COVID-19 complications? Does Hydroxychloroquine lead to increased deaths? COVID-19 updated for April 23.

    Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 113 - Ryan Smith from Tailor Made Compounds on Peptides
    Wed, 22 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 112 - Can you be infected a second time with COVID-19?

    Can you be infected a second time with COVID-19? What is the actual prevalence right now of Coronavirus infection? April 20th update.

    Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:03:21 +0000
    Episode 111 - Louisa Nicola
    Louisa Nicola is a brain performance coach that works with high-profile people from major sport, Olympians, Fortune 100 CEOs, and internationally acclaimed artists and musicians. With her scientific and technological approach, she is on a mission to create world class neuro athletes.
    Mon, 20 Apr 2020 11:57:50 +0000
    Episode 110 - Dr. Matt Cook

    Dr. Matthew Cook is a board-certified anesthesiologist who has completed a fellowship in functional medicine. His practice, BioReset™ Medical, provides treatments for conditions ranging from pain and complex illness to anti-aging and wellness. At BioReset™ Medical, Dr Cook treats some of the most challenging to diagnose and difficult to live with ailments that people suffer from today, including Lyme disease, chronic pain, PTSD, and mycotoxin illness. His approach is to use the most non-invasive, natural and integrative ways possible. Relative to the current pandemic, Dr. Cook has spent the past several weeks distilling the latest research, talking with experts around the world and integrating his vast clinical experience to provide up to date information to the public and medical practitioners.

    Sun, 19 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 109 - How much does obesity affect your risk?

    How much does obesity affect your risk? What antibody testing is useful? Federal government releases guidelines on opening back up. COVID-19 updates for April 18th.

    Sat, 18 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 108 - Chris Mason on the LAMP test for COVID19

    Chris Mason on the LAMP test for COVID19, Serology testing, opening back up, second waves of COVID, viral genomic changes and more.

    Fri, 17 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 107 - Mike and Matt cover newest new updates, literature showing higher death rates among patients under 65 years of age in the US

    Covid Update April 16th:

    Mike and Matt cover newest new updates, literature showing higher death rates among patients
    Thu, 16 Apr 2020 13:05:35 +0000
    Episode 106 - NBA Player Demar Derozan discusses mental health among pro athletes.

    Demar Derozan discusses mental health among pro athletes. How professional athletes are staying in shape and mentally sharp during stay at home orders and while the NBA and pro sports are on pause.

    Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:20:11 +0000
    Episode 105 - Does Remdesivir work? What is the true case fatality rate?

    Does Remdesivir work? What is the true case fatality rate? How many people are immune based to SARS-coV-2? Update for April 15th.

    Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 104 - Dr. Scott Weingart

    400,000 times per month."}" data-sheets-userformat= "{"2":768,"11":4,"12":0}">Dr. Weingart is currently an attending in and chief of the Division of Emergency Critical Care at Stony Brook Hospital. He is a tenured professor of emergency medicine at Stony Brook Medicine and an adjunct professor at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He is best known for his podcast on Resuscitation and ED Critical Care called the EMCrit Podcast; it currently is downloaded > 400,000 times per month.

    Sun, 12 Apr 2020 17:14:59 +0000
    Episode 103 - Dr. Zubkov

    Dr Zubkov is originally from Russia. After arrival to US, he completed PhD in Physiology and subsequently reaidency in neurology in the University of Mississippi Medical center. Then he moved to minnesota and completed felloweships in vascular neurology and neurocritical care at Mayo Clinic.

    Sat, 11 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 102- COVID patients testing positive after discharge?

    COVID patients testing positive after discharge? How to design return to play protocols. We may be at the peak. Other updates for April 10th.

    Sat, 11 Apr 2020 00:01:16 +0000
    Episode 101 - Dr. Brian Adkins

    Dr. Brian Adkins is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and the Medical Director for the University of Kentucky Athletics Emergency Medical Services. Dr. Adkins is a nationally recognized medical educator and mentor, who has served in multiple roles of academic medical education and administration. He is an avid sports fan who has provided mass gathering medical direction for the NCAA, PGA, NASCAR, and IRL.

    Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 100 - 454,615 Cases

    April 9 update with Dr. Stich.

    Fri, 10 Apr 2020 00:26:28 +0000
    Episode 99 - Dr. Poonam Desai

    Dr. Poonam Desai is a board certified emergency medicine physician. She is also board certified in lifestyle medicine and fellowship trained in point of care ultrasound. She combines her osteoapathic medical training to provide her patients with personalized, precise medical coaching.

    Thu, 09 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 98 - Matt and Mike discuss latest numbers, flattening in NYC, 3 new possible therapeutics and more on antibody testing.
    Wed, 08 Apr 2020 22:41:05 +0000
    Episode 97 - Dr. Andrew Weil

    Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing-oriented approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit.

    Wed, 08 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 96 - What needs to happen to open back up?

    What needs to happen to open back up? China reports zero new deaths......right. Do masks work and decrease spread? Should you stop your cytokine blocking drug?

    Tue, 07 Apr 2020 22:30:00 +0000
    Episode 95 - Chris Mason from the Wild Health Summit
    Tue, 07 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 94 - Local and World Updates and Wild Health Summit Day 3 Recap
    Mon, 06 Apr 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 93 - David Sinclair presentation from Wild Health Summit
    Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 92 - April 5 COVID-19 Update and Summit Day 2 Summary
    Sun, 05 Apr 2020 22:30:00 +0000
    Episode 91 - April 4 Update and Day 1 Summit Summary

    Recap of new studies regarding COVID-19 and Day 1 of the Wild Health Virtual Summit.

    Sat, 04 Apr 2020 22:30:00 +0000
    Episode 90 - Home exercise during COVID-19
    Dr. Mark Goodman and certified health coach and athletic trainer, Lisa Goodman, talk with Mike about tips for at home exercise during the COVID19 pandemic. Mark and Lisa will start posting daily Wild Health Exercise videos on Instagram @wildhealthmd. Check them out, stay active, and stay healthy.
    Sat, 04 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 89 - April 3 COVID-19 Update

    Mike and Matt review an executive order in New York, a new study on hydroxychloroquine, blood transfusions and donation during the pandemic, and more on flushing toilets.

    Fri, 03 Apr 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 88 - What can you do to help with the COVID-19 pandemic?

    What can you do to help with the COVID-19 pandemic? COVID SKUNKWORKS in Oregon shows you how. Help solve the problem with masks, ventilators, and others. You can help!

    Fri, 03 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 87 - April 2 Update

    Up to 25% of cases of sars-coV2 cases may be asymptomatic. How to make a homemade mask. Stay at home orders are working. Over 1million worldwide cases. Some good and hopeful news surrounding the pandemic!

    Thu, 02 Apr 2020 22:58:18 +0000
    Episode 86 - Should you wear a mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    Should you wear a mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic? The WHO and CDC has said "no". What does the emerging literature tell us when it comes to COVID-19?
    Thu, 02 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 85 - April 1st COVID-19 Update

    Who is at highest risk of COVID-19? Is the curve flattening? What's happening in Florida, NYC, and CA? Can we re-sterilize masks? April 1st COVID-19 update.

    Wed, 01 Apr 2020 21:52:36 +0000
    Episode 84 - PTSD, depression, and anxiety in frontline providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. What can we do to take care of our frontline providers with psychiatrist Dr. Kristin Dawson.
    Wed, 01 Apr 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 83 - March 31 COVID-19 Update

    Mike and Matt bring us today's COVID-19 update, covering current numbers, the situation on the ground in NYC, a comparison of the US to S. Korea, an argument for test and trace in rural America, the latest literature, and some hope for humanity.

    Tue, 31 Mar 2020 23:45:53 +0000
    Episode 82 - What if you're pregnant and get COVID-19?

    What if you're pregnant and get COVID-19? Is your baby at risk? Should you get pregnant now? OB/GYNs Dr. Hillary Seger and Dr. Jeff Chamberlain answer your pregnancy questions.

    Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 81 - March 30 COVID-19 Update
    Mike and Matt discuss current case numbers, US and global updates, answer listener questions, discuss testing and immunity with Dr Taylor Bright, as well as review two new articles on loss of smell with COVID and the spike protein.
    Mon, 30 Mar 2020 22:42:07 +0000
    Episode 80 - Dr. Matt Cook discusses the use of ozone for health, anti-viral effects, and mechanism of action.
    Mon, 30 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 79 - March 29 COVID-19 Update

    The first US infant death from COVID-19, effect of COVID on trauma care, ventilator shortage in NYC, and other updates on March 29th.

    Sun, 29 Mar 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 78 - 3 things to do while staying at home w/Ben Greenfield

    Ben Greenfield updates us on his Washington state status and provides some great tips on what to do while staying at home.

    Sun, 29 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 77 - The "Papa Delivers" and "Coach Cal Assists" Wild Health Challenge.

    We all HAVE to come together to support our front line providers. In today's update we talk about testing, news, and literature, but we also discuss how you can make a difference. Listen to the podcast and let us know what you're going to do. Wild Health is providing free care for all front line providers for the near future. Sign up for free at wildhealth.com as a new patient and let us know in the sign up form that you're fighting on the front lines.

    Sat, 28 Mar 2020 23:06:51 +0000
    Episode 76 - Science backed ways to reduce stress and increase your resilience with our Director of Mental Health, Dr. Kristin Dawson
    Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 75 - March 27th COVID-19 Update
    Mike and Matt discuss the latests COVID news, the economics of social distancing, the newest literature on ACE2 and plasma treatments for COVID, as well as listener questions about PPE and a personal description of the situation in a New Orleans emergency room.
    Fri, 27 Mar 2020 22:52:00 +0000
    Episode 74 - Homemade Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): what works and what doesn't with Dr. Brian Adkins.

    What works and what doesn't with Dr. Brian Adkins.

    Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 73 - March 26th COVID-19 Update

    Should medical providers on the front lines isolate themselves from family? NYC will be out of ICU beds tomorrow. Who should get an ICU bed? The US death toll steepens.

    Thu, 26 Mar 2020 23:00:00 +0000
    Episode 72 - David Sinclair on COVID-19

    Mike and Matt discuss recent COVID updates with Dr David Sinclair, Harvard Professor, covering the most up to date research, social distancing, treatments, vaccines, and more.

    Thu, 26 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 71 - March 25th COVID-19 Update

    COVID-19 update for 25th. Death rate up 35% day over day. What dosage of Quercetin to take and other listener questions. What can you do with your excess computer power to help fight the virus.

    Wed, 25 Mar 2020 22:42:05 +0000
    Episode 70 - Board certified toxicologist, Dr. Peter Akpunonu discusses Vitamin A and melatonin for COVID and risks of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
    Wed, 25 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 69 - COVID march 24th Update with Drs. Matt Dawson, Mike Mallin, Jeremy Stitch and Taylor Bright

    Todays update covers updates regarding case #s, testing, The newest literature around humidity, and Dr. Bright's impressions on vaccination and disease progression.

    Tue, 24 Mar 2020 21:32:52 +0000
    Episode 68 - At home dental care hacks, tele-dentistry, ozone for sterilization, and how to avoid dental problems with Dr. Tom Larkin

    Discussion with Dr. Tom Larkin DDS on best dental practices during COVID-19.

    Tue, 24 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 67 - March 23 Update
    The WHO says that the pandemic is accelerating. Multiple trials underway on medications that show promise in treating Covid-19. NY state cases account for 5% of the entire world's cases.
    Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:30:41 +0000
    Episode 66 - COVID-19 and kids. How do we protect our children from SARS-CoV-2 with Dr. Brian Adkins

    Question and answer session with Dr. Brian Adkins on COVID-19 and children.

    Mon, 23 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 65 - March 22 COVID-19 Update

    In today’s update Drs. Mike Mallin and Mike Stone discuss some good news regarding warm weather, PPE shortages, offer a thank you to healthcare workers, review the latest case numbers, review the most recent literature including viral loads and infectivity in South Korea, and answer questions on UV light and testing turnaround times.

    Sun, 22 Mar 2020 22:31:53 +0000
    Episode 64 - Hydroxychloroquine with Erin Lingenfelter, Emergency Pharmacist

    Does hydroxychloroquine help for COVID? Is it safe? Whats the dose? Should I take it as prophylaxis? Is the literature sound? Mike Mallin and Erin do their best to dissect the topic of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 and answer all of your questions.

    Sun, 22 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 63 - March 21 COVID-19 Update with Dr. Stich

    The latest updates on COVID-19 from Wild Health physician Dr. Jeremy Stich.

    Sun, 22 Mar 2020 00:09:22 +0000
    Episode 62 - Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Mark Goodman review CDC and WHO updates

    Drs. Mike Mallin and Mark Goodman review CDC and WHO updates, Wild Health patient specific updates, newest literature reviews including chloroquine, abdominal presentations of COVID, coinfections with other viruses, mortality in younger adults, and patient questions including fasting and ketogenic diets in COVID.

    Fri, 20 Mar 2020 23:22:08 +0000
    Episode 61 - Home Monitoring and Wearables

    Dr Mike Stone and Dr Mike Mallin discuss wearables and home monitoring in the age of COVID-19. Tips on what to buy for monitoring in case you get sick and how to use them.

    Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:00:00 +0000
    Episode 60 - More COVID-19 Questions Answered with Dr. Taylor Bright

    Are you immune to sars-cov2 after initial infection? Why is there a testing shortage? Can you be infected with flu and SARS-coV2 also? Other updates with Wild Health Director of Infectious Disease, Dr. Taylor Bright.

