@煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle

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1 個月內
1 年內
[全世界最大] 海洋標誌號 Icon of the Seas Ship Tour
大家久等了。上個月我哋去咗美國坐呢㗎全世界最新最大嘅郵輪:皇家加勒比嘅海洋標誌號。咁究竟佢係大匠運斤定係大而無當呢?大家一齊上船睇睇。 Thank you for the wait guys. We were in Miami last month to board the largest cruise ship in the world: Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas. Is it worth the hype? Well, come on in and take
情人節餵妻三寶 (西班牙食材) Valentine's Day Meal using Spanish Ingredients
今年情人節要飛,所以早少少煮餐飯俾老婆食。買咗啲西班牙食材整咗三道菜,可以同大家分享吓。 For this year's Valentine's Day, I made these three dishes using imported Spanish ingredients. Hope you enjoy this video. 0:00 - Intro 0:23 - 紅蝦扁意粉 Red Prawn Linguine 5:20 - 烤乳羊 Lechazo 7:14 - 俄羅斯沙律 Ensaladilla
[全世界最新郵輪] 挪威非凡號 Norwegian Viva Ship Tour
啱啱九月尾,我哋喺地中海登上呢架到出片呢刻仲係全世界最新嘅郵輪。 挪威郵輪近年好進取,除咗多新船同引入好多新科技之外,仲引入一隻冇sea day嘅郵輪方式,咁究竟呢個係好事定唔好事呢? 我哋一齊上船睇睇。 The ever-ambitious and fast expanding NCL Cruise Line has recently launched a new ship: Norwegian Viva. The cruise line has also introduced a "No sea day
南法夜繽紛+欖球世界盃 🇫🇷 🏉 Rugby World Cup and the Luberon Region
上個禮拜同老婆快閃法國南部,去咗好幾個地方體驗吓真正嘅夜繽紛係點樣,仲睇咗兩場欖球世界盃,感受到西方文明國家點樣用軟實力去搞活搞旺一個場。 We were in France last week for the Rugby World Cup where we watched two very good games, experienced night vibes in Marseille and spent a relaxing few days up in the Luberon region. Her
[歐洲版泰國] 克羅地亞沿海三古城 🇭🇷 Three Cities on the Dalmatian Coast
今次想同一眾香港網友或者BNO bros 分享吓克羅地亞呢個國家。風土靚,人好,多嘢玩,仲要價錢非常相宜! 我哋去咗沿海三古城,再加幾個細鎮仔。移咗民去英國嘅網友,呢度將會係我哋嘅泰國。 We visited three coastal cities in Croatia with our friends last month and it was a blast! Great food and booze and very reasonably priced; amazing people and bre
沒有老婆的日子 When the Wife was Away
9 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
繼續我嘅毒撚之旅。坐完郵輪之後仲有少少私人時間,所以我趁呢段時間一次過去晒一啲我老婆唔願意去嘅地方。 I had a couple of weeks to my own after my solo cruise so I decided to get shit done by going to places that Fung has no interests in and here is a video of it. Enjoy! #ireland #wwe #theashes
毒X坐郵輪 🛳 My First Solo Cruise! 鐵行郵輪挪威峽灣之旅 🇳🇴 P&O Iona to the Norwegian Fjords
上個月一支公冇嘢做,自己剷咗上架郵輪去咗挪威峽灣一個禮拜。今次用一個日記形式同大家介紹呢一架傳統郵輪;呢架船啱返一家大細,同埋好襯呢條航線。希望大家鍾意條片。 Join me in this video for an unforgettable first solo cruise to the mesmerizing Norwegian Fjords onboard the magnificent P&O Iona. I recorded this journey in the style of a dia
包廂睇阿仙奴 Watching Arsenal From A Box
10 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
寄生蟲又出動喇! 呢三年因為種種原因,好多人都離開咗香港;不過係移民又好,留港都好,大家都係香港人。 所以趁住阿仙奴季尾果場我book咗個包廂同一班香港人一齊睇波,等大家可以坐埋一齊開開心心飲番夠本同埋屌柒熱刺。 The Arsenal Parasite is at it again! I booked this box with the intention of sharing it with my fellow Hongkongers. A fair few Hong Kong Gunners flew
一鑊粥快閃葡萄牙 🇵🇹 Lisbon Not According to Plan!
