[歐洲版泰國] 克羅地亞沿海三古城 🇭🇷 Three Cities on the Dalmatian Coast

8 個月前
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今次想同一眾香港網友或者BNO bros 分享吓克羅地亞呢個國家。風土靚,人好,多嘢玩,仲要價錢非常相宜! 我哋去咗沿海三古城,再加幾個細鎮仔。移咗民去英國嘅網友,呢度將會係我哋嘅泰國。

We visited three coastal cities in Croatia with our friends last month and it was a blast! Great food and booze and very reasonably priced; amazing people and breathtaking scenery - This country is tremendous fun! And to all my BNO bros watching, this is our new Thailand!

#split #dubrovnik #zadar
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