    Thu, 19 Mar 2020 20:00:13 +0000
    Episode 59 - Ultrasound for COVID-19?
    Drs Mike Stone, Mike Mallin, Mike Prats, and Jacob Avila from the Ultrasound Podcast discuss these use of ultrasound of the lungs on the front lines and as telemedicine for the diagnosis and monitoring of COVID-19. This podcast is mostly directed toward physicians, but is interesting nonetheless to all parties.
    Thu, 19 Mar 2020 13:31:38 +0000
    Episode 58 - Nutrition for COVID-19

    Talking nutrition with Sara Police PhD in regards to COVID-19

    Wed, 18 Mar 2020 21:32:50 +0000
    Episode 57 - Genomic risk for SARS-CoV-2
    Dr Mike Mallin and Dr Mike Stone discuss two new papers released regarding ACE2 and IFITM3 polymorphisms as they related to risk of COVID infection.
    Wed, 18 Mar 2020 14:56:49 +0000
    Episode 56 - COVID-19 Update 3-17

    Mike and Matt discuss potential therapeutics including ACE inhibitors and ARBs, as well as steroids and ibuprofen. We also respond to listeners questions includings risk of lung injury, sauna, risk of deliveries and others.

    Wed, 18 Mar 2020 00:46:00 +0000
    Episode 55 - Interview with European ICU and infectious disease physicians, Dr. Chris Muhr and Dr. Johannes Eimer

    March 17th update - Interview with European ICU and infectious disease physicians, Dr. Chris Muhr and Dr. Johannes Eimer. Also, updated protocols and procedures for Wild Health patients.

    Tue, 17 Mar 2020 12:58:18 +0000
    Episode 54 - Coronavirus testing explained with Dr. Taylor Bright, Phd in Infectious Disease and Genomics.

    In this podcast we explain the different tests, why there’s a shortage, and what we can and are doing about the shortage.

    Mon, 16 Mar 2020 19:07:31 +0000
    Episode 53 - How to protect from Coronavirus as a medical provider with @emcrit, Dr. Scott Weingart, NY critical care doctor.
    Dr. Scott Weingart is our go to international expert in critical care. He is an ED/ICU doctor in New York. In this podcast we talk about what's happening on the ground, how to protect yourself as a provider, and how to prevent your family from being exposed because of your job.
    Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 52 - Chloroquine evidence for treatment and prophylaxis of Coronavirus.
    March 15th Sars-Cov2 update. Here are today's updates on evidence for emerging possible treatments, prophylaxis, testing, and how to think about this risk.
    Sun, 15 Mar 2020 21:05:21 +0000
    Episode 51 - COVID-19 Update: Exercise for immune system health and new virus stability research.

    Mike Mallin, Mark Goodman, and Mike Stone go over the most important aspects of exercise and immune system function, as well as some new updates on COVID-19 virus surface stability data as it relates to public spaces and going to the gym.

    Sun, 15 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000
    Episode 50 - Free Coronavirus testing and updates from Wild Health

    Wild Health will be releasing daily updates for the foreseeable future for our patients. Please join us each day. In this episode we discuss the protocols, what to do, and testing for our patients. Tomorrow tune in for more updates.

    Sat, 14 Mar 2020 15:25:29 +0000
    Episode 49 - Dr. David Sinclair on why we age and why we don't have to

    Is aging a necessity? Find out what Dr. Sinclair thinks.

    Wed, 19 Feb 2020 18:14:19 +0000
    Episode 48 - Podcast with Ben Greenfield about genomics based medicine, the Wild Health Fellowship, and more!

    We caught up with Ben Greenfield to give him an update on Wild Health and what we've been up to. We thought you may want to hear.

    Tue, 11 Feb 2020 23:43:00 +0000
    - 未知的檔案類型。
    Episode 48 - Podcast with Ben Greenfield about genomics based medicine, the Wild Health Fellowship, and more!

    We caught up with Ben Greenfield to give him an update on Wild Health and what we've been up to. We thought you may want to hear.

    Tue, 11 Feb 2020 23:42:30 +0000
    Episode 47 - The Injured Athlete with Anne Linton
    We all get injured at some point. And we are all athletes. Prepare yourself for the inevitable and try to prevent it by listening to this podcast. Anne and Mark break down their experience with injured athletes and Mike talks more than he should.
    Mon, 27 Jan 2020 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 46 - Women are not small men! And masters women, are not older small men.
    Our masters female athletes have unique physiology, and we have to start treating them that way. In this podcast, Mike and Mark interview Anne Linton, a physician, trainer, and masters athlete herself. No one is more poised to answer the tough questions regarding training masters female athletes. If you are a masters female athlete, a younger female athlete who plans on aging, or a man who knows or cares about women, this podcast is full of tips and tricks to dial in your training and get the most out of life and your physical pursuits. Interested in learning more about Anne? Check out her training business with Chris Horner at https://lintonhornercoaching.com/.
    Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:19:23 +0000
    Episode 45 - Science has proven we can reverse aging.....kind of. Let's discuss.
    It may sound crazy to say we can reverse again, but it looks like someone has finally proven that it's possible…….kind of. HERE is the really interesting study we're talking about. To be fair, it’s a very small study, and it’s specifically of the Thymus gland. So, it has to be taken with a grain of salt.

    This isn’t a new concept, though. All the hype around compounds like metformin, resveratrol, epitalon, rapamycin, DHEA, NAD, and many more have been about their ability to potentially slow down aging. Many very famous researchers believe we can take this “slowing down” to the extreme of actually “reversing”. Or at least really, really, really slow it down to dramatically increase our lifespan. In David Sinclair’s book titled “Lifespan” he lays out a compelling argument for this.

    So, while it may seem crazy to make a statement like “aging is optional” we believe that science is getting pretty close to proving this is somewhat true. That’s why we’ve developed some very specific anti-aging protocols. To be clear, we think the best strategy is optimizing sleep, diet, nutrition, stress levels, etc. But once you’ve achieved that base and solved your big problems, this is the next logical step in our minds.

    We may not be able to live forever, but we’re willing to die trying. (sorry, very corny joke.)

    Sat, 09 Nov 2019 12:48:36 +0000
    Episode 44 - Wearables
    Hey, what are you wearing? OK, that was weird, but we do want to talk about wearable devices. You may have noticed the 1 billion wearables and self-quantification devices on the market. Well, we tried out every.....single......one. OK, that's not true. We have tried out quite a few, though, and we want to share out thoughts. Enjoy!
    Thu, 31 Oct 2019 13:22:07 +0000
    Episode 43 - PEMF for improved deep sleep, faster healing, erectile dysfunction, and MORE!

    Pulsed electromagnetic field is a fascinating technology that seems to have a myriad of effects on the body. It can be looked at like “cellular exercise” or a “mechanical adaptogen” as it helps the body heal and just perform better. In this podcast episode we sit down with an expert in the field with over 20 years of experience and pick his brain.

    Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:10:06 +0000
    Episode 42 - Broccoli sprouts (sulforaphane), sauna (??), and other treatments for autism with Dr. Kristin Dawson.

    Autism is a really difficult disease. We all know that it's on the rise. It's also difficult in that a lot of the medications approved for autism have some pretty nasty side effects. So, in this short podcast we talk about a nutritional tool that families can use with very little side effects. Let food be thy medicine!

    Mon, 09 Sep 2019 13:52:06 +0000
    Episode 41 - The most nutrient dense foods in the world and how to increase fertility using food with Brooke Boskovich, MS, RD, LDN.
    Nutrition is important for.......well......everyone! There's probably no one that nutrition is more important for than expectant mothers and women trying to conceive. Brooke Boskovich has been working with patients with fertility issues for years and shares her tips on how to optimize nutrition for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. It turns out that super nutrient dense foods are great for everyone, though, so be sure and listen in even if you're not in this boat. You'll learn something. We guarantee or your money back!
    Wed, 21 Aug 2019 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 40 - Should you wear a Continuous Glucose Monitor? How much does it costs and is it worth it?
    We've been wearing CGM devices for some time now. So, we want to share our experience with you. Dr. Dawson, Mallin, and Stone talk about their collective experiences, whether it's worth it, and how to get one if you decide you want to try it out.
    Tue, 13 Aug 2019 19:40:18 +0000
    Episode 38 - Fasting with Dr. Mike Stone. Why, how, and practical tips

    Yeah, yeah, we know.......you've heard of fasting for health. Intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, prolonged fasting, FMD, etc. We get a lot of questions on this, though, so we wanted to have Dr. Mike Stone on to discuss. Dr. Stone probably does more fasting than anyone we know and he has a deep knowledge of the medical literature around it. Send us your questions on fasting and we'll follow up with Dr. Stone for a round 2.

    Mon, 22 Jul 2019 09:00:00 +0000
    Episode 36 - Does metformin decrease performance?!?! It's time for a Wild Health Mini!

    Many tout the benefits of Metformin for longevity and preventing multiple chronic diseases. However, recent research suggests a reduction of markers of performance when taken by non-diabetic patients who exercise. In this short Wild Health podcast Matt and Mike review the newest studies and discuss how it is affecting the way they prescribe metformin for longevity.

    Mon, 08 Jul 2019 09:00:00 +0000
    Episode 35 - Hormone replacement therapy and its effects on dementia, breast cancer, heart attack, osteoporosis and more!
    Is hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women the fountain of youth or is it increasing your risk of dying from breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. It's a SUPER complicated topic, but we hope to at least start the conversation and maybe simplifying it in this podcast. If someone you love is going through menopause or wondering about this topic, share with them. Follow us @wildhealthmd for more information. We'll have a Q&A on this coming up soon.
    Mon, 24 Jun 2019 13:15:42 +0000
    Episode 33 - Cryotherapy for recovery, fat loss, brain optimization, and other benefits. What works?!?!

    Do you want to lose fat without actually cutting calories, exercising, or working hard? Well........you're probably at the wrong place. Sorry! We've heard that cryotherapy can accomplish this, but we're not buying it. However, we do use cryotherapy, and there are good reasons to use cryotherapy if you're into optimizing your performance. Listen in if you want to learn more!

    Tue, 11 Jun 2019 10:00:00 +0000
    Episode 32 - Get Your Shoulder Right

    Your shoulder is the most complicated joint in your body. The shoulder bones are just floating in space! Just like your glutes (see prior podcast), our lifestyles spent mostly sitting at desks puts us in a slouched position, with drooping shoulders and poor scapular activation. In this podcast Dr Mike Mallin and Dr Mark Goodman talk again with our favorite physical therapist, Denny Dragon of Redbird Physical Therapy in Bend, OR. Denny helped Mike rehab his shoulder after a rotator cuff tear...or two.

    What we Learned: 1) Scapular elevation is important to protect the rotator cuff. 2) Chances are good you're doing the bodybuilder shoulder raise and don't even know it. 3) Mark doesn't move his shoulder right. 4) The best way to train your scapula to move is to do lots and lots of shoulder raises, the right way.
    Fri, 07 Jun 2019 10:30:00 +0000
    Episode 31 - Get your glutes right! Yes, we're talking about the butt muscles.
    Your butt may be more important than you ever realized! Our sedentary lifestyles spent mostly sitting at desks train your glute not to activate. This leads to imbalances, weakness, and injury. In this podcast Dr. Mike Mallin and Dr. Mark Goodman talk with one of our favorite physical therapists, Denny Dragon of Redbird Physical Therapy in Bend, OR. Denny has and continues to treat world class athletes and knows more about the glutes than anyone we know. What we Learned: 1) The glute medius is responsible for stabilizing the hip joint and instability leads to knee pain, hip pain, and ankle sprains. 2) The glute maximus is the "powerhouse" and we can optimize its use through some simple drills. 3) Mike has a weak glute medius 4) The best way to activate your glute medius is to do banded lateral walks.
    Mon, 03 Jun 2019 18:28:58 +0000
    Episode 30 - 80-90% of women are affected by this difficult issue, but no one talks about it!
    80-90% of women are affected by this difficult issue, but no one talks about it! Hormones are complicated, but Dr. Kristin Dawson demystifies and gives options on this podcast about PMDD. PMDD is a diagnosis that's been around for less than a decade, but it affects literally hundreds of millions of women around the world every month. 8-10% of the women have the formal diagnosis, but 80-90% experience some symptoms that could be improved with lifestyle, tracking, and some pretty simple interventions. In this episode we talk about it, how to diagnose, and what to do about it. This is just the beginning of a focus we're going to be taking on women's health.
    Thu, 16 May 2019 22:51:01 +0000
    Episode 29 - Increase your Testosterone naturally. The one thing to do to optimize your hormones!
    So, you want optimized testosterone? Yeah, we all do. So, listen in. Spoiler alert: There's not actually one single thing that optimizes testosterone. To be honest, living an optimized life when it comes to sleep, exercise, nutrition, etc is the best way to have optimized hormones. But we try to get a little more specific than that in this podcast.
    Tue, 14 May 2019 11:55:21 +0000
    Episode 28 - Sports Performance Optimization with Nutrigenomics......an Introduction

    This is a BIG topic. In this episode we jump into an initial discussion using Matt's genetics as an example. We'll follow up with much more. Stay Tuned!

    Sat, 27 Apr 2019 16:04:45 +0000
    Episode 27 - Microbiome testing with Onegevity
    Microbiome testing with Onegevity. Use Artificial Intelligence, Multi-omics, and precision medicine to optimize health!
    Tue, 02 Apr 2019 00:54:25 +0000
    Episode 25 - Oral Health and Systemic Disease
    Does oral bacteria cause cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's? Should you floss? How do you care for your teeth and what to ask of your dentist with dentist Tom Larkin. If you want to see a preventive relationship dentist reach out to us and we're happy to help. Just click on the "be our patient" link on the website www.wildhealthpodcast.com and we'll refer you to our favorite dentist who provides this care.
    Sat, 16 Mar 2019 20:08:32 +0000
    Episode 24 - What is Precision Medicine? Podcast with Ben Greenfield answering this question.
    So, what EXACTLY do we do in our Wild Health Clinic? We answered this question and "what is precision medicine" on the Ben Greenfield podcast recently and we want to share that with you. Also, you should totally join us when we hangout with Ben at The Kentucky Castle on April 6th. Register for that 1 day event HERE.
    Fri, 08 Mar 2019 00:15:49 +0000
    Episode 23 - Diagnose Alzheimer's disease 6 years early. Cutting edge Alzheimer's Research and treatments with Dr. Lin.
    We wanted to follow up our last episode on the basics of AD treatment with a "where's the puck going" episode with Dr. Aing Li Lin. Here, we talk about some things she see's as the next level in diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
    Sat, 02 Mar 2019 23:12:39 +0000
    Episode 22 - Take the fear out of Alzheimer's

    Not sure what APOE means? Scared to look at your DNA health reports with the fear you may be destined for Alzheimer's disease? Well, it's not a dead end street. There are tons of preventative measures to take and we'll show you how. Tune in to hear the latest findings regarding Alzheimer's and what you can do to keep your brain healthy as you age.

    Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:33:27 +0000
    Episode 21 - Platelets for Regeneration: PRP in musculoskeletal injuries.
    What is PRP? How does it work? When should you try it? In this Wild Health podcast we dive into the world of PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma with Dr Mark Goodman, the Wild Health Director of Sports Medicine. PRP is more and more commonly utilized in Sports Medicine for the treatment of soft tissue injuries. Mark and I dive into the treatment of joint injuries, tendonitis, chronic inflammation and how PRP can help.
    Thu, 14 Feb 2019 23:43:22 +0000
    Episode 20 - Stool transplants and how to optimize your microbiome with PHD Microbiologist Eric Battaglioli
    Dr. Battaglioli is a phd microbiologist who joins our Wild Health team as our Director of Microbiome from Mayo Clinic where he did research and worked with their individualized medicine team. We're super excited to dive into the microbiome and dig deeper with Dr. Battaglioli. In this podcast we talk about the top tips he has for improving your microbiome and what exciting research is coming out soon.
    Wed, 06 Feb 2019 13:25:44 +0000
    Episode 19 - Hack and track your sleep. Interview with the co-founder of Oura, Petteri Lahtela

    In this podcast we discuss the Oura ring, it's technology, and how to use it to optimize your sleep, which is extremely important for every aspect of your health. Don't believe us? Well, go back and listen to episode #6 on exactly how important sleep is and how to optimize it. Then incorporate the Oura ring to take it to the next level. Want one? We have a code for a discount when you listen in........ok, fine we'll just tell you. Enter "Wildhealth" at checkout to get $50 off your ring. We have no official relationship or conflict with Oura.

    Fri, 01 Feb 2019 16:40:43 +0000
    Episode 18 - Track your sleep, workouts, and calculate readiness with WHOOP

    Should you workout or take it easy today? Quit guessing and start measuring. In this podcast, we interview Jake Santora, Whoop's manager of elite teams about the Whoop wearable and how you can incorporate it into your quantified life.

    Wed, 30 Jan 2019 22:34:57 +0000
    Episode 17 - Genomic medicine with Dr. Roberta Kline
    Your genes are not your destiny. You control your destiny, and the science is there to help you now! Find out what your genetics are and then take steps to affect those genes and live your optimal life. In this episode we talk to Dr. Roberta Kline, the CEO and co-founder of Genoma International about how to do this. If you want to learn more, register for the event Dr. Kline will be teaching at www.wildhealthpodcast.com/events.
    Wed, 23 Jan 2019 12:52:11 +0000
    Episode 16 - 99% of your DNA isn't yours......it's your microbiome. Take care of it!

    The guys discuss microbiome with Sara Police, PhD. Embrace the bugs as these little guys can affect your weight, immune system, even mental health! This is a discussion we've wanted to have for a while, so we hope you enjoy.

    Wed, 16 Jan 2019 13:43:31 +0000
    Episode 15 - Electrocute your brain for improved performance and to learn faster! Wait......what?

    Need superhuman strength to survive the zombie apocalypse? In this podcast, we discuss the concept and the research behind a new form of performance hacking, what’s been dubbed Brain doping, or more formally known as NeuroPriming. This is a procedure scientifically termed transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) used to increase plasticity in the brain prior to an activity. This process decreases the amount of input required for neurons to fire, and helps neurons fire together, enabling more rapid strengthening of connections in the brain. When paired with quality training, this results in increased strength, explosiveness, endurance, and muscle memory. Quackery you say? Maybe, let’s take a closer look.

    Mon, 14 Jan 2019 12:00:00 +0000
    Episode 14 - Nutrigenomics: Learn to feed your genes!
    Every bite of food you take is a signal you're sending to your genes to turn on or off. Learn the language so you can speak clearly and optimize your health. Amanda Archibald of The Genomic Kitchen joins us in this podcast to talk about how to feed your genes and take a DNA-based approach to health. She'll be joining us at The Kentucky Castle for a 2 day workshop to dive deep into this topic on Feb 28-March 3. To join, register HERE (www.wildhealthpodcast.com/events).
    Mon, 07 Jan 2019 11:30:00 +0000
    Episode 13 - Single Best Exercise for 2019

    Ready to attack 2019? What's the best single exercise to get fit when you're strapped for time? Find out in this episode.

    Wed, 02 Jan 2019 12:00:00 +0000
    Episode 12 - Should you take Fish oil? We have the definitive answer!

    The study is out and it's very clear. We should be taking Omega 3 supplements. Wait......what's that? We shouldn't? OK, so it's more complex than that. It turns out that Mike and Matt read the exact same definitive study on this and they've both decided the exact opposite conclusion for themselves........and they agree with each other. Mike should take. Matt shouldn't take. What about you? Let's discuss. Feel free to listen in.......

    Thu, 27 Dec 2018 11:30:00 +0000
    Episode 11 - Vitamin D

    It's a no-brainer to take Vitamin D, right? Well, maybe not. The guys dive into the trendy vitamin and discuss whether you should be supplementing and what vitamin D actually does.

    Tue, 25 Dec 2018 13:37:21 +0000
    Episode 10 - Round Table Number 1

    It's thoracic, not Jurassic. Only ten minutes to work out? What to do? Favorite, safest cheat code? 3 pills to take in the morning. Which ones? This episode is a free-wheeling-back-and-forth with the guys to get some quick answers and insight into what the physicians actually do in their day-to-day. Great tips and tricks in this one. More of these types to come.

    Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:06:13 +0000
    Episode 9 - Use Your Mind to Keep Your Body in Check

    In this episode...

    The guys dive into mental fitness, aka meditation. It's been shown that meditation can help:

    • Anxiety
    • Asthma
    • Cancer
    • Chronic Pain
    • Depression
    • Heart Disease
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Tension Headache

    Seems like that little jerk of a stress hormone cortisol can sometimes get out of control and meditation can wrangle it back in a bit and help prevent a magnitude of issues. Whether it's mantra meditation (repetitive words or phrases) or mindful meditation (paying attention to the breath and being in the moment) there's a ton of benefits.


    2013 study on effect of meditation on cortisol levels

    2011 study on telomerase activity

    The Mind Illuminated by John Yates

    Headspace App

    Mon, 17 Dec 2018 13:47:33 +0000
    Episode 8 - Is Alcohol OK to drink? How to get your kids to eat healthy? Listener Questions Answered!

    This is the first of many episodes that will feature the guys answering listener questions. This episode features questions and answers on topics such as:

    Counting calories (even if eating healthy)
    What to do if you have a sweet tooth.
    Food ingredient to always avoid
    How do you make your bone broth.
    What organ to start with if you're not used to organs
    How to get your kids to eat healthy

    Have a Wild Health question? Shoot it over to matt@wildhealthpodcast.com mike@wildhealthpodcast.com or jody@wildhealthpodcast.com

    Follow us on Instagram at @wildhealthmd and leave a review on iTunes if you enjoy the podcast.

    Thu, 13 Dec 2018 13:56:00 +0000
    Episode 7 - How to Defeat Jet Lag

    Two of the guys are in Fiji and discuss the effects of long-haul travel on the body. Looking for jet lag hacks? This episode will change your world.

    Mon, 10 Dec 2018 20:52:21 +0000
    Episode 6 - Get The Perfect Night's Sleep With One Simple Trick

    This one is a real snooze-fest. The guys talk about the best ways to get the most optimized sleep.

    Topics and items discussed:

    Red night light motion sensors, blue light blockers, which light bulbs are best, blackout curtains, LEDs, ideal temperature, cooling pads, binaural beats, and much more.

    Ideal day for sleep optimization:

    Wake up at a consistent time, get some sunlight as soon as possible. Get some intense exercise, eat dinner 3 hours prior to bedtime, no alcohol, put blue blocking glasses on and turn off all screens 2 hours prior to bed, diffuse some lavender essential oil and have a small cup of reishi elixir 1 hour prior to sleep. Make sure all electronics are out of your room and that you have blacked out all lights. Make it completely silent or pick out your favorite white noise (personal preference). Drift off at a consistent time with some Yoga nidra or meditation at bedtime.

    Looking for blue-blocking glasses? Check these out on Amazon: Swanies ($69) - https://amzn.to/2rqz40r

    Spectra ($35) - https://amzn.to/2PnXzF7

    Uvex ($10) - https://amzn.to/2SApbsv

    Super low key Cyxus ($20) - https://amzn.to/2UnznX7

    Mon, 03 Dec 2018 22:09:07 +0000
    Episode 5 - All the benefits of ketones

    What’s it take to make a ketone?

    Jody: OK, so what’s up. Last night at dinner I saw you guys order the exact same food, painstakingly divide up the olives and cheese and pickles on the charcuterie board, and then 50:50 split a dessert. And you’ve been pricking your fingers and testing your blood. I know you’re both super weirdos, but I feel like there’s something more going on.

    Matt: You caught us. So, we have a hypothesis about how we each metabolize ketones differently based on our genetics, and we’re doing a controlled 40 hour experiment where we eat the exact same calories, do the exact same workouts, sleep the same, and basically compare our BHB levels before and after exogenous ketones and also after a workout to look at utilization.

    Jody: Oh. that’s like one of the least weird things I’ve seen you guys do, but I do think I’d like to hear more.

    Intro music

    [1:33 -3:17]

    Mike: Matt and I have been obsessed about ketones for some time now. First, we were both playing around with ketogenic diets. Actually, I did my first ketogenic diet back in 1998. Lost like 50 pounds, then immediately put 70 back on when I went back to carbs. But then after I got healthy, we both started playing around with ketosis, for its health benefits, not diet.

    Matt: Yeah, a lot of people believe that ketones are the glue that hold together the fabric of longevity. Weather that’s true or not remains to be seen, but we at least know that ketones, specifically BHB has a host of beneficial effects for overall health. Alot which mimic calorie restriction.

    Mike: Calorie restriction has been shown to extend lifespan in a host of animals. It does this through a reduction in the insulin and the growth hormone/IGF-1 axis which eventually leads to more FOXO proteins in the nucleus and an upregulation of antioxidant production by the cell. Ketones do the same thing generally, we think by inhibition of histone deacetylases that repress transcription of the FOXO3a gene - allowing for more antioxidant production, but because ketones also directly reduce blood glucose and igf, they also affect the GH/IGF axis.

    In fact, it may have been the presence of ketone bodies during calorie restriction all along that lead to an increase in lifespan. (1)


    Matt: Ketones, administered exogenously in non-human studies have been shown to extend lifespan as well, suggesting they ketones independently have an effect on lifespan, without the need for starvation or a ketogenic diet.

    Jody: what are you guys even talking about? I thought we were going to talk about your stupid dieting crap you’re always texting me about.

    Mike: Sorry man, maybe we jumped the gun. Matt and I just get so excited about ketones. I can’t help but get to talking about it in depth.

    Jody: Yeah, ketones and everything else on this podcast. Alright so the other day I get the text from you with a picture of a blood ketone device and the number 1.9 on it, along with a text saying 24 hour fast + hard bike ride. I could tell you were super proud of yourself, but honestly, I have no clue what youre talking about. I mean, I’m super proud about your fast bike, but that’s not groundbreaking. I remember talking a little bit about ketones in the fasting podcast, what are you doing with monitoring your ketones and why?

    Matt: Well, as we got into in the beginning, Ketones appear to function as cellular signals which in essence may prolong lifespan.

    Mike: Yeah basically independent of their effect on metabolism and the reduced oxidative stress associated with using fats instead of sugar for cellular energy, they also function on a molecular level to activate portions of your genome to promote longevity through transcription of FOXO3 gene which leads to production of things like superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Two huge players in the antioxidant world. Basically histone deacetaylaces block FOXO3 and BHB blocks these deacetylates.


    Jody: there you go again. Can we do this with less biochem and more bro?

    Matt: Sure, circulating ketones may be the reason calorie restriction works. I’d like to live forever, therefore, I want ketones in my blood.

    Jody: So just go into ketosis, cool podcast over…..

    Mike: Hold up, let’s be honest. Ketosis is pretty tough for most people. I’d say the minority, like 2%, can stay in ketosis all the time. In fact I don’t personally know anyone who has stayed in ketosis for more than a few years without at least cycling some. So the question Matt and I keep playing with is:

  • Can we increase our daily ketone value though time restricted eating?
  • How does exercise and fasting affect our ketone levels?
  • Do exogenous ketones have the same effect as endogenous. Meaning, can we just chug a $90 ketone ester drink everyday and get the same metabolic and cellular signaling effects?
  • Jody: Finally 15 min into the podcast to tell me what we’re talking about.

    Matt: Yeah, this is super cool. So Mike and I have been playing around with blood ketone monitors. Basically a glucose monitor like where you prick your finger and get a value for your blood ketones. The number will usually be in the 0-3 mmol/L although some people in deep ketosis can crank it up to 5.

    Jody: Right, I’m familiar with this to some degree. But I thought you had to be on a ketogenic diet for like 3 days to really drop into ketosis.

