
Magness & Marcus on Coaching

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Magness & Marcus on Coaching
Coaches Steve Magness and Jon Marcus team up to bring you an insider's view on coaching. Taking you inside the thoughts and conversations that usually occur behind the scenes. They bring a diverse background having both worked with athletes at the collegiate and professional level. They hope to bring a mixture of science, old-fashioned wisdom, and a touch of philosophy to help understand the process of coaching and maximizing endurance performance. For more information visit www.ScienceOfRunning.com
Episode 208: Freaks of Nature: The Best are Different
It’s time to talk about the outliers. We cover the craziest workouts, the most mind blowing bounce backs, and much more of athletes who are just freaks of nature. This isn’t just a highlight reel of crazy athletes, it’s understand what we can and cannot learn from them. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar…
Mon, 05 Jun 2023 10:21:00 +0000
Episode 207: Instant Offense: Things you can do today to be better tomorrow
In this episode, we discuss recovery, priming, potentiation and other things that we can do to enhance our performance in both the short and long run. This one goes into preparing to race at our best. What can we do in the weeks, days, and hours leading into a race to set ourselves up to…
Mon, 29 May 2023 10:10:00 +0000
Episode 206: Resiliency: Bounce Back after you bomb!
We’ve all been there. A tough race or competition that didn’t go well. How do you bounce back from failure? In this episode we provide the science and tools to get back on track after a rough race. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things…
Mon, 22 May 2023 10:51:00 +0000
Episode 205: Risk Tolerance: What is it and how to build it?
We can either train ourselves or athletes to take appropriate risks or to shy away. In this episode, we talk about how to move towards discomfort and challenge. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+ courses plus an online interaction…
Mon, 15 May 2023 10:29:00 +0000
Episode 204: Polarized Training vs. Moderate Intensity Training: When, Where, and Why for each?
Should we follow the 80/20 training model, or go all-in on the threshold model? In this episode we break down the different training models, explaining when to use them, and when to put them on the backburner. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches…
Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:45:00 +0000
Episode 203: Do What Works and Don’t Do What Doesn’t!
What actually works in training runners? There’s so much nonsense out there. Jon and Steve cut through the BS, and get at what works and what doesn’t when it comes to coaching runners. Steve & Jon Check out the Scholar Program The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. It has 20+…
Mon, 17 Apr 2023 10:30:00 +0000
Episode 202: Genius Revealed: Igloi- The Master Coach You Know Nothing About
Mihaly Igloi is one of the most underrated coaches in history. In this episode, we dive into his coaching genius, and how modern science has validated many of his ideas. If you are interested in learning more about Igloi, we just released a course exploring his ideas. Sign up now for a free month off!…
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 10:16:00 +0000
Episode 201: Establishing Culture and Setting Boundaries
Are you setting a performance or mastery-based culture? In this episode, we talk about setting standards versus boundaries, and the dangers of going too far toward an outcome-obsessed team? Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And we’ve added a new feature! The Scholar Clubhouse…
Mon, 27 Mar 2023 21:31:00 +0000
Episode 200: Experimenting On Ourselves As Coaches
Do you try out workouts before you give them to athletes? In this episode, we talk about the importance of experimenting on yourself as a coach. It’s not about the speed of the workout, but that doing something difficult gives you an appreciation for what it feels like. Which then allows you to coach it…
Mon, 20 Mar 2023 09:14:00 +0000
Episode 199: Winning the Self-Improvement Game
Often in coaching, we obsess over the physiological and the physical. We go over and over the workouts. In this episode, we go in the other direction, talking about holistic improvement as a person. It’s time to talk about the soft side of development. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our…
Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:07:00 +0000
Episode 198: Mastering the Art of People. How to Successfully Navigate Working with Different Personality Types
Coaching is the people business! We have to help individuals see their capabilities and put them on the journey towards achieving their potential. But, people are complex. Sometimes we don’t always click. In this episode, we talk about the hardest thing of all: dealing with and helping people. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The…
Mon, 27 Feb 2023 10:50:00 +0000
Episode 197: The Finishing Kick: How to Develop It
How do we improve the finishing kick? In this week’s episode, we give you a framework for developing your athlete’s kicks, along with specific workouts designed to help out. We cover everything from the energetics to the muscle recruitment pattern that impacts the finishing kick. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is…
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:36:00 +0000
Episode 196: Starting from Scratch. How to Grow a Successful Program from the Ground Up!
What do you do when you take over a program that’s in need of help? In this weeks episode, Jon and Steve go over how to change the culture, what to focus on, how to get people to join the team, and more. Changing culture is hard. But it is possible. Time to explore how…
Mon, 13 Feb 2023 11:28:00 +0000
Episode 195: The Art and Science of Speed Endurance Workouts
What is speed endurance? In this weeks episode, Jon and Steve go over this vital but often misunderstood ingredient to your training. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And we’ve added a new feature! The Scholar Clubhouse is an interactive chat system that gives…
Mon, 06 Feb 2023 11:23:00 +0000
Episode 194: Champions in The Making- Winners are everywhere. They just need coaching.
Arthur Lydiard once said, ‘There are champions everywhere.’ And for good reason, his most famous pupils were local athletes. In this episode, we explore how to give your athletes a chance to reach their potential. And why it’s so important that we give everyone an opportunity to do so, instead of pigeonholing athletes. Steve &…
Mon, 23 Jan 2023 10:21:00 +0000
Episode 193: General Vs. Specific Training?
This week we break down a classification for training, from general to specific. What is general training? How does it set the foundation for training? How does each level of training connect to the next? We break it all down! Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things…
Mon, 16 Jan 2023 10:13:00 +0000
Episode 192: You Don’t Need As Much Vo2Max Work as You Think!
Vo2max work! 800s at 3k pace, 1ks at 5k down to 2-mile pace. We all know the workouts. We include them all of the time. In some training programs, especially for high-school, they are the bread and butter of the program. In this episode, we discuss why this doesn’t have to be the case. We…
Mon, 09 Jan 2023 10:04:00 +0000
Episode 191: Strengthening Your Coaching Weakness
What do you suck at as a coach? In this episode, we go over identifying your weaknesses and shoring them up to allow you to become the best coach that you can be. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And we’ve added a new…
Mon, 02 Jan 2023 09:58:00 +0000
Episode 190: See God Workouts: Reckless or Indispensable
Have you ever done a workout where you went to the absolute well? That’s a ‘see God’ workout. Going until there is nothing left. An exploration of what you are capable of. These workouts are meant to shift your perspective. Are they necessary or reckless? Time to explore on this weeks podcast. Steve & Jon…
Mon, 28 Nov 2022 10:33:00 +0000
Episode 189: The Norwegian Model of Lactate Threshold Training
Norway has had a lot of endurance success lately. From the Ingebrigtsen’s to triathletes winning major events, the small country of Norway has taken the endurance world by storm. We break down their threshold-influenced training, going all the way back to the work of Marius Bakken (13:06 5k runner). We travel back to the message…
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 10:25:00 +0000
Episode 188: Updating Outdated Coaching Ideas
Jon and Steve take on popular ideas that have stuck around but need some updating. From energy system domination to various forms of training, we take you down a rabbit hole of what needs to be updated in the running coaching world. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for…
Mon, 14 Nov 2022 10:15:00 +0000
Episode 187: The Power of the Barbell Strategy: Why protecting against the downside will protect the upside
In Nassim Taleb’s book Antifragile, he introduces the concept of the barbell strategy. At one end of the barbell, you’ve got low-risk low-reward, don’t he other end high risk, high reward. Taleb believes that you stack a bunch on the low risk/reward side and take strategic shots on the outliers, while staying away from the…
Mon, 24 Oct 2022 12:30:12 +0000
Episode 186: The New Laws of Lactate Dynamics and Its Implications for Training
“Lactic Acid” is horribly misunderstood. It’s been cast as a demon for far too long. It’s time to set the record straight. In this episode, Steve and Jon break down new research that shows lactate’s true rule in the body. Hint: It’s not harmful, but helpful! Study: Tracing the Lactate Shuttle Steve & Jon Visit…
Mon, 17 Oct 2022 13:16:38 +0000
Episode 185: Marathon Training: Surveying the Little Things That Can Add Up to Big Results
We all know about the big things you have to worry about for marathon training: the long run, the mileage, the longer tempo runs, but what are the small things that make a difference? In this episode we go over fueling, strength training, sprinting, pacing, and recovery; The ‘small’ things that can make a difference…
Mon, 10 Oct 2022 13:28:51 +0000
Bonus Episode: The Mike Smith Tapes- Part 1
An exclusive interview with NAU coach Mike Smith! This is part 1 of a 3 part series. Part 2 and 3 are exclusive to our running scholar program. If you’d like to listen to them (and get access to courses, discussion groups, and more!) join today and receive $10 off your first month! Use the…
Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:25:00 +0000
Episode 184: Fitness Measurement Fallacy
Does your belief in your fitness feel like a ping pong ball, bouncing back and forth wildly, dependent on whether your latest workout went well or not? In this episode we cover the fallacy of equating a single workout or measure as the be all end all marker of whether we are ready to go…
Mon, 19 Sep 2022 10:30:00 +0000
Episode 183: The Secrets to Becoming a Great Coach
What’s it take to become a great coach? In this episode, we breakdown three essential skills for great coaching:1. Thinking and Observing 2. Problem Solving 3. Collaboration If you haven’t yet, check out Steve’s new book: Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and The Surprising Science of Real Toughness. Steve & Jon Visit…
Mon, 12 Sep 2022 10:57:00 +0000
Episode 182: What We Learned.