上個禮拜同老婆去葡萄牙里斯本睇波順便行吓,本來好基本嘅一個旅程俾少少嘢搞到趕頭趕命。但係老婆對阿仙奴嘅忠誠就係我呢條寄生蟲嘅生存動力,就當上咗一堂危機處理班。 We went to Lisbon last week to watch the Europa League match between Sporting Lisbon and Arsenal. What supposed to be a simple trip turned into somewhat of a nightmare! A real
[入鄉隨俗] 英國人首選避寒勝地 A Week in Tenerife
一月頭同老婆去咗西班牙嘅特内里費島。呢個島係Kinder出奇蛋嚟,乜叉都有。老婆之前唔知呢度係邊度嚟,所以未出發前佢唔係好想嚟呢度; 就睇吓呢個旅程可唔可以令到佢改觀嘞。 We went to Tenerife for a week back in January and to be honest with ya the wife wasn't very
英國夏天做乜好 British Summer is Amazing!
英國夏天有乜嘢好做呢?呢條片本來上年已經想拍,不過上年夏天英國啱啱先開放返,啲嘢未齊。今年就齊晒啦!希望大家鍾意呢條片。 I was gonna make this video last summer but the infrastructure wasn't fully restored following the relaxation of Covid restrictions. H
維珍郵輪英勇女士號 Virgin Voyages Valiant Lady Ship Tour
等咗三年,終於可以再上郵輪喇! 今次我揀咗呢隻維珍郵輪,佢同傳統郵輪好唔同,呢架船嘅營運模式亦都未必個個接受到,片尾會有深入講解,大家睇完可以決定呢架船啱唔啱你。 After a 3 years hiatus, we're back on a cruise ship! I've been eyeing Virgin Voyages for a while now and it's great to finally be onboard. It's a fantastic ship but I can see
快閃丹麥 🇩🇰 A Week in Denmark
1 年前
 • 82 次觀看
早幾嗰禮拜我哋去咗一轉丹麥。喺哥本哈根鳩左幾日,然後去探一個兩年冇見嘅朋友。 We flew to Denmark early in the month and here's a little vlog of it. Enjoy! #hotelsanders #hotelnimb #maribo
搞咗一年,終於入伙! Tour of Our New Home
多謝大家嘅耐心等候。由開始睇屋到入伙差不多搞咗一年時間。啲人話英國買樓裝修好麻煩但係我哋一啲都唔覺,其中一個原因係因為我哋搵到一班好好嘅人幫手 (AA,設計師,裝修師傅),好撚專業冇拗撬,同埋我當中都學到好多嘢。 希望大家鍾意呢條片。 Thank you for the patience
[Happy Wife] 買咗架車仔俾老婆 Bought Her A New Car!
依家搬咗嚟倫敦市郊地方,就要買架車俾老婆,等佢可以自己揸車出去,我就留喺屋企睇咸片。咁我買咗架乜嘢車俾佢呢?一齊入嚟睇吓。 今集仲會同大家介紹一條被譽為係英國其中一條最靚嘅駕駛路。Enjoy! Now that we've moved to the suburbs, it's time to get Fung a car so s
倫敦以外最靚聖誕市集 Best Christmas Markets Outside of London
今集拍外景,帶大家睇吓倫敦以外三個好靚嘅聖誕市集,仲會同大家分享吓一啲當地歷史,住宿同餐廳。飲勝! In this episode I'll be heading out of London to visit three of the best Christmas markets in England. Prost! 王俊彥關於Winchester影片: https://www.youtube.
維珍航空 B787 Upper Class (香港 - 倫敦) Virgin Atlantic B787 Upper Class (Hong Kong to London Heathrow)
來往香港同倫敦嘅直航航班,之前同大家分享過國泰商務同英航頭等,剩返最後一隻,就係維珍航空嘅 Upper Class。多謝收睇。 Previously I've flown on Cathay Pacific and British Airways direct from Hong Kong to London, that left Virgin Atlantic and in this video I'll be documenting my experience on their Upper Class
英國航空A380頭等艙 (香港 - 倫敦) British Airways A380 First Class (Hong Kong to London Heathrow)
二月嘅時候同老婆去咗英國避疫, 去程乘搭左英航嘅A380頭等艙, 同大家分享吓。 日期/時間: 2020年2月6日 出發地點: 香港國際機場 目的地: 倫敦希斯路機場 航班編號: BA28 飛行時間: 12:00 We took the First Class on British Airways to London back in February and here's a review for that. Date/Time: 6th February, 2020 Departed from: Hong
新加坡航空A380頭等套房 (新加坡 - 香港) Singapore Airlines A380 First Class Suite (Singapore to Hong Kong)
新加坡有全球最佳嘅航空公司,而呢間航空公司亦都有全球最佳頭等艙。今日同大家分享吓。 日期/時間: 2019年5月29日 9:55am 出發地點: 新加坡樟宜機場 目的地: 香港國際機場 航班編號: SQ856 飛行時間: 3:32 A review on Singapore Airlines First Class Suites. The creme de la creme of commercial flying. Date/Time: 29th, May 2019 9:55am Departed fro