    Mike: Ketosis is the body’s response to starvation. You can dip into mild ketosis pretty quickly through combining a relatively low carb diet at baseline, fasting, and throwing in some exercise to help deplete your glycogen stores early.

    Matt: Yeah Valter Longo’s work on the FMD is basically doing the same thing, just over a longer period of time. Granted, what we’re talking about is bigger shock to the system, but it’s also a lot faster

    Mike: yeah and we think, could put you into a spot of ketone production, histone acetylation, FOXO3 activation, and mTOR inhibition much quicker.

    Jody: Right, what data do you have to support that.

    Matt: 0%


    Mike: Yeah, let's be clear here, there is no data to support this, kinda. Well actually, now that I think about it there is some mouse data. This study in SCIENCE, yes I said SCIENCE from 2011 showed that fasting, CR and the administration of exogenous ketones to human and mouse tissue decreased histone deacetylase activity. IN human kidney cells treated with bHB levels as low as 1 mmol, with an almost linear relationship. Meaning the higher the ketones, the higher to blockage and the more advantage.

    Next they tested the theory on live mice through fasting 24 hours (about the equivalent of 3 days for humans) a CR diet, and also with exogenous ketone administration. They found ketone levels of 1.5 with 24 hour fast, 0.6 with CR and 1.2 with exogenous ketones. All levels and methods of increasing bhb at the cellular level lead to histone deacetylation, as well as FOXO3 activation and in this study even helped protect kidney cells from oxidative stress.

    Jody: So, what are those empty bottles over on the counter? I feel like they’re relevant to this discussion.

    Matt: Yep. That’s 2 25g bottles of ketone esters.

    Jody: Seriously, sign me up so basically anyway I can get ketones in my body is the way to go?

    Mike: According to this study, I don’t really see a downside. Although there is some evidence that people like me, with PPARalpha mutations may have increased cholesterol production in the face of circulating ketone bodies. I’ve been enacting my plan for some time now, with pretty regular ketone production and exogenous ingestion, and haven’t seen a big spike in cholesterol.

    --Personal test N of 1.

    Matt: This is super interesting, because I can’t get my ketones as high as you. If I fast all day, workout, and ingest exogenous ketones, I’m maybe at like 1.2. Not the 1.9 you’re getting.

    Mike: Yeah could be my cells just aren’t as good at utilizing ketones. In which case, that could make for some pretty nice advantages assuming they still have the histone deacetylase activity. Wow we are way off topic now, and in the realm of fake science. Let’s get back to the pseudo science instead.


    Discussion of previous day foods and results

    Jody: Yep, Matt, tell me how you do this, whats the protocol.


    Matt: So i’ve told you how I eat previously, but briefly, I wake up, have breakfast which is black coffee, cinnamon and chaga. Then skip lunch. Drink a bunch of water. Exercise late morning or midday, then have some MCT oil around lunchtime. Sometimes I’ll take exogenous instead, but that’s expensive, so usually not. If I do, I prefer the ketone esters because I’m not a huge fan of some of the other stuff in ketone salts, and also cause a higher bump in bHB. That’s sort of my lunch. Then I don’t eat again until dinner. The goal, is to deplete glycogen stores as soon as possible to push the liver into fatty oxidation and increase bhb in the blood. That way I spend more time with ketones circulating during the day and get all the benefits we are talking about.

    Mike: Similar for me, although I try to workout in the morning. Get that glycogen depleted as soon as possible. The advantage here, as you might notice is that we’re only doing time restricted eating. So still consuming the same number of calories, but getting several hours of ketosis and pumping it up with exogenous ketones to improve the histone deacetylation. The other thing that matter is to have a relative low glycogen store in the first place. You’ll see higher ketone levels sooner if you’re not filled to the brim with glycogen. So a higher fat diet at baseline say 60% or so, along with regular exercise should put you closer to nutritional ketosis and allow you to jump off the cliff a little sooner.

    Jody: Ok, so in general, low carb diet at baseline. Start fasting after dinner the night before. Work out the next morning, don’t eat until dinner and take some exogenous ketones in the afternoon.

    Matt: That’s one way to do it. Of course you could just water fast for 3 days or do the FMD for 5 days and probably get a similar response, although you may be in ketosis a bit longer.

    Mike: Yeah, but the nice thing about this protocol is it allows me to spend more days in doing this. If I do a 3 day water fast or a 5 day FMD, realistically, I’m gonna refeed for a few weeks before doing it again. With this protocol, I can get away with this every other day. Thats a lot of time with ketones, granted not as much as long term keto diet, but a nice alternative, especially for someone like me to cannot tolerate ketosis with my genetics.

    [22:11- 23:37]

    Jody: So what sort of exercise are you guys doing.

    Mike: My preference is HIIT stuff. I want glycogen depletion, so I I’m going for intensity. Studies have shown that work near your VO2 max or lactate threshold deplete glycogen the fastest, to the tune of 5 x faster than easier slower efforts. (3) If you think about it physiologically you get 32 mols of ATP for every glucose molecule during aerobic exercise versus 2 mmol of atp for every glucose molecule from anaerobic exercise. Thus for the same cellular energy usage, you burn way more glucose with anaerobic exercise. So interval anaerobic efforts should burn way more glycogen than a slow easy talkative aerobic effort.

    Matt: Furthermore, HIIT has also been shown to improve basal metabolic rate for hours after exercise leading to even more glycogen depletion.


    Jody: How about the exogenous ketones. You guys mentioned esters and salts. How do I know which one to buy.

    Matt: That’s pretty easy, how rich are you.

    Jody: like in pesos?

    Matt: Exactly, you’re probably buying the salts then. They are way cheaper, like maybe a 2-3$ per serving, but have a ton of salt in the form of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. They use the salts to stabilize the ketones. They are pretty salty, but not too bad tasting. Many of them come with some MCT power as well, which you may or may not want. Technically the MCT is breaking the fast, , but you should still have a relative uptick of ketone levels - which is out goal.

    Mike: Yeah, I’m not a fan of the MCT, too much sat fat for me and messes up my cholesterol. You can find ketone salts without the MCT as well.

    Matt: And then there are esters. They taste like rocket fuel and cost as much as I paid for my first car.

    Jody: that's not much.

    Matt: well, per serving, they are close to $30 per serving. But they have about double the effect on blood ketones. Which is hard to argue with. I think basically if money isn’t an issue, esters are the way to go, although there have been some concerns about contaminants.

    Jody: Ok, so to summarize:

    Wake up fasted and continue with some black coffee and water, exercise sometime in the morning with a long HIIT workout to deplete glycogen. Drink plenty of water, and down some ketones after your workout to bump your ketones back up. Esters are best, but salts are cheaper, with or without MCT in them. Then stay fasting for the rest of the afternoon, and eat dinner. This should get your blood bHB to at least the mmol range and should be causing some histone deacetylation, activation of antioxidant, life prolonging genes like FOXO3 as well as improving your insulin sensitivity, and spending more time with inactivation of the GH/IGF-1 axis which can prolong life as well.

    Mike: You got it. So Tomorrow, let's all do this together. Jody, you can use my old used finger lancets to check your bHB. Sorry, those things are expensive, can’t have you using fresh ones. Then we’ll report back and record a follow up talking about how we felt and how high we got our ketones and thus our FOXO3 activation.


    Dudes prick their fingers(!!) and discuss results

  • https://iubmb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/iub.1627
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3735349/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4278539
  • Mon, 26 Nov 2018 15:18:27 +0000
    Episode 4 - The World’s Perfect Diet

    Jody: Matt and Mike, I’m confused. There are 4 trillion books and articles about what the best diet is. The fasting trial went awesome, but what should my everyday diet be? What is the perfect diet?

    Matt: Well, a few years ago I decided that I would no longer discuss 3 things in public: Religion, politics and diet. It’s a no win situation and the easiest way to get into a fight. No one listens. Everyone has set opinions and just gets ticked off when you ticked off when you talk about it. I’m out.

    Mike: But we definitely have very strong opinions based on our medical training and the hundreds of books and articles we’ve read. We talk about it non-stop with each other because we don’t care if we piss each other off.

    Matt: Oh, yeah, I love talking about. Just not in public. Jody, if you turn off the recording, I’m happy to dive in.

    Jody: Ok, sure. Click. It’s off.

    Matt: That sounded like you just made a clicking sound with your mouth.

    Jody: What?!?!. Come on, you know me. Trust me.

    2:00 – 4:00

    Matt: Alright, since it’s just us, let’s go. Tell me what you do now.

    Jody tells us what he does now and we discuss.

    4:20 – 5:30

    Matt summarizes: I just made this up. Eat food, mostly plants, not too much. And if you’re great, great grandmother wouldn’t recognize it, then don’t consider it food.

    Mike: That sounds familiar.

    Jody: Yeah, because he just ripped that directly off of Michael Pollan word for word.

    Matt: How dare you accuse me…… Ok, ok. You got me. Problem is that I’ve read hundreds of books and thousands of articles on nutrition and food and I’ve yet to be able to sum it up more succinctly than Michael Pollan did in The Omnivore’s Dilemma more than a decade ago with that statement. So, if you haven’t ready that book, read it. It’s definitely more complicated than that in general, but every other recommendation I could give comes with some caveats and explanation. That’s a great summary. And it gets you at least one pareto law there. You get at least 80% of the benefit.

    Michael: Right, but we’ve got more than 2 sentences worth of time here. Our goal is always 2 pareto laws, to get to 96%, so let’s dig in a little and go a bit deeper. As much as you and I obsess over this stuff, I bet there’s a few things we could teach people.

    5:30 – 7:00

    Jody: Can we start by explaining those two sentences.

    Matt: For sure. The beauty of them is that it conveys so much information is so few words, but a bit of clarification is in order. First off, eat food. The next sentence explains that a bit, but a bag of Cheetos and a frankendog you get at the gas station isn’t food. Calories don’t equal food. Your great great grandmother didn’t have snickers bars, lean cuisine meals, and powerade. So, don’t eat it. Your grandmother did have pot roast, venison, carrots, and spinach and onions from her garden. Those are foods.

    Jody: So, stay away from 99% of the things in the grocery store.

    Matt: Exactly. I was so proud of my kids the other day when a neighbor told me they were at her house and when she offered them a snack my 6 year old said “actually, we only eat things that come out of the ground.” I acted embarrassed and apologized if it seemed rude, but I was totally pumped. My kids absolutely do not eat what I’d like for them to. They beg for ice cream and other junk that other kids get, but I was so proud that maybe it’s getting through to them.

    7:00 – 12:30

    Mike: And the mostly plants part and not too much is pretty simple. The more micronutrient dense whole vegetables you can consume the better. In general we all are overfed due to the convenience of food in modern society and the social aspect surrounding meals. So, generally, eating low calorie micronutrient dense foods is a generally safe plan, and the food that checks that box are vegetables. We’ve already talked on the podcast about calorie restriction and it’s health and longevity benefits, so go back and listen to that if you haven’t already.

    Jody: OK, that’s all good and well, but I’m trying to think what people can actually take away from this and how they can improve their diet. Obviously, following those two rules could have a massive benefit, but let’s get specific. Why don’t you guys walk me through a typical day of food for you and let’s discuss why. I’ve seen you both without your shirts on more than I’d like to and you obviously eat a pretty good diet to have 6 packs at whatever age you are.

    Mike: My diet has been pretty variable over the last couple years, something we can get into later, but my general day fits one of two molds: fed or fasting. For the most part I am alternating between eating a normal breakfast, lunch, dinner on fed days and fasting from 6pm to 8pm on fasting days (26 hours of fasting). This is just what I’ve found works for me, but generally I’m interesting in achieving some of the advantages of fasting, without sacrificing too much performance or activity. More on that later.

    So on those fed days my breakfast is generally oatmeal, with blueberries, apples and peanut butter, made with almond milk. Plus coffee, lots of coffee. I’ll generally work out in the morning after breakfast, and lunch will be a green smoothie, made with almond milk, about 2 cups of spinach, ½ an apple, a handful of broccoli sprouts, macadamia nuts, and some sort of plant protein power. Sometimes I’ll throw some flax, hemp seeds, or chia seeds in there. As well as some turmeric. The cocktail changes daily and is a nice way to add variety. It’s also a great way to get some raw micronutrient dense foods without cooking or a lot of prep work. Dinner is all over the place, and variable based on the kids, if we’re going out, wtc. In general, I have a salad with whatever I’m eating. That salad usually has some nuts or seeds on it, often has some sliced avocado, and I make all my own dressings out of EVOO or Avocado oil- typically with apple cider vinegar. The remainder of the meal is typically fish, veggie pasta, or grains and veggies. Some of the things I’m really jazzed on are fish tacos- been really dialing in this nectarine, avocado, cabbage and kale slaw that just makes those tacos so delicious. Also, been really into chickpea pasta which I often make with a ton of veggies and a sage and olive oil sauce. You might be able to tell, I’m mostly vegan, with the exception of fish. We can get into that later, as well.

    12:30 – 13:30

    Jody: What’s up with the broccoli sprouts, is that like alfalfa sprouts.

    Mike: Kinda, except they are like the best possible thing you can put in your body.

    To list a few this molecule appears boost your immune system, fight cancer, act as an antiinflammatory agent, and even induce apoptosis. (0) It can help prevent CVD, alzheimers, fight polution, and improve insulin resistance. Basically, name a disease and sulflorophane either helps prevent it or make it better. It’s present in broccolli, but about 50x higher concentration in broccolli sprouts. So I grow these things in a jar for 3 days, then freeze them and throw them in a smoothie. Don’t cook them as it can damage the molecule.

    Matt: Yeah, broccoli sprouts are a super food for sure, but everything else you eat is total crap.

    Mike: well why don’t you share your diet with us first, then we can make fun of each other in sync.