In this episode, we reflect on what we’ve learned over nearly two decades of coaching. What did we think was important but quickly realized wasn’t? What actually matters in preparing athletes to perform? We cover all of this and more in today’s episode. Topics covered include: Building Buy-In Stabilizing Lifestyles Getting Comfortable with asymmetrical progress…
Mon, 05 Sep 2022 10:50:00 +0000
Episode 181: Flux Training: The Magic Bullet Workout?
What’s new in training? Not much! But, alternations, flux training, lactate dynamics, natural fartleks…or whatever you call it is underutilized in modern training. In this episode, we break down the physiology, psychology, and history of emphasizing and manipulating the recovery portion of the workout to great effect. If you haven’t yet, check out Steve’s new…
Mon, 22 Aug 2022 07:28:00 +0000
Episode 180: Avoiding Training Dead Ends: Methods to Restoring the Winning Balance
Training is about balancing opposing demands: speed and endurance. What happens when you mess up the balance? It’s often a disaster. In this episode, Jon and Steve go through how to find the balance point, and what to do to correct it. If you haven’t yet, check out Steve’s new book: Do Hard Things: Why…
Mon, 15 Aug 2022 07:40:00 +0000
Episode 179: The 10 Timeless Guiding Principles of Distance Running Training
We often get lost in the details. Arguing over the final 1%, whether we should run at lactate threshold or critical velocity? Whether 200s or 300s are best for milers? In this episode we outline 10 timeless principles that stand the test of time. If you follow these, you’ll succeed! Nail the basics! If you…
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 09:21:00 +0000
Episode 178: Running Half Truths: Advice to Be Ignored
Every sport has the items that many of us seem to believe, that are ingrained in the history of the sport, that have no foundation or backing. In this episode, we explore those half-truths. We’re aided by a pamphlet written fifty years ago, with insight that we’ve forgotten. If you haven’t yet, check out Steve’s…
Mon, 01 Aug 2022 08:56:00 +0000
Episode 177: Sympathetic Overdrive- How to Get Out of Stressing Out!
Athletes stress out…a lot! And once you are in stressed mode, it’s hard to get out of it. You can’t sleep hours after competing because your mind is still racing and your body is still buzzing. You can’t let go of the tough loss. It lingers. In this episode, we talk about how to move…
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 09:45:00 +0000
BONUS: Sink or Swim, Survive or Thrive
Welcome to this special bonus issue. Steve does his best revisionist history impression, telling you the story of Paul Bear Bryant’s famous Junction Boys football camp, while discussing the origins of ‘old school toughness.’ This is adapted from his new book Do Hard Things, which you can check out wherever books are sold. It’s currently…
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 18:19:54 +0000
Episode 176: Individualizing Training in Larger Settings
Individualizing training is easy at the professional level. You’ve got a handful of athletes, all very good, and can adjust as needed. In larger settings, it’s much more difficult. The athlete’s abilities are spread out, there’s only one of you, and practice can be more akin to herding cats. In this episode, we explore how…
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 07:45:00 +0000
Episode 175: Fast Losers-Racing vs. Time Trialing
Racing is a skill. How do we get comfortable in a pack? Running from the front, or perhaps stuck in the back? How do you deal with the rising tension of a tactical race? Steve and Jon discuss all of this in more in helping your athletes develop the skills of racing! If you haven’t…
Mon, 04 Jul 2022 07:32:00 +0000
Episode 174: How to Do Hard Things: The Art of Suffering
How do you handle pain, fatigue, and discomfort? Do you look for a hole to step into or do you work your way through? In this episode, we discuss Steve’s new book Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and The Surprising Science of Real Toughness. The book is out and available now! If…
Mon, 20 Jun 2022 08:59:00 +0000
Episode 173: The Difference Between Extraordinary and Mediocre
What game are you playing? We all may think we are all running the same race. A 1,500m race in high school is the same as in college, and the same as in the pro’s. That’s incorrect. In this week’s episode, we use an obscure book on tennis, written by the developer of Intercontinental Ballistic…
Mon, 13 Jun 2022 07:32:00 +0000
Episode 172: The Importance of Leaving Room to Grow
One piece of advice I always give coaches is: Always have somewhere to go. The younger your athletes, the more important this is. We should leave room to develop and grow. In this episode, we take on the debate on whether we should maximize everything, or if we should leave something in the tank for…
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 07:18:00 +0000
Episode 171: The Headcase phenomenon: Stop Blaming Athletes for Poor Performance
“He’s a headcase!” We’ve all heard it as coaches. Maybe we’ve even said it. In this episode, Jon and Steve discuss why this is the wrong approach to take. It’s a self-limiting mindset, that allows the coach to blame the athlete, shirk responsibility, and in doing so defer their responsibility to help figure out what’s…
Tue, 31 May 2022 06:56:00 +0000
Episode 170: Everyone is an Outlier
We are all an experiment of 1! We often talk about individualization in coaching. In this episode, we talk about the contrast between applying your training program to a group, versus adapting your training program to the individual. We discuss how to let go of your preferred philosophy and try something different. Steve & Jon…
Mon, 16 May 2022 09:07:00 +0000
Episode 169: Developing Performance Flexibility: How to prepare adaptive athletes to deliver when it counts
If running is going bad do you feel crushed? In this episode, we discuss the importance of letting go, of diversifying your sense of identity, in order to free you up to perform. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And we’ve added a new…
Mon, 09 May 2022 08:38:00 +0000
Episode 168: The Dunning-Krueger Effect on Steroids: How a Narrow World View Holds You and Your Athletes Back
How does your viewpoint impact your coaching? In this episode, we discuss how sometimes we get comfortable employing the same style of training, and it makes it where we aren’t open to considering or exploring new ideas. In this episode, we talk about how to keep open-minded, to adopt an explorers mindset Steve & Jon…
Mon, 02 May 2022 08:54:00 +0000
Episode 167: What’s worth doing even if you fail? — How to be brave, take risks, stretch your comfort zone, and avoid manufacturing certainty.
Often, in racing we play it safe. We don’t take the risk. We focus on times instead of competing. In this episode, we talk about how to be brave in racing. How do we train athletes to take appropriate risks, to go for it, to attempt the breakthrough. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The…
Mon, 18 Apr 2022 10:44:00 +0000
Episode 166: Everything we got wrong coaching Women. And a few things we got right.
In this episode, we take on an important but difficult topic: the differences between coaching men and women. In this episode, we cover differences in biology and psychology, and how that impacts what you do in training. From handling bodily shifts and changes and creating appropriate expectations, to understanding the impact of comparison and competition.…
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 10:30:00 +0000
Episode 165: The Rocky Road to the Top: Embrace the Mess of Training.
Training is messy. Progress is not linear. In this episode, we get real. We talk about the messiness of training. How do we handle setbacks, what do we do when things go wrong, and when a workout is going rough? We cover it all in this week’s episode! Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The…
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 10:19:00 +0000
Episode 164: How much of your training should not be running?
In the 1960’s Percy Cerutty made the claim that 1/3 of your training should be non-running. Does this hold up or not as a useful heuristic? In this episode, we examine the training aspects outside of running to see where they fit in, and what they may entail. From weights to hills to bounding to…
Mon, 21 Mar 2022 06:52:00 +0000
Episode 163: Biggest Bang for Your Buck: Training and Workouts that Build You Up Without Breaking You Down
What workouts give you the biggest bang for your buck? In this episode, we go through the best workouts for the mid-distance, track distance, and long distance races. What workout has the biggest bang for your buck for aerobic or anaerobic development? We’ve got you covered. Learn why Jon says, “when you don’t know what…
Mon, 14 Mar 2022 06:43:00 +0000
Episode 162: Dumbification Immunization — How to not be a dumb coach & why it’s important
How do you know what’s right? Do you buy into a particular program or coaching style, neglecting anything that runs counter? Or do you get lost in the complexity of training? In this episode, we go back through history, looking at how coaching and training evolved so that we can better understand how to deal…
Mon, 07 Mar 2022 07:28:00 +0000
Episode 161: How to become a Nuanced Thinker and level up your coaching
Too often in coaching, we get stuck. We tie ourselves to one training method, one training system. We approach things from an energy systems model, neglecting the biomechanical, neuromuscular, or psychological. In this episode we discuss how to get unstuck. We need to diversify our thinking, be able to go against our bias. We discuss…
Mon, 21 Feb 2022 10:32:00 +0000
Episode 160: The Down: The missing ingredient to your training
What do you do when an athlete is headed in the wrong direction, when their performance doesn’t match up with their training? You give them a down week. This oft-neglected component to training is essential. Too often, we schedule in down weeks once every 4 weeks, when we should have more flexibility for when we…
Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:23:00 +0000
Episode 159: The Art and Science of Workout Design
How do we desing workouts? Designing workouts is something we all have to do, but there’s a science to it. In this episode, we go through how manipulating rest, interval length, speed, and more impact the adaptation an athlete has to a workout. It’s one of those nerd out type podcasts, so get on board!…
Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:48:00 +0000
Episode 158: Positive Illusions- How they can hurt or help performance
In this episode, we look at some of our cognitive biases that can help or hurt our performance. From optimism bias to our illusion of control, how does our psychology impact our performance. That’s what we cover! Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education. And…
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 10:18:00 +0000
Episode 157: The Floundering Athlete: Ways to Reengage them and Reinvigorate their Performance
What do you do when it all goes wrong? When an athlete is struggling, overtrained, or just not feeling good anymore? In this episode, we provide strategies for how to get athletes back on track from an emotional and psychological standpoint, as well as a training and physiological standpoint. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor…
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:55:00 +0000
Episode 156: Does what you’re measuring actually matter?
