
眾多香港人心中的國歌|願榮光歸香港|Glory to HongKong|EP.60 榮光燦爛|藝術很有事

3 年前
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#社運中的音樂 #願榮光歸香港

2019年6月,香港爆發大規模的 *反送中運動* ,反對香港政府提出《逃犯條例》修訂草案,不但引發百萬人大遊行,也逐步演變成激烈的警民衝突,香港頓時成了戰場。

香港在白色恐怖和警暴陰霾籠罩之下,人心惶惶。8月,網絡上一首《 *願榮光歸香港* 》,讓香港示威者重振士氣,後來聚唱成風,被稱為香港的「國歌」。

「我想寫一首歌,主題是香港人爲民主自由抗爭。」《願榮光歸香港》創作人T及其團隊,分享由素未謀面,到合作推出百萬點擊的⾳樂短片,只為推進這場浩蕩運動的心路歷程,其中也談到「 *光復香港* *時代革命* 」的口號,是如何融入在歌詞之中。


In June of 2019, a widespread anti-extradition movement erupted throughout Hong Kong. The movement inspired millions to protest against the Fugitive Offenders Legislative Amendment proposed by the Hong Kong government. The protests later evolved into tense conflicts between citizens and local police that quickly transformed Hong Kong into a war zone.

Tensions were high as Hong Kong was shrouded in the white terror of tear gas and enveloped in police violence. By August, a new song, Glory to Hong Kong, appeared online and restored demonstrators’ morale. Eventually, choruses of Glory to Hong Kong rose in popularity as the song came to be called “the national anthem of Hong Kong.”

“I wanted to write a song about the people of Hong Kong fighting for freedom and democracy,” said T, the composer of Glory. He and his team explained that due to the circumstances they never met in person while working together to produce the music video that has since amassed over one million views. Looking back on their spiritual journey to advance such a massive movement, the team also discussed how the slogan, “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times!” was incorporated into the song.

Apart from choruses at local malls, Glory to Hong Kong also gave rise to many flash mobs of professional musicians playing the song as a protest march. So and Matt are members of the Black Biorchestra with first hand experience about the highs and lows of the movement. We filmed their personal growth as well as how their lives have never been the same amidst the movement. So and Matt continue to reflect on political oppression and musical protests despite an uncertain future. The two remain committed to Hong Kong in an effort to honor the role of the arts in the fight for freedom.

📌官網 https://reurl.cc/Wqo7NZ
📌YT https://reurl.cc/85V80M
📌IG https://www.instagram.com/insidethearts_pts/
📌TG https://t.me/insidethearts
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