    13:30 – 15:00

    Matt: Yeah, that’s a good idea. Mike and I are different. We’ve had genetic testing and know that we need different diets based on our SNPs and experimentation.

    So, here’s what I ate yesterday:

    At 0700 I’m getting kids ready for school and I had coffee. Black coffee. Mold free. no calories from sweetener or cream. The only thing put in it is chaga, which is a mushroom and cinnamon. We could do a whole episode on the potential health benefits of chaga, but this drink has basically zero calories in it, so I get the benefit of a continued fast as I start my day, but I get all the incredible antioxidant and super food beneifts of coffee, caffeine, chaga, and cinnamon.

    Jody: Can you dig into that before you move along? I thought we needed to cut back on coffee.

    Matt: Well, sure if you want to live a shorter, more crappy life. The benefits of coffee are clear.

    15:00 – 16:00


    Truth, the data on coffee is in, and in my opinion, it’s clear there are numerious health benefits of coffee. To rattle some of those off:

  • Coffee makes you not die: Seriously in a 2008 study in Annals of Internal Med found was an inverse relationship with coffee consuption and CVD. Basically the more coffee people drink the less CVD related mortality. (1)
  • Coffee makes you smarter: it inhibits adenosine and basically functions as a stimulant making you happier and allowing you to think faster. (2)
  • It’s full of nutrients and antioxidants like manganesse, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid.
  • It helps detox your liver: reducing mortality from liver cirrhosis and liver cancer (3)
  • Helps fight off alzheimer's disease (4)
  • Jody: Sweet , what about cinnamon and that chaga deal?

    Mike: Yeah Cinnamon is one of those things with virtually no downside. It has anti-inflammatory effects (5), reduces heart disease risk through lowering fasting glucose levels and LDL concentration (6), and to top it all off, it’s loaded with antioxidants.

    Jody: So cinnamon is basically like a superfood that everyone should be taking? Matt, what about that weird mushroom thing you were talking about?

    16:00 – 17:00

    Matt: Well, first off, it’s a super cool looking mushroom that looks like a big clump of dark dirt or bark growing on birch trees in the northern hemisphere. I would love to say I harvest it like I do my other mushrooms, but I just buy it online. I live too far south.

    It has tons of vitamins an minterals. B comple, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, selenium, manganese, copper, potassium, rubidium (Jody, I know you’re always looking for good sources of rubidium), iron, and others. It’s an antioxidant, can reduce LDL, there’s some research that it slows cancer growth, has triterpines, which are good for you (either google that or just trust me), supports the immune system by regulating production of cytokines, and several other benefits as well. It’s a really cool food.

    So, that’s my breakfast

    17:00 – 20:00

    Jody: Then lunch

    Matt: OK, so sometimes I eat lunch and sometimes I just continue fasting with more coffee. If I continue fasting to really get my time restricted window down, I’ll usually have some coffee with MCT oil in it. That MCT being converted to ketones and caffeine gives the metal boost that most people want in the afternoon without the crappy 5 hour energy or something that has aspartame or other harmful chemicals in it. And if I have some important mental or deep work to do, then I’ll usually add a packet of lion’s mane mushroom coffee. It’s a nootropic that increases neurogenic growth factor, and really gives an amazing 1, 2, 3 punch with the caffeine, ketones, and lion’s mane without the sluggishness of food and a big lunch. I get really productive work done.

    Jody: Ok so skipping one meal, breakfast, is probably a bit of a stretch for most people already, and we’ve talked on the podcast before about the benefits of time restricted eating, but skipping both breakfast and lunch is a bit much. What if you do eat lunch.

    20:00 – 21;20

    Mike: Well, really quickly. Just in case someone missed it, there are big benefits to time restricted eating, or as some people call it, intermittent fasting. They’ve done rat studies where they fed them the exact same amount of calories each day, but when they did it in a smaller feeding window they did so much better metabolically. It seems to lead to more energy, better insulin sensitivity, more mental clarity, and a lot of other benefits. I’m with Matt in trying to get that feeding window down as small as possible. 8 hours if I can, or even 4 hours if possible. Only eating from 2-6pm is my ideal goal, but as active as we are, it’s hard to get enough calories in such a short window.

    21:20 – 22:00

    Matt: Yeah, exactly. So, I usually break my fast right after I workout. So, occasionally I will eat in the AM, but only if I’ve earned those calories. Otherwise, you asked about my lunch. My classic go to lunch is 16 ounces of bone broth, which I make big batches of at home every couple of weeks and some almonds or walnuts with it. I feel like a million bucks when I get that really nice shot of healthy fats and protein, and all the nutrient dense goodness that is bone broth and true nuts.

    Jody: What do you mean true nuts.

    Matt: I mean not peanuts. They’re a legume, and I don’t count the as a healthy food for me. Too inflammatory.

    22:00 – 23:00

    Mike: Here’s one place where Matt and I differ. I eat peanuts daily, as peanut butter to the tune of 2-4 tablespoons. And my CRP and inflammatory markers are nonexistent. I eat tons of other legumes as well, basically have to if your vegan. Now that doesn’t mean everyone will tolerate it as well, you‘re going to have to experiment yourself, or get your gut microbiome tested to really know if your sensitive to that stuff. If there is anything to really worry about with peanuts, it’s probably their likelihood of containing aflatoxins. Peanuts grow underground, and have a tendency to be colonized with aspergillus which is a source of aflatoxins, which may be a carcinogenic compound to the liver and raise the risk of liver cancer.

    23:00 – 24:50

    Jody: Ok ok, you guys play nice. Matt, What about the whole plants thing you mentioned earlier you haven’t mentioned a plant all day in your diet yet?

    Matt: Well, first off, where do you think coffee, chaga, cinnamon, and nuts come from. Those animals? Nope. And if I don’t have my bone broth with me, then I focus on the same thing: Nutrient density and healthy fats. So, a huge salad or giant bowl of vegetables with olive oil and salt and pepper is perfect for me.

    Jody: What about protein? I know you workout a lot. Shouldn’t we be focused on protein?

    Matt: Absolutely not. Maybe if you’re a developing country. But look, the vast majority of Americans get way too much protein. Protein is a dirty fuel. You should get just enough for building muscle and repairing your body, but it shouldn’t be your source of fuel. It has too many problems associated with it. You, I, and nearly everyone listening to this probably gets plenty of protein unless they’re a vegan, in which case they should think about protein. But for an omnivore, it’s just not near the top of what you should be concerned with.

    24:50 – 27:30

    Mike: I think a good rule of thumb is 1 gm of protein for every kg of body weight. That's the max you need, even if you’re an athlete. Protein got way over hyped in response to the low carb fad diets as an alternative macronutrient to carbs and fats (which most people still thought were bad for you). In general, I’d say worry way more about the quality of the food you are putting in you and forget about the macronutrient profile.

    Jody: You keep saying macronutrients, what are you talking about.

    Mike: Macronutrient just means the % of calories coming from proteins, carbs, and fats. I don’t think the numbers matter, unless you are going for nutritional ketosis. And the %’s will vary vastly from one healthy diet to the next, take mine and Matts for example. I eat about 50% carbs, 40% fat, and 10 % protein. I bet matt is closer to 10% carbs, 70% fat, and 20% protein. But generally, we are both eating healthy, and in ways optimized for our own performance and body type.

    Jody: Got it, ok Matt, what about dinner?

    27:30 – 28:50

    Matt and Mike and Jody discuss why personalized diets are so important and their experience with ketogenic diet and why it worked great for Matt, but not for Mike when they tried it.

    28:50 – 31:00

    Matt: Same goal. Super nutrient dense food that comes from whole food sources, mainly plants. My go to is an instapot concoction I make. I combine vegetables from my garden and farm. What is ripe and in season. This is very important. I think there’s a very important nutrient density difference in local foods that you eat with the rhythms of the seasons compared to foods flown from around the world after being picked before their ripe and then gassed to make them ripen. Big difference. So, I combine that with wild and cultivated mushrooms.

    Jody: Oh, yeah, shrooms.

    Matt: Not those shrooms. These are magic, but not psychoactive. Magic because of their nutrient density. I inoculate logs and grow golden oyster, shiitake, lion’s mane, and a lot of other species at my farm, and we also forage and find tons of milky’s, chicken of the woods, maitake, chanterelles, morels, boletes, and so many amazingly nutritious and delicious wild foods. Now, talk about nutrient density. Nothing is higher on my list than wild foraged mushrooms.

    And then I add the most nutrient dense protein and fat source I know, which is bone broth and organ meats. Yesterday for me that was lamb liver and heart that I got from my close friend who raises sheep in a truly beautiful and humane way on pasture their entire life.

    Jody: Hold up. Did you just say lamb heart.

    Matt: Yes. Don’t be like my 6 year old daughter who just says “oooh”. It’s one of my biggest pet peaves about our society that we’ve been trained culturally to only eat the least nutritious part of the animal, the muscle. It’s crazy, and honestly kind of boring if you ask me. You get so much more rich nutrition from the organs, and I find it a little unethical really. At my restaurant we’ve been trying to teach guests that “we don’t raise filets”. We raise cattle. No one grows a lamb chop. We birth, care for, and raise sheep. The entire animal. We should respect the animal by consuming as much as possible, and we should respect ourselves and our bodies by feeding them the most nutritious parts.

    Jody: OK, pretty sure you lost some people, but basically, bone broth, locally raised vegetables, wild foraged mushrooms, and organ meats. Anything else.

    31:00 – 32:00

    Matt: Well, that’s pretty close to the perfect meal for me. If you want my true and total weirdness to come out, then I will confess that my end goal is to get to the point where all of those things I’ve planted, raised, and killed myself. To me, that’s the ultimate meal and that’s why I have a farm and am trying to learn to hunt and learn traditional skills like butchery. Is that weird? Absolutely. And I’m not a kill joy that’s going to point out the inhumanity of feed lots when someone at my table orders a traditional filet. But there’s something about being that connected to my food that gets me super jazzed. And obviously, I’m in KY and am never going to be able to provide my own salt, spices, or some things. But the closer to this ideal I can get the better.

    Jody: alright…….so, basically you want to go back in time thousands of years and throw away all the progress we’ve made with agriculture, technology, the division of labor, and our ability to spend our time doing other productive things than just growing, hunting, and preparing food.

    32:00 – 33:10

    Matt: Well, no. Ok, kind of. I mean, I’m all in favor of appropriate technology for making our lives better. But the key word is appropriate, which we don’t have time to unpack. I just want to be more connected to my food. What I just described is obviously not for many people, but the nutrient dense part I totally stand by. You can do all of that with food you buy from the store or your farmer’s market. No need to get all crazy intense like I do.

    Jody: So…...what’s that diet called? Is that paleo, keto, what?

    Matt: Well, I don’t think it’s got a label. It’s definitely pretty close to those things. You could definitely call it paleo, but it’s a bit more than that. And it’s definitely not keto with all the wild mushrooms and vegetables, which technically have too many carbs to truly be in ketosis. Trust me, I’ve tested by BHB levels with pretty much every variation of this.

    Jody: BHB levels?

    33:10 – 34:45
    Matt: Ketones.

    Jody: Right. That’s why I thought you were keto.

    Matt: Well, I am, sometimes. I do occasionally try to go hard into ketosis, at which time I’ll cut out the carbs. There are major benefits to ketones and the diet that leads to them. Autophage and similar benefits as fasting. But I cycle this, as I think there are also tremendous benefits to all the plants that I have to cut out to start truly producing a lot of ketones.

    Jody: So, how often to cycle and how do you choose?

    Matt: Well, I’m always a fan of trying to go all ancestral and wild as possible and let nature be the guide when I can. So, what I mean by that is that I will eat tons of the wild mushrooms when they’re in season. I eat asparagus in the spring when they’re ready to harvest. And I eat vegetables in the summer and fall when they’re ripe and we’re harvesting in my area. In the winter is usually when I try to eat keto more. Just like people 300 years ago living in Kentucky would have much less carbs and fresh veggies available in the winter, that’s when it makes sense for me to live on meat and fat and be more often in ketosis. I think the seasons and what is available locally is the best guide for me personally as to when I’ll eat keto, fast, or focus on super nutrient dense plants. A plant that I would the crap out of when it’s in season I’ll avoid when it’s not.

    Jody: And I assume you’ll link to all the scientific articles in the show notes.

    34:45 – 35:50

    Matt: Oh, for sure. And just off the top of my head I can count…...upwards of…...zero articles to backup my thought that this is the perfect diet for me.

    Mike: Ok, that’s helpful.

    Matt: I mean, seriously, we could do a whole episode on the benefits of a ketogenic diet. I think that’s been talked about ad nauseum. The affects on insulin sensitivity, longevity, mental acuity, etc. Very similar to the data on fasting. We could definitely link that that. And we could provide tons and tons of data on the benefits of a plant based diet in general when we’re talking about whole plants, especially leafy greens, broccoli, and vegetables with super high nutrient density and super food components. Antioxidants, phytonutrients, blah, blah, blah. Eat your veggies. The problem is that I believe very strongly in all 3 of those things, so this method of cycling according to nature makes the most sense in my mind when it comes to practically applying this knowledge.

    Jody: Mike, you do the same? Do you cycle in and out of ketosis.

    35:50 – 38:30

    Mike: Nope. I mean, we can all agree to cut out sugar, processed foods, and things like that, but it turns out that the perfect diet for you isn’t the perfect diet for me because I’m a different person with different genetics. I’m stoked for you, Matt, that you’ve had such a great experience with keto. And from what I can tell, it seems like your experience is the majority. When you look at the data out there, people on nutritional ketosis diets seem to have overall improvements in cholesterol, which suggests improved CV risk, improved insulin sensitivity, which leads to less DM2, and a lot even feel more fresh, clear headed, and even perform better- especially as endurance activities. Unfortunately, there is a minority of people, like me, who have a different experience.