In this episode, we take on the importance and value of measurement. Should you wear a GPS watch, measure HRV, heart rate, power, or lactate? We break down the balance you need to have between measurement and feel. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop-shop for all things coaches education.…
Mon, 17 Jan 2022 08:42:00 +0000
Episode 155: Getting the Most Out of People: How to inspire, encourage, and sustain excellence
How do we get the most out of our athletes? How do we help them get as close to their potential as possible? In this podcast, we talk about striving for excellence and giving people the freedom to perform. Steve and Jon outline the attributes needed and what we should do as coaches to develop…
Mon, 20 Dec 2021 11:41:00 +0000
Episode 154: The Ultimate Coach: A little bit rebel, a little bit scientist.
Coaching is about balancing contrasting forces, the coach who relies on intuition and feel with the part of you who relies on objective data and science. The best coaches in history, from Lyrdiard to Cerutty to Bowerman, find a happy middle place, knowing when to stick with history and what’s worked, and when to push…
Mon, 13 Dec 2021 11:10:00 +0000
Episode 153: Athlete Profiling: Accelerant to Performance development
Athlete + Event = Training Model. We don’t train for events, we coach athletes, with their unique abilities, to be able to take on an event. In this episode we dive into how to classify different athletes based on their physiology and psychology. This athlete profiling will help determine what type of workouts you do,…
Tue, 07 Dec 2021 23:09:43 +0000
Episode 152: The Science of Training Loads- Developmental, Retentive, Restorative
We tend to simplify training into either hard workouts or easy days. In this episode, we bring you the nuance of training. Instead of hard and easy, we like to classify training as either building, maintaining, or restoring. You’ll learn why Canova includes a lot of ‘in-between’ moderate days. And why Alan Webb’s ‘easy days…
Mon, 29 Nov 2021 11:10:00 +0000
Episode 151: Belief Building: The X Factor to Success
You can have the perfect training plan, but it won’t work unless you have buy-in. In this episode, we break down the keys to getting trust, buy-in and belief with your athletes. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program is our one-stop shop for all things coaches education. Join the Scholar Program! From…
Mon, 22 Nov 2021 11:56:00 +0000
Episode 150: Innovative training methods that can take your preparation to the next level.
Famed high school coach Joe Newton used to have his team run for 45 minutes, take a 5min break, run for 30 minutes, another 5-minute break, and finally run for 15 more minutes. Ninety minutes of total running, but split up. It’s an idea that few other teams copied, yet seems to have helped York…
Mon, 15 Nov 2021 11:33:00 +0000
Episode 149: Peak Performance Checklist: Everything you need to be ready for the big day
What does it take to perform on race day? The physical components are the easy part. But setting someone up to have the right expectations, the correct mindset, to be able to choose to the difficult path when you’re mind is yelling at you to quit, is often the difference-maker. In this episode, we outline…
Mon, 08 Nov 2021 17:25:00 +0000
Episode 148: Phasing Out the Long Run: How, When, Why?
The long run is a staple of the runner’s diet. In this episode, we explore how the long run became a weekly staple and whether that still holds true. We dive into the function and physiology of the long run, and how you may want to gradually wind it down as the season comes to…
Mon, 18 Oct 2021 11:34:00 +0000
Episode 147: The Science of Training Management: Managing the messiness of the training process compared to the neatness of training plan
Training is messy. You are dealing with human beings. In this episode we dive into adaptability, aiming for mastery, and giving your athletes autonomy to grow and develop. How do we manage the messiness of competing and racing and not just fall for the temptation of the training plan. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor…
Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:03:00 +0000
Episode 146: Law of the Minimum: A Better Way to Think About Training
Leibig’s Law of the Minimum states that “growth is dictated not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resource.” In this episode we discuss how to identity your limiting factor and what to do about it. Our limiting factor shifts as you adapt to training. That’s the reason why the same training for an…
Mon, 04 Oct 2021 10:55:00 +0000
Episode 145: Amazing Workouts, Awful Races
How many times have you had an athlete who has fantastic workouts, yet when it comes to race day, it’s like a different runner shows up? In this episode, Jon and Steve dive into what is going on here. Why did what’s going on in practice not translate? From not having time to absorb the…
Tue, 28 Sep 2021 10:42:00 +0000
Episode 144: How to Deal with Failure
How do you handle failure? Do you freak out, let your anger get the best of you, or wallow in despair? Failure is a normal and expected part of racing. In fact, we ‘fail’ far more often than we succeed. In this episode, we dive into how to create an environment that frees athletes up…
Mon, 13 Sep 2021 08:06:00 +0000
Episode 143: Training and Racing in Heat and Humidity
How do you survive heat and humidity? In this week’s episode, we delve into the science and practice of training in hot and humid conditions. From heat acclimatization and strategies to mitigate the deleterious effects of heat and humidity, we keep you informed on the latest research and best practices. Steve & Jon Visit our…
Mon, 06 Sep 2021 08:08:00 +0000
Episode 142: Coaching an Olympic Medalist- A conversation with coach Danny Mackey
In this episode, we welcome coach Danny Mackey to the show to discuss the training and preparation of Olympic Bronze medalist Josh Kerr. We dive into everything that went into preparing Josh for the games. From the training decisions, and workouts leading into the race to the psychology. How did he prepare Josh for the…
Mon, 30 Aug 2021 07:56:00 +0000
Episode 141: The Science of Warm-Ups and Cool Downs
Warming up should be simple. Go jog around for a bit, do some drills and strides and you’re ready to go. In this episode we break down the science of two staples of running that are often afterthoughts. You’ll learn how warm-ups and cool downs aren’t just about priming your body to perform and then…
Mon, 16 Aug 2021 11:24:00 +0000
Episode 140: The Power of Reflection- Looking back at dumb stuff we used to do.
We are taking a trip back into the time machine. It’s time to look back at training and coaching that we used to do, that we now look back upon and ask “what in the world were we thinking?” This weeks episode is about reflection. Not only to laugh at our ignorance, but to learn…
Mon, 09 Aug 2021 11:23:00 +0000
Episode 139: Why a perfectionist mindset is holding you and your athletes back.
In this week’s episode we dive into how our striving to get better, to perfect every single thing may actually be holding us back. We dive into the disease of overplanning, what occurs when we chase the minutia and the distinction between fragile and robust athletes. Steve & Jon Visit our Sponsor The Scholar Program…
Wed, 21 Jul 2021 09:49:00 +0000
Episode 138: Big Meet Readiness- Preparing to Perform
How do you get prepared for the big meet? It’s not only about physical preparedness, but also your mental and decision making framework. In this episode, we cover everything from understanding and setting up your psychological framework to priming for performance to making better decisions. Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned: The OODA Loop by John…
Mon, 05 Jul 2021 18:13:44 +0000
Episode 137: Fatigue and the Bear Jumping On Your Back
We’ve all been there before. The bear jumps on our back in the final 200 meters. Our legs turn to lead and cease to function. What’s going on when the bear jumps on our back? In this episode we explore fatigue related to acidosis, H+, and more. And as always, tell you how to deal…
Tue, 29 Jun 2021 22:40:16 +0000
Episode 136: Hitting the Wall- Navigating Fatigue in Longer Races
Hitting the wall is a dreaded experience in the marathon. Your body runs out of energy and you feel like you are fighting your muscles every step. But what’s really going on? We don’t actually run out of energy. In this episode we dive DEEP into the physiology of hitting the wall and more importantly…
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 10:03:00 +0000
Episode 135: Performance Turnaround- How to Get Your Racing Back on Track
What do we do when it’s all going wrong? When an athlete seems to be headed in the wrong direction? In this weeks podcast we dive into how to get performance back on track. Do we take a week off, run easy for a while, change the workouts? Jon and Steve explore all the ways…
Mon, 14 Jun 2021 10:27:00 +0000
Episode 134: Improving is Really Hard!
In our early days or running, improvement comes easy! A little bit of training and our performance improves. We get fooled into thinking work and improvement are directly correlated. This is great for getting us to put in the work, but what happens when improvement slows down, when it becomes a jagged line? Do we…
Mon, 31 May 2021 13:45:13 +0000
Episode 133: Track and Field: A Multibillion Dollar Sleeping Giant
It’s time for a state of the sport check-in. In this episode, Jon and Steve take on the sleeping giant that is the sport of track and field. We discuss how to improve it, what we are missing, and how we need to change the narrative. From big ideas to small tweaks that we all…
Wed, 05 May 2021 16:55:29 +0000
Episode 132: The Coaches Guide to Sports Psychology
As coaches, we obsess over the X’s and O’s. Did we get the training just right? But often it’s the mental side of the sport that makes much of the difference. In this episode we dive into what coaches need to know about sports psychology. We cover everything from anxiety, choking, motivation, and understanding our…
Mon, 19 Apr 2021 15:33:44 +0000
Episode 131: Workouts, Workouts, Workouts! What, How, and Why.
