實攝預展 | 香港佳士得 | 古今中國藝術

7 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
春拍未至,香港佳士得率先呈獻「古今」拍賣場,提供200多件中國藝術品,跨越不同年代。南宋建窯兔亳、定窯白瓷、龍泉青瓷、唐朝銅鏡、明式家具、清代彩瓷與鎏金佛像……拍品琳瑯滿目,部分更不設底價,The Value為大家「實拍」預展!

2017/3/30-4/3 10:30am-5:30pm
2017/4/4 10:30am-12pm
拍賣時間:2017/4/4 1:30pm

Before the series of Sring Auctions, Christie's Hong Kong will first present "The Pavilion Sale" on Chinese ceramics and works of art which comprises over 200 lots from different dynasties. Song ceramics including the Jianyao black-glazed, Dingyao white-glazed and celadon wares, Tang bronzes, Ming furniture, Qing porcelains and Buddha figures...... Treasures across various catagories are put on sale and part of them are even offered without reseve. Counting down 3 days until the sale to go, The Value is now here bringing our readers the video preview of the lots!

【Sale Details】
Auction House: Christie’s Hong Kong
Sale: Pavilion
Sale No.: 14608
No. of Lot: 240
2017/3/30-4/3 10:30am-5:30pm
2017/4/4 10:30am-12pm
Sale Time: 2017/4/4 1:30pm

更多拍賣資訊,即上The Value/For more auction information:http://www.thevalue.com/trad/article/video-preview-christies-hong-kong-pavilion-of-chinese-artworks
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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