    About 1.5 years ago I tried nutritional ketosis. Actually I did it as a fat kid when I was 18 or so, but didn’t know enough to get labs checked. That lasted about 4 months, and I lost a ton of weight and put it all back on when I went back to carbs.

    But last year, early 2017, I gave nutritional ketosis another go, with the goal of improving my cholesterol and insulin sensitivity - for my overall CVD risk. I’ve always had bad cholesterol, despite generally eating a clean diet and exercising regularly. So I went into ketosis. I ate healthy, a lot like the stuff you are eating Matt, just les carbs. It took me about

    Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:24:24 +0000
    Episode 3 - Is it hot in here? Why you should start using the sauna immediately!

    Jody wants to talk about Saunas


    "Give me a fever, and I can cure the world." quote by a famous really old doctor (Hippocrates). We've known Sauna is good for you for a long time. Ancient people have been using forever, and it's extremely popular in places like Finland.


    Matt and Mike discuss how your pulse can go up by about 30% in the sauna and it's really good for your heart.

    They describe THIS JAMA study of 2300 men that shows those that visited the sauna 4-7 times a week were over 60% less likely to experience sudden cardiac death and were 50% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who only visited a sauna once a week.

    There's a dose dependent response as well.


    Matt talks about a fruit fly study that increased their lifespan on average by about 5%. That equates to 4 years for a person......but you can't apply to a person. Interesting data, though.

    Sitting in a Sauna can burn about 300 calories per session. You're exercising while sitting there.


    Jody says he read on the internet that a doctor says you can't detox through sauna use since the kidneys and liver are what detoxes.

    Matt goes off on this topic refuting that claim and telling why he's definitely not impressed by a claim just because "a doctor" says it. Curiosity and the desire to continue learning are more important than credentials.


    Matt and Mike discuss the studies showing that multiple heavy metals like BPA and phthalates have been found in sweat, suggesting that you can sweat them out. There is some controversy, but we think that you can detox from sweating in a sauna, and the downsides are so low that it's worth trying. Worst case scenario, you're getting some good relaxation.


    Matt and Mike discuss the Finnish study a little more and how it decreased the risk for Alzheimer's by 65%, which could be partly from relaxation, but probably more from the microvascular effects of the increased heart rate and hyperthermic conditioning.


    Mike discusses the temperatures you get to in sauna after Jody asks how high the temperature needs to be. Typically, infrared saunas should be 120-140F (49-60C) while traditional saunas must be above 150F (65.5C) to be effective. I would say make it as hot as you can stand it. You want it to be uncomfortable enough so that your body makes the proper responses.


    Mike and Matt talk about how hot exactly to get ( "if your skin is melting......that's too hot"). They describe how each of the different sauna types work to heat you up. Infrared saunas work by directing infrared rays at your body and penetrating the tissues, just like the sun. xcept there aren't any UV rays, which are the potentially harmful part of sunlight. And dry saunas work by heating up the air, which heats up your body. So, the air temperature in an infrared sauna doesn't need to be as hot to work. It works more directly on your body. This means it also uses about 1/3rd of the energy of a dry sauna.


    Matt talks about how sauna affects insulin sensitivity, which affects muscle growth, but also is really nice to know if you're diabetic. Could be very beneficial for diabetic patients.

    It also increases HGH. Studies ( H R and H R ) have shown that growth hormone levels more than doubled after 2 20-minute sauna visits at 176F and levels hopped up 5 times with 2 15 minutes sessions at 212F! 212, is definitely too hot, though. Don't do that!

    12:58 - 14:30

    These studies on HGH were dose dependent. Two 1 hours sessions increased HGH levels by 16 times. We're not going to go into the pathway of growth hormone mediating IGF-1, activation of m-tor leading to protein synthesis and Fox o activation inhibiting protein degradation. Everyone knows that basically HGH makes you swole. You look better, are stronger, and feel better with more growth hormone.

    I know guys who are paying good money for HGH supplements, when it looks like they could just make themselves super hot and relax in a sauna without the risks associated with pills and injections. Way safer, cheaper, and easier. Basically get super hot by getting super hot. 'r get super hot to get super hot.

    14:30 - 16:00

    Along with helping gain muscle, the heat can also help retain muscle. A study in rodents showed that the heat-acclimated group retained 30% more muscle that the control group. You're body is always either building muscle or breaking it down. Protein synthesis or protein degradation. Saunas and heat stress induce production of heat shock proteins, which reduces protein degradation. So, not only does does it increase protein synthesis by increasing growth hormone like we talked about, but it stops the degradation. There was a really cool study where they took rats, immobilized their leg, like if you got a cast, then when they remobilized and let them work the leg again and they found 30% more muscle growth when using sauna. Applicable to someone who has an injury and wants to recover more quickly.

    16:00 - 17:00

    Matt discusses the applicability and how it applies to humans and makes sense. It makes sense from a simplistic standpoint as well. ven while still immobilized you can sauna and even if you can't move the extremity you get the exercise simulation benefits like we talked about earlier with increased heart rate and you get the heat shock proteins, growth hormone, increased blood flow to the leg, etc.

    It's not just muscles, though. When Matt was training for ironmans, he didn't really want to be carrying around extra muscles for that long of a race, which was like 12 hours for someone super slow like him. And he was obviously much more concerned with endurance. He remembers Ironman Louisville one year where the temperatures and humidity were in the 90's and there was just carnage along the race course. If only these racers had known that a few sessions of hanging out in a sauna could dramatically affect their endurance and hyperthermic conditioning and heat tolerance in general.

    17:00 - 20:00

    They discuss the study that shows increased endurance H R . It showed that a 30 minute sauna session 2 times per week for 3 weeks after workout increased time to exhaustion by 32%. Now, that's a crazy number, and I don't want you thinking that means you can decrease your 5k time by 32%. The way they did the study they got this number, but in real terms what it equates to is about a 2% improvement in a 5k, which honestly is still massive. If your PR is 20min for a 5k, then this suggests this very simple 2 wk intervention could decrease that time to 19:36. If you're a runner you realize how much intense training would have to be done to decrease your PR by 24s. This is incredible. Honestly, it's so incredible, I had a hard time believing it initially, especially since this was only done in 6 athletes. However, it's more believable because they actually showed the physiologic mechanism of why. Blood plasma volume increased by 7.1%. RBCs and total volume were also increased. So, you kind of get the blood doping effects of P', which you've probably heard about from tour de france riders, without injecting and actually cheating. It's just 'like' cheating, but completely legal. I love anything that basically makes you a better human to the same level as cheating without the risks. That's not the only mechanism, though. It's been proven that muscle glycogen use is decreased, meaning longer time until you hit the wall, less lactate accumulation, and better thermoregulatory control, basically you sweat more and sooner. In the end, if you're trying to get faster or more endurance, then this is totally worth doing.

    20:00 - 24:40

    Matt discusses the studies on depression. Studies have shown that sauna use releases dynorphins (the opposite of endorphins) which are what create feelings of discomfort. An increase in dynorphins actually increases endorphin receptors. Your body is kind of trying to compensate is one way to look at this.

    Specifically, dynorphins bind to kappa opioid receptors and upregulate mu opioid receptors. The point is, you don't just feel good right afterwards, but the increase receptors for endorphins mean you're more sensitive to the great feeling of endorphins later as well. You're primed to be pumped and happy.

    There was a pretty amazing study in JAMA Psychiatry. A randomized, placebo controlled trial looking at this showed that 1 session significantly decreased depressive symptoms, and the really cool thing is that it persisted 6 wks. Maybe longer, but that's when they quit tracking. Now, I TOTALLY didn't believe this when I first read the headline. Absolutely no way that one session of sauna decreased depressive symptoms for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer. Didn't pass the sniff test, and as a doctor and science geek I was mad at JAMA for publishing this crap and I dug into the article with an angry disposition. So, I was pretty shocked after I read it. It's not a huge study. But it's really well done, and I owed the authors and JAMA a mental apology. My first thought was that 'well, you can't blind this stuff. People know they're getting the intervention. It's all placebo. But they did a pretty good job. First, they whittled it down from over 300 to about 30 participants and specifically eliminated folks who seemed to be good placebo responders. Then they did apply some heat, just not intervention heat to the control subjects and about 3/4ths of the controls thought they had gotten the intervention afterwards, so those controls should have a placebo response if that was the case, making the results less significant. But there was still a really significant result. I'm totally impressed.

    24:40 - 27:30

    Mike discusses how Sauna can make you more pretty, boost your immune system, makes you smarter, and makes you prettier.

    Now remember, you're not getting the UV rays which age skin with the infrared saunas. So, don't confuse this as being the same as sunlight. It seems from research on this, and just makes sense, that you can increase the rate that you turn over skin cells and get rid of dead cells by sweating. You also clear pores of dirt and bacteria and flush out wastes. AND you increase capillary circulation. So, you should get a more healthful, young looking glow, which I can tell by your unkempt beard is super important to you.

    One study showed that you can potentially decrease your colds by 30% by using a sauna. Not a huge study, though, with 50 people over 6 months, but we think we have a mechanism, which makes it more plausible. That mechanism is by increasing WBC's, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and basophils, which suggests a stimulated immune system. This was in a 2013 study in the Journal of Human Kinetics.

    As for sleeping better, it makes sense, but not very much science on this one.

    It makes you smarter: It's been shown to increase BDNF, which increases neurogenesis and enhances learning, long term memory, and neuronal plasticity. This BDNF increase is also one of the reasons that ketones from a ketogenic diet make you more mentally sharp and potentially helps with neurodegenerative disorders, and also part of the reason exercise makes you smarter. It's good stuff. A really big reason to do sauna. Probably enough in and of itself if none of the other benefits applied.

    27:30 - 31:30

    Matt and Mike discuss what type of sauna they recommend:

    Well, we have absolutely no affiliation with any type of sauna company but we have opinions. We already talked about the differences. Your core body temperature, which is what is going to give you the benefits we've talked about should get just as high with either. The air temperature will be lower in the infrared, but you should get a similar internal temperature rise. Infrared are traditionally smaller, take less energy, and pose less of a fire hazard, so I think that's why they tend to be more popular now.

    That, and the fact that they take less time to heat. About 15 minutes compared to 30-40 minutes with traditional. And even before they're fully heated up, you're still getting benefit from the infrared rays penetrating your body and heating you up. If 140 degrees combined with the infrared penetration isn't enough for you, there's a great hack for increasing the temperature even higher that Ben Greenfield describes really well. We'll link to his site in the show notes. In fact, if you really want to learn more about this after listening to this and digging into the articles we'll link to both Ben and Rhonda Patrick, who have discussed sauna use and hyperthermic conditioning a lot on their sites and podcasts. A lot of my initial knowledge I gleaned about hyperthermic conditioning came from hearing them talk about it and then digging into the literature once they peaked my interest.

    In general, either are fine. It kind of depends on your preferences. I would caution you very strongly against using wet steam rooms, though. It's fine at your house if you're controlling the water source, but do not use them in gyms or hotels where you don't know where the water is coming from. Normal tap water has chlorine in it that is released into the air when you evaporate the water and you're inhaling that or any other impurities in the water.

    Well, that goes for traditional saunas as well. The overheating phone incident I mentioned earlier was in a sauna in an airbnb we rented. And I knew they had a sauna, so on the way there I stopped and bought a gallon of distilled water that I could use on the rocks when I needed to. With all the benefits of hyperthermic conditioning, it would be a shame to negate all those by inhaling chlorine gas.

    31:30 - 32:30

    Matt and Mike discuss MFs briefly:

    So, MFs probably deserve their own podcast, which we'll do. But if you google around before you listen to us talk about it on the podcast and decide that they are harmful enough to worry about, then yes, there are low and zero MF products out there. Personally, I am very concerned about them and think we're harmed way more than we realize by MF's, which by the way Jody, stand for electromagnetic fields. I hate to be alarmist, but I'm definitely doing everything I can to mitigate their risks to myself and my family. The infrared sauna I bought is a zero MF version that definitely costs more, but I thought it was worth it. You can find plenty of good options for that.

    32:30 - 36:50

    Matt and Mike discuss how long you should stay in:

    Well, it depends on your goals and how much time you have. First off, don't be stupid and fall asleep in one for hours at a time. That's called cooking, not suana'ing. Most of the protocols in the studies we talked about are for 20-30 minutes, but you can definitely go longer.

    The depression study got their participants up to a pretty high core body temperature for about an hour. So, if you're using this to clinically treat something like depression then maybe longer than if you're doing it just to relax or increase endurance or muscle growth. 'f course, in most studies there was a dose dependent effect. Remember the HGH study and the massive increase with higher temperatures and longer duration. Similar to high intensity exercise, fasting, and just about anything else you do for performance optimization, there is a higher risk for badness as you push the envelope. Longer durations mean you definitely need to be more cognizant about how much fluid you drink, replacing your electrolytes, etc. If you really want to get crazy, which sometimes I do, you can workout in the sauna. Be careful, though. Recently I did a high intensity workout consisting of 50 lb 1 arm kettlebell swings, burpees, and goblet squats in a full on infrared sauna and I nearly killed myself. Went way deep into a pain hole that I could not climb out of for a few days. Similar to a feeling I had one time when I got lost on a long run without water in 100 degree heat. Days of recovery.

    You have to be careful as you're working your way up to more intense sauna. Be careful as you start.

    36:50 - 38:30

    Let's test this:

    Jody, you don't have a sauna, but they do have an infrared sauna at the castle that you can use at least a few times per week. So, let's do this. Try to use it at least 3-4 times per week for 2 months for a full hour. Let's go hard with this. If you workout beforehand, then limit it to 40 minutes, and if you workout in the sauna, then limit it to 20-30 minutes. Don't fry yourself. Let's get your blood drawn and measure as much as we can and also have you do some exercise tolerance tests. We'll do a modified bruce protocol on the treadmill and a test of max deadlifts at 10 reps and overhead press at 10 reps before and after. We'll also measure your body composition and weight. Lean muscle mass and body fat percentage. I want to get a good overall view of your health before and after. Try not to workout more or change your diet in any way, though. This is obviously completely unscientific, but we'll control as much as we can.