In this episode we dive into the bread and butter of coaching runners, designing and implementing workouts. Jon and Steve discuss their favourite marathon, middle-distance, and 5k-10k workouts. What are they? When should you utilize them? Who are they for? If you love diving into the details of workout creation, this episode is for you.…
Tue, 06 Apr 2021 11:21:00 +0000
Episode 130: When Is it Time to Pull the Plug?
Coaching is easy when everything is going smoothly. But how do we know when to pull the plug on an athletes workout or season? What do we do when an athlete is struggling in a workout? Do we give them more rest, adjust the pace, or pull the plug? When a season is going in…
Mon, 15 Mar 2021 03:40:05 +0000
Episode 129: Getting Race Ready- Preparing to Perform After A Layoff
How do you get ready to race after a long layoff? This might be something that you may be facing do to COVID or coming back from injury. In this episode we dive into how to get back into the groove of racing! Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned in the Podcast Bill Bowerman’s High Performance…
Mon, 01 Mar 2021 00:23:12 +0000
Episode 128: Key Markers of Highly Effective Training:
What’s effective training? What workouts are the best for improving endurance, speed, fatigued resistance? In this episode, we dive into how to determined what effective training is, and how we define effective training. Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned in the Podcast Bill Bowerman’s High Performance Training Visit our Sponsor We’ve just launched a new course…
Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:10:46 +0000
Episode 127: Training Stimulus Threshold and Recoverability: The reason why you aren’t running as fast as you can.
Everyone is different. We all recover at different rates for different workouts. In this episode, we explore why some athletes need work work, why others need more recovery, and how to identify and modulate your training to give each athlete what they need. Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned in the Podcast Athletic Development by Vern…
Sun, 31 Jan 2021 16:56:56 +0000
Episode 126: Strength Training Outside of the Weigh Room
Strength training can occur anywhere. It’s not dependent on the weight room. In this episode we explore ways to develop strength and power outside of the weight room. From utilizing sprints and hills to bounding, plyos, and throwing around heavy objects outside, we cover ways in which runners can develop strength outside of the traditional…
Sun, 17 Jan 2021 22:13:10 +0000
Episode 125: Making Adjustments to Training
You’re at the track, watching a workout, when all of the sudden it starts to go south. Athletes are missing their splits, first by a few seconds, then by more and more. Do you pull the plug? Increase the recovery? Shorten the repeats? In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast, we dive into when,…
Mon, 28 Dec 2020 13:55:28 +0000
Episode 124: Increasing Mileage: When, Why, and How.
Should you follow the 10% rule for increasing mileage? Are you destined to be injured if you increase mileage too quickly? In this podcast we tackle all of the questions around mileage. How much, what does it do, when should we increase it, and much more. Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned in the Podcast Running…
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 09:52:01 +0000
Episode 123: Why Coaches Matter Now More Than Ever
The title says it all: we need coaches! Why? Coaches are there to not only motivate but to provide perspective. Whether you coach at the high school, college, or professional level, coaches spend more time with athletes than that athlete spends with any teacher, professor, or anyone else outside of those they live with. The…
Mon, 07 Dec 2020 14:12:34 +0000
Episode 122: Periodization in the Good Times and Bad.
Periodization sounds complex, but it’s really just how we plan and organize our training. Do you build a big base and then go short and fast with speedwork? Or employ a blended or mixed system? In this episode we break down periodization and discuss how to use it not only when things are going well,…
Sun, 08 Nov 2020 23:19:09 +0000
Episode 121: You’re not working hard enough and you’re not recovering deep enough.
Hard days hard, easy days easy. How much validity does that saying have? How hard should our hard workouts be? Should we jog slowly on recovery days or make them steady? In this episode, we dive into the balance between hard workouts and recovery days. Steve & Jon Resources Mentioned in the Podcast The Stress…
Sun, 27 Sep 2020 19:25:25 +0000
Episode 120: Peak Fitness vs. Peak Performance
What’s it mean to be fit? What about to perform? Is there a meaningful difference? In this episode, Steve and Jon explore the continuum from fitness to performance. As we make our way from fitness to performance, the psychological demands shift. From high control to low. From low threat to high. Give this episode a…
Mon, 14 Sep 2020 10:36:00 +0000
Episode 119: Upgrading Lactate Dynamics: A Key to Running Faster Longer
What’s it mean to improve the lactate threshold? What about lactate buffering capacity? In this episode, John and Steve take you down the rabbit hole of workouts designed to improve every part of the lactate curve. You’ll learn why traditional tempo runs push the lactate curve up, but you can also pull the curve. You’ll…
Sun, 30 Aug 2020 10:00:00 +0000
Episode 118: The Future of College Sports and the NCAA
The NCAA and college sports are in disarray. Facing a mass pandemic, postponement and cancelation of fall sports, and a growing understanding by the athletes the leverage that they have. With many of us wondering what in the world is the future of college sports, this week we brough on an expert, Dr. Roger Pielke…
Mon, 17 Aug 2020 10:35:00 +0000
Episode 117: Development Part 2- Middle Distance Training
The Middle Distance Events. That combination of speed and endurance makes them one of the most enjoyable but also challenging events to train for or coach. In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges of training for the 800m and 1,500m.We walk you through: The wisdom of Percy Cerutty on coaching the mid-distance events.…
Mon, 10 Aug 2020 10:16:00 +0000
Episode 116: Endurance Development- Part 1
It’s time for a deep dive into training. This week begins a multi-part series on the development of an athlete. We start with the intake process and deciding where to go with the athlete, and move on to what kind of training the athlete should do. For this week, we focus on the 5k and…
Mon, 27 Jul 2020 09:41:00 +0000
Episode 115: Fartleks, Alternations and the Lost Workout Style
Fartleks, the wonderful invention of Gusta Holmer in the 1930’s, is something we are all familiar with. Run hard for a minute, jog for a minute, repeat twenty times. But in today’s world where everything is measured and coaches rely on that feedback to adjust workloads, the fartlek is becoming a lost art. In this…
Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:41:00 +0000
Episode 114: Do Fast Times Transfer to Being Competitive
Do the fastest athletes always win? The ones who come in with the best seed time. The athlete who threw down that fast mile at Mt. Sac or a blazing 5k at Stanford? If not, how come? In episode 114, we explore the world of racing. What does it mean to be competitive and can…
Mon, 13 Jul 2020 10:41:00 +0000
Episode 113: Being Fit Doesn’t Mean Running Fast
“He’s really fit! They’re going to run really well!” How many times have you heard a coach excitedly proclaim that, only to see their athlete perform poorly? It happens to all of us. We’re left scratching our heads after the race. They were crushing workouts, we might think. How could they not put it together?…
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 11:21:00 +0000
Episode 112: The Myth of Losing Speed
One of my pet peeves when discussing endurance work is the concept of losing speed. In the middle distance world, this concept of losing speed is widespread. Go to any coaching conference, hang around enough coaches, or just talk to your athletes and you’ll hear this concept over and over. It’s used as an argument…
Mon, 22 Jun 2020 09:41:00 +0000
Episode 111: Top Mistakes Highly Motivated Athletes Make and Why
Highly motivated athletes are the best to coach. You don’t have to worry if they got their run or workout in, they are always eager to train, perform, and do what’s necessary to get better. But, there are pitfalls that even the most well-intentioned athletes need to be aware of. The higher the motivation, the…
Mon, 15 Jun 2020 10:48:00 +0000
Episode 110: Endurance Speed or Speed Endurance? Which approach should we take?
