大王陪主人去给牛哥送食物,却在牛哥吃饭时生气不让吃 Dawang deliver food to the Cow, but he gets angry when a cow is eating

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Dawang is obviously not interested in broad beans, but he gets angry and yelled at the side when cow is eating~🤣

Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please do subscribe. I’ll post some daily footage of Dawang in the village from time to time. Hope you will find Dawang adorable and like him just like us.

#大王 #Dawang #阿盆姐 #Apenjie
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