    We're tempted to have you do some stuff around measuring overall well-being, happiness, and sleep as well, but that seems too complicated and too prone to placebo anyway. The other stuff can definitely be influenced by placebo, but probably not quite as much as subjective scores. Actually, sleep tracking would be cool as well since you can passively measure that with an aura ring. Add that to the list.

    38:30 - end

    Matt describes some experiments he's been doing in the shower, sauna, and working out in the sauna. He can increase his core temperature to 101.1 in the shower, but all the way up to 102.2 with an intense workout in the sauna. His core temperature does not increase just sitting in the sauna. This is probably due to his thermoregulatory system being pretty efficient in general.

    Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:11:11 +0000
    Episode 2 - How to live forever with fasting (ok, well at least longer and better)

    How to live forever the Fasting Episode

    0- 1:00

    Jody: Guys, I don’t want to die.

    Matt: Shut your mouth

    Jody: Sorry. I’m just scared.

    Mike: Seriously, keep your pie hole shut

    Jody: What did I say?

    Matt: You’re not hearing us. Just don’t eat, man. You can talk. Just quit shoving calories down your gullet.

    Jody: And I’ll live forever?

    Mike: Well…….maybe………

    1:00 - 2:40

    Mike: Ok, so no you’re not going to live forever, but if you want to extend your life, then honestly, simply eating less is probably the absolute best way to do it. And that’s a pretty cheap, easy intervention.

    Matt: Except it’s not completely simple. Yes, calorie restriction has to been shown to really lead to increased longevity in a lot of animal models. It not only leads to longer life, but better longer life as well and extends median and maximal life span in rats, mice, fish, flies, worms, monkeys, and yeast.

    Jody: That’s really exciting. I can’t wait to tell my pet yeast and flies. They’re gonna be so pumped. What about humans? That’s what I happen to be. Or pretty close to it.

    Mike: Great point. Yes, it’s pretty difficult to replicate some of these studies in human. You can double a fly’s life span in a study and it only takes about 2 weeks to get results and no one is crying over not being able to go out for pizza with their friends. So, it’s both hard to extrapolate this data, and it’s hard to repeat in humans.

    Matt: Right, but we we do know a few things…...we think. The fact that we see this effect in multiple species means it “probably” applies to many other species not studied, including us because it doesn’t seem to be a species specific adaptation, and when it applies to primates, it usually applies to us. And there was that really great U of Wisc study of primates where they restricted calories by 30%, and the monkeys were living to be the equivalent of like 130 in human years. And, they were living better! Less calories reduces metabolic rate and oxidative damage and improve age-related markers like insulin resistance. So, you don’t just live longer. You actually age more slowly, which is different. It’s better.

    2:40 - 3:50

    Jody: Sold. I’ll just cut 30% off my cheesburger and fries and live forever with the amazing, disease free body I have now.

    Mike: Well…….if it was that simple we wouldn’t be talking about it.

    Matt: You’re gonna rain on our parade and talk about the brain integrity study, aren’t you.

    Mike: Yep. It’s almost like you and I have discussed this before. Jody, before you or your grey mouse lemur primate go balls to the wall with calorie restriction you should check out the study at Nature.com just this year. Yes, these lemurs lived longer. 50% longer. So, translating that to humans that’s like going from 80 to 120, and they seemed to live better like the other studies with reduced aging-associated diseases and preserved brain white matter. BUT, they had accelerated loss of grey matter in the cerebrum.

    Matt: Ok, ok. So, yes, Jody probably doesn’t have much grey matter to spare. But what does this mean exactly? They still had all those benefits, just like all the other studies as well, and this one, single downside. Seems like the balance of benefit to harm is still pretty heavily in the benefit category, right?

    3:50 - 4:50

    Mike: Well, probably. And like you and I have discussed in the past, we may be able to moderate or eliminate that downside by getting a little more clever than a simple, strict 30% calories restriction forever.

    Jody: The suspense is killing me. Any chance we skip the talk of IGF, gene transcription, protein synthesis modulators, etc and just tell me what to do.

    Matt: We got you. We’ll give you some action points, but let’s geek out just a bit more for the science nerds out there. Let’s dig into this lemur study. I love this study because these primates are very similar to humans, not just metabolically, but also when it comes to their brain aging. They get amyloid lesions, which correlates to Alzheimer’s in humans, so we think they’re a very good model to compare to. So, let’s discuss. Jody, why would you care about your grey matter and if it atrophies?

    Jody: Seems bad. What do you mean?

    Matt: Well, you’re brain isn’t going to look worse in a bikini with atrophied grey matter. Your thick skull has it hidden. So, why do you care?

    4:50 - 5:40

    Jody: Well, I don’t want to pee my pants and forget my kid’s name when I’m old.

    Matt: Exactly. It’s obviously the effect that’s important. And luckily for us, they studied that’s it. The headline of the story is that the grey matter atrophied, and that’s what everyone was talking about. But when you look at these monkeys’ performance on motor and cognitive tests they actually didn’t really have a drop off. So, I would absolutely hate for anyone to throw the baby out with the bathwater based on this and say not to calorie restrict because of this MRI finding that no one showed actually had a clinical effect.

    Jody: So…...it doesn’t matter if the grey matter atrophies. Or it does matter.

    Matt: That’s an easy answer. I have no idea. I’m just saying, we have real clinical benefits, and there are what LOOK like negative effects on MRI, but absolutely no proof of clinical negative effects.

    Jody: So, you’re not worried about grey matter atrophy?

    5:40 - 6:50

    Matt: I definitely didn't’ say that. I want my grey matter to be plump and robust as possible if I had a choice, but I don’t want to give this more credit than it’s due. You’ll notice that CR actually had sparing effects on the white matter. So, I have no idea what this means. Performance wasn’t affected one way or the other in this small primate study. There’s clearly a big benefit to calorie restriction, and if we somehow can mitigate this quote-unquote problem, then I’m all for it. If I figure out how, then I’m all in. Otherwise, I’m still a big fan of CR. Let’s just talk about how exactly now.

    Jody. Yes, lets. Because the more I think about it, I’m not sure I actually want to cut 30% off my cheeseburger the rest of my life.

    Mike: Well, I don’t think you necessarily have to. You see the reason CR works is because, we think it reduces things like the igf-1 axis and the tyrosine kinase pathway. Both of these functions are active in the fed state and can lead to aging, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases. But CR and fasting also works by activating cellular mechanisms for autophagy and apoptosis. Autophagy means to eat one-self.

    Jody: Dude, that doesn’t sound good.

    6:50 - 8:40

    Mike: I know, but what if your cells are just eating the weak broken-down parts of themselves. That's an oversimplification of the process, but basically calorie restriction induces a fasting state that leads to your cells looking to themselves for nutrients and energy. They automatically activate autophagosomes which scavenge the cell for broken proteins, old organelles, mitochondria, and other structures in disrepair. In essence, it’s a way for your cells to be out with the old and in with the new. Without fasting, or calorie restriction, you’re cells don’t go into autophagy and don’t get the chance to clean out themselves. Apoptosis, is similar, although it happens on a higher level, leading to cellular destruction of old broken cells and eventually replacement with new ones. Both, mechanisms occur in response to CR or fasting and are the panacea of longevity research right now. The idea being that cell rejuvenation and regeneration leads to management of and prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, CVD, Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, basically anything that can kill you.

    So, getting to my point, you don’t have to activate these pathways with strict chronic calorie restriction for the rest of your life, turns out you can turn these pathways on and off relatively quickly, and still gain some of the benefits without losing 30% of your calories.

    For example, anybody that follows this literature knows about the man, the myth, the legend. Valter Longo. He’s shown pretty good results with his fasting mimicking diet, which is not as difficult as traditional fasts, probably has the same benefits, and I have personally used………..

    8:40 - 12:35

    Matt: Ok, so I have some issues with the FMD. My first issue is that they sell a product to go along with it. Now, when I first heard this I completely dismissed the whole thing outright. Honestly, it made me a little mad. I had always felt like the CR data was not only very convincing because of its sophistication, but also because I’m very, very skeptical of medical research as a whole because there’s just so much stinking money from pharmaceutical companies and so many conflicts of interest that it’s hard to trust. But what could be more free from conflict than something that is the absence of consumerism or paying for pills. Who benefits from you buying and eating less? So, it just really ticked me off to see a product all of the sudden tied to the research. Of course, I then found out later that Dr. Longo donates his shares to a non-profit and doesn’t take money from it. So, I have massive respect for Dr. Longo and his work and I’m not suggesting anything nefarious of the man, but I’m still a little skeptical of this product. I don’t think it should be hard for people to get the same benefits, just as easy, without buying something. Having said that, I totally get that having a pre-packaged meal may mean higher compliance and benefit for more people. I get it. There’s just something about eating food from a wrapper that will always bother me, especially if I can get the same results without doing that.

    So, for me, what I recommend to my family and do myself is a similar 5 day FAST with homemade bone broth instead of their packed product. Obviously, you have to be careful about your protein intake in general if you want to true benefits of fasting and the autophagy, but someone with my metabolism can take a pretty good amount of bone broth and get those results. We’re not going to go into the signaling and issues around too much protein right now. I really don’t think we’re approaching those levels of protein with what I propose. And I feel comfortable having my mom, who doesn’t have my metabolism take 12-16 oz of bone broth per day during her fasting period. And, honestly, there are so many great benefits of such a nutritionally dense food as bone broth that I prefer that to their packaged product even if both were free. I think it’s a better choice personally. All that collagen, minerals, etc. Yes, I understand that making bone broth is more difficult than buying the products. But if you could see the look on my dog’s face when she gets the leftover bones, that’s priceless man. Of course, you could totally do a 5 day water fast if you’re super hard core. But one of the things I liked about Longo’s most recent study is that he had a 75% compliance rate. I do not think that would have been possible with a strict fast. And no reason to torture people if we really could get similar results without the pain.

    12:35 - 14:00

    Jody: Ok, so 5 days per month of FMD, either with their product as a support like bone broth. I would love to have your glowing skin and youthful joints, Matt, by getting that extra collagen protein in my diet. What about intermittent fasting? Useful? Do that also? Instead of this?

    Matt: Well, define intermittent fasting. What do you mean?

    Jody: I mean, skipping breakfast basically. Eat dinner at 8p and don’t eat again until noon the next day. So, 16 hour fast each day.

    Matt: Right, so that’s what most people mean with IF. I think a better term is just time-restricted feeding. And I’m a huge fan. I do that exact protocol, and I try to restrict my feeding window to as small as possible. 8 hours, from noon to 8 is good, but if I can get it down to 6 hours from 2-8 or even 4 hours and eat only between 2-6pm, or even just eat one big meal in the evening then I think there are great benefits to that. Studies have shown that to be an independently positive thing to do for body composition and other markers even if you eat the exact same amount of calories. So, yes, doing this is great regardless of whatever else you do with more prolonged fasts.

    14:00 - 15:15

    Mike: I think it’s important to recognize the differences though between time restricted feeding and prolonged fasting or a fasting mimicking diet. To truly activate autophagy you need to be in a fasting state, and for the most part, we think you need to diminish your glycogen stores. Now that might be possible if you throw in a hardcore workout into a short fast, but for the most part, we think it takes 2 days or more to activate autophagy. I have not seen or heard of autophagy occuring at any meaningful level with just 24 hours of fasting. And not with time restricted eating. Not to say those are bad for you, just they don’t activate autophagy.

    Personally, I do both. Time restricted eating, and less regularly, I’ll go a FMD or a prolonged fast. That way you get the metabolic and hormonal advantages of time restricted eating, along with the apoptosis, autophagy, and longevity advantages of prolonged fasting.

    15:15 - 19:30

    Matt: Plus when you refeed after a prolonged fast you get stem cell activation that re-grows healthy cells leading to organ and tissue rejuvenation. So, that’s why I don’t straight 30% calorie restrict every day like in these studies. That’s a great study protocol to apply to rats or monkeys for years at a time. But that’s tough. It sucks to eat 30% less of the cheeseburger the rest of your life. I think it’s much easier to time restrict my calories, but still totally feast at the end of a long day, and then only occasionally muster up the willpower to do a prolonged 3-5 day fast. Most days, I’m active. 4 kids, multiple jobs. I need the calories. But time restricting both gives me health benefits and more freedom with my time honestly. Having to only worry about 33% to 66% as many meals as other people means I can spend that time and energy on reading esoteric studies on time restricted feeding.

    (Discussion about when to eat during the day between Mike and Matt. What time is the best time to eat based on the science and what works for your family and life situation)

    19:30 - 21:25

    Jody: Sweet, I’m sold. So, tell me EXACTLY what to do?

    Matt: Well, I think we’re close to agreement, but here’s where it gets tricky. Mike and I agree on a lot of things but animal fat is not one of them.