Should we start with speed first or endurance? Do you start with a large base of easy running before layering on the speed work, or do we start with running fast before extending it? Those are the questions we tackle during this weeks On Coaching Podcast. Highlights include: What lens are you seeing training through?…
Mon, 08 Jun 2020 08:11:00 +0000
Episode 109: The Fine Line Between Serious and Obsessive
Are you serious, committed, willing to put in all the work? If so, you’re a coaches dream. But your commitment can hold you back if it comes from the wrong place. In episode 109, we discuss the difference between being serious and obsessive about your craft and how that impacts your long term development. Topics…
Mon, 01 Jun 2020 10:56:00 +0000
Episode 108: Secrets Revealed- Developing Championship Runners
In episode 108, we dive into what it takes to become a championship level athlete, whether that championship is at the high school state meet, the NCAA championships, or a national or international title. covered include: The importance of developing the athlete, the person staring back at you. Raising the Floor versus Ceiling It matters…
Sun, 24 May 2020 14:14:13 +0000
Episode 107: A Track and Field New World Order: Make Track Great Again
In episode 107, we dive into what the sport will look like when we emerge from our current pandemic, and how it will have to change. We dive into a slew of topics, aimed at re-imagining our sport. Major sports (NFL,NBA, MLB) change their rules and playoff structures while keeping their history intact, how do…
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 13:25:57 +0000
Episode 106: The Hot Hand and The Science of Streaks: A Discussion with Ben Cohen
In episode 106, we bring on author Ben Cohen to have a discussion on streaks, the role of science and expertise in decision making, and our propensity to see patterns where they may not exist. His new book, The Hot Hand, is a fantastic read. We hope you enjoy the discussion, as it’s filled with…
Sun, 05 Apr 2020 22:33:37 +0000
Episode 105: Clarity is Power: Coaching, Training, and Achieving During Difficult Times
Normally running is an achievement-focused sport. We’re trying to win races and run PR’s. We’re not going to have any achievement opportunities for the foreseeable future. How do we frame running and keep athletes motivated when achievement isn’t on the horizon. In this podcast we discuss: Adopting the “Old” model of racing and competition. How…
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 15:13:29 +0000
Episode 104: What to Do During Adverse and Challenging Times: A Runner’s Guide to COVID-19
Adversity, challenge, tough times; all experiences that we proclaim sport teaches us how to manage. Well, now is the time to put that experience into action. While we’re talking specifically about dealing with the cancellations, shut-downs, and disruption of life caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), in this episode we want to explore how we can…
Thu, 12 Mar 2020 20:53:06 +0000
Episode 103: Why You Shouldn’t Train Like a Pro…Unless You’re a Pro
In episode 103, we explore why training knowledge seems to come from the top down. We take our training cues from the top and then water down the training for our college, high school, and recreational athletes. Is that the right way to do it? We argue no. In this episode, we explore: Why we…
Tue, 04 Feb 2020 01:12:42 +0000
Episode 102: High Volume AND High Speed Training
In episode 102 of the On Coaching Podcast we take on the never-ending argument over volume versus intensity of training. We go back into the history books to look at the poster children of high volume training and high-intensity training to try to get to the root of the argument. A few key takeaways include:…
Mon, 13 Jan 2020 23:21:21 +0000
Episode 101: Interview with Tony Holler
In episode 101 of the On Coaching Podcast we bring on special guest Tony Holler. Tony is a succesful high-school sprint coach who’s teams have won three state titles. He is known for his “Feed the Cats” program where he focuses on what matters in sprinting and keeping athletes engaged in the training. In this…
Wed, 04 Dec 2019 15:49:39 +0000
Episode 100: Strength & Conditioning with Alan Bishop
In episode 100 of the On Coaching Podcast we bring on special guest Alan Bishop. Alan is the strength and conditioning coach for the University of Houston men’s basketball program. In this wide-ranging conversation, we tackle everything from nutrition to what a proper squat looks like to developing buy-in. We go from the physiological to…
Wed, 06 Nov 2019 18:11:28 +0000
Episode 99: Is it all about the shoes?
Is it all about the shoes? In this episode, we look at how recent shoe technology has changed the marathon. Is it all hype or is their substance to it? We dive into the research on the performance benefits and look at the performance of Kipchoge, Kosgei, and the American athletes for clues on how…
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 14:50:51 +0000
Episode 98: Models of Training That Make You Fast
Lydiard, Daniels, Maffetone, Canova, Pfaff, Tellez. In the world of running, we tend to throw out names of well-known coaches and say that we train utilizing their method. Their model of training. But what often happens is that a coaches method gets simplified to the extreme. Lydiard becomes about 100 mile weeks. Daniels becomes about…
Wed, 09 Oct 2019 14:06:47 +0000
Episode 97: Fatigue, Speedwork, Racing, and More
It’s time for a throwback episode. When we started this podcast it was about two coaches having a conversation. Join us for a discussion on all things performance as we talk about what we are struggling with as coaches, what we’re reading, and how we are trying to innovate in our own coaching. We cover…
Wed, 04 Sep 2019 15:03:37 +0000
Episode 96: A Real Talk Rant on Scholarships, Formulaic Coaching, and Core Values
This episode of the On Coaching podcast is my favorite type. A rant on hot topics in the coaching and sports world. Our goal is to give you the truth, the behind the scenes answers without any fluff. We start off with Athletic Scholarships. We cover everything from how difficult it is to obtain one,…
Mon, 08 Jul 2019 19:43:14 +0000
Episode 95: Playing Hurt- Understanding the Nuance of Injury.
Injuries are the bane of any coach or athlete. They derail our seasons and sometimes our careers. In theory, injuries are relatively easy to deal with. Rest, recover, take time off. But in reality, coaches and athletes are met with much more uncertainty. Can we “train” through a bout of tendonitis? When do we pull…
Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:29:30 +0000
Episode 94: Is Peaking a Myth?
Peaking! Do we drop the volume and intensity a bit and hope that our performance skyrockets? Or do we perform an exacting sequence of workouts designed to get you ready for race day? There are a lot of misconceptions on what exactly peaking entails. At its most basic level, it’s simply about putting the athlete…
Tue, 28 May 2019 13:55:33 +0000
Episode 93: The Biggest Mistakes Coaches Are Making Today
It’s time for a moment of reflection on the coaching profession. What are the things we are doing well? What can we improve on? What are some of the things we are doing now that we might look back upon in 30 years and wonder why we did that training? Coaching is a process of…
Wed, 08 May 2019 16:26:23 +0000
Episode 92: How to Crawl Out of the Burnout Hole
Note: Today is the last day to get exclusive running bonuses with the purchase of my new book, THE PASSION PARADOX! Check them out here. On this episode, we take on a very important topic, digging ourselves out of burnout. Both Jon and I have suffered through the ills of burnout. What we’ve found is…
Wed, 03 Apr 2019 01:40:58 +0000
Episode 91: Airing of The Grievances on Track and Field with Mario Fraioli
Note: Today is the last day to get exclusive running bonuses with the purchase of my new book, THE PASSION PARADOX! Check them out here. On this weeks episode, we bring in a special guest, Mario Fraioli of The Morning Shakeout to discuss the IAAF’s latest rule changes, how it impacts the Us Olympic Trials,…
Sat, 23 Mar 2019 20:45:35 +0000
Episode 90: David Epstein on All Things Performance, Drive, Passion, And Range.
A special episode of the On Coaching Podcast featuring NYT bestselling author David Epstein. In this wide-ranging conversation covering all things performance, we start off by discussing my new book The Passion Paradox and the similarities with David’s new book Range. From there we dive deep into the psychology of performance before ending on a…
Sat, 16 Mar 2019 16:02:32 +0000
Episode 89: On Burnout. + A Tangent on Reading
In this weeks On Coaching Podcast, we get into the details of burnout, both as a coach and an athlete. It’s easy to fall for the effort trap. Where we convince ourselves that out working others is the key to success, and that we have the capability to push through anything to do so. Such…
Sat, 09 Mar 2019 18:35:45 +0000
Episode 88: How Social Media and the Internet Influences Coaching and Performance
In this weeks On Coaching Podcast, we cover how social media influences performance. The ever-growing influence of social media and our online interactions change how our athletes (and our selfs!) relate to performing. Our comparison point has changed. We now have to judge ourselves against a never-ending supply of ‘friends’ on Instagram and Facebook. Our…
Fri, 15 Feb 2019 17:27:40 +0000
Episode 87: There are NO Magic Training Intensities
In the endurance world, we’ve come to believe that there are certain intensities or paces that do more than others! If we run at these specific zones, we will improve, and if we run bit too fast or too slow, we are in a grey zone where workouts don’t help as much. VO2max, Lactate Threshold,…
Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:49:50 +0000
Episode 86: Workouts Don’t Matter as Much as You Think
When it comes to training, workouts seem like the be all end all. As coaches, we obsess over the details of each repeat, or when we should perform tempo runs or short intervals. Workouts are what we worry about. Yet, how much does it matter? In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast, we discuss…
Tue, 15 Jan 2019 02:28:30 +0000
Episode 85: Committing to Your Own Development
Are you taking the time to get to where you want to be? In today’s instant gratification world, we want to be great NOW! Not in a couple years, but as soon as possible. As we strive for the top of our field or our job, are we missing some crucial development pieces? In this…
Thu, 27 Dec 2018 18:58:45 +0000
Episode 84: Finding the Fatal Flaw that is Holding You Back
What holds you back? What keeps you from performing to the best of your ability? That’s the topic of this weeks On Coaching Podcast with Magness & Marcus. We dive into identifying and then fixing the common issues we see in athletes that prevent them from taking that next step in performance. And, as you’ll…
Tue, 11 Dec 2018 21:28:12 +0000
Episode 83: Breaking Through- The Reality of the Ups and Downs of Performance
Breakthroughs. It’s what keeps many of us going. The knowledge (and hope) that a leap in performance is just around the corner. But what do performance breakthroughs look like? Are there signs that a breakthrough might be around the corner? In this weeks On Coaching Podcast, Jon and Steve take a deep dive into the…
Wed, 21 Nov 2018 01:30:33 +0000
Episode 82: How Do You Define Success in Workouts and Races?
