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實攝預展 | 香港佳士得 | 古今中國藝術
春拍未至,香港佳士得率先呈獻「古今」拍賣場,提供200多件中國藝術品,跨越不同年代。南宋建窯兔亳、定窯白瓷、龍泉青瓷、唐朝銅鏡、明式家具、清代彩瓷與鎏金佛像……拍品琳瑯滿目,部分更不設底價,The Value為大家「實拍」預展! 【拍賣詳情】 拍賣行:香港佳士得 拍賣場次:古今 場次編號:14608 拍品數目:240 預展時間: 2017/3/30-4/3 10:30am-5:30pm 2017/4/4 10:30am-12pm 拍賣時間:2017/4/4 1:30pm Before the series
大點評 x 仇國仕 | 掌上成化青花小盃
「我從沒見過有其他瓷器,釉質厚重如此。」蘇富比亞洲區副主席、中國藝術品部國際主管及主席仇國仕,向我們介紹香港蘇富比4月春拍拍品、帝皇御用之青花折枝花卉紋臥足盃。 “The glaze, I have never seen a thickness to this state,” said Nicolas Chow, Deputy Chairman, Sotheby’s Asia, International Head and chairman, Chinese Works of Art. With the e
大點評 x 劉惠芳 | 天然色皇家白玉巧雕
紐約佳士得中國藝術品3月大拍在即,一件白玉巧雕擺件暗藏紫檀盒裡,別具意趣。The Value請來劉惠芳女士帶大家欣賞此品。 劉為翟健民之妻,同為中國名古董商永寶齋的創辦人,通曉不同類別的古董,尤愛玉器。 In the upcoming Christie's New York sale on Chinese ceramics and works of art in March, an unusual jade carving of a melon with a royal zitan box will be
大點評 x 翟健民 | 宮殿級紫苑石竹抱月瓶
世上相類品不出三件、其一藏於土耳其托普卡比宮殿博物館的永樂青花紫苑石竹抱月瓶,將於3月由紐約蘇富比拍賣。中國瓷器鑑賞家及名古董商翟健民對此品有何評價? An exceptionally rare and important blue and white moon flask of Yongle period will be offered in New York Sothey's Asian Week in March. William Chak, a renowned and experienced an
大點評 x 翟健民 | 滄海遺珠北宋孩兒枕
各大拍賣行紐約亞洲藝術週百花齊放,佳士得滕田夜拍既有商代青銅、又有石渠書畫,蘇富比則交出一列御品明瓷。著名中國古董商及鑑定家翟健民笑道,老是點評「重量級」珍寶沒有意思,提意即席「撿漏」。在云云拍品中,他親自選出一件未受媒體注意、卻值得收藏的北宋孩兒枕,並教我們從何著眼欣賞。 The series of the Asian Art Week sales are going to launch in March soon. Christie's will present extraordinary bronze
大點評 x 翟健民 | 90分的南宋建窯兔毫
蘇富比於3月紐約亞洲藝術週將拍賣一件南宋建窯兔毫,「中國瓷器」大亨翟健民給出90分——何以保留10分? Sotheby's will be selling a Jian 'nogime' bowl in its Asian Art Week in March. The prominent expert in Chinese porcelains, William Chak, considers the lot 90% perfect only. What holds him back from credit
大點評 x Deydier | 最愛商王武丁青銅瓿
一代商王武丁御用青銅器?著名中國古青銅器專家戴克成估計,紐約佳士得藤田博物館藏拍賣中的一件青銅瓿,來自武丁大墓…… "It can be from... the tomb of Wu Ding," Christian Deydier, a prominent specialist in archaic Chinese bronzes, is reviewing the exceptional bronze pou from Shang dynasty. The lot will be presented i
大點評 x 翟健民 | 百年不遇永樂甜白梅瓶
永寶齋主翟健民為當代著名中國古董商,專研瓷器,鑑別經驗豐富,其微博吸引逾40萬粉絲追隨。紐約蘇富比將於3月15日拍賣一件御用永樂甜白梅瓶,他翻著圖錄,帶我們欣賞此品。 Willam Chak, Founder of Chak's, a renowned Chinese antique dealer and an experienced connoisseur with more than 400 thousands followers on WeiBo, is now reviewing the imper