    Mike: Yeah, I’ve got the genetics that prevent me from managing dietary saturated fat appropriately, so I go with Longo’s vegetarian version of the FMD, plant based products and protocol. When I’ve done the FMD, I’ve done 800 cal/day for 5 days. I usually skip breakfast, just have black coffee. Then have a small lunch and dinner. Usually soup and a salad. Lots of veggies, maybe some pasta in the soup, or lentils. Sometimes some hummus and carrots. But the overall goal is the same. I go for 50% calories from fat, 40% from carbs and 10% or less from protein. The low protein is key so you don’t activate the IGF-1 axis or tyrosine kinase pathway. You need a relative amino acid

    21:25 - 23:00

    Matt: And I’m not against that. I just think we can do better. Look, I eat the vast majority of my calories from plants and am a huge believer in the healing powers of plants and all the phytochemicals and benefits of a plant based diet. But I also believe we’re totally evolved to derive big benefits from the right type of animal nutrients. Grass fed, humanely raised, homemade bone broth is my jam. I say follow the guts of the protocol with respect to total calories, but I’m gonna give you my bone broth I make. My bone broth has about 100 calories per 10 oz. 5g fat and 7g protein. And I want you to eat super nutrient dense foods the rest of the time that have amazing benefits for detoxification (broccoli), brain health (sardines and walnuts), and sanity (coffee)

    23:00 - 25:35

    Here it is

    Day 1: 1100 calories

    32 oz (2 jars) - 320 calories - (lots of pink himalayan sea salt, pepper, and some turmeric)

    16 oz broccoli with 1 tbsp grass fed butter - 250 calories (100 calories from butter)

    3/4 cup walnuts - 375 calories

    1 can of sardines in EVOO - 150 calories

    All the black coffee you want and all the water you can drink


    Protein g - 12 walnuts, 22 bone broth, 12 brocoli, 18 from sardines (64 total)

    Fat g - 12 from butter, 39 from walnuts, 1.5g from broccoli, 18 from bone broth, 9 g from sardines

    Carbs: 8 from walnuts, 30g from broccoli,

    Fat: 64% protein: 22% carbs: 14%

    Day 2-5: 800 calories

    Same, but reduce to ¼ cup walnuts

    Walnuts optional on all days - probably better results without walnuts

    FMD percentages:

    Day 1: fat - 56%, protein - 10%, carbs -34%

    Day 2-5 - fat 44%, protein 9%, carbs - 47%

    25:35 - 27:00

    Mike: To summarize: The macronutrient percentage for fat and carbs likely doesn’t matter, but the protein does. You should keep your protein intake somewhere around 7-10% of total carbs.

    The overall benefits you’re going to get from an FMD, just to simplify is:

    • Immune system improvement
    • Apoptopsis of precancerous or cancer cells
    • Weight loss and improved body composition
    • Reduction of CRP and oxidative stress
    • Better mental performance from increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor
    • Improvement of glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
    • Healthier and probably increased stem cells

    -all leading to increased longevity…….unless you get hit by a bus. So, try not to get hit by a bus.

    Jody: Cool. Those are pretty specific instructions. So, I’m going to do this for 5 days and then what do I do the other 25 days. And I’ll get blood tests at day 1, day 5, and day 30, right?

    27:00 - 28:45

    Matt: Yep. Come to the clinic and we’ll hook you up. And you probably need to take a month between each 30 day test to get back to your baseline. That way we take the scienciness of this from a 1 out of 10 up to a 2 out of 10. Twice as scienc-ey if my unscientific math is correct. For the other 25 days you should eat normal, but time restrict to 8 hours. Noon to 8pm as your eating window. That work for you?

    Jody: Yeah, I can do that. What about other people listening to this. Should they do this? They should probably consult their doctor, right?

    Matt: Sure. Or don’t. Honestly, that statement you see on everything of “consult your doctor” annoys the crap out of me. It tends to imply an all knowing doctor that just doesn’t exist. I mean, if you’re sick in general, have a physician you really trust and really knows you and stays super up to date with this literature, then great. Go for it. But I know lots of doctors. And I know lots of non-doctors who just keep up with what’s new. Medicine in general is always at least a decade behind the latest research. So, someone who cares, and reads can be just as informed as a doctor. So, never trust someone just because they’re a doctor. I know this will be unpopular with other doctors, but I’d say 95% of what I know and believe I know despite my medical school training. They told us that 50% of what we learned in medical school is probably wrong. In my experience over the last decade I’d say that’s gross underestimation.

    28:45 - 30:05

    Mike: Come on, I think you’re doing two things here. First, you’re underestimating the number of doctors out there who really care and keep up with the literature. And you’re overestimating the number of informed patients out there who are going read 100 books and 1000 articles per year like you and I do because we love it. Most people just want to be told what to do.

    Matt: Ok, you’re right. I just don’t want people to give doctors too much credit. The M.D. behind the name means nothing. Ask your doctor what their favorite books on nutritional science are. If they rattle off 4-5 immediately, then take their advice. If they’re obese and can’t name 1, then please go to someone else, or do the research yourself. That’s all I’m saying. Also, if you’re going to do a straight water fast, then I’d say you do need medical supervision. Labs, monitoring, etc. Fasting isn’t dangerous, but like anything, the more hard core you go on it, the more risks there are that come along with those extra benefits. I think if you’re doing this FMD protocol, this is going to be safe for 95% of people who are healthy, not pregnant, etc. If you’re nervous, sure, consult your doctor. Also, this isn’t medical advice. I’m talking to Jody only here. This is informational only. I’m talking to you, lawyers out there.

    30:05 - 31:00

    Jody: Cool. So, what if I want to eat optimally those other 25 days? What type of diet in general should I do? And any drugs I can take to live forever?

    Mike: Ha! Do you have a few more hours? Matt and I can debate the merits and pitfalls for keto, paleo, vegan, etc. Matt, what’s the most optimal diet?

    Matt: Yeah, let’s actually tackle that in the next podcast. I know we both have some pretty strong beliefs about that. I think we agree on 90% of things, but it’s really fun to argue the the finer points. In general Jody, do this:

    As Michael Pollan says in the Omnivore’s Dilemma: Eat real food, mostly plants, not too much. And as a nice heuristic to use, don’t eat it if your great, great grandmother wouldn’t recognize it. So, nothing out of a box or wrapper or with a list of ingredients you can’t pronounce.

    31:00 - end

    Mike: I can get behind that. Would love to hash out all the controversy around saturated fat, cholesterol, gluten, dairy, and dive deep into personalized diets based on genetics.

    Matt: I can’t imagine anything more fun. And, yeah, the pill question. That’s gonna take some time. We’ll dive into that also. And while we’re at it, we should talk about the other things that may increase lifespan and quality: specific molecules (aka drugs), meditation, exercise, etc. Those things deserve their own specific podcast, though. For now, “let food be thy medicine”, Jody. Master that, and we’ll talk about some next level stuff just coming out that may have a really profound effect on longevity. I’ll bring you the food for my part of the experiment. That’s the stuff I eat every day, so I’m stocked up at all times with those things. Why don’t you take some before and after shirtless pics doing those super sexy poses people do in magazines. I think you’re gonna get some good body comp results.

    Mike: And the Prolon goods are in the mail from me.

    Jody: Can’t wait. I’m on it.

    Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:01:57 +0000
    Episode 1 - Introduction to Wild Health

    Mike: Jody, why are we here?

    Matt: And why there microphones in front of our faces?

    Jody: Simple. Guys, we've had a ton of conversations where afterwards I feel like "man I wish I recorded that" or "the world should hear this". I'm a normal guy. You two are trained as docs, and I'm not obsessively reading about human performance enhancement, longevity, and all the stuff you like to do, so it's a pretty sweet hack for me to be able to talk to you. Whether it's email, text, or phone calls and say like "Hey just summarize the stuff you've been reading and tell me what I what I can do."

    Matt: Well, talking about that stuff, that's fun for us. Mike and I we live and breathe this. We basically won't quit talking about when anybody asks us about it. We've done a lot of things in our life like adventure races and stuff where were obsessed with constantly figuring out how to optimize our bodies for those things and push the limits of what we can do. Especially since we have very little of what they call "talent" and now that we're getting older we've really become obsessed with longevity also and how we're going to be around for our kids, grandkids, are great grandkids. We want to kind of do both. Absolutely crush it now and live forever or at least close to forever.

    Mike: Yeah all that stuff for sure Matt, but what you're talking about Jody just sounds like a bunch of fun. I mean if you're talking about having us do a podcast I assume, that's why we have the Mics here, right? So let's be honest: man I love making fun of my Matt and if you're giving us the opportunity to record it and make fun of you as well then man sign me up. I mean I've been his podcast thing for like 7 years now so the idea of recording some of that doesn't sound weird.

    Jody: Right. So, the medical community already knows you guys as the Ultrasound podcast guys, so why pivot to longevity and performance optimization?

    Matt: Well first off, I think you're the one asking us to record this but if you're asking why are we interested in those things instead, well we've always been interested in them. I mean we're just super curious in general and love exploring new ideas and kind of pushing the limits, which I think is why people enjoy listening to the ultrasound podcast. We've done a lot of courses and taught a lot of Physicians and we love that, but as you know as soon as we turn off the mics and leave the lecture stage all we really talk about with each other is optimizing performance and whatever longevity hacks we found recently.

    Mike: Exactly. I mean you should see some of the text messages about all the crazy self-experimentation stuff that we are doing with fasting, different diets, taking Ketone salts and Esters and how it affects our individual BHB levels in conjunction with different weight training interval sets and then correlating that with max effort running trials and super nerdy stuff but that's what we're into. I mean, granted, debating the methodological flaws of calorie restriction studies may not be super great listening but we're really into all this stuff so I could see how some people might benefit from hearing are conclusions on how to apply this stuff to their lives. Or who knows, maybe they'll hate it but they'll enjoy some of this banter.

    Jody: I get it, but I mean you guys are Er docs. Why not just double down on that if you're going to do another podcast. Why teach people about this stuff

    Matt: So, on my last shift, this guy came in and we intubated him. We saved his life by putting a breathing tube in for him when he couldn't breathe. He was a morbidly obese guy with cancer and was a really difficult intubation, and I'm thinking afterwards how cool it was that we were able to use cutting-edge technology, video laryngoscopy in this case, to save this guy's life and how that just came out in the last decade. So it's really amazing how technology is progressing and allowing us to do things like that and then I thought about this poor guy a little more deeply and realized that I may have added 3 to 6 months to his life at best. What if he was equipped with the knowledge that I have about healthspan, nutrition, and longevity, though. Would even have cancer? Would he be obese? I mean I went into emergency medicine because I really loved it. The adrenaline that comes from a save like that or the privilege of getting to meet people in their darkest hour and help them out is truly amazing.

    But honestly, 90% of the people I see I just shake my head and think if only they knew some basic things that aren't hard to implement they wouldn't need me. They wouldn't be in the ER. So, I have no idea if anybody would listen to this if you recorded but if they do and it makes a difference then I'm going to be really really grateful for that. And if they don't, honestly I just like talking about this stuff.

    Mike: Yeah I mean pretty much same here. I still love emergency medicine but that doesn't mean it's the only aspect of medicine I'm interested in. The thing that got me interested in medicine in the first place was actually biochemistry. I know, nerdiest statement ever, but I was in college for chemical engineering at the time and trying to lose some weight. I was actually a fat kid until I was about 20 and I never learned anything about healthy eating or dieting as I grew up in the Deep South and had terrible Fitness and a terribly diet. I was like 260 lbs around year 2000 and I finally got fed up and started learning about the biochemistry and some of the metabolic stuff. I got serious about it, started working out, lifting, cardio, and learning about metabolism, cortisol, and insulin responses to foods and exercise.

    I was pretty obsessed and eventually it pushed me into medicine. But you can't really go into residency for longevity or performance science so I ended up in what excited me the most, which was emergency medicine. But that doesn't mean I ever give up my personal obsession with human performance which has recently morphed into this idea of healthspan and Longevity.

    Matt: We still love emergency medicine, but our real obsession is longevity and performance optimization. We constantly talk to our friends and family about it any time they ask and if we can help some strangers by you hitting record when they give you advice, then I'm all in. I think as doctors we definitely have a responsibility to use your training and knowledge to help people whenever we can.

    Jody: Sweet! So how are we going to do this? I'm thinking I could ask you guys a question that I'm wondering cuz I'm sure other people wondering it also. Like, should I take vitamin D? What's the best way to get super strong and super ripped? What the hell is a float tank and should I do it? Can I live forever? What's the best diet? Does cryotherapy work? You know I've have got thousands of questions

    Matt: Yeah, that's awesome. All that stuff. I mean that's exactly the type of stuff we love talking about so I'm getting pumped just thinking about the crazy argument Mike and I are going to have about this stuff.

    Jody: Yeah, about that. I know you and Mike tend to go overboard sometimes and super deep into the studies and those kind of things, so we got to keep this applicable and simplify in the end.

    Matt: No, I agree. So what we need to do is make this be useful, not esoteric crap and just droning on about biochemical pathways. At the end of each podcast episode we should do a 96% Pareto squared summary.

    Jody: Perfect. Exactly. That's what I was thinking.......except what is that?

    Matt: So Pareto's principle basically says that 80% of the benefit comes from 20% of the causes or inputs. So for example, if we talk about how to get you caveman strong, then we'll talk about the two to three simple things you can do that the biggest bang for the buck. The the 20% that gets 80% of the benefit. Then if we do that one more time and give the most important things in top 20% we get 80% of the remaining 20% Then we're squaring Pareto and giving you 96% of the benefit. Then Mike and I can fight over the last four percent but who really cares? Maybe somebody, but we're going to try to break it down and get you benefit without having to dig for that last four percent. Pareto Square it.

    Mike: We'll be publishing Matt's math here at the bottom of the podcast because I'm sure nobody actually followed that.

    Jody: I'm going to trust you for now on the math. Let's do this though

    Mike: Jody that we're getting ready to have some fun too so I agree I'll answer your questions but I want to get to torture you a little bit on the back end so after each time we get to test on you you going to be our guinea pig will do a super scientific in of Jodi study where we test our conclusions and we test them on you so for example we test your testosterone and then you let us


    you try some four methods that we give you to increase it and then we retest and see how you respond we got to do as many lab test as we want before and after we put you through the different diets the cry therapy protocols all that stuff have I ever back down from ridiculous challenge that can endanger my life that's why we love you and we got to find some sweet after music right now

    Tue, 20 Nov 2018 22:51:14 +0000
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