In this weeks episode of On Coaching, we tackle how to define success (or failure) in workouts and races. Far too often we operate in a time or performance framework. We judge a workout based on whether we ran faster than was written on the paper. How we define success has a direct impact on…
Sat, 20 Oct 2018 01:07:06 +0000
Episode 81: Embracing Failure with Brian Barraza
This weeks guest is elite runner Brian Barraza. Brian rose from a solid high school runner to the top of the ranks in the NCAA. In this wide-ranging conversation, we discuss how Brian dealt with failure on the biggest stage, the coping strategies he utilizes to get through the pain and discomfort of racing, and…
Tue, 21 Aug 2018 15:47:41 +0000
Episode 80: High School Coaching- How we would do it differently
In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast we go back in time, to our high school coaching days. Both of us got our start coaching in the high school ranks and we take a look back at what we got right, what we would change, and the challenges that coaches now face. We cover…
Sun, 12 Aug 2018 14:41:45 +0000
Episode 79: Mastering the Mental Game: An interview with Len Zaichkowsky and Dan Peterson
The Inner Game: Decision Making, Choking, Focus and Attention, Skill acquisition: All of that and more on this weeks episode of the On Coaching Podcast with Magness & Marcus. We have renowned sports psychologist Leonard Zaichkowsky and mental performance consultant Dan Peterson on to provide a deep dive on the cognitive demands of the sport.…
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 00:25:23 +0000
Episode 78: The Difference Between Good and Great
What does it take to be great? What about just good? When it comes to performance, we all start near the bottom. Being “okay” or average, but then we make jumps along the way. How far up the ladder do we go and what allows us to make those jumps? In this episode of On…
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 14:44:20 +0000
Episode 77: You Can’t Force Improvement
You can’t force Fitness! In this weeks episode we talk about the trap of trying to force our way to racing fast. It’s a tempting trap to fall into. Train the athlete for how fast they want to be, not who they currently are. Yet, what we’ve noticed as coaches is the minute you start…
Tue, 03 Jul 2018 16:03:19 +0000
Episode #76: Transitions, Ego, and Racing with 3:56 miler Daniel Herrera
We have a special guest for this week’s episode, Daniel Herrera. Dan is a 3:56 miler who trains under Jon Marcus at High Performance West. In this episode, Dan talks all about transitions, in coaching, life, and training. Dan drops a lot of knowledge and provides a unique perspective on running and racing. What was…
Wed, 23 May 2018 19:22:18 +0000
Episode #75: The Easy Days: How far, how fast, how much?
It’s all about recovery! On this episode we take on the topic of easy days. The oft neglected cousing to the more “important” hard workouts, easy days are essential for improving performance. We have a tendency to “check the box” and the only consideration we take is how much mileage we need. In this podcast…
Thu, 10 May 2018 15:57:50 +0000
On Coaching #74: Alex Hutchinson-“The goal isn’t to go faster…the goal is to feel better doing it.”
Special Guest Alex Hutchinson has written the defining book on endurance and fatigue. His latest book Endure is a must read that blends storytelling and science to explain the intricacies of fatigue. In this weeks episode, Alex takes us through not only the surprising insight of his book but to his own athletic career. While…
Fri, 27 Apr 2018 03:19:37 +0000
On Coaching #73: “Keep Showing Up”- Lessons from the Boston Marathon
In this special episode of the On Coaching Podcast, we dive into the lessons learned from the recent Boston Marathon. First, we take you through the race from a coaches point of view. What does preparation look like, how do you train for Boston versus other marathons. Then, we dive into the lessons that Desi…
Tue, 17 Apr 2018 17:39:43 +0000
On Coaching #72: The Intangibles: Can You Develop the “It” Factor
When someone has “it” you know it when you see it. It’s hard to explain, and even more difficult to wrap your head around, but “it” often refers to the intangibles. The unmeasurable quality that we often use to describe individuals who are able to make the difficult seem plausible. In this episode, we delve…
Wed, 11 Apr 2018 20:32:30 +0000
On Coaching #71: Does Science Constrain Coaching?
In this weeks episode, Jon and Steve go on a rant. How do we utilize science in coaching? Inspired by a twitter rant, we start off taking on the bioenergetic or metabolic view of coaching. As endurance coaches, we almost always start with “How aerobic or anaerobic is your event?” Go to any conference or…
Wed, 04 Apr 2018 21:21:06 +0000
Episode 70: The Anatomy of a Medal- An Interview with Danny Mackey
A silver medal at the world championships and a 30-year old athlete who makes theirfirst world team and then places in the top 8. In this episode of On Coaching we bring in friend and coach Danny Mackey. Danny is the coach for the Brooks Beasts and guided Drew Windle to a medal and Katie Mackey…
Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:58:04 +0000
Episode 69- The Long Run: How far, how fast, and do you need it?
This weeks episode is all about the long run! How far should it be for each event? Should it be slow or fast? Should you include pickups, surges, intervals, or other ‘stuff’ in it or not? We break down the details of what is often called “the church of the Sunday long run.” In the…
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 14:27:06 +0000
Episode 68- Threshold Training: Good or Bad? And what in the world is it?
Lactate, Anaerobic, Aerobic Threshold? What do any of them mean and are they useful training zones? In this episode Jon and Steve break down what in the world threshold actually means for coaches. In addition, we debate whether or not we should sped much time training at marathon pace or if it is a “grey”…
Wed, 28 Feb 2018 01:26:34 +0000
Episode 67- Winning: The Art and Science of Competing
  This week, we are all about winning! When it comes to racing, there are two kinds of racers: The active participants and the passive ones. 75% of the people in any track meet are simply role players. Even if they are fit enough to compete, they defer control of the race to the active…
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 20:00:34 +0000
Episode 66-Interview with Alan Webb: How he trained to run a 3:46 mile
This week, we welcome a very special guest and good friend, Alan Webb. As many of you know, Alan is the fastest American miler to ever walk the planet. He’s run the fastest mile in the 21st century. To reach that level, he and his coach at the time, Scott Razcko, had to break new…
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:24:46 +0000
Episode #65-Interview with Lauren Fleshman On Coaching
This week, we have a special guest, Lauren Fleshman. Lauren is a modern day polymath, excelling as a runner, activists, entrepreneurs, business owner, and of course, a coach. In this episode, we dive into Lauren’s coaching. We can’t thank Lauren enough for bringing a fresh perspective and valuable insight to the podcast. My notebook is…
Tue, 30 Jan 2018 17:38:28 +0000
Episode 64: Recovery During Workouts
This weeks episode is all about recovery! No, not ice baths, protein, compression boots, and all of that nonsense, but on how much recovery time should you take during workouts? Should I take three minutes between my mile repeats or four? Jogging or standing? How about some exercises in between? We delve into our own…
Fri, 19 Jan 2018 13:27:39 +0000
Episode 63: Everything You Need to Know About the 5k
              It’s time to talk the 5k. We cover everything, from how to approach the training of it (Is it a speed or endurance event? What’s the best type of intervals to improve your 5k?) to what the best race tactics are. In this sprawling conversation, we delve deep…
Sun, 07 Jan 2018 18:28:25 +0000
Episode 62: Our Worst Coaching Blunders in Coaching Middle Distance
In this episode, Jon and I delve into our coaching blunders with middle distance athletes. What mistakes did we make early on and what have we learned from them? Topics covered in this episode include We dive into the misconceptions on speed and power development. How we both messed up plyos when we first introduced…
Thu, 21 Dec 2017 10:41:33 +0000
Episode 61: “If you can’t be great, be good” Coach Mike Smith after winning a National Championship
As promised, we’ve brought back NAU coach Mike Smith to give us insight on how his team won the NCAA Cross-Country Championships. As he did in our previous episode, Mike delivers numerous pearls of wisdom and shows how he has grown and evolved as a coach. He walks us through the week leading up to…
Mon, 27 Nov 2017 18:40:26 +0000
Episode 60: “Don’t Jog!?” Myths on Conditioning for Team Sports
“Don’t jog! Only High intensity interval training!” Outside of the distance running world, these phrases are often thrown around when it comes to development of endurance in team sports or non-running individual sports. Whether it’s the fear of creating slow athletes, or the myth that you can get all of your aerobic bang for your…
Fri, 03 Nov 2017 18:58:31 +0000
Episode 59: Culture and Belonging: Interview with NAU coach Mike Smith
This is a MUST listen episode. In this weeks On Coaching with Magness & Marcus, we bring in NAU coach Mike Smith to talk about team culture and training. In this wide ranging and deep episode, we dive into a number of topics. Starting with how Mike took over a team that was the defending…
Thu, 19 Oct 2017 21:02:12 +0000
Episode 58: What Coaching Methods Have You Outgrown?
Welcome Back! In this episode of On Coaching with Magness & Marcus, it’s time to take on one of the important concepts in coaching: Change! How have we as coaches evolved in our thinking? Jon and I take you through the methods of coaching that we used to hold true to our heart but have…
Fri, 06 Oct 2017 12:32:43 +0000
Episode 57: The Discernment Spectrum: Smart, Intelligent, or Sophisticated
In this episode of On Coaching with Magness & Marcus, we delve into a concept Jon calls “The Discernment Spectrum,” which is: Smart—Intelligent—Sophisticated As we learn a subject or skill, we exist somewhere on this spectrum. Smart only exists in duality– right or wrong–so it represents a basic level of understanding. To be intelligent means…
Tue, 12 Sep 2017 15:00:25 +0000
Episode 56- How To Become A Champion
In this episode of On Coaching, we discuss the amazing book Athletics: How to Become a Champion by Percy Cerutty. Cerutty was the coach of Herb Elliott who was the 1960 Olympic 1,500m Champion and held the world record in the mile at 3:54. In How to Become a Champion, Cerutty wrote a classic text…
Mon, 21 Aug 2017 20:28:29 +0000
Episode 55- The Two Way Street of Coaching: Why learning from our athletes is a must.
In this episode of On Coaching, Jon and I discuss the often skewed coach-athlete dynamic. Traditionally, coaches have been the information purveyors, the power holders, distribtuing knowledg in a one way direction; Coach to athlete. When this dynamic remains, we lose an opportunity to learn. We get stuck in certain patterns; repeating the same types…
Fri, 21 Jul 2017 22:33:44 +0000
Episode 54- A Real Coaching Conversation
On this weeks On Coaching Podcast with Magness & Marcus, we have a special treat for you. We’re bringing you a real conversation. When we were at the US championships, Jon and I sat down at a local coffee shop in Sacramento and pushed record. We recorded a real conversation, nothing manufactured or artificial, no…
Thu, 06 Jul 2017 23:20:58 +0000
Episode 53- The Experience vs. the PowerPoint Coaching Style
Are you a collector of knowledge or a master of application? Take a look at your favorite coach. Chances are if you follow their twitter stream, you think “Man, they have it figured out,” as the coach drops profound insight after insight. Or perhaps, you sat in on their hour long power point presentation, detailing…
Sat, 27 May 2017 21:44:45 +0000
Episode 52- Specialization, Generalization, and Individualization
Should we be a generalist or a specialist? Do we coach to the individual or the average? Do we want to be a one-trick pony or a master of none? In this episode of On Coaching, we take on these buzz words and the models they rely upon. We start with the basics, answering the…
Mon, 24 Apr 2017 23:43:57 +0000
Episode 51-On Coaching- Marginal Gains, the One Percent Rule and big concepts
Big concepts get thrown around a lot these days; Marginal Gains, 10,000 hours, the 80/20 rule, the 1% rule. Everyone has their own phrase or concept for helping take performance to the next level. In this episode of On Coaching, Jon and I take a look at two similar, but slightly different concepts. Using Ross…
Wed, 05 Apr 2017 17:16:44 +0000
Episode 50- Coaching the person and NOT the work
Are you coaching the person or are you coaching the work? In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast with Magness & Marcus, we delve into the difference between coaching people and the system of running. One is about seeing each athlete as a living, breathing, emotional mess of a person, and the other is…
Mon, 20 Mar 2017 19:10:46 +0000
Episode 49- Mastering the Marathon
It’s time to talk about the marathon! The mysterious race that causes more problems than all other races combined. In this episode, we discuss the intricacies of the marathon. How does training change from the track to the marathon? Do all we need to do is extend our long runs and tempos? NO! What’s the…
Mon, 27 Feb 2017 15:10:52 +0000
Episode 48- Mastering The Art of Racing
Racing is a skill. It’s not something you get thrown into and hope to figure out, it’s a skill that needs evaluated, dissected, and improved upon. In this episode of the Magness & Marcus Podcast On Coaching, we discuss just how to develop the fine art of racing. Starting with a discussion on why we…
Mon, 13 Feb 2017 18:51:45 +0000
Episode 47: Understanding Interval Training
We’re back with the first Magness & Marcus Podcast on Coaching of 2017. In this episode, we have a long and frank discussion on interval workouts. What are they, what do they do, are there magical interval workouts, and should everyone should get over Tabata sprints? When it comes to interval workouts, we tend to…
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 16:33:24 +0000
Episode 46: The State of the Sport
For the end of 2016, Jon and I take a look forward. What is the state of track and field in the world and where do we go from here. We get things started by asking what each of our utopian track and field worlds would look like, before delving into the problems with our…
Tue, 20 Dec 2016 20:28:24 +0000
Episode 45: What is high performance coaching?
What in the world does the term “High-Performance Coaching” mean? It’s a phrase that is thrown about in the sports world, so we brought on coach Vern Gambetta to discuss his views. As always when we bring Vern on, we cover a wide range of topics. We start by discussing the role of performance data…
Mon, 12 Dec 2016 21:02:46 +0000
Episode 44: Reflection and Rejuvenation
The seasons done, the races have been run, and the outcomes are determined. Whether they were good or bad, we have to move forward. As a coach and athlete it’s about figuring out what lessons to learn, and how to re-energize yourself (and your team) for the next goal that awaits. In this episode of…
Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:45:54 +0000
Episode 43: What’s it take to be a competitor?
“He’s a competitor!” We’ve all had athletes that exemplified the act of competing. They show up on race day, run their guts out, rise to the occasion when it’s asked of them, and put their teammates on their back, instead of only being concerned with themselves. What makes up this ability? Is it innate? Research…
Fri, 28 Oct 2016 14:37:44 +0000
Episode 42- Mimicry Vs. Mastery
This week, we take on the big question of mastery, particularly in regards to coaching. Beginners tend to mimic. It’s ingrained in us; mimicry is the way we first learn how to make it in life, as we copy our parents when we are just toddlers. In coaching, this might mean copying the training plans…
Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:28:00 +0000
Episode 41- State of the Sport with Mario Fraioli
In episode 41, we bring in Mario Fraioli to discuss the state of the sport. We start with a different kind of Olympic overview, one which takes a deep dive on the problems that arose and the potential way forward. We talk about how to take control of the narrative of our sport, instead of…
Wed, 21 Sep 2016 16:06:21 +0000
Episode 40- The Businessification of Athletics and the Need for Certainty
What’s the point of sport? In this episode, Jon and I make the case that it’s about education and learning. The culture of coaches used to be educators. They came from a background of using athletics as a means to help student athletes grow and develop. As the top side of the sport professionalized, there’s…
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 16:22:17 +0000
Episode 39 – What defines success for a coach?
What defines success for a coach? Is it wins and losses? Championships won? Leading athletes to new personal bests? Having one athlete win an Olympic medal while destroying 20 of them? These are the common notions that we associated with success. But is it the best way? In this episode of the Magness & Marcus…
Wed, 24 Aug 2016 21:52:45 +0000
Episode 38-The Science of the Unscience of Running:
Humans have a need for explanations. When faced with uncertainty we rely on closure. The world of running is no different. When something goes wrong, as athletes and coaches we go into a panicked search for a reason why we didn’t perform at our best. Often, we perform elaborate gymnastics attempting to find the elusive…
Wed, 03 Aug 2016 16:46:02 +0000
Episode 37- Interview with Vern Gambetta: Coaches Education
In this episode, we are joined by performance coach extraordinaire Vern Gambetta. Using the performances at the recent Olympic Trials as a backdrop we take on coaches education. Where have we gone right and where have we missed the boat. We start by asking the question of what makes a good coach? Is it coaching…
Tue, 26 Jul 2016 00:30:00 +0000
Episode 36- Innovation & Getting Stuck: An interview with Mike Smith
In this episode, we have a special guest, the director of Track and Field at Georgetown, Mike Smith. In an in-person conversation at the Olympic Trials we discuss innovation within coaching. With the three of us having been in the collegiate and post-collegiate world we discuss the tendency for the NCAA system to lock coaches…
Mon, 18 Jul 2016 16:13:13 +0000
Episode 35 – Emotional Control & Picking Up the Pieces- The Olympic Trials
Coming at you in-person from the Olympic Trials, we dish on the high pressure environment that is attempting to make the US Olympic team. Jon and I take a look at the 7/8 of the field that leaves disappointed and how we should pick up the pieces after a hard fought race. The Olympic Trials…
Mon, 04 Jul 2016 02:01:06 +0000
Episode 34-Toughness, Grit, and Resilience
In this episode of the Magness and Marcus Podcast we discuss a quality that all runners aspire to and all coaches try to engender. The ability to dig down, fight your way through adversity, bounce back from failure, and show up consistently when it counts. As runners, we might refer to this as toughness, but…
Wed, 08 Jun 2016 14:34:43 +0000
Episode 33: False Positives and Inaccurate Negatives
In this episode of the Magness and Marcus Podcast we discuss False Positive and Inaccurate Negatives. What are they? A false positive is when we have a great race or great series of workouts that doesn’t translate over to sustained performance. On the flip side, an inaccurate negative is when an athlete goes through a…
Fri, 06 May 2016 02:57:00 +0000
Episode 32- Running Mechanics and a Scientific Approach to Training
  Running form is one of the hot button topics in the world of distance coaches. We debate, often with speed/power coaches, on where they fit into the program. How important are mechanics for a distance runner? How do we change them? Should we change them? These are the questions that wer tackle in this…
Wed, 27 Apr 2016 21:00:00 +0000
Episode 31- Developing Team Culture: Are you Athlete or Coach centered?
In this episode of the Magness & Marcus Podcast, we talk about building Culture. While we are trained as coaches to emphasize the physiology and doc us on workout design, what separates programs that thrive and last is often the intangible dynamic of culture. In this episode, we go through our experiences in developing culture…
Sat, 16 Apr 2016 00:46:00 +0000
What can we learn from action sports?- An Interview with Brad Stulberg
In this episode, we’re coming to you in-person from Palo Alto, California. In the day after the Stanford Invite, Jon and I invite a special guest onto the podcast. Brad Stulberg is an expert in human performance. You might recognize his name from his regular work with Outside Magazine where he writes a regular column investigating…
Sun, 03 Apr 2016 18:27:00 +0000
An Interview with Danny Mackey, Head Coach of the Brooks Beasts
We have a special guest for this weeks episode, head coach of the Brooks Beasts Danny Mackey. Danny has numerous accolades, including coaching 800m runners Cas Loxsom and Nick Simmonds to spots on last years World Championship teams. In this episode, Danny traces his story in how he got into coaching and the lessons learned…
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 14:35:00 +0000
Episode 28- The Psychology of the Big Breakthrough
The breakthrough is what we are all after. It’s what we spend months training for, visualizing, and dreaming about. But what’s the best way to get there, and how do we capitalize on it once we do. In this episode, Jon and I go through the psychology of a breakthrough. We start with defining a…
Mon, 21 Mar 2016 23:03:00 +0000
Episode 27- Training for the 800
We’re back with a new podcast for 2016! This time we jump straight into what you guys have asked for, specifics on training. For this episode, we divert away from the bigger picture and discuss training for the 800. We start with going through the different types of 800m runners and why it’s an event…
Wed, 17 Feb 2016 16:58:00 +0000
Episode 26- On BS- Our rant against crazy ideas, gurus, and other BS in coaching.
For our last podcast episode of 2015, it’s time to go on a few rants, call some ideas out, and create a little bit of controversy in our own little world of coaching. We’re going to cover bullshit. We start off with the myth of chasing perfection. Instead of seeing perfection as the ultimate goal,…
Fri, 01 Jan 2016 11:00:00 +0000
Episode 25- Part 2-Why we are horrible coaches
In part two of Why we are horrible coaches, we continue down the path of bashing our own ability to coach. Starting with trap coaches fall into when they coach someone fast when they’re young- they now think that this is now the magical formula. We then delve into our worst moments of failure as…
Tue, 15 Dec 2015 18:30:00 +0000
Episode 24- Why we are horrible coaches- Part 1
In this episode, Jon and I are coming at you together from Houston, Texas. In a rare podcast where we are actually face to face, we discuss why we are horrible coaches. Yes, we’re giving the trolls what they want and discussing all of the times we screwed up, made mistakes, and generally talk about…
Sun, 06 Dec 2015 20:48:00 +0000
Episode 23- Accountability and Ownership-
In Episode 23 of the Magness & Marcus show, we talk about the importance of accountability and ownership. When success or failure comes, how you frame these outcomes can change not only each individuals motivation to succeed, but also whether they learn from their mistakes, and surprisingly how well the entire team does. We delve…
Mon, 23 Nov 2015 16:51:00 +0000
Episode 22- Outliers and the average- Who do we pay attention to?
In this episode of the Magness and Marcus podcast, we take on the concept of outliers and averages. Research and coaching practices tend to focus on a select demographic, whether that’s the WEIRD (Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic countries) research or coaches focusing on the practices of those who speak English and…
Tue, 20 Oct 2015 12:05:00 +0000
Episode 21- We have no idea what we’re doing- The Dunning-Kruger Effect and Coaching
In this episode of the Magness & Marcus show, we delve into the Dunning Kruger effect. You might not know the name of this cognitive bias, but it’s something we’re all familiar with. It refers to our inability to accurate assess our abilities. Novices tend to overestimate their abilities, while experts tend to do the…
Thu, 01 Oct 2015 13:41:00 +0000
Episode 20- A Systems vs. Process Approach to Coaching
In Episode 20, Jon and I discuss the difference between a Systems and Process approach to coaching. What’s the difference? A systems based approach could be described as having a set formula/specific model for training. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Daniels, Coe, Lydiard, or any other coach. A systems approach means following that plan without…
Thu, 10 Sep 2015 02:26:00 +0000
Episode 19-Phoebe Wright on mindsets, struggles, and what it takes to run professionally
In Episode 19 of the Magness & Marcus show, we have a special guest in professional runner, Phoebe Wright. In an eye opening interview, Phoebe opens up about her running story. Starting off with what her mindset was going from walk-on to NCAA champion and how that mindset shifted once she reached the professional ranks.…
Sun, 30 Aug 2015 20:25:00 +0000
Data overload- When and how to use Data for effective coaching
We’re back! After a couple week summer hiatus while I took some vacation time, Jon and I are back with an exciting podcast on Data.We start off with trying to get to the essence of splits. Coming at it from a philosophical viewpoint, we look at what workout splits actually tell us and trace our…
Mon, 17 Aug 2015 21:49:00 +0000
Episode 17- Falling into the trap to do more
In the latest episode of the Magness and Marcus show, we discuss a familiar topic to all coaches, the trap to do more because you really don’t know what else to do. Yes, we’re talking about the age old problem of increasing work for the sake of increasing something. We begin with the diminished return…
Thu, 23 Jul 2015 22:33:00 +0000
The reality of running professionally- Contracts, Agents, and having the right mindset
In this episode, we open the doors wide open. We’re talking about the realities of post collegiate running. We take on a slew of topics in this hour long conversation, including transparent conversation on contracts, agents, how much athletes actually make, what training groups and coaches do, and much more. Basically, we try to spread what…
Mon, 13 Jul 2015 23:36:00 +0000
Taking Advantage of Distractions- Part 2
In part two of our in person chat at the USA championships, Jon and I meander through a variety of topics surrounding distractions and performance. We start off with talking about taking the master chef approach. What’s this actually mean? It’s about how to get all of these different people to the same end game.…
Wed, 08 Jul 2015 15:06:00 +0000
Episode 14- Taking advantage of distractions- Part 1
Part 1- Once again, Jon and I come to you from a coffee shop on location and simply talking shop. This week we’re covering distractions; how to deal with them, how do you adapt to them, and when they might be positive or negative. We start out with the “Once A Runner” myth about living…
Mon, 29 Jun 2015 22:29:00 +0000
Episode 13- Advice for a young coach- part 2
In part two of Advice for a young coach, we start with the concept of coaching as a partnership versus a dictatorship. What does this mean? The goal should be to take athletes from dependence to independence, not the other way around. The goal of the coach shouldn’t be to prove their worth, but instead…
Tue, 16 Jun 2015 02:45:00 +0000
Episode 12- Advice for a young coach- Part 1
Coming to you from Austin, Texas, Jon and I take on the topic of “Advice for a young coach” in our first in person podcast. In this episode we take a step back in our young careers and look at our development as coaches. Starting with tracing our history of how we got into the…
Sat, 30 May 2015 12:49:00 +0000
Episode 11- Dealing with Failure
In this episode of the Magness & Marcus podcast, we take on the topic that no one likes to deal with: failure. In the world of running, we deal with a sport that has a hard line, either you ran faster than you ever have before or you didn’t. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly easy to define…
Mon, 11 May 2015 01:15:00 +0000
Episode 10- Knowing your athlete- Understanding what behavioral patterns tell us
In this episode of the Magness & Marcus podcast we explore one of the most basic but important concepts in coaching: understanding your athlete. Not in the traditional terms of where their strengths lie or their physiological make up, but instead by their mannerisms, behaviors, motivations and a slew of ‘soft’ characteristics that help define…
Wed, 22 Apr 2015 20:02:00 +0000
Episode 9-Interview with Vern Gambetta- Magness & Marcus Show
In our longest episode yet and our first with a guest, Jon and I have an hour long conversation with renowned coach Vern Gambetta. Vern has a unique background as his coaching career spanned from coaching High School all the way to coaching some of the world’s best athletes. Similarly, his background is in Track…
Fri, 10 Apr 2015 02:48:00 +0000
Podcast- Drills, Skills, and Sprinting- The role of the neural component in running
In this episode of Magness & Marcus on Coaching, we take on one of the oft-forgotten and misunderstood items in the world of running: the Neural component. Starting off with defining the CNS and motor programming in coaches speak, we take a look at how to integrate this type of work in the realm of…
Sat, 28 Mar 2015 19:49:00 +0000
Episode 7- The Evolution of a Coach- How to figure out what actually matters
After a one week hiatus, Jon and I are back for our longest episode of the Magness & Marcus podcast yet. In this one, we meander through a wide range of topics with the central theme of looking at how we have evolved as coaches and to try to take away lessons from what that…
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 13:31:00 +0000
Episode 6- Self Importance and the myth of the perfect workout
In today’s episode of Magness & Marcus, we take on the myth of self importance. As coaches we put a large emphasis on the items which we can control and in coaching terms that means the workout schedule. There’s this idea that creating the perfect workout schedule is the key to success. For years, we…
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 14:39:00 +0000
Episode 5-Handling Transitions- What separates people from making the jump to the next level
Whether it is going from high school to college or from college to professional, we’ve all know stories of those who transitioned well and those who went through a rough patch. In this episode, Jon and I delve into these transitions. In our longest episode yet, we initially look at some of the roadblocks and…
Wed, 25 Feb 2015 13:45:00 +0000
Episode 4-Life Outside of Running- The other 21hrs of the day and how it impacts your success
In this weeks episode of Magness & Marcus we discuss how what matters most is often what goes on outside of practice. It’s the other 21 hours of the day when we aren’t working out that often is the deciding factor on whether we have success or not. It’s all about setting up the rest…
Tue, 17 Feb 2015 17:24:00 +0000
Episode 3- Strength Training- Myths, misconceptions, and application for distance runners
This week on the Magness & Marcus podcast, we take on the topic of strength training. It’s probably one of the hottest and most controversial topics in modern training theory. Mostly because it’s not our forte. In this episode we take on how you should lift, when you should lift, and what it actually does.…
Thu, 12 Feb 2015 03:28:00 +0000
Episode 2- The Rare Find- Magness & Marcus on Coaching
In this episode of our weekly podcast, we explore The Rare Find. What are those attributes that set apart those individuals who can perform under pressure, make the jump to the next level, and perhaps exploit the limits of their potential. We start off by exploring this idea of talent identification from a recruiting perspective…
Tue, 03 Feb 2015 04:08:00 +0000
Episode 1- The Clean Slate Phenomenon
I’m a distance runner, which means I am really good at thinking that I can do everything myself, as our sport is sometimes portrayed as the ultimate loner sport. But the reality is that, regardless of level, we need help, sometimes a lot of help, to get to the places we aspire to get to.…
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:15:00 +0000
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